Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-30 Thread Ant

On 6/28/2015 11:57 PM, cmcadams wrote:

A few things with respect to the HTML emails: keyboard cursor functions.
Press PageDown, for instance, or CTRL_PageDown, and it can leap to the
top (or anyplace), and not that predictably. It seems to depend on the

In 2.26.1, when you double-clicked on a graphic, a window opened that
let you change things concerning that graphic. Dimensions, proportions,
spacing on whichever sides, links, and so on. In the later Windows
versions I've tried all that's gone. Now it's mousing all the way,
through layers of menus to accomplish the same things.

Features might theoretically still be there, but are just too
exasperating to put up with when there's an alternative that's faster.

Ahh. I rarley compose HTML e-mails. I did start using it for cover 
letters. :/

Ladies and gentlemen, er, we've just lost the picture, but, uh, what 
we've seen speaks for itself. The Corvair spacecraft has been taken 
over--'conquered', if you will--by a master race of giant space ants. 
It's difficult to tell from this vantage point whether they will consume 
the captive earth men or merely enslave them. One thing is for certain, 
there is no stopping them; the ants will soon be here. And I, for one, 
welcome our new insect overlords. I'd like to remind them that as a 
trusted TV personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to...toil 
in their underground sugar caves.--Kent Brockman in The Simpsons' Deep 
Space Homer (1F13) episode.

   /\___/\ Ant(Dude) @ (Personal Web Site)
  / /\ /\ \Ant's Quality Foraged Links:
 | |o   o| |
\ _ /If crediting, then use Ant nickname and AQFL URL/link.
 ( )  Chop ANT from its address if e-mailing privately.
Ant is currently not listening to any songs on this computer.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-29 Thread EE

Ant wrote:


I am using a Tinderbox build of SM 2.35.  It works pretty well.  The
only real problem I had was YouTube sending HTML5 videos instead of
Flash.  There is an extension that can fix that.

Which extension is that? Mine always use Flash. I think my YouTube
account is set to use Flash so I can do on demand unlike HTML5 videos.

With SM 2.35, YouTube began sending videos with HTML5.  I have no 
YouTube account, and did not want one.  The extension is YouTube Flash 
Video Player.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-29 Thread cmcadams

Ant wrote:

On 6/27/2015 1:01 AM, cmcadams wrote:

I don't check for updates at present. I see them in passing, but I'm not
interested. One of my very specific reasons for staying with 2.26.1
has to do with how the HTML email editor still functions. As opposed to
the non-functioning evident in later versions. At least the ones I've

Which fucntions were those?

A few things with respect to the HTML emails: keyboard cursor functions. Press 
PageDown, for instance, or CTRL_PageDown, and it can leap to the top (or anyplace), 
and not that predictably. It seems to depend on the material.

In 2.26.1, when you double-clicked on a graphic, a window opened that let you change 
things concerning that graphic. Dimensions, proportions, spacing on whichever sides, 
links, and so on. In the later Windows versions I've tried all that's gone. Now it's 
mousing all the way, through layers of menus to accomplish the same things.

Features might theoretically still be there, but are just too exasperating to put up 
with when there's an alternative that's faster.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-28 Thread Ant


I am using a Tinderbox build of SM 2.35.  It works pretty well.  The
only real problem I had was YouTube sending HTML5 videos instead of
Flash.  There is an extension that can fix that.

Which extension is that? Mine always use Flash. I think my YouTube 
account is set to use Flash so I can do on demand unlike HTML5 videos.

Hey dad, look. I put honey on my back, and now the ants are carrying me 
home. --Chris from Family Guy

   /\___/\ Ant(Dude) @ (Personal Web Site)
  / /\ /\ \Ant's Quality Foraged Links:
 | |o   o| |
\ _ /If crediting, then use Ant nickname and AQFL URL/link.
 ( )  Chop ANT from its address if e-mailing privately.
Ant is currently not listening to any songs on this computer.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-28 Thread Ant


I don't remember what I used.
Might have been via BBS.
Ah... yea, I think there was some sort of cat... puma, tiger, or

Lynx, perhaps?

First released in 1992 according to Wikipedia, but it's a cat from the
right era and I
could believe that date may not be exactly correct.


That could be it.  It was text based with pretty ascii colors.
I think I used a time share through IBM??? to get to the internet.

For me, I used TIA and SLiRP for SLIP and PPP emulation to use with 
Windows Trumpket for Internet on my dial-up connections and shell 
accounts. I didn't even have Lynx back then on it IIRC. I was one of the 
first to do that during my college days (1994-1998).

