[biofuel] Oil Imports

2003-04-21 Thread dave01632002

Can someone please tell me where I can find a breakdown of US oil 
imports by percentage?  

Thank you,

Dave Lusher

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Re: Invisibility Was: [biofuel] Re: How We Lost the Victory

2003-04-21 Thread desertstallion

Well...I think one of the big social changes that we are experiencing is this 
formum and what makes it possible...the Internet. Never before has the little 
guy had so much information from so many sources so available to him. And, the 
means to discuss it with anyone around the globe. It is a lot more difficult 
for someone to misrepresent things these days. People can get on the Internet 
and check sources, discuss with others, etc., from the smallest towns around 
the world. If someone wants to discuss and learn about biofuels, it might be 
difficult with a neighbor in Podunk, USA. But, I can sit in Saudi Arabia, and 
discuss things with Keith in Japan, Girl-Mark in California, Steve in New 
Jersey, Hakan in Sweden, and so on. That is amazingly powerful. I think it has 
started to, and will continue to, lead to incredible social change. 
Information is very powerful and will lead to democratization and other social 
benefits. 'Leaders' try to control people with lies, half-truths, propaganda, 
public relations campaigns, etc., but this should be more difficult if this 
medium is available. Look at the discussions we have had on this list recently 
about corporate PR and how they attempt to influence peoples thinking. Just 
our increased awareness from these discussions helps us realize and discount a 
lot of what we are being fed. Now, when someone discusses an event in the US 
Congress and its implications, such as a bill concerning oil drilling on the 
North Slope of Alaska, we can have people from Australia or India chiming in 
with their take of the event. If we want to influence voting in Congress by 
letting our Congressmen or Senators know what we think about something, we can 
have e-mail storms to get the word out to mobilize the electorate. Small 
groups should have less of an ability to slip things through, because the 
ability to get the word out to a tremendous number of people is increased by e-
mail and the Internet. Alternative views were never this public before. It 
used to be that one depended on books, newspapapers, regular mail newsletters, 
word-of-mouth, telephoning, etc. By the time someone found out something and 
cared to act on it, months could go by. But now, to use an example of the NRA, 
they can find out about something concerning gun control taking place in the 
Senate, and all million plus of their members know about it within hours and 
they are on the telephone calling up their representatives.

I don't want to sound too dramatic, but I truly can not think of any other 
single influence as important. It ranks with the industrial revolution and 
similar historical events on its importance.

Derek Hargis
> I would disagree.   I believe the world is becoming LESS democratic.   No
> matter what any report says.
> Oh sure, votes are being taken ... laws enacted by counting those votes.
> But now PR agencies kick in ... paid for by powerful, invisible "small"
> groups of people ... who basically "sway" the votes ...one way or the other.
> The details  Keith explains it well (help me out here, Keith).
> So once again ... a small group of people (sway the votes and ) control the
> laws being written.  Laws that govern (spelled R.U.L.E.S.) all.  Once again
> So to me, the authoritarianism isn't really disappearing ... it's just going
> underground.
> Curtis
> Get your free newsletter at
> http://www.ezinfocenter.com/3122155/NL
> - Original Message -
> From: Hakan Falk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Tom have to hurry up then -:), MH took the job to post this,
> HDR 2002 (Human Development Report)
> The world is becoming more democratic.
> Democratic regimes on the rise as authoritarianism declines.
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.html
> Biofuels list archives:
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Re: [biofuel] Old Water Tank

2003-04-21 Thread Keith Addison

>Do you think this would work inside a processing tank?
>It sounds like it would make the tank last forever - I don't know about
>the sodium methoxide however.

Hi Martin

Yes. When I first posted this info at our site we'd used the stuff, 
as it says, but not for processors. I checked it out because various 
people had written and said they were having problems with rust 
wrecking their processors.

I wrote to POR-15 and specifically asked them about anything it might 
encounter in biodiesel processing, including lye, methanol, 
methoxide, sulphuric acid, and of course esters. They assured me it 
would withstand all this. We've since been using it on processing 
gear and it works exactly as promised. They say it's a permanent 
solution, and it does seem to be that.,



>Keith Addison wrote:
> >>Sam,
> >>
> >>What type of use are you intending? Manufacture or storage? 
>Storage would be
> >>no problem. Manufacture is a bit more problematic, as the caustic will
> >>further exacerbate the rust issue, eventually rendering the tank useless.
> >>
> >>Todd Swearingen
> >>
> >>
> >
> >However, this stuff really works - not cheap, but could be worth it:
> >
> >Rustproofing, anti-corrosion
> >http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel_supply.html#rust
> >
> >Best
> >
> >Keith
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
>Martin Klingensmith

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[biofuel] PLEASE READ THIS - moderator's message

2003-04-21 Thread Keith Addison

Regarding this: "Re: Could we stop all this POLITICAL Crap??"

I've previously posted a moderator's directive against calling for 
restrictions in the discussions. It's here:

Some people have not taken any notice, though some of them have been 
warned both on- and off-list. So I'll say it again - it's all been 
said here before, not just by me, and recently.

Discussion on this list is free and OPEN. Biofuels is a broad-ranging 
subect. It's an international list with members from many different 
cultures and more than a hundred countries, and their views of what 
is on- or off-topic vary widely. "Politics" is NOT off-topic - some 
recent views on this from list members:

> > What on earth does this have to do with biofuels?
>A lot more than one might think off the cuff, especially when it comes to
>who makes the decisions that let you run biofuel on a roadway or not.


>The problem you run into ... is that Biodiesel and Ethanol represent MUCH
>MUCH more than transesterified WVO and C2H5OH.
>It represents FREEDOM.  And THAT my friend, is a political statement.  Like
>it or not.
>Whether or not a country's a "democracy" .. or a "republic" .. or a
>"socialistic country" .. may not be of interest to you now.  Purhaps so.
>But let me tell you .. it will ... sooner or later.   When you try to brew
>Ethanol .. and the ATF starts to give you a "weird ... unseen hassle" 
>"seemingly trying to shut you down".Or when you try to make biodiesel
>... and you go "what da hell??" .. when you find out that "it's illegal" to
>"transport non-edible vegetable oil".   When it "seems"  ... "as though" ...
>" the oil companies don't want YOU .. yes YOU (personally) ... as one of
>their competitions.   And you start feeling like a "Netscape" who's up
>against a "Microsoft".
>When you get past the casual experimentation .. and get into the actual
>"production" and START DECLARING YOUR FREEDOM... don't worry ... the
>politics of the whole biofuel deal WILL become apparent to you.


>The problems are compounded by many years of fundamentally flawed 
>energy policy, and that's the reason why this discussion BELONGS on 
>a biofuels list.


>Political discussion is VITAL to the future of biofuels.


>For a copy of our anti-war/biodiesel alternatives factsheet, please see:

Etc etc etc - this is the majority view here. Those calling for 
restrictions are a tiny minority - small but loud; if we did it their 
way the majority would be deprived. Keeping the discussions open 
deprives nobody and prevents nothing - directly on-topic biofuels 
discussions continue unhindered all the while. If people have 
problems with clogged email inboxes, they should learn how to use 
filters - essential to using any email lists, not just this one. For 
more info see:

Some posts are definitely off-topic by any measure, but those posting 
them know it and seldom stray too far. List members are mature people 
and do not need nannying by topic-cops. Anyway, such digressions 
quite often lead to discussion that's very much on-topic and would 
not otherwise have arisen.




Finally, re the two links at the bottom of every message you receive, these:

>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Biofuels list archives:

The first is a premier source of small-scale  biofuels information on 
the Web. The second is a treasure house of  information on all 
aspects of biofuels, especially biodiesel - it  contains 23,000 
messages over the last three years, many of them from leaders in the 
field worldwide. It is an independent archives, not Yahoo's, provided 
and  maintained by list member Martin Klingensmith, with powerful, 
fast  and efficient searching, and no ads.

If you have biofuels questions, go ahead and ask, if there's 
something you want to discuss, nothing's stopping you, if you have 
information to offer please do so.

Best wishes

Keith Addison
List owner

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Re: [biofuel] Oil Imports

2003-04-21 Thread Hakan Falk

Hi Dave,

You have it in the BP reports,




Sorry that I do not have time to find the exact
place now, but you have some breakdown of oil
movements in the report.


At 01:35 AM 4/21/2003 +, you wrote:
>Can someone please tell me where I can find a breakdown of US oil
>imports by percentage?
>Thank you,
>Dave Lusher

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Re: [biofuel] Bringing democracy to Sweden

2003-04-21 Thread Hakan Falk


Yes, but it was a question more meant to get Steve to
understand what a democracy is. That all of the below
are parliamentary democracies with different kind of
system. Monarchy or Republic, does not necessary
exclude that the country or federation is "ruled by the
people". How good the different systems are, is an other
issue. At the end, it all boils down to distribution of power
and vulnerability to manipulation. In an increasingly
complicated world, the right decisions also becomes
more difficult to make.


At 08:34 PM 4/20/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>  Hi Hakan,
>  Is this what you meant?
> > What is UK then?
> constitutional monarchy.*
> The country is a parliamentary democratic monarchy.**
> > What is Canada then?
> confederation with parliamentary democracy.*
> The country is a federal parliamentary democratic state with the
> British queen as monarch.**
> > What is Australia then?
> democratic, federal-state system recognizing the British monarch as 
> sovereign.*
> The country is a federal parliamentary democratic state with the 
> British queen as monarch.**
> > What is Spain then?
> parliamentary monarchy.*
> The country is a federal parliamentary democratic monarchy.**
> > What is Sweden then?
> constitutional monarchy.*
> The country is a parliamentary democratic monarchy.**
> > What is France then?
> republic.*
> The country is a semi-presidential democrayic republic.**
> > What is Germany then?
> federal republic.*
> The country is a federal parliamentary democratic republic.**
> > What is Switzerland then?
> federal republic.*
> The country is a federal parliamentary democratic republic.**
>  And the USA?
> federal republic; strong democratic tradition.*
> The United States are a federal presidential democratic republic.**
>  *  http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/fields/2128.html
>  ** http://www.electionworld.org/election/parties.htm
> >
> > I am very interested in your definitions of above countries.
> >
> > Hakan
> > >A democracy is mob rule. A republic is democracy with a constitution that
> > >specifies what limits the mob has. our 3 way system of government is 
> set up
> > >with checks and balances that prevent any one group from over ruling the
> > >rights of others. It's quite simple in a complex way. It works for us.
> > >
> > >
> > >Steve Spence

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[biofuel] Stats

2003-04-21 Thread Eliseu Angelo

Does anyone have an idea about the amount of vegetable oil used by 
KFC, McDonalds, etc ? - Do they trow it away ? - Can we ask them for 
it ?

And what is the Methanol cost in europe ?



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Re: [biofuel] toyota petition

2003-04-21 Thread Alan Petrillo

Sam Clarkson wrote:
> Okay,
> I didn't mean to offend anyone-
> so there are vw defenders out there, please, don't take it as an assault,
> perhaps VW makes the best car in the world-
> perhaps the U.S. market would NOT be enhanced by more options
> I'm going to put a deposit on a jetta wagon next week, bc  vw is the 
> only option in the u.s, and this is the last year we can buy them in CA

Yet another good reason to _not_ live in California, IMHO.

> Is this right?
> is this competition?

No, and no, respectively.

> would it hurt to call toyota even if you love your VW more than life?
> if you don't feel like calling, here's an easy online petition by a 
> toyota 4x4 club.
> http://www.petitiononline.com/ifs/

The thrust of this line seems to be getting Toyota to keep solid axles 
and gear driven transfer cases.  The diesel stuff seems to be an 

My comment on that issue is that one should not assume solid axles are 
any particularly more reliable than independent suspension.  Same for 
gear driven transfer cases.

> U.S. diesel options=more bio rigs on the market=less fossil fuel 
> consumption=less war=fewer dead people.

And whether the powers that be like it or not, if people really want 
diesel vehicles they will have them, one way or another.

> if you feel like it, call toyota's comment line:
> I am not a toyota salesman, though I would probably make more money if I 
> were
>   toyota's  comment # is
> 1800 331 4331
> ask them for U.S. Diesel options
> it is easy

It's a good idea.  Toyota builds good diesels, and I'd like to see them 
in the US again.  If enough consumers request it then perhaps it'll 
happen.  It's a matter of demand and money, because before Toyota can 
bring a diesel model into the US again they're going to have to clear it 
with DOT and EPA.


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Re: [biofuel] Make it comfortable for real people

2003-04-21 Thread Hakan Falk

I am re-posting as below, the call for comments on,

Make it comfortable for real People

I for one understand the upheaval that the current world
events have on a humanitarian list like this one. I would
however appreciate comments on the above link and you
can also send them to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


At 02:37 AM 4/20/2003 +0200, you wrote:

>Hi all,
>I am working on "Thermal Building Codes for developing countries"
>and in the process revamping some pages on our site. If anyone
>is interested and want to give comments, here is a link to
>Make it comfortable for real People
>It does have relevance to biofuels, since some energy efficiency
>make it so much easier to move to alternative energy sources.

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Re: [biofuel] Re: Positions in biodiesel sales

2003-04-21 Thread Hakan Falk

Dear Karus,

We have tried to get through to the Californians with,


Maybe it will be of some interest for you. The official
advices on energy saving are still to lower/rise temperatures
and to shut down HVAC in offices during non office hours.
This way they ensure the occurrence of high peak demands
in predictable time periods.


At 03:23 PM 4/19/2003 -0700, you wrote:

>I have some comments regarding my fellow citizen's comments from Dallas,
>Texas, but first I'd like to say that this list is fantastic and very
>I'm a grad student in California trying to move into renewable energy
>production.  As a research scientist I KNOW that the technologies are
>totally feasible - biodiesel, ethanol, photovoltaics, wind - and I also
>know that California gets 25% of its oil from Iraq (pre-war).  So it is
>(unfortunately) a political issue - if it wasn't, California would have
>switched to renewables entirely about 25 years ago - no fossil fuels
>whatsoever.  So I completely appreciate the 'political' posts as well as
>the technical ones, and I'm sure as hell not going to give up my
>citizenship and leave the state!  Some of my fellow citizens apparently
>don't understand the fact that the only reason we have any rights in the
>US is because people fought for them for hundreds of years.  Leave the
>country?  I think not.
>In any case, what we are going to do in California is do what should have
>been done 25 years ago- completely switch to renewable energy sources.
>There are about a thousand entrenched obstacles, but we really have no
>other choice.  There are thousands of people in California that are
>behind this approach, from all levels of society.  We are going to build
>ethanol and biodiesel processing plants, using local agriculture, we are
>going to build and manufacture solar arrays and wind turbines, and anyone
>with the necessary skills can participate.  Everyone I talk to has had
>enough of the energy barons and the ripoffs - see Greg Palast's chapter on
>"California Reamin'" in his new book for the details.  We want no part of
>the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Ashcroft junta and their dreams of world
>conquest.  What do they worry about most?  Losing control of the energy
>supply - which is what renewable, dispersed energy means to them, which is
>why the first thing they did was to slash the renewable research budget.
>Yes, the propaganda is piled on thick here - see www.dieoff.org for a
>cleverly disguised example.  The theme of this site is that we (in the US)
>are going to die a horrible death of energy starvation unless we grab the
>world's oilsince only an idiot would trust solar energy and
>biofuels to 'do the job'This is high-brow propaganda - for more
>examples, see www.luntzspeak.com, and then try doing a Google search for
>'luntzspeak'- is that a first?  Is that really censorship on Google?  I
>hope its just technical.
>GW BUSH Luntzspeak:
>"I'm proposing 1.2 billion in research funding so that America can lead
>the world in developing clean, hydrogen-powered automobiles...The first
>car driven by a child born today could be powered by hydrogen, and
>GW BUSH English translation: "The Big 3 automakers have fought for decades
>against fuel efficiency.  But, its the State of the Union, and I need a
>way to look green.  By 'proposing' research funding, I can put off any
>real emissions reductions for years."
>Anyhow, this list is great.  Best wishes, Karus Solem

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[biofuel] Re: Stats

2003-04-21 Thread girl_mark_fire

--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, "Eliseu Angelo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone have an idea about the amount of vegetable oil used by 
> KFC, McDonalds, etc ? - Do they trow it away ? - Can we ask them 
> it ?
In the US  I think there's a 50-gallon or more (75 gallon?) container 
standard for waste oil behind KFC and McD. Sometimes its bigger. They 
put out a lot of contaminated and disgusting oil.  They'll give it to 
you, and sometimes you can just walk back to the container and take 
it without asking too.

I wouldn't make biodiesel out of McDonalds oil.l When you go back 
there and look you'll understand why- it's NASTYY 
fast food restaurant oil is generally poor quality. Several KFC's 
I've looked at had better oil than other fast food places for some 
reason. KFC's oil IS hydrogenated- somewhat solid- and it is probably 
pretty full of chicken fat.

> And what is the Methanol cost in europe ?
> Thank's
> EA

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[biofuel] Re: Oil Imports

2003-04-21 Thread k5farms

the data is a few clicks down, under imports-exports petr.
but the whole page has some good links

> >Can someone please tell me where I can find a breakdown of US oil
> >imports by percentage?
> >
> >Thank you,
> >
> >Dave Lusher
> >

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[biofuel] more biodiesel versus gas emissions comparison info

2003-04-21 Thread girl mark

Hi all,
there's an interesting thread on biodieselnow.com's forums (didn't know 
there was this forum, huh?) about comparisons of emissions. It's a long 
read and it's a lot of good links, as well as lots of subjective opinions 
of course. They were trying to answer questions about 'what pollutes more, 
a Prius hybrid or a new tdi running B100?'

here it is:

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[biofuel] New concepts about mass and energy, light, ether waves etc.

2003-04-21 Thread JOSEPH GEORGE



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2003-04-21 Thread girl mark



Last Friday the California Public Utilities Commission voted 3-2 to defeat 
the solar exit fees and support President Peevey's proposal to exempt all 
renewable energy from these fees as well as 3000 megawatts of distributed 
generation capacity.

This is a tremendous victory which clears the way for the continued rapid 
growth of renewable energy in California and beyond.

  Thank you to those of you who responded by emailing your views to the 
PUC. The 7,000 emails sent in to the PUC on behalf of protecting renewable 
energy were critical to this success.

Special thanks to Greenpeace, Environment California, Powershift, CC 
Energy, Next Generation, California Solar Center, Solar Buzz, the Solar 
Energy Industry Association, PV Now, Moveon.org, several California 
municipalities, and others in this effort.

With policy makers, we should work just as hard to reward good decisions as 
to discourage bad ones. Please take a moment to email the Commissioners and 
thank them for encouraging the growth of solar energy by exempting solar 
from exit fees.

  Emails may be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[biofuels-biz] more biodiesel versus gas emissions comparison info

2003-04-21 Thread girl mark

Hi all,
there's an interesting thread on biodieselnow.com's forums (didn't know 
there was this forum, huh?) about comparisons of emissions. It's a long 
read and it's a lot of good links, as well as lots of subjective opinions 
of course. They were trying to answer questions about 'what pollutes more, 
a Prius hybrid or a new tdi running B100?'

here it is:

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