Re: [Swlfest] First Draft: 2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

2021-01-30 Thread Kb3gty
 Thanks Ed
Unfortunately cancer forced me to retire from two such organizations. However, 
a friend  who has been trying to attend for the last several years says he can 
take off work those two days and we may be able to attend from his place, so I 
might make it this year.

On Thursday, January 21, 2021, 08:25:38 PM EST, Ed Cummings 
 Jef, we'll really miss you and your loopy presentation thisyear.  And of 
course, we all miss Charlyne.  

Your comment about being unable to participate in this year's SWLFest(because 
your internet connectivity is unreliable and sporadic) made mewant to share a 
solution that too few here know about--even on thisSWLFest discussion list that 
includes many knowledgeable radiocommunications enthusiasts.

Unlimited wireless high-speed accounts are available at very low cost 
to501(c)(3) organizations that apply for it through a specialprogram.  So if 
you have an affiliation with a 501(c)(3)organization, and are willing to 
facilitate their participation in thisprogram, then you can probably get this 
deal, too.  (I don't thinkNASWA is a 501(c)(3) but maybe I'm wrong.)

Over the past decade I've helped several 501(c)(3) organizations qualifyfor 
this low-cost wireless internet service.  At least one of themhas a user on 
this SWLFest mailing list.  The service uses theSprint/T-Mobile 4G LTE Band 41 
spectrum (2496-2690 GHz) which the FCC hadlong ago allocated to the 
Instructional Television Fixed Service (akaEducational Broadcast Service).   
For over a decade it's beenused for wireless internet service via low-cost 
dedicated 4G LTE WiFi'hotspot' devices.

Through a special FCC-approved 20-year agreement between some of theoriginal 
ITFS/EBS licensees of Band 41 spectrum andClear>Sprint>T-Mobile, this spectrum 
must be shared with thoselicensees by providing unlimited wireless internet 
accounts--which arethen shared by participating 501(c)(3) organizations with 
their staff,members, volunteers, and the people they serve.  

As a volunteer for a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization, I usethis 
service and routinely get 80 Mbps download speeds through an InseegoMIFI 8000 
LTE modem/bridge/router (your mileage may vary.)  Therequired Sprint/T-Mobile 
Band 41 (2.5 GHz) network only exists in certaingeographical areas, so it's 
unlikely to work in rural and some otherareas.  

The ITFS/EBS licensees charge participating 501(c)(3) "DirectUsers" an annual 
admin fee of $120 for each of line of service,which can then be provided at 
cost (or more) by each 501(c)(3) to theirstaff, members, volunteers, and people 
they serve.  The required LTEmodem/bridge/WiFi routers costs less than $100 or 
less than $200,depending on the model and features.  The bottom line is 
thatunlimited internet connectivity $10/month is a remarkably good 
deal,especially if you can carry around with you as a high-speed WiFi 
mobilehotspot.  I just got off a flawless Zoom conference on my laptopusing 
this internet connection.

If anyone on the SWLFest discussion list is interested, I can help pointyou in 
the right direction.  But here's a link to a consortium ofITFS/EBS licensees 
called Voqal that offers these accounts and therequisite modem/bridge/router 
equipment to 501(c)(3) nonprofits. While this may all sound to good to be true, 
it's no scam--it's a cleverrepurposing of a defunct FCC service that allocated 
2.5 GHz spectrum foreducational purposes.  They just don't advertise it.


At 09:51 AM 1/19/2021, Kb3gty wrote:

This is the first I've heardabout the fest this year.  I haven't gotten a 
newsletter since Nov.,and my access to the internet is unreliable, and 
sporadic.  Becauseof the internet issue its not likely that I'll be able to 
join you thisyear.  I hope it goes well, and will look forward to nextyear.

Mr loop

On Saturday, January 16, 2021, 03:21:51 PM EST, John 
Figliozzi wrote: 

The answer is yes, Sheldon.  Still figuring out where it will bestfit in.


> On Jan 16, 2021, at 11:15 AM, Sheldon Harveywrote:
> Hi, John.  Thanks for the draft schedule.
> Do you still want to have me do the "In Memoriam"segment?
> Sheldon Harvey
> Greenfield Park, Quebec
> Enjoy birds and birdwatching?
> On Saturday, January 16, 2021, 1:10:21 a.m. EST, John 
> Figliozziwrote:
> As stated previously, COVID-19 has forced cancellation of anin-person Fest.  
> But undaunted (well, mostly…) the Fest sshall go onwith a “virtualâ€� 
> event, courtesy of the Internet and the ZOOMplatform.  Interested?  
> Consultwww.swlfest.comfor registration instructions and further particulars.  
> Here’s theprogram schedule:
> All sessions except the “Shindig� nominally one-hour but may runlonger or 
> shorter at the option of the presenter.
> This schedule,LOGNULL NowTransReader::ReadIt()JJFileMT::Trun

Re: [Swlfest] First Draft: 2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

2021-01-30 Thread Ed Cummings


That's great news you might be able to join the 
'fest this year from your friend's 
internet-connected QTH.  I hope to 'see' you online February 26/27!


At 07:37 PM 1/30/2021, Kb3gty wrote:

Thanks Ed

Unfortunately cancer forced me to retire from 
two such organizations. However, a friend  who 
has been trying to attend for the last several 
years says he can take off work those two days 
and we may be able to attend from his place, so I might make it this year.


On Thursday, January 21, 2021, 08:25:38 PM EST, 
Ed Cummings  wrote:

Jef, we'll really miss you and your loopy 
presentation this year.  And of course, we all miss Charlyne.

Your comment about being unable to participate 
in this year's SWLFest (because your internet 
connectivity is unreliable and sporadic) made me 
want to share a solution that too few here know 
about--even on this SWLFest discussion list that 
includes many knowledgeable radio communications enthusiasts.

Unlimited wireless high-speed accounts are 
available at very low cost to 501(c)(3) 
organizations that apply for it through a 
special program.  So if you have an affiliation 
with a 501(c)(3) organization, and are willing 
to facilitate their participation in this 
program, then you can probably get this deal, 
too.  (I don't think NASWA is a 501(c)(3) but maybe I'm wrong.)

Over the past decade I've helped several 
501(c)(3) organizations qualify for this 
low-cost wireless internet service.  At least 
one of them has a user on this SWLFest mailing 
list.  The service uses the Sprint/T-Mobile 4G 
LTE Band 41 spectrum (2496-2690 GHz) which the 
FCC had long ago allocated to the Instructional 
Television Fixed Service (aka Educational 
Broadcast Service).   For over a decade it's 
been used for wireless internet service via 
low-cost dedicated 4G LTE WiFi 'hotspot' devices.

Through a special FCC-approved 20-year agreement 
between some of the original ITFS/EBS licensees 
of Band 41 spectrum and Clear>Sprint>T-Mobile, 
this spectrum must be shared with those 
licensees by providing unlimited wireless 
internet accounts--which are then shared by 
participating 501(c)(3) organizations with their 
staff, members, volunteers, and the people they serve.

As a volunteer for a 501(c)(3) nonprofit 
charitable organization, I use this service and 
routinely get 80 Mbps download speeds through an 
Inseego MIFI 8000 LTE modem/bridge/router (your 
mileage may vary.)  The required Sprint/T-Mobile 
Band 41 (2.5 GHz) network only exists in certain 
geographical areas, so it's unlikely to work in rural and some other areas.

The ITFS/EBS licensees charge participating 
501(c)(3) "Direct Users" an annual admin fee of 
$120 for each of line of service, which can then 
be provided at cost (or more) by each 501(c)(3) 
to their staff, members, volunteers, and people 
they serve.  The required LTE modem/bridge/WiFi 
routers costs less than $100 or less than $200, 
depending on the model and features.  The bottom 
line is that unlimited internet connectivity 
$10/month is a remarkably good deal, especially 
if you can carry around with you as a high-speed 
WiFi mobile hotspot.  I just got off a flawless 
Zoom conference on my laptop using this internet connection.

If anyone on the SWLFest discussion list is 
interested, I can help point you in the right 
direction.  But here's a link to a consortium of 
ITFS/EBS licensees called Voqal that offers 
these accounts and the requisite 
modem/bridge/router equipment to 501(c)(3) 
nonprofits.  While this may all sound to good to 
be true, it's no scam--it's a clever repurposing 
of a defunct FCC service that allocated 2.5 GHz 
spectrum for educational purposes.  They just 
don't advertise 


At 09:51 AM 1/19/2021, Kb3gty wrote:

This is the first I've heard about the fest 
this year.  I haven't gotten a newsletter since 
Nov., and my access to the internet is 
unreliable, and sporadic.  Because of the 
internet issue its not likely that I'll be able 
to join you this year.  I hope it goes well, 
and will look forward to next year.

Mr loop

On Saturday, January 16, 2021, 03:21:51 PM EST, 
John Figliozzi  wrote:

The answer is yes, Sheldon.  Still figuring out where it will best fit in.


> On Jan 16, 2021, at 11:15 AM, Sheldon Harvey 
<> wrote:

> Hi, John.  Thanks for the draft schedule.
> Do you still want to have me do the "In Memoriam" segment?
> Sheldon Harvey
> Greenfield Park, Quebec
> Enjoy birds and birdwatching?
> On Saturday, January 16, 2021, 1:10:21 a.m. 
EST, John Figliozzi 
<> wrote:

> As stated previously, COVID-19 has forced 
cancellation of an in-person Fest.  But 
undaunted (well, mostly…) the Fest sshall

Re: [Swlfest] First Draft: 2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

2021-01-23 Thread Ed Cummings
As Arnie Coro explained to me, a prerequisite for 
his coming to speak at the SWLFest is his 
receiving a formal letter of invitation from a 
bona fide organization in the U.S. inviting him 
to a speaking engagement.  In other words, he'd 
need formal letter of invitation from an 
'Organizational Sponsor' that meets with the 
approval of his employer--the Cuban government.

