Re: [Biofuel] Dualistic thinking

2004-10-20 Thread Jennifer Doty

Amen!  Very profound, very acurate, very much in touch..  now where do
we go from here?  Age old question, has any one really ever reached the
answer?   Yes or no; did we listen, will we hear it, can we comprehend and
follow?   If not, what is to become of the human race?  Humans are destined
to repeat the mistakes of history, until we have learned from them.  Will
the human race surrvive that long? -- JRD

 The Tragedy of the Idealist
 by Bob Wallace

 Before he was executed, Adolf Eichmann was asked to explain his actions.
 I was an idealist, he said.  An idealist, one whose moral compasses
 were spinning madly.  Perhaps all idealists, in greater or lesser degree,
 have such compasses.  The Nazis and the Communists were idealists, as are
 the greenies who blow up SUV dealerships and drive spikes into trees.  To
 them, they are right; everyone who disagrees with them is not merely
 wrong, but evil.  To them, there is no continuum from right to wrong.
 Everything is black or white.

 All of them considered themselves to be idealists, ones doing good,
 even if the sacrifice of other people's lives for their version of that
 greater good was, in their minds, necessary.  Perhaps the sacrifice of
 other people is an inevitable part of that combination of idealism and
 force, which seeks a perfection on earth.  The thought that they are
 doing wrong, if it flits across their minds at all, does so only briefly.
  The self-righteous -- innocents all -- can barely conceive of any ill
 coming from their actions.

 Superficially it's a disturbing thought that more people have died
 throughout history from conscious idealism than from evil.  Yet,
 people like Stalin, who wanted to create the perfect New Soviet Man,
 and Hitler, who desired a god-like Master Race, ended up with tens of
 millions of their citizens dead.  The worst evil serial killer in the
 world is but a drop in a lake compared to the idealism of a Pol Pot or
 Stalin or Hitler.

 So, on a deeper level, it isn't too terribly surprising that the
 idealistic desire for a perfect world, one rid of evil, has led to the
 catastrophes that it has.

 Fundamentally, Bush and the late Osama bin Laden share much in common.
 Both are idealists, and their idealism, fanatics.  And in their
 fanaticism and idealism, they divide the world into absolute and mutually
 exclusive categories of Good and Evil, with nothing in between.  They
 seek by force to impose their vision of perfection on the world, no
 matter how many innocent people get swept away.

 I don't do nuance, said the modern-day Manichee George Bush.  And when
 you're trying to lead the world in a war that I view as really between
 the forces of good and the forces of evil, you got to speak clearly.
 There can't be any doubt . . . [O] ur goal is to defeat terror by staying
 on the offensive, destroying terrorist networks and spreading freedom and
 liberty around the world.  Put simply, he wishes to destroy evil and
 replace it with his version of perfection.

 Osama bin Laden, another Manichee, didn't do nuance with the Great
 Satan, either.  He was pretty clear about his idea of who was good and
 who was evil, and whose vision should be imposed on the world and whose
 shouldn't.  He, too, wished to destroy evil and impose in its place his
 version of perfection.

 Wrote Bruce Bartlett, in the New York Times Magazine: ''This is why
 George W. Bush is so clear-eyed about Al Qaeda and the Islamic
 fundamentalist enemy.  He believes you have to kill them all.  They can't
 be persuaded, that they're extremists, driven by a dark vision.  He
 understands them, because he's just like them . . . . 

 The Manichees, heretics, supposedly died out over a thousand years ago.
 But they live on, in the soul of everyone who believes that people can be
 put into neat categories of Good and Evil.  And those defined as evil
 must be eradicated.

 The most striking principle of Manichee theology is its dualism, notes
 the Wikipedia article on Manicheism.  The universe is considered a
 battlefield for control between an evil material god, and a good
 spiritual god.  Christians recognized the evil god in Satan but, of
 course, could not accept the idea that Satan had as much power as
 Jehovah.  Christians held that Satan, unlike God, is a created being.
 The term Manichaeistic is often used to describe any religion with a
 similar concept of struggle between good and evil.

 The 20th Century was the Century of the Manichee.  Those false religions
 known as Communism and Nazism -- Manichee to the core.  And if they did
 not consider their opponents to be as strong as they were, why did they
 feel it necessary to attempt to slaughter them to extinction?  Why would
 George Bush use the phrases the forces of good and the forces of evil
 as if they were equal to each other?

 And therein lies the problem with the modern-day Manichee: anyone who is
 on the receiving end of that term, evil, will be lucky if he escapes

Re: [Biofuel] 2004 election voter guide

2004-10-20 Thread Jennifer Doty


Your misguided attempts to distort truths, and make Bush seem like a good
guy, do offend me.  Nothing could be more anti Christian then the current
Bush administration, inspite of what he says on TV.  Actions speak so much
louder than empty words.  Also,  I don't think being intolerant is truly
Christian.  That is just what the religious right wing conservatives want
you to believe.  Re- read the New Testaments, Jesus would not disown certain
groups of people just because they are different, or because they made
choices that may be hard for others to understand.  I don't understand how
Bush can claim to be pro life when he has caused a war which has slaughterer
thousands of innocent people.  Banning partial birth abortions is silly
anyway, no self respecting doctor would perform such a thing unless the life
of the mother was in jeopardy.  And please tell me when did the government
become expert on what takes Doctors YEARS to study, learn, and practice.  I
do not want my government placing orders and restrictions on what my doctors
can do to protect my health.  Please read below:

Gary Vance | Wasn't Jesus A Liberal?

Published on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 by
Wasn't Jesus A Liberal?
by Gary Vance
  Liberalism has been under assault for years now. The battering of this
grand political philosophy has altered the contemporary definition of
liberal to the point that Conservatives use it as a profane word. They use
it to paint a political opponent as anti-God and anti-American. It has
gotten to the point that moderate and liberal Christians are afraid to be
open about their political leanings. Sadly, it even affects their conscience
and choices as they enter the voting booth. This is particularly troubling
to me as a Christian evangelical minister who loves America.
Liberalism as defined by Webster's Third New International Dictionary: a
political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of
man, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for tolerance and
freedom for the individual from arbitrary authority in all spheres of life.