You feel the faint grit of ants beneath your shoes, but keep on walking 
because in this world you have to decide what you're willing to kill. 
--Tony Hoagland from Candlelight

   /\___/\ Ant(Dude) @ (Personal Web Site)
  / /\ /\ \Ant's Quality Foraged Links:
 | |o   o| |
\ _ /If crediting, then use Ant nickname and AQFL URL/link.
 ( )  Chop ANT from its address if e-mailing privately.
Ant is currently not listening to any songs on this computer.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-28 Thread Ant

On 6/27/2015 1:01 AM, cmcadams wrote:

I don't check for updates at present. I see them in passing, but I'm not
interested. One of my very specific reasons for staying with 2.26.1
has to do with how the HTML email editor still functions. As opposed to
the non-functioning evident in later versions. At least the ones I've

Which fucntions were those?

Lay a stick of bubble gum on an anthill for instant Siamese Ant Twins. 

   /\___/\ Ant(Dude) @ (Personal Web Site)
  / /\ /\ \Ant's Quality Foraged Links:
 | |o   o| |
\ _ /If crediting, then use Ant nickname and AQFL URL/link.
 ( )  Chop ANT from its address if e-mailing privately.
Ant is currently not listening to any songs on this computer.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-27 Thread cmcadams

WaltS48 wrote:

On 06/25/2015 09:10 PM, cmcadams wrote:

chicagofan wrote:

What is the most reliable version available now?  I've read of so many
problems I
can't keep up with them, and I've been afraid to upgrade, because my
short term
memory is so pathetic, and I've also forgotten the steps to upgrade
[safely]. I'm
assuming instructions will still be at the site where the downloads are.

Anyone have a feeling which version has the least problems now? I'm
being pushed to
do this, because when I was forced to use Firefox the other day to do
something, they
updated it to version 31. [I didn't know it was set to auto update, I
have now
changed that.]   I will appreciate any suggestions to reduce my
anxiety, and take
pity on me, because I'm old.  :)

I'm still on 2.26.1, but that's for very specific reasons that very
likely wouldn't apply to you.

As far as upgrading goes, I've discovered you can do it with wild
abandon. Just uninstall the old, run the new installer. It really is as
simple as that. My data has always remained intact.

Why do all of that?

All of what? Using 2.26.1 or the way I do updates (when I do them)?

Doesn't Help  Check for Updates, or Automatically check for updates work?

I don't check for updates at present. I see them in passing, but I'm not interested. 
One of my very specific reasons for staying with 2.26.1 has to do with how the HTML 
email editor still functions. As opposed to the non-functioning evident in later 
versions. At least the ones I've tried.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-27 Thread mozilla-lists . mbourne

Ray Davison wrote:

chicagofan wrote:

What is the most reliable version available now?  I've read of so many
problems I can't keep up with them, and I've been afraid to upgrade,

That is why I don't upgrade.  I install the new without effecting the
previous.  Sometimes the new has problems, or maybe you just don't like
it.  You can have as many versions as you have space on the HDD.  I have
had as many as twenty two.  And they can all use the same profile or
different profiles.

Be careful using the same profile between different versions. Sometimes 
a newer version introduces a new format for some of the files in the 
profile. The release notes usually mention when that happens, but I 
wouldn't like to rely on it. It usually converts an old profile to the 
new format on first use, but that profile may not then work properly 
with older versions (and trying to use an older version with a profile 
for a newer version may corrupt the profile).

When I decide I don't need/want one of them I
delete it.

But, to answer your question, I am using 2.33, on W7U-64, and have no

I'm using SeaMonkey 2.33.1 on Windows Vista, and don't have any major 
problems. That's not to say there aren't any - just that I don't find 
they affect things I frequently use.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-27 Thread mozilla-lists . mbourne

Paul in Houston TX wrote:

Daniel wrote:

On 26/06/2015 8:48 AM, Paul in Houston, TX wrote:


That has not happened to me since 1991.

1991!! What did you use back then  Mosaic or something?? (I can
only go back as far as
Netscape Navigator 0.9 in 1995 or 1996!)

Good question.
I don't remember what I used.
Might have been via BBS.
Ah... yea, I think there was some sort of cat... puma, tiger, or something.

Lynx, perhaps?

First released in 1992 according to Wikipedia, but it's a cat from the 
right era and I could believe that date may not be exactly correct.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-27 Thread Paul in Houston, TX wrote:

Paul in Houston TX wrote:

Daniel wrote:

On 26/06/2015 8:48 AM, Paul in Houston, TX wrote:


That has not happened to me since 1991.

1991!! What did you use back then  Mosaic or something?? (I can
only go back as far as
Netscape Navigator 0.9 in 1995 or 1996!)