Separately, I was told that NASWA would not 
provide a formal letter of invitation offering to 
be Arnie's Organizational Sponsor.  I don't know 
what criteria the Cuban government uses to 
determine acceptability of an Organizational 
Sponsor (it's probably subjective) or if NASWA 
would've met those criteria anyway.

As I mentioned earlier, my most recent attempt to 
find a Organizational Sponsor was with the 
University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School for 
Communication, which seemed likely to meet with 
the approval of the Cuban Government because its 
academic reputation would complement Mr. Coro's 
history as a Professor of Broadcasting at the 
University of Havana.  So it seemed like a good 
match to have Arnie scheduled to speak there the 
same week as the SWLFest, and tangentially he 
could be brought to nearby Plymouth Meeting to 
informally meet up with some old radio friends ;-)

After some back-and-forth inquiries and 
negotiation through my contact, a tenured 
Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, a 
sticking point of an apparently geopolitical 
nature arose--not from my contact, but from Penn 
administration bureaucrats.  Subsequently, my 
Penn contact left to teach at another university.

If anyone knows a faculty member or 
administration staffer at a university in the 
greater Philadelphia region who'd be willing and 
able to lobby their institution to be an 
Organizational Sponsor for Arnie Coro to speak 
there on the same week as a forthcoming SWLFest, 
and write a formal letter of invitation to Arnie 
Coro for his government to review, and if it 
seems that Institution would likely meet with the 
approval of the Cuban government, please let me 
know and I'll provide more details on how I this 
can be made to work.  For years I've been asking 
around about a suitable local Organizational 
Sponsor, and nobody has offered a realistic 
proposal.  You'd think this would be easier, but 
for a number of frustrating reasons it's not.

The financial resources needed to pay for Arnie's 
travel expenses to the SWLFest are available, 
notwithstanding fickle U.S. foreign policy 
complicating both travel and the legal transfer 
of funds to Cuba for that purpose.  Perhaps in 
2021 the geopolitical winds of change will blow 
in a more progressive direction.  The goal to 
bring Arnie Coro to speak at the SWLFest has long been a moving target.

As for this year's virtual SWLFest, Sheldon 
Harvey noted below that Arnie recently told him 
the Cuban government does not allow access to 
Zoom meetings--the specific medium chosen for 
this year's SWLFest.  So any suggestion that 
Arnie could call into one of Zoom's telephone 
numbers to access the 'phone' channel of the 
SWLFest Zoom meeting seems unworkable, as that 
would still constitute access to a Zoom meeting which is disallowed in Cuba.


At 07:51 AM 1/22/2021, Richard Cuff wrote:

For what it's worth, I don't believe either John 
or I have ever received personal correspondence 
from Mr. Coro.  The Fest website, which has 
contact information available, would be a 
vehicle that Mr. Coro could use to reach out to us if he's interested.

Ed is correct -- Zoom does allow participation 
via a phone call for an audio-only experience; 
if someone were to participate that way and -- 
during the relevant time of a session -- wish to 
ask a question, they could contact me (or 
whomever is acting in the host capacity at that 
thime) and open up their audio for the question.


On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 3:01 PM Ed Cummings 
<> wrote:
While the Cuban government's internet firewall 
probably blocks access to Zoom's servers, it 
might not block phone calls to Zoom's many 
telephone numbers set up to allow people to 
participate via audio only.  But obviously Arnie 
isn't going to violate the laws of his 
government to do that.  Sometimes some of us in 
North America take our freedoms for granted and 
assume other global citizens enjoy the same freedoms.

At 02:42 PM 1/18/2021, Sheldon Harvey wrote:

I had correspondence from Anrie Coro last 
week.  He told me that the Cuban government 
does not allow access to Zoom meetings.  Our 
club (CIDX) has monthly meetings on Zoom and 
Arnie gets a complimentary copy of our bulletin 
each month.  He received the invitation to our 
January meeting, but responded saying that he is unable to access Zoom

Sheldon Harvey
Greenfield Park, Quebec
Enjoy birds and birdwatching?
On Monday, January 18, 2021, 2:08:44 p.m. ES

Re: [Swlfest] First Draft: 2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

2021-01-22 Thread Richard Cuff
For what it's worth, I don't believe either John or I have ever received
personal correspondence from Mr. Coro.  The Fest website, which has contact
information available, would be a vehicle that Mr. Coro could use to reach
out to us if he's interested.

Ed is correct -- Zoom does allow participation via a phone call for an
audio-only experience; if someone were to participate that way and --
during the relevant time of a session -- wish to ask a question, they could
contact me (or whomever is acting in the host capacity at that thime) and
open up their audio for the question.


On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 3:01 PM Ed Cummings  wrote:

> While the Cuban government's internet firewall probably blocks access to
> Zoom's servers, it might not block phone calls to Zoom's many telephone
> numbers set up to allow people to participate via audio only.  But
> obviously Arnie isn't going to violate the laws of his government to do
> that.  Sometimes some of us in North America take our freedoms for granted
> and assume other global citizens enjoy the same freedoms.
> -Ed
> At 02:42 PM 1/18/2021, Sheldon Harvey wrote:
> I had correspondence from Anrie Coro last week.  He told me that the Cuban
> government does not allow access to Zoom meetings.  Our club (CIDX) has
> monthly meetings on Zoom and Arnie gets a complimentary copy of our
> bulletin each month.  He received the invitation to our January meeting,
> but responded saying that he is unable to access Zoom
> Sheldon Harvey
> Greenfield Park, Quebec
> Enjoy birds and birdwatching?
> On Monday, January 18, 2021, 2:08:44 p.m. EST, Mano Guha <
>> wrote:
> I will reach out to him after the 20th.
> Mostly Receiving
> On Jan 17, 2021, at 15:08, Ed Cummings  wrote:
>  That is my hope as well, Mano!  Interestingly, last week VOA reported
> the current U.S. administration redesignated Cuba as a "state sponsor of
> terrorism" just 9 days before the end of that administration.  So that's an
> additional hurdle to overcome in order to get Arnie Coro to come and speak
> at the SWLFest.
> My guess is that Arnie is now an octogenarian, and (as with all of us)
> time is running out...
> -Ed
> At 01:56 PM 1/17/2021, Mano Guha wrote:
> I for one would love to welcome Arnie Coro to the SWL Fest via Zoom. Many
> years ago, he facilitated my visit to Radio Havana which was a memorable
> one. With the changing political landscape, we should be able to invite him
> to the fest in the coming years.
> 73s
> Mano
> Mostly Receiving
> ___
> Swlfest mailing list
> To unsubscribe:  Send an E-mail to
>, or visit the URL
> shown above.
> For more information on the Fest, visit:
> ___
> Swlfest mailing list
> To unsubscribe:  Send an E-mail to  
> or visit the URL shown above.
> For more information on the Fest, visit:
> ___
> Swlfest mailing list
> To unsubscribe:  Send an E-mail to
>, or visit the URL
> shown above.
> For more information on the Fest, visit:
> ___
> Swlfest mailing list
> To unsubscribe:  Send an E-mail to
>, or visit the URL
> shown above.
> For more information on the Fest, visit:
Swlfest mailing list

To unsubscribe:  Send an E-mail to, or visit the URL shown 

For more information on the Fest, visit:

Re: [Swlfest] First Draft: 2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

2021-01-21 Thread Ed Cummings
Jef, we'll really miss you and your loopy 
presentation this year.  And of course, we all miss Charlyne.

Your comment about being unable to participate in 
this year's SWLFest (because your internet 
connectivity is unreliable and sporadic) made me 
want to share a solution that too few here know 
about--even on this SWLFest discussion list that 
includes many knowledgeable radio communications enthusiasts.

Unlimited wireless high-speed accounts are 
available at very low cost to 501(c)(3) 
organizations that apply for it through a special 
program.  So if you have an affiliation with a 
501(c)(3) organization, and are willing to 
facilitate their participation in this program, 
then you can probably get this deal, too.  (I 
don't think NASWA is a 501(c)(3) but maybe I'm wrong.)

Over the past decade I've helped several 
501(c)(3) organizations qualify for this low-cost 
wireless internet service.  At least one of them 
has a user on this SWLFest mailing list.  The 
service uses the Sprint/T-Mobile 4G LTE Band 41 
spectrum (2496-2690 GHz) which the FCC had long 
ago allocated to the Instructional Television 
Fixed Service (aka Educational Broadcast 
Service).   For over a decade it's been used for 
wireless internet service via low-cost dedicated 4G LTE WiFi 'hotspot' devices.

Through a special FCC-approved 20-year agreement 
between some of the original ITFS/EBS licensees 
of Band 41 spectrum and Clear>Sprint>T-Mobile, 
this spectrum must be shared with those licensees 
by providing unlimited wireless internet 
accounts--which are then shared by participating 
501(c)(3) organizations with their staff, 
members, volunteers, and the people they serve.

As a volunteer for a 501(c)(3) nonprofit 
charitable organization, I use this service and 
routinely get 80 Mbps download speeds through an 
Inseego MIFI 8000 LTE modem/bridge/router (your 
mileage may vary.)  The required Sprint/T-Mobile 
Band 41 (2.5 GHz) network only exists in certain 
geographical areas, so it's unlikely to work in rural and some other areas.

