Re: Images in SeaMonkey makes images always too big.

2014-08-20 Thread Philip Taylor

Ed Mullen wrote:

Educate yourself and then come back if you have meaningful questions.

There is no such thing as a stupid question; there are only stupid
answers.  Your answer does not qualify as stupid, but it is highly
offensive and could (and should) have been cast in an infinitely
more friendly manner.  I agree with your analysis that Patrick's
problems are, in the main, caused by a lack of knowledge/understanding,
but naive as his questions may be, they deserve to be answered with
respect, not with arrogance.

Philip Taylor
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM Files Where Are They???

2014-08-20 Thread David E. Ross
On 8/19/2014 7:11 PM, SamuelS wrote:
 On 19-Aug-14 21:05, Chris Ilias wrote:
 On 2014-08-19 8:28 PM, NO wrote:
 Chris Ilias wrote:
 On 2014-08-19 8:41 AM, SamuelS wrote:
 You were so helpful previously in terms of guiding me in moving files
 from my c: drive to d: drive, now I find that that my 2nd profile may
 not have been moved. Can someone advise how I can find that profile on
 the c: drive so I can get it moved?

 This page should help:

 This profile is the one which is taking up over 30% of my drive space

 That doesn't sound right. What makes you think it's taking up so much
 space? How small is your HD?

 I have made the new profile and located it in the new directory, now I
 receive a message  SeaMonkey cannot use the profile Default1 It may
 be in use, unavailable or damage. Please choose another profile or
 create a new one.

 This is the 3rd profile and still not able to access...

 What is the next move?

 Make sure SeaMonkey is closed when you copy the files over.

 Hello Chris,
 I re-sent the files to the new location and still cannot remove the 
 extra profiles or link to the moved files...
 What have I done to prevent this?
 TIAA... bo1953

Locate the file profiles.ini.  It should be in
C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\SeaMonkey\profiles.ini, where
xxx is your Windows user name (NOT a SeaMonkey profile name).  That
file contains the pointers to your profiles.

In profiles.ini, you should see all profiles listed, with their names,
locations, and a flag that indicates whether the locations are complete
or relative to the location of profile.ini.  An example is:
This means this is the first profile (numbered from 0), the profile is
named SamuelS, that the Path is complete, the profile is at
C:\myprofiles\SeaMonkey\Sam (no security hash in the name in the form
of uchx8jc7.Sam), and that this is your primary (default) profile.  (For
my own use, I did not use hashes to name the folders where I placed my
profiles since my profiles are hidden by placing them on a drive other
than C.)

If you new profiles are not indicated in profiles.ini, that is the cause
of your problem.  In a plain-text editor (e.g., Notepad, Wordpad, but
NOT Word), edit the file to add your new profiles and point to them.
Each profile has a unique {Profilen], where n is a number (e.g.,
[Profile1], [Profile2], [Profile3], etc).

David E. Ross

The Crimea is Putin's Sudetenland.
The Ukraine will be Putin's Czechoslovakia.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Restore javascript from back-up

2014-08-20 Thread Roger Fink
Today a java update borked my SeaMonkey 2.26.1 javascript (yes, I know: 
Java/Javascript, two different things). By contrast FF  Palemoon came 
through it OK.

Even after uninstalling java completely this condition still remains, 
and System Restore couldn't revert me past the point of the original 
java upgrade.

A SeaMonkey 2.26.1 overinstall did not correct the problem either.

When I created a new test profile, javascript worked fine, meaning the 
corrupted file(s) had to be in the profile folder rather than the 
program folder.

Since I back up the profile every week, if possible I'd like to replace 
only the specific file(s) that are corrupted, rather than replace the 
entire profile with a week old back-up.

What would be the files to try?
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Restore javascript from back-up

2014-08-20 Thread gNeandr

On 20.08.2014 20:16, Roger Fink wrote:

If you have a young profile backup which is older than the defected by 
java, why not first comparing the prefs.js files?

Make sure you have terminated SM!

If any relevant difference you could edit the defect prefs.js
(use an UTF-8 capable editor!)

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Restore javascript from back-up

2014-08-20 Thread Roger Fink

 Original Message 

On 20.08.2014 20:16, Roger Fink wrote:

If you have a young profile backup which is older than the defected by
java, why not first comparing the prefs.js files?
Make sure you have terminated SM!

If any relevant difference you could edit the defect prefs.js
(use an UTF-8 capable editor!)

Replacing prefs.js did the trick.

I've been using SeaMonkey since the very early days. Usually Firefox was 
installed on the same machine. My subjective impression after having 
this happen on a fair number of occasions is that javascript in 
SeaMonkey is noticeably more fragile than it is in Firefox.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Images in SeaMonkey makes images always too big.

2014-08-20 Thread Geoff Welsh

WaltS48 wrote:

On 08/19/2014 09:31 PM, Ed Mullen wrote:

Patrick Turner pounded out :

I did post recently about how to set text size in SM so other browsers
like Chrome got it right. By trial and error I managed to fiddle
with sizes so this occurs. Thanks to those who commented, and
suggested I used other WYSIWYG composer programs. None worked
properly, and had bigger bothers than SM. Thanks anyway.Even Front
Page is more awkward to use than SM. AL I WANT IS SIMPLE PLEASE.

Sea Monkey always inserts images where I want them but it always
enlarges them and no amount of trying to control image size by zooming
out in compose page or browse page makes any difference. In
Firefox, images appear the same, too big.
But in Chrome, images are exactly as I meant them to be, same as I
made the images when I saved them from an image program. The relative
text size is also correct.

