[Talk-transit] Tools for viewing and dealing with the NaPTAN data...

2009-08-20 Thread Peter Miller

I now have lots of great bus stop data in Suffolk and I want to check  
it and sort out any issues. However I am getting a bit lost re  
which tools are available to help check and improve the NaPTAN data  
and NPTG data in OSM.

Could someone add brief description and links to the wiki? They could  
be added as a new section on the main naptan page.


Peter Miller

Talk-transit mailing list

Re: [Talk-transit] Weird stations in the UK (as shown on Google maps)

2009-08-20 Thread Frankie Roberto
Hi Peter,

Nice work!

Just goes to show some of the advantages of OSM - we can fix the data
relatively quickly.

Incidentally, according to Wikipedia Bank and Monument tube stations are
treated operationally as one complex (see
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_and_Monument_stations), however on Google
Maps they are shown separately:

When tagging, I think we should generally follow the 'rule of ground' and
tag what people perceive to be separate stations (eg most people would think
of St Pancras as a single station).


On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 3:53 PM, Peter Miller peter.mil...@itoworld.comwrote:

 We have been doing some work for National Rail and this has
 highlighted a bunch of weirdnesses about what is a railway station and
 what is not a railway station. Some of weirdnesses are down to
 problems with data, but others show up operational issues. I have been
 proposing a more comprehensive model for complex interchanges within
 OSM and in might be interesting to see how one would map some of these
 onto this model (or not in the case of data errors. [1] I am showing
 that many of the problems also appear on Google Maps who also use
 NaPTAN. The images are in the set 'weird stations' (

 Reading Station, or Reading Stations? In NaPTAN and in Google there
 are two Reading stations[2]. The reason evidently is that for
 operation reasons the station is treated as two stations with the 'The
 Waterloo part of Reading is a separately coded rail station'. This
 does however seem weird on information displayed to the public.
 Curiously Clapham Junction station is divided into four stations for
 operational reasons but Google only shows one - possibly it deals with
 it as a special case as there are four stations in NaPTAN.

 There are two additional stations close to Albany Park Station (nr
 Sidcup) on Google Maps.[3] This is because two bus stops have
 incorrectly be coded as railways stations (and incidentally means we
 are likely to be 2 bus stops light on the import of the county). The
 data owner has been notified and this error should be fixed reasonably

 There are two railway stations shown for Heathrow. One is actually a
 coach station from which 'RailAir' coaches operate so it is not really
 a railway station at all.[4]

 There are four station in the King's Cross/ St Pancras on Google[5].
 Two for St Pancras station, one for King's Cross Station and then one
 for King's Cross/St Pancras. NaPTAN does have two stations for St
 Pancras (possibly the international section is treated as a separate
 station for operational reasons) but only seems to have one for King's
 Cross Station in NaPTAN. I am not sure where the combined one on
 Google has come from but it does possibly make sense to present them
 as a single station at some zoom levels.

 Finally, there is a mainline station shown for Newbury Park as well as
 an underground station on Google and in NaPTAN[6]  even though it
 appears to be on the Central line with no connection to mainline
 services and the station doesn't appear in a station search on the
 National Rail website. Is this another NaPTAN mistake?

 [1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Stop_Place
 [2] http://www.flickr.com/photos/petereastern/3839787944
 [4] http://www.flickr.com/photos/petereastern/3839198227
 [5] http://www.flickr.com/photos/petereastern/3838985737/
 [6] http://www.flickr.com/photos/petereastern/3839310795/

 Talk-transit mailing list

Frankie Roberto
Experience Designer, Rattle
0114 2706977
Talk-transit mailing list

Re: [Talk-transit] Weird stations in the UK (as shown on Google maps)

2009-08-20 Thread Ed Loach
Peter wrote:

 Finally, there is a mainline station shown for Newbury Park as
 well as
 an underground station on Google and in NaPTAN[6]  even though
 appears to be on the Central line with no connection to
 services and the station doesn't appear in a station search on
 National Rail website. Is this another NaPTAN mistake?

 [6] http://www.flickr.com/photos/petereastern/3839310795/

Google suggests there used to be a main line station there:
and Wikipedia agrees

My wife was there earlier this week. I think they've a fairly big
bus area outside the station exit, but I don’t think there is a
mainline station there now.


Talk-transit mailing list

Re: [Talk-transit] Weird stations in the UK (as shown on Google maps)

2009-08-20 Thread Frankie Roberto
On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 3:53 PM, Peter Miller peter.mil...@itoworld.comwrote:

 There are four station in the King's Cross/ St Pancras on Google[5].
 Two for St Pancras station, one for King's Cross Station and then one
 for King's Cross/St Pancras. NaPTAN does have two stations for St
 Pancras (possibly the international section is treated as a separate
 station for operational reasons) but only seems to have one for King's
 Cross Station in NaPTAN. I am not sure where the combined one on
 Google has come from but it does possibly make sense to present them
 as a single station at some zoom levels.

Is Kings Cross St. Pancras tube station part of the same station complex as
St Pancras International/Domestic, I wonder? On the ground, I'd have said
yes, but it's really mainly the name that connects, seeing as it's equally
well connected physically with both St Pancras rail station and Kings Cross
rail station.

Mind you, I've always found Kings Cross to be confusing on the ground too -
once almost missed my train by not realising that I needed Kings Cross
Thameslink rather than Kings Cross.


Frankie Roberto
Experience Designer, Rattle
0114 2706977
Talk-transit mailing list

Re: [Talk-transit] Weird stations in the UK (as shown on Google maps)

2009-08-20 Thread Jerry Clough - OSM
Various comments on these:

1. Reading. If Heathrow Rail-air is shown, shouldn't the Reading end be shown?
2. St. Pancras is indeed two stations. Midland Main Line services depart from 
platforms at 
the far-end of the main train shed, has separate ticketing etc.. The 
'interchange' between this 
and the Underground is quite a decent walk, although nothing like as bad as it 
was before 
the International station opened. There is a set of platforms under the 
main-line station 
(used to be Thameslink), but as I've never used them don't know their status, 
other than 
for the traveller they're quite distinct.
3. I thought the extra Kings-X might be the local line to Royston and 
Cambridge, which 
used to be pretty disjunct from the rest of Kings-X, but on the map it looks 
like the 
underground station has been rewarded with the old British Rail symbol to 
an interchange, but this isn't true of some of the dubious interchange stations 
(e.g., Euston Square).
4. I think RailAir is a typical exception which one has to live with. There are 
plenty of railways where 
some services are operated by buses which depart from a separate location. 
However, ticketing etc is 
entirely in the hands of the railway operator. For instance the line to 
Skegness has Mablethorpe on the 
timetable described as a rail-replacement bus (although I think the railway 
line has been disused for
40-odd years). 

Hope this adds grist to the mill!

Talk-transit mailing list

[Talk-si] Dovoljenje za uvoz meje

2009-08-20 Thread Ales rom

Kar nekaj pogovorov in prepričevanja je bilo potrebnega, da so nam izdali
pisno dovoljenje. Sedaj je tu :-)
Ga. Kristina Perko iz GURS je napisala:


Geodetska uprava RS dovoljuje uporabo in objavo podatkov Državne meje, ki
je objavljena na spletni strani:
za projekt OSM.

Pri objavi državne meje morate navesti:
- vir: Javne informacije Slovenije, Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije,
Državna meja, stanje 2008
- izdelana mora biti tudi povezava na spletno stran Geodetske uprave RS:

Lep pozdrav,
Kristina Perko
Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije
Zemljemerska ulica 12, SI-1000 LJUBLJANA
Tel.:  +386 (0)1 478.48.38
Fax:  +386 (0)1 478.48.45


Če se prav spomnim je nekdo že omenil, da ima pripravljeno .osm datoteko za
uvoz, zato kar pogumno. Ta uvoz lahko naredim tudi sam, če pa ima kdo že vse
pripravljeno pa še toliko bolje.

Aleš Rom
Talk-si mailing list

Re: [Talk-si] Dovoljenje za uvoz meje

2009-08-20 Thread Stefan Baebler
Pri toliko dokumenti, kolikor jih imajo objavljenih, lahko res vsak
najde sebi najbolj ustreznega :)
Na strani s podatki
so izpostavljeni le pogoji, nam ugodnejši cenik pa je precej bolj skrit.

Zagovorniki odprte kode bi se nad takimi interpretacijami najbrž
križali, Če je nekaj po ceniku zastonj (free as in beer) to še ne
pomeni, da se lahko mirno zanemari vse druge pogoje, ki pridejo s
predmetom poželenja (recimo GPL licence pri programih ali CC licenca
pri podatkih).

Slovenski in angleški pogoji so praktično identični, le da so angleški
v obliki besedila, ki ga je laže kopirati in citirati, zato bom
seciral tega (tokrat z mislijo na cenik):

The Client shall undertake to ensure that in case of internet
publication the data shall be used only as a basis for presenting
other content and shall not be presented independently.
Ok, temu se na začetku še nekako izognemo, ker imamo tudi druge
podatke za pokazat. Nikomur pa ne smemo preprečevati, da iz OSM ne bi
izluščil samo teh podatkov in jih razpečeval naprej pod drugačnimi
pogoji (konkretno cc-by-sa licenca namesto GURSovih pogojev).

The Client shall not be permitted to distribute the data to third
persons unless it is expressly permitted in a contract or by other
Ok, tu lahko smatramo, da imamo izrecno dovoljenje by other means.

The Client shall secure data and products thereof from unauthorized
access by third parties.
Se pravi, da imajo tretje osebe avtomatsko pravico (avtorizacijo
dostopa) do brezplačnih podatkov? Po mojem to avtorizacijo dobijo šele
ko GURSu javijo za kakšen namen bodo uporabljali podatke in sprejmejo
GURSove pogoje, kar pa je daleč od duha cc-by-sa licence.

Če si tisti cenik interpretiramo enako kot za državno mejo bi enako
moralo veljati tudi za občine in vse ostale podatke na
ki imajo ceno v ceniku 0€.

Papirologijo se da urediti (oz bolje rečeno izsiliti) tudi s
priporočenim dopisom posameznika (ker zaenkrat pač še nismo drugače
organizirani), s katerim se jih zaradi nejasnih pogojev obvesti o
razumevanju njihovih pogojev in namenu uvoza podatkov v OSM (in vsemi
posledicami) v kolikor temu izrecno ne nasprotujejo. Za razmislek in
morebiten odgovor se jim pusti kak mesec (da pride do prave osebe,
preštudirajo licence...). Če po poteku tega roka nasprotovanja ni, oz
je odgovor v stilu pogoje imamo objavljene na spletu je to za nas
zelena luč za uvoz, ker smo jih seznanili s svojo interpretacijo
njihovih pogojev in namenom.