The ITFS/EBS licensees charge participating 
501(c)(3) "Direct Users" an annual admin fee of 
$120 for each of line of service, which can then 
be provided at cost (or more) by each 501(c)(3) 
to their staff, members, volunteers, and people 
they serve.  The required LTE modem/bridge/WiFi 
routers costs less than $100 or less than $200, 
depending on the model and features.  The bottom 
line is that unlimited internet connectivity 
$10/month is a remarkably good deal, especially 
if you can carry around with you as a high-speed 
WiFi mobile hotspot.  I just got off a flawless 
Zoom conference on my laptop using this internet connection.

If anyone on the SWLFest discussion list is 
interested, I can help point you in the right 
direction.  But here's a link to a consortium of 
ITFS/EBS licensees called Voqal that offers these 
accounts and the requisite modem/bridge/router 
equipment to 501(c)(3) nonprofits.  While this 
may all sound to good to be true, it's no 
scam--it's a clever repurposing of a defunct FCC 
service that allocated 2.5 GHz spectrum for 
educational purposes.  They just don't advertise 


At 09:51 AM 1/19/2021, Kb3gty wrote:

This is the first I've heard about the fest this 
year.  I haven't gotten a newsletter since Nov., 
and my access to the internet is unreliable, and 
sporadic.  Because of the internet issue its not 
likely that I'll be able to join you this 
year.  I hope it goes well, and will look forward to next year.

Mr loop

On Saturday, January 16, 2021, 03:21:51 PM EST, 
John Figliozzi  wrote:

The answer is yes, Sheldon.  Still figuring out where it will best fit in.


> On Jan 16, 2021, at 11:15 AM, Sheldon Harvey 
<> wrote:

> Hi, John.  Thanks for the draft schedule.
> Do you still want to have me do the "In Memoriam" segment?
> Sheldon Harvey
> Greenfield Park, Quebec
> Enjoy birds and birdwatching?
> On Saturday, January 16, 2021, 1:10:21 a.m. 
EST, John Figliozzi 
<> wrote:

> As stated previously, COVID-19 has forced 
cancellation of an in-person Fest.  But 
undaunted (well, mostly…) the Fest sshall go on 
with a “virtual” event, courtesy of the 
Internet and the ZOOM 
platform.  Interested?  Consult 
for registration instructions and further 
particulars.  Here’s the program schedule:

> All sessions except the “Shindig” 
nominally one-hour but may run longer or 
shorter at the option of the presenter.

> This schedule,LOGNULL 
JJFileMT::Truncate(1048739014) LOGNULL 
NowTransReader::ReadIt() JJFileMT::Truncate(0) 
accurate as of January 16th, is subject to change.

> Friday February 2

Re: [Swlfest] First Draft: 2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

2021-01-19 Thread Kb3gty
 This is the first I've heard about the fest this year.  I haven't gotten a 
newsletter since Nov., and my access to the internet is unreliable, and 
sporadic.  Because of the internet issue its not likely that I'll be able to 
join you this year.  I hope it goes well, and will look forward to next year.
JetMr loopKb3gty

On Saturday, January 16, 2021, 03:21:51 PM EST, John Figliozzi 
 The answer is yes, Sheldon.  Still figuring out where it will best fit in.


> On Jan 16, 2021, at 11:15 AM, Sheldon Harvey  wrote:
> Hi, John.  Thanks for the draft schedule.
> Do you still want to have me do the "In Memoriam" segment?
> Sheldon Harvey
> Greenfield Park, Quebec
> Enjoy birds and birdwatching?
> On Saturday, January 16, 2021, 1:10:21 a.m. EST, John Figliozzi 
>  wrote:
> As stated previously, COVID-19 has forced cancellation of an in-person Fest.  
> But undaunted (well, mostly…) the Fest shall go on with a “virtual” event, 
> courtesy of the Internet and the ZOOM platform.  Interested?  Consult 
> for registration instructions and further particulars.  
> Here’s the program schedule:
> All sessions except the “Shindig” nominally one-hour but may run longer or 
> shorter at the option of the presenter.
> This schedule, accurate as of January 16th, is subject to change.
> Friday February 26th, 2021
> 1800 UTC / 1300 EST / 1000 PST / 1900 CET / 0500 (Sat.) AEDT
> The Well-Equipped Scannist - A Scanner For Every Purpose – Tom Swisher
> . . . and the gadgets, doohickeys and trinkets to enhance your scanning 
> pleasure.  
> 2000 UTC / 1500 EST / 1200 PST / 2100 CET / 0700 (Sat.) AEDT
> Easy Antennas for SWLs Who Want to Become HF Hams – Skip Arey
> Communicating is just as much fun as listening. Can your shortwave receiving 
> wires do the job or should you be rethinking your station's antennas?  Uncle 
> Skip will show you how to get on the air without mortgaging your house to do 
> it.
> 2300 UTC / 1800 EST / 1500 PST /  (Sat.) CET / 1000 (Sat.) AEDT
> The Annual Free Radio Forum – Larry Will
> Including:
> -- News, FCC actions or lack thereof
> -- Shortwave free radio year in review
> -- Everyone's still doing the 6850-6980 area
> -- …But! There's been a noticeable diversity in frequency use because of 
> lousy DX
> -- …Noticeably in the 4000-4100 KHz and 5100-5200 KHz areas
> -- Most active stations
> -- Gallery of interesting QSLs and SSTVs from the past year
> -- Medium wave free radio, the world above 1700
> -- North American Pirate Radio Hall of Fame inductees for 2021
> -- Resources for the free radio listener
> --
> --
> -- hfunderground
> -- free radio network
> -- Free Radio Weekly (25 years!)
> Preparations are underway to simulcast this forum on WBCQ 6160 kHz. Watch 
> this space!
> Saturday, February 27th, 2021
> 0100 UTC / 2000 (Fri.) EST / 1700 (Fri.) PST / 0200 CET / 1200 AEDT
> The Shortwave Shindig in Exile – David Goren
> From a secret location, David’s annual freeform celebration of the medium. 
> This time it shapes up like this:
> 0100 – Shortwave-related music videos, a look at the recent Brooklyn Pirate 
> Radio Sound Map update, and a review of radio-related bits and bobs from the 
> past year.
> 0200 – Live on WRMI! (frequencies TBA) - with music, Meet the Archivist w/ 
> Thomas Witherspoon and other special features.
> 0300 – A Replay of “Shortwaves/Long Distance” - the 2017 two-hour broadcast 
> featuring the top submissions to NASWA’s and Wave Farm’s call for 
> shortwave-related music and sound compositions.
> 1800 UTC / 1300 EST / 1000 PST / 1900 CET / 0500 (Sun.) AEDT
> QRP General Coverage Transceivers: Bridge Between Transmitting and Listening 
> – Thomas Witherspoon
> We've seen an amazing array of full-featured general-coverage QRP 
> transceivers hit the market in the past few years--during the doldrums of the 
> solar cycle, no less. These rigs provide SWLs and even DXers a means to 
> easily escape RFI and to experiment with portable listening posts. We'll take 
> a look at a number of QRP general-coverage transceivers I consider to be 
> truly worthy, with a particular focus on the innovative Icom IC-705.
> 2000 UTC / 1500 EST / 1200 PST / 2100 CET / 0700 (Sun.) AEDT
> Mr. Robinson’s Neighborhood…er, Basement – Dan Robinson
> Premium Receivers In A Time of Plummeting Shortwave
> With All India Radio GOS in English all but gone from shortwave and Brazil 
> shifting to DRM,
> among other depressing developments, Dan takes a look at the used receiver 
> market in 2021, including premium receivers, and discusses the Japanese Buyee 
> site.
> 2300 UTC / 1800 EST / 1500 PST /  (Sun.) CET / 1000 (Sun.) AEDT
> The Addictive Quality of Curiosity - Mark Fahey,

Re: [Swlfest] First Draft: 2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

2021-01-18 Thread Sheldon Harvey
I had correspondence from Anrie Coro last week.  He told me that the Cuban 
government does not allow access to Zoom meetings.  Our club (CIDX) has monthly 
meetings on Zoom and Arnie gets a complimentary copy of our bulletin each 
month.  He received the invitation to our January meeting, but responded saying 
that he is unable to access Zoom

Sheldon HarveyGreenfield Park, Quebec

Enjoy birds and birdwatching?

On Monday, January 18, 2021, 2:08:44 p.m. EST, Mano Guha 
 I will reach out to him after the 20th.

Mostly Receiving

On Jan 17, 2021, at 15:08, Ed Cummings  wrote:

That is my hope as well, Mano!  Interestingly, lastweek VOA reported the 
current U.S. administration redesignated Cuba as a"state sponsor of terrorism" 
just 9 days before the end of thatadministration.  So that's an additional 
hurdle to overcome in orderto get Arnie Coro to come and speak at the SWLFest.

My guess is that Arnie is now an octogenarian, and (as with all of us)time is 
running out...


At 01:56 PM 1/17/2021, Mano Guha wrote:

I for one would love to welcomeArnie Coro to the SWL Fest via Zoom. Many years 
ago, he facilitated myvisit to Radio Havana which was a memorable one. With the 
changingpolitical landscape, we should be able to invite him to the fest in 
thecoming years.


Mostly Receiving

Swlfest mailing list

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Re: [Swlfest] First Draft: 2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

2021-01-18 Thread Ed Cummings
While the Cuban government's internet firewall 
probably blocks access to Zoom's servers, it 
might not block phone calls to Zoom's many 
telephone numbers set up to allow people to 
participate via audio only.  But obviously Arnie 
isn't going to violate the laws of his government 
to do that.  Sometimes some of us in North 
America take our freedoms for granted and assume 
other global citizens enjoy the same freedoms.


