[OSM-talk] Missing tiles?

2008-09-24 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
I followed the instructions on your website how to get the planet and
how to generate tiles from mapnik.

I got everything going. After a day I got all my tiles but when I look
at the example you have put on your website,


with map in

I don't seem to have /7/63 my tiles start at 7/64. could somebody on
your server run this command and send me a file with a list of tiles.

tree tiles >osm_tiles.txt

you might need to install tree first.

aptitude install tree

Any idea why I might be missing some tiles?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Missing tiles?

2008-09-24 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 9:39 AM, Dave Stubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 2:22 PM, Lukasz Szybalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I followed the instructions on your website how to get the planet and
>> how to generate tiles from mapnik.
>> I got everything going. After a day I got all my tiles but when I look
>> at the example you have put on your website,
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Mapnik
>> with map in
>> http://tile.openstreetmap.org/7/63/42.png
>> I don't seem to have /7/63 my tiles start at 7/64. could somebody on
>> your server run this command and send me a file with a list of tiles.
>> tree tiles >osm_tiles.txt
>> you might need to install tree first.
>> aptitude install tree
>> Any idea why I might be missing some tiles?
> The tile server generates tiles using mod_tile [1].

I'll look into mod_tile later, as right now I'm not servering the tiles yet.

This renders them
> on request if they haven't already been done. There are many millions
> of tiles on the tile server, taking up GBs of space.
> If you just want prerendered tiles then you'll need to modify the area
> being rendered by the generate_tiles script. It's currently hardcoded
> to render some cities at the bottom of the file.

So what you are saying here is that  ./generate_tiles.py with the
default osm.xml will not generate all tiles?

My tiles right now are about 4gb?

If I want to render the whole planet and I want to have a tile for
every mile of it, will ./generate_tiles.py work or I have to specify
some additional parameters?

./generate_tiles.py planet

./generate_tiles.py northamerica



> Dave
> [1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Mod_tile

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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Missing tiles?

2008-09-24 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Joseph Gentle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 12:58 AM, Lukasz Szybalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> If I want to render the whole planet and I want to have a tile for
>> every mile of it, will ./generate_tiles.py work or I have to specify
>> some additional parameters?
>> ./generate_tiles.py planet
>> or
>> ./generate_tiles.py northamerica
>> or?
> generate_tiles.py is a python script. Open it in a text editor.
> Near the bottom you will see something like this:
>minZoom = 5
>maxZoom = 17
>bbox = (151.0, -34, 151.33, -33.66)
>render_tiles(bbox, mapfile, tile_dir, minZoom, maxZoom, "aus")
> This will render everything within the bounding box between minZoom and 
> maxZoom.
> The bounding box is written as  (minlongitude, minlattitude,
> maxlongitude, maxlattitude)
> If you really want to render the whole planet for all normal zoom levels, use:
> minZoom = 0
> maxZoom = 17

> bbox = (-180, -87.5, 180, 87.5)

I'm new to the project so if you could give me some shortucts:

ok...the whole planet is
bbox= (-180, -87.5, 180, 87.5)

If I look at the file:
It has few boundaries in it:
# Start with an overview
# World
 bbox = (-180.0,-90.0, 180.0,90.0)
 render_tiles(bbox, mapfile, tile_dir, 0, 5, "World")

This means it will render planet from 0-5?
then it will render what ever else follows?

What is:
bbox = (151.0, -34, 151.33, -33.66)

So min=0 and max=17 should be sufficient?

If you guys could add a bbox for each continent that would be great.
(You could probobly comment it out if you don't want it by default)
but it would be nice to just uncomment it and get it going.

What would be a bbox  for:
   North America =
South America =
Antarctica =
Africa =

What would be estimated size for min0 max 17?
   North America =
South America =
Antarctica =
Africa =


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Missing tiles?

2008-09-24 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 11:24 AM, Joseph Gentle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 2:04 AM, Lukasz Szybalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Joseph Gentle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm new to the project so if you could give me some shortucts:
>> ok...the whole planet is
>> bbox= (-180, -87.5, 180, 87.5)
>> If I look at the file:
>> http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/rendering/mapnik/generate_tiles.py
>> It has few boundaries in it:
>> # Start with an overview
>> # World
>>  bbox = (-180.0,-90.0, 180.0,90.0)
>>  render_tiles(bbox, mapfile, tile_dir, 0, 5, "World")
>> This means it will render planet from 0-5?
>> then it will render what ever else follows?
>> What is:
>> bbox = (151.0, -34, 151.33, -33.66)
> Part of Sydney, Australia.
> http://www.maptools.com/UsingLatLon/LatLon.html
>> So min=0 and max=17 should be sufficient?
> Sufficient for what? This is the detail of zoom level 0:
> http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/0/0/0.png
> zoom level 5:
> http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/5/8/14.png  (thats central america)
> and zoom level 17:
> http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/17/120597/78678.png   (thats some
> streets in Sydney)
>> If you guys could add a bbox for each continent that would be great.
>> (You could probobly comment it out if you don't want it by default)
>> but it would be nice to just uncomment it and get it going.
>> What would be a bbox  for:
>> ...
> http://www.google.com.au/search?q=longitude+latitude+of+countries
>> What would be estimated size for min0 max 17?
>> ...
> The whole world from 0 - 17 is about 20 billion tiles. If you chop out
> the oceans, the arctic and antarctica you might have ~5 billion tiles
> to render. Zoom google maps all the way out and look at proportional
> sizes of the countries on that map for relative sizes.
> If you don't use appropriate storage for the tiles, each tile will
> take up at least 4KB. Unless you're clever 5 billion tiles will take
> at least 20TB to store.

ok That is a little too much considering I can buy 500gb drive for
$70, so storage is max 500, now 50gb I can spare.

What would be a bbox for:


Is google zoom reasonably close or same as in mapnik? From google it
would seem zoom max 15 should be enough for what I need.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Missing tiles?

2008-09-24 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 11:47 AM, Joseph Gentle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 2:39 AM, Lukasz Szybalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> ok That is a little too much considering I can buy 500gb drive for
>> $70, so storage is max 500, now 50gb I can spare.
> If you want you can use mod_tile or the CGI tile server to just
> generate tiles on-demand.
>> What would be a bbox for:
>> http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=37.0625,-95.677068&spn=36.231745,92.109375&t=h&z=4
>> bbox=(37.0625,-95,36.23,92.10)
>> Is google zoom reasonably close or same as in mapnik? From google it
>> would seem zoom max 15 should be enough for what I need.

Its about lat: 23 - 59, long: -140 - -64

How did you get these numbers, they are not really the same as
google.com numbers?
or should I use "permalink"?
but it doesn't give me a high low +-?

What is the best way for me to figure out lat and long of the area I want to do.
Or maybe 2 states:
Should I follow google?
What would be the corresponding lat and long for above link?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Missing tiles?

2008-09-24 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 1:48 PM, Lukasz Szybalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 11:47 AM, Joseph Gentle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 2:39 AM, Lukasz Szybalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> ok That is a little too much considering I can buy 500gb drive for
>>> $70, so storage is max 500, now 50gb I can spare.
>> If you want you can use mod_tile or the CGI tile server to just
>> generate tiles on-demand.
>>> What would be a bbox for:
>>> http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=37.0625,-95.677068&spn=36.231745,92.109375&t=h&z=4
>>> bbox=(37.0625,-95,36.23,92.10)
>>> Is google zoom reasonably close or same as in mapnik? From google it
>>> would seem zoom max 15 should be enough for what I need.
> From:
> http://maps.google.com/maps?ie=UTF8&ll=37.0625,-95.677068&spn=36.231745,92.109375&z=4
> ll=37.0625,-95.677068&spn=36.231745,92.109375
> to
> Its about lat: 23 - 59, long: -140 - -64
> How did you get these numbers, they are not really the same as
> google.com numbers?
> or should I use "permalink"?
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=36.6&lon=-96.6&zoom=5&layers=B000FFF
> but it doesn't give me a high low +-?
> What is the best way for me to figure out lat and long of the area I want to 
> do.
> Or maybe 2 states:
> IL,IN,
> Should I follow google?
> http://maps.google.com/maps?ie=UTF8&ll=40.979898,-87.231445&spn=8.639252,23.027344&z=6
> What would be the corresponding lat and long for above link?

Any idea where I can get a quick reference on a geographic area and
the long lat boundaries as described above?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Missing tiles?

2008-09-24 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
 openstreetmap.org and click the "export" tab; then "manually select
an area...". Draw the area you want, and the four text boxes will show
min and max lat/lon.

This is perfect,except which number is what?

-132  -67

So it would be great if it said
which one is long vs lat ???

Which one is what?
is long min 56 and max 25.5 or min 25.5 and max 56?

Could you guys add a description of the field next to the 4 numbers:
"Area to Export"


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Missing tiles?

2008-09-24 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
>  openstreetmap.org and click the "export" tab; then "manually select
> an area...". Draw the area you want, and the four text boxes will show
> min and max lat/lon.
> This is perfect,except which number is what?
> -132  -67
>   25.5

Also could you add in generate_tiles.py what is what:

#bbox( left, bottom, right ,top)
#bbox( minlong, minlat maxlong ,maxlat)   correct?
Without being an expert I don't know what is min long max long, and
min lat vs max lat.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Tiger 2007 Data

2008-10-20 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 2:43 AM, vegard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 10:54:55AM -0700, Dave Hansen wrote:
>> Has anyone looked at importing the TIGER 2007 data yet?  I was going to
>> start coding up the conversion utilities to get started.  It appears
>> that this shapefile format may have existing OSM converters out there.
>> Anyone want to admit to having one? ;)
> I see it like this: What could be very useful to have, is a mapping
> between tiger data (old set) and OSM data. It could be to late for this
> round, but an external_id:tiger =  that you'd *never* remove, is a
> good thing. That'll help when updating.
> Then you'll need to to a diff between the old data and the new data, and
> find out which ID's are candidates for updating.
> Then you could do a diff between old and OSM for those IDs. Anything
> that's not touched in OSM --> update.
> Anything else, I'm sure you'll have to do more or less manually, but I'm
> sure you could automatize bits of it - like road classification changes,
> name changes etc.
> This is my rough proposal for how to handle large chunks of external
> data.

So what tiger data are we talking about exactly?

I have a script that loads zipcodes shp files into postgregis table?
Not sure if that helps? It basically loops through a states and enters
them to a postgis using shp2pssql.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] mapnik and openlayers?

2008-10-21 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
I am trying to use the turbogears widget for openlayers and I'm having
hard time figuring out how to point to openstreetmaps.org tiles.

One of the examples they have:
 ol = WMS(name="OpenLayers WMS",
options = {'layers':'basic'})

what would be a corresponding one for http://tile.openstreetmap.org/ ?

Do I use WMS? I can't seem to find the settings to use with mapnik...tiles.


Turbogears2 Manual
Bazaar and Launchpad

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik and openlayers?

2008-10-21 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 7:56 PM, Grant Slater
> Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am trying to use the turbogears widget for openlayers and I'm having
>> hard time figuring out how to point to openstreetmaps.org tiles.
>> One of the examples they have:
>>  ol = WMS(name="OpenLayers WMS",
>>options = {'layers':'basic'})
>> what would be a corresponding one for http://tile.openstreetmap.org/ ?
>> Do I use WMS? I can't seem to find the settings to use with
>> mapnik...tiles.
> See:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/OpenLayers_Simple_Example

The example you pointed to uses TMS. Can I use WMS and mapnik?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik and openlayers?

2008-10-22 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 4:51 AM, Chris Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 7:56 PM, Grant Slater
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I am trying to use the turbogears widget for openlayers and I'm having
>>>> hard time figuring out how to point to openstreetmaps.org tiles.
>>>> One of the examples they have:
>>>>  ol = WMS(name="OpenLayers WMS",
>>>>   url=["http://labs.metacarta.com/wms/vmap0";],
>>>>   options = {'layers':'basic'})
>>>> what would be a corresponding one for http://tile.openstreetmap.org/ ?
>>>> Do I use WMS? I can't seem to find the settings to use with
>>>> mapnik...tiles.
>>> See:
>>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/OpenLayers_Simple_Example
>> The example you pointed to uses TMS. Can I use WMS and mapnik?
> I'm sure you can, but you will probably have to run it yourself.

So its safe to assume that TMS is what mapnik provides? (only) and if
I want WMS I would have to create that service on my server?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik and openlayers?

2008-10-22 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 8:29 AM, Grant Slater
> Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
>> So its safe to assume that TMS is what mapnik provides? (only) and if
>> I want WMS I would have to create that service on my server?
> Your server yes. OSM's tile servers do TMS only.

So now what is the layer name for this url? I know the image is png:


I replaced the url with "http://tile.openstreetmap.org/"; what is the layer_name?

Is this url working for you? What options you have selected?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik and openlayers?

2008-10-22 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 9:23 AM, Ed Loach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I realise now that one of those two examples uses an offline tile
> source - it's interesting to see how much the area around here has
> changed, but not much use for you.
> Hopefully this one is more use?
> http://www.openlayers.org/dev/examples/sundials-osm.html
> Ed
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:talk-
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lukasz Szybalski
>> Sent: 22 October 2008 14:51
>> To: Grant Slater
>> Cc: OSM Talk
>> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik and openlayers?
>> On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 8:29 AM, Grant Slater
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
>> >>
>> >> So its safe to assume that TMS is what mapnik provides?
>> (only) and if
>> >> I want WMS I would have to create that service on my server?
>> >>
>> >
>> > Your server yes. OSM's tile servers do TMS only.
>> So now what is the layer name for this url? I know the image is
>> png:
>> http://www.openlayers.org/dev/examples/tms.html
>> I replaced the url with "http://tile.openstreetmap.org/"; what
>> is the layer_name?

This is the code to get the maps but it doesn't have a TMS layer name

 var mapnik = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS(
34  "OpenStreetMap (Mapnik)",
35  "http://tile.openstreetmap.org/";,
36  {
37  type: 'png', getURL: osm_getTileURL,
38  displayOutsideMaxExtent: true,
39  attribution: 'http://www.openstreetmap.org/";>OpenStreetMap'
40  }



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik and openlayers?

2008-10-22 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
ok so I kind of got this url working:


layer_name: .. (two dots because 1.0.0 gets added to the url

I've been told that mapnik/openstreetmap.org uses "flipped TMS"
instead of TMS and if you want to use TMS with openstreetmap.org you
need to create a custom get url function...

Is there a way to configure mapnik to use proper TMS?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik and openlayers?

2008-10-22 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:22 AM, Tom Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
>> ok so I kind of got this url working:
>> http://www.openlayers.org/dev/examples/tms.html
>> url:http://tile.openstreetmap.org/
>> image:png
>> layer_name: .. (two dots because 1.0.0 gets added to the url
>> "http://tile.openstreetmap.org/1.0.0/...)
>> I've been told that mapnik/openstreetmap.org uses "flipped TMS"
>> instead of TMS and if you want to use TMS with openstreetmap.org you
>> need to create a custom get url function...
>> Is there a way to configure mapnik to use proper TMS?
> Mapnik is just a rendering engine - where you put the tiles that it
> generates and how your web server maps URLs to those tiles is nothing to do
> with mapnik.
> Our mapnik tile server uses mod_tile to server the mapnik generated tiles,
> which uses the google style URL scheme, not a TMS URL scheme.

We are getting somewhere..
Is there a name for "gogle style URL scheme" in openlayers? (Not TMS
we know now)

> If you want to configure a web server to use a TMS URL scheme instead then
> it is perfectly possible.

How do I configure my web server (or mapnik) to server or generate TMS
URL scheme?


> Tom
> --
> Tom Hughes ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> http://www.compton.nu/

Turbogears2 Manual
Bazaar and Launchpad

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik and openlayers?

2008-10-22 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Tom Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:22 AM, Tom Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Mapnik is just a rendering engine - where you put the tiles that it
>>> generates and how your web server maps URLs to those tiles is nothing to
>>> do
>>> with mapnik.
>>> Our mapnik tile server uses mod_tile to server the mapnik generated
>>> tiles,
>>> which uses the google style URL scheme, not a TMS URL scheme.
>> We are getting somewhere..
>> Is there a name for "gogle style URL scheme" in openlayers? (Not TMS
>> we know now)
> Why do you care so much? What's wrong with just using our layer definitions?
> Those use TMS but override the URL generation to generate a URL in the right
> format.

Because I need mapnik to render planet then I will use openlayers to
display it. Openlayers has a wrapper in tw.openlayers (tosca widgets)
which I can import into my turbogears application which enables me to
display my custom layer on top of the openstreetmap.org layer all
using python.

So if I can't figure out what url scheme is used to display mapnik
data, I can't tell if openlayers will display it, and if I don't know
which part of openlayers displays it I can't check if the wrapper in
toscawidgets is done for that part, and if its not done then how is it
all going to work?

I hope that makes it clear why I need to know:
What is the url scheme for mapnik images, ( its google style URL, is
there a proper name for it?)
Is there a sample code in openlayers that displays google style url
and I can use it to display mapnik data?


>>> If you want to configure a web server to use a TMS URL scheme instead
>>> then
>>> it is perfectly possible.
>> How do I configure my web server (or mapnik) to server or generate TMS
>> URL scheme?
> That's like asking how long a piece of string is really.
> The simplest way is just to generate tiles into a directory hierarchy that
> matches the TMS URL scheme and then just serve that directory in the normal
> way.
> That probably won't work if you're doing the whole planet though.
> Tom
> --
> Tom Hughes ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> http://www.compton.nu/

Turbogears2 Manual
Bazaar and Launchpad

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik and openlayers?

2008-10-22 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 11:50 AM, Tom Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Tom Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:22 AM, Tom Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> Mapnik is just a rendering engine - where you put the tiles that it
>>>>> generates and how your web server maps URLs to those tiles is nothing
>>>>> to
>>>>> do
>>>>> with mapnik.
>>>>> Our mapnik tile server uses mod_tile to server the mapnik generated
>>>>> tiles,
>>>>> which uses the google style URL scheme, not a TMS URL scheme.
>>>> We are getting somewhere..
>>>> Is there a name for "gogle style URL scheme" in openlayers? (Not TMS
>>>> we know now)
>>> Why do you care so much? What's wrong with just using our layer
>>> definitions?
>>> Those use TMS but override the URL generation to generate a URL in the
>>> right
>>> format.
>> Because I need mapnik to render planet then I will use openlayers to
>> display it. Openlayers has a wrapper in tw.openlayers (tosca widgets)
>> which I can import into my turbogears application which enables me to
>> display my custom layer on top of the openstreetmap.org layer all
>> using python.
> Does that wrapper limit you to only using the core layers provided
> by OpenLayers then? You can't load any additional layers?
>> So if I can't figure out what url scheme is used to display mapnik
>> data, I can't tell if openlayers will display it, and if I don't know
>> which part of openlayers displays it I can't check if the wrapper in
>> toscawidgets is done for that part, and if its not done then how is it
>> all going to work?
> Native OpenLayers can only display it if you override the URL generation
> function for the layer, which is exactly what our layers do - they derive
> from the TMS layer and modify the URL generation to generate
> the required format.

I'm not really sure what you mean in above. I'm not that knowledgeable
yet in technical details of map layers you use at openstreetmap.org.
Right now I just want to display the openstreetmap.org tiles on my map
and be able to zoom in etc
Here is what I want to achieve but with openstreetmaps.org underneath
it. http://geo.turbogears.org/factbook/

I still can't find an example of openstreet layers that uses google
style URL mapping (aka mapnik style)?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik and openlayers?

2008-10-22 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
> I know nothing about Turbo Gears, but if you can give an example of a Turbo
> Gears page that uses OL we can probably show you how to modify it to display
> an OSM layer.

Right now I need to know how can I configure openlayers to use
tile.openstreetmap.org or how to configure mapnik to render images
that openlayer can use.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik and openlayers?

2008-10-22 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
> You've been pointed at a web page that tells you how to do that. Please go
> and read it.

So I've looked at the source code for the tw.openlayers which should
correspond to openlayers java script file.


from layer import Layer, Grid, WMS, Google, Yahoo, VirtualEarth
from layer import Vector, GML, OSMMapnik, OSMRenderer

I assume these directly correspond to openlayers java script file.
Which of these do I use to get my tiles?

I assume OSMMapnik is the one I should use? Correct?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik and openlayers?

2008-10-22 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 5:16 PM, Shaun McDonald
> On 22 Oct 2008, at 21:38, Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
>>> You've been pointed at a web page that tells you how to do that. Please
>>> go
>>> and read it.
>> So I've looked at the source code for the tw.openlayers which should
>> correspond to openlayers java script file.
>> http://toscawidgets.org/hg/tw.openlayers/file/387a2f19c67a/tw/openlayers/layer.py
>> from layer import Layer, Grid, WMS, Google, Yahoo, VirtualEarth
>> from layer import Vector, GML, OSMMapnik, OSMRenderer
>> I assume these directly correspond to openlayers java script file.
>> Which of these do I use to get my tiles?
>> http://a.tah.openstreetmap.org/Tiles/tile/10/262/380.png
>> I assume OSMMapnik is the one I should use? Correct?
> Why not use a little bit of trial and error?

The following layer in my python code aka. tw.openlayers:
my2 = OSMMapnik(name="tile",
options = {'layers': 'osm', 'format':'png'})

generates the following layer in java script:
"osm", "format": "png"})
What above javascript suppose to look like? (I can't find similar
looking javascript on google)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik and openlayers?

2008-10-22 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 8:03 PM, Lukasz Szybalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 5:16 PM, Shaun McDonald
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 22 Oct 2008, at 21:38, Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
>>>> You've been pointed at a web page that tells you how to do that. Please
>>>> go
>>>> and read it.
>>> So I've looked at the source code for the tw.openlayers which should
>>> correspond to openlayers java script file.
>>> http://toscawidgets.org/hg/tw.openlayers/file/387a2f19c67a/tw/openlayers/layer.py
>>> from layer import Layer, Grid, WMS, Google, Yahoo, VirtualEarth
>>> from layer import Vector, GML, OSMMapnik, OSMRenderer
>>> I assume these directly correspond to openlayers java script file.
>>> Which of these do I use to get my tiles?
>>> http://a.tah.openstreetmap.org/Tiles/tile/10/262/380.png
>>> I assume OSMMapnik is the one I should use? Correct?
>> Why not use a little bit of trial and error?
> The following layer in my python code aka. tw.openlayers:
> my2 = OSMMapnik(name="tile",
>options = {'layers': 'osm', 'format':'png'})
> generates the following layer in java script:
> new 
> OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Mapnik('tile',['http://tah.openstreetmap.org/Tiles/tile/'],{"layers":
> "osm", "format": "png"})
> What above javascript suppose to look like? (I can't find similar
> looking javascript on google)

If I do:
this will render just fine from openstreetmaps.org

How can I tell it to use my url (mydomain.com/path)???

Thanks for your help guys.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik and openlayers?

2008-10-23 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 10:02 AM, Shaun McDonald
> On 23 Oct 2008, at 03:51, Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 8:03 PM, Lukasz Szybalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 5:16 PM, Shaun McDonald
>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> On 22 Oct 2008, at 21:38, Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
>>>>>> You've been pointed at a web page that tells you how to do that.
>>>>>> Please
>>>>>> go
>>>>>> and read it.
>>>>> So I've looked at the source code for the tw.openlayers which should
>>>>> correspond to openlayers java script file.
>>>>> http://toscawidgets.org/hg/tw.openlayers/file/387a2f19c67a/tw/openlayers/layer.py
>>>>> from layer import Layer, Grid, WMS, Google, Yahoo, VirtualEarth
>>>>> from layer import Vector, GML, OSMMapnik, OSMRenderer
>>>>> I assume these directly correspond to openlayers java script file.
>>>>> Which of these do I use to get my tiles?
>>>>> http://a.tah.openstreetmap.org/Tiles/tile/10/262/380.png
>>>>> I assume OSMMapnik is the one I should use? Correct?
>>>> Why not use a little bit of trial and error?
>>> The following layer in my python code aka. tw.openlayers:
>>> my2 = OSMMapnik(name="tile",
>>>  url=['http://tah.openstreetmap.org/Tiles/tile/'],
>>>  options = {'layers': 'osm', 'format':'png'})
>>> generates the following layer in java script:
>>> new
>>> OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Mapnik('tile',['http://tah.openstreetmap.org/Tiles/tile/'],{"layers":
>>> "osm", "format": "png"})
>>> What above javascript suppose to look like? (I can't find similar
>>> looking javascript on google)
>> If I do:
>> OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Mapnik("Mapnik")
>> this will render just fine from openstreetmaps.org
>> How can I tell it to use my url (mydomain.com/path)???
> You will probably have to change the OSMMapnik code.

Is there an example where I could overwrite the url variable in the
OpenStreetMap.js outside of that file? . (Because the way its
delivered that file is more of a library file so I would like to keep
any changes to it outside of that file if possible? Is it possible to
overwrite url with mine url outside of openstreetmap.js.

What exactly is the difference between OSMMapnik vs osmarender.
(Performance? Features? Backend? Tiles generation?)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik and openlayers?

2008-10-23 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 10:44 AM, Shaun McDonald
> On 23 Oct 2008, at 16:12, Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
>> Is there an example where I could overwrite the url variable in the
>> OpenStreetMap.js outside of that file? . (Because the way its
>> delivered that file is more of a library file so I would like to keep
>> any changes to it outside of that file if possible? Is it possible to
>> overwrite url with mine url outside of openstreetmap.js.
> No one here has used that library, so it's kinda difficult to say. Try
> speaking to the people who actually wrote the library.

So you are saying that Openstreetmap.js came from openlayers people
and not the openstreetmap people or ??

>> What exactly is the difference between OSMMapnik vs osmarender.
>> (Performance? Features? Backend? Tiles generation?)
> There should be plenty information out there on the wiki and google about
>  mapnik and osmarender.
> Shaun

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[OSM-talk] Flickr Shapefiles Public Dataset 1.0

2009-06-01 Thread Lukasz Szybalski
Not sure if you guys know or have already included Flickr data to osm, but:

"We are releasing all of the Flickr shapefiles as a single download,
available for use under the Creative Commons Zero Waiver. That’s
fancy-talk for “public domain”."



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