2009/8/20 Damjan Gerli dam...@damjan.net:
 Takole. File osm z mejo dobite tukaj:

 Upam da bo prav, saj je prvič da sem naredil nekaj takega (pretvorba iz
 GaussKrugerjevih koordinat v wgs84 je bila narejena s 7-parametrično

 Kar se tiče meje na italijanski strani lahko pregledam in zamenjam jaz.
 Namreč italijanska meja je bila pred kratkim ažurirana, vseeno pa se mi zdi
 sloveska verzija boljša, saj predstavlja vsaka točka en mejni kamen, ki je
 tudi dosegljiv na terenu. Po pregledu nekaj kamnov na mejnem prehodu
 Šempolaj/Gorjansko pa menim da je slovenska verzija meje točnejša in se
 italijanska ne ujema s postavljenimi mejnimi kamni.

 Kar se pa tiče GURS-a bi jaz povprašal, če bi se morda isto dalo narediti
 tudi za občine...

 Damjan G.

 -Izvirno sporočilo-
 Od: talk-si-boun...@openstreetmap.org
 [mailto:talk-si-boun...@openstreetmap.org] Namesto Ales rom
 Poslano: 20. avgust 2009 18:56
 Za: talk-si@openstreetmap.org
 Zadeva: Re: [Talk-si] Dovoljenje za uvoz meje

 Roman, zelo dobro si zadel.
 Ko sem se pogovarjal z GURS so ves čas trdili, da so njihovi
 brezplačni podatki na voljo vsakomur. Tudi OSM sem jim dovolj
 podrobno opisal, da vedo, kaj bo s temi podatki. (tudi sedaj
 se zavedajo, da ni sledljivosti) Prav tako sem jih seznanil s
 CC licenco pod katerimi so na voljo OSM podatki. Kar se tiče
 njihovih pogojev uporabe pa pravijo, da prvenstveno veljajo
 za podatke, ki jih nekdo pridobi za plačilo in preprečujejo
 preprodajo. Vem, da bi se pravniki zgrozili nad tako dikcijo,
 Ustno, so mi trije različni zaposleni z GURS zagotovili, da
 naj jih kar uporabimo. Kljub temu sem vztrajal naj to
 napišejo, saj previdnost ni nikoli odveč. Povedali so mi, da
 je tudi njihov interes, da je meja čimbolj natančno označena.
 Če mene vprašate, verjamem, da je e-sporočilo v tem primeru
 dovolj in ne potrebujemo papirne odločbe ali kaj podobnega.

 Verjetno nas čaka le še sladko delo. Uvoz celotne meje, nato
 pa preverjanje, koliko se razlikuje od že vnešene. Morda bi
 vsakdo vzel eno državo in jo natančno obdelal. Kolikor sem
 sam gledal tudi meja z Avstrijo nekje ni najbolj natančna.

 Hvala, Aleš

 2009/8/20 Roman Maurer roman.mau...@amis.net

       Citiram Stefan Baebler stefan.baeb...@gmail.com:

        Njihovi pogoji pa so vseeno tricky, namreč: ...


[OSM-legal-talk] Mapmaker Data for Africa Released

2009-08-20 Thread Alexander Menk

According to [1], G**gle released the dataset for Africa on [2].
They say, non-profit organizations can use it. Does that include OSM?


[1] http://google-africa.blogspot.com/
[2] https://services.google.com/fb/forms/mapmakerdatadownload/

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Mapmaker Data for Africa Released

2009-08-20 Thread Ulf Möller
Alexander Menk schrieb:

 According to [1], G**gle released the dataset for Africa on [2].
 They say, non-profit organizations can use it. Does that include OSM?

See https://services.google.com/fb/forms/mapmakerdatadownload/

Please don't use the Map Maker Source Data if: [...] (c) you want to 
create a mapping service (such as driving directions); or (d) you want 
to create any other service that is similar to a service already 
provided by Google through its products and APIs.

legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Software using open street map data and Licensing model / restrictions

2009-08-20 Thread Alex

I am developing a Location based application that will both be
available on mobile devices and on the internet.

I plan to use OSM data, convert it and import it into my custom
designed database.
I also plan to generate my own tiles based on OSM data, certainly
aggregated with other commercial and non.commercial (open) data

My mobile client will download the tiles that I will have generated
and display them with Point of Interest information that will be
coming from OSM, commercial data, and user generated content / POIs .

What I want to know is if my application itself and my website (that
will be presenting a google/OSM style Ajax map)  has to be licensed
under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 or is it only
the subset of OSM data the I will be working with ?

Is it OK to sell my application provided that references and links to
OSM are provided when OSM based Tiles and POIs are presented and used
inside my app ??

What exactly can I do with the OSM licensing model when I use OSM data
into my application (note that the data is not included as-is in the
app but downloaded as tiles inside my client)

Many thanks for your insights !

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Software using open street map data and Licensing model / restrictions

2009-08-20 Thread Frederik Ramm

Alex wrote:
 My mobile client will download the tiles that I will have generated
 and display them with Point of Interest information that will be
 coming from OSM, commercial data, and user generated content / POIs .
 What I want to know is if my application itself and my website (that
 will be presenting a google/OSM style Ajax map)  has to be licensed
 under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0

No, you are free to license your application any way you like.

 or is it only
 the subset of OSM data the I will be working with ?

If you produce tiles that contain OSM data then those tiles - including 
all commercially sourced data depicted on them - must be licensed 
CC-BY-SA, i.e. anyone is free to trace the commercial data off the 
tiles. You can only circumvent that effect by creating overlay tiles and 
display them on top of each other in the client (i.e. base tiles from 
OSM = CC-BY-SA, overlay tiles with commercial data = proprietary license).

 What exactly can I do with the OSM licensing model when I use OSM data
 into my application (note that the data is not included as-is in the
 app but downloaded as tiles inside my client)

Anything you produce from OSM data must be CC-BY-SA licensed (e.g. if 
you compile OSM data into some special compressed map format for your 
application then these special compressed files must by CC-BY-SA). If 
you mix OSM data with someting else into an end product then that end 
product must also be CC-BY-SA. If your application displays OSM data 
loaded from file 1 and proprietary data loaded from file 2, then you can 
keep the licenses separate.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Twitter bots

2009-08-20 Thread Alexander Klink
Hi everyone,

This weekend, I hacked together a quick twitter bot,
which now tweets all changesets in a certain are (in
my case, Darmstadt, Germany) - see http://twitter.com/osm_darmstadt

I've found it quite useful thus far, on the one hand I write
better changeset comments, because I know they will be on
Twitter, on the other hand, I see what happens in my community.

If you want to run a similar bot, you can find the source
at http://git.alech.de/?p=osm_twitter_bots.git

Alternatively, I can add a bit of code to run more than
one bot at a time and run a few of them for you (until I
hit the Twitter API limits), I'd only need a name and a
bounding box for that.


Description: Digital signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Business Building Conventions

2009-08-20 Thread James Livingston
On 20/08/2009, at 10:29 AM, Andrew Ayre wrote:
 If I draw the outline of a strip mall (a connected string of shops)  
 represents several businesses together. If I then put nodes on them  
 give the nodes names Mapnik won't render the names unless they are
 amenities. But not all businesses are amenities.

I'd say that you need to tag them as what they are. If they're shops,  
then use shop=*,  and if it's a company's office then we need to have  
a tag for that and add it to the renderers.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Lane turn restrictions

2009-08-20 Thread Tobias Knerr
Roy Wallace wrote:
 But I agree with Tobias also - we should first create a good
 concept for modelling the lanes themselves. Tobias, could you link to
 the latest/most promising proposal, if there is one?

If we already had a superior proposal, this would be a lot easier. What
we have so far is:

* a German-only page that lists some alternatives, mostly tag-based

* a rather old proposal I've created myself (though I'm no longer
convinced it would work in practice, it's probably a bit too complex to
be widely used without editor support):

* some unconnected suggestions like this talk page entry (that didn't go
anywhere so far, but a proposal based on the idea could actually work):

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] GSoC End: signFinder

2009-08-20 Thread Mike Harris
UK - usually black on white. 

Mike Harris

-Original Message-
From: Erik Johansson [mailto:e...@kth.se] 
Sent: 19 August 2009 12:26
To: Tijs Zwinkels
Cc: talk@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] GSoC End: signFinder

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 8:28 PM, Tijs
Zwinkelsopenstreet...@tumblecow.net wrote:

 The project is right now trained to read dutch street-signs, but as 
 long as they have a distinct color, there's no reason why it couldn't 
 read foreign street-signs. Read this:

Since this version can't be trained to handle white background signs, I
wonder what color are streetname signs around the world?

Netherlands white on blue
Sweden black on white


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Proliferation of path vs. footway

2009-08-20 Thread Mike Harris

A very good way of trying to draw some of the thoughts together - although a
very challenging project! Full marks for the effort anyway! I have added a
few extra bits and pieces to the wiki page to highlight some more existing
tags and practices that probably need to be brought into a consolidation

Mike Harris

-Original Message-
From: ekkeh...@gmx.de [mailto:ekkeh...@gmx.de] 
Sent: 19 August 2009 16:22
To: talk@openstreetmap.org
Subject: [OSM-talk] Proliferation of path vs. footway


The discussion has died down again. Much was said and I even had the
impression that there was a little progress in some details. But, as usual,
we don't have a result.

Therefore I have started a consolidation page in the wiki to collect the
problems, use cases and ideas for resolving them. I would like to invite all
of you who are interested in working on the matter to contribute your
recollection to the page and maybe develop it into a solution proposal that
is not a one-man endeavour but well discussed by a group of people.

You'll find the start of it here:

Once we have collected the pieces from this discussion, it might be a good
idea to invite folks on national mailing lists to join in and contribute
their use cases.


Jetzt kostenlos herunterladen: Internet Explorer 8 und Mozilla Firefox 3 -
sicherer, schneller und einfacher! http://portal.gmx.net/de/go/atbrowser

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [OSM-talk-be] Mijn icoontjes?

2009-08-20 Thread Ben Laenen
filip wolters wrote:
 Neen, ik begrijp het niet meer.
 In onderstaande link zie je dat voor bv. een cinema alleen een node kan
 gebruikt worden. En een plaats om een auto te huren kunnen zowel met node
 als area gemaakt worden. Waar zit de logica en waar vind ik een plaats waar
 alles goed beschreven staat hoe iets gemapt moet worden, met welke


Ach, dat is inderdaad niet erg consequent gedocumenteerd, maar wat die map 
features pagina ook zegt, voor alles van shop/amenity/sport/nog_een_paar dat 
je op een node kan zetten, kan je ook op een polygoon zetten, al dan niet 
samen met building=yes als het om de omtrek van een gebouw gaat. Zelf logisch 
nadenken gaat in dit geval boven de wiki.


wat is je probleem hiermee? Meeste relaties zijn toch goed gedocumenteerd op 
de wiki.

 bus-node op of naast de weg

eeuwige discussie. Ik doe zelf naast de weg, anderen hebben een andere mening. 
Beide hebben een voordeel, maar het lijkt in OSM wel met alles meer af te 
stevenen op een naast de weg.

 met of zonder relatie,

moesten alle buslijnen in OSM zitten, dan had elke halte de relaties van die 
buslijnen. Maar het probleem zit hem dus in het feit dat we maar een heel 
klein aantal buslijnen hebben zitten in OSM, dus de meeste haltes hebben op 
dit moment geen relatie.

