Re: [Biofuel] Check your Beliefs

2006-07-25 Thread Bob Molloy

Hi Fritz,
Thanks for your two posts.I don't think I have anything further to add to 
the debate other than to say I feel for yourPalestinian friend. My 
approach was too academic and certainly not acceptable in terms of the very real 
human crisis which has developed. The current situation is indefensible and - as 
indicated by the sources suppliedby Keith - even the status quo ante 
appearsmore and more a legal fiction. 
Keith is also on the button when he points out 
thatunless until wecan add more light to this subjectwe are 
only generatingheat.
One minor point: I offered no quotations from the 
Bible. If you reread my post you will see I carefully avoided that. In the 
context it wouldn't have been appropriate.
I apologise and withdraw.
Best wishes,

  - Original Message - 
  Fritz Friesinger 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 5:14 
  Subject: [Biofuel] Check your 
  Bob and all,
  here is an answer of my goog friend Shadi 
  Hadjara,a Christian Palestinenser
  on your Mail
  Actually, the tactic of deploying 
  suicide bombers against Israeli civiliansonly started in 1994 in 
  retaliation to the Hebron Massacre. In March 1994,at the peak of the peace 
  process between Israel and the Palestinians (wherePalestinians were 
  begrudgingly accepting to give away more than 3/4 of theirancestrial land 
  and control over most of their sovreignty over their newlyformed 
  bantustans for peace), a Jewish settler in Hebron sneaks into theHebron 
  mosque during morning prayers. He unloads his automatic rifle on 
  thekneeling crowd killing 4 dozen and injuring another 100. The first 
  suicidebombing took place 3 weeks later.As for rocket attacks, the 
  1967 six day war resulted in the murder of morethan 20,000 civilians by 
  Israeli missiles. The 1982 three month Israeliinvasion of Lebanon resulted 
  in the massacre of another 20,000 Palestinianand Lebanese civilians by 
  Israel. So please don't squabble over a fewmissiles in the arsenal of 
  resistence groups that only formed to defendtheir respective communities 
  against a murderous enraged rogue state.In the context of what took 
  place in the past, Palestinians would not havefiercely opposed Israel if 
  the Zionist pioneers had decided to create astate in Uganda. The fact is 
  that Israel was created over their land byforcefully pushing them out of 
  their towns and villages. The precurssor usedto justify those atrocities 
  in 1948 was the Jewish suffering in theHolocaust. When Europe de jure 
  accepted Israel, it was not because theallied government believe in 
  Israel's right to exist but for, what I believeis, the massive guilt of 
  allowing the devestation of the Holocaust to runfor so long combined with 
  the underlying anti-semitism that still remains.So basically, Europeans 
  did not want the Jews in their midst but at the sametime felt that sending 
  them off to their "ancestrial" land is much moreideal, humanely speaking, 
  than sending them off to the gas chambers.

  ___Biofuel mailing 
  at Journey to 
  Forever: the 
  combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Check your Beliefs

2006-07-25 Thread Mike Weaver
I threw in the bible quotes, though I don't call myself a Christian.  I 
think the bible is a fascinating historical and literary artifact, but 
not the literal word of
God.  There are some interesting thoughts contained within, tho'

The quotes I mentioned were basically judge not, lest ye be judged - I 
do try to remember this, though not becaue I fear Hell. Also, Let he 
who is free from sin cast the first stone and why are you concerned 
with that mote in your neighbor's eye when you have such a beam in your 

 From the Qu'ran:
Even as the fingers of the two hands are equal, so are human beings 
equal to one another. No one has any right, nor any preference to claim 
over another. You are brothers.
Final Sermon of Muhammad

Anyone who believes in God and the Last Day should not harm his 
neighbour. Anyone who believes in God and the Last Day should entertain 
his guest generously. And anyone who believes in God and the Last Day 
should say what is good or keep quiet.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 73, Number 47.

Happy is the man who avoids dissension, but how fine is the man who is 
afflicted and shows endurance.
Sunah of Abu Dawood, Hadith 1996.

It is better for a leader to make a mistake in forgiving than to make a 
mistake in punishing.
Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 1011

Hard to keep the current situation going and be a Christian or a 
Muslim.  I didn't go through the Old Testament, though I might have, as 
all three regard it as relevant.


Bob Molloy wrote:

 Hi Fritz,
Thanks for your two posts. I don't think I have 
 anything further to add to the debate other than to say I feel for 
 your Palestinian friend. My approach was too academic and certainly 
 not acceptable in terms of the very real human crisis which has 
 developed. The current situation is indefensible and - as indicated by 
 the sources supplied by Keith - even the status quo ante appears more 
 and more a legal fiction.
 Keith is also on the button when he points out that unless until 
 we can add more light to this subject we are only generating heat.
 One minor point: I offered no quotations from the Bible. If you reread 
 my post you will see I carefully avoided that. In the context it 
 wouldn't have been appropriate.
 I apologise and withdraw.
 Best wishes,

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Fritz Friesinger mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Sent:* Tuesday, July 25, 2006 5:14 AM
 *Subject:* [Biofuel] Check your Beliefs

 Bob and all,
 here is an answer of my goog friend Shadi Hadjara,a Christian
 on your Mail

 Actually, the tactic of deploying suicide bombers against Israeli
 only started in 1994 in retaliation to the Hebron Massacre. In
 March 1994,
 at the peak of the peace process between Israel and the
 Palestinians (where
 Palestinians were begrudgingly accepting to give away more than
 3/4 of their
 ancestrial land and control over most of their sovreignty over
 their newly
 formed bantustans for peace), a Jewish settler in Hebron sneaks
 into the
 Hebron mosque during morning prayers. He unloads his automatic
 rifle on the
 kneeling crowd killing 4 dozen and injuring another 100. The first
 bombing took place 3 weeks later.

 As for rocket attacks, the 1967 six day war resulted in the murder
 of more
 than 20,000 civilians by Israeli missiles. The 1982 three month
 invasion of Lebanon resulted in the massacre of another 20,000
 and Lebanese civilians by Israel. So please don't squabble over a few
 missiles in the arsenal of resistence groups that only formed to
 their respective communities against a murderous enraged rogue state.

 In the context of what took place in the past, Palestinians would
 not have
 fiercely opposed Israel if the Zionist pioneers had decided to
 create a
 state in Uganda. The fact is that Israel was created over their
 land by
 forcefully pushing them out of their towns and villages. The
 precurssor used
 to justify those atrocities in 1948 was the Jewish suffering in the
 Holocaust. When Europe de jure accepted Israel, it was not because the
 allied government believe in Israel's right to exist but for, what
 I believe
 is, the massive guilt of allowing the devestation of the Holocaust
 to run
 for so long combined with the underlying anti-semitism that still
 So basically, Europeans did not want the Jews in their midst but
 at the same
 time felt that sending them off to their ancestrial land is much
 ideal, humanely speaking, than sending them off to the gas chambers.


Re: [Biofuel] Check your Beliefs

2006-07-25 Thread Keith Addison

... And anyone who believes in God and the Last Day
should say what is good or keep quiet.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 73, Number 47.

(... though there's another side to that...)

You might enjoy this, about the Spanish Arabs, by the estimable Dr 
Wrench, always a good read:
-- Reconstruction by Way of the Soil by G. T. Wrench, Faber and Faber, 1946



I threw in the bible quotes, though I don't call myself a Christian.  I
think the bible is a fascinating historical and literary artifact, but
not the literal word of
God.  There are some interesting thoughts contained within, tho'

The quotes I mentioned were basically judge not, lest ye be judged - I
do try to remember this, though not becaue I fear Hell. Also, Let he
who is free from sin cast the first stone and why are you concerned
with that mote in your neighbor's eye when you have such a beam in your

 From the Qu'ran:
Even as the fingers of the two hands are equal, so are human beings
equal to one another. No one has any right, nor any preference to claim
over another. You are brothers.
Final Sermon of Muhammad

Anyone who believes in God and the Last Day should not harm his
neighbour. Anyone who believes in God and the Last Day should entertain
his guest generously. And anyone who believes in God and the Last Day
should say what is good or keep quiet.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 73, Number 47.

Happy is the man who avoids dissension, but how fine is the man who is
afflicted and shows endurance.
Sunah of Abu Dawood, Hadith 1996.

It is better for a leader to make a mistake in forgiving than to make a
mistake in punishing.
Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 1011

Hard to keep the current situation going and be a Christian or a
Muslim.  I didn't go through the Old Testament, though I might have, as
all three regard it as relevant.


Bob Molloy wrote:

  Hi Fritz,
 Thanks for your two posts. I don't think I have
  anything further to add to the debate other than to say I feel for
  your Palestinian friend. My approach was too academic and certainly
  not acceptable in terms of the very real human crisis which has
  developed. The current situation is indefensible and - as indicated by
  the sources supplied by Keith - even the status quo ante appears more
  and more a legal fiction.
  Keith is also on the button when he points out that unless until
  we can add more light to this subject we are only generating heat.
  One minor point: I offered no quotations from the Bible. If you reread
  my post you will see I carefully avoided that. In the context it
  wouldn't have been appropriate.
  I apologise and withdraw.
  Best wishes,
  - Original Message -
  *From:* Fritz Friesinger mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  *Sent:* Tuesday, July 25, 2006 5:14 AM
  *Subject:* [Biofuel] Check your Beliefs
  Bob and all,
  here is an answer of my goog friend Shadi Hadjara,a Christian
  on your Mail
  Actually, the tactic of deploying suicide bombers against Israeli
  only started in 1994 in retaliation to the Hebron Massacre. In
  March 1994,
  at the peak of the peace process between Israel and the
  Palestinians (where
  Palestinians were begrudgingly accepting to give away more than
  3/4 of their
  ancestrial land and control over most of their sovreignty over
  their newly
  formed bantustans for peace), a Jewish settler in Hebron sneaks
  into the
  Hebron mosque during morning prayers. He unloads his automatic
  rifle on the
  kneeling crowd killing 4 dozen and injuring another 100. The first
  bombing took place 3 weeks later.
  As for rocket attacks, the 1967 six day war resulted in the murder
  of more
  than 20,000 civilians by Israeli missiles. The 1982 three month
  invasion of Lebanon resulted in the massacre of another 20,000
  and Lebanese civilians by Israel. So please don't squabble over a few
  missiles in the arsenal of resistence groups that only formed to
  their respective communities against a murderous enraged rogue state.
  In the context of what took place in the past, Palestinians would
  not have
  fiercely opposed Israel if the Zionist pioneers had decided to
  create a
  state in Uganda. The fact is that Israel was created over their
  land by
  forcefully pushing them out of their towns and villages. The
  precurssor used
  to justify those atrocities in 1948 was the Jewish suffering in the
  Holocaust. When Europe de jure accepted Israel, it was not because the
  allied government believe in Israel's right to exist but for, what
  I believe
  is, the massive guilt of 

Re: [Biofuel] Check your Beliefs

2006-07-23 Thread Keith Addison
 behind her legitimate borders 
tomorrow. But the US cannot stop the rocket attacks. Only the Arabs 
acting as a whole can do that and no Arab leader would agree. The 
last one to sign a peace treaty with Israel was 
assassinated.  Without secure borders Israel cannot survive and 
would be forced to react - again. True, the US in concert with the 
West could stop all arms and other supplies to Israel and slowly 
starve her into submission.

To what? Arab occupation? Sharia law? Eventual total Islamisation? 
That would be a Final Solution. Where have I heard that phrase 
before? However, it is the 21st century and final solutions are a 
luxury we can no longer afford.

Why not? Israel's nuclear arsenal says so. If we hate and detest 
what their reactive violence is doing in Lebanon right now we 
certainly won't enjoy their fall-back plan. Nor, on reflection, will 
we particularly relish what Iran has in mind. The nearest German 
equivalent is Gotterdammerung. (I think there's an umlaut in there 

The Bible has a more apt word for it. In fact it is not only a word 
it is a prediction. Can't think of it at the moment but I'm sure 
someone will post it. (I'm not a god-botherer by the way nor even a 
nominal Christian. It took me half a lifetime to reason my way to 
out of my childhood conditioning so please don't put me in that 

In sum, Fritz, I feel your pain. I appreciate your concern. I agree 
with your sentiments and have no wish to naysay them. I do not 
condone the violence nor do I excuse it. What I have attempted to do 
is explain it. My failure is abysmal but then I'm in a long, 
long queue of previous explainers.


- Original Message -
From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Fritz Friesinger
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2006 6:06 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Check your Beliefs

So Bob,
You are rigth on this,its about Land,Power Oil and Money and so on!
The fact that the UNO did sanction the implantation of Israel is no 
consolation for the dispossest Palestinians,who have been driven of 
theire Land without compensation or all!
That the Arabligue did oppose the implantation of Israel is no 
secret and the price for all this have been payed by the Palestinian 
The Shabra and Shatilla Massacres and the rest of the atrocyties by 
the Israel Government on Palestinians can all be excused by your 
motion of survival of the fittest
Well German Nazis had to stand trial for their Warcrimes and so i 
agree with all Holocaust sufferers (and the rest of the civil world) 
that there should not be any amnesty for Warcriminals!
But explain me why the Shabra and Shatilla Massacres have not been 
punished despite the perpetrayers have been clearly identified?
And explain me why we have a Convention of Geneva and why we have 
established basic Humanrigths if you can brush them away with 
survival of the fittest
Now,i can not beliefe that all the things you have said are your 
real beliefes so i think you are sarcastic but you should realice 
that is exactly the problem in our society at the very most we are 
sarcastic the suffering of these people does not concern us to 
much after all its not hurting us directly or is it?

- Original Message -
From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Bob Molloy
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

Hey guys,
   It's a war; dirty, messy, cruel, inhuman and
unnecessary - unless you happen to be a Palestinian yearning for your land
back or an Israeli who's been threatened with annihilation since birth. It's
also a war that's been going on since mankind began. It's about land and
religion and culture and who dominates who. There are no rights and wrongs
there are only who wins and who loses. The winners write history and we move

Mike Weaver made the point when he wondered if he might be living on land
owned by an indigenous people, a point which also applies to you too, Fritz,
despite your disingenuous attempt to justify occupation of unwanted land.
However, before you think of noble savages, remember that all those nice
peace-loving indigenes slaughtered and plundered their way through the
millenia since they left Africa (where we all originated) to wherever they
finally settled. The 19th century saw the last vestiges of this land grab.

If you were a theologian you'd call it original sin. Darwin was earthier,
and more enlightening, he called it survival of the fittest. You may take
sides, wring your hands, jump up and down, talk about human rights but we
are all - even those nice people in the rain forest who we think live in
harmony with nature - guilty of genocide and dispossession. In the present
case it's called the Arab-Israeli war. We'll know who was right when
somebody wins.

And if you've forgotten how it all began, here's a brief sketch. I found

Re: [Biofuel] Check your Beliefs

2006-07-23 Thread Keith Addison
Once again I'm much in agreement with Bill Blum. He seems to get 
inundated by a lot of the arguments that happen here too. (Poor guy.) 
I think we've had all this stuff now that he debunks, and more, not 
for the first time, and it's tiresome. Please see next. Thankyou.

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan
Biofuel list owner

The Anti-Empire Report
Some things you need to know before the world ends
 July 22, 2006
   by William Blum

The End Is Near, but first, this commercial.

There are times when I think that this tired old world has gone on a 
few years too long. What's happening in the Middle East is so 
depressing. Most discussions of the eternal Israel-Palestine conflict 
are variations on the child's eternal defense for misbehavior -- He 
started it! Within a few minutes of discussing/arguing the latest 
manifestation of the conflict the participants are back to 1967, then 
1948, then biblical times. I don't wish to get entangled in who 
started the current mess. I would like instead to first express what 
I see as two essential underlying facts of life which remain from one 
conflict to the next:

1) Israel's existence is not at stake and hasn't been so for decades, 
if it ever was, regardless of the many de rigueur militant statements 
by Arab leaders over the years. If Israel would learn to deal with 
its neighbors in a non-expansionist, non-military, humane, and 
respectful manner, engage in full prisoner exchanges, and sincerely 
strive for a viable two-state solution, even those who are opposed to 
the idea of a state based on a particular religion could accept the 
state of Israel, and the question of its right to exist would 
scarcely arise in people's minds. But as it is, Israel still uses the 
issue as a justification for its behavior, as Jews all over the world 
use the Holocaust and conflating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism.

2) In a conflict between a thousand-pound gorilla and a mouse, it's 
the gorilla which has to make concessions in order for the two sides 
to progress to the next level. What can the Palestinians offer in the 
way of concession? Israel would reply to that question: No violent 
attacks of any kind. But that would still leave the status quo ante 
bellum -- a life of unmitigated misery for the Palestinian people 
forced upon them by Israel. Peace without justice.

Israel's declarations about the absolute unacceptability of one of 
their soldiers being held captive by the Palestinians, or two 
soldiers being held by Hezbollah in Lebanon, cannot be taken too 
seriously when Israel is holding literally thousands of captured 
Palestinians, many for years, typically without any due process, many 
tortured; as well as holding a number of prominent Hezbollah members. 
A few years ago, if not still now, Israel wrote numbers on some of 
the Palestinian prisoners' arms and foreheads, using blue markers, a 
practice that is of course reminiscent of the Nazis' treatment of 
Jews in World War II. [1]

Israel's real aim, and that of Washington, is the overthrow of the 
Hamas government in Palestine, the government that came to power in 
January through a clearly democratic process, the democracy that the 
Western democracies never tire of celebrating, except when the 
result doesn't please them. Is there a stronger word than 
hypocrisy? There is now no Hamas government, declared a senior US 
official a week ago, eight cabinet ministers or 30 percent of the 
government is in jail [kidnapped by Israel], another 30 percent is in 
hiding, and the other 30 percent is doing very little.[2]   To make 
the government-disappearance act even more Orwellian, we have 
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, speaking in late June about 
Iraq: This is the only legitimately elected government in the Middle 
East with a possible exception of Lebanon.[3] What's next, gathering 
in front of the Big Telescreen for the Two Minutes Hate?

In addition to doing away with the Hamas government, the current 
military blitzkrieg by Israel, with full US support, may well be 
designed to create incidents to justify attacks on Iran and Syria, 
the next steps of Washington's work in process, a controlling 
stranglehold on the Middle East and its oil.

It is a wanton act of collective punishment that is depriving the 
Palestinians of food, electricity, water, money, access to the 
outside world ... and sleep. Israel has been sending jets flying over 
Gaza at night triggering sonic booms, traumatizing children. I want 
nobody to sleep at night in Gaza, declared Israeli Prime Minister 
Ehud Olmert[4]; words suitable for Israel's tombstone.

These crimes against humanity -- and I haven't mentioned the terrible 
special weapons reportedly used by Israel -- are what the people of 
Palestine get for voting for the wrong party. It is ironic, given the 

Re: [Biofuel] Check your Beliefs

2006-07-23 Thread Doug Foskey
This seems to match my thoughts as well. I have held back because I feel I 
cannot take sides in this conflict. I really feel for the Palestinians. I 
also really feel for the minority of Israelis who would like peace with the 
Arab states.
 I hope for all our sakes that a peaceful resolution is found where both sides 
can save face, otherwise I can see no end to the hate between Western nations 
 the people of the Islamic faith.
 I really feel sorry for the minority of Moslems in Australia, who are 
beginning to see the start of anti Islam sentiment in Australia. Most of 
these people are peace loving as are the majority of Australians. 
Unfortunately, our government seems to be blindly following the policies of 
the US, with no thought to the consequences of relations with our crowded 
Islamic neighbor, Indonesia. 

regards Doug

On Sunday 23 July 2006 5:35, Keith Addison wrote:
 Once again I'm much in agreement with Bill Blum. He seems to get
 inundated by a lot of the arguments that happen here too. (Poor guy.)
 I think we've had all this stuff now that he debunks, and more, not
 for the first time, and it's tiresome. Please see next. Thankyou.

 Keith Addison
 Journey to Forever
 KYOTO Pref., Japan
 Biofuel list owner

 The Anti-Empire Report
 Some things you need to know before the world ends
  July 22, 2006
by William Blum

 The End Is Near, but first, this commercial.

 There are times when I think that this tired old world has gone on a
 few years too long. What's happening in the Middle East is so
 depressing. Most discussions of the eternal Israel-Palestine conflict
 are variations on the child's eternal defense for misbehavior -- He
 started it! Within a few minutes of discussing/arguing the latest
 manifestation of the conflict the participants are back to 1967, then
 1948, then biblical times. I don't wish to get entangled in who
 started the current mess. I would like instead to first express what
 I see as two essential underlying facts of life which remain from one
 conflict to the next:

 1) Israel's existence is not at stake and hasn't been so for decades,
 if it ever was, regardless of the many de rigueur militant statements
 by Arab leaders over the years. If Israel would learn to deal with
 its neighbors in a non-expansionist, non-military, humane, and
 respectful manner, engage in full prisoner exchanges, and sincerely
 strive for a viable two-state solution, even those who are opposed to
 the idea of a state based on a particular religion could accept the
 state of Israel, and the question of its right to exist would
 scarcely arise in people's minds. But as it is, Israel still uses the
 issue as a justification for its behavior, as Jews all over the world
 use the Holocaust and conflating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism.

 2) In a conflict between a thousand-pound gorilla and a mouse, it's
 the gorilla which has to make concessions in order for the two sides
 to progress to the next level. What can the Palestinians offer in the
 way of concession? Israel would reply to that question: No violent
 attacks of any kind. But that would still leave the status quo ante
 bellum -- a life of unmitigated misery for the Palestinian people
 forced upon them by Israel. Peace without justice.

 Israel's declarations about the absolute unacceptability of one of
 their soldiers being held captive by the Palestinians, or two
 soldiers being held by Hezbollah in Lebanon, cannot be taken too
 seriously when Israel is holding literally thousands of captured
 Palestinians, many for years, typically without any due process, many
 tortured; as well as holding a number of prominent Hezbollah members.
 A few years ago, if not still now, Israel wrote numbers on some of
 the Palestinian prisoners' arms and foreheads, using blue markers, a
 practice that is of course reminiscent of the Nazis' treatment of
 Jews in World War II. [1]

 Israel's real aim, and that of Washington, is the overthrow of the
 Hamas government in Palestine, the government that came to power in
 January through a clearly democratic process, the democracy that the
 Western democracies never tire of celebrating, except when the
 result doesn't please them. Is there a stronger word than
 hypocrisy? There is now no Hamas government, declared a senior US
 official a week ago, eight cabinet ministers or 30 percent of the
 government is in jail [kidnapped by Israel], another 30 percent is in
 hiding, and the other 30 percent is doing very little.[2]   To make
 the government-disappearance act even more Orwellian, we have
 Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, speaking in late June about
 Iraq: This is the only legitimately elected government in the Middle
 East with a possible exception of Lebanon.[3] What's next, gathering
 in front of the Big Telescreen for the Two Minutes Hate?


Re: [Biofuel] Check your Beliefs

2006-07-23 Thread MK DuPree
Hi Keith...thanks for the references.  I'm curious, why do you live in 
Japan?  You've seen a lot of the planet and its' governments up close and 
personal and there you are in Japan.  Thanks.  Mike DuPree

- Original Message - 
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2006 2:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Check your Beliefs

 Hi Bob

 You say:

... The reason for starting from the moment when UNO accepted Israel
as a member (in other words as a legally constituted legitimate
state) was in my view the only possible point of departure. There
are many others, but none so clearly legitimised as the moment when
the most modern international organisation we had then in existence
chose to do so. ...


And if you've forgotten how it all began, here's a brief sketch. I found 
on my thumbnail...

 It all began in 1948? That's like saying a person's life only begins
 when they turn 21 and anything before that is irrelevant (or didn't
 even happen maybe).

 Prior to 1948 you don't have to go all the way back to Moses to find
 another important event, there's this one for instance, in 1917:
 The Balfour Declaration
 A history of perfidy and betrayal in the Mideast gives insight into
 the motivations behind the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
 By Dr. Robert John

 That's in the archives, along with much else that takes all the wind
 out of your arguments (along with Bill Blum's latest piece, just
 posted separately).

 Why not explain how it is that the US has vetoed just about every UN
 resolution on Israel since then? (Lists in the archives.) Or how it
 is that Ariel Sharon could announce in Israel that the US would do
 exactly what he told it to, and then went to the White House and
 proved it? Eg:

 I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American
 pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the
 Americans know it.-- Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, October 3rd,
 2001, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.
 Foreign Policy In Focus | Global Affairs Commentary |
 Congress Overwhelmingly Endorses Ariel Sharon's Annexation Plans
 By Stephen Zunes | June 25, 2004
 The vote, therefore, constitutes nothing less than an overwhelming
 bipartisan renunciation of the post-World War II international
 system, effectively recognizing the right of conquest.

 Or why US academics Mearsheimer and Walt recently had to publish a
 foreign policy article on Israel in the London Review of Books
 because it could not be published in the Land of the Free?
 LRB | John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt : The Israel Lobby
 23 March 2006

 Now why would that be?

 We've been through all this here, most definitively in the Oil and
 Israel thread I referred you to. This is the original Oil and
 Israel post:
 [biofuel] Oil and Israel
 27 May 2004

 One hundred and twenty posts in that thread, through fire and
 brimstone to get it all sorted out and in its proper perspective,
 despite the vast amount of deliberate and very high-powered confusion
 concerning Jews and Israel and Judaism and anti-Semitism when
 actually what we're discussing is colonial Zionism and its
 unconditional backing by the US.

 Kind of sad to see it all being ignored in so many posts right now,
 as if the list was born yesterday and we've never discussed this
 before nor established some foundation for further discussion, and
 that for just the reasons Bill Blum states.

 These are some of the things that thread and others covered:

 Tanya Reinhart is a much-published Israeli professor (Tel Aviv
 University and the University of Utrecht) who wrote a book called
 Israel/Palestine: How To End The War Of 1948. There's an interview
 with her here:
 Interview With Tanya Reinhart

 ... the Gaza strip, where 6000 Israeli settlers occupy one third of
 the land, and a million Palestinians are crowded in the rest. As
 years went by since Oslo, Israel extended the Arab-free areas in
 the occupied Palestinian territories to about 50% of the land.  Labor
 circles began to talk about the Alon Plus plan, namely - more lands
 to Israel. However, it appeared that they would still allow some
 Palestinian self-rule in the other 50%, under conditions similar to
 the Bantustans in South Africa.

 That's all changed since 1999. Reinhart makes it clear that what has
 been happening is opposed by the majority of Israelis. Three chapters
 of her book are online:

 She wrote this too:
 Jenin- The Propaganda War

 And this:
 Sharon's Gaza

Re: [Biofuel] Check your Beliefs

2006-07-22 Thread Mike Weaver
 Does that make your head spin? It does mine.  
 The point I'm making is that if you are looking for legitimacy in 
 terms of land occupation you have to start somewhere. However, it is 
 an academic approach. What matters in the heat of the moment is blood 
 and fire and our separate reactions to them. Inevitably there will 
 always be people on opposing sides of the issue.
 I finished my post with the view that the Arab-Israeli war will never 
 end until Israel is destroyed or the Arabs accept her existence. 
 Neither is likely. Sanctioning Israel is simply taking sides; 
 admonishing the Palestinians ditto. Jumping up and down and 
 handwringing avails us naught.  
 You can if you wish build your analysis on the basis of active 
 violence /vis a vis/ reactive violence i.e who threw the first 
 punch. That would make an interesting debate but still at the sterile 
 academic level. The reality is that people are dying right now, 
 children are being maimed and traumatised for life, blood and treasure 
 is being poured out and nations are impoverishing themselves in a 
 fruitless war.
 The US could send Israel back behind her legitimate borders tomorrow. 
 But the US cannot stop the rocket attacks. Only the Arabs acting as a 
 whole can do that and no Arab leader would agree. The last one to sign 
 a peace treaty with Israel was assassinated.  Without secure 
 borders Israel cannot survive and would be forced to react - again. 
 True, the US in concert with the West could stop all arms and other 
 supplies to Israel and slowly starve her into submission.
 To what? Arab occupation? Sharia law? Eventual total Islamisation? 
 That would be a Final Solution. Where have I heard that phrase before? 
 However, it is the 21st century and final solutions are a luxury we 
 can no longer afford.
 Why not? Israel's nuclear arsenal says so. If we hate and detest what 
 their reactive violence is doing in Lebanon right now we certainly 
 won't enjoy their fall-back plan. Nor, on reflection, will we 
 particularly relish what Iran has in mind. The nearest German 
 equivalent is Gotterdammerung. (I think there's an umlaut in there 
 The Bible has a more apt word for it. In fact it is not only a word it 
 is a prediction. Can't think of it at the moment but I'm sure someone 
 will post it. (I'm not a god-botherer by the way nor even a nominal 
 Christian. It took me half a lifetime to reason my way to out of my 
 childhood conditioning so please don't put me in that slot).
 In sum, Fritz, I feel your pain. I appreciate your concern. I agree 
 with your sentiments and have no wish to naysay them. I do not 
 condone the violence nor do I excuse it. What I have attempted to do 
 is explain it. My failure is abysmal but then I'm in a long, 
 long queue of previous explainers. 

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Fritz Friesinger mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Sent:* Saturday, July 22, 2006 6:06 AM
 *Subject:* [Biofuel] Check your Beliefs

 So Bob,
 You are rigth on this,its about Land,Power Oil and Money and so on!
 The fact that the UNO did sanction the implantation of Israel is
 no consolation for the dispossest Palestinians,who have been
 driven of theire Land without compensation or all!
 That the Arabligue did oppose the implantation of Israel is no
 secret and the price for all this have been payed by the
 Palestinian Population!
 The Shabra and Shatilla Massacres and the rest of the atrocyties
 by the Israel Government on Palestinians can all be excused by
 your motion of survival of the fittest
 Well German Nazis had to stand trial for their Warcrimes and so i
 agree with all Holocaust sufferers (and the rest of the civil
 world) that there should not be any amnesty for Warcriminals!
 But explain me why the Shabra and Shatilla Massacres have not been
 punished despite the perpetrayers have been clearly identified?
 And explain me why we have a Convention of Geneva and why we
 have established basic Humanrigths if you can brush them away with
 survival of the fittest
 Now,i can not beliefe that all the things you have said are your
 real beliefes so i think you are sarcastic but you should realice
 that is exactly the problem in our society at the very most we are
 sarcastic the suffering of these people does not concern us to
 much after all its not hurting us directly or is it?
 - Original Message -
 *From:* Bob Molloy mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Sent:* Thursday, July 20, 2006 11:11 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

 Hey guys,
It's a war; dirty, messy, cruel, inhuman

Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

2006-07-22 Thread leo bunyan
Good on ya Bobit seems that the human race is most comfortable at attempting to wipe itself out!!Mother Nature RulesLeoBob Molloy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hey guys,   It's a war; dirty, messy, cruel, inhuman andunnecessary - unless you happen to be a Palestinian yearning for your landback or an Israeli who's been threatened with annihilation since birth. It'salso a war that's been going on since mankind began. It's about land andreligion and culture and who dominates who. There are no rights and wrongsthere are only who wins and who loses. The winners write history and we moveon.Mike Weaver made the point when he wondered if he might be living on landowned by an indigenous people, a point which also applies to you too, Fritz,despite your disingenuous attempt to
 justify occupation of "unwanted" land.However, before you think of noble savages, remember that all those nicepeace-loving indigenes slaughtered and plundered their way through themillenia since they left Africa (where we all originated) to wherever theyfinally settled. The 19th century saw the last vestiges of this land grab.If you were a theologian you'd call it original sin. Darwin was earthier,and more enlightening, he called it survival of the fittest. You may takesides, wring your hands, jump up and down, talk about human rights but weare all - even those nice people in the rain forest who we think live inharmony with nature - guilty of genocide and dispossession. In the presentcase it's called the Arab-Israeli war. We'll know who was right whensomebody wins.And if you've forgotten how it all began, here's a brief sketch. I found iton my thumbnail.The UNO blessing on the establishment of Israel in
 1948 was merely therecognition of a de facto situation. From that moment on Israel was de jure,i.e. a legal entity in international law. The Arabs disagreed. Five Arabarmies (Egypt, Syria, Trans-Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq - including theBritish-trained and armed Arab Legion) immediately invaded the fledglingstate. The world responded by clapping a total arms embargo on Israel.Against that the Israelis had nine obsolete aircraft, a few tanks, fewerthan 20,000 armed civilians -and balls. They won, and pushed out theirfrontiers to safeguard their collective backsides from future attacks.The attacks never stopped (rockets, mines, cross-border shelling andguerilla incursions) but the next big one came in 1967 - the so-called SixDay War. This time the Arabs meant business. Egypt closed the Straits ofTiran to all Israeli shipping, cutting off Israel's only supply route withAsia and stopping the flow of oil from its main
 supplier, Iran.President Nasser of Egypt challenged Israel to fight. "Our basic objectivewill be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight." Heordered all UN peace-keeping forces stationed on Israeli borders to leave.The UN complied without even calling a meeting. The Voice of the Arabs radiostation proclaimed: "As of today, there no longer exists an internationalemergency force to protect Israel. The sole method we shall apply againstIsrael is total war, which will result in the extermination of Zionistexistence".  Syrian Defense Minister Hafez Assad was more blunt: "The Syrianarmy, with its finger on the trigger, is unitedI, as a military man,believe that the time has come to enter into a battle of annihilation.Nasser topped that: "We shall not enter Palestine with its soil covered insand; we shall enter it with its soil saturated in blood." He meant Israeliblood.The armies of Egypt,
 Jordan, Syria and Lebanon massed on the borders ofIsrael. Backing them with men and munitions were Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait,Sudan and the whole Arab world. The actual count was 465,000 troops, morethan 2,800 tanks, and 800 aircraft.  President Johnson warned the Israelisnot to fight. The Red Cross stocked up on blankets, the rest of the worldstood by and watched. Israel couldn't get a hearing in the UN. The SecurityCouncil, it seemed, was difficult to contact.We all know what happened. The Israelis didn't wait for the war. Theypre-empted it. In six days (about the same time God needed to create heavenand earth) the Israelis - using an army 80% of which were weekend soldiersi.e. civilians taking time off from work -and an airforce a fraction thesize of that possessed by the Arabs defeated the lot and pushed out theborders to a more comfortable fit. Figuring that sauce for the goose wassauce for the gander they also closed
 the Suez Canal to all nations. On thesixth day just as the Israelis were heading for Damascus the SecurityCouncil suddenly found time to convene and ordered a cease fire on allsides. Nasser promptly died and left the mess to his successor, Anwar Sadat.Sadat waited six years and then famously announced he was willing to"sacrifice one million soldiers" (nice man) in a showdown with Israel. Hejoined Syria in assembling a vast army - the equivalent of the total forcesof NATO in Europe.  On the Golan Heights 

Re: [Biofuel] Check your Beliefs

2006-07-22 Thread Bob Molloy
king sides; 
admonishing the Palestinians ditto. Jumping up and down and handwringing avails 
us naught. 

You can if you wish build youranalysis on the 
basis of active violence vis a vis reactive violence i.e who threw the 
first punch.That would make an interesting debate but still at the sterile 
academic level. The reality is that people are dying right now, children are 
being maimed and traumatised for life, blood and treasure is being poured out 
and nations are impoverishing themselves in a fruitless war. 

The US could send Israel back behind her legitimate 
borders tomorrow. But the US cannot stop the rocket attacks. Only the Arabs 
acting as a wholecando that and no Arab 
leaderwouldagree.The last one to sign a peace treaty with 
Israel was assassinated.Without secure bordersIsrael 
cannotsurvive and would be forced to react - again. True, the US in 
concert with the West could stop all arms and other supplies to Israel and 
slowly starve her into submission. 

To what? Arab occupation? Sharia law? Eventual 
total Islamisation? That would be a Final Solution. Where have I heard that 
phrase before? However, it is the 21st century and final solutions are a luxury 
we can no longerafford.

Why not? Israel's nuclear arsenal says so.If 
we hate and detest what their reactive violenceis doing in Lebanon right 
now we certainly won'tenjoy their fall-back plan. Nor, on reflection, will 
we particularly relish what Iran has in mind. The nearest German equivalent is 
Gotterdammerung. (I think there's an umlaut in there somewhere). 

The Bible has a more apt word for it. In fact it is 
not onlya word it is aprediction. Can't think of it at the moment 
but I'm sure someone will post it. (I'm not a god-botherer by the way nor even a 
nominal Christian. It took me half a lifetime to reason my way to out of my 
childhood conditioning so please don't put me in that slot). 

In sum, Fritz, I feel your pain. I appreciate your 
concern. I agree with your sentiments and have no wish to naysay them. I do not 
condonethe violencenor do I excuse it. What I have attempted to do 
is explain it. My failure is abysmal but then I'm in a long, longqueue of 
previous explainers. 


  - Original Message - 
  Fritz Friesinger 
  Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2006 6:06 
  Subject: [Biofuel] Check your 
  So Bob,
  You are rigth on this,its about Land,Power Oil and Money and so on!
  The fact that the UNO did sanction the implantation of Israel is no 
  consolation for the dispossest Palestinians,who have been driven of theire 
  Land without compensation or all!
  That the Arabligue did oppose the implantation of Israel is no secret and 
  the price for all this have been payed by the Palestinian Population!
  The Shabra and Shatilla Massacres and the rest of the atrocyties by the 
  Israel Government on Palestinians can all be excused by your motion of 
  "survival of the fittest"
  Well German Nazis had to stand trial for their Warcrimes and so i agree 
  with all Holocaust sufferers (and the rest of the civil world) that there 
  should not be any amnesty for Warcriminals!
  But explain me why the Shabra and Shatilla Massacres have not been 
  punished despite the perpetrayers have been clearly identified?
  And explain me why we have a "Convention of Geneva" and why we have 
  established basic Humanrigths if you can brush them away with "survival of the 
  Now,i can not beliefe that all the things you 
  have said are your real beliefes so i think you are sarcastic but you should 
  realice that is exactly the problem in our society at the very most we are 
  "sarcastic" the suffering of these people does not concern us to much after 
  all its not hurting us directly or is it?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Bob Molloy 

  Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 11:11 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs
  It's a war; dirty, messy, cruel, inhuman andunnecessary - unless you 
  happen to be a Palestinian yearning for your landback or an Israeli who's 
  been threatened with annihilation since birth. It'salso a war that's been 
  going on since mankind began. It's about land andreligion and culture and 
  who dominates who. There are no rights and wrongsthere are only who wins 
  and who loses. The winners write history and we moveon.Mike Weaver 
  made the point when he wondered if he might be living on landowned by an 
  indigenous people, a point which also applies to you too, Fritz,despite 
  your disingenuous attempt to justify occupation of "unwanted" 
  land.However, before you think of noble savages, remember that all those 
  nicepeace-loving indigenes slaughtered and plundered their way through 
  themillenia since they left Africa (where we all originated) to wherever 
  theyfinally settled. Th

Re: [Biofuel] Check your Beliefs

2006-07-22 Thread JJJN
 analysis from that point 
 then the Palestinians are in the right. 
 Does that make your head spin? It does mine.  
 The point I'm making is that if you are looking for legitimacy in 
 terms of land occupation you have to start somewhere. However, it is 
 an academic approach. What matters in the heat of the moment is blood 
 and fire and our separate reactions to them. Inevitably there will 
 always be people on opposing sides of the issue.
 I finished my post with the view that the Arab-Israeli war will never 
 end until Israel is destroyed or the Arabs accept her existence. 
 Neither is likely. Sanctioning Israel is simply taking sides; 
 admonishing the Palestinians ditto. Jumping up and down and 
 handwringing avails us naught.  
 You can if you wish build your analysis on the basis of active 
 violence /vis a vis/ reactive violence i.e who threw the first 
 punch. That would make an interesting debate but still at the sterile 
 academic level. The reality is that people are dying right now, 
 children are being maimed and traumatised for life, blood and treasure 
 is being poured out and nations are impoverishing themselves in a 
 fruitless war.
 The US could send Israel back behind her legitimate borders tomorrow. 
 But the US cannot stop the rocket attacks. Only the Arabs acting as a 
 whole can do that and no Arab leader would agree. The last one to sign 
 a peace treaty with Israel was assassinated.  Without secure 
 borders Israel cannot survive and would be forced to react - again. 
 True, the US in concert with the West could stop all arms and other 
 supplies to Israel and slowly starve her into submission.
 To what? Arab occupation? Sharia law? Eventual total Islamisation? 
 That would be a Final Solution. Where have I heard that phrase before? 
 However, it is the 21st century and final solutions are a luxury we 
 can no longer afford.
 Why not? Israel's nuclear arsenal says so. If we hate and detest what 
 their reactive violence is doing in Lebanon right now we certainly 
 won't enjoy their fall-back plan. Nor, on reflection, will we 
 particularly relish what Iran has in mind. The nearest German 
 equivalent is Gotterdammerung. (I think there's an umlaut in there 
 The Bible has a more apt word for it. In fact it is not only a word it 
 is a prediction. Can't think of it at the moment but I'm sure someone 
 will post it. (I'm not a god-botherer by the way nor even a nominal 
 Christian. It took me half a lifetime to reason my way to out of my 
 childhood conditioning so please don't put me in that slot).
 In sum, Fritz, I feel your pain. I appreciate your concern. I agree 
 with your sentiments and have no wish to naysay them. I do not 
 condone the violence nor do I excuse it. What I have attempted to do 
 is explain it. My failure is abysmal but then I'm in a long, 
 long queue of previous explainers. 

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Fritz Friesinger mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Sent:* Saturday, July 22, 2006 6:06 AM
 *Subject:* [Biofuel] Check your Beliefs

 So Bob,
 You are rigth on this,its about Land,Power Oil and Money and so on!
 The fact that the UNO did sanction the implantation of Israel is
 no consolation for the dispossest Palestinians,who have been
 driven of theire Land without compensation or all!
 That the Arabligue did oppose the implantation of Israel is no
 secret and the price for all this have been payed by the
 Palestinian Population!
 The Shabra and Shatilla Massacres and the rest of the atrocyties
 by the Israel Government on Palestinians can all be excused by
 your motion of survival of the fittest
 Well German Nazis had to stand trial for their Warcrimes and so i
 agree with all Holocaust sufferers (and the rest of the civil
 world) that there should not be any amnesty for Warcriminals!
 But explain me why the Shabra and Shatilla Massacres have not been
 punished despite the perpetrayers have been clearly identified?
 And explain me why we have a Convention of Geneva and why we
 have established basic Humanrigths if you can brush them away with
 survival of the fittest
 Now,i can not beliefe that all the things you have said are your
 real beliefes so i think you are sarcastic but you should realice
 that is exactly the problem in our society at the very most we are
 sarcastic the suffering of these people does not concern us to
 much after all its not hurting us directly or is it?
 - Original Message -
 *From:* Bob Molloy mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Sent:* Thursday, July 20, 2006 11:11 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

 Hey guys

Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

2006-07-20 Thread Mike Weaver
Up until the 2nd WW there were as many if not more anti-semitic acts in 
the US than Europe.

Zeke Yewdall wrote:

 Actually, it seems to me that the US and Europe created Israel because 
 we felt bad about the holocaust, but not enough to actually want to 
 stop their anti-semitism so they found a place where the Jew's 
 could have a homeland, without inconveniencing any Europeans.  It 
 makes us feel better about the holocaust to say that we support 
 Israel, but I think it's rather condemning of us westerners that we 
 still fight antisemitism at home, rather unsucessfully at times, and 
 only support Jews when there are no westerners to be inconvenienced by 
 them, in Israel. If we really wanted to atone for the holocaust, is 
 shipping the Jews off to a far off land where we don't have to deal 
 with them the best way to show this?  It seems to me that this is 
 almost as insulting to the Jews as it is to the Palistinians, though 
 obviously billions of dollars of military support goes some way 
 towards placating the insult. 

 On 7/19/06, *Bob Molloy* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yo Fritz,
 Yeah, right on Fritz. And just to prove it your ethnic forebears
 killed off six million of these bloody Jews only to have the rest
 of us dumb westerners stop them just before they'd finished the
 job. Now it's up to the poor Palestinians with only suicide
 bombers and Katushya rockets to carry on where the rest of us left
 off. We need to force the Israelis to open these roads, tear down
 their walls and move back onto their own territory so that the
 bombers in civilian clothing have a fighting chance to get closer
 to Israeli settlements.  At least let's have a level playing field
 here. After it's all over and the Palestinians have finally
 established their Muslim state we can allow a few Israeli refugees
 into western countries just as long as they toe the line and run
 the garbage collection systems for us.
 Good one, Fritz,
 - Original Message -
 *From:* Fritz Friesinger mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Sent:* Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:33 AM
 *Subject:* [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

 Forewardet by Fritz

 Check Your Beliefs

 By Charley Reese

 03/17/06 -- -- Let's play a fantasy game to check on
 our belief in human rights. Let's suppose that in a
 mythical state, a governor announced a campaign to
 punish African-Americans for alleged violence.

 Step one is to confiscate the land owned by
 African-Americans, evict them from it and use the land
 to build massive new subdivisions. Only white
 Protestant Christians may live in these subdivisions.

 Step two is to connect these all-white Protestant
 Christian settlements to each other by a highway on
 which African-Americans are forbidden to drive. To
 facilitate control, the automobile tags for
 African-Americans will be a different color from the
 tags issued to white motorists. Checkpoints would be
 set up all around the state capitol to search and
 harass African-Americans trying to enter.

 Would you support such a plan? Would you hail that
 mythical governor as a man of peace? Would you go to
 your church congregation and ask the members to send
 money to the occupants of these white settlements?
 Would you lobby the federal government to subsidize
 this new apartheid state in our midst?

 I don't think so. I think most Americans would
 consider such acts an abomination, un-American and a
 mockery of everything both Christianity and the United
 States stand for.

 Well, if you would condemn such acts here directed
 against African-Americans, why won't you condemn
 identical acts committed against the Palestinians by
 the state of Israel?

 Those settlements you hear about are built on
 Palestinian land, and they are for Jews only. New
 roads that Palestinians are forbidden to use connect
 them. The entire West Bank is riddled with Israeli
 checkpoints, where innocent Palestinians are daily
 humiliated and harassed. A trip to a nearby village
 can mean waiting in line at checkpoints for hours.
 Palestinians have died in these lines.

 After all of these humiliations, abuses, the houses
 destroyed, the children killed, the olive trees
 uprooted, how do you think Palestinians feel about
 Americans who support the Israelis no matter what they
 do to the Palestinians? Don't take my word about these
 abuses. Check out the Israeli human-rights
 organization at

 If you cannot condemn the flagrant abuses of

Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

2006-07-20 Thread Joe Street

Your comments are surely offensive and ill considered. Move back onto 
their own territory? Pray tell where is that? Parachuting displaced Jews 
into the area we call Israel was the first mistake made by the US and 
Brittain IMHO and  we have been living with the fallout ever since. 
Although all of the one sidedness and unfair support for the Jews is 
well expressed in the post and rightly so, your comments about garbage 
collection mark you as an anti-semite and I believe you should 
appologize for that comment. Don't get me wrong I am no supporter of any 
particular people or unfair advantage in any regard in fact I hate all 
that, but you can't come on a public list and make such statements.  It 
is like condemning americans with a broad brush stroke because you hate 
the actions of their government. Fair? Justified? Right? I think not.


Bob Molloy wrote:

 Yo Fritz,
 Yeah, right on Fritz. And just to prove it your ethnic forebears killed 
 off six million of these bloody Jews only to have the rest of 
 us dumb westerners stop them just before they'd finished the job. Now 
 it's up to the poor Palestinians with only suicide bombers and Katushya 
 rockets to carry on where the rest of us left off. We need to force the 
 Israelis to open these roads, tear down their walls and move back onto 
 their own territory so that the bombers in civilian clothing have a 
 fighting chance to get closer to Israeli settlements.  At least let's 
 have a level playing field here. After it's all over and the 
 Palestinians have finally established their Muslim state we can allow a 
 few Israeli refugees into western countries just as long as they toe the 
 line and run the garbage collection systems for us.
 Good one, Fritz,
 - Original Message -
 *From:* Fritz Friesinger mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Sent:* Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:33 AM
 *Subject:* [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs
 Forewardet by Fritz
 Check Your Beliefs
 By Charley Reese
 03/17/06 -- -- Let's play a fantasy game to check on
 our belief in human rights. Let's suppose that in a
 mythical state, a governor announced a campaign to
 punish African-Americans for alleged violence.
 Step one is to confiscate the land owned by
 African-Americans, evict them from it and use the land
 to build massive new subdivisions. Only white
 Protestant Christians may live in these subdivisions.
 Step two is to connect these all-white Protestant
 Christian settlements to each other by a highway on
 which African-Americans are forbidden to drive. To
 facilitate control, the automobile tags for
 African-Americans will be a different color from the
 tags issued to white motorists. Checkpoints would be
 set up all around the state capitol to search and
 harass African-Americans trying to enter.
 Would you support such a plan? Would you hail that
 mythical governor as a man of peace? Would you go to
 your church congregation and ask the members to send
 money to the occupants of these white settlements?
 Would you lobby the federal government to subsidize
 this new apartheid state in our midst?
 I don't think so. I think most Americans would
 consider such acts an abomination, un-American and a
 mockery of everything both Christianity and the United
 States stand for.
 Well, if you would condemn such acts here directed
 against African-Americans, why won't you condemn
 identical acts committed against the Palestinians by
 the state of Israel?
 Those settlements you hear about are built on
 Palestinian land, and they are for Jews only. New
 roads that Palestinians are forbidden to use connect
 them. The entire West Bank is riddled with Israeli
 checkpoints, where innocent Palestinians are daily
 humiliated and harassed. A trip to a nearby village
 can mean waiting in line at checkpoints for hours.
 Palestinians have died in these lines.
 After all of these humiliations, abuses, the houses
 destroyed, the children killed, the olive trees
 uprooted, how do you think Palestinians feel about
 Americans who support the Israelis no matter what they
 do to the Palestinians? Don't take my word about these
 abuses. Check out the Israeli human-rights
 organization at
 If you cannot condemn the flagrant abuses of
 Palestinians by the Israeli government, then you are
 undoubtedly a bigot, the worst kind of racist pig who
 believes that Palestinians are some kind of subspecies
 of the human race. If you do condemn in your heart
 these terrible abuses, but are afraid to speak out

Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

2006-07-20 Thread Mike Weaver

I think Bob was being sarcastic - read his post again.

Joe Street wrote:


Your comments are surely offensive and ill considered. Move back onto 
their own territory? Pray tell where is that? Parachuting displaced Jews 
into the area we call Israel was the first mistake made by the US and 
Brittain IMHO and  we have been living with the fallout ever since. 
Although all of the one sidedness and unfair support for the Jews is 
well expressed in the post and rightly so, your comments about garbage 
collection mark you as an anti-semite and I believe you should 
appologize for that comment. Don't get me wrong I am no supporter of any 
particular people or unfair advantage in any regard in fact I hate all 
that, but you can't come on a public list and make such statements.  It 
is like condemning americans with a broad brush stroke because you hate 
the actions of their government. Fair? Justified? Right? I think not.


Bob Molloy wrote:


Yo Fritz,
Yeah, right on Fritz. And just to prove it your ethnic forebears killed 
off six million of these bloody Jews only to have the rest of 
us dumb westerners stop them just before they'd finished the job. Now 
it's up to the poor Palestinians with only suicide bombers and Katushya 
rockets to carry on where the rest of us left off. We need to force the 
Israelis to open these roads, tear down their walls and move back onto 
their own territory so that the bombers in civilian clothing have a 
fighting chance to get closer to Israeli settlements.  At least let's 
have a level playing field here. After it's all over and the 
Palestinians have finally established their Muslim state we can allow a 
few Israeli refugees into western countries just as long as they toe the 
line and run the garbage collection systems for us.
Good one, Fritz,

- Original Message -
*From:* Fritz Friesinger mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:33 AM
*Subject:* [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

Forewardet by Fritz

Check Your Beliefs

By Charley Reese

03/17/06 -- -- Let's play a fantasy game to check on
our belief in human rights. Let's suppose that in a
mythical state, a governor announced a campaign to
punish African-Americans for alleged violence.

Step one is to confiscate the land owned by
African-Americans, evict them from it and use the land
to build massive new subdivisions. Only white
Protestant Christians may live in these subdivisions.

Step two is to connect these all-white Protestant
Christian settlements to each other by a highway on
which African-Americans are forbidden to drive. To
facilitate control, the automobile tags for
African-Americans will be a different color from the
tags issued to white motorists. Checkpoints would be
set up all around the state capitol to search and
harass African-Americans trying to enter.

Would you support such a plan? Would you hail that
mythical governor as a man of peace? Would you go to
your church congregation and ask the members to send
money to the occupants of these white settlements?
Would you lobby the federal government to subsidize
this new apartheid state in our midst?

I don't think so. I think most Americans would
consider such acts an abomination, un-American and a
mockery of everything both Christianity and the United
States stand for.

Well, if you would condemn such acts here directed
against African-Americans, why won't you condemn
identical acts committed against the Palestinians by
the state of Israel?

Those settlements you hear about are built on
Palestinian land, and they are for Jews only. New
roads that Palestinians are forbidden to use connect
them. The entire West Bank is riddled with Israeli
checkpoints, where innocent Palestinians are daily
humiliated and harassed. A trip to a nearby village
can mean waiting in line at checkpoints for hours.
Palestinians have died in these lines.

After all of these humiliations, abuses, the houses
destroyed, the children killed, the olive trees
uprooted, how do you think Palestinians feel about
Americans who support the Israelis no matter what they
do to the Palestinians? Don't take my word about these
abuses. Check out the Israeli human-rights
organization at

If you cannot condemn the flagrant abuses of
Palestinians by the Israeli government, then you are
undoubtedly a bigot, the worst kind of racist pig who
believes that Palestinians are some kind of subspecies
of the human race. If you do condemn in your heart
these terrible abuses, but are afraid to speak out
about them, then 

Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

2006-07-20 Thread Joe Street
Not to mention the unecessary use of two atomic bombs on the Japanese. 
Americans are the only ones ever to massacre human beings with nuclear 
weapons and yet they deem themselves to be the ones worthy of having 


Hakan Falk wrote:

 I forgot about your ethnic forebears massacres of 
 the native American population. In numbers it is also comparable.
 I have a lot to do and have been silent for a 
 while, but this I have to comment.
 It was clearly under the belt and very 
 insensitive and outright dumb, especially form an 
 American. US do have their own racism and the 
 internment of Americans with Japanese decent 
 during WWII is nothing to be proud of, not to 
 talk about the racism and prosecution of black 
 people, this still in more recent times. Your 
 comments says more about you than about Fritz.
 It was very few Germans who knew about what was 
 going on, most knew about internment, but very 
 few about the final solution and even fewer that 
 was involved in it. In fact it was very few that 
 ever read Mein Kampf  and had reasons to 
 suspect anything like the final solution. They 
 knew about the interment as the Americans knew 
 about their own internment of Japanese Americans 
 also. The final solution was set in practise by a 
 few and when the German population were more occupied by the war.
 You are also talking about taking personal 
 responsibility for forefathers and then you are 
 personal responsible for the Japanese internment 
 and prosecution of black people also.
 At 05:09 20/07/2006, you wrote:
Hello Bob

I think you should check your beliefs.
'Because This Is the Middle East'
Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel
3 Jun 2004


Yo Fritz,
Yeah, right on Fritz. And just to prove it your ethnic forebears
killed off six million of these bloody Jews only to have the rest of
us dumb westerners stop them just before they'd finished the job.
Now it's up to the poor Palestinians with only suicide bombers and
Katushya rockets to carry on where the rest of us left off. We need
to force the Israelis to open these roads, tear down their walls and
move back onto their own territory so that the bombers in civilian
clothing have a fighting chance to get closer to Israeli
settlements.  At least let's have a level playing field here. After
it's all over and the Palestinians have finally established their
Muslim state we can allow a few Israeli refugees into western
countries just as long as they toe the line and run the garbage
collection systems for us.
Good one, Fritz,

- Original Message -
From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Fritz Friesinger
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:33 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

Forewardet by Fritz


Check Your Beliefs

By Charley Reese

03/17/06 -- -- Let's play a fantasy game to check on
our belief in human rights. Let's suppose that in a
mythical state, a governor announced a campaign to
punish African-Americans for alleged violence.

Step one is to confiscate the land owned by
African-Americans, evict them from it and use the land
to build massive new subdivisions. Only white
Protestant Christians may live in these subdivisions.

Step two is to connect these all-white Protestant
Christian settlements to each other by a highway on
which African-Americans are forbidden to drive. To
facilitate control, the automobile tags for
African-Americans will be a different color from the
tags issued to white motorists. Checkpoints would be
set up all around the state capitol to search and
harass African-Americans trying to enter.

Would you support such a plan? Would you hail that
mythical governor as a man of peace? Would you go to
your church congregation and ask the members to send
money to the occupants of these white settlements?
Would you lobby the federal government to subsidize
this new apartheid state in our midst?

I don't think so. I think most Americans would
consider such acts an abomination, un-American and a
mockery of everything both Christianity and the United
States stand for.

Well, if you would condemn such acts here directed
against African-Americans, why won't you condemn
identical acts committed against the Palestinians by
the state of Israel?

Those settlements you hear about are built on
Palestinian land, and they are for Jews only. New
roads that Palestinians are forbidden to use connect
them. The entire West Bank is riddled with Israeli
checkpoints, where innocent Palestinians are daily
humiliated and harassed. A trip to a nearby village
can mean waiting in line at checkpoints for hours.
Palestinians have died in these lines.

After all of these humiliations, abuses, the houses
destroyed, the children killed, the olive trees
uprooted, how do you think Palestinians 

Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

2006-07-20 Thread Joe Street
Uh.oh :$
Maybe you're right. Sorry Bob. I love sarcasm but I guess I missed it. 
Need a coffeelol


Mike Weaver wrote:

 I think Bob was being sarcastic - read his post again.
 Joe Street wrote:

Your comments are surely offensive and ill considered. Move back onto 
their own territory? Pray tell where is that? Parachuting displaced Jews 
into the area we call Israel was the first mistake made by the US and 
Brittain IMHO and  we have been living with the fallout ever since. 
Although all of the one sidedness and unfair support for the Jews is 
well expressed in the post and rightly so, your comments about garbage 
collection mark you as an anti-semite and I believe you should 
appologize for that comment. Don't get me wrong I am no supporter of any 
particular people or unfair advantage in any regard in fact I hate all 
that, but you can't come on a public list and make such statements.  It 
is like condemning americans with a broad brush stroke because you hate 
the actions of their government. Fair? Justified? Right? I think not.


Bob Molloy wrote:


Yo Fritz,
Yeah, right on Fritz. And just to prove it your ethnic forebears killed 
off six million of these bloody Jews only to have the rest of 
us dumb westerners stop them just before they'd finished the job. Now 
it's up to the poor Palestinians with only suicide bombers and Katushya 
rockets to carry on where the rest of us left off. We need to force the 
Israelis to open these roads, tear down their walls and move back onto 
their own territory so that the bombers in civilian clothing have a 
fighting chance to get closer to Israeli settlements.  At least let's 
have a level playing field here. After it's all over and the 
Palestinians have finally established their Muslim state we can allow a 
few Israeli refugees into western countries just as long as they toe the 
line and run the garbage collection systems for us.
Good one, Fritz,

   - Original Message -
   *From:* Fritz Friesinger mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   *Sent:* Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:33 AM
   *Subject:* [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

   Forewardet by Fritz


   Check Your Beliefs

   By Charley Reese

   03/17/06 -- -- Let's play a fantasy game to check on
   our belief in human rights. Let's suppose that in a
   mythical state, a governor announced a campaign to
   punish African-Americans for alleged violence.

   Step one is to confiscate the land owned by
   African-Americans, evict them from it and use the land
   to build massive new subdivisions. Only white
   Protestant Christians may live in these subdivisions.

   Step two is to connect these all-white Protestant
   Christian settlements to each other by a highway on
   which African-Americans are forbidden to drive. To
   facilitate control, the automobile tags for
   African-Americans will be a different color from the
   tags issued to white motorists. Checkpoints would be
   set up all around the state capitol to search and
   harass African-Americans trying to enter.

   Would you support such a plan? Would you hail that
   mythical governor as a man of peace? Would you go to
   your church congregation and ask the members to send
   money to the occupants of these white settlements?
   Would you lobby the federal government to subsidize
   this new apartheid state in our midst?

   I don't think so. I think most Americans would
   consider such acts an abomination, un-American and a
   mockery of everything both Christianity and the United
   States stand for.

   Well, if you would condemn such acts here directed
   against African-Americans, why won't you condemn
   identical acts committed against the Palestinians by
   the state of Israel?

   Those settlements you hear about are built on
   Palestinian land, and they are for Jews only. New
   roads that Palestinians are forbidden to use connect
   them. The entire West Bank is riddled with Israeli
   checkpoints, where innocent Palestinians are daily
   humiliated and harassed. A trip to a nearby village
   can mean waiting in line at checkpoints for hours.
   Palestinians have died in these lines.

   After all of these humiliations, abuses, the houses
   destroyed, the children killed, the olive trees
   uprooted, how do you think Palestinians feel about
   Americans who support the Israelis no matter what they
   do to the Palestinians? Don't take my word about these
   abuses. Check out the Israeli human-rights
   organization at

   If you cannot condemn the flagrant abuses of
   Palestinians by the Israeli government, then you are
   undoubtedly a bigot, the worst kind of racist pig who
   believes that Palestinians are some kind of subspecies
   of the human race. If you do condemn in your 

Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

2006-07-20 Thread Bob Molloy
Greetings Hakan, my friend.
  Apologies for misleading
you. And salams to Keith and co also. I don't hold any of those views on
either Jews or Germans, I was merely jerking Fritz's chain. And I'm not
American, I'm a dumb Irish Mick whose family land was taken by English
settlers back in the 1600s since when we have wandered the earth as
dispossessed people. At least that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. In
fact if the British hadn't existed we Irish would have had to invent them to
excuse our own shortcomings.
And thanks to Fritz for the btselem url (a Hebrew word meaning in our own
image whichs says it all) and to Keith for the superb backgrounder. I went
to Israel in a fit of journo curiosity in the '73 war, naively thinking I
could write it up in a way that would be acceptable to all sides (I told you
I was a dumb Mick). For this debate the best I could manage is the
superficial sketch of humanitarian disasters which I posted separately
before reading Hakan's post.

Will try to avoid irony in future but remember I'm just a landless Gael
(well a couple of acres of paradise in New Zealand hardly counts).


- Original Message -
From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs


I have a lot to do and have been silent for a
while, but this I have to comment.

It was clearly under the belt and very
insensitive and outright dumb, especially form an
American. US do have their own racism and the
internment of Americans with Japanese decent
during WWII is nothing to be proud of, not to
talk about the racism and prosecution of black
people, this still in more recent times. Your
comments says more about you than about Fritz.

It was very few Germans who knew about what was
going on, most knew about internment, but very
few about the final solution and even fewer that
was involved in it. In fact it was very few that
ever read Mein Kampf  and had reasons to
suspect anything like the final solution. They
knew about the interment as the Americans knew
about their own internment of Japanese Americans
also. The final solution was set in practise by a
few and when the German population were more occupied by the war.

You are also talking about taking personal
responsibility for forefathers and then you are
personal responsible for the Japanese internment
and prosecution of black people also.


At 05:09 20/07/2006, you wrote:
Hello Bob

I think you should check your beliefs.
'Because This Is the Middle East'
Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel
3 Jun 2004


 Yo Fritz,
 Yeah, right on Fritz. And just to prove it your ethnic forebears
 killed off six million of these bloody Jews only to have the rest of
 us dumb westerners stop them just before they'd finished the job.
 Now it's up to the poor Palestinians with only suicide bombers and
 Katushya rockets to carry on where the rest of us left off. We need
 to force the Israelis to open these roads, tear down their walls and
 move back onto their own territory so that the bombers in civilian
 clothing have a fighting chance to get closer to Israeli
 settlements.  At least let's have a level playing field here. After
 it's all over and the Palestinians have finally established their
 Muslim state we can allow a few Israeli refugees into western
 countries just as long as they toe the line and run the garbage
 collection systems for us.
 Good one, Fritz,

Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

2006-07-20 Thread Bob Molloy
Hey guys,
   It's a war; dirty, messy, cruel, inhuman and
unnecessary - unless you happen to be a Palestinian yearning for your land
back or an Israeli who's been threatened with annihilation since birth. It's
also a war that's been going on since mankind began. It's about land and
religion and culture and who dominates who. There are no rights and wrongs
there are only who wins and who loses. The winners write history and we move

Mike Weaver made the point when he wondered if he might be living on land
owned by an indigenous people, a point which also applies to you too, Fritz,
despite your disingenuous attempt to justify occupation of unwanted land.
However, before you think of noble savages, remember that all those nice
peace-loving indigenes slaughtered and plundered their way through the
millenia since they left Africa (where we all originated) to wherever they
finally settled. The 19th century saw the last vestiges of this land grab.

If you were a theologian you'd call it original sin. Darwin was earthier,
and more enlightening, he called it survival of the fittest. You may take
sides, wring your hands, jump up and down, talk about human rights but we
are all - even those nice people in the rain forest who we think live in
harmony with nature - guilty of genocide and dispossession. In the present
case it's called the Arab-Israeli war. We'll know who was right when
somebody wins.

And if you've forgotten how it all began, here's a brief sketch. I found it
on my thumbnail.

The UNO blessing on the establishment of Israel in 1948 was merely the
recognition of a de facto situation. From that moment on Israel was de jure,
i.e. a legal entity in international law. The Arabs disagreed. Five Arab
armies (Egypt, Syria, Trans-Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq - including the
British-trained and armed Arab Legion) immediately invaded the fledgling
state. The world responded by clapping a total arms embargo on Israel.
Against that the Israelis had nine obsolete aircraft, a few tanks, fewer
than 20,000 armed civilians -and balls. They won, and pushed out their
frontiers to safeguard their collective backsides from future attacks.

The attacks never stopped (rockets, mines, cross-border shelling and
guerilla incursions) but the next big one came in 1967 - the so-called Six
Day War. This time the Arabs meant business. Egypt closed the Straits of
Tiran to all Israeli shipping, cutting off Israel's only supply route with
Asia and stopping the flow of oil from its main supplier, Iran.

President Nasser of Egypt challenged Israel to fight. Our basic objective
will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight. He
ordered all UN peace-keeping forces stationed on Israeli borders to leave.
The UN complied without even calling a meeting. The Voice of the Arabs radio
station proclaimed: As of today, there no longer exists an international
emergency force to protect Israel. The sole method we shall apply against
Israel is total war, which will result in the extermination of Zionist
existence.  Syrian Defense Minister Hafez Assad was more blunt: The Syrian
army, with its finger on the trigger, is unitedI, as a military man,
believe that the time has come to enter into a battle of annihilation.
Nasser topped that: We shall not enter Palestine with its soil covered in
sand; we shall enter it with its soil saturated in blood. He meant Israeli

The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon massed on the borders of
Israel. Backing them with men and munitions were Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait,
Sudan and the whole Arab world. The actual count was 465,000 troops, more
than 2,800 tanks, and 800 aircraft.  President Johnson warned the Israelis
not to fight. The Red Cross stocked up on blankets, the rest of the world
stood by and watched. Israel couldn't get a hearing in the UN. The Security
Council, it seemed, was difficult to contact.

We all know what happened. The Israelis didn't wait for the war. They
pre-empted it. In six days (about the same time God needed to create heaven
and earth) the Israelis - using an army 80% of which were weekend soldiers
i.e. civilians taking time off from work -and an airforce a fraction the
size of that possessed by the Arabs defeated the lot and pushed out the
borders to a more comfortable fit. Figuring that sauce for the goose was
sauce for the gander they also closed the Suez Canal to all nations. On the
sixth day just as the Israelis were heading for Damascus the Security
Council suddenly found time to convene and ordered a cease fire on all
sides. Nasser promptly died and left the mess to his successor, Anwar Sadat.

Sadat waited six years and then famously announced he was willing to
sacrifice one million soldiers (nice man) in a showdown with Israel. He
joined Syria in assembling a vast army - the equivalent of the total forces
of NATO in Europe.  On the Golan Heights alone 180 Israeli tanks faced up to
1,400 Syrian tanks. Along the Suez Canal 500 Israeli 

Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

2006-07-20 Thread MK DuPree
Hi Bob...thanks for the history lesson.  Now that Warren Buffet has invested 
in Israel (a tool company?? if so, I'm sure it must be tools for working 
in the garden...yeah right) and Newt Gingrich (spelling?) has decided to 
call this WWIII (and others have decided to grow this image), this time 
around has the feel of something much larger that I don't think any of us 
wants to imagine.  So I'm not.  By the way, how much room do you have on 
those 2 acres in paradise???  Mike DuPree

- Original Message - 
From: Bob Molloy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

 Hey guys,
   It's a war; dirty, messy, cruel, inhuman and
 unnecessary - unless you happen to be a Palestinian yearning for your land
 back or an Israeli who's been threatened with annihilation since birth. 
 also a war that's been going on since mankind began. It's about land and
 religion and culture and who dominates who. There are no rights and wrongs
 there are only who wins and who loses. The winners write history and we 

 Mike Weaver made the point when he wondered if he might be living on land
 owned by an indigenous people, a point which also applies to you too, 
 despite your disingenuous attempt to justify occupation of unwanted 
 However, before you think of noble savages, remember that all those nice
 peace-loving indigenes slaughtered and plundered their way through the
 millenia since they left Africa (where we all originated) to wherever they
 finally settled. The 19th century saw the last vestiges of this land grab.

 If you were a theologian you'd call it original sin. Darwin was earthier,
 and more enlightening, he called it survival of the fittest. You may take
 sides, wring your hands, jump up and down, talk about human rights but we
 are all - even those nice people in the rain forest who we think live in
 harmony with nature - guilty of genocide and dispossession. In the present
 case it's called the Arab-Israeli war. We'll know who was right when
 somebody wins.

 And if you've forgotten how it all began, here's a brief sketch. I found 
 on my thumbnail.

 The UNO blessing on the establishment of Israel in 1948 was merely the
 recognition of a de facto situation. From that moment on Israel was de 
 i.e. a legal entity in international law. The Arabs disagreed. Five Arab
 armies (Egypt, Syria, Trans-Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq - including the
 British-trained and armed Arab Legion) immediately invaded the fledgling
 state. The world responded by clapping a total arms embargo on Israel.
 Against that the Israelis had nine obsolete aircraft, a few tanks, fewer
 than 20,000 armed civilians -and balls. They won, and pushed out their
 frontiers to safeguard their collective backsides from future attacks.

 The attacks never stopped (rockets, mines, cross-border shelling and
 guerilla incursions) but the next big one came in 1967 - the so-called Six
 Day War. This time the Arabs meant business. Egypt closed the Straits of
 Tiran to all Israeli shipping, cutting off Israel's only supply route with
 Asia and stopping the flow of oil from its main supplier, Iran.

 President Nasser of Egypt challenged Israel to fight. Our basic objective
 will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight. He
 ordered all UN peace-keeping forces stationed on Israeli borders to leave.
 The UN complied without even calling a meeting. The Voice of the Arabs 
 station proclaimed: As of today, there no longer exists an international
 emergency force to protect Israel. The sole method we shall apply against
 Israel is total war, which will result in the extermination of Zionist
 existence.  Syrian Defense Minister Hafez Assad was more blunt: The 
 army, with its finger on the trigger, is unitedI, as a military man,
 believe that the time has come to enter into a battle of annihilation.
 Nasser topped that: We shall not enter Palestine with its soil covered in
 sand; we shall enter it with its soil saturated in blood. He meant 

 The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon massed on the borders of
 Israel. Backing them with men and munitions were Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait,
 Sudan and the whole Arab world. The actual count was 465,000 troops, more
 than 2,800 tanks, and 800 aircraft.  President Johnson warned the Israelis
 not to fight. The Red Cross stocked up on blankets, the rest of the world
 stood by and watched. Israel couldn't get a hearing in the UN. The 
 Council, it seemed, was difficult to contact.

 We all know what happened. The Israelis didn't wait for the war. They
 pre-empted it. In six days (about the same time God needed to create 
 and earth) the Israelis - using an army 80% of which were weekend soldiers
 i.e. civilians taking time off from work -and an airforce a fraction the
 size of that possessed by the Arabs

Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

2006-07-19 Thread Bob Molloy

Yo Fritz,
Yeah, right on Fritz. And just to prove it your 
ethnic forebears killed offsix million of these bloody Jews only to have 
the rest of usdumbwesterners stop them just before they'd finished 
the job. Now it's up to the poor Palestinians with only suicide bombers and 
Katushya rockets to carry on where the rest of us left off. We need to force the 
Israelis to open these roads, tear down their walls and move back onto their own 
territory so that the bombers in civilian clothing have a fighting chance to get 
closer to Israeli settlements. At least let's have a level playing field 
here. After it's all over and the Palestinians have finally established their 
Muslim state we can allow a few Israeli refugees into western countries just as 
long as they toe the line and run the garbage collection systems for 
Good one, Fritz,

  - Original Message - 
  Fritz Friesinger 
  Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:33 
  Subject: [Biofuel] Check Your 
  Forewardet by Fritz
  Your BeliefsBy Charley Reese03/17/06 -- -- Let's play a 
  fantasy game to check onour belief in human rights. Let's suppose that in 
  amythical state, a governor announced a campaign topunish 
  African-Americans for alleged violence.Step one is to confiscate the 
  land owned byAfrican-Americans, evict them from it and use the landto 
  build massive new subdivisions. Only whiteProtestant Christians may live 
  in these subdivisions.Step two is to connect these all-white 
  ProtestantChristian settlements to each other by a highway onwhich 
  African-Americans are forbidden to drive. Tofacilitate control, the 
  automobile tags forAfrican-Americans will be a different color from 
  thetags issued to white motorists. Checkpoints would beset up all 
  around the state capitol to search andharass African-Americans trying to 
  enter.Would you support such a plan? Would you hail thatmythical 
  governor as a man of peace? Would you go toyour church congregation and 
  ask the members to sendmoney to the occupants of these white 
  settlements?Would you lobby the federal government to subsidizethis 
  new apartheid state in our midst?I don't think so. I think most 
  Americans wouldconsider such acts an abomination, un-American and 
  amockery of everything both Christianity and the UnitedStates stand 
  for.Well, if you would condemn such acts here directedagainst 
  African-Americans, why won't you condemnidentical acts committed against 
  the Palestinians bythe state of Israel?Those settlements you hear 
  about are built onPalestinian land, and they are for Jews only. 
  Newroads that Palestinians are forbidden to use connectthem. The 
  entire West Bank is riddled with Israelicheckpoints, where innocent 
  Palestinians are dailyhumiliated and harassed. A trip to a nearby 
  villagecan mean waiting in line at checkpoints for hours.Palestinians 
  have died in these lines.After all of these humiliations, abuses, the 
  housesdestroyed, the children killed, the olive treesuprooted, how do 
  you think Palestinians feel aboutAmericans who support the Israelis no 
  matter what theydo to the Palestinians? Don't take my word about 
  theseabuses. Check out the Israeli human-rightsorganization at 
  you cannot condemn the flagrant abuses ofPalestinians by the Israeli 
  government, then you areundoubtedly a bigot, the worst kind of racist pig 
  whobelieves that Palestinians are some kind of subspeciesof the human 
  race. If you do condemn in your heartthese terrible abuses, but are afraid 
  to speak outabout them, then you are a damned coward.I listened in 
  disgust to a congressional committeehearing on the Palestinian elections. 
  It was all aboutwhat the Palestinians have to do. It was as if 
  thecops, interviewing a child who had been raped by anadult, lectured 
  the child on dressing provocativelyand of being in places she should not 
  have been in.The Palestinians are the victims here. It is 
  theirland that is occupied. They have no army. They are atthe mercy of 
  the Israeli government. They don't have asuperpower protecting them from 
  internationalsanctions and supplying them with billions of dollars.The 
  United States should be telling Israel to get outof the West Bank and East 
  Jerusalem, to dismantle itssettlements and checkpoints, and to allow 
  Palestinianrefugees to return to or be compensated for the landthe 
  Israelis stole.You want to know why we have a problem with 
  terrorism?It's not Islamic fundamentalists or hatred of freedom.It's 
  our support of Israel's unspeakable abuse ofPalestinians. Don't blame 
  Osama bin Laden. Blame thepresident, Congress, the American Israel 
  PublicAffairs Committee and all the cowardly Americans whopractice 
  hypocrisy by claiming to be moral whilesupporting gross 

Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

2006-07-19 Thread Zeke Yewdall
Actually, it seems to me that the US and Europe created Israel because we felt bad about the holocaust, but not enough to actually want to stop their anti-semitism so they found a place where the Jew's could have a homeland, without inconveniencing any Europeans. It makes us feel better about the holocaust to say that we support Israel, but I think it's rather condemning of us westerners that we still fight antisemitism at home, rather unsucessfully at times, and only support Jews when there are no westerners to be inconvenienced by them, in Israel. If we really wanted to atone for the holocaust, is shipping the Jews off to a far off land where we don't have to deal with them the best way to show this? It seems to me that this is almost as insulting to the Jews as it is to the Palistinians, though obviously billions of dollars of military support goes some way towards placating the insult.  
On 7/19/06, Bob Molloy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yo Fritz,
Yeah, right on Fritz. And just to prove it your 
ethnic forebears killed offsix million of these bloody Jews only to have 
the rest of usdumbwesterners stop them just before they'd finished 
the job. Now it's up to the poor Palestinians with only suicide bombers and 
Katushya rockets to carry on where the rest of us left off. We need to force the 
Israelis to open these roads, tear down their walls and move back onto their own 
territory so that the bombers in civilian clothing have a fighting chance to get 
closer to Israeli settlements. At least let's have a level playing field 
here. After it's all over and the Palestinians have finally established their 
Muslim state we can allow a few Israeli refugees into western countries just as 
long as they toe the line and run the garbage collection systems for 
Good one, Fritz,

  - Original Message - 
  Fritz Friesinger
  Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:33 
  Subject: [Biofuel] Check Your 
  Forewardet by Fritz
  Your BeliefsBy Charley Reese03/17/06 -- -- Let's play a 
  fantasy game to check onour belief in human rights. Let's suppose that in 
  amythical state, a governor announced a campaign topunish 
  African-Americans for alleged violence.Step one is to confiscate the 
  land owned byAfrican-Americans, evict them from it and use the landto 
  build massive new subdivisions. Only whiteProtestant Christians may live 
  in these subdivisions.Step two is to connect these all-white 
  ProtestantChristian settlements to each other by a highway onwhich 
  African-Americans are forbidden to drive. Tofacilitate control, the 
  automobile tags forAfrican-Americans will be a different color from 
  thetags issued to white motorists. Checkpoints would beset up all 
  around the state capitol to search andharass African-Americans trying to 
  enter.Would you support such a plan? Would you hail thatmythical 
  governor as a man of peace? Would you go toyour church congregation and 
  ask the members to sendmoney to the occupants of these white 
  settlements?Would you lobby the federal government to subsidizethis 
  new apartheid state in our midst?I don't think so. I think most 
  Americans wouldconsider such acts an abomination, un-American and 
  amockery of everything both Christianity and the UnitedStates stand 
  for.Well, if you would condemn such acts here directedagainst 
  African-Americans, why won't you condemnidentical acts committed against 
  the Palestinians bythe state of Israel?Those settlements you hear 
  about are built onPalestinian land, and they are for Jews only. 
  Newroads that Palestinians are forbidden to use connectthem. The 
  entire West Bank is riddled with Israelicheckpoints, where innocent 
  Palestinians are dailyhumiliated and harassed. A trip to a nearby 
  villagecan mean waiting in line at checkpoints for hours.Palestinians 
  have died in these lines.After all of these humiliations, abuses, the 
  housesdestroyed, the children killed, the olive treesuprooted, how do 
  you think Palestinians feel aboutAmericans who support the Israelis no 
  matter what theydo to the Palestinians? Don't take my word about 
  theseabuses. Check out the Israeli human-rightsorganization at 
  you cannot condemn the flagrant abuses ofPalestinians by the Israeli 
  government, then you areundoubtedly a bigot, the worst kind of racist pig 
  whobelieves that Palestinians are some kind of subspeciesof the human 
  race. If you do condemn in your heartthese terrible abuses, but are afraid 
  to speak outabout them, then you are a damned coward.I listened in 
  disgust to a congressional committeehearing on the Palestinian elections. 
  It was all aboutwhat the Palestinians have to do. It was as if 
  thecops, interviewing a child who had been raped by anadult, lectured 
  the child on dressing 

Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

2006-07-19 Thread Paul Webber
On 7/19/06, Bob Molloy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yo Fritz,
Yeah, right on Fritz. And just to prove it your 
ethnic forebears killed offsix million of these bloody Jews only to have 
the rest of usdumbwesterners stop them just before they'd finished 
the job. There have been many atrocities committed in the past. I do not think that they are justification for us to allow atrocities to be committed now.
Now it's up to the poor Palestinians with only suicide bombers and 
Katushya rockets to carry on where the rest of us left off. We need to force the 
Israelis to open these roads, tear down their walls and move back onto their own 
territory so that the bombers in civilian clothing have a fighting chance to get 
closer to Israeli settlements. At least let's have a level playing field 
here. After it's all over and the Palestinians have finally established their 
Muslim state we can allow a few Israeli refugees into western countries just as 
long as they toe the line and run the garbage collection systems for 
Good one, Fritz,
Bob.Now, maybe I have my facts wrong (I do have an American education after all), but I do not recall the palestinians participating in the holocaust. I seem to recall that it was the germans who perpetrated it. So, why were the palestinians punished for the sins of the germans. 
I don't know what the answers are to this situation. There are no easy solutions. But you need to consider both sides of the situation. The world, including the US, needs to be supporting a peaceful compromise. We need to stop supporting Israel because we feel guilty about what happened in the past.
- Original Message - 
  Fritz Friesinger
  Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:33 
  Subject: [Biofuel] Check Your 
  Forewardet by Fritz
  Your BeliefsBy Charley Reese03/17/06 -- -- Let's play a 
  fantasy game to check onour belief in human rights. Let's suppose that in 
  amythical state, a governor announced a campaign topunish 
  African-Americans for alleged violence.Step one is to confiscate the 
  land owned byAfrican-Americans, evict them from it and use the landto 
  build massive new subdivisions. Only whiteProtestant Christians may live 
  in these subdivisions.Step two is to connect these all-white 
  ProtestantChristian settlements to each other by a highway onwhich 
  African-Americans are forbidden to drive. Tofacilitate control, the 
  automobile tags forAfrican-Americans will be a different color from 
  thetags issued to white motorists. Checkpoints would beset up all 
  around the state capitol to search andharass African-Americans trying to 
  enter.Would you support such a plan? Would you hail thatmythical 
  governor as a man of peace? Would you go toyour church congregation and 
  ask the members to sendmoney to the occupants of these white 
  settlements?Would you lobby the federal government to subsidizethis 
  new apartheid state in our midst?I don't think so. I think most 
  Americans wouldconsider such acts an abomination, un-American and 
  amockery of everything both Christianity and the UnitedStates stand 
  for.Well, if you would condemn such acts here directedagainst 
  African-Americans, why won't you condemnidentical acts committed against 
  the Palestinians bythe state of Israel?Those settlements you hear 
  about are built onPalestinian land, and they are for Jews only. 
  Newroads that Palestinians are forbidden to use connectthem. The 
  entire West Bank is riddled with Israelicheckpoints, where innocent 
  Palestinians are dailyhumiliated and harassed. A trip to a nearby 
  villagecan mean waiting in line at checkpoints for hours.Palestinians 
  have died in these lines.After all of these humiliations, abuses, the 
  housesdestroyed, the children killed, the olive treesuprooted, how do 
  you think Palestinians feel aboutAmericans who support the Israelis no 
  matter what theydo to the Palestinians? Don't take my word about 
  theseabuses. Check out the Israeli human-rightsorganization at 
  you cannot condemn the flagrant abuses ofPalestinians by the Israeli 
  government, then you areundoubtedly a bigot, the worst kind of racist pig 
  whobelieves that Palestinians are some kind of subspeciesof the human 
  race. If you do condemn in your heartthese terrible abuses, but are afraid 
  to speak outabout them, then you are a damned coward.I listened in 
  disgust to a congressional committeehearing on the Palestinian elections. 
  It was all aboutwhat the Palestinians have to do. It was as if 
  thecops, interviewing a child who had been raped by anadult, lectured 
  the child on dressing provocativelyand of being in places she should not 
  have been in.The Palestinians are the victims here. It is 
  theirland that is occupied. They have no army. They are atthe mercy of 

Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

2006-07-19 Thread Fritz Friesinger

i bett you havent wread the report of 
you would not talk such rhubbish!

  - Original Message - 
  Bob Molloy 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 6:52 
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Check Your 
  Yo Fritz,
  Yeah, right on Fritz. And just to prove it your 
  ethnic forebears killed offsix million of these bloody Jews only to have 
  the rest of usdumbwesterners stop them just before they'd finished 
  the job. Now it's up to the poor Palestinians with only suicide bombers and 
  Katushya rockets to carry on where the rest of us left off. We need to force 
  the Israelis to open these roads, tear down their walls and move back onto 
  their own territory so that the bombers in civilian clothing have a fighting 
  chance to get closer to Israeli settlements. At least let's have a level 
  playing field here. After it's all over and the Palestinians have finally 
  established their Muslim state we can allow a few Israeli refugees into 
  western countries just as long as they toe the line and run the garbage 
  collection systems for us.
  Good one, Fritz,
- Original Message - 
Fritz Friesinger 

Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:33 
Subject: [Biofuel] Check Your 

Forewardet by Fritz

Your BeliefsBy Charley Reese03/17/06 -- -- Let's play a 
fantasy game to check onour belief in human rights. Let's suppose that 
in amythical state, a governor announced a campaign topunish 
African-Americans for alleged violence.Step one is to confiscate the 
land owned byAfrican-Americans, evict them from it and use the 
landto build massive new subdivisions. Only whiteProtestant 
Christians may live in these subdivisions.Step two is to connect 
these all-white ProtestantChristian settlements to each other by a 
highway onwhich African-Americans are forbidden to drive. 
Tofacilitate control, the automobile tags forAfrican-Americans will 
be a different color from thetags issued to white motorists. Checkpoints 
would beset up all around the state capitol to search andharass 
African-Americans trying to enter.Would you support such a plan? 
Would you hail thatmythical governor as a man of peace? Would you go 
toyour church congregation and ask the members to sendmoney to the 
occupants of these white settlements?Would you lobby the federal 
government to subsidizethis new apartheid state in our midst?I 
don't think so. I think most Americans wouldconsider such acts an 
abomination, un-American and amockery of everything both Christianity 
and the UnitedStates stand for.Well, if you would condemn such 
acts here directedagainst African-Americans, why won't you 
condemnidentical acts committed against the Palestinians bythe state 
of Israel?Those settlements you hear about are built 
onPalestinian land, and they are for Jews only. Newroads that 
Palestinians are forbidden to use connectthem. The entire West Bank is 
riddled with Israelicheckpoints, where innocent Palestinians are 
dailyhumiliated and harassed. A trip to a nearby villagecan mean 
waiting in line at checkpoints for hours.Palestinians have died in these 
lines.After all of these humiliations, abuses, the 
housesdestroyed, the children killed, the olive treesuprooted, how 
do you think Palestinians feel aboutAmericans who support the Israelis 
no matter what theydo to the Palestinians? Don't take my word about 
theseabuses. Check out the Israeli human-rightsorganization at 
you cannot condemn the flagrant abuses ofPalestinians by the Israeli 
government, then you areundoubtedly a bigot, the worst kind of racist 
pig whobelieves that Palestinians are some kind of subspeciesof the 
human race. If you do condemn in your heartthese terrible abuses, but 
are afraid to speak outabout them, then you are a damned 
coward.I listened in disgust to a congressional committeehearing 
on the Palestinian elections. It was all aboutwhat the Palestinians have 
to do. It was as if thecops, interviewing a child who had been raped by 
anadult, lectured the child on dressing provocativelyand of being in 
places she should not have been in.The Palestinians are the victims 
here. It is theirland that is occupied. They have no army. They are 
atthe mercy of the Israeli government. They don't have asuperpower 
protecting them from internationalsanctions and supplying them with 
billions of dollars.The United States should be telling Israel to get 
outof the West Bank and East Jerusalem, to dismantle itssettlements 
and checkpoints, and to allow Palestinianrefugees to return

Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

2006-07-19 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Bob

I think you should check your beliefs.
'Because This Is the Middle East'
Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel
3 Jun 2004


Yo Fritz,
Yeah, right on Fritz. And just to prove it your ethnic forebears 
killed off six million of these bloody Jews only to have the rest of 
us dumb westerners stop them just before they'd finished the job. 
Now it's up to the poor Palestinians with only suicide bombers and 
Katushya rockets to carry on where the rest of us left off. We need 
to force the Israelis to open these roads, tear down their walls and 
move back onto their own territory so that the bombers in civilian 
clothing have a fighting chance to get closer to Israeli 
settlements.  At least let's have a level playing field here. After 
it's all over and the Palestinians have finally established their 
Muslim state we can allow a few Israeli refugees into western 
countries just as long as they toe the line and run the garbage 
collection systems for us.
Good one, Fritz,

- Original Message -
From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Fritz Friesinger
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:33 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

Forewardet by Fritz


Check Your Beliefs

By Charley Reese

03/17/06 -- -- Let's play a fantasy game to check on
our belief in human rights. Let's suppose that in a
mythical state, a governor announced a campaign to
punish African-Americans for alleged violence.

Step one is to confiscate the land owned by
African-Americans, evict them from it and use the land
to build massive new subdivisions. Only white
Protestant Christians may live in these subdivisions.

Step two is to connect these all-white Protestant
Christian settlements to each other by a highway on
which African-Americans are forbidden to drive. To
facilitate control, the automobile tags for
African-Americans will be a different color from the
tags issued to white motorists. Checkpoints would be
set up all around the state capitol to search and
harass African-Americans trying to enter.

Would you support such a plan? Would you hail that
mythical governor as a man of peace? Would you go to
your church congregation and ask the members to send
money to the occupants of these white settlements?
Would you lobby the federal government to subsidize
this new apartheid state in our midst?

I don't think so. I think most Americans would
consider such acts an abomination, un-American and a
mockery of everything both Christianity and the United
States stand for.

Well, if you would condemn such acts here directed
against African-Americans, why won't you condemn
identical acts committed against the Palestinians by
the state of Israel?

Those settlements you hear about are built on
Palestinian land, and they are for Jews only. New
roads that Palestinians are forbidden to use connect
them. The entire West Bank is riddled with Israeli
checkpoints, where innocent Palestinians are daily
humiliated and harassed. A trip to a nearby village
can mean waiting in line at checkpoints for hours.
Palestinians have died in these lines.

After all of these humiliations, abuses, the houses
destroyed, the children killed, the olive trees
uprooted, how do you think Palestinians feel about
Americans who support the Israelis no matter what they
do to the Palestinians? Don't take my word about these
abuses. Check out the Israeli human-rights
organization at

If you cannot condemn the flagrant abuses of
Palestinians by the Israeli government, then you are
undoubtedly a bigot, the worst kind of racist pig who
believes that Palestinians are some kind of subspecies
of the human race. If you do condemn in your heart
these terrible abuses, but are afraid to speak out
about them, then you are a damned coward.

I listened in disgust to a congressional committee
hearing on the Palestinian elections. It was all about
what the Palestinians have to do. It was as if the
cops, interviewing a child who had been raped by an
adult, lectured the child on dressing provocatively
and of being in places she should not have been in.

The Palestinians are the victims here. It is their
land that is occupied. They have no army. They are at
the mercy of the Israeli government. They don't have a
superpower protecting them from international
sanctions and supplying them with billions of dollars.
The United States should be telling Israel to get out
of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, to dismantle its
settlements and checkpoints, and to allow Palestinian
refugees to return to or be compensated for the land
the Israelis stole.

You want to know why we have a problem with terrorism?
It's not Islamic fundamentalists or hatred of freedom.
It's our support of Israel's unspeakable abuse of
Palestinians. Don't blame Osama bin 

Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

2006-07-19 Thread Hakan Falk


I forgot about your ethnic forebears massacres of 
the native American population. In numbers it is also comparable.


I have a lot to do and have been silent for a 
while, but this I have to comment.

It was clearly under the belt and very 
insensitive and outright dumb, especially form an 
American. US do have their own racism and the 
internment of Americans with Japanese decent 
during WWII is nothing to be proud of, not to 
talk about the racism and prosecution of black 
people, this still in more recent times. Your 
comments says more about you than about Fritz.

It was very few Germans who knew about what was 
going on, most knew about internment, but very 
few about the final solution and even fewer that 
was involved in it. In fact it was very few that 
ever read Mein Kampf  and had reasons to 
suspect anything like the final solution. They 
knew about the interment as the Americans knew 
about their own internment of Japanese Americans 
also. The final solution was set in practise by a 
few and when the German population were more occupied by the war.

You are also talking about taking personal 
responsibility for forefathers and then you are 
personal responsible for the Japanese internment 
and prosecution of black people also.


At 05:09 20/07/2006, you wrote:
Hello Bob

I think you should check your beliefs.
'Because This Is the Middle East'
Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel
3 Jun 2004


 Yo Fritz,
 Yeah, right on Fritz. And just to prove it your ethnic forebears
 killed off six million of these bloody Jews only to have the rest of
 us dumb westerners stop them just before they'd finished the job.
 Now it's up to the poor Palestinians with only suicide bombers and
 Katushya rockets to carry on where the rest of us left off. We need
 to force the Israelis to open these roads, tear down their walls and
 move back onto their own territory so that the bombers in civilian
 clothing have a fighting chance to get closer to Israeli
 settlements.  At least let's have a level playing field here. After
 it's all over and the Palestinians have finally established their
 Muslim state we can allow a few Israeli refugees into western
 countries just as long as they toe the line and run the garbage
 collection systems for us.
 Good one, Fritz,
 - Original Message -
 From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Fritz Friesinger
 Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:33 AM
 Subject: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs
 Forewardet by Fritz
 Check Your Beliefs
 By Charley Reese
 03/17/06 -- -- Let's play a fantasy game to check on
 our belief in human rights. Let's suppose that in a
 mythical state, a governor announced a campaign to
 punish African-Americans for alleged violence.
 Step one is to confiscate the land owned by
 African-Americans, evict them from it and use the land
 to build massive new subdivisions. Only white
 Protestant Christians may live in these subdivisions.
 Step two is to connect these all-white Protestant
 Christian settlements to each other by a highway on
 which African-Americans are forbidden to drive. To
 facilitate control, the automobile tags for
 African-Americans will be a different color from the
 tags issued to white motorists. Checkpoints would be
 set up all around the state capitol to search and
 harass African-Americans trying to enter.
 Would you support such a plan? Would you hail that
 mythical governor as a man of peace? Would you go to
 your church congregation and ask the members to send
 money to the occupants of these white settlements?
 Would you lobby the federal government to subsidize
 this new apartheid state in our midst?
 I don't think so. I think most Americans would
 consider such acts an abomination, un-American and a
 mockery of everything both Christianity and the United
 States stand for.
 Well, if you would condemn such acts here directed
 against African-Americans, why won't you condemn
 identical acts committed against the Palestinians by
 the state of Israel?
 Those settlements you hear about are built on
 Palestinian land, and they are for Jews only. New
 roads that Palestinians are forbidden to use connect
 them. The entire West Bank is riddled with Israeli
 checkpoints, where innocent Palestinians are daily
 humiliated and harassed. A trip to a nearby village
 can mean waiting in line at checkpoints for hours.
 Palestinians have died in these lines.
 After all of these humiliations, abuses, the houses
 destroyed, the children killed, the olive trees
 uprooted, how do you think Palestinians feel about
 Americans who support the Israelis no matter what they
 do to the Palestinians? Don't take my word about these
 abuses. Check out the Israeli human-rights
 organization at 

Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

2006-07-19 Thread Hakan Falk


I have a lot to do and have been silent for a 
while, but this I have to comment.

It was clearly under the belt and very 
insensitive and outright dumb, especially form an 
American. US do have their own racism and the 
internment of Americans with Japanese decent 
during WWII is nothing to be proud of, not to 
talk about the racism and prosecution of black 
people, this still in more recent times. Your 
comments says more about you than about Fritz.

It was very few Germans who knew about what was 
going on, most knew about internment, but very 
few about the final solution and even fewer that 
was involved in it. In fact it was very few that 
ever read Mein Kampf  and had reasons to 
suspect anything like the final solution. They 
knew about the interment as the Americans knew 
about their own internment of Japanese Americans 
also. The final solution was set in practise by a 
few and when the German population were more occupied by the war.

You are also talking about taking personal 
responsibility for forefathers and then you are 
personal responsible for the Japanese internment 
and prosecution of black people also.


At 05:09 20/07/2006, you wrote:
Hello Bob

I think you should check your beliefs.
'Because This Is the Middle East'
Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel
3 Jun 2004


 Yo Fritz,
 Yeah, right on Fritz. And just to prove it your ethnic forebears
 killed off six million of these bloody Jews only to have the rest of
 us dumb westerners stop them just before they'd finished the job.
 Now it's up to the poor Palestinians with only suicide bombers and
 Katushya rockets to carry on where the rest of us left off. We need
 to force the Israelis to open these roads, tear down their walls and
 move back onto their own territory so that the bombers in civilian
 clothing have a fighting chance to get closer to Israeli
 settlements.  At least let's have a level playing field here. After
 it's all over and the Palestinians have finally established their
 Muslim state we can allow a few Israeli refugees into western
 countries just as long as they toe the line and run the garbage
 collection systems for us.
 Good one, Fritz,
 - Original Message -
 From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Fritz Friesinger
 Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:33 AM
 Subject: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs
 Forewardet by Fritz
 Check Your Beliefs
 By Charley Reese
 03/17/06 -- -- Let's play a fantasy game to check on
 our belief in human rights. Let's suppose that in a
 mythical state, a governor announced a campaign to
 punish African-Americans for alleged violence.
 Step one is to confiscate the land owned by
 African-Americans, evict them from it and use the land
 to build massive new subdivisions. Only white
 Protestant Christians may live in these subdivisions.
 Step two is to connect these all-white Protestant
 Christian settlements to each other by a highway on
 which African-Americans are forbidden to drive. To
 facilitate control, the automobile tags for
 African-Americans will be a different color from the
 tags issued to white motorists. Checkpoints would be
 set up all around the state capitol to search and
 harass African-Americans trying to enter.
 Would you support such a plan? Would you hail that
 mythical governor as a man of peace? Would you go to
 your church congregation and ask the members to send
 money to the occupants of these white settlements?
 Would you lobby the federal government to subsidize
 this new apartheid state in our midst?
 I don't think so. I think most Americans would
 consider such acts an abomination, un-American and a
 mockery of everything both Christianity and the United
 States stand for.
 Well, if you would condemn such acts here directed
 against African-Americans, why won't you condemn
 identical acts committed against the Palestinians by
 the state of Israel?
 Those settlements you hear about are built on
 Palestinian land, and they are for Jews only. New
 roads that Palestinians are forbidden to use connect
 them. The entire West Bank is riddled with Israeli
 checkpoints, where innocent Palestinians are daily
 humiliated and harassed. A trip to a nearby village
 can mean waiting in line at checkpoints for hours.
 Palestinians have died in these lines.
 After all of these humiliations, abuses, the houses
 destroyed, the children killed, the olive trees
 uprooted, how do you think Palestinians feel about
 Americans who support the Israelis no matter what they
 do to the Palestinians? Don't take my word about these
 abuses. Check out the Israeli human-rights
 organization at
 If you cannot condemn the flagrant abuses of
 Palestinians by the Israeli government, then you are