Re: [Talk-de] Potlatch, die Siebenundzwölfigste

2008-07-30 Diskussionsfäden Ralf Oltmanns
Hash: SHA1

Henry, you found better words to say what I intended to.
I guess, being frustrated after a cleanup job was not helpful when
posting to a mailing list.


Henry Loenwind wrote:
> Richard Fairhurst wrote:
>>> So again it boils down to "we don't want any teamwork, we only want  
>>> people who randomly implement stuff on their own" and "if you want  
>>> to talk about some aspect of OSM, you are not wanted here".
>> No, it doesn't. Talking is great (like I say, especially if you talk  
>> to someone who can actually do something), but it's got past that  
>> stage now.
> Fair.

[ shortened ]

> * Random people do random edits in random areas. Meaning, that with 
> potlatch you can edit anywhere in the map, you don't have a "home area". 
> For all those people who have a "home area", an area they build up and 
> care for and spent hours to perfect it, the typical potlatch edit (three 
> changes by a person who never before has edited something in that area) 
> is very intrusive.
> cu
> Henry
> PS: My personal wishlist for potlatch with API 0.6 would be a big nice 
> green(*) window saying "potlatch is now going to submit the following 
> changes into the database. Please review them and enter a comment into 
> the edit field below." And one or two zoom levels more, I got some 
> roundabouts here, that are uneditable in potlatch because you almost 
> only see a grey area with some nodes ;)
> (*) green is a friendly colour, they say :-)
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list

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Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Potlatch, die Siebenundzwölfigste

2008-07-30 Diskussionsfäden Ralf Oltmanns
Hash: SHA1

You didn't get my drift.

I was NOT complaining about the software potlatch.
Although I never dug into it I think the software might be a good piece
of work, much better than what I could contribute as I am not a software

It's the novice users that abuse the tool not knowing what they are
doing. And sometimes not even the novice users.

But be it as it is, that's how the system works.
I'll keep contributing as much as I can but I lack the time to repair
what others broke. (Think of the OSM editors as mostly really well
designed knives ... put in the hands of surgeons ... and murderers ...
it's not the knife by itself that's doing the harm). With other editors
you can experiment and, if you don't like what you made, discart it. Not
all of those editors are manipulating the data in realtime. As far as I
experienced, with potlatch it's hard to repair what you easily break.

And that's the sad part of the story.

Nuff said.

Kind regards

Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> Henry Loenwind wrote:
>> So again it boils down to "we don't want any teamwork, we only want  
>> people who randomly implement stuff on their own" and "if you want  
>> to talk about some aspect of OSM, you are not wanted here".
> No, it doesn't. Talking is great (like I say, especially if you talk  
> to someone who can actually do something), but it's got past that  
> stage now.
> I've seen several threads on talk-de complaining about Potlatch but  
> not one single person actually committing patches. I'm genuinely  
> puzzled - how do you think there are going to be any improvements if  
> you don't muck in and help? Who do you think is actually going to do  
> them? Even if you expect me to do it all, you haven't even been  
> discussing it on a list that I can read.
> Richard
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list

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Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Potlatch, die Siebenundzwölfigste

2008-07-29 Diskussionsfäden Michael Buege
Zitat Thomas Hieber:

> Michael Buege schrieb:
>> Zitat Ralf Oltmanns:
>>> Wann endlich wird es eine Qualitätskontrolle geben, die
>>> verhindert, dass Potlatcher einem die ganze Arbeit kaputtmachen?
>> Fuer mich bitte frisches Popkorn und eine Diaetcola!
> Glaubst Du wirklich, dass auf die Diskussion noch mal jemand
> anspringt? 

Nein, glauben tue ich das nicht.
Ich weiss es. ;-)

> Langsam ist das Thema doch wirklich totdiskutiert. 

Totgesagte leben lange und nichts hat auch nur annaehernd die
Halbwertzeit von Popkornthemen.

> Ansonsten für mich bitte auch einmal Popkorn.



Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Potlatch, die Siebenundzwölfigste

2008-07-29 Diskussionsfäden osm
On Mon, 28 Jul 2008 20:28:18 +0200
Ralf Oltmanns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ich bin mir recht sicher, dass ich mir meiner Meinung nicht allein da
> stehe. 
Einen Thread mit genau dem selben Inhalt, habe ich auch schon mal geschrieben.
Nun wirst du als dogmatisch und einsichtig hingestellt, viel Spass dabei.

> Sollte ich mich irren, sagt mir einfach Bescheid, dann
> verschwende ich meine Zeit lieber mit einem anderen Hobby und lass die
> Potlatcher weitergrandeln.

Selbe Drohung habe ich auch schon ausgesprochen,
hatte keinen Effekt.

Daher würde ich sagen: *Closed*

Mein Weblog:
Themen unter anderem aus den Bereichen |Politik|, |Linux|  und |freie Software|
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Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Potlatch, die Siebenundzwölfigste

2008-07-29 Diskussionsfäden Dirk-Lüder Kreie

Ralf Oltmanns schrieb:

Wann endlich wird es eine Qualitätskontrolle geben, die verhindert, dass
Potlatcher einem die ganze Arbeit kaputtmachen?

Kommunikation. Nicht ohne Grund erfordert Potlatch dass man seine edits 
"public" schaltet.
Es ist wirklich einfach einen User über die OSM-Webseite zu 
kontaktieren, warum nutzt du das nicht, anstatt völlig ungerichtet 
deinen Unmut hier reinzublasen?

Potlatch mag sein ein tolles Tool sein, ein gut gemeintes Tool ...
leider wissen vielleicht 2 % der Leute, die es verwenden, was sie da

"Das glaube ich nicht, Tim."


Dirk-Lüder "Deelkar" Kreie
Bremen - 53.0952°N 8.8652°E

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Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Potlatch, die Siebenundzwölfigste

2008-07-29 Diskussionsfäden Florian Lohoff
On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 12:52:24PM +0200, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> Hi,
> > No, it doesn't. Talking is great (like I say, especially if you talk  
> > to someone who can actually do something), but it's got past that  
> > stage now.
> I think the original poster was not complaining about any particular 
> aspect of "Potlatch the software" that could be improved, even if he 
> were a Flash programmer. I think this is just the umpteenth instance of 
> "we don't want any more newbies in our project ... or at least I don't 
> want them modify MY data".
> Newbies tend to make mistakes and they tend to use Potlatch. It is not 
> Potlatch that induces mistakes.

I dont think anyone wants to exclude newbies - Letting others modify
"my" data is a hard task to actually watch at least when you know better
about the area but thats life - get over it. One has to tell himeself
that this leads to a better map in the end.

I have watched/read some of the other potlatch bashing and i have seen
it happing in the area i feel home too. Potlatch is the right tool for
the right audience - it brings the entry level to a point where my mum
and dad could make good maps. On the other end i think it makes it a
little too easy to trash data - i havent got any real ideas to make it
harder to trash data and easier to create correct new ones - probably we
should get Steve Jobs to look over it :).

Florian Lohoff  [EMAIL PROTECTED] +49-171-2280134
Those who would give up a little freedom to get a little 
  security shall soon have neither - Benjamin Franklin

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Re: [Talk-de] Potlatch, die Siebenundzwölfigste

2008-07-29 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Jacob
Hi Richard

Am Dienstag, 29. Juli 2008 12:38:53 schrieb Richard Fairhurst:
> I've seen several threads on talk-de complaining about Potlatch but
> not one single person actually committing patches. 

I think that most people writing in talk-de are using josm, and so potlatch is 
not on their focus. The only moment when they get in touch with potlatch is 
when editing the osm-data with josm and seeing the editor string.

Another fact is, that potlatch is an "instant editing" tool, which rookies 
seems to prefer. So complaining about potlatch could mean complainig about 
rookies and theire way of editing osm data. Rookies using josm could also 
harm existing data. It seems that they frequently don't use the download 
button before entering new data. As a konsequence some ways are uploaded 
Regarding potlatch rookies seem to prefer working in lower zoom levels. So it 
often happens, that new ways are not proper conected to existing ones. I'm 
not sure of how to prevent the rookies from doing so. May be a zoom level 
depend snap-in function? (not knowing if such thing is still implemented but 
to fine adjusted).

> I'm genuinely 
> puzzled - how do you think there are going to be any improvements if
> you don't muck in and help? Who do you think is actually going to do
> them? Even if you expect me to do it all, you haven't even been
> discussing it on a list that I can read.

Take it easy. You are the man which catches the walk-in customers, and our 
task would be to teach them how to use the different osm toolsets. :-)

Cheers Andreas

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Potlatch, die Siebenundzwölfigste

2008-07-29 Diskussionsfäden Henry Loenwind
Richard Fairhurst wrote:

>> So again it boils down to "we don't want any teamwork, we only want  
>> people who randomly implement stuff on their own" and "if you want  
>> to talk about some aspect of OSM, you are not wanted here".
> No, it doesn't. Talking is great (like I say, especially if you talk  
> to someone who can actually do something), but it's got past that  
> stage now.


> I've seen several threads on talk-de complaining about Potlatch but  
> not one single person actually committing patches. I'm genuinely  
> puzzled - how do you think there are going to be any improvements if  
> you don't muck in and help? Who do you think is actually going to do  

The single problem with all threads so far is, that they ended nowhere. 
The people who started them got chased away, any suggestions got 
flamewared instead of discussed, and so on. Until now, nobody came up 
with the one-big-answer-that-solves-all.

Some good initial ideas came up, but without constructive discussion, 
they quickly died. Some were killed by the API-0.6-will-have-changesets 
hammer, some with the the-developer-will-never-implement-that axe. Oh, 
and quite often we had the that-would-kill-the-purpose-of-potlatch 

I see 4 major problem areas with potlatch:

* New users don't know realize that they change the live data. The new 
popup window and the start/play buttons helped, but we all know people 
will click anything if that helps them not reading any text. Also the 
map not insta-showing their changes "helps" here.

* New users don't know how to use potlatch. Having few buttons on-screen 
makes a friendly UI, but it doesn't help users to realize the full 
potential of a tool. Together with #1, we get the "oops, that was a 
mistake, close the browser window and restart"-syndrome---that works 
well with e.g. Wikipedia, but not potlatch.

* potlatch doesn't catch common errors, like not connecting ways or ways 
going A->B->A. I think someone who actually had to cleanup after a 
potlatch user can tell you more about this one.

* potlatch does not tell the user what changes are applied. So people 
can, e.g., move a way without even realizing they did.

There is a fifth problem, but that is not really a software problem:

* Random people do random edits in random areas. Meaning, that with 
potlatch you can edit anywhere in the map, you don't have a "home area". 
For all those people who have a "home area", an area they build up and 
care for and spent hours to perfect it, the typical potlatch edit (three 
changes by a person who never before has edited something in that area) 
is very intrusive.


PS: My personal wishlist for potlatch with API 0.6 would be a big nice 
green(*) window saying "potlatch is now going to submit the following 
changes into the database. Please review them and enter a comment into 
the edit field below." And one or two zoom levels more, I got some 
roundabouts here, that are uneditable in potlatch because you almost 
only see a grey area with some nodes ;)

(*) green is a friendly colour, they say :-)

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Potlatch, die Siebenundzwölfigste

2008-07-29 Diskussionsfäden Dirk Stöcker
On Tue, 29 Jul 2008, Frederik Ramm wrote:

> I think the original poster was not complaining about any particular
> aspect of "Potlatch the software" that could be improved, even if he
> were a Flash programmer. I think this is just the umpteenth instance of
> "we don't want any more newbies in our project ... or at least I don't
> want them modify MY data".
> Newbies tend to make mistakes and they tend to use Potlatch. It is not
> Potlatch that induces mistakes.
> My take is that we need newbies because if we'd stop growing, or even
> switch to linear growth, we'll never complete the earth in my lifetime.
> But to those who are content with having completed their village, this
> might not seem such an important goal.

Getting changesets of API 0.6 probably helps a bit here. So going forward 
with the stuff already in development is the right thing here. Newcomers 
will always make errors. This cannot be prevented. The only solution is to 
get a better interface to remove vandalism and an easier way to fix errors 
introduced by newcomers.

When the new API is working, the editor-programs will need a lot of new 
stuff in this area to make it usable (revert changesets, load changesets 
to allow fixing problems without total reverts, ...), but I see no general 
problems here.

-- (PGP key available)

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Potlatch, die Siebenundzwölfigste

2008-07-29 Diskussionsfäden Frederik Ramm

> No, it doesn't. Talking is great (like I say, especially if you talk  
> to someone who can actually do something), but it's got past that  
> stage now.

I think the original poster was not complaining about any particular 
aspect of "Potlatch the software" that could be improved, even if he 
were a Flash programmer. I think this is just the umpteenth instance of 
"we don't want any more newbies in our project ... or at least I don't 
want them modify MY data".

Newbies tend to make mistakes and they tend to use Potlatch. It is not 
Potlatch that induces mistakes.

My take is that we need newbies because if we'd stop growing, or even 
switch to linear growth, we'll never complete the earth in my lifetime. 
But to those who are content with having completed their village, this 
might not seem such an important goal.

I also refuse to discuss this further because it has been discussed to 
death and back already.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Potlatch, die Siebenundzwölfigste

2008-07-29 Diskussionsfäden Richard Fairhurst
Henry Loenwind wrote:

> So again it boils down to "we don't want any teamwork, we only want  
> people who randomly implement stuff on their own" and "if you want  
> to talk about some aspect of OSM, you are not wanted here".

No, it doesn't. Talking is great (like I say, especially if you talk  
to someone who can actually do something), but it's got past that  
stage now.

I've seen several threads on talk-de complaining about Potlatch but  
not one single person actually committing patches. I'm genuinely  
puzzled - how do you think there are going to be any improvements if  
you don't muck in and help? Who do you think is actually going to do  
them? Even if you expect me to do it all, you haven't even been  
discussing it on a list that I can read.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Potlatch, die Siebenundzwölfigste

2008-07-29 Diskussionsfäden Henry Loenwind
Richard Fairhurst wrote:

> I get intensely frustrated when people complain about aspects of an  
> open source project like OSM, but don't actually _do_ anything about it.

So again it boils down to "we don't want any teamwork, we only want 
people who randomly implement stuff on their own" and "if you want to 
talk about some aspect of OSM, you are not wanted here".

Funny, I always hated the part of my job about discussing ideas with the 
team first instead of just implementing them. Past tense.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Potlatch, die Siebenundzwölfigste

2008-07-29 Diskussionsfäden Richard Fairhurst
Ralf Otmanns wrote:

> Potlatch mag sein ein tolles Tool sein, ein gut gemeintes Tool ...  
> leider wissen vielleicht 2 % der Leute, die es verwenden, was sie da  
> tun. Ihr wisst ja, dass "gut gemeint" das Gegentum zu "gut" ist. Der  
> Rest sind wie 4jährige, denen Du Malstifte gibst und sie dann in ein  
> frisch tapeziertes Zimmer sperrst.

I get intensely frustrated when people complain about aspects of an  
open source project like OSM, but don't actually _do_ anything about it.

All the code for Potlatch is public domain, freely available, in the  
main OSM repository, and in a well-known and well-documented language,  
with a free compiler.

Patches are welcome. If you submit patches to bugs you've noticed,  
that's great. If you submit patches to any of the outstanding trac  
tickets, that's _really_ great, because it means I can spend less time  
on these and more time improving usability - such as the online help  
feature planned for Potlatch 1.0. For example, you could fix, which is really difficult  
for me to do because I don't actually have a German keyboard. If  
someone else saves me an afternoon hacking on that, the online help  
gets one afternoon nearer.

Maybe you can't program. That's fine. There are still a lot of ways in  
which you can help. Several people on this list have put a lot of time  
into localising Potlatch and improving the German-language docs on the  
wiki, and I'm enormously grateful to them.

Why not create a video screencast in your native language, showing  
newbies how to use Potlatch? If you were to upload it to YouTube I  
could perhaps even use their API to integrate it into Potlatch, so  
that new users could click to see the tutorial before they start.

If you feel there are things about Potlatch that need improving, then  
come and help. There are only 24 hours in the day, I can't do it all  

Don't just sit here and whinge. Particularly, at least have the common  
courtesy to cc: your complaints to the developer, rather than bitching  
off behind his back in a language which he doesn't understand (except  
via Google Translate ;) ) and on a list which he very rarely reads.

Oh, and "2%"? Come on, you only weaken your case with such utterly  
absurd exaggerations. As a _mapper_ I'm offended by your suggestion  
that I'm 98% likely not to know what I'm doing, simply because of my  
choice of editor.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Potlatch, die Siebenundzwölfigste

2008-07-28 Diskussionsfäden André Reichelt
Wooohooo, jetzt kommt wieder der Reichelt mit seiner 
unqualifizierten Meinung :P.

Ralf Oltmanns schrieb:

Ich bin mir recht sicher, dass ich mir meiner Meinung nicht allein da
stehe. Sollte ich mich irren, sagt mir einfach Bescheid, dann
verschwende ich meine Zeit lieber mit einem anderen Hobby und lass die
Potlatcher weitergrandeln.
Aber mit der Qualität, die die OSM-Karte vielerorts hat, gewinnen wir
kaum einen Blumentopf, wenn's zur Nagelprobe kommt.

Villeicht hast Du ja bereits die alten Diskussionen verfolgt und Potlach 
ist nach wie vor ein Problem, nur dass das Thema mittlerweile schon so 
oft behandelt wurde, dass wohl keiner mehr Lust hat, darüber noch 
großartig zu diskutieren - man akzeptiert es einfach stillschweigend.

Mir ist positver Weise aufgefallen, dass allerdings in letzter Zeit in 
meiner Gegend keine neuen Wunden geschlagen wurden. Viel mehr kommen 
immer mehr fleißige Tracksammler dazu. Dies bietet mir die Möglichkeit, 
alte Strecken zu korregieren. So vollständig es hier auch aussieht, das 
Meiste ist mit irgend einem uralten Potlach von Yahoo abgemalt und von 
dementsprechender Qualität. Ich bin drauf und dran, die Strecken 
nacheinander den Tracks anzupassen in der Hoffnung, dass OSM immer 
genauer wird.

Ein Wunsch meinerseits wäre, dass man sich mal eine gute Möglichkeit 
ausdenkt, Videotutorials so zu gestalten, dass man Teile davon sehr 
leicht austauschen kann. Denkbar wäre eine Flash/Silverlight-Umsetzung 
oder das zurückgreifen auf SMIL, wobei der Haken daran ist, dass man 
diesen beknatterten Real-Player braucht, da anscheinend kein anderer 
Mediaplayer-Programmierer anstrengungen unternimmt, das Format zu 
unterstützen (oder ich weiss nichts davon).

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Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Potlatch, die Siebenundzwölfigste

2008-07-28 Diskussionsfäden Thomas Hieber
Michael Buege schrieb:
> Zitat Ralf Oltmanns:
>> Wann endlich wird es eine Qualitätskontrolle geben, die verhindert,
>> dass Potlatcher einem die ganze Arbeit kaputtmachen?
> Fuer mich bitte frisches Popkorn und eine Diaetcola!
Glaubst Du wirklich, dass auf die Diskussion noch mal jemand anspringt? 
Langsam ist das Thema doch wirklich totdiskutiert.
Ansonsten für mich bitte auch einmal Popkorn.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Potlatch, die Siebenundzwölfigste

2008-07-28 Diskussionsfäden Michael Buege
Zitat Ralf Oltmanns:

> Wann endlich wird es eine Qualitätskontrolle geben, die verhindert,
> dass Potlatcher einem die ganze Arbeit kaputtmachen?

Fuer mich bitte frisches Popkorn und eine Diaetcola!


Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Potlatch, die Siebenundzwölfigste

2008-07-28 Diskussionsfäden Ralf Oltmanns
Hash: SHA1

Liebe Mitkartographen,

als Atheist liegt es mir fern, mich an die Götter zu wenden, aber ich
glaube, wenn ich mal wieder 'nen Zeugen Jehovas auf der Straße treffe,
bitte ich ihn, für mich ein gutes Wort einzulegen.

Wann endlich wird es eine Qualitätskontrolle geben, die verhindert, dass
Potlatcher einem die ganze Arbeit kaputtmachen?

Potlatch mag sein ein tolles Tool sein, ein gut gemeintes Tool ...
leider wissen vielleicht 2 % der Leute, die es verwenden, was sie da
tun. Ihr wisst ja, dass "gut gemeint" das Gegentum zu "gut" ist.
Der Rest sind wie 4jährige, denen Du Malstifte gibst und sie dann in ein
frisch tapeziertes Zimmer sperrst.

Und wer sich DANN noch wundert, dass er anschließend neu tapezieren
muss, der gehört mit rostigen Nägeln ans Kreuz genagelt.

Ich bin begeistert bei der Truppe und kartographiere wirklich gerne und
so oft es meine Zeit erlaubt ... leider viel zu wenig. Aber wenn ich nur
noch 10% Mapping und 90% Fehlerkorrektur vor mir habe, da hat der Spaß
echt ein Loch.

Ich bin mir recht sicher, dass ich mir meiner Meinung nicht allein da
stehe. Sollte ich mich irren, sagt mir einfach Bescheid, dann
verschwende ich meine Zeit lieber mit einem anderen Hobby und lass die
Potlatcher weitergrandeln.
Aber mit der Qualität, die die OSM-Karte vielerorts hat, gewinnen wir
kaum einen Blumentopf, wenn's zur Nagelprobe kommt.

Sissiphus hatte zeitweise 'nen leichteren Job als die Leute, die
ernsthaft versuchen, hier eine hochqualitative Karte zu erstellen. Den
hat nur EIN Hügel gestört, nicht aberdutzende von wohlwollenden Dilletanten.

Sorry für die harten Worte. Aber so wie's jetzt ist, werden sehr viele
Leute vergrault. Und das ist traurig bei einem solch tollen Projekt.

Ralf aka TigerDuck

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