Of bedenk ik me nu: bedoel je een soort relatie met de weg waar de bushalte 
zich bevindt zelf?

 welke features mogen gebruikt

alles mag gebruikt worden, inclusief niet goedgekeurde, eigen verzonnen tags. 
Als je iets de moeite vindt om te mappen, dan doe je dat gewoon

 en welke moeten nog goedgekeurd

Over wat we goedkeuring kunnen noemen, kunnen we ook nog wel een boompje 
opzetten. Als je bang bent een tag te gebruiken die niet is goedgekeurd, dan 
hoef je dat absoluut niet te zijn. Uiteindelijk zal wat vaak gebruikt wordt de 
facto goedgekeurd zijn. Alleen ontbreekt het dus soms wel aan documentatie. 
Denk je in een situatie te zitten waarbij iemand anders toch zeker al iets 
dergelijks moet gemapt hebben, maar je kan het niet vinden op de wiki, probeer 
dan bijvoorbeeld eens door tagwatch te snuffelen.

 Je hoort het, de hele rimram. Nu is het een zoektocht door
 verschillende sites, menu's, google hier google daar. Zowel de mapper als
 diegene die de kaarten willen gebruiken worden afgeschrikt door het
 ondoorzichtige van het geheel.

Dat is waar, maar niet bepaald snel op te lossen. OSM is nog erg jong en moet 
daarin nog heel wat groeien. Bedenk dat nog geen twee-en-half jaar geleden de 
kaart in Antwerpen er bijvoorbeeld zo uit zag: 
dan zie je wel hoe jong alles nog is. Dus geef het nog een beetje tijd. Zoals 
vaak loopt documentatie altijd achter, want mappers zijn er nu eenmaal meer 
dan mensen die ook documentatie neerpennen :-)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Historic Mapping needs help Now!

2009-08-20 Thread Joseph Reeves
Thanks Roy, I'll look into that.

There seems to be plenty of interest so hopefully we'll be able to
flesh out something to be approved by the wider community.

Cheers, Joseph

2009/8/19 Roy Wallace waldo000...@gmail.com:
 On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 8:25 PM, Joseph Reevesiknowjos...@gmail.com wrote:

 Sounds like start_date and end_date would work fine in this situation.

 Can I just point out, the proposal I linked to before (link below) met
 with some objections to start_date and end_date, so you may want to
 re-think the situation more broadly and address the proposal before
 going ahead. Of course, if you're mapping the event before the
 proposal is sorted, go for it, but then come back and contribute to
 the discussion :)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [OSM-talk-be] Mijn icoontjes?

2009-08-20 Thread Vincent MEURISSE
On Thursday 20 August 2009 12:28:07 pm Ben Laenen wrote:
 Ach, dat is inderdaad niet erg consequent gedocumenteerd, maar wat die map
 features pagina ook zegt, voor alles van shop/amenity/sport/nog_een_paar
 dat je op een node kan zetten, kan je ook op een polygoon zetten, al dan
 niet samen met building=yes als het om de omtrek van een gebouw gaat. Zelf
 logisch nadenken gaat in dit geval boven de wiki.
Oh yes ! I love apples too.

But maybe send your message to the right ML (or in the right language) will 
give more attention to your message :)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] GSoC End: signFinder

2009-08-20 Thread Martin Norbäck
 From: Erik Johansson [mailto:e...@kth.se]
 Sent: 19 August 2009 12:26
 To: Tijs Zwinkels
 Cc: talk@openstreetmap.org
 Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] GSoC End: signFinder

 Since this version can't be trained to handle white background signs, I
 wonder what color are streetname signs around the world?

 Netherlands white on blue
 Sweden black on white

Except for Gothenburg, where we have white on blue, and use even
number on the left side of the street. We do things differently here.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [OSM-talk-be] Mijn icoontjes?

2009-08-20 Thread Ben Laenen
Vincent MEURISSE wrote:
 On Thursday 20 August 2009 12:28:07 pm Ben Laenen wrote:
  Ach, dat is inderdaad niet erg consequent gedocumenteerd, maar wat die
  map features pagina ook zegt, voor alles van
  shop/amenity/sport/nog_een_paar dat je op een node kan zetten, kan je ook
  op een polygoon zetten, al dan niet samen met building=yes als het om de
  omtrek van een gebouw gaat. Zelf logisch nadenken gaat in dit geval boven
  de wiki.

 Oh yes ! I love apples too.

 But maybe send your message to the right ML (or in the right language) will
 give more attention to your message :)

Oops, yeah, I meant to send this to talk-be -- that happens if you have to 
reply to someone who didn't send his reply to the list:-)

Thanks for notifying

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [OSM-talk-be] Mijn icoontjes?

2009-08-20 Thread Mike Harris
Interesting discussion - I see the Dutch documentation has the same sort of
limitations as the English!

... But shouldn't this be in the Dutch discussion group?!

Mike Harris

-Original Message-
From: Ben Laenen [mailto:benlae...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 20 August 2009 11:28
To: filip wolters; talk@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] [OSM-talk-be] Mijn icoontjes?

filip wolters wrote:
 Neen, ik begrijp het niet meer.
 In onderstaande link zie je dat voor bv. een cinema alleen een node 
 kan gebruikt worden. En een plaats om een auto te huren kunnen zowel 
 met node als area gemaakt worden. Waar zit de logica en waar vind ik 
 een plaats waar alles goed beschreven staat hoe iets gemapt moet 
 worden, met welke gereedschappen.


Ach, dat is inderdaad niet erg consequent gedocumenteerd, maar wat die map
features pagina ook zegt, voor alles van shop/amenity/sport/nog_een_paar dat
je op een node kan zetten, kan je ook op een polygoon zetten, al dan niet
samen met building=yes als het om de omtrek van een gebouw gaat. Zelf
logisch nadenken gaat in dit geval boven de wiki.


wat is je probleem hiermee? Meeste relaties zijn toch goed gedocumenteerd op
de wiki.

 bus-node op of naast de weg

eeuwige discussie. Ik doe zelf naast de weg, anderen hebben een andere
Beide hebben een voordeel, maar het lijkt in OSM wel met alles meer af te
stevenen op een naast de weg.

 met of zonder relatie,

moesten alle buslijnen in OSM zitten, dan had elke halte de relaties van die
buslijnen. Maar het probleem zit hem dus in het feit dat we maar een heel
klein aantal buslijnen hebben zitten in OSM, dus de meeste haltes hebben op
dit moment geen relatie.

Of bedenk ik me nu: bedoel je een soort relatie met de weg waar de bushalte
zich bevindt zelf?

 welke features mogen gebruikt

alles mag gebruikt worden, inclusief niet goedgekeurde, eigen verzonnen
Als je iets de moeite vindt om te mappen, dan doe je dat gewoon

 en welke moeten nog goedgekeurd

Over wat we goedkeuring kunnen noemen, kunnen we ook nog wel een boompje
opzetten. Als je bang bent een tag te gebruiken die niet is goedgekeurd, dan
hoef je dat absoluut niet te zijn. Uiteindelijk zal wat vaak gebruikt wordt
de facto goedgekeurd zijn. Alleen ontbreekt het dus soms wel aan
Denk je in een situatie te zitten waarbij iemand anders toch zeker al iets
dergelijks moet gemapt hebben, maar je kan het niet vinden op de wiki,
probeer dan bijvoorbeeld eens door tagwatch te snuffelen.

 Je hoort het, de hele rimram. Nu is het een zoektocht door 
 verschillende sites, menu's, google hier google daar. Zowel de mapper 
 als diegene die de kaarten willen gebruiken worden afgeschrikt door 
 het ondoorzichtige van het geheel.

Dat is waar, maar niet bepaald snel op te lossen. OSM is nog erg jong en
moet daarin nog heel wat groeien. Bedenk dat nog geen twee-en-half jaar
geleden de kaart in Antwerpen er bijvoorbeeld zo uit zag: 
dan zie je wel hoe jong alles nog is. Dus geef het nog een beetje tijd.
Zoals vaak loopt documentatie altijd achter, want mappers zijn er nu eenmaal
meer dan mensen die ook documentatie neerpennen :-)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Business Building Conventions

2009-08-20 Thread Chris Hill

James Livingston wrote:

  On 20/08/2009, at 10:29 AM, Andrew Ayre wrote:
If I draw the outline of a strip mall (a connected string of shops)  
represents several businesses together. If I then put nodes on them  
give the nodes names Mapnik won't render the names unless they are
amenities. But not all businesses are amenities.

I'd say that you need to tag them as what they are. If they're shops,  
then use shop=*,  and if it's a company's office then we need to have  
a tag for that and add it to the renderers.


I think there might be a need for a business tag. Amenities and shops
are places Joe Public would visit, but in business
parks and industrial estates most buildings would not meet these
criteria so might only get a building tag at best.

The building tag could be a multiple value tag like building, so:
business=yes or
business=printer or
business=pr_consultant or
business=logistics or
business=medical_devices or

Choose business=yes and add a name tag if thats all you know, but add
business=whatever if you know more. The extra tags like telephone
numbers, website etc would give more details. This might (eventually)
give the basis for a business directory. Renderers would render
business=* generally with the name and some business types might get an
icon too.

Is it worth pursuing?

Cheers, Chris 

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] New Hi Vis Vests available

2009-08-20 Thread Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists)
I'll be in London for the AGM and later for our Anniversary get-together.

If anyone would like to purchase a new Hi-Viz OSM Surveyor vest please let
me know so that I can bring down the right quantity and size range.

They are available in Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large and the design is
exactly as before.

Cost is £10 each. Cash or cheque on the day or paypal to OSMF via the
donation page (please state Hi Viz Vest in the paypal section so they can be

For those who will not be attending on Saturday I'll email/wiki more details
on how you get hold of a vest next week so please don't respond with a
request to this email unless I will see you on Saturday.

We have 200 vests available and more can be ordered, so there are plenty to
go around.


Andy Robinson

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New Hi Vis Vests available

2009-08-20 Thread John Smith

--- On Thu, 20/8/09, Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists) ajrli...@googlemail.com 

 If anyone would like to purchase a new Hi-Viz OSM Surveyor
 vest please let

What do they look like?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New Hi Vis Vests available

2009-08-20 Thread Iván Sánchez Ortega
El Jueves, 20 de Agosto de 2009, John Smith escribió:
 --- On Thu, 20/8/09, Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists) 
ajrli...@googlemail.com wrote:
  If anyone would like to purchase a new Hi-Viz OSM Surveyor
  vest please let

 What do they look like?