At 02:42 PM 1/18/2021, Sheldon Harvey wrote:

I had correspondence from Anrie Coro last 
week.  He told me that the Cuban government does 
not allow access to Zoom meetings.  Our club 
(CIDX) has monthly meetings on Zoom and Arnie 
gets a complimentary copy of our bulletin each 
month.  He received the invitation to our 
January meeting, but responded saying that he is unable to access Zoom

Sheldon Harvey
Greenfield Park, Quebec

Enjoy birds and birdwatching?

On Monday, January 18, 2021, 2:08:44 p.m. EST, 
Mano Guha  wrote:

I will reach out to him after the 20th.

Mostly Receiving

On Jan 17, 2021, at 15:08, Ed Cummings  wrote:

 That is my hope as well, 
Mano!  Interestingly, last week VOA reported 
the current U.S. administration redesignated 
Cuba as a "state sponsor of terrorism" just 9 
days before the end of that administration.  So 
that's an additional hurdle to overcome in 
order to get Arnie Coro to come and speak at 

My guess is that Arnie is now an octogenarian, 
and (as with all of us) time is running out...


At 01:56 PM 1/17/2021, Mano Guha wrote:

I for one would love to welcome Arnie Coro to 
the SWL Fest via Zoom. Many years ago, he 
facilitated my visit to Radio Havana which was 
a memorable one. With the changing political 
landscape, we should be able to invite him to the fest in the coming years.


Mostly Receiving

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or visit the URL shown above.

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or visit the URL shown above.

For more information on the Fest, visit:
Swlfest mailing list

To unsubscribe:  Send an E-mail 
or visit the URL shown above.

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Re: [Swlfest] First Draft: 2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

2021-01-18 Thread Thomas Sundstrom
Geez, guys. As much as I would like to meet CO2KK after years of chats on
10m and the phone, John and Rich have enough to do.

And the swamp? Not going to happen. 😀


On Mon, Jan 18, 2021, 2:43 PM Ed Cummings  wrote:

> Expecting significant changes to U.S. foreign policy with regard to Cuba
> promptly after the incoming administration takes power on January 20th
> seems unrealistic at best.  It's not on the incoming administration's long
> list of priorities.
> -Ed
> At 02:08 PM 1/18/2021, Mano Guha wrote:
> I will reach out to him after the 20th.
> Mostly Receiving
> On Jan 17, 2021, at 15:08, Ed Cummings  wrote:
>  That is my hope as well, Mano!  Interestingly, last week VOA reported
> the current U.S. administration redesignated Cuba as a "state sponsor of
> terrorism" just 9 days before the end of that administration.  So that's an
> additional hurdle to overcome in order to get Arnie Coro to come and speak
> at the SWLFest.
> My guess is that Arnie is now an octogenarian, and (as with all of us)
> time is running out...
> -Ed
> At 01:56 PM 1/17/2021, Mano Guha wrote:
> I for one would love to welcome Arnie Coro to the SWL Fest via Zoom. Many
> years ago, he facilitated my visit to Radio Havana which was a memorable
> one. With the changing political landscape, we should be able to invite him
> to the fest in the coming years.
> 73s
> Mano
> Mostly Receiving
> ___
> Swlfest mailing list
> To unsubscribe:  Send an E-mail to
>, or visit the URL
> shown above.
> For more information on the Fest, visit:
> ___
> Swlfest mailing list
> To unsubscribe:  Send an E-mail to
>, or visit the URL
> shown above.
> For more information on the Fest, visit:
> ___
> Swlfest mailing list
> To unsubscribe:  Send an E-mail to
>, or visit the URL
> shown above.
> For more information on the Fest, visit:
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To unsubscribe:  Send an E-mail to, or visit the URL shown 

For more information on the Fest, visit:

Re: [Swlfest] First Draft: 2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

2021-01-18 Thread Ed Cummings
Expecting significant changes to U.S. foreign 
policy with regard to Cuba promptly after the 
incoming administration takes power on January 
20th seems unrealistic at best.  It's not on the 
incoming administration's long list of priorities.


At 02:08 PM 1/18/2021, Mano Guha wrote:

I will reach out to him after the 20th.

Mostly Receiving

On Jan 17, 2021, at 15:08, Ed Cummings  wrote:

 That is my hope as well, 
Mano!  Interestingly, last week VOA reported 
the current U.S. administration redesignated 
Cuba as a "state sponsor of terrorism" just 9 
days before the end of that administration.  So 
that's an additional hurdle to overcome in 
order to get Arnie Coro to come and speak at 

My guess is that Arnie is now an octogenarian, 
and (as with all of us) time is running out...


At 01:56 PM 1/17/2021, Mano Guha wrote:

I for one would love to welcome Arnie Coro to 
the SWL Fest via Zoom. Many years ago, he 
facilitated my visit to Radio Havana which was 
a memorable one. With the changing political 
landscape, we should be able to invite him to the fest in the coming years.


Mostly Receiving

Swlfest mailing list

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or visit the URL shown above.

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Swlfest mailing list

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Swlfest mailing list

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For more information on the Fest, visit:

Re: [Swlfest] First Draft: 2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

2021-01-18 Thread Mano Guha
I will reach out to him after the 20th.

Mostly Receiving

> On Jan 17, 2021, at 15:08, Ed Cummings  wrote:
>  That is my hope as well, Mano!  Interestingly, last week VOA reported the 
> current U.S. administration redesignated Cuba as a "state sponsor of 
> terrorism" just 9 days before the end of that administration.  So that's an 
> additional hurdle to overcome in order to get Arnie Coro to come and speak at 
> the SWLFest.  
> My guess is that Arnie is now an octogenarian, and (as with all of us) time 
> is running out...
> -Ed
> At 01:56 PM 1/17/2021, Mano Guha wrote:
>> I for one would love to welcome Arnie Coro to the SWL Fest via Zoom. Many 
>> years ago, he facilitated my visit to Radio Havana which was a memorable 
>> one. With the changing political landscape, we should be able to invite him 
>> to the fest in the coming years.
>> 73s
>> Mano
>> Mostly Receiving
> ___
> Swlfest mailing list
> To unsubscribe:  Send an E-mail to  
>, or visit the URL shown 
> above.
> For more information on the Fest, visit:
Swlfest mailing list

To unsubscribe:  Send an E-mail to, or visit the URL shown 

For more information on the Fest, visit:

Re: [Swlfest] First Draft: 2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

2021-01-17 Thread Patrick Mackin
As a new member to this group, I would be *thrilled* to see Arnie Coro and
that alone would ensure my attendance, either online or in person.
Radio Havana Cuba was a show I'd listen to regularly in college in the
2000s and is one of the few non-religious broadcasts that come in clearly
and regularly with very basic radio gear.
As for his politics, I never really noticed them.  Actually considering
the slant of most broadcasting (evangelical religious) I find him a breath
of fresh air.
I would be rather confused and shocked if there were people who treated him
poorly, but maybe I don't know this community well enough.  Here's to
hoping he can join!

On Sun, Jan 17, 2021 at 12:56 PM Mano Guha 

> I for one would love to welcome Arnie Coro to the SWL Fest via Zoom. Many
> years ago, he facilitated my visit to Radio Havana which was a memorable
> one. With the changing political landscape, we should be able to invite him
> to the fest in the coming years.
> 73s
> Mano
> Mostly Receiving
> > On Jan 16, 2021, at 15:21, John Figliozzi  wrote:
> >
> > All of this would be nice, but for this first attempt we’re going it a
> little slower.  If this works out well, we can explore all these options —
> including doing both ZOOM and in-person simultaneously — in future.  Got to
> crawl before you walk, etc.  Thanks for the support.
> >
> > John
> >
> >>> On Jan 16, 2021, at 2:18 PM, Ed Cummings  wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Dave, that's a good idea.  But John Figliozzi has advised me that the
> two-day schedule is already full.
> >>>
> >>> For years I've tried to get an organizational sponsor (not a fiscal
> sponsor; I can arrange that) to 'legitimize' Arnie's trip to the Philly
> area so he could also speak at the SWLFest. Arnie has welcomed the
> opportunity, but the administrative and geopolitical challenges have been
> difficult to say the least.
> >>>
> >>> The closest I came to making this happen was a couple three years ago
> with the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School for Communication
> being the potential organizational sponsor.  But that fell through due to
> apparently political reasons.  And as of last year my contact at Penn is no
> longer there.
> >>>
> >>> Arnie Coro is a shortwave icon with more six decades of international
> broadcasting experience and several decades of producing a DX'ers program..
> Regardless of anyone's political biases, I think he'd be a good and fitting
> SWLFest presenter.  Frankly, my biggest concern about this (aside from
> maybe not ever being able to successfully arrange this) is how Arnie might
> be treated here by some in our community.
> >>>
> >>> -Ed
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> At 12:46 PM 1/16/2021, Dave Marthouse wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> If he has the internet infrastructure to support it maybe you can get
> Arnie CO2KK from RHC.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Dave Marthouse N2AAM
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On 1/16/2021 12:39 PM, tankgirl wrote:
> >>>> I m sure Gilles Letourneau would be happy to do a forum, he does the
> sw show on you tube and co hosts the International radio report with
> Sheldon. It might be fun to hear some people who are overseas who cant
> normally come in person.
> >>>> Janice
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
> >>>>
> >>>>  Original message 
> >>>> From: John Figliozzi 
> >>>> Date: 1/16/21 01:10 (GMT-05:00)
> >>>> To:, Discussion list for the Winter SWL Fest <
> >>>> Cc: odxa yg ,
> >>>> Subject: [Swlfest] First Draft:  2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest
> Program
> >>>>
> >>>> As stated previously, COVID-19 has forced cancellation of an
> in-person Fest.  But undaunted (well, mostly
> >>>> ) the Fest shall go on with a “virtual” event, courtesy of the
> Internet and the ZOOM platform.  Interested?  Consult for
> registration instructions and further particulars.  Here’s the program
> schedule:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> All sessions except the “Shindig” nominally one-hour but may run

Re: [Swlfest] First Draft: 2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

2021-01-17 Thread Ed Cummings
That is my hope as well, Mano!  Interestingly, last week VOA reported 
the current U.S. administration redesignated Cuba as a "state sponsor 
of terrorism" just 9 days before the end of that administration.  So 
that's an additional hurdle to overcome in order to get Arnie Coro to 
come and speak at the 

My guess is that Arnie is now an octogenarian, and (as with all of 
us) time is running out...


