Re: [validator] bug in javascript generation for regular expressions?

2002-11-14 Thread dion
Sorry, this is a struts 1.1 issue
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 15/11/2002 12:10:30 PM:

 I think that this one is biting us:
 Code snippet
 } else if (Var.JSTYPE_REGEXP.equalsIgnoreCase(jsType)) {
  + varKey
  + =/
  + ValidatorUtil.replace(varValue, \\, )
  + /; );
 Since the javascript regexp starts with '/' shouldn't any embedded '/'s 
 I'll test it locally to see if it solves our problem and report back.
 dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
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Heads up on Struts validator that's in CVS

2002-05-22 Thread dion

Earlier today I committed the code and documentation for the Struts Plug-in
for Maven.

People who are building Maven from CVS can use this functionality now.

Do an 'ant maven:site' to generate the docs until the site is updated.

The Struts Plug-in currently has one target: validate-struts-war
It does some simple but useful checks on war files that contain struts web

Here's the output using the struts example war as input
/home/dion/source/jakarta-commons/latka/target/latka-webapp.war started:
war validation started
/home/dion/source/jakarta-commons/latka/target/latka-webapp.war info:
validating servlet name: database class:
/home/dion/source/jakarta-commons/latka/target/latka-webapp.war info:
validating servlet name: action class:
/home/dion/source/jakarta-commons/latka/target/latka-webapp.war info:
validating taglib uri: /WEB-INF/struts-html.tld
/home/dion/source/jakarta-commons/latka/target/latka-webapp.war info:
validating taglib uri: /WEB-INF/app.tld
/home/dion/source/jakarta-commons/latka/target/latka-webapp.war info:
validating taglib uri: /WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld
/home/dion/source/jakarta-commons/latka/target/latka-webapp.war info:
validating taglib uri: /WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld
/home/dion/source/jakarta-commons/latka/target/latka-webapp.war info:
validating Struts Configuration
/home/dion/source/jakarta-commons/latka/target/latka-webapp.war info:
validating Struts Form Beans
/home/dion/source/jakarta-commons/latka/target/latka-webapp.war info:
validating form bean: 'logonForm', class:
/home/dion/source/jakarta-commons/latka/target/latka-webapp.war info:
validating form bean: 'registrationForm', class:
/home/dion/source/jakarta-commons/latka/target/latka-webapp.war info:
validating form bean: 'subscriptionForm', class:
/home/dion/source/jakarta-commons/latka/target/latka-webapp.war ended: war
validation ended

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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RE: Anyone want a tool to validate a struts war file?

2002-05-20 Thread dion

| Actually, what I would find more interesting is a struts aware tool
| lets you load/mount a war file.
| Then the tool/module would rip through it and produce all my
| and (UML) workflow diagrams.
You could do this sort of stuff using a UML doclet plugged into a javadoc

| As well as produce a recommended.htm that lists common mistakes and/or
| configuration issues.
Maven uses checkstyle to tell you about source code problems. The plug-in
I'm writing for Maven will tell you about things like form beans whose
classes don't exist in the war, actions whose classes don't exist in the
war, actions who refer to form beans that don't exist, as well as checking
the web.xml stuff all refers to real stuff in the war.

| Yaa yaa, I know, I'm dreaming.
Give me your wishlist
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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Anyone want a tool to validate a struts war file?

2002-05-19 Thread dion

We've done the basics of war validation (making sure servlets defined exist
etc, jsp files exist) as part of maven. It would be quite easy for us to
add a validator to ensure a struts war is ok, e.g. struts-config refers
only to classes in the war etc.

Anyone want one?
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Struts SOS Service open for public access

2002-05-12 Thread dion

As part of the recent Supporting Open Source announcements, the Struts
Support area is now open for public access.


Support requests can be placed after purchasing support, however the rest
of the information is available for free.

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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Re: Need help getting a production/stable version of v1.1

2002-03-06 Thread dIon Gillard

Ted Husted wrote:

You might just start with the nightly build. If you are not doing
anything fancy with your ActionServlet, this should work just fine for
you, and will be basis for the beta release (as soon as we get around to

on the 'doing fancy stuff with ActionServlet' front. I was thinking this 
week (bad sign) about adding a Struts 1.0.x compatible implementation of 
the action servlet into the 1.1 build that had all the same extension 
points as 1.0, and used a special RequestProcessor etc to route 
processing back to it.

Does this make some sense?

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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Re: [JS] Struts Resources

2002-03-05 Thread dIon Gillard


The Atlanta Java Users Group (AJUG) has been building some web apps
using Struts.  Following the Struts examples, we put all of  our display
strings in a resource file.  However, when we started testing our
application, we discovered that any page which had a lot of labels was
very slow when the labels were pulled from the resouce file.  Yes, we
tried it more than once.In particular we have a page with about 10
entry files followed by 30 or so check boxes, each with labels.   When
we had just the 10 entry fields, the performance was good.  However,
when we added the check boxes, the time to load the page through Struts
was 45 seconds the first time and 17 seconds each subsequent time.  When
we hardcoded the titles in the JSP, then the load time was reduced to
about 2 seconds.  We have so many check boxes because we are soliciting
user skills and preferences as part of a profile page.

We would like to store the labels in the resources file; however, a 17
second load time is unacceptable.  Any suggestions from the Struts gurus
in the audience

Any ideas on what appserver/platform this was running on? And a snippet 
of the page to show how you were using the message resources would be 
good too.

Some jsp compilers/servlet engines do worse with custom tags than others.

Cynthia Jeness

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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Re: Digester and inheritance

2002-03-02 Thread dIon Gillard

Stacy Weng wrote:

I have a parent class called Component, and several child classes extending from it.  
 All the common get/set methods are defined in Component.  So, after each child is 
getting created from addObjectCreate() method, I call addSetProperties() method to 
initialize their values (values are from the xml file), however, digester can't find 
the set methods from the child class, cause they're defined in the parent class 
(Component).  The temporary solution I had was defining those set methods in the 
child classes, and have them call the super methods.  But that seems to defeat the 
whole purpose of inheritance.  Here's an example with the problem:

public class Component {
public String name = null;
public void setName(String name) {;
public void getname() {

public class ChildClass extend Component {
//Other methods that differ from parent class

Do you have any beaninfo classes coded/generated for ChildClass?

for the digester rules:

digester.addObjectCreate(ChildClassPattern, some.package.ChildClass);

so, as it gets to addSetProperties(), it doesn't see any of the get/set methods in 
ChildClass, and yet, it doesn't know to look its parent class, Component.

I hope I'm able to get my problem across.  Thanks again for taking the time to 


dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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Re: Struts and the UML modeling approach

2002-02-28 Thread dIon Gillard

Jean-Guillaume LALANNE wrote:


Has anyone of you managed to integrate a Struts framework in a complete UML
approach or methodology ?
I am trying to do so but I am getting difficulties to find out the way I
should go from my use cases, my
state diagrams and my activity diagrams to the Form Beans, the Actions and
the navigation (mapping).

How about using sequence diagrams from the use cases to show interaction 
between the user (actor) and components (web server, controller servlet, 
form beans, action, jsp).