IIRC, I talked to 80n and Andy about the hi-viz vests during SotM, and the 
idea was to re-use the existing photolithograph to print the new hi-viz 

So, they should look just like the old ones. I would like to see some photos 
of everybody in the AGM wearing the new ones, anyway :-)

Iván Sánchez Ortega i...@sanchezortega.es

Aviso: Este e-mail es confidencial y no debería ser usado por nadie que no sea 
el destinatario original. No se permite la reproducción mediante fotocopia, 
walkie-talkie, emisora de radioaficionado, satélite, televisión por cable, 
proyector, señales de humo, código morse, braille, lenguaje de signos, 
taquigrafía o cualquier otro medio. Bajo ningún concepto debe traducirse al 
francés este e-mail. Este e-mail no puede ser ridiculizado, parodiado, 
juzgado en una competición, o leído en voz alta con un acento gracioso 
llevando un bigote falso y/o cualquier tipo de sombrero, incluyendo pero no 
limitándose a pañuelos. No inciten ni provoquen a este e-mail. Si está 
medicándose, puede experimentar nauseas, desorientación, histeria, vómitos, 
pérdida temporal de la memoria a corto plazo y malestar general al leer este 
e-mail. Consulte a su médico o farmacéutico antes de leer este e-mail. Todas 
las modelos descritas en este e-mail son mayores de 18 años. Si ha recibido 
este e-mail por error es probablemente porque estaba borracho cuando escribí 
la dirección del destinatario.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Business Building Conventions

2009-08-20 Thread David Earl
On 20/08/2009 04:03, Andrew Ayre wrote:
 Roy Wallace wrote:
 If I draw the outline of a strip mall (a connected string of shops) this
 represents several businesses together. If I then put nodes on them and
 give the nodes names Mapnik won't render the names unless they are
 amenities. But not all businesses are amenities.
 However, if business names don't appear on the online maps which most 
 people will use, I'm not sure how good an investment of my time it is to 
   go around photographing buildings and adding the names. I want what I 
 do to benefit the most people.

IN such circumstances I use building=... or landuse=retail to outline 
the combined structure or area, and then use landuse=retail NODES within 
them to label each unit (I don't do it for everything, usually just the 
larger ones, but that's me being lazy rather than any particular principle).

The thing is, the Mapnik rendering does indeed render these (ditto 
landuse=industrial to pick out individual industrial units in an estate).


I think building=...+name=... is also rendered for building tags on 
nodes, though that's less appropriate in these circumstances. Useful 
though when you can't get or reasonably estimate the outline, but it's 
obviously second best.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Local Chapters Meeting Minutes WAS Re: Status of the Local Chapter working group

2009-08-20 Thread Nick Black
A quick reminder, there is a meeting scheduled for next Monday 24th to
discuss the Local Chapters.  There seems to be a lot of contention here
about what the right way to move forward is.  For example, many people feel
excluded by calls they can't participate in.
How about we take the approach that the License group have - anyone
interested can add comments to the Local Chapters agreement page and we can
discuss on the mailing list that is being set up for Local Chapters.  We
need a framework and dates though, otherwise Local Chapters will drift on
for another year :-( .

What I propose is that we set a date of the 18th September (4 weeks away) in
which we as a group of people interested in Local Chapters can discuss and
debate the way forward and then deliver a second draft of the agreement(s)
that will allow those Local Chapters who are ready to go to sign up and get

In the meantime, we'll mainly focus on textual commenting.  If we need phone
calls, we can arrange them as needed.

Does this sound like a good way forward?


On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 3:55 PM, John Smith delta_foxt...@yahoo.com wrote:

 --- On Thu, 20/8/09, John McKerrell j...@mckerrell.net wrote:

  Just a small observation but if conf calls aren't allowed
  then I think
  complaints that things move too slowly should also be

 I don't think any form of communication should be excluded, however
 decisions only based on conf calls is a different matter.

 talk mailing list

Nick Black
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] SOTM videos

2009-08-20 Thread Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists)
David Earl wrote:
Sent: 20 August 2009 1:31 PM
To: osm
Subject: [OSM-talk] SOTM videos

I'd like to be able to refer some people to the Surrey Heath DC
presentation (James Rutter) talk at SOTM. Any chance it could be
available any time soon?



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Local Chapters Meeting Minutes WAS Re: Status of the Local Chapter working group

2009-08-20 Thread John Smith
--- On Thu, 20/8/09, Nick Black nickbla...@gmail.com wrote:


Did a mailing list get sorted out?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New Hi Vis Vests available

2009-08-20 Thread Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists)

The front just has a very small version of same without the web address



-Original Message-
From: talk-boun...@openstreetmap.org [mailto:talk-
boun...@openstreetmap.org] On Behalf Of Iván Sánchez Ortega
Sent: 20 August 2009 12:59 PM
To: talk@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] New Hi Vis Vests available

El Jueves, 20 de Agosto de 2009, John Smith escribió:
 --- On Thu, 20/8/09, Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists)
ajrli...@googlemail.com wrote:
  If anyone would like to purchase a new Hi-Viz OSM Surveyor
  vest please let

 What do they look like?

IIRC, I talked to 80n and Andy about the hi-viz vests during SotM, and the
idea was to re-use the existing photolithograph to print the new hi-viz

So, they should look just like the old ones. I would like to see some
of everybody in the AGM wearing the new ones, anyway :-)

Iván Sánchez Ortega i...@sanchezortega.es

Aviso: Este e-mail es confidencial y no debería ser usado por nadie que no
el destinatario original. No se permite la reproducción mediante fotocopia,
walkie-talkie, emisora de radioaficionado, satélite, televisión por cable,
proyector, señales de humo, código morse, braille, lenguaje de signos,
taquigrafía o cualquier otro medio. Bajo ningún concepto debe traducirse al
francés este e-mail. Este e-mail no puede ser ridiculizado, parodiado,
juzgado en una competición, o leído en voz alta con un acento gracioso
llevando un bigote falso y/o cualquier tipo de sombrero, incluyendo pero no
limitándose a pañuelos. No inciten ni provoquen a este e-mail. Si está
medicándose, puede experimentar nauseas, desorientación, histeria, vómitos,
pérdida temporal de la memoria a corto plazo y malestar general al leer
e-mail. Consulte a su médico o farmacéutico antes de leer este e-mail.
las modelos descritas en este e-mail son mayores de 18 años. Si ha recibido
este e-mail por error es probablemente porque estaba borracho cuando
la dirección del destinatario.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Proposed features/wilderness mountain buildings

2009-08-20 Thread Dave G
I would be keen to hear any feedback on this:

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] SOTM videos

2009-08-20 Thread David Earl
I'd like to be able to refer some people to the Surrey Heath DC 
presentation (James Rutter) talk at SOTM. Any chance it could be 
available any time soon?


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Weather overlay

2009-08-20 Thread Peter Körner
Has anyone ever made an whether-overlay for openstreetmap using the 
Google [1] or the Yahoo API [2]? I think this would be possible with mapnik:
  * load a planet.osm into some kind of db (or process it in-place with 
a sax-parser)
  * find the regions with ZIP, PLZ or whatever
  * fetch the whether-info for these regions
  * add the regions to a/the postgis-db
  * let a renderd render the overlay-tiles using a stylesheet that only 
displays those whether-regions
  * server them using openlayers as an overlay

May i'll try this but I wanted to share the idea.


[1] http://www.google.com/ig/api?weather=londonhl=en
[2] http://developer.yahoo.com/weather/

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Lane turn restrictions

2009-08-20 Thread Peter Körner
Wmm why can't we say:

1L for the leftmost lane
2L for the second lane from left
1R for the rightmost lane

where left and right is seen in driving-direction. So then the 2 
rightmode lane seperates you can talk about 1R and 2R.


Yann Coupin schrieb:
 Plus what does inner mean on a oneway road? I think it's crucial that 
 lane 1 is either left or right depending uppon what is decided but that 
 it stays the same accross the world. It'll be unusable otherwise.
 I propose 1 is left because we start to write from the left. It's 
 completly arbitrary, but that way at least it follows a logic that stays 
 the same accross the channel :) And since the tags are in latin 
 characters, it's just to be consistent, not to ignore people writing in 
 arabic or hebrew (if people still take offense, I did my best not to ;)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Business Building Conventions

2009-08-20 Thread andrzej zaborowski

2009/8/20 Andrew Ayre a...@britishideas.com:
 Thanks. It's not tagging for the renderer, it's using the renderer to
 give me a hint that I might be doing things wrong.

 However, if business names don't appear on the online maps which most
 people will use, I'm not sure how good an investment of my time it is to
  go around photographing buildings and adding the names.

In other words it's tagging for the renderer ;)

 I want what I
 do to benefit the most people.

This is understandable, but right now people rarely benefit from OSM
data at all other than making statistics.  When it becomes more
complete and more popular everyone will have forgotten the current
mapnik style and there will be renders and other uses we're not
imagining now.

I guess when I map stuff there's a virtual user somewhere in my head
that tries to make use of my data and right now his main use case is
searching for stuff with all possible keywords (imagine what kind of
queries people type into google) and he wants to know the coordinates
and/or conact info.  He's also a programmer and sometimes he wants to
run some statistics or build a self navigating robot.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] San Francisco on The Register

2009-08-20 Thread David Earl
Happened to notice this

referring to:

There's a button to suggest other datasets/apps.

Curious thing is, there don't seem to be any maps on the site itself, 
only data sets. (Maybe they had the same discussion as we keep having 
about maps on our home page!)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Weather overlay

2009-08-20 Thread Tom Chance

On Thu, 20 Aug 2009 15:05:02 +0200, Peter Körner osm-li...@mazdermind.de
 Has anyone ever made an whether-overlay for openstreetmap using the 
 Google [1] or the Yahoo API [2]? 

Probably not exactly what you're after, but you might find this

Marble can be downloaded for Windows, Mac and Linux.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - incline up down

2009-08-20 Thread Tobias Knerr
Proposal for tagging the general direction of a way as incline=up/down:


talk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Summary of Meeting with OSMF Counsel ...

2009-08-20 Thread zerebubuth
I've shared a document with you:

Summary of Meeting with OSMF Counsel ...

It's not an attachment -- it's stored online at Google Docs. To open this  
document, just click the link above.

hi LWG  80n,

i've written up some notes from the meeting with Clark in this document. it  
would be of greatly appreciated if you could have a quick look and make  
comments, either in the document or back via email.

i hope to send this to the legal-talk mailing list next week to help wider  



legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Summary of Meeting with OSMF Counsel ...

2009-08-20 Thread Matt Amos
On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 3:11 PM, zerebub...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've shared a document with you:

 Summary of Meeting with OSMF Counsel ...

