Ed Mullen pounded out :
Philip Taylor pounded out :

Ed Mullen wrote:

Educate yourself and then come back if you have meaningful questions.

There is no such thing as a stupid question; there are only stupid
answers.  Your answer does not qualify as "stupid", but it is highly
offensive and could (and should) have been cast in an infinitely
more friendly manner.  I agree with your analysis that Patrick's
problems are, in the main, caused by a lack of knowledge/understanding,
but naive as his questions may be, they deserve to be answered with
respect, not with arrogance.

Philip Taylor

I did not use the word "stupid" in my one-sentence post which you
correctly quoted above.

Further, this entire thread, once unraveled, demonstrated that the OP is
woefully ignorant of any knowledge of HTML or CSS and refuses to try to
learn, depending on a horribly inadequate and antiquated WYSIWYG program
that he, apparently, recently discovered, much to all of our
consternation. And, he has never, despite requests, properly and clearly
framed his questions and issues.  Hence, my frustrations in trying to
help him and, because of his omissions of detail, my inability, despite
my efforts, to accomplish that.

I do not apologize.  I do not consider my comments offensive in any way.

This is a "help" forum.  If one who queries won't listen, he opens
himself up to honest criticism.  Which is what I gave.

When I built my first crude Web site in about 1995 I knew nothing and it
looked like it.  But most sites did.  I set out to learn.  It's a hobby
and I enjoy it.  And I'm pretty good at it.  Hardly perfect, but pretty
damned good within my skill set.

Someone who expects ANY WYSIWYG program to produce a reliable,
cross-browser page that will validate is dreaming.


The OP should either set out to acquire the skill set or hire someone to
create for him a viable and validating site.

And, by the way, this is a forum for SeaMonkey support, which has nothing to do with this discussion since the OP's issues have nothing to do with SeaMonkey programatic shortcomings: They have to do with his lack of knowledge.

It more properly should be in one of these forums:


Ed Mullen
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