Re: Nested tags always break

2003-12-03 Thread Rick Mann
On Dec 3, 2003, at 21:05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


You still having this problem?... can I see the tag markup that's 
causing the
I still am. I sent you the markup directly under separate cover.

If the root tag is picking up the name of a valid bean, and the 
iterate tag
has it's property attribute properly set, then I assure you that you 
need the name attribute in the write tag.

I'm hoping that there's more to the iterate tag than just the Id. to 
"foo[i].bar" you'd need...

Heh. Not sure if you really love that or not ;-). What I meant to say 
is "I have a reproducible case", and "it happens on a regular basis (as 
I create new JSP code that uses the nested tags, sometimes they work 
and sometimes they don't)".

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Nested tags always break

2003-11-30 Thread Rick Mann
I have a situation where I can use , 
, and then *must* use , rather than omitting the name attribute. If I do, I 
get an exception "No getter method for property foo[0].bar of bean ac".

Now, this code was working fine, but I made some changes to the bean 
(I'm using torque). I know it's not (or at least, it shouldn't be) a 
problem in the beans, becuase of the fact that it works fine if I 
include the name attribute pointing to the id of the enclosing iterate 

Also, why is it that I can get the struts-digest posting but can't post 
to the struts list?

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nested fails when non-nested tag works? why?

2003-10-06 Thread Rick Mann
Using java 1.4.1 and Struts 1.1 release

I have JSP code like this (it's nested inside a nested:nest:



which fails with the following:

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No getter method for property  
of bean homePageForm
	at org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.lookup(

However, if I change the code to this:


It renders correctly.

Why is this the case?


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Character encoding of custom tag output SOLVED

2003-07-16 Thread Rick Mann
Turns out, I was wrong. Java is doing the right thing. Thanks!


We have a situation where we've created a custom  tag that
reads text from a file and writes it to the pageContext.getOut() JspWriter.

The problem is that the file is ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1) encoded. When it gets
brought into a String (via any method you care to suggest), it gets
converted to UTF-16 (Java's internal representation). When it subsequently
gets written out, it's a stream of UTF-16-encoded bytes that the browser
interprets as ISO-8859-1 latin text.

We cannot change the META tag to indicate that the text is UTF-16, because
the rest of the JSP is latin 1.

There does not appear to be a way to output raw bytes to the output stream,
nor does there appear to be a way to tell the JspWriter that it should be
printing Strings by encoding them into ISO-8859-1. (I really hope I'm wrong
on this last point).

Does anyone have any suggestions on how we can cope with this situation? I
find it hard to believe that it's a rare problem.

Thank you.


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Character encoding of custom tag output

2003-07-15 Thread Rick Mann
We have a situation where we've created a custom  tag that
reads text from a file and writes it to the pageContext.getOut() JspWriter.

The problem is that the file is ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1) encoded. When it gets
brought into a String (via any method you care to suggest), it gets
converted to UTF-16 (Java's internal representation). When it subsequently
gets written out, it's a stream of UTF-16-encoded bytes that the browser
interprets as ISO-8859-1 latin text.

We cannot change the META tag to indicate that the text is UTF-16, because
the rest of the JSP is latin 1.

There does not appear to be a way to output raw bytes to the output stream,
nor does there appear to be a way to tell the JspWriter that it should be
printing Strings by encoding them into ISO-8859-1. (I really hope I'm wrong
on this last point).

Does anyone have any suggestions on how we can cope with this situation? I
find it hard to believe that it's a rare problem.

Thank you.


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Parameters in html:link

2003-06-20 Thread Rick Mann
I once requested that html:link et al. be modified to allow nested tags to
add parameters. I was told that the JSTL version of html:link allowed this.

I've been reluctant to try to use the JSTL version based on the assumption
that the JSTL verison would not know anything about Struts actions. It helps
us tremendously to be able to specify the action without knowing exactly
where the action is going to be in the path namespace.

Does the JSTL know about actions? Can it determine the appropriate path to
an action based strictly on the action name?

If not, then my original request stands: I'd like to be able to add
parameters to an html:link tag without going through the very unwieldy map



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Form bean properties not getting set

2003-06-18 Thread Rick Mann
I have a simple form bean with a few getter/setter methods. In order to
accommodate any input, the setters take string values. But some of the
properties are ints, so the getter actually parses the stored string if it
can or returns a suitable default (usually 0).

Well it turns out that Struts doesn't want to set those properties. I
changed the return type of the getters to String, and it was happy.