 It's not an attachment -- it's stored online at Google Docs. To open this
 document, just click the link above.

 hi LWG  80n,

 i've written up some notes from the meeting with Clark in this document. it
 would be of greatly appreciated if you could have a quick look and make
 comments, either in the document or back via email.

 i hope to send this to the legal-talk mailing list next week to help wider




oh well - any comments would still be very much appreciated ;-)



legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Business Building Conventions

2009-08-20 Thread Peter Körner

 The building tag could be a multiple value tag like building, so:
  business=yes or
  business=printer or
  business=pr_consultant or
  business=logistics or
  business=medical_devices or

If it's a building use

if it's a business-building use

if you know what business it is, add

see http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Building


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Business Building Conventions

2009-08-20 Thread Dermot McNally
2009/8/20 David Earl da...@frankieandshadow.com:

 IN such circumstances I use building=... or landuse=retail to outline
 the combined structure or area, and then use landuse=retail NODES within
 them to label each unit (I don't do it for everything, usually just the
 larger ones, but that's me being lazy rather than any particular principle).

The thing is, Map Features doesn't acknowledge landuse as being valid
on nodes. Obviously we're free to extend tagging schemes as we see
fit, but the very name landuse seems to me ill-suited to a node


Iren sind menschlich

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Business Building Conventions

2009-08-20 Thread Peter Körner
 IN such circumstances I use building=... or landuse=retail to outline 
 the combined structure or area, and then use landuse=retail NODES within 
 them to label each unit

How can a node be of any landuse - it's no land, just a 0-dimensional 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Business Building Conventions

2009-08-20 Thread David Earl
On 20/08/2009 15:27, Peter Körner wrote:
 IN such circumstances I use building=... or landuse=retail to outline 
 the combined structure or area, and then use landuse=retail NODES 
 within them to label each unit
 How can a node be of any landuse - it's no land, just a 0-dimensional 

You're reading too much into the word, as so often happens with tags IMO.

Very often nodes are used as place-holders for more complete data later. 
Churches, for example, are often large structures but most are 
represented by nodes.

As for Map features, so what? In the absence of any formal spec for OSM 
and a vehement camp that strongly believes there shouldn't be a spec, 
the renderers are king.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Business Building Conventions

2009-08-20 Thread David Earl
On 20/08/2009 15:30, David Earl wrote:
 On 20/08/2009 15:27, Peter Körner wrote:
 IN such circumstances I use building=... or landuse=retail to outline 
 the combined structure or area, and then use landuse=retail NODES 
 within them to label each unit

 How can a node be of any landuse - it's no land, just a 
 0-dimensional point..
 You're reading too much into the word, as so often happens with tags IMO.
 Very often nodes are used as place-holders for more complete data later. 
 Churches, for example, are often large structures but most are 
 represented by nodes.

Oh, and one more thing: consider place=locality, a very useful tag. 
Clearly such nodes refer to areas, often large and substantial areas, 
yet to represent them as areas might often be very difficult as, 
depending on the nature of the feature, they don't necessarily have 
edges or firm boundaries you can map with an area, they often tend to be 
fuzzy concepts. Fordham Moor in Cambridgeshire was one such I came 
across recently (it's not a moor in the conventional sense BTW):


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Weather overlay

2009-08-20 Thread Rob
maybe you could skip the complete db and make a dynamic kml layer (by using
a php file that outputs xml) in openlayers


2009/8/20 Peter Körner osm-li...@mazdermind.de

 Has anyone ever made an whether-overlay for openstreetmap using the
 Google [1] or the Yahoo API [2]? I think this would be possible with
  * load a planet.osm into some kind of db (or process it in-place with
 a sax-parser)
  * find the regions with ZIP, PLZ or whatever
  * fetch the whether-info for these regions
  * add the regions to a/the postgis-db
  * let a renderd render the overlay-tiles using a stylesheet that only
 displays those whether-regions
  * server them using openlayers as an overlay

 May i'll try this but I wanted to share the idea.


 [1] http://www.google.com/ig/api?weather=londonhl=en
 [2] http://developer.yahoo.com/weather/

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] GSoC End: signFinder

2009-08-20 Thread Jonas Häggqvist
Mike Harris wrote:
 UK - usually black on white. 

Denmark - New signs White on Blue. Old signs red on white.

At least in these parts. I don't know if there's regulation in the area.

Jonas Häggqvist

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Weather overlay

2009-08-20 Thread John Smith

--- On Fri, 21/8/09, Rob r...@coolbegin.com wrote:

 maybe you could skip the complete db and
 make a dynamic kml layer (by using a php file that outputs
 xml) in openlayers

Any suggestions on exporting admin boundaries from a database to kml format?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - incline up down

2009-08-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2009/8/20 Tobias Knerr o...@tobias-knerr.de:
 Proposal for tagging the general direction of a way as incline=up/down:


I personally use the direction of way for steps in the (architectural)
standard way that the way point upwards, i.e. the bottom of the steps
is the beginning of the steps-way and the top the end. If we could
agree to this general definition a separate incline-tag would not be


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] GSoC End: signFinder

2009-08-20 Thread Łukasz Jernaś
Poland, Greater Poland :
White on blue and black on white. It can be different even in the same city...


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Lane turn restrictions

2009-08-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2009/8/20 Peter Körner osm-li...@mazdermind.de:
 Wmm why can't we say:

 1L for the leftmost lane
 2L for the second lane from left
 1R for the rightmost lane

 where left and right is seen in driving-direction. So then the 2
 rightmode lane seperates you can talk about 1R and 2R.

I'm opposing this approach of just tagging different lanes to one way
as this gets too complicated in complex situations (I know situations
with more than 18 lanes). I'd prefer to get to a
map-all-lanes-and-dividers-as-separate-ways-approach and then
recombine them with a relation, describing the possible changing from
one lane to the other (possible-all-time, possible but legally
prohibited, divider height=0.2m / 2m (Kerb/wall, whatever), green).
This spacial representation would also allow to positionate
additional objects at their actual spacial location (e.g.
traffic-lights, bollards, speed-cams, guard-rails, lower kerbs,
sculptures, trees, traffic-signs, benches, etc.)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] SOTM videos

2009-08-20 Thread Mikel Maron

that presentation was amazing, and could have a huge impact on OSM use in 

From: David Earl da...@frankieandshadow.com
To: osm talk@openstreetmap.org
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 5:30:41 AM
Subject: [OSM-talk] SOTM videos

I'd like to be able to refer some people to the Surrey Heath DC 
presentation (James Rutter) talk at SOTM. Any chance it could be 
available any time soon?


talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Weather overlay

2009-08-20 Thread Peter Körner

 Any suggestions on exporting admin boundaries from a database to kml format?

If you have some kind of database anyway (e.g. postgis for 
mapnik-rendering on cassini, it shouldn't be the problem. You may also 
try query2map [1]. If none of this works for you, you may consider 
processing a planet.osm.bz2 with a sax-parser. See [2] for an example.

[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Query-to-map


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Business Building Conventions

2009-08-20 Thread Dermot McNally
2009/8/20 David Earl da...@frankieandshadow.com:

 Oh, and one more thing: consider place=locality, a very useful tag.
 Clearly such nodes refer to areas, often large and substantial areas,
 yet to represent them as areas might often be very difficult as,
 depending on the nature of the feature, they don't necessarily have
 edges or firm boundaries you can map with an area, they often tend to be
 fuzzy concepts. Fordham Moor in Cambridgeshire was one such I came
 across recently (it's not a moor in the conventional sense BTW):

I see where you're going with this (and with the church example) and I
agree up as far as you've taken it. The difference IMHO is that these
are two cases where you would draw a polygon if only you knew the
correct extent. Whereas I'm not convinced that you would want to give
each separate shop in a mall its own private landuse=retail area. I
would instead apply a single landuse=retail polygon around the entire
mall complex (including access roads and parking) and tag individual
buildings as shops and buildings. The shops, of course, _can_
(according to Map Features facism) be validly represented as nodes.


Iren sind menschlich

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Fwd: my JOSM 1981 + wmsplugin does not work :(

2009-08-20 Thread PB
I recently upgraded my JOSM on Mac OS X to version 1981 and the
wmsplugin does not work any more. I have not changed nothing in my
previous WMS configuration and I only get red tiles=exceptions now.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Business Building Conventions (new branch)

2009-08-20 Thread Hillsman, Edward
On 20/08/2009 04:53, David Earl wrote:

On 20/08/2009 04:03, Andrew Ayre wrote:
 Roy Wallace wrote:
 If I draw the outline of a strip mall (a connected string of shops)
 represents several businesses together. If I then put nodes on them
 give the nodes names Mapnik won't render the names unless they are
 amenities. But not all businesses are amenities.
 However, if business names don't appear on the online maps which most

 people will use, I'm not sure how good an investment of my time it is
   go around photographing buildings and adding the names. I want what
 do to benefit the most people.

IN such circumstances I use building=... or landuse=retail to outline 
the combined structure or area, and then use landuse=retail NODES
them to label each unit (I don't do it for everything, usually just the

larger ones, but that's me being lazy rather than any particular

The thing is, the Mapnik rendering does indeed render these (ditto 
landuse=industrial to pick out individual industrial units in an


I think building=...+name=... is also rendered for building tags on 
nodes, though that's less appropriate in these circumstances. Useful 
though when you can't get or reasonably estimate the outline, but it's 
obviously second best.


Thank you all for this discussion. It has been very helpful to me
(living and mapping in a city full of strip malls). I concur that a way
to tag offices would be helpful.

Since this has been so helpful, I'd like to ask for advice on another
question. In an urban/suburban setting (Tampa, Florida, US), where
sidewalks are discontinuous (some blocks have them on both sides, some
blocks only on one, some on neither), what is the preferred way to map
and tag this? I have been tracing the actual sidewalks onto the map, but
I have recently discovered that it is possible to tag streets to add
footway=left or right or both, with the implication that if there is
no footway tag then there are no footways. Anyway, I would appreciate
comments and suggestions on the best way to handle this, especially in
the car-centric environment here.

Ed Hillsman

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Moving Map Application for eeebuntu

2009-08-20 Thread Marc Coevoet

I 've a GPS USB dongle from Gisteq, and it works ok with roadnav.sf.net 
(this app is for navigation in US - you need to give a US state as part 
of destination ...),
http://users.fulladsl.be/~spb13810/research/gisteqLivingRoadnav.png  (10 
sats in my living room..)

I'm looking for a moving maps application, that uses geotiffs as 
background...  Something like ttmpas, but for linux PCs..

The thing is I've got some tiffs (30% of Belguim), and I might be 
looking for more...

See an example:  border between France and Belgium, coast to Lille/Rijsel.

Thanks !