I am not sure why anyone would feel threatened by Liberalism as defined by
the dictionary. They are apparently unaware or simply refuse to acknowledge
the long history of liberals who have labored for the betterment of society
and the furthering of God's Kingdom.

The labor movement of the early twentieth century was aided significantly
when major Christian denominations got behind it. No average American would
have a fair wage today if it weren't for liberal Christians and labor
activists. Liberal Christians and civil rights activists fought and still
fight against conservative America for racial equality. Child labor laws
were enacted because liberals fought for them. Medicare and Social Security
exist today because of Liberalism. Bleeding heart liberals have long
advocated for the homeless, the hungry, the less fortunate, and the
disenfranchised. The women of America owe liberals a big thank you for their
almost equal rights. Tree hugging liberals fight for clean air and water
standards instead of favoring industrial polluters and short term
profiteering that destroy God's green earth.

Liberals believe in affordable health care for all U.S. citizens. They also
believe in higher taxes for the rich and lower taxes for the middle class
and the poor. Liberals love their spouses and children. Liberals faithfully
attend their churches to worship God. Liberals love America and hate
terrorism and have proved it by fighting in every war for this country.
Liberals come in all shapes, sizes, and color. They are found in the ranks
of Protestants, Catholics, Jews, agnostics, and atheists.

Conservative Republican policies generally favor the wealthy and ignore the
needs of the poor. Their policies are so often greed-driven, with no concern
for the environmental or societal consequences for their exploitive actions.
Jesus plainly taught that the love of money is the root of all evil. So,
Christians can go after the various fruit of sin in our society, but they
won't see the real change for the better until the axe is laid to the root.
Christians should oppose greed-driven policies as a primary point of
political concern.

I am sick of reading letters to the editor and editorials that paint
Democrats and liberals as anti-God and anti-American and that portray
conservative Republicans as the only true Christian patriots. We know that
many Democrats are pro-choice and many support gay issues and this troubles
most evangelicals. Democrats also support causes that should be of Christian
concern that go untouched by Republicans. I have listed some in the above
paragraphs. True prophetic vision sees that there is great need for
repentance on the left and the right. The effects of powerful lobbyists,
special interest groups, greed and corruption abound on both sides of the
aisles of Congress. God 

Re: [Biofuel] 2004 election voter guide

2004-10-20 Thread Jennifer Doty

I am glad to hear that.  I believe that most people on this list are
intelligent enough to not carry those same views.  What is sad is that half
of America is not that smart.  They don't see the truth in front of them,
and choose to remain ignorant.  They call it patriotism, I call it stupid.
It is no wonder why the US is becoming the laughing stock of the world.  We
used to tell dumb Pollock jokes, now every one else is telling dumb
American jokes.  It is not a good thing.

- Original Message - 
From: Jonathan Schearer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 2004 election voter guide

 Jennifer, in a previous message, Terry states that he did not write the
initial voter guide.  He merely passed along a message that has been on the
internet.  Jonathan Schearer.

 Jennifer Doty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Terry,

 Your misguided attempts to distort truths, and make Bush seem like a good
 guy, do offend me. Nothing could be more anti Christian then the current
 Bush administration, inspite of what he says on TV. Actions speak so much
 louder than empty words. Also, I don't think being intolerant is truly
 Christian. That is just what the religious right wing conservatives want
 you to believe. Re- read the New Testaments, Jesus would not disown
 groups of people just because they are different, or because they made
 choices that may be hard for others to understand. I don't understand how
 Bush can claim to be pro life when he has caused a war which has
 thousands of innocent people. Banning partial birth abortions is silly
 anyway, no self respecting doctor would perform such a thing unless the
 of the mother was in jeopardy. And please tell me when did the government
 become expert on what takes Doctors YEARS to study, learn, and practice. I
 do not want my government placing orders and restrictions on what my
 can do to protect my health. Please read below:

 Gary Vance | Wasn't Jesus A Liberal?

 Published on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 by
 Wasn't Jesus A Liberal?
 by Gary Vance
 Liberalism has been under assault for years now. The battering of this
 grand political philosophy has altered the contemporary definition of
 liberal to the point that Conservatives use it as a profane word. They use
 it to paint a political opponent as anti-God and anti-American. It has
 gotten to the point that moderate and liberal Christians are afraid to be
 open about their political leanings. Sadly, it even affects their
 and choices as they enter the voting booth. This is particularly troubling
 to me as a Christian evangelical minister who loves America.
 Liberalism as defined by Webster's Third New International Dictionary: a
 political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness
 man, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for tolerance and
 freedom for the individual from arbitrary authority in all spheres of

 I am not sure why anyone would feel threatened by Liberalism as defined by
 the dictionary. They are apparently unaware or simply refuse to
 the long history of liberals who have labored for the betterment of
 and the furthering of God's Kingdom.

 The labor movement of the early twentieth century was aided significantly
 when major Christian denominations got behind it. No average American
 have a fair wage today if it weren't for liberal Christians and labor
 activists. Liberal Christians and civil rights activists fought and still
 fight against conservative America for racial equality. Child labor laws
 were enacted because liberals fought for them. Medicare and Social
 exist today because of Liberalism. Bleeding heart liberals have long
 advocated for the homeless, the hungry, the less fortunate, and the
 disenfranchised. The women of America owe liberals a big thank you for
 almost equal rights. Tree hugging liberals fight for clean air and water
 standards instead of favoring industrial polluters and short term
 profiteering that destroy God's green earth.

 Liberals believe in affordable health care for all U.S. citizens. They
 believe in higher taxes for the rich and lower taxes for the middle class
 and the poor. Liberals love their spouses and children. Liberals
 attend their churches to worship God. Liberals love America and hate
 terrorism and have proved it by fighting in every war for this country.
 Liberals come in all shapes, sizes, and color. They are found in the ranks
 of Protestants, Catholics, Jews, agnostics, and atheists.

 Conservative Republican policies generally favor the wealthy and ignore
 needs of the poor. Their policies are so often greed-driven, with no
 for the environmental or societal consequences for their exploitive
 Jesus plainly taught that the love of money is the root of all

Re: [Biofuel] Cellulosic Ethanol -was: US Minnesota Fuels Plan

2004-10-07 Thread Jennifer Doty


Please tell me more, or tell me where to read up and learn more about this
new processing.  I am very interested in ethanol production, and I work for
a well renown NMR research facility.  The idea of using magnetic and
electric fields is huge, if it can work well.  How could I get involved in
this research?  Thank you -- JRD  (Jennifer R. Doty)

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 10:54 PM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Cellulosic Ethanol -was: US Minnesota Fuels Plan

 Hello MH,

 We are also experimenting with an optional alternative to acid based
 processing via another processing innovation (fluid through electric and
 magnetic fields--and this is very experimental.  A previous study done
 in New York published on glucose release from cellulosic material via
 the big bad use of irradiation.  So now we are considering trials with
 alternating fields.  Actually the device is our own water-cleaning
 apparatus that has proved 5 log reduction in microbes in a stream of
 water.  So, I'm not real sure about your statement about acid
 hydrolysis.  There are many steps and innovations involved.  Please
 qualify your question.  I see my message as encouragement for
 alternative biomass feedstock, alternative biomass processing
 techniques, and alternative ways to address concerns while bolstering
 rural economic development.  It seems to me that Keith's post today
 highlighting Argentina's decline in individual and small community
 interests is a good example of what not to do.

 We don't want to immobilize and invigorate the masses.  We want to
 encourage farmers to consider their alternatives.  We also think that it
 is possible to just say no when faced with options that are not earth
 friendly.  The masses live in cities and absorb media and become fat.
 (Obesity--National Geographic lead article from a couple of months ago.)
 The masses have been taught to be gluttonous by advertising and parental
 indulgence.  Self-sufficiency by my standards includes community
 cooperation.   Who do I want to invigorate???  People who can make a
 difference and the people who take the time to participate in this
 Internet exchange are a good starting point.
 Thanks for the email.  You make us think, and that is good.
 Best wishes,

 Subject: [Biofuel] Cellulosic Ethanol -was: US Minnesota Fuels Plan

Governor Pawlenty Announces Plans to
Double Ethanol Level in Gasoline and
Reduce State Gasoline Consumption by 50% --
Sep 27, 2004
~ Plan also includes greater use of hybrid vehicles ~

  Good luck Gov.  However, we hope to change the fuel ethanol business
  be total biomass production and not based on an expensive food crop.
  And the existing corn producers are doing a great job with their
  products.  We salute them and look forward to joining forces toward a
  united effort.  And its also fine for them to call their state the
  capital just as long as they don't regulate or control the others.
  Examples are good.  We too expect to be an excellent example only by
  having many small units in operation.  The current processing plants
  HUGE and really pump out a substantial amount of fuel.  Good job!  The
  state's real goal, however, it to attract government research money,
  if the US government follows their current tact, they will limit
  production to projects centered on grains.  The money powers in the
  seem to have a kind of tunnel vision when it comes to innovation.
  have a twenty-year plan.  How's that for stiffening creativity?  It
  means supporting those that are entrenched in the system allowing
  room for new ideas or expansion.  Being a center could mean keeping
  money for personal projects that tend to be focused on that state's
  agenda.  Well, no offense meant for the good work being done.  I'd
  like to see the money power look around a bit more and stop trying to
  promote their cush researchers to always be included in remote
  projects.  By insisting that they stay involved, they also require a
  stake in the project thereby keeping control of future expansion,
  funding, and the future of biofuels.  I'm sure that everyone knows by
  now that our group focuses on community cooperative efforts
  bootstrapping themselves from their own resources.  And many non-food
  crops can be exceedingly productive as feedstock for fuel ethanol.
  Best wishes,

  From my understanding you want to mobilize and invigorate
  the masses using your acid based cellulosic ethanol fuel,

  What was the subject line used to describe this process
  as well as personal cost for this endeavor?
 Biofuel mailing list

 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Re: [Biofuel] We're Not in Lake Wobegon Anymore

2004-09-27 Thread Jennifer Doty

simply perfectly correct -- JRD 

 We're Not in Lake Wobegon Anymore
 By Garrison Keillor
 Something  has gone seriously haywire with the Republican Party. Once,
 it  was the party of pragmatic Main Street businessmen in steel-rimmed
 spectacles  who  decried  profligacy  and waste, were devoted to their
 communities  and  supported  the  sort  of  prosperity that raises all
 ships.  They  were  good-hearted  people  who  vanquished the gnarlier
 elements  of  their  party,  the  paranoid  Roosevelt-haters, the flat
 Earthers  and  Prohibitionists,  the antipapist antiforeigner element.
 The genial Eisenhower was their man, a genuine American hero of D-Day,
 who  made  it  OK for reasonable people to vote Republican. He brought
 the Korean War to a stalemate, produced the Interstate Highway System,
 declined  to rescue the French colonial army in Vietnam, and gave us a
 period  of  peace  and  prosperity, in which (oddly) American arts and
 letters  flourished  and  higher  education  burgeoned and there was a
 degree  of  plain  decency  in  the  country. Fifties Republicans were
 giants  compared  to  today's.  Richard  Nixon was the last Republican
 leader to feel a Christian obligation toward the poor.
 In  the  years  between  Nixon  and  Newt Gingrich, the party migrated
 southward  down the Twisting Trail of Rhetoric and sneered at the idea
 of  public  service  and  became  the Scourge of Liberalism, the Great
 Crusade  Against  the Sixties, the Death Star of Government, a gang of
 pirates  that  diverted  and  fascinated  the  media  by  their  sheer
 chutzpah,  such  as  the  misty-eyed flag-waving of Ronald Reagan who,
 while  George  McGovern  flew bombers in World War II, took a pass and
 made  training  films  in Long Beach. The Nixon moderate vanished like
 the  passenger  pigeon, purged by a legion of angry white men who rose
 to  power  on  pure  punk politics. Bipartisanship is another term of
 date rape. says Grover Norquist, the Sid Vicious of the GOP. I don't
 want  to  abolish  government.  I simply want to reduce it to the size
 where  I  can  drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.
 The boy has Oedipal problems and government is his daddy.
 The  party of Lincoln and Liberty was transmogrified into the party of
 hairy-backed   swamp  developers  and  corporate  shills,  faith-based
 economists,   fundamentalist   bullies   with  Bibles,  Christians  of
 convenience,  freelance  racists,  misanthropic  frat  boys, shrieking
 midgets  of AM radio, tax cheats, nihilists in golf pants, brownshirts
 in  pinstripes,  sweatshop  tycoons,  hacks, fakirs, aggressive dorks,
 Lamborghini libertarians, people who believe Neil Armstrong's moonwalk
 was  filmed in Roswell, New Mexico, little honkers out to diminish the
 rest  of  us,  Newt's  evil spawn and their Etch-A-Sketch president, a
 dull  and  rigid man suspicious of the free flow of information and of
 secular  institutions,  whose  philosophy is a jumble of badly sutured
 body  parts  trying  to walk. Republicans: The No.1 reason the rest of
 the world thinks we're deaf, dumb and dangerous.
 Rich  ironies  abound! Lies pop up like toadstools in the forest! Wild
 swine crowd round the public trough! Outrageous gerrymandering! Pocket
 lining  on  a massive scale! Paid lobbyists sit in committee rooms and
 write   legislation   to  alleviate  the  suffering  of  billionaires!
 Hypocrisies shine like cat turds in the moonlight! O Mark Twain, where
 art  thou  at  this hour? Arise and behold the Gilded Age reincarnated
 gaudier  than  ever, upholding great wealth as the sure sign of Divine
 Here  in  2004, George W. Bush is running for reelection on a platform
 of  tragedy. The  single  greatest  failure of national defense in our
 history, the attacks of 9/11 in which 19 men with box cutters put this
 nation into a tailspin, a failure the details of which the White House
 fought  to  keep secret even as it ran the country into hock up to the
 hubcaps,  thanks  to  generous  tax cuts for the well-fixed, hoping to
 lead  us  into  a  box  canyon  of  debt  that  will render government
 impotent,  even as we engage in a war against a small country that was
 undertaken  for  the president's personal satisfaction but sold to the
 American  public  on  the  basis of brazen misinformation, a war whose
 purpose  is  to distract us from an enormous transfer of wealth taking
 place  in  this  country, flowing upward, and the deception is working
 The  concentration  of wealth and power in the hands of the few is the
 death  knell  of democracy. No republic in the history of humanity has
 survived  this.  The  election  of  2004 will say something about what
 happens to ours. The omens are not good.
 Our  beloved  land  has  been fogged with fear, the greatest political
 strategy  ever.  An  ominous  silence,  distant  sirens, a drumbeat of
 whispered  warnings  and  alarms to keep the public 

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Moderator's message

2004-09-23 Thread Jennifer Doty

Thank you Buck,

It is nice to find common ground with other normal folks.  There are so many
uninformed rednecks in this part of South Carolina, and it is nice to belong
to a group of educated, thinking people who also know that there is more
to intellect than proper spelling and grammar.   I am amazed daily at so
called normal, average folks who can spell integrity, honesty, independent
thinking, sound judgment, etc. but, do not know how to apply it to their
daily lives.  Then are too proud to ask questions and learn how.  Maybe I am
just in a bad mood today.  Oh well, life continues..   By the way, I am
lucky that my spell checker does catch most of my mistakes before my emails
go out if not, you would really see what I mean!---  JRD

- Original Message - 
From: Buck Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Moderator's message

 hi jennifer,immm also multib;e personality,)not really) so i alwlasy have
 someone to talk to but just not right now,,, wevee had aaan arugment and
 not speaking  bawaa hahahah,laughingg like a loon,, jenniferr
 can talk to meee anytime no matter whicha part of the sweing you are
 im not laughinnn at oanyone, i am inviting anyone to have a laugh with me,
 on me for if we can lajgh, perhaps we dont have to cry just
 kup , bpck,

 From: Jennifer Doty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Moderator's message
 Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 09:20:46 -0400
 Ah, yes.  I do understand the world of Bi- Polar.  Such a blessing, such
 curse, wonderful mood swings, irrational motivations, etc.  I've been a
 diagnosed manic depressive since age 16, but I take comfort in the fact
 most genesis have a mental illness.  I know I am no genesis, my spelling
 worse than Buck's, but I am in good company. - JRD
   Yes, I change, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse, that
   part of the nature of being Bi-Polar.That is part of who I am.
   list can not accept me for who I am and what positive things I can
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Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-23 Thread Jennifer Doty

I believe you are right in many ways.  It is kind of scary.  You know
history repeats itself, and  humans are destined to repeat their mistakes
until they learn from them.  Much of America is so  busy defending our every
action and reaction, that we do not learn from our mistakes, or change our
ways of dealing with important issues.  We are destined to keep repeating
mistakes made in history, as long as we remain so stubborn and proud.  We
have to be willing to say Hey, we did not handle this right, how can we do
this better or Hey, this was not right when so and so did it, so why do
we think we have the right to act this way?  Yet as a nation we are too
proud.  This blind patriotism is thought from day one in kindergarten, the
only way to combat this type thinking is to change the way we are teaching
our children to think.  If our teachers could tell their students it is more
important to be honest, accountable, fair, rather than patriotic, then
perhaps in twenty years we could see a difference in America, American
Politics, and eventually in world events.  But far too many people are
Proud to be and American.  I am proud to be and American, but I am more
proud to be a world citizen, a human, and a child of God.  Christian,
Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, etc. whatever faith you follow, we all eventually
pray to the same God.  These are far more important than being an
American. --  JRD


 You said in your email below:
 I fear we may be heading in the same direction as pre
 WWII Germany

 We ARE ALREADY down that path.  And it involves far
 more than Bush. It's about American world domination
 for which Bush is just a current advocate.


 --- Jennifer Doty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Allan,
Not so long ago, people around the world were
  concerned about the spread
of Communism. We looked to Moscow and hoped the
  next Russian leader
be a moderate, not one of the old-guard
  intelligence community
hard-liners, prone to de-stabilizing and
  invading strategic territory
abroad, while cracking down on personal freedoms
  at home.
   Substitute American Imperialism for Communism
  and Washington for
   Moscow and you then have the real reason for
  defeating Bush.
   on either end of the spectrum are bad for the
  country they are in as well
   the rest of the world, and Bush is a perfect
  example of American
   at their worst.  As someone who truly is a
  centrist, I can not see how
   anyone who would support the current regime could
  call themselves anything
   but a right wing extremist, if they have any clue
  of what's really going
   Of course, those who rely on Fox News for all of
  their information are
   simply misinformed, but there is enough evidence
  of reality out there for
   even them to know that they are choosing to remain
  that way.  Just my
  It is so sad that people choose to remain ignorant,
  and call it patriotism.
  I fear we may be heading in the same direction as
  pre WWII Germany  -  JRD

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Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-15 Thread Jennifer Doty


  Hi Allan,
  Not so long ago, people around the world were concerned about the spread
  of Communism. We looked to Moscow and hoped the next Russian leader
  be a moderate, not one of the old-guard intelligence community
  hard-liners, prone to de-stabilizing and invading strategic territory
  abroad, while cracking down on personal freedoms at home.
 Substitute American Imperialism for Communism and Washington for
 Moscow and you then have the real reason for defeating Bush.
 on either end of the spectrum are bad for the country they are in as well
 the rest of the world, and Bush is a perfect example of American
 at their worst.  As someone who truly is a centrist, I can not see how
 anyone who would support the current regime could call themselves anything
 but a right wing extremist, if they have any clue of what's really going
 Of course, those who rely on Fox News for all of their information are
 simply misinformed, but there is enough evidence of reality out there for
 even them to know that they are choosing to remain that way.  Just my


It is so sad that people choose to remain ignorant, and call it patriotism.
I fear we may be heading in the same direction as pre WWII Germany  -  JRD

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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Moderator's message

2004-09-15 Thread Jennifer Doty

Ah, yes.  I do understand the world of Bi- Polar.  Such a blessing, such a
curse, wonderful mood swings, irrational motivations, etc.  I've been a
diagnosed manic depressive since age 16, but I take comfort in the fact that
most genesis have a mental illness.  I know I am no genesis, my spelling is
worse than Buck's, but I am in good company. - JRD

 Yes, I change, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse, that is
 part of the nature of being Bi-Polar.That is part of who I am.If
 list can not accept me for who I am and what positive things I can

Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [biofuel] Re: why someone doesn't make a small processor for sale??

2004-07-16 Thread Jennifer Doty

Amen! I love the quote from your Bible teacher!--   Jennifer
  - Original Message - 
  From: bioveging 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 7:46 PM
  Subject: [biofuel] Re: why someone doesn't make a small processor for sale??

  Keith, you should know that you are never a sucker for putting 
  something out that can help someone else, even though there is no 
  commercial profit in it for you.
  Only those whose life is centered around profit see others who help 
  people for selfless gain as suckers' and needless to say these same 
  profit people are usually deprived of any true value themselves 
  being too enamoured of the currency du jour to stoop to helping 
  When the crash happended in the 30's all that cash wasn't worth spit 
  in hell but those who were'nt all that attached to it used it to 
  light fires that could heat and cook for people in need. Depends 
  where a person's sense of priorities are at.
  On that other part, about buying ready made. Ain't that like 
  settling for instant coffee when a little time invested and you 
  could have organically grown, equitable coffee beans that you could 
  make yourself into some of the best coffee you have ever had, or 
  maybe good coffee (fuel) isn't that important, in which case buy a 
  FuelMiester and settle for much much less than the best.
  There is something very validating in making your own first test 
  batches and having them come out well, and it is also extrememly 
  validating to think, pray (if you do that), and ponder the ins and  
  outs of building your own personalised reactor and wash system.
  It takes time, it takes not being afraid to fail or be set back, it 
  takes dedication to the end result, and it takes the drive to get 
  there without anyone's support if need be, although the people here 
  are VERY helpful and straight about what works and what doesn't.
  Please indulge me in a comparison. Those who have been following 
  Tickell's book's method have to be unlearned of bad habits that the 
  uninitiated don't have as a hang up, and the comparison is something 
  that my Bible teacher told us; it is easier to teach someone who 
  knows nothing about the Bible than to take a person who's mind and 
  heart have been poluted by church doctrines and try to do something 
  with them. Simply put, if you learn it right the first time you 
  won't have to go back later and unlearn the bad stuuf and then learn 
  it right. The process of doing right the first time is much less 
  time consuming and much less frustrating.
  Take a year, if that is what time you have, and make your own 
  processor and wash system, you won't regret it. Questions about what 
  is what ? Check the archives and if you still can't find it come 
  here and post. Someone will know the answer.

  Thanks for your indulgeance.


  --- In, Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hello Mac
   Hey guys:
   I wish I can buy a 10+/- gallons processor made using the journey
   toforever directions, you know using scrap metal jar or someting 
   that, if some one spend 50 dollars to make one he/she can sell it 
   150 dollars to make some profit.
   I there is one I like to buy it.
   Would you? For $150? Well, I don't know... You don't have much 
   If we at Journey to Forever can spare the time (we can't, really) 
   develop something good and useful like this that meets a need and 
   works well, and make it freely available on the Web for anybody, 
   you'd rather reward someone who took advantage of that for their 
   commercial gain?
   We get ripped off all the time like this (though not with the 
   20-litre processor, yet), but we go on doing it anyway. Why? 
   we're such nice guys/suckers? Maybe the biodiesel itself might not 
   as important as the fact that you can make it yourself. You can 
   people here saying that - their first batch, and they're thrilled 
   bits. If they can actually make their own fuel, and it's BETTER, 
   what else might they be capable of? That's the point, we reckon - 
   it's a revolution, not just a shop. Same applies to processors, 
   to a lot of things.
   On the other hand, you said three days ago that you want to build 
   Mother Earth News waste oil heater, also from Journey to Forever, 
   that's a lot less simple than a 20-litre bucket and will take you 
   much more time. And you want to buy Joshua Tickell's long outdated 
   book, From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank, which wasn't much good in 
   the first place, with fresher and better information right here 
   at Journey to Forever. Why not just do it? Please read this 
   message to the list about From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank:
   The cheapest one I found was over 25,000 the is too much, if 

[biofuel] Fw: Smuggled message to the people of France

2004-07-15 Thread Jennifer Doty

Sorry about sending an attachment, but you have got to see this!  It's great.  
Promise no bugs.

  The attached picture shows a label from a nylon laptop travel bag that
  is made by a small company here in the USA to be sold in France. Notice
  the English text.  Then note the longer French text, which translates:

  Wash with warm water. Use mild soap. Dry flat. Do not use bleach. Do
  not dry in the dryer. Do not iron. We are sorry that our President is an
  idiot. We did not vote for him.

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Re: [biofuel] Re: Ok Since I Stirred the Pot Some...

2004-07-12 Thread Jennifer Doty

I agree with L.  You will have to start your own activist group most likely.  
Most of America does not know about bio fuels yet.  I encourage you to take a 
short ride to the Boston area the last week of July.  You will likely find lots 
of people interested in learning about bio fuels.  No one realizes how simply 
great this can be.  Most people still think this is a pie in the sky dream.  We 
will have to tell them different, and then SHOW them how easy and true this 
really is.  Maybe some one has a small portable unit that they can take to 
Boston and show off.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: bioveging 
  Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2004 4:52 PM
  Subject: [biofuel] Re: Ok Since I Stirred the Pot Some...

  Gustl, you hit the nail on the head.Don't wait for anyone, expect 
  anything from anyone, and be prepared to be the only Martian on 
  your block :), but keep an eye out for other martians as they are 
  out there and you just might run into one or two or maybe not.
  Do it because you know it's right, and hold your head up high while 
  at it.


  --- In, Gustl Steiner-Zehender [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Hallo Phil,
   Friday, 09 July, 2004, 17:45:36, you wrote:
   PD How about some ideas to get some activism going.  Or to 
  address the 
   PD question in more understandable way, how does one become 
  active in 
   PD the biodiesel movement on a local level.  I live in 
  Pennsylvania and 
   PD am in contact with a few folks who are making for their own 
   PD Who should I be contacting to find out if there is a larger 
  group of 
   PD folks who are being vocal on a local and state level?  Any 
   Perhaps  not  much  of  an idea from me but it is all I have.  
  Work on
   your  own,  expect  nothing from anyone, talk as much as you can 
  to as
   many  people  as  you  are  able  about  biofuels,  etc.   Talk up 
   cooperative idea.  Hide and watch.
   My  experience  has  been, unfortunately, is that people are 
   too  busy to do it.  For busy read apathetic or lazy.  Be 
   to  be  patient and work on your own.  Do not get discouraged.  
   or  later  someone will realize what is what and you will find 
   with  like  interests and values.  If you start sounding your horn 
   might get others sounding theirs back.
   As  far  back as the late sixties and early seventies I used to 
   to  people  complaining about the high price and poor quality of 
   I got to talking with a bunch of people at lunch at work and told 
   what  my  monthly  food bill came to.  They all wanted to know 
  where I
   shopped.   When  it  turned  out to be a food co-op and they found 
   that  I baked my own bread and soaked my beans, etc. instead of 
   from a can they lost interest.  Too much effort.  But they didn't 
   complaining.  In general peoples priorities are skewed.
   Get  your  biodiesel  processor  going  and contact a local 
   Show  them  what  you  are  doing.   Advertise in local newspapers 
   magazines for like minded people.  Talk to people at your 
  workplace or
   church  or  whatever  clubs or organizations to which you belong.  
   may  hit  the  jackpot but be prepared to go it alone and to 
   one person at a time to biofuels.
   Whatever  you  do don't get discouraged or angry.  Neither help.  
   remember that if something catastrophic happens it will be people 
   us  who  will  be sought out to help those who were too busy 
   Some folks just have to take a blow to the head before they 
   Not much help from me I am afraid.
   Happy Happy,
   Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
   Mitglied-Team AMIGA
   ICQ: 22211253-Gustli
   The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
   soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, 
   without signposts.  
   C. S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
   Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Stra§e liegen, 
   da§ sie gerade deshalb von der gewšhnlichen Welt nicht 
   gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
   Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
   hear the music.  
   George Carlin
   The best portion of a good man's life -
   His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
   William Wordsworth

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Re: [biofuel] ANyone along I-80 want to buy a biodiesel processor?

2004-07-12 Thread Jennifer Doty

Hi Mark,

If you think you may be all the way down here in Columbia, South Carolina,  I 
would love to buy a bio fuel unit, and learn more about the entire process.  
That goes for any one who wants to travel down this way.  July and August are 
yucky muggy hot dog days of summer, but September through November is wonderful.

  - Original Message - 
  From: rico suavae 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 9:06 PM
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] ANyone along I-80 want to buy a biodiesel processor?

  Hi girl mark.Its Paul again.I emailed your contact in Chicago.I'm waiting for 
a reply.One way or another we'll hook up.Do you have an ETA for the Chicago 
area of your trip?I want to be available for that time.Please let me know.

  girl mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm traveling across country this month, 'by accident'- I really didn't 
  intend to take this trip!, and I'll be going from DC to Maine and then back 
  to California, taking Interstate 80 back. My partner and I are driving a 
  couple of vans back here which he and another friend had purchased on eBay 
  (it's a bit difficult to find a cheap diesel van in California these days), 
  and I got drafted to help get one of the vehicles running.

  ANyway, this July trip is somewhat of an accident, and cuts into my 
  planning for my 'real' biodiesel class tour at the end of the summer/fall 
  (details coming up shortly). In my quest to fund the fall class tour, and 
  since I'll be missing work to do this July thing,  I'm once again offering 
  to build biodiesel processors for people along the route of my trip (same 
  offer applies to my travels in the fall):

  The processors would be the water heater-based Biodiesel Appleseed reactors 
  from , which in general I encourage you all to 
  build yourselves (it's easy).

  However if you want a processor built for you, and you are 'along the way' 
  of the route of my July trip, I'll build you one for the cost of parts and 
  $200 for labor, which will go into funding my August-November biodiesel 
  class tour (ie taking my own vehicle, a reactor and a bunch of other gear 
  on the road from August through November and teaching classes).

The total cost for these units including my labor charge is either $380 
  or $580 depending on whether you can find a free used electric water heater 
  or whether you have to buy a brand new one (they're about $200 usually). If 
  you can find a closed-head barrel somewhere, I'll throw in a wash tank for 
  the same cost.

  I'll be putting together a list of the fall classes tonight and emailing it 
  out. Some of those class dates are also for 'equipment building' classes, 
  which are opportunities for participants to build their own reactor.


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Re: [biofuel] How's Come Berkely is the Hot Bed of Forward Thinking.

2004-07-12 Thread Jennifer Doty

That sounds great.  Sounds like you are a good man for this job!  Do you have a 
portable unit you could demonstrate on?  Make some fuel in front of their eyes, 
then pour it straight into a diesel truck, and drive it around in front of 
them.  Then there can be no question or doubt.  That may be to much to try to 
do, or take to long but it would be awesome!  People would not stop talking 
about it, and that's the idea.  Get them talking, interested, amazed, and 
convinced; bio fuels are an answer to our fuel and energy problems. 

Thank you,  Jennifer
  - Original Message - 
  From: Lyle Estill 
  Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 5:08 PM
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] How's Come Berkely is the Hot Bed of Forward Thinking.

  Dear Jennifer et al.

  I'll bite.

  I've been making biodiesel for three years, I'm well into my second 
  back porch refinery, and I've addressed a number of large groups--DOE 
  conferences on down.  I'm on my way to NBB next week in D.C., and I 
  have done some legislative work on biodiesel in North Carolina.

  As for Berkley having the corner (can't say I haven't learned a lot 
  from those folks), at Piedmont Biofuels we have three people who are 
  overwhelmed by education and outreach activities at this point.

  Can travel.

  On Jul 9, 2004, at 3:30 PM, Keith Addison wrote:

   Isn't someone going to take Jennifer up on her suggestion? We have
   members around Boston, or within reach of it. Good opportunity.
   (Welcome, Jennifer!)
   Best wishes
   Hello Phil, Martin, and the rest of bio fuel members.
   I am new to the group, and I just recently learned about bio fuels
   myself.  I know I have already told a dozen or so folks about them
   as well.  I have not gotten the two headed look, but most people are
   skeptical of what they don't know.  It's like they don't want to
   believe something could be so simple.  I am quick to tell them that
   Big Business, and our own government, are the main reason's no one
   knows about this.  That alone gets half the people I know
   interested then it is not just a bunch of PhD's dreaming, it is
   a reality and a conspiracy.  For some reason this makes bio fuels
   more creditable to most people I talk to.  I am not an authority or
   expert, but I would like to learn more.  I think the rest of the
   U.S. would like to know also.  The last weekend of July many
   progressive, forward thinking, intelligent people will be converging
   in and around Boston.  This will be a prime opportunity to tell
   others about bio fuels.  I mentioned it to a few event leaders, and
   they were wanting some people to give a talk or discussion.  The
   Progressive Summit will be the week before the DNC Convention in
   Boston.  Kevin Spidel was wanting to know if some one would be
   interested in addressing the group, and also the Democracy Fest 2004
   will be the same weekend, about two hours from Boston, Jessica
   Falker is the main organizer of that event.  They are still looking
   for forward thinking activist to enlighten the crowds.  I am not
   qualified to discuss what I am just beginning to learn about, but I
   am trying to spark interest in others, and trying to learn more
   myself.  If you think you could give a presentation at either event
   please let me know.  Or just go down for the weekend, have some fun,
   and talk to as many people as you can.  I'll attach a copy of an
   email I have been sending out to people I know, in case you are
   interested, or in case you can enlighten me more.
   P.S. sorry my first post is so long, promise I won't do this often.
   --- Jennifer Doty
   Hello All,
  I read a recent article about energy independence.  I am very
   glad to see some people touching on this subject.  I would like to
   see more in-depth articles, that really show the citizens of the
   U.S. how screwed up our current administration is.  For a long time
   we have known about the green house effect, the poisons we are
   putting into our environment, and the face that we will be running
   out of Oil world wide.  What I don't understand is why so many of us
   think that there is nothing simple we can do about it.  Very few
   people in America know that we can produce clean fuels, that will
   power our cars with almost no change to our current engines and fuel
   systems.  I did not know until I got into a discussion with my
   father.  We don't need to buy expensive hybrid cars, and we don't
   need fossil fuels.  I think that this information is deliberately
   not being talked about, because then George W. would loose all
   remaining support for his war with Iraq, and would stand to loose a
   few billion himself.
This needs to be brought out and discussed.  The Democracy
   Festival 2004 (Deanfest), and the Democratic Convention will be a
   good place to start discussing this with lots of other like minded

Re: [biofuel] ANyone along I-80 want to buy a biodiesel processor?

2004-07-09 Thread Jennifer Doty

This was posted on another group I am a member in, just thought may be 

crazeway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hi everybody
My girlfriend and I will be driving across the country and are 
interested in seeing effective small scale renewable energy systems. 
We have about 20 grand to invest and want to see some systems in this 
price range that work. Our main interests are wind, solar, hydrogen 
production, and vegetable oil/biodiesel production from scratch. Our 
route will begin in Boston, follow the northern states through the 
east, cut across South Dakota, head for San Fransisco, and then head 
down to San Diego, so if you are anywhere in the vicinity and 
interested in showing off your set up, please let us know.

  mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm traveling across country this month, 'by accident'- I really didn't 
  intend to take this trip!, and I'll be going from DC to Maine and then back 
  to California, taking Interstate 80 back. My partner and I are driving a 
  couple of vans back here which he and another friend had purchased on eBay 
  (it's a bit difficult to find a cheap diesel van in California these days), 
  and I got drafted to help get one of the vehicles running.

  ANyway, this July trip is somewhat of an accident, and cuts into my 
  planning for my 'real' biodiesel class tour at the end of the summer/fall 
  (details coming up shortly). In my quest to fund the fall class tour, and 
  since I'll be missing work to do this July thing,  I'm once again offering 
  to build biodiesel processors for people along the route of my trip (same 
  offer applies to my travels in the fall):

  The processors would be the water heater-based Biodiesel Appleseed reactors 
  from , which in general I encourage you all to 
  build yourselves (it's easy).

  However if you want a processor built for you, and you are 'along the way' 
  of the route of my July trip, I'll build you one for the cost of parts and 
  $200 for labor, which will go into funding my August-November biodiesel 
  class tour (ie taking my own vehicle, a reactor and a bunch of other gear 
  on the road from August through November and teaching classes).

The total cost for these units including my labor charge is either $380 
  or $580 depending on whether you can find a free used electric water heater 
  or whether you have to buy a brand new one (they're about $200 usually). If 
  you can find a closed-head barrel somewhere, I'll throw in a wash tank for 
  the same cost.

  I'll be putting together a list of the fall classes tonight and emailing it 
  out. Some of those class dates are also for 'equipment building' classes, 
  which are opportunities for participants to build their own reactor.


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Re: [biofuel] How's Come Berkely is the Hot Bed of Forward Thinking.

2004-07-08 Thread Jennifer Doty

Hello Phil, Martin, and the rest of bio fuel members.

I am new to the group, and I just recently learned about bio fuels myself.  I 
know I have already told a dozen or so folks about them as well.  I have not 
gotten the two headed look, but most people are skeptical of what they don't 
know.  It's like they don't want to believe something could be so simple.  I am 
quick to tell them that Big Business, and our own government, are the main 
reason's no one knows about this.  That alone gets half the people I know 
interested then it is not just a bunch of PhD's dreaming, it is a reality 
and a conspiracy.  For some reason this makes bio fuels more creditable to most 
people I talk to.  I am not an authority or expert, but I would like to learn 
more.  I think the rest of the U.S. would like to know also.  The last weekend 
of July many progressive, forward thinking, intelligent people will be 
converging in and around Boston.  This will be a prime opportunity to tell 
others about bio fuels.  I mentioned it to a few event leaders, and they were 
wanting some people to give a talk or discussion.  The Progressive Summit will 
be the week before the DNC Convention in Boston.  Kevin Spidel was wanting to 
know if some one would be interested in addressing the group, and also the 
Democracy Fest 2004 will be the same weekend, about two hours from Boston, 
Jessica Falker is the main organizer of that event.  They are still looking for 
forward thinking activist to enlighten the crowds.  I am not qualified to 
discuss what I am just beginning to learn about, but I am trying to spark 
interest in others, and trying to learn more myself.  If you think you could 
give a presentation at either event please let me know.  Or just go down for 
the weekend, have some fun, and talk to as many people as you can.  I'll attach 
a copy of an email I have been sending out to people I know, in case you are 
interested, or in case you can enlighten me more. 
P.S. sorry my first post is so long, promise I won't do this often.  --- 
Jennifer Doty

Hello All, 

I read a recent article about energy independence.  I am very glad to see 
some people touching on this subject.  I would like to see more in-depth 
articles, that really show the citizens of the U.S. how screwed up our current 
administration is.  For a long time we have known about the green house effect, 
the poisons we are putting into our environment, and the face that we will be 
running out of Oil world wide.  What I don't understand is why so many of us 
think that there is nothing simple we can do about it.  Very few people in 
America know that we can produce clean fuels, that will power our cars with 
almost no change to our current engines and fuel systems.  I did not know until 
I got into a discussion with my father.  We don't need to buy expensive hybrid 
cars, and we don't need fossil fuels.  I think that this information is 
deliberately not being talked about, because then George W. would loose all 
remaining support for his war with Iraq, and would stand to loose a few billion 
  This needs to be brought out and discussed.  The Democracy Festival 2004 
(Deanfest), and the Democratic Convention will be a good place to start 
discussing this with lots of other like minded, intelligent, concerned people.  
There will be all kinds of Progressive things going on in and around Boston 
that week.  Please take time to read think and pray about how to reach as many 
people as you can.  I have included other links at the bottom of this email, 
and you will be amazed at what a simple goggle search will show you.  Please 
forward this email on to every one in your address book.  We need to start a 
nation wide discussion about biofuels.
   We can currently produce synthic oil  ( Castro Syntec ) , and there are 
small research companies doing one better.  They are producing synthic diesel, 
gasoline, kerosene, oil, etc. out of bio mass by products.  Not the same thing 
as corn ethanol, but actual bio diesel, and bio gasoline.  Our current 
combustible engines that use fossil fuel oils, diesel, and gasoline take few or 
no changes to burn these bio fuels.  No one would have to trade in their car, 
or purchase expensive hybrid cars, and the bio fuels would be better for the 
environment than fossil fuels, emitting much less CO2, less greenhouse effect.  
Right now we are fighting a war for oil.  Any claims to tie Iraq with the 
9-11 thing have all been disputed and found not real.  Thus we are fighting for 
oil.  Oil which will be gone in 50 years.  Why are we fighting, and spending 
billions of dollars to have control of something that is going to be gone in 50 
years?  We could invest half as much as this war is costing, into development 
of bio fuel plants, and be free from dependence on fossil fuel oil, and create 
jobs here in America.  High paying, high tech jobs.  If we start now, in 50 
years foreign countries may be purchasing bio fuels