That's my usual take.

Any help or feedback would really be appreciated.

It's Friday, I'll accept a virtual beer :)

Thanks in advance.

Jean-Guillaume LALANNE

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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Re: Development Environment

2002-02-25 Thread dIon Gillard

Dave Wellman wrote:


Quick question, what is the preferred development environment that you are
all using, Linux - Emacs, VIM,  Windows - JBuilder, VisualAge?


Linux + NetBeans
Linux + Eclipse
Windows + VAJ
Windows + NetBeans/Forte
Windows + WebSphere Studio AD (Eclipse 1.0)
Windows + Eclipse 2.0 builds

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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Re: EJB = bad =

2002-02-24 Thread dIon Gillard

Edward Q. Bridges wrote:

location independence means independent of location, that is all. 

if you're implementing two interfaces to do (more or less) the exact same 
thing, and one is called local and one is called remote that is 
absolutely *not*, by any stretch of the imagination,  location 
independent. _end of story_.

So don't implement the local interface...

with EJBs the method call does not appear to be remote, because it is 
*explicitly* remote.  the method is in a RemoteInterface and throws a 
RemoteException for crying out loud!

It may not be a 'remote' vm processing the request, it can all still be 
one vm.

furthermore, it's not about box1 vs box12.  to be more precise, it's about 
vm1 vs. vm12.  and, if you are writing a client, your client has business 
logic to take care of.  it's the servers responsibility to determine 
whether it should call a method at vm1 or at vm12.

IMNSHO, this is the achilles heel of EJB.

Which part? That's not real clear. The client doesn't have to give a 
toss whether it's local or remote. It can always use the remote 
interface and look the object up.


On Sat, 23 Feb 2002 05:24:22 +1100, dIon Gillard wrote:

The method call can take place anywhere, but always appears to be 
remote. That could be many remote machines though. Location independence 
is not about local vs remote, it's more about box1 vs box12.

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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Re: EJB = bad =

2002-02-21 Thread dIon Gillard

Edward Q. Bridges wrote:

i like EJBs (note that i said like and not love).  i think they have 
some applicability.

however, a peeve of mine about EJBs and the spec is this claim of location 
independence.  furthermore, the claim to location independence is eroding:  
note that in the 1.1 spec it claims: 
   The client view of an entity bean is location independent.  (8.1)
and in the corresponding section of the 2.0 spec, this has evolved to the 
more mealy-mouthed:
   The client of an entity bean may be a remote client or the client may 
be a local client.

the point of location independence is that a client should not be concerned 
about where the method call is taking place.  but, this has been built into 
the spec from day one. (RemoteException, RemoteHome, . . . ).

The method call can take place anywhere, but always appears to be 
remote. That could be many remote machines though. Location independence 
is not about local vs remote, it's more about box1 vs box12.

perhaps this is a trivial point, but it is misleading, misrepresentative, 
and is an example (IMHO) of how EJBs are successful at making things more 
complicated than they need to be.


On Fri, 22 Feb 2002 08:55:52 +1100, dIon Gillard wrote:

- location independence

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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Re: EJB = bad =

2002-02-20 Thread dIon Gillard

Struts Newsgroup ( wrote:

Subject: Re: EJB = bad =
From: Vic Cekvenich [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Transaction: DBs have it; or you can have a Java Bean, that has 2 
JavaBeans in it, and all have a commit() method. You use EJB for a 

This shows a deep understanding of EJB transactions and what they 
provide. The above stuff is coded. EJB is declarative. No coding needed. 
So the above way is lots more effort.

Security? :
-Menu based based on a role (using Struts-menu), some items are disabled 
based on your role.
-JAAS JDBC Realms (I also get groupID)
-Based groupID some rows retrieved / selected are editable, some RO and 
some invisible on your selects. It's called row based security.
- Status based, based on a status of a row, some fileds become RO.

All hand coded and extra work and non-declarative.

EJBs give you 0 useful security.

Personal opinion without any backup.

EJBs are also very slow to develop, and they distract developers to 

Speak for yourself on how slow they are to develop.

develop technology and not solve a business problems. They are also  
slow to execute, thus they are only suitable for small applications with 

Slow to execute compared to? Show me something that provides comparative 
functionality and see what your speed is.

low volume (and for organizations where a profit margin is not important 
or on going cost of operations is not important).

More unsubtantiated opinion.

THere are some with EJB and and some resumes with EJBs are by people who 
have written a laboratory hello world ejb and never actually used them 
in production deployed where there is volume.

There are people with Java on their resumes who've never written a line 
of Java code in their life - I've interviewed them. Your point means 

Custom RowSet can code circles around a large team of EJB developers.
OK, its a Flame: I have a bridge for sale by a smooth talking sales guy, 
aka The emperor is not wearing any clothes.

Sure it's a flame. One with no ongoing fuel. 'Custom Rowset' also takes 
longer to develop, and I don't know where u get your ejb developers, but 
mine are obviously better :)


dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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Re: EJB = bad =

2002-02-20 Thread dIon Gillard

Vic Cekvenich wrote:

 Home page of Jakarta has this
 on this:

 I agree. Doing EJBs is bad on many levels and creates more problems. 
 Avoid EJB if you want to stay in Java.

 Alternative is to just use Struts + TomCat + RowSet (or DAO if you are 
 doing something simple or small) and done. This is the sweet spot. MVC 
 is all you need.

 Alternative, do EJBs and your organization WILL switch to MS .NET on 
 the next project, leave J2EE, and you have to learn

 EJBs are for newbies. (If you need middleware (very rare) use SOAP)

Thanks for the convincing argument.

So tell me how using Struts+Tomcat+RowSet you get:
- location independence
- distributed processing
- failover and clustering support
- transactional object behaviour for non-data classes
- pooled business objects

Ans since you're using SOAP, how do you handle things like massive 
object creation issues on the SOAP Server? Write all that infrastructure 
again? Sure why not.

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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Re: EJB = bad =

2002-02-20 Thread dIon Gillard

Struts Newsgroup ( wrote:

Subject: Re: EJB = bad =
From: Vic Cekvenich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Let me clarify and then do some paid work back here.

1.I think ejbs are not scalable relative to other Java API.

Give us something more than an unsubtantiated opinion. Tell us why. Then 
you might have a chance of convincing someone.

2. I do not want majority of market to go to That is why I wish 
  that more J2EE projects are successful. (And hence I say use EJB 
sometimes, not always, and consider the pros and cons.)

That's not what you're saying. to quote: Avoid EJB if you want to 
stay in Java

Maybe PHBs like EJBs, I don't; and that is my opinion, but maybe not 
politically correct.

And that's all it is - opinion. How about something more concrete?


dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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Re: Article about Struts and XSLT

2002-02-11 Thread dIon Gillard

Ted Husted wrote:

Pete Carapetyan wrote:

Expresso has implemented that class. It is coincidentally named exactly the same
name. Seems to work well, but right now it only serves up three of the many

What does it do?

To help Gabe and Geir get started on the Velocity Servlet for Struts, I
whipped up a ContextHelper class that exposed all the framework
components through a single bean in the request. Gabe was able to use
this as a model for his own servlet. I believe that the X2 servlet in
the article does basically the same thing. 