Shortwave transmissions in English, Francais, Deutsch, Suid-Afrikaans, Urdu, 
Cantonese, Greek, Spanish, Portuguese, ...
Stations list: http://users.fulladsl.be/spb13810/radio/txlist/

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] SOTM videos

2009-08-20 Thread Michael Kugelmann
Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists) wrote:
 David Earl wrote:
 Any chance it could be available any time soon?
This would als help the people who have not been able to join, to get 
more information what was going on there. This would provide more 
transparency about OSM and the OSMF to wider public.

I know the work is done by volunteers.
But to have some professionalism in the poject and for the wish of 
gaining some reputaion for the SOTM [1] it would be very good not to run 
into the same disaster as with the SOTM08 videos
Looking at another conference, the yearly Chaos Communication Congress 
at Berlin: they provide videos from every talk in good quality [2]... 
This should be a possitive example for the SOTM.

Best regards,

add [1] and not to have the conference regarded as a meeting of some 
add [2] IIRC they provide the viodeos even in different 
formats/resolutions = different file sizes

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Business Building Conventions (new branch)

2009-08-20 Thread Mike N.
 Since this has been so helpful, I'd like to ask for advice on another
 question. In an urban/suburban setting (Tampa, Florida, US), where
 sidewalks are discontinuous (some blocks have them on both sides, some
 blocks only on one, some on neither), what is the preferred way to map
 and tag this? I have been tracing the actual sidewalks onto the map, but
 I have recently discovered that it is possible to tag streets to add
 footway=left or right or both, with the implication that if there is
 no footway tag then there are no footways.

   It would be better to attach the footway / sidewalk information to the 
associated street / highway - this won't render today, but may in the 
future.   I have been using the 'sidewalk' tag, because that was the first 
proposed feature I found at the time.   That all may be sorted out in the 
future, and hopefully someone can automatically set these to the final 

  That sort of information is useful in the US because there are areas and 
eras of construction in which sidewalks were 'in', then 'out', now they're 
back 'in'.   So one could envision a quick reference for 'neighborhoods with 

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Lane turn restrictions

2009-08-20 Thread Apollinaris Schoell

On Aug 20, 2009, at 7:56 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

 2009/8/20 Peter Körner osm-li...@mazdermind.de:
 Wmm why can't we say:

 1L for the leftmost lane
 2L for the second lane from left
 1R for the rightmost lane

 where left and right is seen in driving-direction. So then the 2
 rightmode lane seperates you can talk about 1R and 2R.

 I'm opposing this approach of just tagging different lanes to one way
 as this gets too complicated in complex situations (I know situations
 with more than 18 lanes). I'd prefer to get to a
 map-all-lanes-and-dividers-as-separate-ways-approach and then
 recombine them with a relation, describing the possible changing from
 one lane to the other (possible-all-time, possible but legally
 prohibited, divider height=0.2m / 2m (Kerb/wall, whatever), green).
 This spacial representation would also allow to positionate
 additional objects at their actual spacial location (e.g.
 traffic-lights, bollards, speed-cams, guard-rails, lower kerbs,
 sculptures, trees, traffic-signs, benches, etc.)

how could you do this practically? aligning 18 lanes as individual  
ways is impossible in the current data model and editors.
agree that ways with dividers should be separate ways because routing  
must know crossing is not allowed. adding this info to any lane  
concept will make it too complicated
as soon as crossing is allowed all lanes can be modeled with any multi  
lane numbering scheme. having them as separate ways is wrong then  
because routing will not work for lane changes.


 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Fwd: my JOSM 1981 + wmsplugin does not work :(

2009-08-20 Thread Peter Körner
Hi PB,

you're wrong here. Go to josm ticket-system [1] and search for a ticket. 
If you're unable to find one, describing your problem, ask at the 
josm-dev list [2] or, if you're really sure that this is a bug (all 
components up2date and still happening), open a new ticket at [1].

Good luck!


[1] http://josm.openstreetmap.de/
[2] http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/josm-dev

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Fwd: my JOSM 1981 + wmsplugin does not work :(

2009-08-20 Thread Apollinaris Schoell
There was a major change. you need to upgrade the plugin and the  
settings for yahoo.

these are my current settings and they work on Mac OS

wmsplugin.url.3.name=Terraserver Topo
wmsplugin.url.4.name=Terraserver Urban
wmsplugin.url.6.name=Yahoo Sat

On Aug 20, 2009, at 8:50 AM, PB wrote:

 I recently upgraded my JOSM on Mac OS X to version 1981 and the
 wmsplugin does not work any more. I have not changed nothing in my
 previous WMS configuration and I only get red tiles=exceptions now.

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] SOTM videos

2009-08-20 Thread Martijn van Exel
I've forwarded the request for this video to my colleague who is
taking care of the conversion and uploading.

martijn van exel
twitter / skype: mvexel
flickr: rhodes

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 7:16 PM, Michael Kugelmannmichaelk_...@gmx.de wrote:
 Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists) wrote:
 David Earl wrote:

 Any chance it could be available any time soon?


 This would als help the people who have not been able to join, to get
 more information what was going on there. This would provide more
 transparency about OSM and the OSMF to wider public.

 I know the work is done by volunteers.
 But to have some professionalism in the poject and for the wish of
 gaining some reputaion for the SOTM [1] it would be very good not to run
 into the same disaster as with the SOTM08 videos
 Looking at another conference, the yearly Chaos Communication Congress
 at Berlin: they provide videos from every talk in good quality [2]...
 This should be a possitive example for the SOTM.

 Best regards,

 add [1] and not to have the conference regarded as a meeting of some
 add [2] IIRC they provide the viodeos even in different
 formats/resolutions = different file sizes

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Lane turn restrictions

2009-08-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2009/8/20 Apollinaris Schoell ascho...@gmail.com:
 how could you do this practically? aligning 18 lanes as individual
 ways is impossible in the current data model and editors.

Why? It's very possible: just do it.

Btw: I's not 18 lanes, but
so I was not just counting the lanes but also the dividers (and it's
more than 18).

Currently that's different ways (because of the dividers) with
lanes=3, lanes=2, etc., which does somehow work, but not represent
well the situation at junctions.

 agree that ways with dividers should be separate ways because routing
 must know crossing is not allowed. adding this info to any lane
 concept will make it too complicated

Yes, but maybe you got me wrong: I suggested to draw and tag the
dividers as well.

 as soon as crossing is allowed all lanes can be modeled with any multi
 lane numbering scheme.
 having them as separate ways is wrong then
 because routing will not work for lane changes.

that what exactly my point: It _will_ be possible with this kind of
relation, that indicates, where you can cross. This is IMHO necessary
e.g. for motorway-ramps, separately mapped pavements and cycleways,


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] SOTM videos

2009-08-20 Thread David Earl
On 20/08/2009 19:22, Martijn van Exel wrote:
 I've forwarded the request for this video to my colleague who is
 taking care of the conversion and uploading.

Matt Williams pointed out to me that it actually *is* there, but it 
wasn't obvious because it's got the wrong title at the start - it's 
duplicated from the Traveline one, so I hadn't realised it was the one I 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Lane turn restrictions

2009-08-20 Thread Apollinaris Schoell
then we are closer as I thought. still mapping multiple parallel lanes  
with multiple lines is too difficult. consider a bestcase accuracy of  
+/- 2-3m with handheld gps and current areal pics.
this is the size of a typical car lane.  aligning many smaller  
structures is just magic guessing.
therefore I wouldn't go so far to map dividers itself as they are in  
99% aligned with the highway instead add an attribute
for a cycle lane separated by a drawn line the current cycleway=lane  
is good enough too.
is there any application or use case where you need such tiny details?

On Aug 20, 2009, at 12:23 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

 2009/8/20 Apollinaris Schoell ascho...@gmail.com:
 how could you do this practically? aligning 18 lanes as individual
 ways is impossible in the current data model and editors.

 Why? It's very possible: just do it.

 Btw: I's not 18 lanes, but
 so I was not just counting the lanes but also the dividers (and it's
 more than 18).

 Currently that's different ways (because of the dividers) with
 lanes=3, lanes=2, etc., which does somehow work, but not represent
 well the situation at junctions.

 agree that ways with dividers should be separate ways because routing
 must know crossing is not allowed. adding this info to any lane
 concept will make it too complicated

 Yes, but maybe you got me wrong: I suggested to draw and tag the
 dividers as well.

 as soon as crossing is allowed all lanes can be modeled with any  
 lane numbering scheme.
 having them as separate ways is wrong then
 because routing will not work for lane changes.

 that what exactly my point: It _will_ be possible with this kind of
 relation, that indicates, where you can cross. This is IMHO necessary
 e.g. for motorway-ramps, separately mapped pavements and cycleways,


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Fwd: my JOSM 1981 + wmsplugin does not work :(

2009-08-20 Thread hanoj
other easy:
Now all WMS address in WMSplugin ends with character ? or .




2009/8/20 Apollinaris Schoell ascho...@gmail.com:
 There was a major change. you need to upgrade the plugin and the
 settings for yahoo.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Lane turn restrictions

2009-08-20 Thread Tobias Knerr
Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
 I'm opposing this approach of just tagging different lanes to one way
 as this gets too complicated in complex situations (I know situations
 with more than 18 lanes). I'd prefer to get to a
 map-all-lanes-and-dividers-as-separate-ways-approach and then
 recombine them with a relation

Which is too complicated in simple situations. Maybe one approach fits
all just doesn't work.

Honestly, I don't think any solution that /requires/ lanes to be mapped
as ways can be successful, it will cause significant additional work
when it comes to junctions, to moving ways and other editing operations.
Neither do I think mappers should be required to use relations for
simple cases.

To me, the most sensible solution would be one that allows
representation by a single way with the highway tags and several tags
referring to individual lanes (in a way that doesn't even require you to
add all lanes - you might only be interested in adding some detail to
that cycle lane, for example). At the same time, the solution might
offer the /option/ to split lanes off the collective highway (i.e. map
them as own ways) and link them to the highway using a single relation
as well.

I believe it fits the project's general spirit to allow mappers to
choose their level of detail (and other mappers to increase it if they
are ready to invest the time). Lod steps could be described as

1. road without lane detail
2. road with partial lane data (think cycleway=lane)
3. road with full lane data, but no lane geometry
4. road with full lane data and partial lane geometry (e.g. individual
ways only for pavements and bicycle lane, but not for the perfectly
parallel car lanes)
5. road with full lane data and geometry

Allowing only separate ways would take away the choices #3 and #4 and
limit #2 to the sort of tags we already use (i.e. no proper ordering, no
sub-tags for lanes).