So it seems like SM and derivative stuff from Mozilla don't have
enough settable settings which are then recognized by SM and
derivatives. In other words, SM is like a man whose left hand doesn't
know what the right hand does  does

Also, SM or FireFox does not display text colors or background colors.

The other trouble is with line wrapping while typing text to describe
my images at my pages. I have to do it manually after going over text.
I don't want to do that, and I don't wan the text to extend right
across wide screen before it line wraps, its a 41.5cm wide screen x
25.5cm high.

Example pages of my site are at

I tried to see if there were major differences in html source which
instructed different browsers in different ways. But it seemed to me
the view source gave me what looked like enormously complex html and
I didn't know what to add or subtract to make it work AS I DAMN WELL
WANT IT TO and not to some vague recipe thought up by some dopey

Trying to find help anywhere left me feeling I needed help.

Gregariously, Patrick Turner.

After reviewing this entire thread my best advice is this.

1.  Get a good tutorial/book on HTML/CSS
2.  Stop posting your issues here, it's got nothing to do with any
Mozilla product
3.  Subscribe to the following groups and be prepared for the advice

-  comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html
-  comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheets
-  comp.infosystems.www.authoring

The problems you are having aren't caused by SeaMonkey, they are
caused by your total lack of knowledge of HTML/CSS.  SeaMonkey's
Composer component (or other such programs) are not a panacea for
ignorance.  Nor were they meant to be.

Educate yourself and then come back if you have meaningful questions.

Any money to be made on redoing old sites in HTML5 and CSS3?

I'm having fun redoing Patrick's index page for my own education.

it's definitely a fun hobby, not a good job.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Images in SeaMonkey makes images always too big.

2014-08-20 Thread Ed Mullen

Philip Taylor pounded out :

Ed Mullen wrote:

Educate yourself and then come back if you have meaningful questions.

There is no such thing as a stupid question; there are only stupid
answers.  Your answer does not qualify as stupid, but it is highly
offensive and could (and should) have been cast in an infinitely
more friendly manner.  I agree with your analysis that Patrick's
problems are, in the main, caused by a lack of knowledge/understanding,
but naive as his questions may be, they deserve to be answered with
respect, not with arrogance.

Philip Taylor

I did not use the word stupid in my one-sentence post which you 
correctly quoted above.

Further, this entire thread, once unraveled, demonstrated that the OP is 
woefully ignorant of any knowledge of HTML or CSS and refuses to try to 
learn, depending on a horribly inadequate and antiquated WYSIWYG program 
that he, apparently, recently discovered, much to all of our 
consternation. And, he has never, despite requests, properly and clearly 
framed his questions and issues.  Hence, my frustrations in trying to 
help him and, because of his omissions of detail, my inability, despite 
my efforts, to accomplish that.

I do not apologize.  I do not consider my comments offensive in any way.

This is a help forum.  If one who queries won't listen, he opens 
himself up to honest criticism.  Which is what I gave.

When I built my first crude Web site in about 1995 I knew nothing and it 
looked like it.  But most sites did.  I set out to learn.  It's a hobby 
and I enjoy it.  And I'm pretty good at it.  Hardly perfect, but pretty 
damned good within my skill set.

Someone who expects ANY WYSIWYG program to produce a reliable, 
cross-browser page that will validate is dreaming.

The OP should either set out to acquire the skill set or hire someone to 
create for him a viable and validating site.

Ed Mullen
UnHallmark Card: Happy birthday! You look great for your age. Almost 

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Images in SeaMonkey makes images always too big.

2014-08-20 Thread Ed Mullen

Ed Mullen pounded out :

Philip Taylor pounded out :

Ed Mullen wrote:

Educate yourself and then come back if you have meaningful questions.

There is no such thing as a stupid question; there are only stupid
answers.  Your answer does not qualify as stupid, but it is highly
offensive and could (and should) have been cast in an infinitely
more friendly manner.  I agree with your analysis that Patrick's
problems are, in the main, caused by a lack of knowledge/understanding,
but naive as his questions may be, they deserve to be answered with
respect, not with arrogance.

Philip Taylor

I did not use the word stupid in my one-sentence post which you
correctly quoted above.

Further, this entire thread, once unraveled, demonstrated that the OP is
woefully ignorant of any knowledge of HTML or CSS and refuses to try to
learn, depending on a horribly inadequate and antiquated WYSIWYG program
that he, apparently, recently discovered, much to all of our
consternation. And, he has never, despite requests, properly and clearly
framed his questions and issues.  Hence, my frustrations in trying to
help him and, because of his omissions of detail, my inability, despite
my efforts, to accomplish that.

I do not apologize.  I do not consider my comments offensive in any way.

This is a help forum.  If one who queries won't listen, he opens
himself up to honest criticism.  Which is what I gave.

When I built my first crude Web site in about 1995 I knew nothing and it
looked like it.  But most sites did.  I set out to learn.  It's a hobby
and I enjoy it.  And I'm pretty good at it.  Hardly perfect, but pretty
damned good within my skill set.

Someone who expects ANY WYSIWYG program to produce a reliable,
cross-browser page that will validate is dreaming.

The OP should either set out to acquire the skill set or hire someone to
create for him a viable and validating site.

And, by the way, this is a forum for SeaMonkey support, which has 
nothing to do with this discussion since the OP's issues have nothing to 
do with SeaMonkey programatic shortcomings:  They have to do with his 
lack of knowledge.

It more properly should be in one of these forums:


Ed Mullen
Where do forest rangers go to get away from it all?
support-seamonkey mailing list