Is there some bug/feature in Struts that prevents me from having getters and
setters that don't match types? If this is deliberate, why?



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Embedding HTML entities or unicode in format strings?

2003-06-06 Thread Rick Mann
I'm trying to use the bean:write tag to format a date:

Unfortunately, the "’" gets escaped by the tag and I end up with the
literal "’" showing up in the browser. I've also tried embedding
unicode literal \u2019 to no avail.

So, I tried using a formatKey instead of a format string in the JSP, and
specifying the unicode character definitely seems to introduce a unicode
character into the output stream, but it does not get rendered as the quote
character I expected.

Any suggestions? I might just have to create my own tag to do this.


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More: nested form of bean:write doesn't work but plain does.

2003-06-05 Thread Rick Mann
Also, if I explicitly refer to the data (say, using <%= bean.getProperty()
%>), then things work fine (after using  to set up the
scripting variable). So, I know that the process of getting the list of
items and then grabbing each item in the list is working.


I've got a situation where I'm using  to iterate over a List
of beans, and then using  to render some property (a string).

We do this in multiple places in our app, but every now and again, in some
instance of the code, it doesn't want to work. In these cases, we get a "no
getter method" exception.

However, if the code is switched to use the  form, adding the
name attribute, it works fine.

Explicitly setting the type on the iterate tag makes no difference.

Any ideas?

P.S. I would have searched the archives, but they are down for a few days.



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nested form of bean:write doesn't work but plain does.

2003-06-05 Thread Rick Mann

I've got a situation where I'm using  to iterate over a List
of beans, and then using  to render some property (a string).

We do this in multiple places in our app, but every now and again, in some
instance of the code, it doesn't want to work. In these cases, we get a "no
getter method" exception.

However, if the code is switched to use the  form, adding the
name attribute, it works fine.

Explicitly setting the type on the iterate tag makes no difference.

Any ideas?

P.S. I would have searched the archives, but they are down for a few days.



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Re: Using SecureLinkTag with non-actions

2002-11-07 Thread Rick Mann
on 11/5/02 7:00 PM, Ditlinger, Steve at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> As for specifying a forward to be secure or non-secure: changing the
> protocol requires a redirect, so every forward where the protocol changes
> would require a redirect, which would be OK assuming the developer
> recognizes that going in.  I think you can accomplish the same thing right
> now by using the  tag.

Well, what's important is to reduce the number of different places where
something is specified (anything, but in this case, the desired scheme,

One of my main desires in the  tag is to be able to use them
throughout my JSPs without worrying about what the resource is (or might be
in the future), and without worrying about the hostname.

If the tag handler could look up in some file, preferrably the struts-config
file, what the resource needs are (http vs. https), then it could render an
appropriate tag for what the current request's scheme is.

Since there's no way to ask a JSP directly (I have a thought on this, below)
for parameters, it *could* be done as part of the global forwards tags in
the struts-config file. However, I think the DTD would have to be modified,
either to include a parameter in the tag, or to allow something like this:

Because the security of a page is so important and pervasive, I think all of
this stuff should be incorporated into Struts, rather than being an
extension, and I'd prefer to see "secure" added as a property to the tags:

Alternatively, a separate set of tags could be added:

  //  an action:, let's say

In all cases, the  tag could consult this data to render the
appropriate URL. This way, if the page ever changes, it would not be
necessary to change every reference to it.

Furthermore, a global SSL switch could be employed, allowing one to turn off
SSL for testing and development purposes (when the certs are self-signed,
you get all sorts of warnings, or when you're having trouble getting the SSL
transport set up, as I did).

Regarding putting the information in the JSP: It should be possible to
create a static method or variable in a JSP that can be queried by any other
Java running in the same container. Unfortunately, I don't think this can be
done in a container-independent manner. I don't know if the Servlet Spec
provides for a programmatic way to find the class compiled out of a JSP. I
know that Tomcat munges the .jsp filename into something resembling it, and
so it should be possible to put into a JSP a very small bit of code or data
(unfortunately, I don't think it can be done with a tag, but maybe; can a
tag create a static method in the JSP?) that can be queried by things like
the  tag.

Anyway, those are my thoughts. What we really need is an HTTP 1.2 (or 2.0)
protocol that knows how to query the server first to see if a requested
resource needs to be requested securely, along with underlying changes to
support state. But that's a much longer discussion!

Thanks for your reply!


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Using SecureLinkTag with non-actions

2002-11-04 Thread Rick Mann
Hi. I recently added the SSL Ext stuff to Struts 1.1b2, and it mostly works,
except for the SecureLinkTag.

I have a .jsp that is not required to be secure. The typical user, however,
will get to this page as a result of logging in (an HTTP post), and so the
page will be "secure".

I have several links on this page, none of which need to be secure (that is,
I'd like for them to be "http://..."; links). Using the SecureLinkTag, I get
this for links that reference an action, but for links that reference
another .jsp or .html page, it uses the same scheme as the referring page.

How can I tell ssl-ext that a page or forward is not secure? Is this even
possible? If not, a poor workaround would be to add a "secure" property to
the tag...


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Re: how the subscription details are populated inregistration.jsp page from struts-example

2002-06-08 Thread Rick Mann

on 6/7/02 4:40 AM, Chandra Sekharan Bhaskaran at

>   How does the subscription details get populated when user travels the
> hyperlinkl
>   http://localhost:8080/struts-example/
>   rgds

Such a URL is equivalent to an HTML form with action="GET". The parameters
in such a form are URL-encoded, as in the example above. When the struts
handler gets that request, the servlet container has already parsed the URL
and put the parameters into the request; they're available via
req.getParameters() just as if they had come from a  tag.


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Arbitrary parameters in ActionMapping?

2002-05-31 Thread Rick Mann

I've noticed a few people proposing solutions for various framework
limitations that use the "param" attribute of the  tag. Obviously,
only one parameter can reasonably be passed in this attribute.

Does it not make sense to add a nested tag for parameters? In the build of
Struts that I'm using, I haven't noticed anything like this. I was thinking
along the lines of something like this:

Or, if you want to get XML-happy:


but I don't know if that's strictly necessary (I'll let the smarter people
on the project decide).

In any event, in the code, you could write something like:

String val1 = mapping.getParameter("param1");
String val2 = mapping.getParameter("param2");

The method shouldn't even need to be named differently, as the existing
getParameter() takes no arguments. There would obviously be corresponding
setParameter(String) calls.

How does this seem?


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Re: Best way to forward to login, then re-forward tooriginallyrequested resource?

2002-05-31 Thread Rick Mann

on 5/29/02 3:36 AM, Reinhard Nägele at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> session.setAttribute(REDIRECT_KEY, mapping);
>> return mapping.findForward("login");
>> In your login action, check if a mapping is in the session and go there:
>> ActionMapping redirectMapping =
>>   (ActionMapping) session.getAttribute(REDIRECT_KEY);
>>   if (redirectMapping != null) {
>>   session.removeAttribute(REDIRECT_KEY);
>>   return new ActionForward(redirectMapping.getInput());
>>   }
> Thank you. In retrospect, this is so incredibly obvious (storing the actual
> mapping object), I'm embarrassed to have had to ask it. Thank you very much.

Perhaps I spoke too soon. getInput() returns a null value when I type an URL
directly, and getPath() returns the path without the necessary adornments
(*.do). How can I get Struts to give me the right thing (or do the right
thing given a simple path)?



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Re: Best way to forward to login, then re-forward tooriginallyrequested resource?

2002-05-30 Thread Rick Mann

on 5/29/02 3:36 AM, Reinhard Nägele at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> session.setAttribute(REDIRECT_KEY, mapping);
> return mapping.findForward("login");
> In your login action, check if a mapping is in the session and go there:
> ActionMapping redirectMapping =
>   (ActionMapping) session.getAttribute(REDIRECT_KEY);
>   if (redirectMapping != null) {
>   session.removeAttribute(REDIRECT_KEY);
>   return new ActionForward(redirectMapping.getInput());
>   }

Thank you. In retrospect, this is so incredibly obvious (storing the actual
mapping object), I'm embarrassed to have had to ask it. Thank you very much.


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No tag?

2002-05-29 Thread Rick Mann

It seems that  is left out. Is this the case? If so, why?


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Re: Best way to forward to login, then re-forward to originallyrequested resource?

2002-05-29 Thread Rick Mann

on 5/28/02 11:59 PM, Adam Hardy at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I wouild save the form bean and a mapping or action forward in the
> session, and collect them when the in-between task is finished.

Yeah, I was thinking of that, too.

Okay, so here's the struts-specific problem: how do I get the name of the
action in a way that I can use later to generate an ActionForward? If I call
mapping.getPath(), I get the path used in the mapping, but it will be
"outside" of the pattern set up in the deployment descriptor. Typically, it
will not end in ".do".

Right now, I do this:

forward = new ActionForward();
forward.setPath(originalResource + ".do");

This works, but won't work if the original resource was a .jsp. (I'd like to
put a tag at the top of a JSP to check for a valid login). In fact, it
doesn't work in the general case (say the deployment action servlet mapping
is "/action/*" instead of "*.do").

Perhaps I just don't understand container-managed security well enough. How
can I cause one of my User objects to be created in the session when the
user gets authenticated? As far as what's provided by the server, it just
sets a user name (and principal) available to servlets. I suppose I could
look for the user, and if it's not found, create one based on the result of
isUserInRole() et al., but it just seems less than elegant. I'll post a more
general question to the Tomcat list.


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Re: Best way to forward to login, then re-forward to originallyrequested resource?

2002-05-28 Thread Rick Mann

on 5/28/02 5:19 PM, Alex Paransky at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Why not use J2EE/WEB standard container authentication?  It will do what you
> want.  In fact, it was designed to do what you want, which is called Lazy,
> or just in time, authentication.  The user can surf your page, however, when
> he links to a protected item, a login page (of your choosing) will be
> displayed.  After the user is authenticated, the proceeds to the protected
> resource.

Well, let's say for the sake of argument, that it's not authentication we're
talking about. Let's say, instead, that in order to perform some Action B,
some other Action A must be done first. However, doing A does not
necessarily mean you'll do B next. What's the best way to "remember" that B
was what the user wanted to do, but forward them to A first?


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Best way to forward to login, then re-forward to originallyrequested resource?

2002-05-28 Thread Rick Mann

I've got a typical struts application up and running. Certain actions check
to see if the user is logged in, and if not, forward to a login JSP. That
JSP then posts to a LoginAction. The LoginAction then forwards back to the
originally requested action.

The problem I have is that currently, this stuff is really hacked up. The
login JSP has a hidden field indicating the desired action, and the action
has to append a ".do" to that value, etc. The original action puts a request
attribute in (the result of it calling mapping.getPath()).

Surely, there is a much cleaner way to do this, one that works for both
Actions and JSPs, and that works without special code to handle the URL
mapping for actions.



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Good way to clear session state?

2002-05-19 Thread Rick Mann

I've written a shopping cart/checkout app using Tomcat & Struts. The very
last action (the "place order" action), if successful, forwards to a JSP
showing an order confirmation and a thank you message.

After that page is returned to the client, I'd like to reset the user's
session state, so that if they proceed to add something new to their cart,
it will be an empty cart from which they start.

The problem is, I need that session state in order to display the
confirmation JSP. I suppose I could create a tag (or execute a scriptlet) in
the JSP, but I wondered if there were not a better way.



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button input fields?

2002-05-16 Thread Rick Mann

So, I happily thought the  tag would render a  input
field element, but instead it seems to render an  element. Is there a
way to get a  element? If not, is there a reason it can't be done
within the Struts tags framework?

A look in the archive turned up lots of button-related posts, but no one
seems to be trying to use the  element.

TIA, and if it's not too much trouble, please CC me on the reply. Thank you.


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Re: More detailed iteration needs?

2002-05-01 Thread Rick Mann

on 5/1/02 9:09 PM, Arron Bates at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> As for "displaying first N of the collection", you can set "offset" and
> "length" attributes to the tag, and it will do just that. You can also
> use any form of a Collection, including a primitive Object[]. It will
> retrieve an Iterator from the collection, and go over that. So ArrayList
> will work as well as a Vector (albeit that _little_ bit faster).
> HashMaps and such will also work, but the offset and length will be
> useless. :)
> There's a lot of tags in the Struts booty. Take a read over them some
> t

Gosh. I've been using the Struts iterator tag (in fact, currently all of the
tags I use are from Struts, and I have no scriptlets in any of my pages).
But I never noticed the offest and length attributes in the docs.

Thanks for pointing those out.

How about the second part of my posting, regarding more control over the
stages of an iteration?


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More detailed iteration needs?

2002-05-01 Thread Rick Mann


I set up a little website as a way to teach myself Struts. It's a
user-maintained directory of electric vehicle charging locations. It's
hardly complete, but there was one thing I wanted to do and didn't see an
obvious way.

Each Location has a bunch of user-supplied comments associated with it. My
code currently displays all of the comments in reverse chronological order.
What I'd really like to do is display only the first N such comments.

Now, I'm pretty sure that I'm capable of making my own iterator tag(s) to do
this, and the related action of iterating over the items N through M. I also
realize that this will only work correctly for certain types of collection
(Vectors, for example, or arrays), although I suspect it can be made to be
repeatable for any type of collection.

I guess I'm making a feature request, and looking for comments as to whether
it's a good idea to add this functionality to the existing iterator tags or
to create new tags to do it.

Another related iterator action that I'd like to be able to perform is a
more controlled iteration. I had a situation where I wanted to construct a
string of items, separated by commas, but couldn't find an easy way to avoid
an extra comma either at the end or beginning of the string. A set of tags
to a) set up an iteration, b) get the current item, c) advance to the next
item, and d) iterate over the remaining items would be useful, don't you

Comments appreciated...


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Having trouble nesting "iterate" tags (long explanation,relatively simple question)

2002-04-10 Thread Rick Mann

Hi. I'm fairly new to Struts, but I've gone through the Struts documentation
and KeyboardMonkey's helpful tutorial. What I want to do is (almost) right
out of the tutorial, but it's not working the way I would expect.

The list archives show that other people have had this problem, and the few
real solutions I've found seem to indicate that I'm doing the right thing,
but I keep getting exceptions. My understanding is complicated by the fact
that the tutorial shows how to nest lists within a form, but I'm not using a
form (surely that's not necessary?).

One clarification I need: the KM tutorial indicates that only Object[] can
be used for nested lists, even though the Struts taglib docs say that
logic:iterate can iterate over Collection, Enumerations, arrays, etc. Is
that still true? Or can I nest lists where the bean property getters return

So let me describe what I have, and what I'm trying to do. BTW, simply using
a single-level  tag works great.  I'm using Tomcat 4.0.4b2
and the nightly build of Struts from a couple days ago.

I have a set of Locations that are in a City. I have a list of Cities. I
would like to list all the Cities, and under each City list all the
locations. My code manages to list all the Cities, but when I add tags &
HTML to list the Locations, I get variously tag nesting exceptions or null
pointer exceptions (and occasionally a "getter not found" exception),
depending on various ways of writing the code.

I have a City bean (called a "Site" for historical reasons, it will
eventually be changed) defined like this:

public class Site {

public StringgetCity() { return mCity; }
public voidsetCity(String inCity) { mCity = inCity; }

public StringgetState() { return mState; }
public voidsetState(String inState) { mState = inState; }

public CollectiongetLocations() { return mLocations; }
public voidsetLocations(Collection inLocations) { mLocations
= inLocations; }

private StringmCity = null;
privateStringmState = null;
privateCollectionmLocations = null; //  Vector of Locations

and a FindResults bean defined like this:

public class FindResults {
public CollectiongetCities() { return mCities; }
public voidsetCities(Collection inCities) { mCities =
inCities; }

private CollectionmCities;  //  A Vector of Sites

There's also a simple Location bean:

public Location {
public String getName() { return mName; }
public void   setName(String inName) { mName = inName; }

As a result of submitting a form, my FindAction object gets executed. It
takes the form input, does a JDBC lookup, then creates a FindResults bean
and puts it in the session state. The following (simplified) JSP displays
the list of cities satisfactorily:

<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-nested.tld" prefix="nested" %>

Search Results

Locations in 

It's when I try to nest a list that I run into trouble. I started by
replacing the "insert location list here" comment with the following:

As soon as I do that, I get "org.apache.jasper.compiler.ParseException: End
of content reached while more parsing required: tag nesting error?".

Various permutations of using "nested" instead of "logic" and "bean" result
in other errors. For example, if I use "nested:iterate" for the inner loop
(and on the bean write), I get null pointer exception (even if I remove the
'name="foundCity"' attribute).

I even tried to make a single outer loop (the very first example above) that
used a  tag, just to see if I could get *something* "nested"
going. Using both "logic:iterate" and "nested:iterate", this resulted in a
null pointer exception.

Clearly, I'm missing some fundamental point about nesting. Some people's
responses on the list indicate that they've had success simply nesting
 tags without trouble
I'd be happy with that for this situation (I don't think I need the
implicit-dotting of hierarchies of properties for this simple operation).

TIA for any help!

BTW, is my approach of creating a FindResults session bean and then calling
 appropriate? Or is there a preferred way to accomplish this?


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