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] wikipedia - english

2009-08-20 Thread Liz
I'm looking to implant some OSM maps into Wikipedia, but I need some examples 
of their wiki editing style so I don't get my edits rubbed out by the style 

Could people please advise me of wikipedia pages with OSM maps so I can view 
the style of the pages?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Business Building Conventions

2009-08-20 Thread Roy Wallace
On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 12:30 AM, David Earlda...@frankieandshadow.com wrote:
 On 20/08/2009 15:27, Peter Körner wrote:
 IN such circumstances I use building=... or landuse=retail to outline
 the combined structure or area, and then use landuse=retail NODES
 within them to label each unit

 How can a node be of any landuse - it's no land, just a 0-dimensional

 You're reading too much into the word, as so often happens with tags IMO.

 Very often nodes are used as place-holders for more complete data later.
 Churches, for example, are often large structures but most are
 represented by nodes.

But a church is still tagged as a church. This is not the same as
tagging a business as a landuse node.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - incline up down

2009-08-20 Thread Roy Wallace
On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 12:45 AM, Martin
Koppenhoeferdieterdre...@gmail.com wrote:
 2009/8/20 Tobias Knerr o...@tobias-knerr.de:
 Proposal for tagging the general direction of a way as incline=up/down:


 I personally use the direction of way for steps in the (architectural)
 standard way that the way point upwards, i.e. the bottom of the steps
 is the beginning of the steps-way and the top the end. If we could
 agree to this general definition a separate incline-tag would not be

What about a one-way way that points downhill? For this, incline=* is
useful. It's also more explicit.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Lane turn restrictions

2009-08-20 Thread Aun Johnsen (via Webmail)
On Fri, 21 Aug 2009 07:48:18 +1000, Roy Wallace waldo000...@gmail.com
 On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 6:11 AM, Tobias Knerro...@tobias-knerr.de wrote:

 I believe it fits the project's general spirit to allow mappers to
 choose their level of detail (and other mappers to increase it if they
 are ready to invest the time).
 Lod steps could be described as

 1. road without lane detail
 2. road with partial lane data (think cycleway=lane)
 3. road with full lane data, but no lane geometry
 4. road with full lane data and partial lane geometry (e.g. individual
 ways only for pavements and bicycle lane, but not for the perfectly
 parallel car lanes)
 5. road with full lane data and geometry
 So, the question becomes, which of the above are already achievable/in
 use with existing tags, which are in proposal stage, which need new
 And then back to the question, how to model LTR (lane turn
 restrictions) for ways with each of the above LOD's (level of detail).
 Obviously at least LOD 2 will be required. But we may find that it's
 only possible to model LTRs simply for ways with LOD 3 or above.
As I see it, the tag lane=* can give enough information to how to number
the lanes, if there are 3 lanes in the same direction number them 1 - 3
Left to Right. A lane turn restriction should be able to use these numbers
in the roles in some way, and continue to work the same way as normal turn

member=someway1 role=from.1 (from lane 1)
member=someway2 role=to.3 (into lane 3 of the other way)
member=somenode role=via (the intersection)

This approach shouldn't require too much complications for rendering,
routing, and so on. An editor might even be able to check if the lane
exists (with lane=* tag) in the to and from members.

For the example previously in this thread, I think some grouping can be
done, such as all lanes between two physical dividers should be tagged as
one way, and all physical barriers that have a sensible tag should be
tagged as such. A small curb and such barriers should not be tagged, but
putting two highway=primary + oneway=yes in same direction parallel would
indicate something like that. When such models becomes complicated,
intersections needs to be grouped in special ways, maybe an intersection
relation or an area tag?

Aun Johnsen
via Webmail

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] wikipedia - english

2009-08-20 Thread Jonathan Bennett
Liz wrote:
 I'm looking to implant some OSM maps into Wikipedia, but I need some examples 
 of their wiki editing style so I don't get my edits rubbed out by the style 

 Could people please advise me of wikipedia pages with OSM maps so I can view 
 the style of the pages?




talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - incline up down

2009-08-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2009/8/20 Roy Wallace waldo000...@gmail.com:
 I personally use the direction of way for steps ...

 What about a one-way way that points downhill? For this, incline=* is
 useful. It's also more explicit.

for ways it is indeed a plus. I was referring just to steps.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - incline up down

2009-08-20 Thread Aun Johnsen (via Webmail)
On Fri, 21 Aug 2009 01:54:23 +0200, Martin Koppenhoefer
dieterdre...@gmail.com wrote:
 2009/8/20 Roy Wallace waldo000...@gmail.com:
 I personally use the direction of way for steps ...

 What about a one-way way that points downhill? For this, incline=* is
 useful. It's also more explicit.
 for ways it is indeed a plus. I was referring just to steps.
 talk mailing list
incline should hold a numeric value, to indicate how steep it is, positive
value is up, and negative is down, if steepness isn't trivial, leave it
out. If you just want to render a steep road sign, why not find out
(roughly) how steep the incline is, and tag it with that numeric value?

Aun Johnsen
via Webmail

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - incline up down

2009-08-20 Thread Roy Wallace
On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 10:36 AM, Aun Johnsen (via
Webmail)skipp...@gimnechiske.org wrote:

 incline should hold a numeric value, to indicate how steep it is, positive
 value is up, and negative is down, if steepness isn't trivial, leave it
 out. If you just want to render a steep road sign, why not find out
 (roughly) how steep the incline is, and tag it with that numeric value?

Yeah, numeric value is better, but up/down is better than nothing. I
think both should be allowed and within the scope of the proposal.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - incline up down

2009-08-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2009/8/21 Roy Wallace waldo000...@gmail.com:
 On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 10:36 AM, Aun Johnsen (via
 Webmail)skipp...@gimnechiske.org wrote:

 incline should hold a numeric value, to indicate how steep it is, positive
 value is up, and negative is down, if steepness isn't trivial, leave it
 out. If you just want to render a steep road sign, why not find out
 (roughly) how steep the incline is, and tag it with that numeric value?

 Yeah, numeric value is better, but up/down is better than nothing. I
 think both should be allowed and within the scope of the proposal.

if you already have good elevation data you can also tag the nodes with ele=xy
(but nodes can always be moved, so this data might not be most reliable).


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] wikipedia - english

2009-08-20 Thread Lars Aronsson
Liz wrote:

 I'm looking to implant some OSM maps into Wikipedia, but I need 
 some examples

You should upload your maps to Wikimedia Commons, from where they 
can be used in all languages of Wikipedia.  Place the uploaded 
images (PNG or SVG) in the category 

In that category, you will already find over 500 map images.  If 
you click on, for example, 

then there should be a check usage tab at the top of the page, 
that will list Wikipedia pages that use that particular map.

  Lars Aronsson (l...@aronsson.se)
  Aronsson Datateknik - http://aronsson.se

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Twitter bots

2009-08-20 Thread Andrew Ayre
Alexander Klink wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 This weekend, I hacked together a quick twitter bot,
 which now tweets all changesets in a certain are (in
 my case, Darmstadt, Germany) - see http://twitter.com/osm_darmstadt
 I've found it quite useful thus far, on the one hand I write
 better changeset comments, because I know they will be on
 Twitter, on the other hand, I see what happens in my community.
 If you want to run a similar bot, you can find the source
 at http://git.alech.de/?p=osm_twitter_bots.git
 Alternatively, I can add a bit of code to run more than
 one bot at a time and run a few of them for you (until I
 hit the Twitter API limits), I'd only need a name and a
 bounding box for that.

I've set up two for the areas I am interested in:



I'll add links to these on the wiki pages for these areas.


PGP Key ID: 0xDC1B5864

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Google Summer of Code 2009 - signFinder.

2009-08-20 Thread Sebastiaan Lampo

klinkt fantastisch. Als volgende projectje

Zou dit ook met paaltjes voor bushaltes kunnen?
Ik ben bezig om de bushaltes in Gent, Belgie in te voeren in OSM. Telkens in
mijn dictafoon inspreken wat de haltenaam is blijft echter omslachtig. Als
ik er een foto van kan nemen dan hebben we

- naam van de halte
- referentienummer van de bushalte
- tariferingszone
Voorbeeldschema: http://www.gentbrugge.be/Info/DeLijn/DeLijn5.htm

moeilijkheden: hier staat wel meer dan 1 stuk tekst op.
- het referentiebord is steeds hetzelfde
- de tekst voor elk van de bovenstaande velden staat steeds op dezelfde
plaats binnen het referentiekader
- referentienummer zijn minder mogelijke karakters, want is steeds numeriek.

ik kan mijn foto's voorzien van GPS coordinaten, maar niet van een richting.

Als je interesse hebt dan zet ik wel wat foto's online.
Hartelijk bedankt!



2009/8/19 Henk Hoff toffeh...@gmail.com


 Henk Hoff

 Op 19 augustus 2009 09:17 schreef Lambertus (o...@na1400.info) het
  Tijs, het lijkt me een prima geslaagde GSOC voor jou en OSM. Een dikke
  pluim en hartelijk bedankt voor je werk!
  We komen jou nog wel eens tegen bij OSM meetings denk ik :-)

 Talk-nl mailing list

Talk-nl mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] Tonen plaatsnamen op lagere zoom-levels

2009-08-20 Thread Frank Fesevur

Het valt mij op dat er onverwachte plaatsnamen getoond worden als het
zoomlevel lager wordt:


Bij Zoetermeer en Pijnacker staat geen plaatsnaam, maar voor Haagoord
of Noukoop worden wel teksten geplaatst. Veel van deze kleine namen
zijn volgens mij niets echte plaatsen.

Iemand enig idee hoe dit op te lossen?


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Google Summer of Code 2009 - signFinder.

2009-08-20 Thread Stefan de Konink
Hash: SHA512

Sebastiaan Lampo schreef:
 Zou dit ook met paaltjes voor bushaltes kunnen?

Jup. Maar dan komen we weer in het verkeersborden domein. En lezen vanaf
bushalte paaltjes lijkt me niet ideaal.

 ik kan mijn foto's voorzien van GPS coordinaten, maar niet van een richting.
 Als je interesse hebt dan zet ik wel wat foto's online.

Gewoon uploaden op openstreetphoto, kijken we er wel naar :)

Version: GnuPG v2.0.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Tagging Vuelta wielerronde

2009-08-20 Thread Floris Looijesteijn
Dag Henk,

Is dat een eenmalig iets? Of wordt die route vaker gebruikt?
Een eenmalig wielerronde lijkt me toch niet echt iets voor in de hoofd OSM
database. Anders kan ik ook wel al m'n wandeltochten en hardlooprondjes
gaan mappen.


Henk Hoff wrote:
 Ik ben bezig om de verschillende etappes van de Vuelta die in NL
 worden gereden volgend weekend, in een relatie weer te geven.  Ik
 vraag me even af hoe ik deze het best kan taggen. Ik heb 'm nu als een
 regionaal fietsroute getagd. Iemand een betere oplossing?


 Zoals je ziet zit nu alleen de eerste helft van de 1e etape in kaart

 Henk H.

 Talk-nl mailing list

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Tagging Vuelta wielerronde

2009-08-20 Thread Lambertus

On Thu, 20 Aug 2009 21:03:01 +0200, Ben Laenen benlae...@gmail.com wrote:
 Henk Hoff wrote:
 Ik ben bezig om de verschillende etappes van de Vuelta die in NL
 worden gereden volgend weekend, in een relatie weer te geven.  Ik
 vraag me even af hoe ik deze het best kan taggen. Ik heb 'm nu als een
 regionaal fietsroute getagd. Iemand een betere oplossing?
 Ze niet mappen in OSM? De routes die gemapt worden in OSM zijn de niet-
 tijdelijk bewegwijzerde routes, ik zie dan ook niet hoe je de route van
 Vuelta hebt kunnen mappen zonder naar een andere kaart te kijken?
Tijdelijke zaken worden wel vaker in de OSM database opgeslagen, zoals
wegwerkzaamheden (omleidingen), een enorm festival in een woestijn,
construction sites. Een relatie die over een paar weken weer gedelete wordt
kan in dat opzicht niet zoveel kwaad. Daarentegen, dit soort specialty maps
worden meestal wel vanut een aparte database gerenderd.

Wat betreft de route bron: Henk zal wel contact gehad heeft met de Fuelta
leiding. Ik kan me niet indenken dat een OSMF board member aan copyright
schendingen zou doen.

Talk-nl mailing list

[talk-au] List of route=road relations

2009-08-20 Thread John Smith
I did a quick SQL query to find what named route=road relations exist, in the 
interest of saving people from duplicating things:

named routes: http://maps.bigtincan.com/tagwatch/road-relations.php
ref routes: http://maps.bigtincan.com/tagwatch/ref-relations.php

If a route has a ref and a name it will appear on both pages.

You can load the relation straight into potlatch/JOSM from the page.


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] I've been trying to fix the highway shields and came across this....

2009-08-20 Thread John Smith
I finally figured out that when it's type=route, osm2pgsql changes the field 
name to route_name so I've updated the database and configs to show route_name. 
In the example below, the ways are tagged with local street names, but the 
highway has no name or ref, but instead the highway name and ref is pulled from 
the relation information.


Also I've set the config to render relation names after local street names so 
that way highways don't clobber local names.


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Question about route numbers

2009-08-20 Thread Liz
On Thu, 20 Aug 2009, Mark Pulley wrote:
 1. When should I start using Alphanumeric numbers? For an example, the  
 Mid Western Highway between Bathurst and Cowra is currently NH24, but  
 some signs have shown A41 (now coverplated over by NH24). Should I use  
 the new A41 or the current NH24?


 For another example, when in Dubbo last weekend on the Mitchell  
 Highway, I spotted A32 on one intersection only, all the others still  
 showing NH32.

I did mark those as ref= and old_ref=
for example at christmas the signs at Cowra said A41

of course further west the signs are not coverplated
but the Mid Western is then B64 

so further west the system is coming in by stealth or sheer laziness on the 
part of the workers which seems appropriate somehow

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] OSMF

2009-08-20 Thread John Smith

--- On Thu, 20/8/09, Liz ed...@billiau.net wrote:

 If you are a member, please vote, it will make life easier
 for us all if as 
 many potential voters as possible vote
 or else we will hear for the next three years how the poll
 was 'fixed.

This is one reason I've decided to take an active interest in the discussion on 
Local Chapters.

I think they should be as independent as possible otherwise it could be very 
detrimental with inter and intra infighting spilling over to local chapters, 
and vice versa. If they're operationally independent of each other it's a lot 
more clear cut.


Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Mapping on a phone

2009-08-20 Thread Franc Carter

My phone is on it's last legs and I'll need a new one soon. Does anybody
have a
phone that does a good job for mapping. It would be nice to add POIs as I
them. I don't really need something for the full mapping experience as I
a full setup in the car for that


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Opening a discussion on OSM Mapping and Online Hazard reporting

2009-08-20 Thread John Smith
Not sure if this is what others had in mind, but rather than just focus on 
cycling, I think a general council bugs reporting system would be useful to 
complain about other things like pot holes :)

I've downloaded/used the OpenStreetBugs code to produce the Council Bug Report:


I was thinking today that this might be a foot in the door for talking to 
council/state roads depts about potential partnerships maps wise. In this 
instance we could be given an email address and a boundary and then when a bug 
is reported an email could be sent to the relevant council about it.


Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Would anyone buy one of these?

2009-08-20 Thread John Smith
or wear one?



Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Opening a discussion on OSM Mapping and Online Hazard reporting

2009-08-20 Thread cam_daw
On Thu, 2009-08-20 at 13:58 +, John Smith wrote:
Not sure if this is what others had in mind, but rather than just focus
on cycling, I think a general council bugs reporting system would be
useful to complain about other things like pot holes :)
 I've downloaded/used the OpenStreetBugs code to produce the Council Bug 
 I was thinking today that this might be a foot in the door for talking to 
 council/state roads depts about potential partnerships maps wise. In this 
 instance we could be given an email address and a boundary and then when a 
 bug is reported an email could be sent to the relevant council about it.

Now this is a brilliant idea John!
I currently work for the North Sydney Council, and some of the engineers
there are slowly starting to use OSM - as it's almost better than some
of the maps we currently use in some aspects of our jobs.
In my job at the Council I need to reference several maps - OSM being
the main map that I use.

I've done quite a few GPS surveys mapping in stuff around North Sydney
(and Camden), adding in lots of detail (except for house numbers - I'll
do that when my areas of interest are more detailed) - so seats /
toilets / playgrounds in parks are starting to appear :)
I'm also able to collaborate with the local walking group in North
Sydney - which would be an ideal target to distribute walkingpapers to.

A council bug report like yours John would be excellent in this case, as
some residence report potholes / graffiti / bugs in rather vague terms
that makes it difficult for our engineers / rangers / contractors to

Having a council bug reporting system could also spur other councils /
residence to contribute to OSM as well.

Aside, I've also requested a few more rendering features I'd like to see
in http://maps.bigtincan.com/
They are amenity=drinking_water and amenity=waste_basket

Thanks for rendering benches and bbqs! :)

http://www.fastmail.fm - IMAP accessible web-mail

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Opening a discussion on OSM Mapping and Online Hazard reporting

2009-08-20 Thread John Smith
--- On Fri, 21/8/09, cam_...@fastmail.fm cam_...@fastmail.fm wrote:

 Having a council bug reporting system could also spur other
 councils /
 residence to contribute to OSM as well.

That's what I am hoping for :)

Word of mouth is the best form of advertising, so if you know anyone else in 
any other councils you might point them to our site :)

 Aside, I've also requested a few more rendering features

I'm working through the list, highway shields was sort of the top of the list, 
but once everything ends up in a relation that will work itself out.

 I'd like to see
 in http://maps.bigtincan.com/
 They are amenity=drinking_water and amenity=waste_basket

Just need some icons and it's trivial to render them, I'll see if I can find 
anything suitable.


Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] 4wd_only=yes now renders

2009-08-20 Thread John Smith


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[talk-au] http://www.opengeodata.org/?p=662

2009-08-20 Thread Liz
maps showing us trying to influence the world

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Would anyone buy one of these?

2009-08-20 Thread Liz
On Fri, 21 Aug 2009, John Smith wrote:
 or wear one?


Definitely unfashionable. Lime green is more appealing

I'm sure we would be better off organising our own and not getting theirs.
Perhaps just getting the transfers sorted out and people getting their own 
vest and applying it?

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Would anyone buy one of these?

2009-08-20 Thread John Smith
--- On Fri, 21/8/09, Stephen Hope slh...@gmail.com wrote:

 I do own one - I got one the first
 time round.  I wear it when cycling
 at dusk/night - even when I'm not surveying. I've noticed
 that if I'm
 wearing that, I get ignored a lot more in some places, but
 more attention in others.

All that comes to mind now is some kind of Chasers skit where they're 
impersonating surveyors on some kind of road construction job :)


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Opening a discussion on OSM Mapping and Online Hazard reporting

2009-08-20 Thread BOUNDY,Paul
Hi Cam_Daw
Thanks for the link to Open Street Bugs

I'll add this into the mix of conversations I'm having elsewhere.

Who hosts and develops this site?

Paul Boundy
Marrickville and South Sydney Bicycle User Group
The other type of Bug

-Original Message-
From: talk-au-boun...@openstreetmap.org 
[mailto:talk-au-boun...@openstreetmap.org] On Behalf Of cam_...@fastmail.fm
Sent: Friday, 21 August 2009 0:54
To: talk-au@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [talk-au] Opening a discussion on OSM Mapping and Online Hazard 

On Thu, 2009-08-20 at 13:58 +, John Smith wrote:
Not sure if this is what others had in mind, but rather than just focus
on cycling, I think a general council bugs reporting system would be
useful to complain about other things like pot holes :)
 I've downloaded/used the OpenStreetBugs code to produce the Council Bug 
 I was thinking today that this might be a foot in the door for talking to 
 council/state roads depts about potential partnerships maps wise. In this 
 instance we could be given an email address and a boundary and then when a 
 bug is reported an email could be sent to the relevant council about it.

Now this is a brilliant idea John!
I currently work for the North Sydney Council, and some of the engineers
there are slowly starting to use OSM - as it's almost better than some
of the maps we currently use in some aspects of our jobs.
In my job at the Council I need to reference several maps - OSM being
the main map that I use.

I've done quite a few GPS surveys mapping in stuff around North Sydney
(and Camden), adding in lots of detail (except for house numbers - I'll
do that when my areas of interest are more detailed) - so seats /
toilets / playgrounds in parks are starting to appear :)
I'm also able to collaborate with the local walking group in North
Sydney - which would be an ideal target to distribute walkingpapers to.

A council bug report like yours John would be excellent in this case, as
some residence report potholes / graffiti / bugs in rather vague terms
that makes it difficult for our engineers / rangers / contractors to

Having a council bug reporting system could also spur other councils /
residence to contribute to OSM as well.

Aside, I've also requested a few more rendering features I'd like to see
in http://maps.bigtincan.com/
They are amenity=drinking_water and amenity=waste_basket

Thanks for rendering benches and bbqs! :)

http://www.fastmail.fm - IMAP accessible web-mail

Talk-au mailing list


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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Would anyone buy one of these?

2009-08-20 Thread cam_daw
On Thu, 2009-08-20 at 14:36 +, John Smith wrote:
or wear one?

I probably would wear something like that vest - during the day while
cycling / walking.
It'd atleast make some people in the general public feel less suspicious
of me cycling / walking up and down car parks / dead end roads / walking
around schools (some schools' boundaries aren't easily seen in Yahoo) /
taking photos of benches / bbqs / bins.

On the odd time I go surveying on foot / bicycle at night, I wear this:
Cars from a kilometer away down the road can see me at night time! :D

Another thing to note, it seems we can't order anything from
http://www.sonicresolutions.com/ anyway, as sonic resolutions is no
longer trading.

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