At 01:56 PM 1/17/2021, Mano Guha wrote:

I for one would love to welcome Arnie Coro to the SWL Fest via Zoom. 
Many years ago, he facilitated my visit to Radio Havana which was a 
memorable one. With the changing political landscape, we should be 
able to invite him to the fest in the coming years.


Mostly Receiving

Swlfest mailing list

To unsubscribe:  Send an E-mail to, or visit the URL shown 

For more information on the Fest, visit:

Re: [Swlfest] First Draft: 2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

2021-01-17 Thread Mano Guha
I for one would love to welcome Arnie Coro to the SWL Fest via Zoom. Many years 
ago, he facilitated my visit to Radio Havana which was a memorable one. With 
the changing political landscape, we should be able to invite him to the fest 
in the coming years.


Mostly Receiving

> On Jan 16, 2021, at 15:21, John Figliozzi  wrote:
> All of this would be nice, but for this first attempt we’re going it a 
> little slower.  If this works out well, we can explore all these options — 
> including doing both ZOOM and in-person simultaneously — in future.  Got to 
> crawl before you walk, etc.  Thanks for the support.
> John
>>> On Jan 16, 2021, at 2:18 PM, Ed Cummings  wrote:
>>> Dave, that's a good idea.  But John Figliozzi has advised me that the 
>>> two-day schedule is already full.  
>>> For years I've tried to get an organizational sponsor (not a fiscal 
>>> sponsor; I can arrange that) to 'legitimize' Arnie's trip to the Philly 
>>> area so he could also speak at the SWLFest. Arnie has welcomed the 
>>> opportunity, but the administrative and geopolitical challenges have been 
>>> difficult to say the least.
>>> The closest I came to making this happen was a couple three years ago with 
>>> the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School for Communication being 
>>> the potential organizational sponsor.  But that fell through due to 
>>> apparently political reasons.  And as of last year my contact at Penn is no 
>>> longer there. 
>>> Arnie Coro is a shortwave icon with more six decades of international 
>>> broadcasting experience and several decades of producing a DX'ers program.  
>>> Regardless of anyone's political biases, I think he'd be a good and fitting 
>>> SWLFest presenter.  Frankly, my biggest concern about this (aside from 
>>> maybe not ever being able to successfully arrange this) is how Arnie might 
>>> be treated here by some in our community.  
>>> -Ed
>>> At 12:46 PM 1/16/2021, Dave Marthouse wrote:
>>> If he has the internet infrastructure to support it maybe you can get Arnie 
>>> CO2KK from RHC.
>>> Dave Marthouse N2AAM
>>> On 1/16/2021 12:39 PM, tankgirl wrote:
>>>> I m sure Gilles Letourneau would be happy to do a forum, he does the sw 
>>>> show on you tube and co hosts the International radio report with Sheldon. 
>>>> It might be fun to hear some people who are overseas who cant normally 
>>>> come in person.
>>>> Janice
>>>> Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
>>>>  Original message 
>>>> From: John Figliozzi  
>>>> Date: 1/16/21 01:10 (GMT-05:00) 
>>>> To:, Discussion list for the Winter SWL Fest 
>>>> Cc: odxa yg , 
>>>> Subject: [Swlfest] First Draft:  2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program 
>>>> As stated previously, COVID-19 has forced cancellation of an in-person 
>>>> Fest.  But undaunted (well, mostly
>>>> ) the Fest shall go on with a “virtual” event, courtesy of the Internet 
>>>> and the ZOOM platform.  Interested?  Consult for 
>>>> registration instructions and further particulars.  Here’s the program 
>>>> schedule:
>>>> All sessions except the “Shindig” nominally one-hour but may run longer or 
>>>> shorter at the option of the presenter.
>>>> This schedule, accurate as of January 16th, is subject to change.
>>>> Friday February 26th, 2021
>>>> 1800 UTC / 1300 EST / 1000 PST / 1900 CET / 0500 (Sat.) AEDT
>>>> The Well-Equipped Scannist - A Scanner For Every Purpose – Tom Swisher
>>>> . . . and the gadgets, doohickeys and trinkets to enhance your scanning 
>>>> pleasure.  
>>>> 2000 UTC / 1500 EST / 1200 PST / 2100 CET / 0700 (Sat.) AEDT
>>>> Easy Antennas for SWLs Who Want to Become HF Hams – Skip Arey

Re: [Swlfest] First Draft: 2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

2021-01-16 Thread John Figliozzi
The answer is yes, Sheldon.  Still figuring out where it will best fit in.


> On Jan 16, 2021, at 11:15 AM, Sheldon Harvey  wrote:
> Hi, John.  Thanks for the draft schedule.
> Do you still want to have me do the "In Memoriam" segment?
> Sheldon Harvey
> Greenfield Park, Quebec
> Enjoy birds and birdwatching?
> On Saturday, January 16, 2021, 1:10:21 a.m. EST, John Figliozzi 
>  wrote:
> As stated previously, COVID-19 has forced cancellation of an in-person Fest.  
> But undaunted (well, mostly…) the Fest shall go on with a “virtual” event, 
> courtesy of the Internet and the ZOOM platform.  Interested?  Consult 
> for registration instructions and further particulars.  
> Here’s the program schedule:
> All sessions except the “Shindig” nominally one-hour but may run longer or 
> shorter at the option of the presenter.
> This schedule, accurate as of January 16th, is subject to change.
> Friday February 26th, 2021
> 1800 UTC / 1300 EST / 1000 PST / 1900 CET / 0500 (Sat.) AEDT
> The Well-Equipped Scannist - A Scanner For Every Purpose – Tom Swisher
> . . . and the gadgets, doohickeys and trinkets to enhance your scanning 
> pleasure.  
> 2000 UTC / 1500 EST / 1200 PST / 2100 CET / 0700 (Sat.) AEDT
> Easy Antennas for SWLs Who Want to Become HF Hams – Skip Arey
> Communicating is just as much fun as listening. Can your shortwave receiving 
> wires do the job or should you be rethinking your station's antennas?  Uncle 
> Skip will show you how to get on the air without mortgaging your house to do 
> it.
> 2300 UTC / 1800 EST / 1500 PST /  (Sat.) CET / 1000 (Sat.) AEDT
> The Annual Free Radio Forum – Larry Will
> Including:
> -- News, FCC actions or lack thereof
> -- Shortwave free radio year in review
> -- Everyone's still doing the 6850-6980 area
> -- …But! There's been a noticeable diversity in frequency use because of 
> lousy DX
> -- …Noticeably in the 4000-4100 KHz and 5100-5200 KHz areas
> -- Most active stations
> -- Gallery of interesting QSLs and SSTVs from the past year
> -- Medium wave free radio, the world above 1700
> -- North American Pirate Radio Hall of Fame inductees for 2021
> -- Resources for the free radio listener
> --
> --
> -- hfunderground
> -- free radio network
> -- Free Radio Weekly (25 years!)
> Preparations are underway to simulcast this forum on WBCQ 6160 kHz. Watch 
> this space!
> Saturday, February 27th, 2021
> 0100 UTC / 2000 (Fri.) EST / 1700 (Fri.) PST / 0200 CET / 1200 AEDT
> The Shortwave Shindig in Exile – David Goren
> From a secret location, David’s annual freeform celebration of the medium. 
> This time it shapes up like this:
> 0100 – Shortwave-related music videos, a look at the recent Brooklyn Pirate 
> Radio Sound Map update, and a review of radio-related bits and bobs from the 
> past year.
> 0200 – Live on WRMI! (frequencies TBA) - with music, Meet the Archivist w/ 
> Thomas Witherspoon and other special features.
> 0300 – A Replay of “Shortwaves/Long Distance” - the 2017 two-hour broadcast 
> featuring the top submissions to NASWA’s and Wave Farm’s call for 
> shortwave-related music and sound compositions.
> 1800 UTC / 1300 EST / 1000 PST / 1900 CET / 0500 (Sun.) AEDT
> QRP General Coverage Transceivers: Bridge Between Transmitting and Listening 
> – Thomas Witherspoon
> We've seen an amazing array of full-featured general-coverage QRP 
> transceivers hit the market in the past few years--during the doldrums of the 
> solar cycle, no less. These rigs provide SWLs and even DXers a means to 
> easily escape RFI and to experiment with portable listening posts. We'll take 
> a look at a number of QRP general-coverage transceivers I consider to be 
> truly worthy, with a particular focus on the innovative Icom IC-705.
> 2000 UTC / 1500 EST / 1200 PST / 2100 CET / 0700 (Sun.) AEDT
> Mr. Robinson’s Neighborhood…er, Basement – Dan Robinson
> Premium Receivers In A Time of Plummeting Shortwave
> With All India Radio GOS in English all but gone from shortwave and Brazil 
> shifting to DRM,
> among other depressing developments, Dan takes a look at the used receiver 
> market in 2021, including premium receivers, and discusses the Japanese Buyee 
> site.
> 2300 UTC / 1800 EST / 1500 PST /  (Sun.) CET / 1000 (Sun.) AEDT
> The Addictive Quality of Curiosity - Mark Fahey, Live from Freemans Reach, 
> Australia
> This building in the sleepy rural village of Freemans Reach in southeast 
> Australia rarely needs heating. 18 receivers running 24x7x365 provide 
> continuous coverage from 1kHz to 12.8GHz. Can the quest for knowledge ever be 
> satisfied? This presentation is a live dive into the presenter’s Sisyphean 
> obsession to monitor the world’s culture. 