Good question.
I don't remember what I used.
Might have been via BBS.
Ah... yea, I think there was some sort of cat... puma, tiger, or something.

Lynx, perhaps?

First released in 1992 according to Wikipedia, but it's a cat from the right 
era and I
could believe that date may not be exactly correct.


That could be it.  It was text based with pretty ascii colors.
I think I used a time share through IBM??? to get to the internet.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-27 Thread Ray Davison wrote:

Be careful using the same profile between different versions. Sometimes
a newer version introduces a new format for some of the files in the

My files began life in Netscape.  I only recall once in recent times 
when I needed different profiles for different versions; early 2X.  And 
because my profiles wander between several desktops and laptops I have 
several backups without any extra effort.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-27 Thread chicagofan

chicagofan wrote:

hawker wrote:

On 6/25/2015 5:06 PM, chicagofan wrote:

What is the most reliable version available now?  I've read of so many
problems I can't keep up with them, and I've been afraid to upgrade,
because my short term memory is so pathetic, and I've also forgotten 

steps to upgrade [safely]. I'm assuming instructions will still be at
the site where the downloads are.

Anyone have a feeling which version has the least problems now? I'm
being pushed to do this, because when I was forced to use Firefox the
other day to do something, they updated it to version 31. [I didn't 
it was set to auto update, I have now changed that.]   I will 

any suggestions to reduce my anxiety, and take pity on me, because I'm
old.  :)

I'm also still on 2.26.1, Win XP.
I'm not having any major problems with it other than some minor IMAP 
issues that are easy to deal with.  From what I can tell the few 
versions after all have bugs that would be show stoppers for me.

I read this group all the time, and that is the opinion I had formed.  
Lately I decided I might risk 2.26.l,  but before I did, wanted to 
check to see if more people than I thought, were using the very latest 
versions ... with no problems.  :)

I'm not worried about security. I keep the big holes (Flash, Acrobat, 
Java, etc) up to date, use Addblock Plus which tends to stop a lot of 
virus believe it or not and have good virus software.
The only hacks I have ever gotten since the 1990s are due to Acrobat, 
Java, or Flash exploits. I don't open stupid things.

That's essentially how I feel about my usage as well.  What's most 
important to me is the stability of mail and newsgroup functions, and 
since my friends and I use HTML for mail sharing of news, photos, 
etc., the changes with HTML are presenting a problem I want to avoid.  
Lately some image attachments have not been copied in my mail replies 
as well.

I wanted to thank each person individually that responded to my plea 
for help, but that would just fill the newsgroup needlessly, so I hope 
my thanks here will suffice.  :)  I was glad to see that some of you 
are using 2.33 successfully, and I will read it's release notes again 
... just in case, I feel daring when I start this project.  ;)  Like 
Stan, I'm still on 2.17.1  because I don't need to be in sync with all 
the world's gadgets ... just able to read websites that continually 
change.  ;)   The comments about HTML mail editor from cmcadams sort 
of reinforce my feelings about 2.26.1 being a safe move though.

Thanks again everyone!   I probably will screw something up and be 
back, after I attempt the upgrade.  Hope you're still as patient with 
me.  :)


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-26 Thread stango

chicagofan wrote:

What is the most reliable version available now?  I've read of so many
problems I can't keep up with them, and I've been afraid to upgrade,
because my short term memory is so pathetic, and I've also forgotten the
steps to upgrade [safely]. I'm assuming instructions will still be at
the site where the downloads are.

Anyone have a feeling which version has the least problems now? I'm
being pushed to do this, because when I was forced to use Firefox the
other day to do something, they updated it to version 31. [I didn't know
it was set to auto update, I have now changed that.]   I will appreciate
any suggestions to reduce my anxiety, and take pity on me, because I'm
old.  :)

I use 2.17 for daily stuff mainly because of Password Manager and the 
fact that I do not need a lot of Add-Ons to perform the same functions 
that seemingly later versions need.

I also still use Netscape Composer 4.79 to build and maintain my website 
as later versions in Seamonkey proved to be too touchy for me to easily 
do what I can do with 4.79. Granted I have to do some 'touch-up' raw 
HTML work with a text editor but it is still better than all of the 
stuff folks have recommended.

So basically your choice will depend on what you value most and 
hopefully all the comments posted here will give you some insight to 
help  you reach that end.

Stan Gondek
Multi Path Communications
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-26 Thread Paul in Houston, TX

Daniel wrote:

On 26/06/2015 8:48 AM, Paul in Houston, TX wrote:


That has not happened to me since 1991.

1991!! What did you use back then  Mosaic or something?? (I can only go 
back as far as
Netscape Navigator 0.9 in 1995 or 1996!)

Good question.
I don't remember what I used.
Might have been via BBS.
Ah... yea, I think there was some sort of cat... puma, tiger, or something.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-26 Thread hawker

On 6/25/2015 5:06 PM, chicagofan wrote:

What is the most reliable version available now?  I've read of so many
problems I can't keep up with them, and I've been afraid to upgrade,
because my short term memory is so pathetic, and I've also forgotten the
steps to upgrade [safely]. I'm assuming instructions will still be at
the site where the downloads are.

Anyone have a feeling which version has the least problems now? I'm
being pushed to do this, because when I was forced to use Firefox the
other day to do something, they updated it to version 31. [I didn't know
it was set to auto update, I have now changed that.]   I will appreciate
any suggestions to reduce my anxiety, and take pity on me, because I'm
old.  :)

I'm also still on 2.26.1, Win XP.
I'm not having any major problems with it other than some minor IMAP 
issues that are easy to deal with.  From what I can tell the few 
versions after all have bugs that would be show stoppers for me.

I'm not worried about security. I keep the big holes (Flash, Acrobat, 
Java, etc) up to date, use Addblock Plus which tends to stop a lot of 
virus believe it or not and have good virus software.
The only hacks I have ever gotten since the 1990s are due to Acrobat, 
Java, or Flash exploits. I don't open stupid things.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-26 Thread EE

Cruz, Jaime wrote:

chicagofan wrote:

What is the most reliable version available now?  I've read of so many
problems I can't keep up with them, and I've been afraid to upgrade,
because my short term memory is so pathetic, and I've also forgotten the
steps to upgrade [safely]. I'm assuming instructions will still be at
the site where the downloads are.

Anyone have a feeling which version has the least problems now? I'm
being pushed to do this, because when I was forced to use Firefox the
other day to do something, they updated it to version 31. [I didn't know
it was set to auto update, I have now changed that.]   I will appreciate
any suggestions to reduce my anxiety, and take pity on me, because I'm
old.  :)

I'm using the most current.  Only issue I have is the binary attachments
from newsgroups not working properly.  That's an old, long-standing
issue and not really critical (just REALLY annoying).

But the older and older this codebase gets, the more security holes I am
exposed to.  I think if Firefox goes one more revision with nothing from
Seamonkey I may be forced to abandon Seamonkey and go with
Firefox/Thunderbird.  I've heard it that Thunderbird does not have the
issue with binary newsgroup attachments either.

I am using a Tinderbox build of SM 2.35.  It works pretty well.  The 
only real problem I had was YouTube sending HTML5 videos instead of 
Flash.  There is an extension that can fix that.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-26 Thread Ant

But, to answer your question, I am using 2.33, on W7U-64, and have no

v2.33.1 gave you issues? For me, I use v2.33.1 to be updated and secured.
Ants never lend, ants never borrow. --unknown
   /\___/\ Ant(Dude) @ (Personal Web Site)
  / /\ /\ \Ant's Quality Foraged Links:
 | |o   o| |
\ _ /If crediting, then use Ant nickname and AQFL URL/link.
 ( )  Chop ANT from its address if e-mailing privately.
Ant is currently not listening to any songs on this computer.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-26 Thread Daniel

On 26/06/2015 8:48 AM, Paul in Houston, TX wrote:


That has not happened to me since 1991.

1991!! What did you use back then  Mosaic or something?? (I can only 
go back as far as Netscape Navigator 0.9 in 1995 or 1996!)


User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:35.0) Gecko/20100101 
SeaMonkey/2.32 Build identifier: 20141218225909

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 
SeaMonkey/2.33 Build identifier: 20150215202114

support-seamonkey mailing list

What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-25 Thread chicagofan
What is the most reliable version available now?  I've read of so many 
problems I can't keep up with them, and I've been afraid to upgrade, 
because my short term memory is so pathetic, and I've also forgotten the 
steps to upgrade [safely]. I'm assuming instructions will still be at 
the site where the downloads are.

Anyone have a feeling which version has the least problems now? I'm 
being pushed to do this, because when I was forced to use Firefox the 
other day to do something, they updated it to version 31. [I didn't know 
it was set to auto update, I have now changed that.]   I will appreciate 
any suggestions to reduce my anxiety, and take pity on me, because I'm 
old.  :)

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-25 Thread Cruz, Jaime

chicagofan wrote:

What is the most reliable version available now?  I've read of so many
problems I can't keep up with them, and I've been afraid to upgrade,
because my short term memory is so pathetic, and I've also forgotten the
steps to upgrade [safely]. I'm assuming instructions will still be at
the site where the downloads are.

Anyone have a feeling which version has the least problems now? I'm
being pushed to do this, because when I was forced to use Firefox the
other day to do something, they updated it to version 31. [I didn't know
it was set to auto update, I have now changed that.]   I will appreciate
any suggestions to reduce my anxiety, and take pity on me, because I'm
old.  :)

I'm using the most current.  Only issue I have is the binary attachments 
from newsgroups not working properly.  That's an old, long-standing 
issue and not really critical (just REALLY annoying).

But the older and older this codebase gets, the more security holes I am 
exposed to.  I think if Firefox goes one more revision with nothing from 
Seamonkey I may be forced to abandon Seamonkey and go with 
Firefox/Thunderbird.  I've heard it that Thunderbird does not have the 
issue with binary newsgroup attachments either.

Jaime A. Cruz
Nassau Wings Motorcycle Club

AMA District 34
Freddy's Run
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-25 Thread Paul in Houston, TX

chicagofan wrote:

What is the most reliable version available now?  I've read of so many problems 
I can't
keep up with them, and I've been afraid to upgrade, because my short term 
memory is so
pathetic, and I've also forgotten the steps to upgrade [safely]. I'm assuming 
will still be at the site where the downloads are.

Anyone have a feeling which version has the least problems now? I'm being 
pushed to do
this, because when I was forced to use Firefox the other day to do something, 
they updated
it to version 31. [I didn't know it was set to auto update, I have now changed 
that.]   I
will appreciate any suggestions to reduce my anxiety, and take pity on me, 
because I'm
old.  :)

We probably all use different versions.
Don't trust header info.
My SM is 2.26.1, Win XP.  It works great.  The last of the good SM's.
I am not worried about mal stuff or being hacked.
That has not happened to me since 1991.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-25 Thread WaltS48

On 06/25/2015 09:10 PM, cmcadams wrote:

chicagofan wrote:

What is the most reliable version available now?  I've read of so many
problems I
can't keep up with them, and I've been afraid to upgrade, because my
short term
memory is so pathetic, and I've also forgotten the steps to upgrade
[safely]. I'm
assuming instructions will still be at the site where the downloads are.

Anyone have a feeling which version has the least problems now? I'm
being pushed to
do this, because when I was forced to use Firefox the other day to do
something, they
updated it to version 31. [I didn't know it was set to auto update, I
have now
changed that.]   I will appreciate any suggestions to reduce my
anxiety, and take
pity on me, because I'm old.  :)

I'm still on 2.26.1, but that's for very specific reasons that very
likely wouldn't apply to you.

As far as upgrading goes, I've discovered you can do it with wild
abandon. Just uninstall the old, run the new installer. It really is as
simple as that. My data has always remained intact.

Why do all of that?

Doesn't Help  Check for Updates, or Automatically check for updates work?

Kubuntu 15.04 | KDE 4.14.8 | Thunderbird 41.0a1(Daily) Go Bucs!
[Coexist ยท Understanding Across Divides](
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[2015 EQT Pittsburgh Three Rivers Regatta](
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-25 Thread Ray Davison

chicagofan wrote:

What is the most reliable version available now?  I've read of so many
problems I can't keep up with them, and I've been afraid to upgrade,

That is why I don't upgrade.  I install the new without effecting the 
previous.  Sometimes the new has problems, or maybe you just don't like 
it.  You can have as many versions as you have space on the HDD.  I have 
had as many as twenty two.  And they can all use the same profile or 
different profiles.  When I decide I don't need/want one of them I 
delete it.

But, to answer your question, I am using 2.33, on W7U-64, and have no 


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What version of SM is used by most here?

2015-06-25 Thread cmcadams

chicagofan wrote:

What is the most reliable version available now?  I've read of so many problems 
can't keep up with them, and I've been afraid to upgrade, because my short term
memory is so pathetic, and I've also forgotten the steps to upgrade [safely]. 
assuming instructions will still be at the site where the downloads are.

Anyone have a feeling which version has the least problems now? I'm being 
pushed to
do this, because when I was forced to use Firefox the other day to do 
something, they
updated it to version 31. [I didn't know it was set to auto update, I have now
changed that.]   I will appreciate any suggestions to reduce my anxiety, and 
pity on me, because I'm old.  :)

I'm still on 2.26.1, but that's for very specific reasons that very likely wouldn't 
apply to you.

As far as upgrading goes, I've discovered you can do it with wild abandon. Just 
uninstall the old, run the new installer. It really is as simple as that. My data has 
always remained intact.

support-seamonkey mailing list