A ViewHandler is a class that would take the generic 'view details' from 
Struts, e.g. ActionForward and produce a view. Currently this code is 
coded in Struts in the RequestProcessor.  To support XSLT transforms, 
we'd need a special request processor that used an ActionForward 
subclass to produce it's output..

For JSPs Struts bundles the RequestUtils class, which is basically a
view helper for custom tags. But I think we could move toward providing
a generic view helper object in the request that the Struts tags could
use, and would also be useful in JSTL expressions, straight JSPs,
Velocity templates, and basically any presentation layer that access
objects in the request. 

This would also make it easier to write specialized servlets that needed
to provide its own objects to the presentation layer.

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Java Web Development with Struts.
-- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
-- Web

Is processActionForward/processForward the only 'view handling stuff' in 
Struts 1.1?

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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Re: Article about Struts and XSLT

2002-02-09 Thread dIon Gillard

Ted Husted wrote:


Again, I thought the authors did an excellent job at presenting a
framework for using XSLT with Struts.  But the article should not have
presented this solution as being in competition with Struts/JSP, in my

Yes, it is imporant to note that this is not an election of remedies.
You can easily use JSP, XSLT, and Velocity Templates, all in the same
Struts application. Each to his own. 

What we really need is a pluggable 'ViewHandler' class which defaults to 
JSP forward/redirect processing, but can easily handle XML/XSL, Velocity 

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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Re: Problem using rational pure coverage in struts

2002-01-19 Thread dion

yugandhar Reddy wrote:

Hi dion,

Thank u very much for ur reply.

JSP using ANY taglib is not working. we have our own taglibs in our project. When I 
tried using one of the taglib in the jsp it is giving the same errors which I had 
mentioned in my earlier mail.

Cud u pl.. suggest me

Thanks in advance,



This would appear to be a  bug in Rational's product. I don't think 
there's much we can do here to help you other than suggest you contact 
Rational's support services, newsgroups, (their java 
portal) and search Google

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Re: Problem using rational pure coverage in struts

2002-01-18 Thread dion

yugandhar Reddy wrote:
 I am facing a serious problem in using rational pure coverage in struts
 When i run the code coverage(Pure Coverage of Rational) tool for the jsp which does 
not use Struts, the jsp is getting executed. 
 But When i run the code coverage tool for the jsp using Struts my jsp is not getting 
executed. It is showing some errors like
 java.exe - Application error
 The instruction at 0x77fc9e2f referenced memory at 0x0eb97fe5. The memory could 
not be read.
 Click ok to terminate the application
 Click Cancel to debug the application
 and my weblogic server says
 # An EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION exception has been detected in native code outsi
 de the VM.
 # Program counter=0x77fc9ba2
 # Problematic Thread: prio=5 tid=0x76a8d30 nid=0x540 runnable
 Why is this ??? JSP with out struts executes and Jsp with struts does not 
 Is it like struts does not support code coverage?
 Ur help in this is highly appreciated
Do any other JSP using ANY taglib work?

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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Re: argument type mismatch - trying to replicate upload task

2002-01-18 Thread dion

Matt Raible wrote:
 After banging my head against the wall for a few hours, I'm hoping someone on
 this list has an idea.  I keep getting the following error:
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
   at org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils.populate(

This is effectively saying that your form bean's set method for some 
property doesn't match the value (most likely a string) given to it..

 I have getters/setters for all the elements in my HTML form below - and I never
 even get to my action class to debug it.  I've basically copied the UploadForm
 example and added asset, description, and mediaType as Strings.  Then removed
 filePath (hardcoding for now), and viewFile fields.  

Can you post your form bean??

 form method=POST action=/onpoint/do/saveObject id=assetForm
input type=text name=asset size=30 value=
textarea name=description cols=30 rows=5/textarea
select size=1 name=mediaType
   option value=videoVideo/option
   option value=textText/option
   option value=audioAudio/option
input type=file name=theFile value=
button value=Cancel name=org.apache.struts.taglib.html.CANCEL
button onClick= value=Save id=action name=action

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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Re: Things that use Struts

2002-01-18 Thread dion

Arron wrote:
 Go to
 Apparently they're starting to give the larger boys a stir!
 More importantly, I need to comment on the beer issue. The foster's you 
 have up there is a US company with an AUS label. The only real beer, is 
 the beer down here!

Now we're talking!

 - Original Message -
 From: Dan Washusen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 8:02 PM
 Subject: RE: Things that use Struts

 Hey everyone,
 I'm currently working on a proof of concept for a re-write of one of
 Australia's biggest sites (just under a million searches a month).  The
 proof of concept runs the front end (presentation layer) on Linux with
 Tomcat 4 and Struts.  I'll keep you posted on how it goes (so far so

I'll bet Pizza Hut down here may not be the largest Struts site in 
numbers of hits, but I'll bet it's right up there in revenue :)

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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Re: Config Problem using Struts with WebSphere 3.5.4 on Linux 7.2

2002-01-16 Thread dion


 hi all,
 sorry first for one more question on this topic,
 but I am trying to run struts-sample and another application using
 WebSphere 3.5.4 on Linux 7.2 for almost 4 days without success.
 I was reading the installation hints
 I tried several things, but still get the error ...
  [02.01.16 11:07:11:630 CET] cacd731a ServletInstan X Uncaught service
 () exception thrown by servlet {0}: {1}
  javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot
 retrieve mapping for action /login
  at javax.servlet.ServletException.init(
  at jsp._login_jsp_1._jspService(
 As I understand this means the ActionServlet has not initialized the
 defined in struts-config.xml
   action path=/login

  forward name=ok path=jsp/vehiclechoice.jsp /
  forward name=fehler path=jsp/login.jsp?target=error/
 The DOCTYPE-Declaration looks like this
  !DOCTYPE struts-config SYSTEM
 WebSphere stdout.txt
 [02.01.16 11:06:04:958 CET] f00bf31f ServletInstan A SRVE0048I: Loading
 servlet: action
 [02.01.16 11:06:05:007 CET] f00bf31f WebGroup  A SRVE0091I: [Servlet
 LOG]: action: init
 [02.01.16 11:06:05:031 CET] f00bf31f WebGroup  A SRVE0091I: [Servlet
 LOG]: action: Loading application resources from resource
 [02.01.16 11:06:05:036 CET] f00bf31f WebGroup  A SRVE0091I: [Servlet
 LOG]: action: Initializing configuration from resource path
  Not registered, use system identifier
 register('-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.0//EN',
 register('-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN',
 register('-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN',
  Not registered, use system identifier
 [02.01.16 11:06:05:469 CET] f00bf31f WebGroup  A SRVE0091I: [Servlet
 LOG]: action: Process servletName=action, urlPattern=*.do
 [02.01.16 11:06:05:491 CET] f00bf31f WebGroup  A SRVE0091I: [Servlet
 LOG]: action: Mapping for servlet 'action' = '*.do'
 [02.01.16 11:06:05:498 CET] f00bf31f ServletInstan A SRVE0130I: Servlet
 available for service: action
 any help is very much appreciated

Where's your web.xml?

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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Re: Catalina complaining abt Action class not being servlet??

2002-01-15 Thread dion

Wim Fournier wrote:

 Hi all,
 Anyone knows why catalina complains abt my action servlet not being a servlet??
 It extends Action and imports:

Because actions aren't servlets.. ActionServlet is, Actions and 
their subclasses aren't

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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Re: Catalina complaining abt Action class not being servlet??

2002-01-15 Thread dion

Wim Fournier wrote:

 bash me on the head and call me stupid .. ;)

consider yourself bashed...although public oopses are more than enough :)

 My bad.. I have been a little enthousiastic with find/replace ;o)
 My web.xml action element containted an Action class instead of the 
 tnx all!

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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Re: mapping not found?

2002-01-15 Thread dion

Wim Fournier wrote:

 Hi again
 My catalina tells me that it cant find the mapping for /listcd
 [INFO,EmbeddedCatalinaServiceSX] action: Process servletName=action, urlPattern=*.do
 [INFO,EmbeddedCatalinaServiceSX] action: Mapping for servlet 'action' = '*.do'
 javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot retrieve mapping for action /listcd
 action path=/listcd
 forward name=result path=/ListCD.jsp/
 html:form action=/listcd
 or should i start to look for a hammer again?

Got me on this one, given the above...I'm hoping there's no other 
messages in the JBoss logs about missing classes on the action and form 
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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Re: Question on Struts debugging - one more time

2002-01-15 Thread dion

Rick Horowitz wrote:

 I tried switching from JBuilder to NetBeans but found
 NetBeans too slow - on a 400Mhz XEON with 512MB RAM.

I'm running a PIII 1Ghz with 512MB on Mandrake and NB 3.3 is fine for 
meI've also had Eclipse running on it, but at the moment Eclipse is 
'flakier' than NB by a long way.

 I've switched back to JBuilder Personal. The JB 6.0
 release now installs easily on Redhat 7.2 (unlike the
 5.0 release, which I never got working). NetBeans has
 more functionality than the free version of JB
 (Personal - used to be Foundation), but the speed
 difference is too much for me to ignore. I'm planning
 to try NB again with their 3.4 version.
 --- Keith Bacon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I don't use a proper IDE, I'm waiting till it's
clear they are very good  I
can get a fast response time. So some of what I said
was in ignorance, but also many people don't
use IDE's yet.
I don't have time to keep trying them out - last
year I tried, they clearly needed a monster
computer to run. 
Is netbeans the best IDE?
Are you happy with it?
What sized machine to run on? 

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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Fw: Websphere 4.0/IBM Web server configuration

2001-11-15 Thread dion

Do you have messages in the console/log showing the action mappings being 

Are there any exceptions loading the web app?
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 16/11/2001 01:06 PM -
Websphere 4.0/IBM Web server configuration

Hello, I am trying to test a struts application in the Websphere 4.0 app
server using IBM's web server.  My application is in a jar file.  The jar
file runs fine within Tomcat 4.0.

When I deploy the application in Websphere 4.0, I can access the .jsp 
but when I try to access a .do page, I get a 404 error.  I've checked 
Websphere and it sees my web.xml file and that file maps *.do URL's to the
struts action servlet.

Is there somplace else I need to map *.do URL's?


Problem with action servlet and Websphere 3.5.4 with Struts

2001-10-04 Thread dion

Do you have a web.xml in the servlets/web/web-inf directory?
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 05/10/2001 11:21
AM -
Problem with action servlet and Websphere 3.5.4 with Struts

Hi everyone,

I have a problem using Websphere 3.5.4 with Struts

I keep getting the following error for the My action servlet when I
start my web app

action : Mapping for servlet 'action' = 'null'

I have the following small piece of XML code in my struts-config.xml
file.  (This is only
a small piece of the XML file, not the whole thing)

 action   path=/addBankUser
  forward name=success path=/AddBankUser.jsp/
  forward name=cancel path=/BankAdminHome.jsp/
  forward name=failure path=/AddBankUser.jsp/

com.royalbank.wcm_ws.action.AddBankUserAction  DOES exist and is in my
class path but when I load  http://myServer/MyWebApp/
I get the following error on my browser.
PS: my action servlet is setup up with the tag --

Root Error-1: Invalid path /addBankUser was requested Invalid path
/addBankUser was requested

Any one know how to solve the problem ?



Bryan Mallinson

Software Developer
Toronto Global Development Centre
Infosys Technologies Ltd.

Tel:  (416) 224-7469
Fax: (416) 224-7449

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Installing Struts on WebSphere Application Server 3.5.3 Advanced underWindows NT

2001-10-04 Thread dion


how about posting your stack trace etc, and let everyone help you :)
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 05/10/2001 11:28
AM -
Installing Struts on WebSphere Application Server 3.5.3 Advanced under Windows NT


I am having a tough time trying to install Struts on WebSphere Application
Server 3.5.3 Advanced under Windows NT.
Has anyone tried installing Struts in Windows NT with Websphere Application
Server 3.5.3 Advanced?

I followed exactly all the instruction given in  for Windows 2000
platform  (as attached after  below ) but still could not get it to
work!  I am getting errors like Cannot find ActionMappings, etc...
According to the attached description, I am still  still bombing on the
struts-config issue that Richard discovered.
The fix proposed below could not fix my problem.

Can someone tell me who Richard is? What is the issue he discovered? What
is the solution if available?
Where can I get relevant information for solutions? Your help is highly


George Lee

MultitaskConsulting footer

Beginner material on struts

2001-10-04 Thread dion

How to go about it:
 - read the resources link from the struts home page
 - see ted husted's home page
 - try a simple app for yourself
 - read the struts-example app
 - read the mailing list archives
 - practice

Do I need to know UML first ?
What makes you think this?

Have you read the user's guide? Installation notes? taglib guides and
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
MultitaskConsulting footer

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Struts Console

2001-09-12 Thread dion

My personal preference would be to have an admin web app, written in

But I'm checking out the GUI all the same! Thanks
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

James Holmes   
jholmes612@yTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Struts Console
11:31 AM   
respond to 

I have put together a GUI for Struts called Struts
Console.  Struts Console is a Java Swing based
application for managing Struts configuration files.

Struts Console is availbale at:

Just unpack the zip file and view the README for
details on running Struts Console.

I'd like to get people's feedback and find out what
they like/dislike, what they would add/remove or
anything else you think about the tool.

I'd like to see this tool evolve into the struts GUI
app and be part of the standard struts distribution.


James Holmes

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email alerts  NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Struts Console

2001-09-12 Thread dion

My 2c:

1) Yes, it would have to be packaged as a WAR file
2) Listing web apps defined/allowing them to enter the file location like
the GUI does...
3) Good idea
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 13/09/2001 01:29
PM -
I thought about doing that, but decided to go with a
Swing app instead for the following reasons...

+ a web-based console would require more setup
infrastructure (ie. running web container, struts,

+ if the console were written in Struts how would the
app give the user the choice to select which config
file to edit?

+ swing app can be modularized and possibly included
into IDEs like JBuilder, VisulAge, NetBeans/Forte etc.

+ etc. etc.


since doing it in struts would require more setup to
get everything working.

Also if the app were written in struts then making
changes to str

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My personal preference would be to have an admin web
 app, written in

 But I'm checking out the GUI all the same! Thanks
 dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

 James Holmes



  [ANNOUNCE] Struts Console


 11:31 AM


 respond to


 I have put together a GUI for Struts called Struts
 Console.  Struts Console is a Java Swing based
 application for managing Struts configuration files.

 Struts Console is availbale at:

 Just unpack the zip file and view the README for
 details on running Struts Console.

 I'd like to get people's feedback and find out what
 they like/dislike, what they would add/remove or
 anything else you think about the tool.

 I'd like to see this tool evolve into the struts
 app and be part of the standard struts distribution.


 James Holmes

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email alerts  NEW webcam video instant
 messaging with Yahoo! Messenger

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Unit Testing Actions

2001-09-11 Thread dion

We test them using our own test framework sitting on top of HTTPUnit. It
uses an XML file as input (e.g with urls and expected text/errors etc),
rather than writing code.
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 11/09/2001 05:56
PM -
Unit Testing Actions

What's the best way to unit test Struts Actions?  Create mock objects
(request, session, servlet, etc.)?  J2EEUnit, Catctus, HTTP Unit?  Which
approach are people having the most success with?

Also, Craig M. mentioned a while back about a unit testing framework for
Struts itself.  How is that coming along?  Just curious.


Steve Molitor

Status of validator Struts 1.1

2001-09-07 Thread dion

I checked out the struts code from CVS recently and didn't see the
validator code.

Is this being integrated into Struts 1.1? Or should I send feedback to
David Winterfeld?
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

RE: ServletUnit with Struts

2001-08-31 Thread dion

 I believe that it is primarily a functional testing tool.  I would
 that you could use it for load-testing...

I wouldn't believe it. Our attempts to load test with HttpUnit spent more
time parsing code on the client than they did generate HTTP requests.
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 31/08/2001 02:24
PM -
RE: ServletUnit with Struts

ServletUnit is part of the open-source HttpUnit testing framework.  You can
get HttpUnit from SourceForge at:

I believe that it is primarily a functional testing tool.  I would imagine
that you could use it for load-testing...

Regarding my original problem.

The solution I am now pursuing, so far with success, is removing almost all
of the application-specific meat from my Action subclasses.  I will
delegate to a simple command class from the action.  The command class will
take input paramaters, access the model layer to carry out the operation,
and make available a logical forwarding name, result objects hash, and
ActionErrors which can be accessed by the Action class following command
execution.  All that will be left in the Action class will be Struts
frame-worky stuff.

The consequence is that I can unit test the command independently with
vanilla junit, without relying on a host of mock servlet / struts objects
or an in-container testing framework.  The only Struts object I'm going to
allow the commands to work with is an ActionErrors instance.  Removing that
Struts dependency would be even nicer, in that you could then survive a
departure from the struts framework with the vast bulk of your control
layer logic unaffected.  Easy to get rid of the ActionErrors and just have
the command class save the keys of the errors in a collection...

We'll see how this goes...

Jim Weaver
Software Developer - ThoughtWorks

Kevin   To:
KDuffey@BUYME   cc: Subject: RE: ServletUnit with

04:17 PM
Please respond
to struts-user

I haven't seen ServletUnit. Where do you get it from? Can it be used to
load-test a site?

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 1:59 PM
 Subject: ServletUnit with Struts


 I'm trying to test ActionObjects painlessly with Mock Objects
 of some kind;
 I don't want in-container test cases particularly.  I'm trying to use
 ServletUnit, which is part of HttpUnit, as a starting point
 and am having a
 difficulty, not surprisinglym with the ActionServlet initialization.

 Here's a snippet of the test code:

   WebRequest request = new PostMethodWebRequest
   request.setParameter etc.  set some parms for testing...

   WebResponse response = sc.getResponse(request);

 The above line throws an exception when I run the testcase:
 javax.servlet.UnavailableException: Missing configuration
 resource for path
  at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(

 I have added the war file for my application, which includes the
 /WEB-INF/struts-config.xml, at the bottom of my classpath
 that the testcase
 runs under junit with.

 Hmmm, just putting this email together I spotted something.
 The resource
 is obtained via getServletContext().getResourceAsStream
 (/WEB-INF/struts-config.xml).  The servlet context must not
 be such that
 it is able to find that path in my war.

 Anybody used ServletUnit with Struts?  Or some other Mock
 Objects solution?

 Jim Weaver

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strut and MM Flash

2001-07-30 Thread Philippe Dion

Hello, anybody here have already use Flash with strut?
We are creating a site entirely in Flash and we have some problems.
The main problem is the HTML page is redirected to an another
when we use the loadVariables method in Action Script.
We want to avoid it, we want struts to return text in the form of a
But without reloading, just serv the flash.
Any idea, experience, anything?


Re: strut and MM Flash

2001-07-30 Thread dion

Make sure all your forwards don't have use redirect=true
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

31/07/2001 03:22 AM
Please respond to struts-user

Subject:strut and MM Flash

Hello, anybody here have already use Flash with strut?
We are creating a site entirely in Flash and we have some problems.
The main problem is the HTML page is redirected to an another
when we use the loadVariables method in Action Script.
We want to avoid it, we want struts to return text in the form of a
But without reloading, just serv the flash.
Any idea, experience, anything?


Struts Scalability in a Large Production Environment

2001-07-26 Thread dion

What do you mean by simultaneous users? Do you mean 100 users all doing the
same thing at the same time?

In my practical experience, the performance is not limited by struts, but
limited by EJB performance. We recently did stress tests on a struts-based
site, and actions with no EJB component scaled to a much higher level than
those with one.
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 26/07/2001 04:48
PM -
Struts Scalability in a Large Production Environment


I have been doing a lot of research into Struts recently.   My question is
about performance and scalability.  First the definitions:

Performance = good response time to users

Scalability = good response time to a large number of simultaneous users.
Usually this is a logarithmic curve that reaches a point where the server
has   difficulty sustaining the load.

Struts will only be used for presentation logic.  My Action classes in this
framework will access separate business objects that will then access a BEA
application server to perform the necessary business logic (EJB's) and
return the results.  This will be a large production environment with a
large number of simultaneous users if we decide to implement this way.  The
Web servers will be load balanced.   Even so, I don't want to implement a
framework which requires me to throw a bunch of hardware at it after all is
said and done.

Does someone have some practical experience of the performance and
scalability of the Struts framework with an overhead of 100 simultaneous
users?  What about 1000?

Is there any kind of advice that anyone can offer me before I head down
this path in relation to scalability?


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How to integrate flash request into struts ...

2001-07-23 Thread Philippe Dion

I have a problem. A strange problem.
I'm new to struts tougth i have a strong 
programming background.
I wish to use flash with struts. What I want is to 
use the "loadVariables"
function of flash. What this function do is to open 
a http connection to the 
server and read and process the stdout.(println in 
jsp). To do that i connect
to a "jsp" file and pass variables in the http 
header (just as any HTML form) 
to the "jsp". My problem is the jsp file redirect 
the swf to the jsp and load
the jsp in place of the swf. Can you help? Are 
there a way to connect and read
to the jsp script without reloading the page just 
as I can do with ASP???
This trick work fine with ASP,CGI andother. 

What I would do in CGI is to write a script reading 
the query string
and print out on the stdout. Without the swf to be 
Thank for any help or for pointing me somewhere I 
can find a solution!!

Pi Guy

SV: Struts, EJBs and Pizza

2001-07-10 Thread dion


- No java code in JSP pages is achievable if you're willing to write tags
- Look for reuse between forms beans and between actions.
- Call the same field the same name on all forms
- Keep all data necessary to process the request either in the request or 
in an easily accessible bean. 
- Don't create transient beans to process requests - make them part of the 
form bean
- Layer your application: Separate form beans from value objects - use 

I could go on and onbut the good news was Struts was an immense help.
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 11/07/2001 
02:07 AM -
SV: Struts, EJBs and Pizza


how was the development??? any lessons learned???


Struts, EJBs and Pizza

2001-07-09 Thread dion

Sydney, Australia: Pizza, powered by Struts.

Today, Pizza Hut (tm) began taking Internet orders using a web application
developed by Multitask Consulting.

The site uses WebSphere Application Server 3.5.3, Struts 1.0 and DB2 7.1
running on Windows NT.

Struts was used as the web application framework, with WebSphere's EJB
Container providing the business logic and data access layers.


Delivery is limited to Sydney metro at the moment :)
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

Re: Antwort: RE: Visual Age 3.5.3 Tomcat with Struts

2001-04-30 Thread dion

Is there a reason you don't want to use the WebSphere Test Environment in
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

Darren_James@   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
01/05/2001   Subject: Re: Antwort: RE: Visual Age 
3.5.3  Tomcat with Struts
01:14 PM   
respond to 

 1.) Install Tomcat 3.1 Test Environment  look into
/path/to/vaj35/ide/features/ to

Tomcat Test Environment won't install on top of VA 3.5.3.  It says that the
correct version
of VisualAge is not installed, and exits the installer application.  Any
ideas on how to
trick the Tomcat Test Environment installer?  It says it expects VisualAge
3.5, but
apparently doesn't recognize 3.5.3 :

- Darren

Thanks for the very detailed message on how to get things going with VA and



04/27/01 04:49Subject: Antwort: RE: Visual
Age 3.5.3  Tomcat with Struts

Please respond

to struts-user

Hi Darren,

we're using VAJ 3.5.2 Enterprise with Tomcat and Struts. First we tried to
run Struts 1.0b1 with Tomcat Test Env 3.1 but unfortunately Struts does not
work with Tomcat 3.1's XML-Parser. If you want you can make a XML
(javax.xml.*)  SQL (javax.sql.*) package and put it into Tomcats ./lib
directory and add it to VAJ's classpath. But if you use Tomcat 3.2.1,
struts works out of the box - but not that comfortable as the Tomcat Test
Env does, e.g. you can't debug JSP and Servlet Code anymore :(((
I did a hack (in Tomcats to enable jspPageCompiler
again) and added again to re-enable
in-workspace JSP and Servlet Debugging.

Running Tomcat 3.2.1 in VAJ 3.5.x
In short:
0.) Prerequisites:
  * latest jakarta-servlet-api _source_
  * tomcat 3.2.1 binary distribution (includes ./src already)
  * Tomcat 3.1 Test Environment from (to get
  * struts 1.0b1 source distribution
1.) Install Tomcat 3.1 Test Environment  look into
/path/to/vaj35/ide/features/ to find
2.) Start VAJ, do _not_ Add feature Apache Test Env 3.1!!!
3.) Create new Package, e.g. Apache_Tomcat_321
4.) Import all source from jakarta-servlet-api (do _not_ use servlet-api
from VAJ or other precompiled javax.servlet.* - classes; they _must_ be
compiled within VAJ Workspace to enable debugging of your own servlets and
JSPs) into your Project
5.) import following -- compiled classes (not source!) - from jasper.jar
and webserver.jar  (both in tomcat-3.2.1/lib/)
jasper: all .class
webserver: org.apache.tomcat.logging.Logger,
org.apache.tomcat.logging.LogHelper, org.apache.tomcat.util.SimplePool
If VAJ still complains about missing classes (you see this in All
Problems - Tab) import compiled .class files from ./lib/*.jar until VAJ is
6.) create two classes: StartTomcat  StopTomcat (code is the same for

public class StartTomcat {
 * StartTomcat constructor comment.
public StartTomcat() {
 * Starts the application.
 * @param args an array of command-line arguments
public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) {
 // Insert code to start the application here.
 try {
  Class aClass = Class.forName(org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat);
  java.lang.reflect.Method method = null;
  Class[] argsClass = new Class[] { String[].class };
  method = aClass.getMethod(main, argsClass);
  Object object = null;

Re: How to run Struts in VAJ

2001-04-22 Thread dion


if you don't get it going, let me knowWe've  been doing this for months
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 22/04/01 21:50
Re: How to run Struts in VAJ

I agree that VAJ 3.5.3 will be released next week -- in fact I'm working
with an IBM internal beta now.  It should work with Struts, however, that
does not necessarily mean it will work with Struts :)  I'm going to remain
commentless until I prove that it works.  I'm working on moving Struts over
to VAJ 3.5.3 now...

Kyle Brown

BTW, It has been pointed out that the part I had not validated (the WTE/EJB
instructions I reveived from another source) conflicts with the instruction
to replace the IBM XML Parser with Xerces. If you do that, EJB's (actually
the Persistent Naming Service) do not work.  We think there is a way around
this that we're working on now...

"Bazoud Olivier" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 04/18/2001 04:07:10 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:  Re: How to run Struts in VAJ

VAJ 3.5.3 will be released next week.

And WTE will implement Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1,
so it will work with Struts.

- Original Message -
From: "Kyle Brown" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 3:08 PM
Subject: Re: How to run Struts in VAJ

If you mean VAJ 3.5.2 (3.5.3 has NOT been released yet) then the following
instructions should work. This is from an upcoming article on this subject
that I'm going to submit to the VisualAge developer domain website.
Warning!  This is a work in progress -- in particular I have NOT validated
that EJB's work as advertised...  Also, I obviously haven't attached my
application -- you'll have to wait on the article for that.  Finally,
PLEASE do not post this to other websites! Keep this on the mailing list

However, I do welcome comments on the instructions.

Using Struts in VisualAge for Java 3.5.2

Since one of the requirements for using Struts is a JSP 1.1/Servlet 2.2
compliant Servlet engine, if you want to use Struts in VisualAge for Java
3.5.2 you must use the Apache Test Environment.  This can be downloaded for
free from VADD at
 (note that you must register for VADD (free) to obtain this download).
After running the Apache Tomcat Test Environment installation program, you
must load the Apache Test Environment Feature using the FileQuick Start

NOTE:  I have NOT validated that EJB's work after you do this.  That's on
my to-do list for today 

Note that it is not possible to have both the WebSphere Test Environment's
servlet engine and the Apache Test Environment co-reside in the same
VisualAge workspace.  The following set of instructions (provided by Sean
Sundberg from the IBM WebSphere Services group) detail how to allow both
EJB development using the WebSphere Test Environment and Servlet/JSP
development using the Apache Test Environment:

1.   Start from a workspace that does not contain the Apache Tomcat Test
2.   Add the 'Websphere Test Environment' feature.
3.   Delete the 'Servlet API' project from the workspace.
4.   Add the 'Apache Tomcat Test Environement' feature.
5.   Select 'Options...' from the 'Window' menu.
6.   Select the 'Resources' menu option from the pane on the left.
7.   Press the 'Edit...' button from the pane on the right.
8.   Press the 'Add Jar/Zip' button.
9.   Browse to the 'project_resources\Apache_Tomcat_Test_Environment\lib'.
10.  Select 'servlet.jar' and press 'OK'.  (This is required to generate
the EJB code.  The WTE requries some properties files from the servlets.jar
11.  Press the 'OK' button to commit the resource changes.

The Persistent Name Server and EJB server can then be started to access
EJBs.  Servlets can now be accessed using the Apache Tomcat Test
Environment Note that this procedure is also covered in the IBM Redbook by
Bill Moore,,  " Migrating WebLogic Applications to WebSphere
Advanced Edition", SG24-5956, available from
Once you have verified that Tomcat is successfully installed and that you
can serve pages from http://localhost:8080, then you are ready to proceed
with the Struts installation.


Struts will require not only that you have a compliant servlet engine on
your classpath, but that also you have a recent version of Xerxes in your
classpath as well.  You can either download these files from the Apache
website, or you can simply install them from the VisualAge repository file
that accompanies this article.  Note that Xerxes cannot co-exist with the
version of the IBM XML Parser for Java that ships with VisualAge for Java.
You will have to remove it from the workspace as

Re: How to run Struts in VAJ

2001-04-22 Thread dion

You've obviously not seen the many messages here about hassles running
struts under WAS 3.5.x, including 3.5.3.

It's no picnic.
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 22/04/01 21:45
Re: How to run Struts in VAJ

VAJ 3.5.3 will be released next week.

And WTE will implement Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1,
so it will work with Struts.

RE: WebSphere 3.5.3 problem

2001-03-24 Thread dion


the SYSTEM DTD issue is a twofold problem:

a) The classloader returns a null for the URL provided
b) Struts doesn't check a null for the inputstream.

One of these days, I'll send a patch in for b)

I'll try a simple app to test the getResource* issues, and file a PMR, 
early next week.
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 24/03/2001 
07:42 PM -
RE: WebSphere 3.5.3 problem

 I did our 3.5.3 installation yesterday and it was as per
 3.5.2. I still
 needed the changed action servlet and also a change of the
 struts-config.xml to use a SYSTEM DTD rather than a PUBLIC one.

 It did NOT work out of the box. getResourceAsStream still
 appears to be
 broken in 3.5.3

How odd, because I am 100% sure that the getResourceAsStream works fine 
us in 3.5.3! We used to have a patch for it when running 3.5.2, but all of
us removed that patch when we upgraded, and it still works. I believe that
we are using a system DTD though, but not because it didn't work 
Oh, and we're running the advanced version of WAS.

On the other hand, I'm not too surprised since we are experiencing strange
behaviours with WebSphere every day. I sincerely think that just about any
other application server out there must beat WebSphere in terms of
productivity and ease of development. Is there anyone out there that has
positive experiences from WebShpere?


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Re: Please Help

2001-03-17 Thread dion

Works every day here Joel. I've had problems, none of them windows related 
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 17/03/2001 
11:31 PM -
Re: Please Help

After playing around a little, I am starting to get the impression that
struts and windows together isn't going to go. Is this neccessarily the
case? Anyone had problems and then worked it out?

Thanks again, Joel

RE: WebSphere problem

2001-03-15 Thread dion

Can anyone provide a stack trace?

We're about to move to 3.5.3 from a working 3.5.2, so I'd appreciate a head
start. As the author of the 3.5.2 instructions, I'd like to know that you
changed the ActionServlet class and stored it in the servlet directory of
your web app.

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 16/03/2001 01:13
PM -
RE: WebSphere problem

I have had the exact same problem with WebSphere App Server Advanced

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 9:31 AM
Subject: WebSphere problem

Hello list,

I'm trying to install struts in a websphere servlet container. I have
followed all the steps required figuring in the installation notes (on
the jakarta site).
WebSphere throws errors of parsing on struts-config.xml (during the init

pass of the action servlet).

Any hint ?


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RE: Struts with IBM VisualAge for Java

2001-03-12 Thread dion

There are known issues with WAS 3.5.2 and struts, as WAS 3.5.2 does not 
completely implement Servlet 2.2.

Please see the install instructions off the struts home page for the exact 
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

13/03/2001 05:37 AM
Please respond to struts-user

Subject:RE: Struts with IBM VisualAge for Java

No, WAS 3.5 supports Servlet API 2.2 with fixpack 2.

- Magnus

-Original Message-
From: Perez, Bill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 7:34 PM
Subject: RE: Struts with IBM VisualAge for Java

Well, I eventually have to deploy to WebSphere for production.. do you 
that will be a problem?

-Original Message-
From: Nick Chalko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 10:32 AM
Subject: RE: Struts with IBM VisualAge for Java

I have TOMCAT running in VAJ 3.5.  You have to delete the Servlet 2.1 
before you install TOMCAT.

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 10:27 AM
Subject: RE: Struts with IBM VisualAge for Java

Apache Tomcat Test Environment 3.1 is avialable as a VAJ feature from IBM.

- Magnus

-Original Message-
From: Perez, Bill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 7:15 PM
Subject: Struts with IBM VisualAge for Java

I can't seem to get Struts to work with VisualAge for Java 3.5.  The
WebSphere Test Environment only supports the Servlet 2.1 API.  I can't
replace it with 2.2.  Is there anyway to get this working???

Billy Perez
Java Developer, e-ARCS

Using Struts With WebSphere.

2001-03-10 Thread dion

WebSphere doesn't come with "a Model-View-Controller model (Model II) as a
model for it's applications." out of the box. It's something IBM provide 
as a sample downloadable off the web. 

Commerce Suite is another story and does have it's own framework.

For newsgroups, see the websphere/vaj ones @ news://
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 11/03/2001 
02:19 PM -

 Submitted by

on 09/03/2001 at 02:41 AM


Using Struts With WebSphere.


I don't know if this is the right place to post
the following question
although it seems more related to WebSphere. If this
is not the right place,
could some please guide me to the right newsgroup for
this. If it is then
here's my question.

I'm a new user to WebSphere/ IBM Visual Age and to
Struts and I understand that WebSphere
uses a Model-View-Controller model (Model II) as a
model for it's
Now I am researching into wether we should use
another MVC on top of this.
Specifically my question boils down to : Is it a good
idea to build an
application from the ground up based on the Apache
Struts Model? If yes then
what is the use of the model that IBM already provides
and if no then why
not. Also if it's a good idea to use Struts then where
can I find more
information of using Struts WITH IBM Websphere?

Thanks a lot,

Anwar Mehdi,
Sengen Inc.
New Jersey, NJ.

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Newbie Struts Question

2001-03-10 Thread dion

Looks like the message tag can't find your file.
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 11/03/2001 
02:33 PM -
Newbie Struts Question

Hi all,

I'm new to Struts (although not to JSPs  Servlets in general), and am
having problems getting the example (as well as a simple hello world app)
to run.  I'm using IBM VisualAge for Java 3.5, with the VisualAge Tomcat
Test Environment 3.1.  When I try to access
http://localhost:8080/struts-example/index.jsp, I get the error page below.
Anyone have any tips or pointers as to why I could be getting this result?
Do I maybe need a newer version of Tomcat?

Error: 500
Location: /struts-example/index.jsp
Internal Servlet Error:

javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, boolean)
java.lang.String, java.lang.Throwable, boolean)
java.lang.Object [])

Root cause:
 int org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.MessageTag.doStartTag()
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, boolean)
java.lang.String, java.lang.Throwable, boolean)
java.lang.Object [])

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ymtd.html - Stuts/JSP and Velocity/Turbine

2001-03-08 Thread dion
quot;application" and you
change the bean class implementation, you may get a ClassCastException on 
a later request" What does Velocity do in these circumstances? The 
assumption here is that Velocity/Turbine doesn't allow reloading of 
classes when they change which is not very friendly for developers.

Sample Application
* "This goes back to the statement that says that embedding Java code in your 
page is a bad thing. Yes, we all know that now." How about issues that are 
directly related to a template language?
* parse ("header.vm") - What is this doing in a View component?
* $toolbean.setToolsFile($application.getInitParameter("toolsFile")) - What 
is a view component doing reading a properties file? This snippet looks 
suspiciously like java code, without actually being java code. Why is java 
code like getInitParameter being embedded in a template?
* What happened to the equivalent functionality being provided by 
the JSP - e.g. a custom error page? What sort of output is produced if 
toolsFile doesn't exist?

* "This really falls into a preferences situation. In other words, which 
syntax would someone prefer to use?" What about familiarity for HTML 
developers/ non-Java developers as was declared in the section on Error 
* "#set ( $list = ["First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Fifth"] )" is 
embedding template code into a page. This is as bad as embedding java 
* The sample application has been very simply rewritten in Struts. 
A tool and toolList tag would be far more appropriate.
* "JSP and Struts into simply being a tool for creating only dynamic HTML 
code" This is simply false. What about producing XML, WML etc?

Embedded Usage
* No comment

* Putting down JSP as a specwhen Velocity doesn't yet have one 
seems a bit rich. 
* "Velocity is actually a more reliable implementation than JSP because there 
is currently only one implementation" This says nothing to quality, 
adoption or choice. It is also a strawman as Velcity can't be a reliable 
implementation of a non-existent spec, and how can a single implementation 
be considered more 'reliable' than all other implementations of JSP? This 
is mere speculation.

* " and the entire server will suddenly become useless, " What is a 'server' 
in this context? A single machine? A single VM? This statement is making 
some basic assumptions which may not hold for various 'hosting' 
* "Velocity does not have this issue because there is no while loop in the 
Velocity Template Language" but of course I'm free to provide my own via 
various extension methods, true?

* A very one sided and almost Struts-less comparison.
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

RE: You make the decision Velocity/Turbine vs. Struts/JSP

2001-03-08 Thread dion

Or to put it another way, 

Putting Velocity on top of Servlets doesn't fix the warts in Servlets. It 
simply hides them until your developers  find them.

See getInitParameter in ymtd.
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 09/03/2001 
01:32 AM -
RE: You make the decision Velocity/Turbine vs. Struts/JSP

 But, the point of what I am trying to say (and I will try to
 clarify it
 further in the document) is that by using Struts and JSP there is *NO*
 enforcement that requires you to not use scriptlets.

 Putting Struts on top of JSP doesn't fix the warts in JSP. It
 simply hides
 them until your developers find them.

Jon; if I read you correctly a JSP engine would be better for having its
scriptlets capability disabled. Or less radically allow the it to be
specified in the web.xml file that scriptlets are not allowed for a given
web-app. I think I buy that. In retrospect I even wish I had been able to 
that on a few JSP projects past.

Joerg Beekmann

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JUNIT and Struts

2001-03-01 Thread dion

We use a JUnit extension (HttpUnit) to do all of our functional testing. We
can effectively 'fake' the user submitting a form, and check for page
results. We've added some code into a base test class so that we can use
methods like assertPageText("xyz") or assertPageError

This works very well.
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
----- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 02/03/2001 03:39
PM -
JUNIT and Struts


We are using the XP development process(
we develop our Struts web application.  We need to write some tests in
JUnit( to incrementally test as we write code.  Has
ever used JUnit with Struts?  Does anyone have any advice about how to
in coding these tests?



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IBM Websphere and other app server

2001-02-15 Thread dion

I'm quite happily using WebSphere AppServer 3.5.2 with Struts on 2 projects
we have going at the moment.

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 16/02/2001 11:02
AM -
IBM Websphere and other app server

Hi All,
I don't know whether this is off topic or not. But here is the problem.
I really want to use struts for the next project. And now I am deciding
which app server.
My boss wants to use IBM WebSphere. I don't know how good it is.
The application we are going to develop is not that complex, and not
It will be hosted on Sun Solaris, developed on Windows NT , postgresql as
back end, and Apache web server.

For sure we want to use STRUTS, no matter what app server.

Struts and Turbine

2001-02-14 Thread dion

I personally don't use anything from Turbine, because it's design seems to
predicate certain skills and page concepts that don't necessarily occur in
my projects.

As for reusing code within Turbine, the major factor stopping me from doing
that is lack of knowledge and accessibility. Having 'reusable' code stuck
inside a project like Struts or Turbine limits its reusability. There's
been lots of discussion on the general list about this recently.

"user access control module?"
I'd guess most struts users would have no idea that Turbine had one.
Turbine's home page and features page don't mention "user access", but do
mention ACLs and roles. The Velocity/WebMacro focus and deemphasis of JSP
throughout Turbine made the impression on me that I'd be using technology
that duplicate existing JSP/Struts concepts and make the project more
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

Re: Struts installation notes

2001-02-13 Thread dion

We had multiple problems getting a Struts app to run under WebSphere 
(Advanced, 3.5 fix2). First, the validation of the struts-config.dtd 
failed during ActionServlet.init(). We hacked around this by modifying 
ActionServlet to call "digester.setValidating(false)" rather than passing 
"true". The next problem, which we couldn't work around (thus ending our 
WebSphere assessment), was during the attempt to open the 
struts-config.xml file. Here's the e-mail I sent IBM support:

I've gotten WebSphere to workaround both problems by changing struts.

If  I've got a spare minute to document the process (maybe 2nite as the 
wifely unit is in Tokyo), I'll post some instructions...
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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html:errors and property attribute

2001-01-31 Thread dion

In the code I have (2000-01-19) neither of the ErrorsTag classes in
org.apache.struts.taglib.html or org.apache.struts.taglib.form have methods
to support the property attribute. Am I missing somthing on this one?
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting