Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-04 Thread Brian Rodgers
Hi All
The List Admin was having a lot of problems getting through on my
business domain so we switched to my Gmail account. What a marvelous
change. Google mail organizes things by thread! Plus google recommends
that you save everything. With a search engine built in posts are
right here when I want them. Sorry if I sound like an ad for google, 
this is working so much better, there may be ramifications I don't
know about, but oh well.  Google gives us fifty free invites and these
accounts are currently at 2.7 gig each.
Let me know if you need one.
Brian Rodgers

On 9/3/05, Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Chris
 lol, yeah.   the volume from this list to my mailbox this past week has
 totally overwhelmed me.  even now i'm trying to catch up. i'm going to have 
 switch my mail option to digest or something.
 that item came to my mailbox
 Only one mailbox. Try this:
 Though maybe you need a real ISP for that rather than aol.
 and i just turned around and forwarded it right
 away.  as i browsed further down my backed-up inbox, i saw the post on this
 list.  i first heard of it through the green-trust list, which is why i
 forwarded that item.  wasn't trying to misattribute credit or anything.
 I know you weren't. Not so sure about other people though.
 No problem.
 Best wishes
 -chris b.
  Hello Chris
  the subject of glycerine by-product, and what to do with it, seems to come
  quite frequently so i thought i'd pass on this bit of news.
  Thanks, but we had it before:
  [Biofuel] Development Yields Antifreeze from Biodiesel
  Note it comes from, not
  Best wishes
 Biofuel mailing list
 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
 Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-03 Thread capt3d
lol, yeah.   the volume from this list to my mailbox this past week has 
totally overwhelmed me.  even now i'm trying to catch up. i'm going to have to 
switch my mail option to digest or something. 

that item came to my mailbox and i just turned around and forwarded it right 
away.  as i browsed further down my backed-up inbox, i saw the post on this 
list.  i first heard of it through the green-trust list, which is why i 
forwarded that item.  wasn't trying to misattribute credit or anything.   sorry!


-chris b.

Hello Chris

the subject of glycerine by-product, and what to do with it, seems to come 
quite frequently so i thought i'd pass on this bit of news.



Thanks, but we had it before: 
[Biofuel] Development Yields Antifreeze from Biodiesel

Note it comes from, not

Best wishes


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-03 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Chris

lol, yeah.   the volume from this list to my mailbox this past week has
totally overwhelmed me.  even now i'm trying to catch up. i'm going to have to
switch my mail option to digest or something.

that item came to my mailbox

Only one mailbox. Try this:

Though maybe you need a real ISP for that rather than aol.

and i just turned around and forwarded it right
away.  as i browsed further down my backed-up inbox, i saw the post on this
list.  i first heard of it through the green-trust list, which is why i
forwarded that item.  wasn't trying to misattribute credit or anything.

I know you weren't. Not so sure about other people though.


No problem.

Best wishes



-chris b.

 Hello Chris
 the subject of glycerine by-product, and what to do with it, seems to come
 quite frequently so i thought i'd pass on this bit of news.
 Thanks, but we had it before:
 [Biofuel] Development Yields Antifreeze from Biodiesel
 Note it comes from, not
 Best wishes

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-02 Thread Keith Addison
Probably the best source of good and reliable information on chemical 
pollution of all kinds is Rachel's.

Rachel's Environment  Health News is excellent:
Environmental Research Foundation - Rachel's Weekly

Try PANUPS/PANNA for pesticide info:
Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA)
PANNA: Resource Library

Hook line and sinker eh Nancy? You won't manage to tar us so easily 
with either one brush or the other. Take John's advice, we're a lot 
more rigorous than you are. It's you who's swallowing it whole and 
it's the stuff of conspiracy theory, as John says - which, please, is 
NOT to say that there are no conspiracies, but it is to say that the 
uncritical and sloppy thinking of conspiracy theorists and the cloud 
of dust they invariably kick up makes serious investigation much more 
difficult and probably does more to help hide conspiracies than to 
reveal them.

As for the FDA, there's this, among much else:

How a New Policy Led to Seven Deadly Drugs
Los Angeles Times
Wednesday, December 20, 2000
Medicine: Once a wary watchdog, the Food and Drug Administration set 
out to become a partner of the pharmaceutical industry. Today, the 
public has more remedies, but some are proving lethal.

A good series of articles, no longer available online at the LA 
Times. The main story is now here:

I'll post it in full along with the individual cases, which I don't 
think are online anywhere else, they might as well be here, and maybe 
it'll establish a sort of bottom line on the subject in the archives, 
which is a pretty good source already.

Best wishes


Nancy Canning wrote:
  So you guys are going to believe hook line and sinker all the bs FDA
  passes off. I am laughing so hard at your defending the FDA.

I'm not defending the FDA here (nice red herring/strawman btw) - I
just pointed out that the claim the FDA listed aspartame as a
neurotoxin is 100% flat out untrue.

The chemicals are bad schtick gets a little old after you've been on
this list for a while. We get it:

* chemicals are bad
* vaccines cause autism
* mercury leaches out of amalgam fillings
* fluoride is a comunist/NWO plot
* aspartame is poison
* neotame is worse
* rumsfeld and cheney are behind it all
* we're all just blind sheep that are pawns to the bigs
* natural is good
* raw is better

We're heard it all before.

Maybe you could do us all a favor and actually look in the archives
before you share next time. As Keith likes to point out, there is a
handy dandy link to the archives at the bottom of every message you get.

  The doctors and hospitals, insurance companies, and drug companies
  can't make any money of a healthy diet, vitamines, and herbal

  Why do you think that doctors across the country tried to ban
  aspartame before it was released?

Wait, now I'm confused. Are doctors trying to protect us or are they
trying to poison us to make money. Which side of this epic struggle are
they on? How am I to know if you can't even make up your mind in the
same post?

  Article written by Nancy Markle  Ten FREE Cancer Reports
  I have spent several days lecturing at the WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL
  CONFERENCE on  ASPARTAME  marketed as NutraSweet, Equal, and
  Spoonful.   In the keynote address by the EPA, they announced that
  there was an epidemic of MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS  and  SYSTEMIC LUPUS, and
  they did not understand what toxin was causing this to be rampant
  across the United States.   I explained that I was there to lecture
  on exactly that subject.

Wow Nancy. That's really interesting, especially since:

a) Nancy Markle doesn't exist, or at least no one by that name is known
to do research on MS, lupus or aspartame.

In fact, the original source of the document you cut n' pasted is
originally from a Usenet posting in 1995 by Betty Martini that was
modified by an unknown person and attributed to the mythical Ms. Markle.

Searching will turn up postings from Ms. Martini as
far back as 1996.

b) Searching the EPA publication archive for World Environmental
Congress returns ZERO hits.

Go ahead and try it, I just did:

If the EPA gave the KEYNOTE talk at this WORLD conference, why doesn't
anything come up?

I guess the secret kabal got to them, eh?

  Analysis Shows Nearly 100% of Independent Research Finds Problems
  With Aspartame October 17, 1996

So which is it? 100%? less that 100%? This is sloppy emotional writing.

  An analysis of peer reviewed medical literature using MEDLINE and
  other databases was conducted by Ralph G. Walton, MD, Chairman, The
  Center for Behavioral Medicine, Professor of Clinical 

Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-02 Thread Mike Weaver
For your information, I wear a tinfoil hat, not a biohazard suit, and I
have a home-made Bidet that uses organic rain water, though I do think
that particular question is a bit too intrusive.

Glad to help,


 I guess all these toxins killing us explains why our life expectancy
 keeps going up.

 And you are right about one thing Nancy, it never stops!

 What kind of biohazard suit do you live in?  What do you use to wipe
 your as Oh, nevermind!

 At 12:54 PM 9/1/2005, Nancy Canning said something like:

Health-Report Comment:

Well folks, it never stops does it?

How many of you would ever have thought, a ubiquitous substance such
as good ol' Petroleum Jelly or Vaseline as so many of us have come
to call it over the last 50 years,  is now a suspected and probable
carcinogen because of the way it is manufactured?. Contaminants from
petrolatum are being found in most breast cancer tissues which have
been studied in recent times.

You know, I keep beating the same drum about these so called safe
chemicals! Just because we have become used to using synthetic
chemicals on the skin, it doesn't mean to say they have been
beneficial in the long run to our health. FAR FROM IT! In fact, some
of these toxic chemicals, may well have contributed to the cancer, a
friend or loved one of yours, contracted and died from, in recent times.

Yes we all know people, loved ones and friends who have been cut
down by this cancer scourge.

Every single one of us in Westernized society, knows someone who has
died of cancer in the last 12 months. It's a frightening and awful
reality, that the rate we contract cancer, is approaching 1 in every
2 people and will probably exceed this rate within twenty years!

It's only YOU who can do something about it by educating people you
know to the dangers and by voting NO to chemicals simply by reading
the labels! If the label has words on it you can't pronounce, then
put it back on the shelf and don't run the risk of doing long term
damage to your own health. You need to start explaining to people
you know about reading labels and keeping the toxic chemicals out of
their system.

You can actually be paid to do this if you join the Movement
and promote safe non toxic products like we do here at the
Health-Report website. ORGANIC
is the only guarantee you have of being chemical free. If you
support the organic industry then you will not only be healthier and
happier but you are also helping to save the planet from an impending

You have one life - live it safely by avoiding chemicals!
- Original Message -
From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Myk Hill
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

Whenever I use a deoderant with this Propylene Glycol in it, my skin
breaks out in hives. So generally stay away from anything that
contains it. (Poison) no matter how you look at it.

FDA has also listed Aspartame as a Neurotoxin, but there is many
foods that contain it anyway so I use Stevia or raw cane sugar that
is not bleached whenever possible. Splenda is not that great either
since they use the same chlorinization process as what is done with
most sugars and that's how they fool most people into thing that it
is all made from sugar.

--- Original Message

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified propylene glycol
as generally recognized as safe, which means that it is acceptable
use in flavorings, drugs, and cosmetics, and as a direct food additive.


   Ethylene glycol is only mildly irritating to mucous membranes or
   skin and is slowly and poorly absorbed through the skin.

 * Ingestion is the most important exposure route. Dermal absorption
   is negligible and does not contribute significantly to systemic
 * Ethylene glycol is only mildly irritating to skin and mucous
   membranes and is not absorbed well through the skin or by
 * Ingestion of ethylene glycol produces CNS depression which may be
   accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps.
 * Metabolites of ethylene glycol produce severe metabolic acidosis
   and damage to the brain, heart, and kidneys.
 * Severe poisoning is potentially fatal if treatment is inadequate
   or delayed.
 * There are only a few reports on the adverse health effects in
   humans of chronic exposure to ethylene glycol. Irritation of the
   throat, mild headache, low backache, loss of consciousness, and
   nystagmus have been reported. These symptoms were resolved when
   the exposure ceased.

   Ethylene glycol affects the body's chemistry by increasing the
   amount of acid, resulting in metabolic problems

Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-01 Thread Myk Hill
Whenever I use a deoderant with this Propylene Glycol in it, my skin breaks out in hives. So generally stay away from anything that contains it. (Poison) no matter how you look at it.

FDA has also listed Aspartame asa Neurotoxin, but there is many foods that contain it anyway so I use Stevia or raw cane sugar that is not bleached whenever possible.Splenda is not thatgreat either since they usethe samechlorinization process as what is done with most sugars and that's how they fool most people into thing that it is all made from sugar.

--- Original Message 

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified propylene glycol as "generally recognized as safe," which means that it is acceptable for use in flavorings, drugs, and cosmetics, and as a direct food additive. * Ethylene glycol is only mildly irritating to mucous membranes or skin and is slowly and poorly absorbed through the skin. * Ingestion is the most important exposure route. Dermal absorption is negligible and does not contribute significantly to systemic toxicity. * Ethylene glycol is only mildly irritating to skin and mucous membranes and is not absorbed well through the skin or by inhalation. * Ingestion of ethylene glycol produces CNS depression which may
 be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps. * Metabolites of ethylene glycol produce severe metabolic acidosis and damage to the brain, heart, and kidneys. * Severe poisoning is potentially fatal if treatment is inadequate or delayed. * There are only a few reports on the adverse health effects in humans of chronic exposure to ethylene glycol. Irritation of the throat, mild headache, low backache, loss of consciousness, and nystagmus have been reported. These symptoms were resolved when the exposure ceased. * Ethylene glycol affects the body's chemistry by increasing the amount
 of acid, resulting in metabolic problems. Similar to ethylene glycol, propylene glycol increases the amount of acid in the body. However, larger amounts of propylene glycol are needed to cause this effect. * The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), and the EPA have not classified ethylene glycol and propylene glycol for carcinogenicity. Studies with people who used ethylene glycol did not show carcinogenic effects. Animal studies also have not shown these chemicals to be carcinogens.Ray J
		Find your next car at Yahoo! Canada Autos___
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-01 Thread John Hayes
Myk Hill wrote:
 FDA has also listed Aspartame as a Neurotoxin, but there is many foods 
 that contain it anyway 

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence - Carl Sagan.

Any chance you have a primary source to back up your rather 
extraordinary statement?

Searching the FDA website for aspartame turns up no such no evidence to 
support your claim. In fact, searching the FDA website turns up the 
following page:

which explicitly states that the FDA has concluded aspartame is safe.

So while other groups, like CSPI, and even former FDA employees, like 
Arthur Evangelista, who may or may not have an agenda of their own, 
claim aspartame is a neurotoxin, I don't think the statement that FDA 
lists aspartame as a neurotoxin holds up to the light of day.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-01 Thread Nancy Canning

Thanks for the agreement.I had posted 
toxic reports on butylene and propylene glycol as well as sodium Laurel 
Sulfates...and was unanimously booed. It is nasty stuff, and most alarming 
they are putting it in toothpast/ children's anti-itch creams, most cosmetics, 
drugs, etc. What is really scary is that our skin absorbs whatever we 
touch, so when you say wash your dishes with dish soap, which is mostly 
comprised of anionic and nonionic sulfactants, every cell in your body 
picks up this poison. You guys want to believe the FDA? Be my 
Propylene glycol 
(PG) is a petroleum derivative. It penetrates the skin and can weaken protein 
and cellular structure. Commonly used to make extracts from herbs. PG is strong 
enough to remove barnacles from boats! The EPA considers PG so toxic that it 
requires workers to wear protective gloves, clothing and goggles and to dispose 
of any PG solutions by burying them in the ground. Because PG penetrates the 
skin so quickly, the EPA warns against skin contact to prevent consequences such 
as brain, liver, and kidney abnormalities. But there isn't even a warning label 
on products such as stick deodorants, where the concentration is greater than in 
most industrial applications. 
From Material Safety Data Sheet 
(MSDS):Health Hazard Acute And Chronic
INHALATION: May cause respiratory and throat Irritation, central 
nervous system depression, blood and kidney disorders. May cause Nystagmus, 
SKIN: Irritation and dermatitis, absorption.
EYES: Irritation and conjunctivitis.
INGESTION: Pulmonary oedema, brain damage, hypoglycaemia, 
intravascular hemolysis. Death may occur.) 
Anionic refers to the negative charge these surfactants have. 
They may be contaminated with nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic. Surfactants 
can pose serious health threats. They are used in car washes, as garage floor 
cleaners and engine degreasers - and in 90% of personal-care products that foam. 


Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) 

Sodium Laureth Sulfate 

Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate 

Ammonium Laureth 
  Sulfate (ALES) 

Sodium Methyl Cocoyl 

Sodium Lauroyl 

Sodium Cocoyl 

Potassium Coco 
  Hydrolysed Collagen 

TEA (Triethanolamine) 
  Lauryl Sulfate 

TEA (Triethanolamine) 
  Laureth Sulfate 

Lauryl or Cocoyl 

Disodium Oleamide 

Disodium Laureth 

  Disodium Dioctyl Sulfosuccinate etc 
  Laurel Sulfate: When combined with other chemicals, SLES and ALES can 
  create nitrosamines, a potent class of carcinogens. It is frequently 
  disguised in semi-natural cosmetics with the explanation "comes from 
  coconut". From 
  Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS): WARNING! CAUSES SKIN 

  For a complete list, you can pull 
  - Original Message - 
  Myk Hill 
  Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 11:23 
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Another use for 
  Whenever I use a deoderant with this Propylene Glycol in it, my skin 
  breaks out in hives. So generally stay away from anything that contains it. 
  (Poison) no matter how you look at it.
  FDA has also listed Aspartame asa Neurotoxin, but there is many 
  foods that contain it anyway so I use Stevia or raw cane sugar that is not 
  bleached whenever possible.Splenda is not thatgreat either since 
  they usethe samechlorinization process as what is done with most 
  sugars and that's how they fool most people into thing that it is all made 
  from sugar.
  --- Original Message 
  The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified propylene glycol 
  as "generally recognized as safe," which means that it is acceptable 
  for use in flavorings, drugs, and cosmetics, and as a direct food 
  * Ethylene glycol is only mildly 
  irritating to mucous membranes or skin and 
  is slowly and poorly absorbed through the skin. * 
  Ingestion is the most important exposure route. Dermal 
  absorption is negligible and does not 
  contribute significantly to systemic 
  toxicity. * Ethylene glycol is only mildly irritating to 
  skin and mucous membranes and is not 
  absorbed well through the skin or by inhalation. * 
  Ingestion of ethylene glycol produces CNS depression which may 
  be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and 
  abdominal cramps. * Metabolites of ethyle

Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-01 Thread Nancy Canning

Health-Report Comment:
Well folks, it never stops does it?
How many of you would ever have thought, a ubiquitous substance such as 
good ol' Petroleum Jelly or Vaseline as so many of us have come to call it over 
the last 50 years, is now a suspected and probable carcinogen because of 
the way it is manufactured?. Contaminants from petrolatum are being found in 
most breast cancer tissues which have been studied in recent times.
You know, I keep beating the same drum about these so called safe 
chemicals! Just because we have become used to using synthetic chemicals on the 
skin, it doesn't mean to say they have been beneficial in the long run to our 
health. FAR FROM IT! In fact, some of these toxic chemicals, may well have 
contributed to the cancer, a friend or loved one of yours, contracted and died 
from, in recent times. 
Yes we all know people, loved ones and friends who have been cut down by 
this cancer scourge.
Every single one of us in Westernized society, knows someone who has died 
of cancer in the last 12 months. It's a frightening and awful reality, that the 
rate we contract cancer, is approaching 1 in every 2 people and will probably 
exceed this rate within twenty years!
It's only YOU who can do something about it by educating people you know 
to the dangers and by voting NO to chemicals simply by reading the labels! If 
the label has words on it you can't pronounce, then put it back on the shelf and 
don't run the risk of doing long term damage to your own health. You need to 
start explaining to people you know about reading labels and keeping the toxic 
chemicals out of their system. 
You can actually be paid to do this if you join the Organic Movement 
and promote safe non toxic products like we do here at the Health-Report 
ORGANIC is the only guarantee you have of being chemical free. If you 
support the organic industry then you will not only be healthier and happier but 
you are also helping to save the planet from an impending disaster!
You have one life - live it safely by avoiding chemicals!

  - Original Message - 
  Myk Hill 
  Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 11:23 
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Another use for 
  Whenever I use a deoderant with this Propylene Glycol in it, my skin 
  breaks out in hives. So generally stay away from anything that contains it. 
  (Poison) no matter how you look at it.
  FDA has also listed Aspartame asa Neurotoxin, but there is many 
  foods that contain it anyway so I use Stevia or raw cane sugar that is not 
  bleached whenever possible.Splenda is not thatgreat either since 
  they usethe samechlorinization process as what is done with most 
  sugars and that's how they fool most people into thing that it is all made 
  from sugar.
  --- Original Message 
  The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified propylene glycol 
  as "generally recognized as safe," which means that it is acceptable 
  for use in flavorings, drugs, and cosmetics, and as a direct food 
  * Ethylene glycol is only mildly 
  irritating to mucous membranes or skin and 
  is slowly and poorly absorbed through the skin. * 
  Ingestion is the most important exposure route. Dermal 
  absorption is negligible and does not 
  contribute significantly to systemic 
  toxicity. * Ethylene glycol is only mildly irritating to 
  skin and mucous membranes and is not 
  absorbed well through the skin or by inhalation. * 
  Ingestion of ethylene glycol produces CNS depression which may 
  be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and 
  abdominal cramps. * Metabolites of ethylene glycol 
  produce severe metabolic acidosis and damage 
  to the brain, heart, and kidneys. * Severe poisoning is 
  potentially fatal if treatment is inadequate 
  or delayed. * There are only a few reports on the 
  adverse health effects in humans of chronic 
  exposure to ethylene glycol. Irritation of 
  the throat, mild headache, low backache, 
  loss of consciousness, and nystagmus have 
  been reported. These symptoms were resolved 
  when the exposure 
  ceased. * Ethylene 
  glycol affects the body's chemistry by increasing 
  the amount of acid, resulting in metabolic 
  problems. Similar to ethylene glycol, 
  propylene glycol increases the amount of acid 
  in the body. However, larger amounts of 
  propylene glycol are needed to cause this 
  effect. * The 
  Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), 
  the International Agency for Research on 
  Cancer (IARC), and the EPA have not 
  classified ethylene glycol and propylene glycol 
  for carcinogenicity. Studies with people who 
  used ethylene glycol did not show 
  carcinogenic effects. Animal studies also have not 
  shown these chemicals to be 
  carcinogens.Ray J
  Find your next car at Yahoo! Canad

Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-01 Thread Keith Addison
Some comments below...

Health-Report Comment:

Well folks, it never stops does it?

How many of you would ever have thought, a ubiquitous substance such 
as good ol' Petroleum Jelly or Vaseline as so many of us have come 
to call it over the last 50 years,  is now a suspected and probable 
carcinogen because of the way it is manufactured?. Contaminants from 
petrolatum are being found in most breast cancer tissues which have 
been studied in recent times.

You know, I keep beating the same drum about these so called safe 
chemicals! Just because we have become used to using synthetic 
chemicals on the skin, it doesn't mean to say they have been 
beneficial in the long run to our health. FAR FROM IT! In fact, some 
of these toxic chemicals, may well have contributed to the cancer, a 
friend or loved one of yours, contracted and died from, in recent 

Yes we all know people, loved ones and friends who have been cut 
down by this cancer scourge.

Every single one of us in Westernized society, knows someone who has 
died of cancer in the last 12 months. It's a frightening and awful 
reality, that the rate we contract cancer, is approaching 1 in every 
2 people and will probably exceed this rate within twenty years!

It's only YOU who can do something about it by educating people you 
know to the dangers and by voting NO to chemicals simply by reading 
the labels! If the label has words on it you can't pronounce, then 
put it back on the shelf and don't run the risk of doing long term 
damage to your own health. You need to start explaining to people 
you know about reading labels and keeping the toxic chemicals out of 
their system.

You can actually be paid to do this if you join the Movement 
and promote safe non toxic products like we do here at the 
Health-Report website. ORGANIC 
is the only guarantee you have of being chemical free.

Relatively, perhaps, if you're lucky. Recent studies in Britain found 
a lot of people cheating with organic certification, and I'm sure 
that's fairly ubiquitous. A lot of the real organic farmers now no 
longer bother with certification and just deal with local markets and 
CSAs instead, while big industries get organic certification and 
transport organic products all over the world. IMO if it's not 
local it's not organic no matter what the label says, and a lot of 
people agree with that.

If you support the organic industry then you will not only be 
healthier and happier but you are also helping to save the planet 
from an impending disaster!

You'd do much better supporting organic farmers and local markets 
than supporting the organic industry.

You have one life - live it safely by avoiding chemicals!

You can't avoid chemicals. Adam and Eve couldn't avoid chemicals. 
WHICH particular chemicals are safe and which aren't is another 
matter. There's a lot of excellent information available on this, but 
saying Chemicals are BAD! is not helpful. This is indeed a very 
serious issue, but it needs good, reliable, accessible information. 
Equating synthetic with toxic, and toxicity with not being able to 
pronounce the name of a chemical on a label, will only sow confusion 
and invite scorn - you'll probably just be making it easier for the 
chemical industry spinmeisters to marginalise the good work other 
people are doing.

Best wishes


- Original Message -
From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Myk Hill
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

Whenever I use a deoderant with this Propylene Glycol in it, my skin 
breaks out in hives. So generally stay away from anything that 
contains it. (Poison) no matter how you look at it.

FDA has also listed Aspartame as a Neurotoxin, but there is many 
foods that contain it anyway so I use Stevia or raw cane sugar that 
is not bleached whenever possible. Splenda is not that great either 
since they use the same chlorinization process as what is done with 
most sugars and that's how they fool most people into thing that it 
is all made from sugar.

--- Original Message 

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified propylene glycol
as generally recognized as safe, which means that it is acceptable
use in flavorings, drugs, and cosmetics, and as a direct food additive.


  Ethylene glycol is only mildly irritating to mucous membranes or
  skin and is slowly and poorly absorbed through the skin.

* Ingestion is the most important exposure route. Dermal absorption
  is negligible and does not contribute significantly to systemic
* Ethylene glycol is only mildly irritating to skin and mucous
  membranes and is not absorbed well through the skin or by

Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-01 Thread Keith Addison
Tom wrote:

I guess all these toxins killing us explains why our life expectancy 
keeps going up.

Does it? Your disease rate certainly does, didn't you notice? Indeed 
all these toxins ARE killing us, and denying it is just as 
wrongheaded as saying all chemicals are BAD, or even more so.

You seem to have the same frame of mind as a doctor I once 
interviewed who got furious with me when I questioned him: Of COURSE 
we're healthier now, we have six times as many hospitals! LOL!

And you are right about one thing Nancy, it never stops!

What kind of biohazard suit do you live in?  What do you use to wipe 
your as Oh, nevermind!

You can apologise for that, to Nancy and to the list, and make it snappy.

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan
Biofuel list owner


At 12:54 PM 9/1/2005, Nancy Canning said something like:

Health-Report Comment:

Well folks, it never stops does it?

How many of you would ever have thought, a ubiquitous substance 
such as good ol' Petroleum Jelly or Vaseline as so many of us have 
come to call it over the last 50 years,  is now a suspected and 
probable carcinogen because of the way it is manufactured?. 
Contaminants from petrolatum are being found in most breast cancer 
tissues which have been studied in recent times.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-01 Thread Tom

I guess all these toxins killing us explains why our life expectancy
keeps going up.
And you are right about one thing Nancy, it never stops!
What kind of biohazard suit do you live in? What do you use to wipe
your as Oh, nevermind!
At 12:54 PM 9/1/2005, Nancy Canning said something like:
Health-Report Comment:

Well folks, it never stops does it?

How many of you would ever have thought, a ubiquitous substance such
as good ol' Petroleum Jelly or Vaseline as so many of us have come to
call it over the last 50 years, is now a suspected and probable
carcinogen because of the way it is manufactured?. Contaminants from
petrolatum are being found in most breast cancer tissues which have been
studied in recent times.

You know, I keep beating the same drum about these so called safe
chemicals! Just because we have become used to using synthetic chemicals
on the skin, it doesn't mean to say they have been beneficial in the long
run to our health. FAR FROM IT! In fact, some of these toxic chemicals,
may well have contributed to the cancer, a friend or loved one of yours,
contracted and died from, in recent times. 

Yes we all know people, loved ones and friends who have been cut down
by this cancer scourge.

Every single one of us in Westernized society, knows someone who has
died of cancer in the last 12 months. It's a frightening and awful
reality, that the rate we contract cancer, is approaching 1 in every 2
people and will probably exceed this rate within twenty years!

It's only YOU who can do something about it by educating people you
know to the dangers and by voting NO to chemicals simply by reading the
labels! If the label has words on it you can't pronounce, then put it
back on the shelf and don't run the risk of doing long term damage to
your own health. You need to start explaining to people you know about
reading labels and keeping the toxic chemicals out of their system. 

You can actually be paid to do this if you join the
Movement and promote safe non toxic products like we do here at the
Health-Report website.

ORGANIC is the only guarantee you have of being chemical free. If you
support the organic industry then you will not only be healthier and
happier but you are also helping to save the planet from an impending

You have one life - live it safely by avoiding chemicals!

- Original Message - 

From: Myk Hill 


Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 11:23 AM

Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

Whenever I use a deoderant with this Propylene Glycol in it, my skin
breaks out in hives. So generally stay away from anything that contains
it. (Poison) no matter how you look at it.

FDA has also listed Aspartame as a Neurotoxin, but there is many
foods that contain it anyway so I use Stevia or raw cane sugar that is
not bleached whenever possible. Splenda is not that great either since
they use the same chlorinization process as what is done with most sugars
and that's how they fool most people into thing that it is all made from

--- Original Message

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified propylene

as generally recognized as safe, which means that it is


use in flavorings, drugs, and cosmetics, and as a direct food


 Ethylene glycol is only mildly
irritating to mucous membranes or

 skin and is slowly and poorly absorbed
through the skin.

 * Ingestion is the most important exposure route.
Dermal absorption

 is negligible and does not contribute
significantly to systemic


 * Ethylene glycol is only mildly irritating to
skin and mucous

 membranes and is not absorbed well
through the skin or by 


 * Ingestion of ethylene glycol produces CNS
depression which may be

 accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and
abdominal cramps.

 * Metabolites of ethylene glycol produce severe
metabolic acidosis

 and damage to the brain, heart, and

 * Severe poisoning is potentially fatal if
treatment is inadequate

 or delayed.

 * There are only a few reports on the adverse
health effects in

 humans of chronic exposure to ethylene
glycol. Irritation of the

 throat, mild headache, low backache,
loss of consciousness, and

 nystagmus have been reported. These
symptoms were resolved when

 the exposure ceased.


 Ethylene glycol affects the body's
chemistry by increasing the

 amount of acid, resulting in metabolic
problems. Similar to

 ethylene glycol, propylene glycol
increases the amount of acid in

 the body. However, larger amounts of
propylene glycol are needed

 to cause this effect.


 The Department of Health and Human
Services (DHHS), the

 International Agency for Research on
Cancer (IARC), and the EPA

 have not classified ethylene glycol
and propylene glycol for

 carcinogenicity. Studies with people
who used ethylene glycol did

 not show carcinogenic

Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-01 Thread Keith Addison
Myk Hill wrote:
  FDA has also listed Aspartame as a Neurotoxin, but there is many foods
  that contain it anyway

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence - Carl Sagan.

Any chance you have a primary source to back up your rather
extraordinary statement?

Searching the FDA website for aspartame turns up no such no evidence to
support your claim. In fact, searching the FDA website turns up the
following page:

which explicitly states that the FDA has concluded aspartame is safe.

So while other groups, like CSPI, and even former FDA employees, like
Arthur Evangelista, who may or may not have an agenda of their own,
claim aspartame is a neurotoxin, I don't think the statement that FDA
lists aspartame as a neurotoxin holds up to the light of day.


Why would you think that the FDA might not have an agenda of its own John?

Best wishes


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-01 Thread Nancy Canning
).   It was killed by the powerful drug and chemical 
lobbies, letting loose the hounds of disease and death on an unsuspecting 
public.   Since the Conference of the American College of Physicians, we 
hope to have the help of some world leaders.

 Again, please help us too.   There are a lot of people out there who must 
be warned, please let them know this information.

 Thanks, Amy L. Meinstein - Oxy Chem. AP Legacy Support 972-404-3708.

 Health Report Comment;

 If we can believe the above article it is yet another example of a world 
gone mad with chemicals and being dominated by vested interests.  In this 
case Monsanto.  The company that is bringing us genetically modified crops 
which are more resistant to their chemicals so they can sell and use more of 
them! Make sure you get all the official truthful facts about aspartame 
from the website for a balanced view. This is the 
official site set up to rebut the overwhelming anecdotal and other evidence 
on the Internet about the bad effects of aspartame.

 Aspartame is a man-made chemical and plays no part in good natural health!


   Toxic chemical overload. FREE E-Book | Ten FREE Cancer Reports
 Please pass this information onto a friend!

- Original Message - 
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

Myk Hill wrote:

 FDA has also listed Aspartame as a Neurotoxin, but there is many foods
 that contain it anyway

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence - Carl Sagan.

Any chance you have a primary source to back up your rather
extraordinary statement?

Searching the FDA website for aspartame turns up no such no evidence to
support your claim. In fact, searching the FDA website turns up the
following page:

which explicitly states that the FDA has concluded aspartame is safe.

So while other groups, like CSPI, and even former FDA employees, like
Arthur Evangelista, who may or may not have an agenda of their own,
claim aspartame is a neurotoxin, I don't think the statement that FDA
lists aspartame as a neurotoxin holds up to the light of day.


Why would you think that the FDA might not have an agenda of its own John?

Best wishes


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Description: GIF image
attachment: home_figure.jpg
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Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-01 Thread bob allen
Howdy Myk,

Myk Hill wrote:
 Whenever I use a deoderant with this Propylene Glycol in it, my skin 
 breaks out in hives. 

if so your reaction in fairly idiosyncratic, as I have not observed that 
with myself or numerous others, nor does the literature.

So generally stay away from anything that contains
 it. (Poison) no matter how you look at it.
 FDA has also listed Aspartame as a Neurotoxin,

do you have a reference for this, from the FDA?

  but there is many foods
 that contain it anyway so I use Stevia

probably hundreds of millions of doses of nutrasweet have been used, 
What data do you draw from as to the safety of stevia?

  or raw cane sugar that is not
 bleached whenever possible. Splenda is not that great either since they 
 use the same chlorinization process as what is done with most sugars

what? sugar (sucrose) is chlorinated?  no its not.

 that's how they fool most people into thing that it is all made from sugar.
you have completely lost me here.

Bob Allen

Science is what we have learned about how to keep
from fooling ourselves — Richard Feynman

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Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-01 Thread bob allen
Nancy Canning wrote:
 What fun and games...I make a bet you believe that vaccinations of 
 infants is also a good thing  ha ha ha ha ha..propaganda 
 -propaganda- propaganda. 

as I recall, childhood immunizations are one of the most cost effective 
health care options available.

  and who makes the money by passing off
 products that harm our health.  For instance, you believe the 
 pharmacutical industry in it's cancer treatments?  The doctors and 
 hospitals, insurance companies, and drug companies can't make any money 
 of a healthy diet, vitamines, and herbal remedies.

   so nancy, you seem quite worried about your environment.  What is 
safe to eat?  what herbal remedies should we depend on and where do we 
get the information? who do you trust?

  So you guys are going
 to believe hook line and sinker all the bs FDA passes off.  I am 
 laughing so hard at your defending the FDA.
  Why do you think that products a few years ago touted Nutrasweet, and 
 now they hadly  ever label it on the packaging,  it's listed in the 
 ingredients under aspartame? 


   Article written by Nancy Markle  Ten FREE Cancer Reports

I think that has some authority on this list:  see what they 
thing of the material snipped out.  it is word for word from the 
infamous Nancy Markle.

go to and type nancy markle in the search box. you will find 
a link to this polemic contained therein

Bob Allen

Science is what we have learned about how to keep
from fooling ourselves — Richard Feynman

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-01 Thread John Hayes
Keith Addison wrote:
Myk Hill wrote:

FDA has also listed Aspartame as a Neurotoxin, but there is many foods
that contain it anyway

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence - Carl Sagan.

Any chance you have a primary source to back up your rather
extraordinary statement?

Searching the FDA website for aspartame turns up no such no evidence to
support your claim. In fact, searching the FDA website turns up the
following page:

which explicitly states that the FDA has concluded aspartame is safe.

So while other groups, like CSPI, and even former FDA employees, like
Arthur Evangelista, who may or may not have an agenda of their own,
claim aspartame is a neurotoxin, I don't think the statement that FDA
lists aspartame as a neurotoxin holds up to the light of day.

 Why would you think that the FDA might not have an agenda of its own John?

They certainly may Keith, but I'd hard pressed to figure out their 
motivation without invoking some nefarious Rumsfeldian kabal. You'll 
have to forgive me if I have a little more faith in broadly focused, 
science based professional organizations like the ADA, the AMA, the ACS, 
the WHO, the MS Society, etc, than I do in alarmist single-issue 
advocacy groups.

But in this particular case, I was just trying to provide some sorely 
needed skeptism toward Myk's rather extraordinary statement.



Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-01 Thread John Hayes
Nancy Canning wrote:
 So you guys are going to believe hook line and sinker all the bs FDA
 passes off. I am laughing so hard at your defending the FDA.

I'm not defending the FDA here (nice red herring/strawman btw) - I 
just pointed out that the claim the FDA listed aspartame as a 
neurotoxin is 100% flat out untrue.

The chemicals are bad schtick gets a little old after you've been on
this list for a while. We get it:

* chemicals are bad
* vaccines cause autism
* mercury leaches out of amalgam fillings
* fluoride is a comunist/NWO plot
* aspartame is poison
* neotame is worse
* rumsfeld and cheney are behind it all
* we're all just blind sheep that are pawns to the bigs
* natural is good
* raw is better

We're heard it all before.

Maybe you could do us all a favor and actually look in the archives
before you share next time. As Keith likes to point out, there is a
handy dandy link to the archives at the bottom of every message you get.

 The doctors and hospitals, insurance companies, and drug companies
 can't make any money of a healthy diet, vitamines, and herbal

 Why do you think that doctors across the country tried to ban
 aspartame before it was released?

Wait, now I'm confused. Are doctors trying to protect us or are they 
trying to poison us to make money. Which side of this epic struggle are 
they on? How am I to know if you can't even make up your mind in the 
same post?

 Article written by Nancy Markle  Ten FREE Cancer Reports
 I have spent several days lecturing at the WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL 
 CONFERENCE on  ASPARTAME  marketed as NutraSweet, Equal, and 
 Spoonful.   In the keynote address by the EPA, they announced that 
 there was an epidemic of MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS  and  SYSTEMIC LUPUS, and
 they did not understand what toxin was causing this to be rampant 
 across the United States.   I explained that I was there to lecture 
 on exactly that subject.

Wow Nancy. That's really interesting, especially since:

a) Nancy Markle doesn't exist, or at least no one by that name is known
to do research on MS, lupus or aspartame.

In fact, the original source of the document you cut n' pasted is 
originally from a Usenet posting in 1995 by Betty Martini that was 
modified by an unknown person and attributed to the mythical Ms. Markle.

Searching will turn up postings from Ms. Martini as 
far back as 1996.

b) Searching the EPA publication archive for World Environmental
Congress returns ZERO hits.

Go ahead and try it, I just did:

If the EPA gave the KEYNOTE talk at this WORLD conference, why doesn't
anything come up?

I guess the secret kabal got to them, eh?

 Analysis Shows Nearly 100% of Independent Research Finds Problems 
 With Aspartame October 17, 1996

So which is it? 100%? less that 100%? This is sloppy emotional writing.

 An analysis of peer reviewed medical literature using MEDLINE and 
 other databases was conducted by Ralph G. Walton, MD, Chairman, The 
 Center for Behavioral Medicine, Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, 
 Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine. Dr. Walton 
 analyzed 164 studies which were felt to have relevance to human 
 safety questions. Of those studies, 74 studies had aspartame 
 industry-related sponsorship and 90 were funded without any industry 

That's interesting too, since a PubMed search for walton and aspartame
brings up exactly two relevent references, neither of which is a
systematic review of literature.

The first paper is a experimental study on the effects of aspartame in
psychiatric patients. The study was designed to recruit 40 patients and
40 controls; in reality only 8 patients and 5 controls were enrolled
before the university safety committee (the IRB) shut down the study due
to excessive adverse events in patient population. This could be because
the aspartame truly caused that many problems in the patients, or it
could be because of other serious ethical/methological problems.

The second reference is first a technical critique of the study and then
a rebuttal by Walton.

Thus, your faith in Dr Walton is rather interesting since Walton is not
a toxicologist at all, but rather a psychiatrist that has published a
single study on aspartame, and that one study is disputed.

The fact that he is the Chairman of The Center for Behavioral Medicine
at the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine is, in fact,
completely irrelevent and is nothing more than an appeal to authority,
and a weak one at that.



Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-01 Thread Mike Weaver
 that would have warned all 
 infants, pregnant mothers and children of the dangers of aspartame.   
 The bill would have also instituted independent studies on the 
 problems existing in the population (seizures, changes in brain 
 chemistry, changes in neurological and behavioural symptoms).   It was 
 killed by the powerful drug and chemical lobbies, letting loose the 
 hounds of disease and death on an unsuspecting public.   Since the 
 Conference of the American College of Physicians, we hope to have the 
 help of some world leaders.

  Again, please help us too.   There are a lot of people out there who 
 must be warned, please let them know this information.

  Thanks, Amy L. Meinstein - Oxy Chem. AP Legacy Support 972-404-3708.

  Health Report Comment;

  If we can believe the above article it is yet another example of a 
 world gone mad with chemicals and being dominated by vested 
 interests.  In this case Monsanto.  The company that is bringing us 
 genetically modified crops which are more resistant to their chemicals 
 so they can sell and use more of them! Make sure you get all the 
 official truthful facts about aspartame from the 
 website for a balanced view. This is the official site set up to 
 rebut the overwhelming anecdotal and other evidence on the Internet 
 about the bad effects of aspartame.

  Aspartame is a man-made chemical and plays no part in good natural 


Toxic chemical overload. FREE E-Book | Ten FREE Cancer Reports
  Please pass this information onto a friend!

 - Original Message - From: Keith Addison 
 Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 1:54 PM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

 Myk Hill wrote:

  FDA has also listed Aspartame as a Neurotoxin, but there is many 
  that contain it anyway

 Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence - Carl Sagan.

 Any chance you have a primary source to back up your rather
 extraordinary statement?

 Searching the FDA website for aspartame turns up no such no evidence to
 support your claim. In fact, searching the FDA website turns up the
 following page:

 which explicitly states that the FDA has concluded aspartame is safe.

 So while other groups, like CSPI, and even former FDA employees, like
 Arthur Evangelista, who may or may not have an agenda of their own,
 claim aspartame is a neurotoxin, I don't think the statement that FDA
 lists aspartame as a neurotoxin holds up to the light of day.


 Why would you think that the FDA might not have an agenda of its own 

 Best wishes


 Biofuel mailing list 

 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

 Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-08-30 Thread Mike Montour

 What is Propylene Glycol?

Not as bad as it sounds from this article.

 Yes, the main ingredient in anti-freeze is in all of these products.
 Shocked?  You should be!

Anti-freeze is something that lowers the freezing point of water.
That's not shocking; sugar or salt will do that.

Also, it is misleading to discuss anti-freeze without mentioning that
both propylene and ethylene glycol are commonly used for this purpose
(and that ethylene glycol is the one associated with the traditional
toxic effects of automotive anti-freeze).

 Anti-Freeze  * Brake and Hydraulic Fluid  * De-Icer  * Paints and
 Coatings *  Floor Wax  * Laundry Detergents  * Pet Food  * Tobacco * 
 Cosmetics  * Toothpastes  * Shampoos  * Deodorants  * Lotions *
 Processed Foods and many more personal care items.
 Check out your body lotions, deodorant, hair conditioner, hair gel,
 creams, and many more products!

So it's a common chemical. That's still not cause for concern.

By the way, many of those items also contain Dihydrogen Monoxide! See if you are not familiar with this
potentially-lethal substance.

 Propylene Glycol serves as a Humectant - a substance that helps retain
 moisture content, or simply -it prevents things from drying out.

Also not cause for concern.

 A published clinical review showed propylene glycol causes a significant
 number of reactions and was a primary irritant to the skin even in low
 levels of concentrations.
 The American Academy of Dermatologists, Inc; Jan. 1991

Studies like this _are_ worth pointing out. It would be a shorter and
more useful article if it stuck to references like this.

 Has anyone or any company tested the long-range side effects from
 constant use of these products?  We haven't found any.  Do these complex
 chemicals build up in our bodies?  If Propylene Glycol keeps things from
 drying out - how?  If it's absorbed into our bloodstream and into our
 cells, what does it do?  Does it affect any of the simple, natural
 biological functions at the cellular level?  You don't need a study to
 say - it's possible, even likely.

Those are good questions. It sounds like it's worth studying. I expect
that many of the answers are known already (e.g. someone previously
mentioning that PG is metabolized to pyruvate). Here's a quick Google
result that talks about it:

 You do need a conclusive study to make the producers stop using these

The previous paragraph was all about not knowing what PG did in the
body. The article now assumes that if the studies were done, the results
would support the hypothesis that it's dangerous. That's not good science.

 The MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for Propylene Glycol says:  May
 be harmful by ingestion or skin absorption.  May cause eye irritation,
 skin irritation.  Chronic exposure can cause gastro-intestinal
 disturbances, nausea, headache and vomiting, central nervous system

There's an MSDS here:

It says for example
  Relatively non-toxic. Ingestion of sizable amount (over 100ml) may
cause some gastrointestinal upset and temporary central nervous system
depression. Effects appear more severe in individuals with kidney

So it's not harmless, but it's safer than something like ethanol:

 PG can have an anesthetic effect.  Other side
 effects on animals exposed to PG include heart arrhythmia, stunted
 growth, decreased blood pressure, and even death.

Possibly valid points, but what conditions, concentrations, durations of
exposure, etc? Without sufficient context it's difficult to assess the
severity of these effects.

 sheet (MSDS) and it may alarm you to find that this common, widely used
 humectant has a cautionary warning in its MSDS that reads, If on skin:
 thoroughly wash with soap and water! What? Aren't we putting this stuff
 on our skins daily, sometimes in copious amounts over long periods of time?

That sounds like standard boilerplate for an MSDS. Sodium chloride
(table salt) carries a similar warning.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-08-30 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Mike


By the way, many of those items also contain Dihydrogen Monoxide! See if you are not familiar with this
potentially-lethal substance.

It was funny the first time but less funny the 19th time. 
Search results for 'Dihydrogen Monoxide'

To save everyone the trouble, Dihydrogen Monoxide = H2O = water. The 
award-winning U.S. scientist Nathan Zohner was a 14-year-old 
college student who wrote it in 1997, having first lifted it off the 
Internet where it had been circulating for ages. It's addressed at 
the gullibility of other 14-year-old students, but is often used as 
an amusing sneer at allegedly naive and over-anxious people who don't 
trust the chemical corporations, which on the contrary you'd have to 
be extremely naive to trust, as well as blind.

See snopes, once again:
Urban Legends Reference Pages: Toxin du jour (Dihydrogen Monoxide)

Best wishes




Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-08-30 Thread John Hayes
Nancy Canning wrote:
 - Original Message - From: John Hayes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2005 10:01 AM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine
 Nancy Canning wrote:

 Propylene glycol as it is used tons and tons of products including
 industrial cleaners, shampoo's, toothpaste, creams,  etc.  It is very 
 the industry even has it in children's prescriptions. Wonder if this 
 type of
 propylene glycol has less poison/carcinogenic toxicity qualities vrs 
 what is
 out there right now?  Anybody have any info?


 You are mistakenly confusing ethylene glycol with propylene glycol. Both
 can be used as antifreeze or deicers, but they have very different
 metabolic fates in the body. Thus, ethylene glycol is toxic while
 propylene glycol is food safe.

 What is Propylene Glycol?
 Propylene Glycol (PG, Polyethylene Glycol (PEG), Butylene Glycol (BG) 
 and Ethylene Glycol (EG) are all petroleum derivatives that act as 
 solvents, surfactants, and wetting agents.  They can easily penetrate 
 the skin, and can weaken protein and cellular structure.  In fact, PG 
 penetrates the skin so quickly that the EPA warns factory workers to 
 avoid skin contact, to prevent brain, liver, and kidney abnormalities.  
 PG is present in many stick deodorants, often in heavier concentration 
 than in most industrial applications. (Nyack, Dr. Vin, Ph.D., 
 Biochemist; personal communication). And Propylene Glycol is what is 
 used to carry the active ingredients in those transdermal patches INTO 
 Imagine a bottle of Anti-Freeze in a picture with shampoos, deodorants, 
 cosmetics, lotions and toothpastes?
 The question you should be asking is .. What's Anti-Freeze doing IN my 
 shampoos, deodorants, cosmetics, lotions and toothpaste?
 Yes, the main ingredient in anti-freeze is in all of these products.
 Shocked?  You should be!


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-08-29 Thread Nancy Canning
- Original Message - 
From: John Hayes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2005 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

Nancy Canning wrote:

Propylene glycol as it is used tons and tons of products including
industrial cleaners, shampoo's, toothpaste, creams,  etc.  It is very 
the industry even has it in children's prescriptions. Wonder if this type 
propylene glycol has less poison/carcinogenic toxicity qualities vrs what 

out there right now?  Anybody have any info?


You are mistakenly confusing ethylene glycol with propylene glycol. Both
can be used as antifreeze or deicers, but they have very different
metabolic fates in the body. Thus, ethylene glycol is toxic while
propylene glycol is food safe.

What is Propylene Glycol?

Propylene Glycol (PG, Polyethylene Glycol (PEG), Butylene Glycol (BG) and 
Ethylene Glycol (EG) are all petroleum derivatives that act as solvents, 
surfactants, and wetting agents.  They can easily penetrate the skin, and 
can weaken protein and cellular structure.  In fact, PG penetrates the skin 
so quickly that the EPA warns factory workers to avoid skin contact, to 
prevent brain, liver, and kidney abnormalities.  PG is present in many stick 
deodorants, often in heavier concentration than in most industrial 
applications. (Nyack, Dr. Vin, Ph.D., Biochemist; personal communication). 
And Propylene Glycol is what is used to carry the active ingredients in 
those transdermal patches INTO YOUR BODY
Imagine a bottle of Anti-Freeze in a picture with shampoos, deodorants, 
cosmetics, lotions and toothpastes?
The question you should be asking is .. What's Anti-Freeze doing IN my 
shampoos, deodorants, cosmetics, lotions and toothpaste?

Yes, the main ingredient in anti-freeze is in all of these products.
Shocked?  You should be!
You need to understand what it could do to your health.
is a colorless, viscous, hygroscopic liquid CH3CHOHCH2OH, used in 
anti-freeze solutions, in hydraulic fluids, and as a solvent.  Also called 

American Heritage Encyclopedia Dictionary
Anti-Freeze  * Brake and Hydraulic Fluid  * De-Icer  * Paints and Coatings 
*  Floor Wax  * Laundry Detergents  * Pet Food  * Tobacco *  Cosmetics  * 
Toothpastes  * Shampoos  * Deodorants  * Lotions * Processed Foods and 
many more personal care items.
Check out your body lotions, deodorant, hair conditioner, hair gel, creams, 
and many more products!
Propylene Glycol serves as a Humectant - a substance that helps retain 
moisture content, or simply -it prevents things from drying out.  That's why 
some pet foods are soft and chewy.  This, of course, is a good reason it's 
in cosmetics and other personal care items.  It makes the skin feel moist 
and soft.  And, the products don't dry out. Propylene Glycol is also found 
in baby wipes and even some processed foods!  Go Ahead, check your labels!
A published clinical review showed propylene glycol causes a significant 
number of reactions and was a primary irritant to the skin even in low 
levels of concentrations.

The American Academy of Dermatologists, Inc; Jan. 1991

In 1938, the FDA grandfathered the use of several ingredients as safe for 
personal care items, with restrictions of course.  Based on what?  There 
were no studies on repeated exposure over time.
The problem is PROPYLENE GLYCOL may be absorbed through the skin.  Studies 
have shown SYSTEMIC retention (residue throughout).

Has anyone or any company tested the long-range side effects from constant 
use of these products?  We haven't found any.  Do these complex chemicals 
build up in our bodies?  If Propylene Glycol keeps things from drying out - 
how?  If it's absorbed into our bloodstream and into our cells, what does it 
do?  Does it affect any of the simple, natural biological functions at the 
cellular level?  You don't need a study to say - it's possible, even likely.

You do need a conclusive study to make the producers stop using these 
ingredients!  Yes, this is beginning to sound like another great American 
Tobacco Scandal.  But before you get complacent and think the government is 
going to step in - think again.   Look how long it has taken the cigarette 
pushers to get grilled - 20 years after the first Surgeon General's report..

The MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for Propylene Glycol says:  May be 
harmful by ingestion or skin absorption.  May cause eye irritation, skin 
irritation.  Chronic exposure can cause gastro-intestinal disturbances, 
nausea, headache and vomiting, central nervous system depression. 
(Toxicological profile for ethylene glycol and propylene glycol (update). 
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), 1996.  Atlanta, 
Ga; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service.)

Propylene glycol

Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-08-28 Thread Ken Gotberg

You can make monoglycerides by reacting glycerol with FAME in mixed phase solvent systems. These are used as emulsifiers in food and pharmaceutical products.

Ken__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around ___
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-08-27 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Chris

the subject of glycerine by-product, and what to do with it, seems to come up
quite frequently so i thought i'd pass on this bit of news.



Thanks, but we had it before: 
[Biofuel] Development Yields Antifreeze from Biodiesel

Note it comes from, not

Best wishes



From: Steve Spence [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: biodiesel - glycerin - propylene glycol

Renewable Alternatives, has developed a process for converting glycerin,
a byproduct of the biodiesel production process, into propylene glycol.
Propylene glycol can be used as nontoxic antifreeze for automobiles.

Suppes said this technology can reduce the cost of biodiesel production
by as much as $0.40 per gallon of biodiesel. The market for propylene
glycol already is established, with a billion pounds produced a year.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-08-27 Thread Nancy Canning
Propylene glycol as it is used tons and tons of products including 
industrial cleaners, shampoo's, toothpaste, creams,  etc.  It is very toxic, 
the industry even has it in children's prescriptions. Wonder if this type of 
propylene glycol has less poison/carcinogenic toxicity qualities vrs what is 
out there right now?  Anybody have any info?

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 6:48 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

 the subject of glycerine by-product, and what to do with it, seems to come 
 quite frequently so i thought i'd pass on this bit of news.




 From: Steve Spence [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: biodiesel - glycerin - propylene glycol

 Renewable Alternatives, has developed a process for converting glycerin,
 a byproduct of the biodiesel production process, into propylene glycol.
 Propylene glycol can be used as nontoxic antifreeze for automobiles.

 Suppes said this technology can reduce the cost of biodiesel production
 by as much as $0.40 per gallon of biodiesel. The market for propylene
 glycol already is established, with a billion pounds produced a year.


 Biofuel mailing list

 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

 Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-08-27 Thread John Hayes
Nancy Canning wrote:
 Propylene glycol as it is used tons and tons of products including 
 industrial cleaners, shampoo's, toothpaste, creams,  etc.  It is very toxic, 
 the industry even has it in children's prescriptions. Wonder if this type of 
 propylene glycol has less poison/carcinogenic toxicity qualities vrs what is 
 out there right now?  Anybody have any info?


You are mistakenly confusing ethylene glycol with propylene glycol. Both 
can be used as antifreeze or deicers, but they have very different 
metabolic fates in the body. Thus, ethylene glycol is toxic while 
propylene glycol is food safe.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-08-27 Thread bob allen
Nanny, you are right that propylene glycol is used in numerous products, due to 
its relative 
non-toxicity.  Are you confusing nontoxic propylene glycol with toxic ethylene 

for an msds see

propylene glycol is metabolized in the body via oxidation to pyruvate, an ever 
so normal metabolite 
  of all carbohydrate we eat.

Nancy Canning wrote:
 Propylene glycol as it is used tons and tons of products including 
 industrial cleaners, shampoo's, toothpaste, creams,  etc.  It is very toxic, 
 the industry even has it in children's prescriptions. Wonder if this type of 
 propylene glycol has less poison/carcinogenic toxicity qualities vrs what is 
 out there right now?  Anybody have any info?
 - Original Message - 
 Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 6:48 PM
 Subject: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine
the subject of glycerine by-product, and what to do with it, seems to come 
quite frequently so i thought i'd pass on this bit of news.




From: Steve Spence [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: biodiesel - glycerin - propylene glycol

Renewable Alternatives, has developed a process for converting glycerin,
a byproduct of the biodiesel production process, into propylene glycol.
Propylene glycol can be used as nontoxic antifreeze for automobiles.

Suppes said this technology can reduce the cost of biodiesel production
by as much as $0.40 per gallon of biodiesel. The market for propylene
glycol already is established, with a billion pounds produced a year.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 

 Biofuel mailing list
 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
 Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Bob Allen

Science is what we have learned about how to keep
from fooling ourselves - Richard Feynman

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-08-27 Thread Sir Woody Hackswell
If propylene glycol is an antifreeze, couldn't it be added to bioD in winter? Or am I showing my naivity? ;)
Renewable Alternatives, has developed a process for converting glycerin,
a byproduct of the biodiesel production process, into propylene glycol.Propylene glycol can be used as nontoxic antifreeze for automobiles.-- -Sir Woody Hackswell
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

[Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-08-26 Thread capt3d
the subject of glycerine by-product, and what to do with it, seems to come up 
quite frequently so i thought i'd pass on this bit of news.




From: Steve Spence [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: biodiesel - glycerin - propylene glycol

Renewable Alternatives, has developed a process for converting glycerin, 
a byproduct of the biodiesel production process, into propylene glycol. 
Propylene glycol can be used as nontoxic antifreeze for automobiles.

Suppes said this technology can reduce the cost of biodiesel production 
by as much as $0.40 per gallon of biodiesel. The market for propylene 
glycol already is established, with a billion pounds produced a year.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):