Re: [Swlfest] First Draft: 2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

2021-01-16 Thread John Figliozzi
All of this would be nice, but for this first attempt we’re going it a little 
slower.  If this works out well, we can explore all these options — including 
doing both ZOOM and in-person simultaneously — in future.  Got to crawl before 
you walk, etc.  Thanks for the support.


> On Jan 16, 2021, at 2:18 PM, Ed Cummings  wrote:
> Dave, that's a good idea.  But John Figliozzi has advised me that the two-day 
> schedule is already full.  
> For years I've tried to get an organizational sponsor (not a fiscal sponsor; 
> I can arrange that) to 'legitimize' Arnie's trip to the Philly area so he 
> could also speak at the SWLFest. Arnie has welcomed the opportunity, but the 
> administrative and geopolitical challenges have been difficult to say the 
> least.
> The closest I came to making this happen was a couple three years ago with 
> the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School for Communication being the 
> potential organizational sponsor.  But that fell through due to apparently 
> political reasons.  And as of last year my contact at Penn is no longer 
> there. 
> Arnie Coro is a shortwave icon with more six decades of international 
> broadcasting experience and several decades of producing a DX'ers program.  
> Regardless of anyone's political biases, I think he'd be a good and fitting 
> SWLFest presenter.  Frankly, my biggest concern about this (aside from maybe 
> not ever being able to successfully arrange this) is how Arnie might be 
> treated here by some in our community.  
> -Ed
> At 12:46 PM 1/16/2021, Dave Marthouse wrote:
>> If he has the internet infrastructure to support it maybe you can get Arnie 
>> CO2KK from RHC.
>> Dave Marthouse N2AAM
>> On 1/16/2021 12:39 PM, tankgirl wrote:
>>> I m sure Gilles Letourneau would be happy to do a forum, he does the sw 
>>> show on you tube and co hosts the International radio report with Sheldon. 
>>> It might be fun to hear some people who are overseas who cant normally come 
>>> in person.
>>> Janice
>>> Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
>>>  Original message 
>>> From: John Figliozzi  
>>> Date: 1/16/21 01:10 (GMT-05:00) 
>>> To:, Discussion list for the Winter SWL Fest 
>>> Cc: odxa yg , 
>>> Subject: [Swlfest] First Draft:  2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program 
>>> As stated previously, COVID-19 has forced cancellation of an in-person 
>>> Fest.  But undaunted (well, mostly…>>> ) the Fest shall go on with a 
>>> “virtual” event, courtesy of the Internet and the ZOOM platform.  
>>> Interested?  Consult for registration instructions and 
>>> further particulars.  Here’s the program schedule:
>>> All sessions except the “Shindig” nominally one-hour but may run longer or 
>>> shorter at the option of the presenter.
>>> This schedule, accurate as of January 16th, is subject to change.
>>> Friday February 26th, 2021
>>> 1800 UTC / 1300 EST / 1000 PST / 1900 CET / 0500 (Sat.) AEDT
>>> The Well-Equipped Scannist - A Scanner For Every Purpose – Tom Swisher
>>> . . . and the gadgets, doohickeys and trinkets to enhance your scanning 
>>> pleasure.  
>>> 2000 UTC / 1500 EST / 1200 PST / 2100 CET / 0700 (Sat.) AEDT
>>> Easy Antennas for SWLs Who Want to Become HF Hams – Skip Arey
>>> Communicating is just as much fun as listening. Can your shortwave 
>>> receiving wires do the job or should you be rethinking your station's 
>>> antennas?  Uncle Skip will show you how to get on the air without 
>>> mortgaging your house to do it.
>>> 2300 UTC / 1800 EST / 1500 PST /  (Sat.) CET / 1000 (Sat.) AEDT
>>> The Annual Free Radio Forum – Larry Will
>>> Including:
>>> -- News, FCC actions or lack thereof
>>> -- Shortwave free radio year in review
>>> -- Everyone's still doing the 6850-6980 area
>>> -- …>>> But! There's been a noticeable diversity in frequency use because 

Re: [Swlfest] First Draft: 2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

2021-01-16 Thread Sheldon Harvey
Hi, John.  Thanks for the draft schedule.
Do you still want to have me do the "In Memoriam" segment?

Sheldon HarveyGreenfield Park, Quebec

Enjoy birds and birdwatching?

On Saturday, January 16, 2021, 1:10:21 a.m. EST, John Figliozzi 
 As stated previously, COVID-19 has forced cancellation of an in-person Fest.  
But undaunted (well, mostly…) the Fest shall go on with a “virtual” event, 
courtesy of the Internet and the ZOOM platform.  Interested?  Consult for registration instructions and further particulars.  Here’s 
the program schedule:


All sessions except the “Shindig” nominally one-hour but may run longer or 
shorter at the option of the presenter.

This schedule, accurate as of January 16th, is subject to change.

Friday February 26th, 2021

1800 UTC / 1300 EST / 1000 PST / 1900 CET / 0500 (Sat.) AEDT

The Well-Equipped Scannist - A Scanner For Every Purpose – Tom Swisher

. . . and the gadgets, doohickeys and trinkets to enhance your scanning 

2000 UTC / 1500 EST / 1200 PST / 2100 CET / 0700 (Sat.) AEDT

Easy Antennas for SWLs Who Want to Become HF Hams – Skip Arey

Communicating is just as much fun as listening. Can your shortwave receiving 
wires do the job or should you be rethinking your station's antennas?  Uncle 
Skip will show you how to get on the air without mortgaging your house to do it.

2300 UTC / 1800 EST / 1500 PST /  (Sat.) CET / 1000 (Sat.) AEDT

The Annual Free Radio Forum – Larry Will


-- News, FCC actions or lack thereof

-- Shortwave free radio year in review

-- Everyone's still doing the 6850-6980 area

-- …But! There's been a noticeable diversity in frequency use because of lousy 

-- …Noticeably in the 4000-4100 KHz and 5100-5200 KHz areas

-- Most active stations

-- Gallery of interesting QSLs and SSTVs from the past year

-- Medium wave free radio, the world above 1700

-- North American Pirate Radio Hall of Fame inductees for 2021

-- Resources for the free radio listener



-- hfunderground

-- free radio network

-- Free Radio Weekly (25 years!)

Preparations are underway to simulcast this forum on WBCQ 6160 kHz. Watch this 

Saturday, February 27th, 2021

0100 UTC / 2000 (Fri.) EST / 1700 (Fri.) PST / 0200 CET / 1200 AEDT

The Shortwave Shindig in Exile – David Goren

>From a secret location, David’s annual freeform celebration of the medium. 
>This time it shapes up like this:

0100 – Shortwave-related music videos, a look at the recent Brooklyn Pirate 
Radio Sound Map update, and a review of radio-related bits and bobs from the 
past year.
0200 – Live on WRMI! (frequencies TBA) - with music, Meet the Archivist w/ 
Thomas Witherspoon and other special features.
0300 – A Replay of “Shortwaves/Long Distance” - the 2017 two-hour broadcast 
featuring the top submissions to NASWA’s and Wave Farm’s call for 
shortwave-related music and sound compositions.

1800 UTC / 1300 EST / 1000 PST / 1900 CET / 0500 (Sun.) AEDT

QRP General Coverage Transceivers: Bridge Between Transmitting and Listening – 
Thomas Witherspoon
We've seen an amazing array of full-featured general-coverage QRP transceivers 
hit the market in the past few years--during the doldrums of the solar cycle, 
no less. These rigs provide SWLs and even DXers a means to easily escape RFI 
and to experiment with portable listening posts. We'll take a look at a number 
of QRP general-coverage transceivers I consider to be truly worthy, with a 
particular focus on the innovative Icom IC-705.

2000 UTC / 1500 EST / 1200 PST / 2100 CET / 0700 (Sun.) AEDT

Mr. Robinson’s Neighborhood…er, Basement – Dan Robinson

Premium Receivers In A Time of Plummeting Shortwave
With All India Radio GOS in English all but gone from shortwave and Brazil 
shifting to DRM,
among other depressing developments, Dan takes a look at the used receiver 
market in 2021, including premium receivers, and discusses the Japanese Buyee 

2300 UTC / 1800 EST / 1500 PST /  (Sun.) CET / 1000 (Sun.) AEDT
The Addictive Quality of Curiosity - Mark Fahey, Live from Freemans Reach, 
This building in the sleepy rural village of Freemans Reach in southeast 
Australia rarely needs heating. 18 receivers running 24x7x365 provide 
continuous coverage from 1kHz to 12.8GHz. Can the quest for knowledge ever be 
satisfied? This presentation is a live dive into the presenter’s Sisyphean 
obsession to monitor the world’s culture. 


Swlfest mailing list

To unsubscribe:  Send an E-mail to, or visit the URL shown 

For more information on the Fest, visit:

Re: [Swlfest] First Draft: 2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

2021-01-16 Thread Ed Cummings
Dave, that's a good idea.  But John Figliozzi has 
advised me that the two-day schedule is already full.

For years I've tried to get an organizational 
sponsor (not a fiscal sponsor; I can arrange 
that) to 'legitimize' Arnie's trip to the Philly 
area so he could also speak at the SWLFest. Arnie 
has welcomed the opportunity, but the 
administrative and geopolitical challenges have 
been difficult to say the least.

The closest I came to making this happen was a 
couple three years ago with the University of 
Pennsylvania's Annenberg School for Communication 
being the potential organizational sponsor.  But 
that fell through due to apparently political 
reasons.  And as of last year my contact at Penn is no longer there.

Arnie Coro is a shortwave icon with more six 
decades of international broadcasting experience 
and several decades of producing a DX'ers 
program.  Regardless of anyone's political 
biases, I think he'd be a good and fitting 
SWLFest presenter.  Frankly, my biggest concern 
about this (aside from maybe not ever being able 
to successfully arrange this) is how Arnie might 
be treated here by some in our community.


At 12:46 PM 1/16/2021, Dave Marthouse wrote:

If he has the internet infrastructure to support 
it maybe you can get Arnie CO2KK from RHC.

Dave Marthouse N2AAM


On 1/16/2021 12:39 PM, tankgirl wrote:
I m sure Gilles Letourneau would be happy to do 
a forum, he does the sw show on you tube and co 
hosts the International radio report with 
Sheldon. It might be fun to hear some people 
who are overseas who cant normally come in person.


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

 Original message 
From: John Figliozzi <>
Date: 1/16/21 01:10 (GMT-05:00)
To: <>, 
Discussion list for the Winter SWL Fest 
Cc: odxa yg 
<>, <>

Subject: [Swlfest] First Draft:  2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

As stated previously, COVID-19 has forced 
cancellation of an in-person Fest.  But 
undaunted (well, mostly…) the Fest shall go on 
with a “virtual” event, courtesy of the 
Internet and the ZOOM 
platform.  Interested?  Consult 
<> for 
registration instructions and further 
particulars.  Here’s the program schedule:


All sessions except the “Shindig” nominally 
one-hour but may run longer or shorter at the option of the presenter.

This schedule, accurate as of January 16th, is subject to change.

Friday February 26th, 2021

1800 UTC / 1300 EST / 1000 PST / 1900 CET / 0500 (Sat.) AEDT

The Well-Equipped Scannist - A Scanner For Every Purpose – Tom Swisher

. . . and the gadgets, doohickeys and trinkets 
to enhance your scanning pleasure.

2000 UTC / 1500 EST / 1200 PST / 2100 CET / 0700 (Sat.) AEDT

Easy Antennas for SWLs Who Want to Become HF Hams – Skip Arey

Communicating is just as much fun as listening. 
Can your shortwave receiving wires do the job 
or should you be rethinking your station's 
antennas?  Uncle Skip will show you how to get 
on the air without mortgaging your house to do it.

2300 UTC / 1800 EST / 1500 PST /  (Sat.) CET / 1000 (Sat.) AEDT

The Annual Free Radio Forum – Larry Will


-- News, FCC actions or lack thereof

-- Shortwave free radio year in review

-- Everyone's still doing the 6850-6980 area

-- …But! There's been a noticeable diversity in 
frequency use because of lousy DX

-- …Noticeably in the 4000-4100 KHz and 5100-5200 KHz areas

-- Most active stations

-- Gallery of interesting QSLs and SSTVs from the past year

-- Medium wave free radio, the world above 1700

-- North American Pirate Radio Hall of Fame inductees for 2021

-- Resources for the free radio listener



-- hfunderground

-- free radio network

-- Free Radio Weekly (25 years!)

Preparations are underway to simulcast this 
forum on WBCQ 6160 kHz. Watch this space!

Saturday, February 27th, 2021

0100 UTC / 2000 (Fri.) EST / 1700 (Fri.) PST / 0200 CET / 1200 AEDT

The Shortwave Shindig in Exile – David Goren

From a secret location, David’s annual 
freeform celebration of the medium. This time it shapes up like this:

0100 – Shortwave-related music videos, a look 
at the recent Brooklyn Pirate Radio Sound Map 
update, and a review of radio-related bits and bobs from the past year.
0200 – Live on WRMI! (frequencies TBA) - with 
music, Meet the Archivist w/ Thomas Witherspoon and other special features.
0300 – A Replay of “Shortwaves/Long Distance” - 
the 2017 two-hour broadcast featuring the top 
submissions to NASWA’s and Wave Farm’s call for 
shortwave-related music and sound compositions.

1800 UTC /

Re: [Swlfest] First Draft: 2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

2021-01-16 Thread Dave Marthouse
If he has the internet infrastructure to support it maybe you can get 
Arnie CO2KK from RHC.

Dave Marthouse N2AAM

On 1/16/2021 12:39 PM, tankgirl wrote:
I m sure Gilles Letourneau would be happy to do a forum, he does the 
sw show on you tube and co hosts the International radio report with 
Sheldon. It might be fun to hear some people who are overseas who cant 
normally come in person.


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

 Original message 
From: John Figliozzi 
Date: 1/16/21 01:10 (GMT-05:00)
To:, Discussion list for the Winter SWL Fest 

Cc: odxa yg ,
Subject: [Swlfest] First Draft:  2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

As stated previously, COVID-19 has forced cancellation of an in-person 
Fest.  But undaunted (well, mostly…) the Fest shall go on with a 
“virtual” event, courtesy of the Internet and the ZOOM platform.  
Interested?  Consult for registration instructions and 
further particulars.  Here’s the program schedule:


All sessions except the “Shindig” nominally one-hour but may run 
longer or shorter at the option of the presenter.

This schedule, accurate as of January 16th, is subject to change.

Friday February 26th, 2021

1800 UTC / 1300 EST / 1000 PST / 1900 CET / 0500 (Sat.) AEDT

The Well-Equipped Scannist - A Scanner For Every Purpose – Tom Swisher

. . . and the gadgets, doohickeys and trinkets to enhance your 
scanning pleasure.

2000 UTC / 1500 EST / 1200 PST / 2100 CET / 0700 (Sat.) AEDT

Easy Antennas for SWLs Who Want to Become HF Hams – Skip Arey

Communicating is just as much fun as listening. Can your shortwave 
receiving wires do the job or should you be rethinking your station's 
antennas?  Uncle Skip will show you how to get on the air without 
mortgaging your house to do it.

2300 UTC / 1800 EST / 1500 PST /  (Sat.) CET / 1000 (Sat.) AEDT

The Annual Free Radio Forum – Larry Will


-- News, FCC actions or lack thereof

-- Shortwave free radio year in review

-- Everyone's still doing the 6850-6980 area

-- …But! There's been a noticeable diversity in frequency use because 
of lousy DX

-- …Noticeably in the 4000-4100 KHz and 5100-5200 KHz areas

-- Most active stations

-- Gallery of interesting QSLs and SSTVs from the past year

-- Medium wave free radio, the world above 1700

-- North American Pirate Radio Hall of Fame inductees for 2021

-- Resources for the free radio listener



-- hfunderground

-- free radio network

-- Free Radio Weekly (25 years!)

Preparations are underway to simulcast this forum on WBCQ 6160 kHz. 
Watch this space!

Saturday, February 27th, 2021

0100 UTC / 2000 (Fri.) EST / 1700 (Fri.) PST / 0200 CET / 1200 AEDT

The Shortwave Shindig in Exile – David Goren

From a secret location, David’s annual freeform celebration of the 
medium. This time it shapes up like this:

0100 – Shortwave-related music videos, a look at the recent Brooklyn 
Pirate Radio Sound Map update, and a review of radio-related bits and 
bobs from the past year.
0200 – Live on WRMI! (frequencies TBA) - with music, Meet the 
Archivist w/ Thomas Witherspoon and other special features.
0300 – A Replay of “Shortwaves/Long Distance” - the 2017 two-hour 
broadcast featuring the top submissions to NASWA’s and Wave Farm’s 
call for shortwave-related music and sound compositions.

1800 UTC / 1300 EST / 1000 PST / 1900 CET / 0500 (Sun.) AEDT

QRP General Coverage Transceivers: Bridge Between Transmitting and 
Listening – Thomas Witherspoon
We've seen an amazing array of full-featured general-coverage QRP 
transceivers hit the market in the past few years--during the doldrums 
of the solar cycle, no less. These rigs provide SWLs and even DXers a 
means to easily escape RFI and to experiment with portable listening 
posts. We'll take a look at a number of QRP general-coverage 
transceivers I consider to be truly worthy, with a particular focus on 
the innovative Icom IC-705.

2000 UTC / 1500 EST / 1200 PST / 2100 CET / 0700 (Sun.) AEDT

Mr. Robinson’s Neighborhood…er, Basement – Dan Robinson

Premium Receivers In A Time of Plummeting Shortwave
With All India Radio GOS in English all but gone from shortwave and 
Brazil shifting to DRM,
among other depressing developments, Dan takes a look at the used 
receiver market in 2021, including premium receivers, and discusses 
the Japanese Buyee site.

2300 UTC / 1800 EST / 1500 PST /  (Sun.) CET / 1000 (Sun.) AEDT
The Addictive Quality of Curiosity - Mark Fahey, Live from Freemans 
Reach, Australia
This building in the sleepy rural village of Freemans Reach in 
southeast Australia rarely needs heating. 18 receivers running 
24x7x365 provide continuous coverage from 1kHz to 12.8GHz. Can the 
quest for knowledge ever be satisfied? This presentation is a live 
dive into the presenter’s Sisyphean

Re: [Swlfest] First Draft: 2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

2021-01-16 Thread tankgirl
I m sure Gilles Letourneau would be happy to do a forum, he does the sw show on 
you tube and co hosts the International radio report with Sheldon. It might be 
fun to hear some people who are overseas who cant normally come in 
person.JaniceSent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
 Original message From: John Figliozzi  
Date: 1/16/21  01:10  (GMT-05:00) To:, Discussion list for the 
Winter SWL Fest  Cc: odxa yg , Subject: [Swlfest] First Draft:  2021 34th Annual Winter SWL 
Fest Program As stated previously, COVID-19 has forced cancellation of an 
in-person Fest.  But undaunted (well, mostly…) the Fest shall go on with a 
“virtual” event, courtesy of the Internet and the ZOOM platform.  Interested?  
Consult for registration instructions and further particulars.  
Here’s the program schedule:2021 34th “VIRTUAL” WINTER SWL FEST PROGRAMAll 
sessions except the “Shindig” nominally one-hour but may run longer or shorter 
at the option of the presenter.This schedule, accurate as of January 16th, is 
subject to change. Friday February 26th, 2021 1800 UTC / 1300 EST / 1000 PST / 
1900 CET / 0500 (Sat.) AEDTThe Well-Equipped Scannist - A Scanner For Every 
Purpose – Tom Swisher. . . and the gadgets, doohickeys and trinkets to enhance 
your scanning pleasure.   2000 UTC / 1500 EST / 1200 PST / 2100 CET / 0700 
(Sat.) AEDTEasy Antennas for SWLs Who Want to Become HF Hams – Skip 
AreyCommunicating is just as much fun as listening. Can your shortwave 
receiving wires do the job or should you be rethinking your station's antennas? 
 Uncle Skip will show you how to get on the air without mortgaging your house 
to do it. 2300 UTC / 1800 EST / 1500 PST /  (Sat.) CET / 1000 (Sat.) 
AEDTThe Annual Free Radio Forum – Larry WillIncluding:-- News, FCC actions or 
lack thereof-- Shortwave free radio year in review-- Everyone's still doing the 
6850-6980 area-- …But! There's been a noticeable diversity in frequency use 
because of lousy DX-- …Noticeably in the 4000-4100 KHz and 5100-5200 KHz 
areas-- Most active stations-- Gallery of interesting QSLs and SSTVs from the 
past year-- Medium wave free radio, the world above 1700-- North American 
Pirate Radio Hall of Fame inductees for 2021-- Resources for the free radio 
listener-- hfunderground-- free radio network-- 
Free Radio Weekly (25 years!)Preparations are underway to simulcast this forum 
on WBCQ 6160 kHz. Watch this space!Saturday, February 27th, 2021 0100 UTC / 
2000 (Fri.) EST / 1700 (Fri.) PST / 0200 CET / 1200 AEDTThe Shortwave Shindig 
in Exile – David GorenFrom a secret location, David’s annual freeform 
celebration of the medium. This time it shapes up like this:0100 – 
Shortwave-related music videos, a look at the recent Brooklyn Pirate Radio 
Sound Map update, and a review of radio-related bits and bobs from the past 
year.0200 – Live on WRMI! (frequencies TBA) - with music, Meet the Archivist w/ 
Thomas Witherspoon and other special features.0300 – A Replay of 
“Shortwaves/Long Distance” - the 2017 two-hour broadcast featuring the top 
submissions to NASWA’s and Wave Farm’s call for shortwave-related music and 
sound compositions. 1800 UTC / 1300 EST / 1000 PST / 1900 CET / 0500 (Sun.) 
AEDTQRP General Coverage Transceivers: Bridge Between Transmitting and 
Listening – Thomas WitherspoonWe've seen an amazing array of full-featured 
general-coverage QRP transceivers hit the market in the past few years--during 
the doldrums of the solar cycle, no less. These rigs provide SWLs and even 
DXers a means to easily escape RFI and to experiment with portable listening 
posts. We'll take a look at a number of QRP general-coverage transceivers I 
consider to be truly worthy, with a particular focus on the innovative Icom 
IC-705. 2000 UTC / 1500 EST / 1200 PST / 2100 CET / 0700 (Sun.) AEDTMr. 
Robinson’s Neighborhood…er, Basement – Dan RobinsonPremium Receivers In A Time 
of Plummeting ShortwaveWith All India Radio GOS in English all but gone from 
shortwave and Brazil shifting to DRM,among other depressing developments, Dan 
takes a look at the used receiver market in 2021, including premium receivers, 
and discusses the Japanese Buyee site. 2300 UTC / 1800 EST / 1500 PST /  
(Sun.) CET / 1000 (Sun.) AEDTThe Addictive Quality of Curiosity - Mark Fahey, 
Live from Freemans Reach, AustraliaThis building in the sleepy rural village of 
Freemans Reach in southeast Australia rarely needs heating. 18 receivers 
running 24x7x365 provide continuous coverage from 1kHz to 12.8GHz. Can the 
quest for knowledge ever be satisfied? This presentation is a live dive into 
the presenter’s Sisyphean obsession to monitor the world’s culture.
___Swlfest mailing 
 unsubscribe:  Send an E-mail to

[Swlfest] First Draft: 2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program

2021-01-15 Thread John Figliozzi
As stated previously, COVID-19 has forced cancellation of an in-person Fest.  
But undaunted (well, mostly…) the Fest shall go on with a “virtual” event, 
courtesy of the Internet and the ZOOM platform.  Interested?  Consult for registration instructions and further particulars.  Here’s 
the program schedule:


All sessions except the “Shindig” nominally one-hour but may run longer or 
shorter at the option of the presenter.

This schedule, accurate as of January 16th, is subject to change.

Friday February 26th, 2021

1800 UTC / 1300 EST / 1000 PST / 1900 CET / 0500 (Sat.) AEDT

The Well-Equipped Scannist - A Scanner For Every Purpose – Tom Swisher

. . . and the gadgets, doohickeys and trinkets to enhance your scanning 

2000 UTC / 1500 EST / 1200 PST / 2100 CET / 0700 (Sat.) AEDT

Easy Antennas for SWLs Who Want to Become HF Hams – Skip Arey

Communicating is just as much fun as listening. Can your shortwave receiving 
wires do the job or should you be rethinking your station's antennas?  Uncle 
Skip will show you how to get on the air without mortgaging your house to do it.

2300 UTC / 1800 EST / 1500 PST /  (Sat.) CET / 1000 (Sat.) AEDT

The Annual Free Radio Forum – Larry Will


-- News, FCC actions or lack thereof

-- Shortwave free radio year in review

-- Everyone's still doing the 6850-6980 area

-- …But! There's been a noticeable diversity in frequency use because of lousy 

-- …Noticeably in the 4000-4100 KHz and 5100-5200 KHz areas

-- Most active stations

-- Gallery of interesting QSLs and SSTVs from the past year

-- Medium wave free radio, the world above 1700

-- North American Pirate Radio Hall of Fame inductees for 2021

-- Resources for the free radio listener



-- hfunderground

-- free radio network

-- Free Radio Weekly (25 years!)

Preparations are underway to simulcast this forum on WBCQ 6160 kHz. Watch this 

Saturday, February 27th, 2021

0100 UTC / 2000 (Fri.) EST / 1700 (Fri.) PST / 0200 CET / 1200 AEDT

The Shortwave Shindig in Exile – David Goren

From a secret location, David’s annual freeform celebration of the medium. This 
time it shapes up like this:

0100 – Shortwave-related music videos, a look at the recent Brooklyn Pirate 
Radio Sound Map update, and a review of radio-related bits and bobs from the 
past year.
0200 – Live on WRMI! (frequencies TBA) - with music, Meet the Archivist w/ 
Thomas Witherspoon and other special features.
0300 – A Replay of “Shortwaves/Long Distance” - the 2017 two-hour broadcast 
featuring the top submissions to NASWA’s and Wave Farm’s call for 
shortwave-related music and sound compositions.

1800 UTC / 1300 EST / 1000 PST / 1900 CET / 0500 (Sun.) AEDT

QRP General Coverage Transceivers: Bridge Between Transmitting and Listening – 
Thomas Witherspoon
We've seen an amazing array of full-featured general-coverage QRP transceivers 
hit the market in the past few years--during the doldrums of the solar cycle, 
no less. These rigs provide SWLs and even DXers a means to easily escape RFI 
and to experiment with portable listening posts. We'll take a look at a number 
of QRP general-coverage transceivers I consider to be truly worthy, with a 
particular focus on the innovative Icom IC-705.

2000 UTC / 1500 EST / 1200 PST / 2100 CET / 0700 (Sun.) AEDT

Mr. Robinson’s Neighborhood…er, Basement – Dan Robinson

Premium Receivers In A Time of Plummeting Shortwave
With All India Radio GOS in English all but gone from shortwave and Brazil 
shifting to DRM,
among other depressing developments, Dan takes a look at the used receiver 
market in 2021, including premium receivers, and discusses the Japanese Buyee 

2300 UTC / 1800 EST / 1500 PST /  (Sun.) CET / 1000 (Sun.) AEDT
The Addictive Quality of Curiosity - Mark Fahey, Live from Freemans Reach, 
This building in the sleepy rural village of Freemans Reach in southeast 
Australia rarely needs heating. 18 receivers running 24x7x365 provide 
continuous coverage from 1kHz to 12.8GHz. Can the quest for knowledge ever be 
satisfied? This presentation is a live dive into the presenter’s Sisyphean 
obsession to monitor the world’s culture. 


Swlfest mailing list

To unsubscribe:  Send an E-mail to, or visit the URL shown 

For more information on the Fest, visit: