Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-22 Thread Jerry Eyers

That's kind of what I had gathered just from reading the book.  The fact that while making wonderful high mileage claims he was unable (or unwilling) to produce any working diagrams, and that as best as I could tell, you would essentially be driving a rolling bomb.  By superheating the fuel through an exhaust based heating system, you would not get any results until after the vehicle ran for a while, and if there were any leaks of any kind, or a backfire, or any problem at all, it would ignite the vaporizer rather violently.
I couldn't quite figure out from his descriptions how getting a "complete" vaporization would give such incredible gas mileage.  More is involved with the combustion than just vaporizing the fuel, such as oxygen mixture ratios, hydrogen levels, etc.  Perhaps mixing different gasses AND vaporized fuel, but now your not talking a pure system, so rating "gas mileage" is not accurate either.
Your conclusions about him, and his ideas make more sense.
---Original Message---

Date: 09/22/05 16:10:50
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise
I've known Bruce McBurney, the fellow who runs himacresearch, for about 14
years now. He lives in Niagara Falls, Ontario, about 12-15 miles from me.
I regard him as a total flake. I suspect that the others whose exploits he
talks about, and whose literature he sells, are much the same.
Bruce told me that he had built a "supercarburetor" (from purchased
plans) and had installed it in his van. It involved heating gasoline and
steam, using the engine's coolant and exhaust heat, in the presence of
steel wool whch presumably served as an iron catalyst. He ran the system
for a while and then removed it. I asked him about driveability problems;
he indicated that there were some but refused to discuss details. He
claimed high mileage; I think he said 60 miles per gallon. He also said
that the device only worked for a short time due to poisoning of the
iron catalyst by additives in the gasoline, which sounded plausible to me.
Bruce claimed that the device worked because it transformed the fuel into
uniform small molecules. He also showed me a report of an analysis of the
product of his device by a Dr. Cherniak, a professor of chemistry at
Brock University in St. Catharines. It showed ethane and other
hydrocarbons including several alcohols (i.e. the analysis made nonsense
of Bruce's "theory" which didn't appear to register with him). Dr.
Cherniak was not able to test for hydrogen, but I expect there was some.
I don't recall whether the report said anything about carbon monoxide;
again I would expect there was some produced.
Hydrogen and some of the hydrocarbons will ignite at extremely lean
mixtures and will enable other fuels which will ordinarily not ignite at
very lean mixtures to do so. I surmise that this lean mixture operation
would produce an improvement in fuel economy. However the heating of the
fuel/air mixture in the device would drastically lower the misture density
and the power produced. That and the changes in mixture ratio, chemical
composition and density of the mixture during warmup would be likely to
produce serious performance and driveability problems, which seems to
have been the case from the limited information I was able to extract
from Bruce.
There is a likely efficiency improvement from another source besides the
lean mixture; see if you can guess it what it is.
Bruce claimed to me that the inventors of "supercarburetors" had been
routinely assassinated by big oil companies, also that the companies were
responsible for the rewriting of textbooks of chemistry and physics to
conceal the possibility of such devices from the public. It seemed that
nothing was too complicated or expensive for the companies to do to
suppress the inventions. Bruce appeared to believe that he had re-invented
true chemistry and physics although he was unable to produce any coherent
account of what he claimed to have done.
I talked to Dr. Cherniak by phone (he died shortly after); he told me
among other things that Bruce "didn't want to learn" which accords with my
I have had some experience with flakes in other lines, one a prophet of
monetary "reform" as the solution to all our economic ills. I've concluded
that ordinary sensible people have no conception of the number of wackos
there are walking around, who are able to function in daily life and earn
their livings, but who have only the weakest connection with reality in
any context which doesn't bring that reality home to them in their daily
lives. These experiences have made my reading of religious and political
history and its high content of madness much more understandable. The
stuff I have encountered about "zero-point energy" has sounded quite

Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-22 Thread dwoodard
s which have turned
about 33% of the heat energy in the fuel into shaft horsepower, when
operated at cruise at high BMEP (typically in aircraft). Operation in cars
at low mixture density and low BMEP with throttling (pumping) losses,
transmission losses, tire losses, etc.,  can result in only about 10% of
the fuel energy getting to the wheel/road interface - but that's another

Doug Woodard
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

On Wed, 21 Sep 2005, Jerry Eyers wrote:

> Sorry about being inacurate enough to get the engine size wrong, I was
> writing from memory,  I was actually quoting from a book that collected 27
> of the 50+ mechanic and newspaper reviews done on this guy's engine mod.
> The book reprint online can be found here:
> Don't shoot the messenger, if you don't like his engine mod, talk to the
> mechanics that reviewed it, not me.  He was granted a patent on it, but died
> about the same time, which is probably why we haven't seen an commercial
> development of it.
> Jerry
> ---Original Message---
> From: robert luis rabello
> Date: 09/21/05 17:56:09
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise
> Trevon Kollars wrote:
> > Actually, the Chevy 350 has three variants; Small Block, Big Block, and
> > the Blue Print (which is really a 355).
>   You're confusing horsepower and building technique with casting type.
>   Go here for enlightenment:
> > The "rumors" of the 200 mpg and such are somewhat true.
>   Like someone can be "somewhat" pregnant?
> >  The small block
> > 350 was able to run at 110 mpg on heated gasoline.  The fuel was
> > vaporized prior to entering the carb.  The big block was able to run at
> > around 80 mpg with the same apparatus.  The problem was that the engines
> > were not in a vehicle but in a test stand and actual numbers were not
> > verified.
>   If the numbers are not verified, they shouldn't be presented in this
> forum as factual.
> > Smokey Yunick spent years working on a design and it was superseded by
> > fuel injection which did the same thing but mechanically.
>   No V 8 engine of 5 liters or greater displacement, fuel injected or
> not, comes CLOSE to the claim of 100 mpg in the real world.  Don't
> dodge the bullet!  And don't invoke the revered name of Smokey Yunick
> to support this kind of nonsense!
> > The propane and methane work but do not have the energy of gasoline or
> > diesel for that matter.
>   This is what I said.  What you missed is that fuel economy with a
> gaseous fuel is PROPORTIONAL to its energy content.
> >  The best vapor to use is atomized gas with an
> > injection of hydrogen.  This will give you the best burn in a NA
> > engine.
>   Oh no!  Hydrogen!
> > You can supercool the air in the cylinder but you don't want to
> > cool the intake.
>   You're writing to a "gearhead" who drives a fuel injected,
> supercharged and intercooled truck every day.
> > Hope this inspired someone!
>   Inspired someone to WHAT?  You need to get your facts straight!
> robert luis rabello
> "The Edge of Justice"
> Adventure for Your Mind
> Ranger Supercharger Project Page

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-22 Thread Mike Weaver
Jeepers, as long as it is not that other Mike!

Binary fusion is a lot of fun, BTW.  I don't know about the rest of you 
but I don't let my kid read this list.  Don't want her getting a bunch 
of crazy ideas!

Keith Addison wrote:

>Hi Mike
>>Uh, Keith, hate to step in here but it works by "binary fusion" not 
>Oh. That sounds rude to me, are you sure that isn't rude? This is a 
>family list you know.
>>You're going to give
>>people the wrong idea.
>But isn't that the plan?
>>Also, where's my link?
>:-) I'll forward your request to the gentleman concerned. I refuse to 
>be dragged into this row over which is the *real* Brand X, you can 
>fight it out between you, this list just isn't big enough for two 
>Brand X's.
>All best
>>It works by "'binary fission' with additional vigour, by maximising
>>>combustion efficiency". Sounds great, think I'll buy some. Dammit,
>>>where's my wallet?
>>Darryl McMahon wrote:
>>>Oh, come on Keith!  Everyone knows you can't get that kind of performance
>>>improvement without magnets and hydrogen injection using on-board 
>>splitting of
>>>water based on zero-point energy.
>>I like the "binary fission" angle though.
>>>Imagine the kinds of performance improvements we'll get when I 
>>finish my research
>>>on "trinary fission" (based on tritium, don't you know).
>>>Isn't fission elemental science, rather than molecular science?
>>>Facetiously yours,
>>>Darryl McMahon
>>>Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello all

>Jerry Eyers wrote:
>>Not to knock everyone who has responded so far, but such items do exist,
>>although I don't believe 300 has been achieved, but there are documented
>>cases of big block 350's getting over 200mpg.
>   Documented by whom?  (By the way, a 350 is a small block.)  Under
>what test conditions?
>>The process involves replacing the standard carb with a vapor
>only carb (like a
>>propane one) then pre-heating your fuel to a vapor, and feeding the
>   I have a lot of experience running gaseous fuels in engines, and
>NEVER have I seen any evidence that a fully vaporized fuel (such as
>propane or methane) can attain higher efficiencies than a fuel
>injected liquid fueled engine.  (Though it is true that certain gases,
>hydrogen for example, can run leaner than gasoline.  However, the
>difference in economy is incremental.)  The calorific value of gaseous
>fuels is generally LESS than that of liquid fuels because they are not
>as dense, yet the fuel economy remains proportional to the overall
>energy available for combustion.
>   To put it simply, vaporizing gasoline will not magically enhance fuel
>economy.  Among some people, there remains a persistent myth that
>liquid fueled internal combustion engines are incapable of fully
>burning a fuel load.  People who believe this insist that the vast
>majority of the air / fuel mixture leaving a combustion chamber is
>unburned, yet this is simply NOT true!
But it's such a good line Robert. What d'you think of this? I've just
been instructed by the would-be purveyors to add their link to the
biodiesel section of my website so they can promote it (it's not
called Brand X):

"Brand X, the new KING of Global green energy by molecular science
and has the potential to add 30% more to the Global known fossil fuel
reserves. Brand X works on the concept of deionization of
electrically charged particle formed by gaining or losing electrons
in a solution. Brand X gives more kilometres to every litre, for all
diesel and gasoline internal combustion engines, respectively. Brand
X reduces GHG emission, substantially by enhancing a total combustion
technology with higher efficiency. As fossil fuel is exhaustible and
Brand X can help to consume less fuel, until economical alternative
energy is found. It eliminates smog-forming pollutants in all diesel
internal combustion engine exhaust. Brand X is compatible with all
kinds of internal combustion engines fuel by gasoline, diesel or
biofuel, including fuel from biomass. Green Brand X availability is
inexhaustible on Earth and eco-friendly."

It works by "'binary fission' with additional vigour, by maximising
combustion efficiency". Sounds great, think I'll buy some. Dammit,
where's my wallet?

Best wishes


Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-22 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Darryl

>Darryl McMahon wrote:
> >Oh, come on Keith!  Everyone knows you can't get that kind of performance
> >improvement without magnets and hydrogen injection using on-board 
>splitting of
> >water based on zero-point energy.

They laughed at Einstein too. (But they laughed at the Marx Brothers 
even more.)

>I like the "binary fission" angle though.

Yes! New in the annals of energy scams.

> >Imagine the kinds of performance improvements we'll get when I 
>finish my research
> >on "trinary fission" (based on tritium, don't you know).

Everyone's gone fission.

> >Isn't fission elemental science, rather than molecular science?

Naah, these guys are way ahead, they're working with molecular 
elements and elementary molecules.

> >Facetiously yours,

:-) Likewise,



> >Darryl McMahon
> >
> >Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >>Hello all
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>Jerry Eyers wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> Not to knock everyone who has responded so far, but such items do exist,
> although I don't believe 300 has been achieved, but there are documented
> cases of big block 350's getting over 200mpg.
> >>>   Documented by whom?  (By the way, a 350 is a small block.)  Under
> >>>what test conditions?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> The process involves replacing the standard carb with a vapor
> >>>only carb (like a
> >>>
> >>>
> propane one) then pre-heating your fuel to a vapor, and feeding the
> vapor.
> >>>   I have a lot of experience running gaseous fuels in engines, and
> >>>NEVER have I seen any evidence that a fully vaporized fuel (such as
> >>>propane or methane) can attain higher efficiencies than a fuel
> >>>injected liquid fueled engine.  (Though it is true that certain gases,
> >>>hydrogen for example, can run leaner than gasoline.  However, the
> >>>difference in economy is incremental.)  The calorific value of gaseous
> >>>fuels is generally LESS than that of liquid fuels because they are not
> >>>as dense, yet the fuel economy remains proportional to the overall
> >>>energy available for combustion.
> >>>
> >>>   To put it simply, vaporizing gasoline will not magically enhance fuel
> >>>economy.  Among some people, there remains a persistent myth that
> >>>liquid fueled internal combustion engines are incapable of fully
> >>>burning a fuel load.  People who believe this insist that the vast
> >>>majority of the air / fuel mixture leaving a combustion chamber is
> >>>unburned, yet this is simply NOT true!
> >>>
> >>>
> >>But it's such a good line Robert. What d'you think of this? I've just
> >>been instructed by the would-be purveyors to add their link to the
> >>biodiesel section of my website so they can promote it (it's not
> >>called Brand X):
> >>
> >>"Brand X, the new KING of Global green energy by molecular science
> >>and has the potential to add 30% more to the Global known fossil fuel
> >>reserves. Brand X works on the concept of deionization of
> >>electrically charged particle formed by gaining or losing electrons
> >>in a solution. Brand X gives more kilometres to every litre, for all
> >>diesel and gasoline internal combustion engines, respectively. Brand
> >>X reduces GHG emission, substantially by enhancing a total combustion
> >>technology with higher efficiency. As fossil fuel is exhaustible and
> >>Brand X can help to consume less fuel, until economical alternative
> >>energy is found. It eliminates smog-forming pollutants in all diesel
> >>internal combustion engine exhaust. Brand X is compatible with all
> >>kinds of internal combustion engines fuel by gasoline, diesel or
> >>biofuel, including fuel from biomass. Green Brand X availability is
> >>inexhaustible on Earth and eco-friendly."
> >>
> >>It works by "'binary fission' with additional vigour, by maximising
> >>combustion efficiency". Sounds great, think I'll buy some. Dammit,
> >>where's my wallet?
> >>
> >>Best wishes
> >>
> >>Keith
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> That said, I don't know of ANY that have worked with diesel engines,
> only straight gas.
> >>>   A diesel engine will outperform a gasoline engine by virtue of higher
> >>>compression pressure and the lack of a throttle, which considerably
> >>>reduces pumping losses.  In addition, diesel fuel contains more energy
> >>>than gasoline.
> >>>
> >>>robert luis rabello
> >>>"The Edge of Justice"
> >>>Adventure for Your Mind
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Ranger Supercharger Project Page
> >>>

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-22 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Mike

>Uh, Keith, hate to step in here but it works by "binary fusion" not 

Oh. That sounds rude to me, are you sure that isn't rude? This is a 
family list you know.

>You're going to give
>people the wrong idea.

But isn't that the plan?

>Also, where's my link?

:-) I'll forward your request to the gentleman concerned. I refuse to 
be dragged into this row over which is the *real* Brand X, you can 
fight it out between you, this list just isn't big enough for two 
Brand X's.

All best


>It works by "'binary fission' with additional vigour, by maximising
> > combustion efficiency". Sounds great, think I'll buy some. Dammit,
> > where's my wallet?
>Darryl McMahon wrote:
> >Oh, come on Keith!  Everyone knows you can't get that kind of performance
> >improvement without magnets and hydrogen injection using on-board 
>splitting of
> >water based on zero-point energy.
> >
>I like the "binary fission" angle though.
> >Imagine the kinds of performance improvements we'll get when I 
>finish my research
> >on "trinary fission" (based on tritium, don't you know).
> >
> >Isn't fission elemental science, rather than molecular science?
> >
> >Facetiously yours,
> >
> >Darryl McMahon
> >
> >Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >>Hello all
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>Jerry Eyers wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> Not to knock everyone who has responded so far, but such items do exist,
> although I don't believe 300 has been achieved, but there are documented
> cases of big block 350's getting over 200mpg.
> >>>   Documented by whom?  (By the way, a 350 is a small block.)  Under
> >>>what test conditions?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> The process involves replacing the standard carb with a vapor
> >>>only carb (like a
> >>>
> >>>
> propane one) then pre-heating your fuel to a vapor, and feeding the
> vapor.
> >>>   I have a lot of experience running gaseous fuels in engines, and
> >>>NEVER have I seen any evidence that a fully vaporized fuel (such as
> >>>propane or methane) can attain higher efficiencies than a fuel
> >>>injected liquid fueled engine.  (Though it is true that certain gases,
> >>>hydrogen for example, can run leaner than gasoline.  However, the
> >>>difference in economy is incremental.)  The calorific value of gaseous
> >>>fuels is generally LESS than that of liquid fuels because they are not
> >>>as dense, yet the fuel economy remains proportional to the overall
> >>>energy available for combustion.
> >>>
> >>>   To put it simply, vaporizing gasoline will not magically enhance fuel
> >>>economy.  Among some people, there remains a persistent myth that
> >>>liquid fueled internal combustion engines are incapable of fully
> >>>burning a fuel load.  People who believe this insist that the vast
> >>>majority of the air / fuel mixture leaving a combustion chamber is
> >>>unburned, yet this is simply NOT true!
> >>>
> >>>
> >>But it's such a good line Robert. What d'you think of this? I've just
> >>been instructed by the would-be purveyors to add their link to the
> >>biodiesel section of my website so they can promote it (it's not
> >>called Brand X):
> >>
> >>"Brand X, the new KING of Global green energy by molecular science
> >>and has the potential to add 30% more to the Global known fossil fuel
> >>reserves. Brand X works on the concept of deionization of
> >>electrically charged particle formed by gaining or losing electrons
> >>in a solution. Brand X gives more kilometres to every litre, for all
> >>diesel and gasoline internal combustion engines, respectively. Brand
> >>X reduces GHG emission, substantially by enhancing a total combustion
> >>technology with higher efficiency. As fossil fuel is exhaustible and
> >>Brand X can help to consume less fuel, until economical alternative
> >>energy is found. It eliminates smog-forming pollutants in all diesel
> >>internal combustion engine exhaust. Brand X is compatible with all
> >>kinds of internal combustion engines fuel by gasoline, diesel or
> >>biofuel, including fuel from biomass. Green Brand X availability is
> >>inexhaustible on Earth and eco-friendly."
> >>
> >>It works by "'binary fission' with additional vigour, by maximising
> >>combustion efficiency". Sounds great, think I'll buy some. Dammit,
> >>where's my wallet?
> >>
> >>Best wishes
> >>
> >>Keith
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> That said, I don't know of ANY that have worked with diesel engines,
> only straight gas.
> >>>   A diesel engine will outperform a gasoline engine by virtue of higher
> >>>compression pressure and the lack of a throttle, which considerably
> >>>reduces pumping losses.  In addition, diesel fuel contains more energy
> >>>than gasoline.
> >>>
> >>>robert luis rabello
> >>>"The Edge of Justice"
> >>>Adventure for Your Mind
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Ranger Supercharger Project Page
> >>>


Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-22 Thread robert luis rabello
Jerry Eyers wrote:
> Sorry about being inacurate enough to get the engine size wrong, I was 
> writing from memory,  I was actually quoting from a book that 
> collected 27 of the 50+ mechanic and newspaper reviews done on this 
> guy's engine mod.

I forgive you.  You'll find a LOT of very sharp people who contribute 
to this forum; people who don't broker nonsense.  If you report 
something as fact, you'd better be prepared to back it up.

> Don't shoot the messenger, if you don't like his engine mod, talk to the 
> mechanics that reviewed it, not me.

You sir, were the person who posted the message.

> He was granted a patent on it, but 
> died about the same time, which is probably why we haven't seen an 
> commercial development of it.

A familiar story . . .

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-22 Thread Mike Weaver
Uh, Keith, hate to step in here but it works by "binary fusion" not "fission."  
You're going to give
people the wrong idea.

Also, where's my link?

It works by "'binary fission' with additional vigour, by maximising 
> combustion efficiency". Sounds great, think I'll buy some. Dammit, 
> where's my wallet?

Darryl McMahon wrote:

>Oh, come on Keith!  Everyone knows you can't get that kind of performance 
>improvement without magnets and hydrogen injection using on-board splitting of 
>water based on zero-point energy.  I like the "binary fission" angle though.  
>Imagine the kinds of performance improvements we'll get when I finish my 
>on "trinary fission" (based on tritium, don't you know).
>Isn't fission elemental science, rather than molecular science?
>Facetiously yours,
>Darryl McMahon
>Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Hello all
>>>Jerry Eyers wrote:
Not to knock everyone who has responded so far, but such items do exist,
although I don't believe 300 has been achieved, but there are documented
cases of big block 350's getting over 200mpg.

>>> Documented by whom?  (By the way, a 350 is a small block.)  Under
>>>what test conditions?
The process involves replacing the standard carb with a vapor 

>>>only carb (like a
propane one) then pre-heating your fuel to a vapor, and feeding the

>>> I have a lot of experience running gaseous fuels in engines, and
>>>NEVER have I seen any evidence that a fully vaporized fuel (such as
>>>propane or methane) can attain higher efficiencies than a fuel
>>>injected liquid fueled engine.  (Though it is true that certain gases,
>>>hydrogen for example, can run leaner than gasoline.  However, the
>>>difference in economy is incremental.)  The calorific value of gaseous
>>>fuels is generally LESS than that of liquid fuels because they are not
>>>as dense, yet the fuel economy remains proportional to the overall
>>>energy available for combustion.
>>> To put it simply, vaporizing gasoline will not magically enhance fuel
>>>economy.  Among some people, there remains a persistent myth that
>>>liquid fueled internal combustion engines are incapable of fully
>>>burning a fuel load.  People who believe this insist that the vast
>>>majority of the air / fuel mixture leaving a combustion chamber is
>>>unburned, yet this is simply NOT true!
>>But it's such a good line Robert. What d'you think of this? I've just 
>>been instructed by the would-be purveyors to add their link to the 
>>biodiesel section of my website so they can promote it (it's not 
>>called Brand X):
>>"Brand X, the new KING of Global green energy by molecular science 
>>and has the potential to add 30% more to the Global known fossil fuel 
>>reserves. Brand X works on the concept of deionization of 
>>electrically charged particle formed by gaining or losing electrons 
>>in a solution. Brand X gives more kilometres to every litre, for all 
>>diesel and gasoline internal combustion engines, respectively. Brand 
>>X reduces GHG emission, substantially by enhancing a total combustion 
>>technology with higher efficiency. As fossil fuel is exhaustible and 
>>Brand X can help to consume less fuel, until economical alternative 
>>energy is found. It eliminates smog-forming pollutants in all diesel 
>>internal combustion engine exhaust. Brand X is compatible with all 
>>kinds of internal combustion engines fuel by gasoline, diesel or 
>>biofuel, including fuel from biomass. Green Brand X availability is 
>>inexhaustible on Earth and eco-friendly."
>>It works by "'binary fission' with additional vigour, by maximising 
>>combustion efficiency". Sounds great, think I'll buy some. Dammit, 
>>where's my wallet?
>>Best wishes
That said, I don't know of ANY that have worked with diesel engines,
only straight gas.

>>> A diesel engine will outperform a gasoline engine by virtue of higher
>>>compression pressure and the lack of a throttle, which considerably
>>>reduces pumping losses.  In addition, diesel fuel contains more energy
>>>than gasoline.
>>>robert luis rabello
>>>"The Edge of Justice"
>>>Adventure for Your Mind
>>>Ranger Supercharger Project Page
>>Biofuel mailing list
>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-22 Thread Joe Street

Better yet just install a large magnet on the front bumper.  I've heard
magnets are amazing.

John Donahue wrote:

  Its much easier to just install 6" taller tires on the rear axel, that
way you will be going down hill all the time.

You'll get like 800mpg that way

Jeromie Reeves wrote:

My wife came home from work today talking about Channel 7 news out of 
Boise. It seams
they had a segment with a person who installed a WVO processor in there 
pick-up (at a
cost of 3000$ USD) and got 300 MPG. They still needed to start the 
vehicle on dino. Can
anyone shed some light on this as a Google search came back with less 
then nothing. I find it
very hard to believe this is true (tho that never stopped the news before).


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-22 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Jeromie

>I have heard that
>bd tends to carbonize in the injectors.

I wonder where you heard that. It's not true, as many research 
reports and many millions of miles of on-road use have shown. There's 
more than 20 years of experience with biodiesel, major car 
manufacturers warranty their cars for biodiesel use.

Using straight vegetable oil (SVO) as diesel fuel direct without 
processing it into biodiesel can result in injector coking if the 
engine hasn't been converted for SVO use.

Straight vegetable oil as diesel fuel

Best wishes


>John Hayes wrote:
> >Jeromie Reeves wrote:
> >
> >>What do you drive that gets 45mpg? Are you running a 2 to 1 mix of
> >>BD/Petro, was that for starting, or both?
> >
> >I drive a stock 2003 Jetta TDI 5-sp. I typically put in B100 homebrew
> >and then top off at with commercial petrodiesel, either immediately or
> >sometimes a couple of days later. The Jetta's recirculating pump takes
> >care of any mixing right in the main fuel tank. No preblanding required.
> >
> >Here's my last 10 fills:
> >
> >BD   Petro
> >
> >7.5  11.533
> >6.0  11.367
> >016.003
> >6.0  10.462
> >10.5 5.864
> >015.280
> >5.0  9.554
> >4.9  10.087
> >014.200
> >9.9  7.290
> >
> >You can clearly see that the ratio is not at all consistent. In reality,
> >it is even more variable than that because I may not dilute the B100
> >with petrodiesel until a couple of days later, meaning the engine may be
> >running on a very high or very low BD blend at any given moment.
> >
> >jh
> >
> >
>It seams that there are a fair number of Jetta drivers on the list. Wish
>I could afford to buy one.  My Escort
>get 29~35mpg on gasoline. For now I am looking to get a diesel pickup or
>wagon and setup a processor.
>This is what my intrest in the processor that was mentioned in the news
>story is about (and yes ignoring the
>fantasic mpg claims). It looks like you run on average more petro then
>bd. Any reason for this? How many
>miles have you put on the car, how many with a bd mix? I have heard that
>bd tends to carbonize in the injectors.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread Jerry Eyers

Sorry about being inacurate enough to get the engine size wrong, I was writing from memory,  I was actually quoting from a book that collected 27 of the 50+ mechanic and newspaper reviews done on this guy's engine mod.   The book reprint online can be found here:
Don't shoot the messenger, if you don't like his engine mod, talk to the mechanics that reviewed it, not me.  He was granted a patent on it, but died about the same time, which is probably why we haven't seen an commercial development of it.
---Original Message---

From: robert luis rabello
Date: 09/21/05 17:56:09
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise
Trevon Kollars wrote:
> Actually, the Chevy 350 has three variants; Small Block, Big Block, and
> the Blue Print (which is really a 355).
  You're confusing horsepower and building technique with casting type.
  Go here for enlightenment:
> The "rumors" of the 200 mpg and such are somewhat true.
  Like someone can be "somewhat" pregnant?
>  The small block
> 350 was able to run at 110 mpg on heated gasoline.  The fuel was
> vaporized prior to entering the carb.  The big block was able to run at
> around 80 mpg with the same apparatus.  The problem was that the engines
> were not in a vehicle but in a test stand and actual numbers were not
> verified.
  If the numbers are not verified, they shouldn't be presented in this
forum as factual.
> Smokey Yunick spent years working on a design and it was superseded by
> fuel injection which did the same thing but mechanically.
  No V 8 engine of 5 liters or greater displacement, fuel injected or
not, comes CLOSE to the claim of 100 mpg in the real world.  Don't
dodge the bullet!  And don't invoke the revered name of Smokey Yunick
to support this kind of nonsense!
> The propane and methane work but do not have the energy of gasoline or
> diesel for that matter.
  This is what I said.  What you missed is that fuel economy with a
gaseous fuel is PROPORTIONAL to its energy content.
>  The best vapor to use is atomized gas with an
> injection of hydrogen.  This will give you the best burn in a NA
> engine.
  Oh no!  Hydrogen!
> You can supercool the air in the cylinder but you don't want to
> cool the intake.
  You're writing to a "gearhead" who drives a fuel injected,
supercharged and intercooled truck every day.
> Hope this inspired someone!
  Inspired someone to WHAT?  You need to get your facts straight!
robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind
Ranger Supercharger Project Page
Biofuel mailing list
Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):
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Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread Zeke Yewdall
  The problem was that the engines
> were not in a vehicle but in a test stand and actual numbers were not
> verified.

This is one of those special cases where the engine only has to move
it's own weight, via a weightless, frictionless, 100% efficient
drivetrain I guess.  Man, I've wanted one of those for years   My
running shoes theoretically can run a marathon every morning too.  The
only problem is that they're on my lazy feet in the office and have to
move me around.

If they were grams per horsepower-hour numbers, or kWh per BTU or
something of those units from the fancy vaporizing carbureator or
different fuel mixtures or additives, I could at least believe that a
serious test was done, but the fact that they translated whatever real
results they got, via weegey board numbers for rolling resistance,
drivetrain resistance, air resistance, etc...  into some "estimated"
miles per gallon, is what makes me think that they were just made up. 
If they assumed the same rest-of-vehicle efficiency as the existing
carbureated car (about 20mpg tops), then we have to assume that they
measured 5 times the engine efficiency, which I can't believe.  If
they assumed a different car, then what were those assumptions?

By the way, I also saw claims that the plug-in prius can get 120mpg or
more -- because of course it is largely using stored electricity for
the first 20 miles.  Another case of someone failing elementary
physics and not doing an energy balance on the system.  If some new
"invention" or breakthrough can't pass this basic test, I usually
automatically dismiss anything further, whether it's my area of
expertise or not.  Because I DO understand the first law of
thermodynamics.  It's darned annoying at times, but I haven't found
away around it yet.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread Darryl McMahon
Oh, come on Keith!  Everyone knows you can't get that kind of performance 
improvement without magnets and hydrogen injection using on-board splitting of 
water based on zero-point energy.  I like the "binary fission" angle though.  
Imagine the kinds of performance improvements we'll get when I finish my 
on "trinary fission" (based on tritium, don't you know).

Isn't fission elemental science, rather than molecular science?

Facetiously yours,

Darryl McMahon

Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello all
> >Jerry Eyers wrote:
> > > Not to knock everyone who has responded so far, but such items do exist,
> > > although I don't believe 300 has been achieved, but there are documented
> > > cases of big block 350's getting over 200mpg.
> >
> > Documented by whom?  (By the way, a 350 is a small block.)  Under
> >what test conditions?
> >
> >
> > > The process involves replacing the standard carb with a vapor 
> >only carb (like a
> > > propane one) then pre-heating your fuel to a vapor, and feeding the
> > > vapor.
> >
> > I have a lot of experience running gaseous fuels in engines, and
> >NEVER have I seen any evidence that a fully vaporized fuel (such as
> >propane or methane) can attain higher efficiencies than a fuel
> >injected liquid fueled engine.  (Though it is true that certain gases,
> >hydrogen for example, can run leaner than gasoline.  However, the
> >difference in economy is incremental.)  The calorific value of gaseous
> >fuels is generally LESS than that of liquid fuels because they are not
> >as dense, yet the fuel economy remains proportional to the overall
> >energy available for combustion.
> >
> > To put it simply, vaporizing gasoline will not magically enhance fuel
> >economy.  Among some people, there remains a persistent myth that
> >liquid fueled internal combustion engines are incapable of fully
> >burning a fuel load.  People who believe this insist that the vast
> >majority of the air / fuel mixture leaving a combustion chamber is
> >unburned, yet this is simply NOT true!
> But it's such a good line Robert. What d'you think of this? I've just 
> been instructed by the would-be purveyors to add their link to the 
> biodiesel section of my website so they can promote it (it's not 
> called Brand X):
> "Brand X, the new KING of Global green energy by molecular science 
> and has the potential to add 30% more to the Global known fossil fuel 
> reserves. Brand X works on the concept of deionization of 
> electrically charged particle formed by gaining or losing electrons 
> in a solution. Brand X gives more kilometres to every litre, for all 
> diesel and gasoline internal combustion engines, respectively. Brand 
> X reduces GHG emission, substantially by enhancing a total combustion 
> technology with higher efficiency. As fossil fuel is exhaustible and 
> Brand X can help to consume less fuel, until economical alternative 
> energy is found. It eliminates smog-forming pollutants in all diesel 
> internal combustion engine exhaust. Brand X is compatible with all 
> kinds of internal combustion engines fuel by gasoline, diesel or 
> biofuel, including fuel from biomass. Green Brand X availability is 
> inexhaustible on Earth and eco-friendly."
> It works by "'binary fission' with additional vigour, by maximising 
> combustion efficiency". Sounds great, think I'll buy some. Dammit, 
> where's my wallet?
> Best wishes
> Keith
> > > That said, I don't know of ANY that have worked with diesel engines,
> > > only straight gas.
> >
> > A diesel engine will outperform a gasoline engine by virtue of higher
> >compression pressure and the lack of a throttle, which considerably
> >reduces pumping losses.  In addition, diesel fuel contains more energy
> >than gasoline.
> >
> >robert luis rabello
> >"The Edge of Justice"
> >Adventure for Your Mind
> >
> >
> >Ranger Supercharger Project Page
> >
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Darryl McMahon
It's your planet.  If you won't look after it, who will?

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread robert luis rabello
Trevon Kollars wrote:
> Actually, the Chevy 350 has three variants; Small Block, Big Block, and 
> the Blue Print (which is really a 355).

You're confusing horsepower and building technique with casting type. 
  Go here for enlightenment:

> The "rumors" of the 200 mpg and such are somewhat true.

Like someone can be "somewhat" pregnant?

>  The small block 
> 350 was able to run at 110 mpg on heated gasoline.  The fuel was 
> vaporized prior to entering the carb.  The big block was able to run at 
> around 80 mpg with the same apparatus.  The problem was that the engines 
> were not in a vehicle but in a test stand and actual numbers were not 
> verified.

If the numbers are not verified, they shouldn't be presented in this 
forum as factual.

> Smokey Yunick spent years working on a design and it was superseded by 
> fuel injection which did the same thing but mechanically.

No V 8 engine of 5 liters or greater displacement, fuel injected or 
not, comes CLOSE to the claim of 100 mpg in the real world.  Don't 
dodge the bullet!  And don't invoke the revered name of Smokey Yunick 
to support this kind of nonsense!

> The propane and methane work but do not have the energy of gasoline or 
> diesel for that matter.

This is what I said.  What you missed is that fuel economy with a 
gaseous fuel is PROPORTIONAL to its energy content.

>  The best vapor to use is atomized gas with an 
> injection of hydrogen.  This will give you the best burn in a NA 
> engine. 

Oh no!  Hydrogen!

> You can supercool the air in the cylinder but you don't want to 
> cool the intake.

You're writing to a "gearhead" who drives a fuel injected, 
supercharged and intercooled truck every day.

> Hope this inspired someone!

Inspired someone to WHAT?  You need to get your facts straight!

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread Jeromie Reeves
John Hayes wrote:

>Jeromie Reeves wrote:
>>What do you drive that gets 45mpg? Are you running a 2 to 1 mix of 
>>BD/Petro, was that for starting, or both?
>I drive a stock 2003 Jetta TDI 5-sp. I typically put in B100 homebrew 
>and then top off at with commercial petrodiesel, either immediately or 
>sometimes a couple of days later. The Jetta's recirculating pump takes 
>care of any mixing right in the main fuel tank. No preblanding required.
>Here's my last 10 fills:
>BD Petro
>0  16.003
>10.5   5.864
>0  15.280
>0  14.200
>You can clearly see that the ratio is not at all consistent. In reality, 
>it is even more variable than that because I may not dilute the B100 
>with petrodiesel until a couple of days later, meaning the engine may be 
>running on a very high or very low BD blend at any given moment.
It seams that there are a fair number of Jetta drivers on the list. Wish 
I could afford to buy one.  My Escort
get 29~35mpg on gasoline. For now I am looking to get a diesel pickup or 
wagon and setup a processor.
This is what my intrest in the processor that was mentioned in the news 
story is about (and yes ignoring the
fantasic mpg claims). It looks like you run on average more petro then 
bd. Any reason for this? How many
miles have you put on the car, how many with a bd mix? I have heard that 
bd tends to carbonize in the injectors.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread Trevon Kollars

Actually, the Chevy 350 has three variants; Small Block, Big Block, and the Blue Print (which is really a 355).
The "rumors" of the 200 mpg and such are somewhat true.  The small block 350 was able to run at 110 mpg on heated gasoline.  The fuel was vaporized prior to entering the carb.  The big block was able to run at around 80 mpg with the same apparatus.  The problem was that the engines were not in a vehicle but in a test stand and actual numbers were not verified.
Smokey Yunick spent years working on a design and it was superseded by fuel injection which did the same thing but mechanically.  Gasoline can be vaporized just by pressure in much the same way an aerosol paint can works.  Liquid to vapor by pressure.  This works at optimum temp by try and start it cold and you won't get very far.
The propane and methane work but do not have the energy of gasoline or diesel for that matter.  The best vapor to use is atomized gas with an injection of hydrogen.  This will give you the best burn in a NA engine.  You can supercool the air in the cylinder but you don't want to cool the intake.  Cooling the cylinder will increase density but cooling the intake with create poor mixing, however, not the case with fuel injection.  I don't want to get into the technical run-on the makes my wife's eyes glaze over and drool ooze out of her mouth, but lets say the atmosphere in the cylinder has to be more dense than the atmosphere outside... Compression!  Diesel runs on this aspect.  The old cotton ball in the syringe experiment.  The more compression, the better the burn and bigger bang!  Resulting in better hp and efficiency.
You are right that the diesel will out perform the gasoline any day.  Diesel is more efficient than gasoline but it is dirtier, that is the major reason that we don't have more diesels around.  To give you an inside on the diesel... to make the diesel even better... turbo the hell out of it but do not put a supercharger on it.  The more air the engine can pack in the better bang you will get and less diesel you will have to use.  If you have a newer diesel vehicle with ECU and computer management controls that auto adjust the mixture, then you wont have to worry about adjusting manually.
Hope this inspired someone!
TKrobert luis rabello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jerry Eyers wrote:> Not to knock everyone who has responded so far, but such items do exist, > although I don't believe 300 has been achieved, but there are documented > cases of big block 350's getting over 200mpg.Documented by whom? (By the way, a 350 is a small block.) Under what test conditions?> The process involves replacing the standard carb with a vapor only carb (like a > propane one) then pre-heating your fuel to a vapor, and feeding the > vapor.I have a lot of experience running gaseous fuels in engines, and NEVER have I seen any evidence that a fully vaporized fuel (such as propane or methane) can attain higher efficiencies than a fuel injected liquid fueled engine. (Though it is true that certain gases, hydrogen for example, can run leaner than gasoline. However, the difference in
 economy is incremental.) The calorific value of gaseous fuels is generally LESS than that of liquid fuels because they are not as dense, yet the fuel economy remains proportional to the overall energy available for combustion.To put it simply, vaporizing gasoline will not magically enhance fuel economy. Among some people, there remains a persistent myth that liquid fueled internal combustion engines are incapable of fully burning a fuel load. People who believe this insist that the vast majority of the air / fuel mixture leaving a combustion chamber is unburned, yet this is simply NOT true!> That said, I don't know of ANY that have worked with diesel engines, > only straight gas. A diesel engine will outperform a gasoline engine by virtue of higher compression pressure and the lack of a throttle, which considerably reduces pumping losses. In addition, diesel fuel contains more energy than
 gasoline.robert luis rabello"The Edge of Justice"Adventure for Your Mindhttp://www.newadventure.caRanger Supercharger Project Page mailing listBiofuel@sustainablelists.org at Journey to Forever: the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):
		Yahoo! for Good 
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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread robert luis rabello
Keith Addison wrote:

> But it's such a good line Robert. What d'you think of this? I've just 
> been instructed by the would-be purveyors to add their link to the 
> biodiesel section of my website so they can promote it (it's not 
> called Brand X):

It's just missing the words "plasma" and "quanta" . . .

Thankfully, YOU have a brain and know how to use it!

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread Keith Addison
Hello all

>Jerry Eyers wrote:
> > Not to knock everyone who has responded so far, but such items do exist,
> > although I don't believe 300 has been achieved, but there are documented
> > cases of big block 350's getting over 200mpg.
>   Documented by whom?  (By the way, a 350 is a small block.)  Under
>what test conditions?
> > The process involves replacing the standard carb with a vapor 
>only carb (like a
> > propane one) then pre-heating your fuel to a vapor, and feeding the
> > vapor.
>   I have a lot of experience running gaseous fuels in engines, and
>NEVER have I seen any evidence that a fully vaporized fuel (such as
>propane or methane) can attain higher efficiencies than a fuel
>injected liquid fueled engine.  (Though it is true that certain gases,
>hydrogen for example, can run leaner than gasoline.  However, the
>difference in economy is incremental.)  The calorific value of gaseous
>fuels is generally LESS than that of liquid fuels because they are not
>as dense, yet the fuel economy remains proportional to the overall
>energy available for combustion.
>   To put it simply, vaporizing gasoline will not magically enhance fuel
>economy.  Among some people, there remains a persistent myth that
>liquid fueled internal combustion engines are incapable of fully
>burning a fuel load.  People who believe this insist that the vast
>majority of the air / fuel mixture leaving a combustion chamber is
>unburned, yet this is simply NOT true!

But it's such a good line Robert. What d'you think of this? I've just 
been instructed by the would-be purveyors to add their link to the 
biodiesel section of my website so they can promote it (it's not 
called Brand X):

"Brand X, the new KING of Global green energy by molecular science 
and has the potential to add 30% more to the Global known fossil fuel 
reserves. Brand X works on the concept of deionization of 
electrically charged particle formed by gaining or losing electrons 
in a solution. Brand X gives more kilometres to every litre, for all 
diesel and gasoline internal combustion engines, respectively. Brand 
X reduces GHG emission, substantially by enhancing a total combustion 
technology with higher efficiency. As fossil fuel is exhaustible and 
Brand X can help to consume less fuel, until economical alternative 
energy is found. It eliminates smog-forming pollutants in all diesel 
internal combustion engine exhaust. Brand X is compatible with all 
kinds of internal combustion engines fuel by gasoline, diesel or 
biofuel, including fuel from biomass. Green Brand X availability is 
inexhaustible on Earth and eco-friendly."

It works by "'binary fission' with additional vigour, by maximising 
combustion efficiency". Sounds great, think I'll buy some. Dammit, 
where's my wallet?

Best wishes


> > That said, I don't know of ANY that have worked with diesel engines,
> > only straight gas.
>   A diesel engine will outperform a gasoline engine by virtue of higher
>compression pressure and the lack of a throttle, which considerably
>reduces pumping losses.  In addition, diesel fuel contains more energy
>than gasoline.
>robert luis rabello
>"The Edge of Justice"
>Adventure for Your Mind
>Ranger Supercharger Project Page

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread John Donahue
Its much easier to just install 6" taller tires on the rear axel, that
way you will be going down hill all the time.

You'll get like 800mpg that way

Jeromie Reeves wrote:

>My wife came home from work today talking about Channel 7 news out of 
>Boise. It seams
>they had a segment with a person who installed a WVO processor in there 
>pick-up (at a
>cost of 3000$ USD) and got 300 MPG. They still needed to start the 
>vehicle on dino. Can
>anyone shed some light on this as a Google search came back with less 
>then nothing. I find it
>very hard to believe this is true (tho that never stopped the news before).
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread John Hayes
Jeromie Reeves wrote:

> What do you drive that gets 45mpg? Are you running a 2 to 1 mix of 
> BD/Petro, was that for starting, or both?

I drive a stock 2003 Jetta TDI 5-sp. I typically put in B100 homebrew 
and then top off at with commercial petrodiesel, either immediately or 
sometimes a couple of days later. The Jetta's recirculating pump takes 
care of any mixing right in the main fuel tank. No preblanding required.

Here's my last 10 fills:

BD  Petro

7.5 11.533
6.0 11.367
0   16.003
6.0 10.462
0   15.280
5.0 9.554
4.9 10.087
0   14.200
9.9 7.290

You can clearly see that the ratio is not at all consistent. In reality, 
it is even more variable than that because I may not dilute the B100 
with petrodiesel until a couple of days later, meaning the engine may be 
running on a very high or very low BD blend at any given moment.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread robert luis rabello
Jerry Eyers wrote:
> Not to knock everyone who has responded so far, but such items do exist, 
> although I don't believe 300 has been achieved, but there are documented 
> cases of big block 350's getting over 200mpg.

Documented by whom?  (By the way, a 350 is a small block.)  Under 
what test conditions?

> The process involves replacing the standard carb with a vapor only carb (like 
> a 
> propane one) then pre-heating your fuel to a vapor, and feeding the 
> vapor.

I have a lot of experience running gaseous fuels in engines, and 
NEVER have I seen any evidence that a fully vaporized fuel (such as 
propane or methane) can attain higher efficiencies than a fuel 
injected liquid fueled engine.  (Though it is true that certain gases, 
hydrogen for example, can run leaner than gasoline.  However, the 
difference in economy is incremental.)  The calorific value of gaseous 
fuels is generally LESS than that of liquid fuels because they are not 
as dense, yet the fuel economy remains proportional to the overall 
energy available for combustion.

To put it simply, vaporizing gasoline will not magically enhance fuel 
economy.  Among some people, there remains a persistent myth that 
liquid fueled internal combustion engines are incapable of fully 
burning a fuel load.  People who believe this insist that the vast 
majority of the air / fuel mixture leaving a combustion chamber is 
unburned, yet this is simply NOT true!

> That said, I don't know of ANY that have worked with diesel engines, 
> only straight gas. 

A diesel engine will outperform a gasoline engine by virtue of higher 
compression pressure and the lack of a throttle, which considerably 
reduces pumping losses.  In addition, diesel fuel contains more energy 
than gasoline.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread Jeromie Reeves
John Hayes wrote:

>>Jeromie Reeves wrote:
>  >>My wife came home from work today talking about Channel 7 news out of
>>>Boise. It seams
>>>they had a segment with a person who installed a WVO processor in there 
>>>pick-up (at a
>>>cost of 3000$ USD) and got 300 MPG. They still needed to start the 
>>>vehicle on dino. Can
>>>anyone shed some light on this as a Google search came back with less 
>>>then nothing. I find it
>>>very hard to believe this is true (tho that never stopped the news before).
>I suspect it was a simple misunderstanding on the part of the reporter 
>or your wife's coworkers due to the habit of some WVO or BD users to 
>talk about miles per petrogallon.
>If I start up on 1/4 gallon of petroleum based diesel and then switch 
>over to WVO and drive 75 miles, I've traveled 300 miles per petrogallon. 
>Of course, if the listener is unfamiliar with this sort of logic, they 
>merely hear 300 mpg and miss the distinction.
>For example, over my last 10 tanks, I've driven 7270 miles on 111.6 
>gallons of petrodiesel and 49.8 gallons of biodiesel. This works out to 
>45.1 mpg but 65.14 miles/petrogallon.
>Is this misleading? I think I all depends on your audience. But 
>personally, I'd err on the side of caution because the alternative fuels 
>movement doesn't benefit when people feel misled or cheated, even when 
>the error is their own.

I am fairly sure  was misreported. I have not seen any in 
vehicle WVO processors so that
alone had me curious and ify on the validity of the story (Not to say 
such doesnt exist, just havent seen
one yet). 300 mpg has me  ify on the validity of the story and I 
assumed something was amiss.
Having not heard the news cast myself that explination sounds like what 
likely happened.

What do you drive that gets 45mpg? Are you running a 2 to 1 mix of 
BD/Petro, was that for starting, or both?

Its misleading for sure.

Hey thanks for making me feel right at home. Its not like im looking to 
get the truth about the reported story
or get the truth to the reported so they can possibly correct there 
mistake. Naaa no one can bother to make
sure they get a real story from cause its obvious you like 
the misleading and flat out wrong
information that exists far to often. Keep up the good work.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread Jerry Eyers

Not to knock everyone who has responded so far, but such items do exist, although I don't believe 300 has been achieved, but there are documented cases of big block 350's getting over 200mpg.   I have done lots of research on this, and even have designed my own unit.  The process involves replacing the standard carb with a vapor only carb (like a propane one) then pre-heating your fuel to a vapor, and feeding the vapor.  The problems are that if not done careful, you end up with a very large rolling bomb, and you still need standard fuel to start the vehicle, unless you use direct heating (read that bomb again), and you need a sludge removal system to remove the additives.  The result is much cleaner burn, much more efficient.
That said, I don't know of ANY that have worked with diesel engines, only straight gas.  
---Original Message---

From: Jeromie Reeves
Date: 09/21/05 03:38:50
Subject: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise
My wife came home from work today talking about Channel 7 news out of
Boise. It seams
they had a segment with a person who installed a WVO processor in there
pick-up (at a
cost of 3000$ USD) and got 300 MPG. They still needed to start the
vehicle on dino. Can
anyone shed some light on this as a Google search came back with less
then nothing. I find it
very hard to believe this is true (tho that never stopped the news before).
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Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread Mike Weaver
They never proved that!

G wrote:

>des wrote:
>>And the magnetized exhaust keeps on sticking to the inside of your 
>>muffler...  Arrrgh...
>Aye.. She cannt hold it.. We haves to reverse polarity on the exhaust!!

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Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread G
des wrote:

>And the magnetized exhaust keeps on sticking to the inside of your 
>muffler...  Arrrgh...

Aye.. She cannt hold it.. We haves to reverse polarity on the exhaust!!

Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
hear the music.  
-George Carlin

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Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread John Hayes
> Jeromie Reeves wrote:
  >>My wife came home from work today talking about Channel 7 news out of
>>Boise. It seams
>>they had a segment with a person who installed a WVO processor in there 
>>pick-up (at a
>>cost of 3000$ USD) and got 300 MPG. They still needed to start the 
>>vehicle on dino. Can
>>anyone shed some light on this as a Google search came back with less 
>>then nothing. I find it
>>very hard to believe this is true (tho that never stopped the news before).

I suspect it was a simple misunderstanding on the part of the reporter 
or your wife's coworkers due to the habit of some WVO or BD users to 
talk about miles per petrogallon.

If I start up on 1/4 gallon of petroleum based diesel and then switch 
over to WVO and drive 75 miles, I've traveled 300 miles per petrogallon. 
Of course, if the listener is unfamiliar with this sort of logic, they 
merely hear 300 mpg and miss the distinction.

For example, over my last 10 tanks, I've driven 7270 miles on 111.6 
gallons of petrodiesel and 49.8 gallons of biodiesel. This works out to 
45.1 mpg but 65.14 miles/petrogallon.

Is this misleading? I think I all depends on your audience. But 
personally, I'd err on the side of caution because the alternative fuels 
movement doesn't benefit when people feel misled or cheated, even when 
the error is their own.


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Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread Joe Street

It composts very well.  Can't you tell by the smell that emanates from
your monitor every time you read it?

Fred Finch wrote:
Does your information compost well like Mickey's information?
  On 9/21/05, Joe Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Only 400MPG??  Don't waste your money on Mikey's device.  Send it to
me.  My unit gives 1000 MPG and does not leave magnetic deposits in
your exhaust system. I can't tell you how it works (it is proprietary
information) but it is based on quantum fluctuations in sub-space. Just
three easy payments of USD$33.99.  oops I forgotenergy related
stuff is usually paid for in blood.  Ok just send me 3 pints.  Sorry no
BOD orders.


des wrote:

  And the magnetized exhaust keeps on sticking to the inside of your 
muffler...  Arrrgh...

Mike Weaver wrote:
I have a device that costs 39.99 and will give you 400MPG!  You hook it 
around your fuel line and it magnetizes the fuel as it goes by...

Order Now!!

Cash Only.

Jeromie Reeves wrote:

  My wife came home from work today talking about Channel 7 news out of 
Boise. It seams
they had a segment with a person who installed a WVO processor in there 
pick-up (at a
cost of 3000$ USD) and got 300 MPG. They still needed to start the 

vehicle on dino. Can
anyone shed some light on this as a Google search came back with less 
then nothing. I find it
very hard to believe this is true (tho that never stopped the news before).


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Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread Fred Finch

Does your information compost well like Mickey's information?

fredOn 9/21/05, Joe Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Only 400MPG??  Don't waste your money on Mikey's device.  Send it to
me.  My unit gives 1000 MPG and does not leave magnetic deposits in
your exhaust system. I can't tell you how it works (it is proprietary
information) but it is based on quantum fluctuations in sub-space. Just
three easy payments of USD$33.99.  oops I forgotenergy related
stuff is usually paid for in blood.  Ok just send me 3 pints.  Sorry no
BOD orders.


des wrote:

  And the magnetized exhaust keeps on sticking to the inside of your muffler...  Arrrgh...Mike Weaver wrote:  
I have a device that costs 39.99 and will give you 400MPG!  You hook it around your fuel line and it magnetizes the fuel as it goes by...Order Now!!Cash Only.Jeromie Reeves wrote:

  My wife came home from work today talking about Channel 7 news out of Boise. It seamsthey had a segment with a person who installed a WVO processor in there pick-up (at acost of 3000$ USD) and got 300 MPG. They still needed to start the 
vehicle on dino. Cananyone shed some light on this as a Google search came back with less then nothing. I find itvery hard to believe this is true (tho that never stopped the news before).Jeromie
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Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread Joe Street

Only 400MPG??  Don't waste your money on Mikey's device.  Send it to
me.  My unit gives 1000 MPG and does not leave magnetic deposits in
your exhaust system. I can't tell you how it works (it is proprietary
information) but it is based on quantum fluctuations in sub-space. Just
three easy payments of USD$33.99.  oops I forgotenergy related
stuff is usually paid for in blood.  Ok just send me 3 pints.  Sorry no
BOD orders.


des wrote:

  And the magnetized exhaust keeps on sticking to the inside of your 
muffler...  Arrrgh...

Mike Weaver wrote:
I have a device that costs 39.99 and will give you 400MPG!  You hook it 
around your fuel line and it magnetizes the fuel as it goes by...

Order Now!!

Cash Only.

Jeromie Reeves wrote:

  My wife came home from work today talking about Channel 7 news out of 
Boise. It seams
they had a segment with a person who installed a WVO processor in there 
pick-up (at a
cost of 3000$ USD) and got 300 MPG. They still needed to start the 
vehicle on dino. Can
anyone shed some light on this as a Google search came back with less 
then nothing. I find it
very hard to believe this is true (tho that never stopped the news before).


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Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread bob allen
maybe the 300 miles per gallon referred to were based on the dino diesel 
consumed overall for starting/stopping the engine and didn't count the 
veggie oil consumed. (people aren't really that dumb are they? o never 
mind, some must be to sell that kind of nonsense that's available)

des wrote:
> And the magnetized exhaust keeps on sticking to the inside of your 
> muffler...  Arrrgh...
> Mike Weaver wrote:
>>I have a device that costs 39.99 and will give you 400MPG!  You hook it 
>>around your fuel line and it magnetizes the fuel as it goes by...
>>Order Now!!
>>Cash Only.
>>Jeromie Reeves wrote:
>>>My wife came home from work today talking about Channel 7 news out of 
>>>Boise. It seams
>>>they had a segment with a person who installed a WVO processor in there 
>>>pick-up (at a
>>>cost of 3000$ USD) and got 300 MPG. They still needed to start the 
>>>vehicle on dino. Can
>>>anyone shed some light on this as a Google search came back with less 
>>>then nothing. I find it
>>>very hard to believe this is true (tho that never stopped the news before).
>>>Biofuel mailing list
>>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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>>Biofuel mailing list
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Bob Allen

"Science is what we have learned about how to keep
from fooling ourselves" — Richard Feynman

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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread des
And the magnetized exhaust keeps on sticking to the inside of your 
muffler...  Arrrgh...

Mike Weaver wrote:
> I have a device that costs 39.99 and will give you 400MPG!  You hook it 
> around your fuel line and it magnetizes the fuel as it goes by...
> Order Now!!
> Cash Only.
> Jeromie Reeves wrote:
>>My wife came home from work today talking about Channel 7 news out of 
>>Boise. It seams
>>they had a segment with a person who installed a WVO processor in there 
>>pick-up (at a
>>cost of 3000$ USD) and got 300 MPG. They still needed to start the 
>>vehicle on dino. Can
>>anyone shed some light on this as a Google search came back with less 
>>then nothing. I find it
>>very hard to believe this is true (tho that never stopped the news before).
>>Biofuel mailing list
>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

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Re: [Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread Mike Weaver
I have a device that costs 39.99 and will give you 400MPG!  You hook it 
around your fuel line and it magnetizes the fuel as it goes by...

Order Now!!

Cash Only.

Jeromie Reeves wrote:

>My wife came home from work today talking about Channel 7 news out of 
>Boise. It seams
>they had a segment with a person who installed a WVO processor in there 
>pick-up (at a
>cost of 3000$ USD) and got 300 MPG. They still needed to start the 
>vehicle on dino. Can
>anyone shed some light on this as a Google search came back with less 
>then nothing. I find it
>very hard to believe this is true (tho that never stopped the news before).
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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[Biofuel] Ch 7 10PM News out of Boise

2005-09-21 Thread Jeromie Reeves
My wife came home from work today talking about Channel 7 news out of 
Boise. It seams
they had a segment with a person who installed a WVO processor in there 
pick-up (at a
cost of 3000$ USD) and got 300 MPG. They still needed to start the 
vehicle on dino. Can
anyone shed some light on this as a Google search came back with less 
then nothing. I find it
very hard to believe this is true (tho that never stopped the news before).


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