Re: [OSM-talk-be] busroutes

2010-08-18 Per discussione Ivo De Broeck
2010/8/17 Ben Laenen

 Ivo De Broeck wrote:

  I suppose some data can be used in OSM. So it must be possible to load
  bus_stops from vvm_stop in batch in OSM?

 Only put in OSM what we're allowed to put in. Marc got this data for
 purposes, he never got permission to put it in OSM. He doesn't care about
 that, but the rest of us do. There are a lot of things that can be said
 whether the data should be free to use (or maybe is with the law about
 database rights), but I'd like to see it more thoroughly investigated
 any of this data gets in OSM than someone saying I think it's fine. And
 fact I hate that this database was made available to download without
 permission with a link on our mailing list given that OSM is so careful
 license issues.


Its not forbidden to put a link to another website.

It was very interesting to analyze the database of De Lijn. It convinced me
that there is no relation such as stadsbus 8 but trips like from A to B
via C.
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] busroutes

2010-08-18 Per discussione Ben Laenen
Ivo De Broeck wrote:
 Its not forbidden to put a link to another website.

It is forbidden to make this data available online, like Marc did.

And it's careless to link to this data on places like this mailing list: if we 
ever go out to hunt for available data that we can import in OSM, and they see 
that data like this was just made available without permission, now that 
doesn't give a very good impression, does it?

And really, I don't care if Marc throws data like this online without 
permission. As long as he does it without any reference to the OSM project.


Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Tijdeljike features

2010-08-18 Per discussione Paul Cardinaels

 Hoi allemaal,

marcel_travel heeft het camping-terrein van de Antiliaanse feesten in 
Hoogstraten gemapped:

Nu is de vraag: Dit terrein is maar 1 weekend per jaar aanwezig in deze 
vorm, kunnen we dit ergens aangeven?

Paul (Pensacola) Cardinaels

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Tijdeljike features

2010-08-18 Per discussione Luc Van den Troost
Ik vrees dat OSM niet de geschikte plaats is om gelegenheidstoestanden te
mappen zoals een festivalterrein, toch niet als dat allemaal 'tijdelijke'
wegen, kampeerplaatsen, etc.. zijn.  Als de wegen permanent zijn, maar
slechts uitzonderlijk toegankelijk, kunnen die eventueel gemapt worden als
'private' of access = restricted/no

Een gelijkaardige discussie is er al eens geweest rond wegomleggingen en
tijdelijke verkeerssituaties in verband daarmee.

Toen was de conclusie dat die in OSM konden worden aangepast als
1. die lang genoeg duurden (minimaal meerdere maanden)
2. degene die de aanpassingen maakte ook zelf in de gaten kon houden wanneer
er terug moest gewijzigd worden naar de normale toestand.

Luc / Speedy

2010/8/18 Paul Cardinaels

  Hoi allemaal,

 marcel_travel heeft het camping-terrein van de Antiliaanse feesten in
 Hoogstraten gemapped:

 Nu is de vraag: Dit terrein is maar 1 weekend per jaar aanwezig in deze
 vorm, kunnen we dit ergens aangeven?

 Paul (Pensacola) Cardinaels

 Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Tijdeljike features

2010-08-18 Per discussione Ben Laenen
Paul Cardinaels wrote:
   Hoi allemaal,
 marcel_travel heeft het camping-terrein van de Antiliaanse feesten in
 Hoogstraten gemapped:
 Nu is de vraag: Dit terrein is maar 1 weekend per jaar aanwezig in deze
 vorm, kunnen we dit ergens aangeven?
 Paul (Pensacola) Cardinaels

Er is zoiets gelijkaardigs met Burning Man in de VS. Dat is ook telkens iets 
van een week per jaar, en om het nog leuker te maken, elk jaar op een iets 
andere plek. Het heeft mappers er ook niet van weerhouden om het te mappen, en 
dan krijg je dit

Persoonlijk heb ik er niks tegen dat mensen dit mappen, maar zodra het voorbij 
is moet het dan ook weer uit OSM (of toch anders getagd misschien als je echt 
per se iets wil bijhouden). Zeker iets als deze festivals, waar het terrein 
meestal ook elk jaar anders ingedeeld is.


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] ODbL, CTs and tracing GPS tracks

2010-08-18 Per discussione TimSC
Assuming GPS tracks have some legal protection in some legal 
jurisdictions, does anyone care to take a stab at answering my original 
question? :)


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] ODbL, CTs and tracing GPS tracks

2010-08-18 Per discussione Ed Avis
1. While a GPS track recorded 'by accident' while you're doing something else
   could be considered mere fact, if you expressly go out on a mapping trip
   and choose which streets to walk down and which to omit, there is some
   creative element.  (I know that I walk in careful patterns to make a good-
   looking trace.)

2. Obviously, waypoint text included on the track is copyrightable.

3. If OSM chooses to switch to ODbL, and attempts to assert restrictions over 
   redistribution of factual data even if not copyrightable, it would be
   inconsistent to treat other people's data with less than the strictness we
   demand for our own.  (This point is obviously an opinion.)

4. Sweat-of-the-brow and/or database right law would also argue against
   unrestricted use of GPS tracks outside the purpose for which they were
   originally contributed.

5. If GPS tracks were, in the end, considered unprotected and freely usable
   for adding to a non-CC-BY-SA data set, then most of the map data would be
   also, by the same argument.

Ed Avis

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Is tracing from Yahoo allowed under the CT's

2010-08-18 Per discussione David Groom
- Original Message - 
From: Frederik Ramm

To: Licensing and other legal discussions.
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Is tracing from Yahoo allowed under the CT's


David Groom wrote:
Secondly from the second line of  you will see the 
phrase Yahoo! have agreed to let OSM use their aerial imagery [ under 
the old licence terms], and large parts of the remainder of that page go 
on to mention the agreement with Yahoo etc.

I fixed that page.

If you read the page closely, it already said further down that It seems 
to be more a case of agreeing an interpretation of their Terms of Use., 
and the Yahoo! guy quoted did not say anything about an agreement.

By the way, I did read the page closely, and included the above text in my 
original post :)

Truth is, Yahoo were approached by us and basically said: Yes we think 
it's ok if someone traces vector data from our maps, that would not be our 
copyright anymore. Which meant, *specifically*, that OSM could trace and 
release under CC-BY-SA, and since that was all that was of interest to us 
at the time, we put that wording on the wiki page.

Thank you for clarifying that Yahoo did not give agreement that was  limited 


If there ever was an agreement it was not about who can use the data 
under what license, but instead - and that took us a while to sort out - 
how exactly we were allowed to display Yahoo data in our editors.

Mikel Maron did the talks with Yahoo at the time.


legal-talk mailing list

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Contradictory Contributor Terms?

2010-08-18 Per discussione David Groom

- Original Message - 
From: SomeoneElse
To: Licensing and other legal discussions.

Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 1:25 PM
Subject: [OSM-legal-talk] Contradictory Contributor Terms?

 A few days ago a question was asked about the first and last sentences
of the new CT ( being
I know that everyone's been busy, but was that question ever answered?

Taking OS OpenData as an example, their licence
makes the statement OS OpenData™ is covered by either Crown Copyright,
Crown Database Right, or has been licensed to the Crown.

That implies to me that although the OS are happy for me to use it
(subject to their terms) sentence 1 of the new CTs prevents the addition
of it to OSM. However, this is contradicted by sentence 3  If You are
not the copyright holder of the Contents. Can anyone associated with
the draughting of the new CTs explain why this isn't a contradiction?

Perhaps (as Bernard Ingham said) it's a cock-up rather than a conspiracy
and there's just an or missing somewhere?


there has been some discussion here



legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] ODbL, CTs and tracing GPS tracks

2010-08-18 Per discussione davespod

Jukka Rahkonen writes:
I have understood that uploaded GPS track logs that we have now are
 effectively public domain. They are facts (even they do not allways
 tell the truth) and they miss all the creativity so they are not
 Everybody can use at least individual tracks for any purpose. At the
 moment only OSM map data are under CC-BY-SA but track logs are free facts.

When we signed up to OSM, we agreed:

By creating an account, you agree that all work uploaded to and all data created by use of any tools which connect to is to be (non-exclusively) licensed under this Creative
Commons license (by-sa)

Surely this includes GPS tracks? Ok, the issue of whether they are
copyrightable is still up for debate, but presumably the answer is, as
usual, probably in some jurisdictions (IANAL). But by uploading them to
OSM and releasing them CC-by-SA, we have certainly tried to assert
copyright, at the very least (which is a shame - although I might have some
misgivings about the map data being PD, I, and I'm sure most others would
have no such misgivings about GPS traces).

View this message in context:
Sent from the Legal Talk mailing list archive at

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Bilingual rendering for Greece

2010-08-18 Per discussione Maarten Deen
On Wed, 18 Aug 2010 00:44:48 +0200, Stephan Knauss wrote:

 while working on some special purpose map rendering I was told that
 it would also be interesting for Greece.
 So here I have a bilingual map rendering for Greece:
 Please let me know if you consider this useful. Currently the map
 data of *this* map is not updated.

Very! And it would be for all other non-latin scripts too.
It would be a nice addition if tiles were rendered in local script and
latin and shown like that based on preference or viewer location.
Not sure if people from those areas feel the same about getting places
with latin script in their script. Of course that requires some
additional computing power.
Would it be an option to put captions (up to a certain extent) on a
different layer?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] A GPS Trace Visualizer

2010-08-18 Per discussione Toby Murray
Interesting. In the past I've just used JOSM to download all the GPS
traces in my area and then taken a screen shot. Since I have been the
only person in a 100 mile radius contributing to OSM, I could just use
that to say these are all my traces but now there is finally another
mapper in the area cluttering up my traces so I may have to take a
look at this :)


On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 11:12 PM, Cory Lueninghoener wrote:
 Hi all,

 I was inspired a few weeks ago to do something more with all of the
 GPS traces I've collected over the last three and a half years.  After
 a bit of hacking with Processing, I found I had created a toy that
 made (in my opinion) some fun art style plots of where I had been:

 I'm sure other people have written their own versions of this same
 thing (I know they have, 'cuz I've seen similar images on the web),
 but I figured I'd share my version here.  I didn't bother researching
 those other implementations, so I wouldn't be surprised of they're
 better than mine.  :)

 Anyway, if anybody is interested in playing with the (very beta) toy,
 feel free to grab a copy:

 Point it at a directory full of .gpx files and it should do the rest.  Enjoy!

 Cory Lueninghoener
 Hacker, Photographer, Tinkerer

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] RFC: what are empty nodes and how should we use them?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Konrad Skeri
2010/8/18 Steve Bennett

 Seriously, guys, creating nodes with zero tags attached, and
 attempting to express meaning through them? That's dumb. It's hard
 enough managing the various confusing meanings of actual tags, without
 having to mindread your way through the absence of them...



For showing that the road continues I make a small stump of
highway=road, fixme=continuation
which meaning should be quite obvious to others I hope.

It renders, so you can even see on the map that aha, there's a road
here that just hasn't been mapped yet
This also gives the benefit of routers correctly adressing roundabouts
(so it says take the second exit instead of saying take the first
exit just because the real first exit isn't mapped yet) or junctions
(so it says at the junction turn left instead of saying at the end
of the road, at the T-crossing, turn left just because the road
straight ahead isn't mapped yet).


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Bilingual rendering for Greece

2010-08-18 Per discussione Stephan Knauss

Maarten Deen wrote:

On Wed, 18 Aug 2010 00:44:48 +0200, Stephan Knauss

So here I have a bilingual map rendering for Greece:
Please let me know if you consider this useful. Currently the map
data of *this* map is not updated.

Very! And it would be for all other non-latin scripts too.
It would be a nice addition if tiles were rendered in local script and
latin and shown like that based on preference or viewer location.

I would like to see the bilingual style used in the main rendering. That 
uses name:en when available.

As I was asked: The name is created using different views. Code is 
available for download:

It needs a patch in mapnik. Either get the patch from trac or wait until 
it's officially delivered.

You could set up multiple fallback languages and redirect the visitor 
based on the language settings reported by the browser. Even things like 
use name:de if available, else use name:en is possible.

Would it be an option to put captions (up to a certain extent) on a
different layer?

Some people tried this on Toolserver.

It's complicated because different languages take up different space on 
the map. So the placement of icons is not trivial.

I have the feeling that currently it's easier to simply render the 
language that's of interest.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Walking Papers integration with ?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Łukasz Stelmach
Michal Migurski writes:

 At this past weekend's State Of The Map conference in Atlanta, the
 idea of integrating Walking Papers into the OSM site proper came up a
 few times.

 Do people this this is a good idea? An interesting idea?

Sounds great.

And now for something completely different ;) since there is a chance
you read this. *I* miss a capability in walking papers to create a PDF
single containging selected area split into several pages.

Miłego dnia,
Łukasz Stelmach

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Tagging Seamarks

2010-08-18 Per discussione Bernhard R. Fischer
On Tuesday 17 August 2010 23:54:55 you wrote:
 Bernhard R. Fischer wrote:
  For a long time now I am interested in tagging seamarks.(short
 Same here. I always knew that there wasn't anything near to consensus about
 much of anything on that front though, with a lot of bad blood in the
 German OSM community, which is one of the reasons why I shied away from
 getting involved until about now.
 Very frustrating situation indeed.
  Now I found out that there are two comparable but different and competing
  tagging schemes:
  The first one is used by the second one by
  Consequently, there exist two disjoint marine maps.
 New information (at least, new to some, including me) has surfaced on the
 German [Talk-de] OSM mailing list that says (paraphrasing) the first
 mentioned is the one and only official proposal (incidentally also used
 by FT, The second link you mentioned is part of the scheme
 of the other project (OSeaM,
 So it would appear that we actually have
 * one official proposal, currently under discussion (also used by FT)
 * one private scheme, with private tags (exclusively used by OSeaM)
 Now, the thing is I'm not really sure about this assessment. What I wrote
 above is my current understanding of the situation, which may be wrong.
 I'd appreciate input from FT or OSeaM project members on this matter, or
 really from anyone at all!
  This is extremely frustrating!
  Computers do not care about attribute names and we shouldn't also as long
  as both schemes fulfill the same requirements.
 This is not just a naming issue. The tagging concepts of the schemes are
 rather different (contrary to what has been alleged somewhere on the
 There seems to be a lot of half knowledge and smattering among some of
 those who wrote on the Wiki on marine topics in the past, which of course
 is very conductive to misunderstandings. I believe this is part of what
 fuelled the conflicts between FT and OSeaM back then (but I was an
 observer in those conflicts only, so what do I know :) ).
 Anyway, one thing I find particularly remarkable is that on just about
 every one of the Wiki pages, someone wrote something about that this
 tagging scheme followed IHO standard S-57, and how important and cool
 that would be, while actually (and thankfully), none of those schemes even
 come close to S-57.
 S-57 is basically a soon-to-be-obsolete, proprietary and binary file
 format, so following it wouldn't really make a lot of sense for OSM. Not
 sure why so many people wrote that. Perhaps someone on this list is able
 to enlighten me?


I'm a little bit more into details of all that, yet.
The approaches of FT and OpenSeamap are a little bit different. OpenSeamap uses 
the OSM database exclusively while FT has its own database (as far as I 
understood) and they put just some pieces of information into the OSM 
database. Also FT puts just an overlay on top of the Openstreetmap map but 
Openseamap completely renders a seamap with focus on seamap features.

Regarding the tagging schemes. Openseamap uses this proprietary seamark:*=* 
scheme but FT uses just a subset of the official proposal. There is page which 
documents it:
(It is in German but if you take a brief overview you'll partially understand 
it (German words: Bake=beacon, Tonne=buoy, 
This is the reason why I personally favor Openseamap more than FT. In 
addition, FT is focused more on inland waterways.

 A further question for me is what is official and what is private?
Both of those tagging schemes are similar although the structure is different, 
as you mentioned. And, what is IMO much more important, the Openseamap scheme 
is already rendered on OpenSeamap which is not true for the other one and I 
stick with the opinion of the Openseamp guys: a seamap should be rendered 
different than a street map because different objects are important.

However, as an IT guy I prefer the Openseamp scheme to the offical one because 
it is more modular from a technical point of view. Thus, I hope that people 
out there do not still ignore the Openseamap scheme. After all, I translated 
it into English ;)

Regarding S-57: I think what they mean is that they orient on the S-57 schemes 
in respect to which attributes exist on which objects.

Best regards,

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Tagging Seamarks

2010-08-18 Per discussione Bernhard R. Fischer
On Tuesday 17 August 2010 21:40:55 Malcolm Herring wrote:
 Andreas Labres wrote:
  Continuing dispute between the two groups
 I was suggesting that a state of peaceful co-existence can be achieved -
 Our editors will not alter or remove tags that are not ours, and
 hopefully this will be reciprocated.

I think that co-existence can just be a transitional solution until this is 
(sometimes hopefully) thrashed out.

After that a conversion from one format to the other one shouldn't be too 
complex. The cbm proposal and the Openseamark scheme are very compatible.
Joining FT symbols will get a little bit more tricky since it is not very 
modular defined.

Best regards,

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] A GPS Trace Visualizer

2010-08-18 Per discussione M∡rtin Koppenhoefer
2010/8/18 Toby Murray
 Interesting. In the past I've just used JOSM to download all the GPS
 traces in my area and then taken a screen shot.

I did some visualisations in the past using gnuplot, but not caring
about projections and the like (just used a cartesian grid).


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Tagging Seamarks

2010-08-18 Per discussione Arne Johannessen
Hi Bernhard,

thanks for your reply. This message has become longer than I initially 
expected, as I added some general thoughts of mine. Please do feel free to 
ignore those and concentrate on open questions. :)

Bernhard R. Fischer wrote:
 [...] Also FT puts just an overlay on top of the Openstreetmap map but 
 Openseamap completely renders a seamap with focus on seamap features.

Not sure what you're referring to. I mean, 
and are both just overlays on top of the standard 
Mapnik OSM rendering, right?

 This is the reason why I personally favor Openseamap more than FT. In 
 addition, FT is focused more on inland waterways.

Personally, I favour neither one of those projects. I'd just like to add some 
marine data to OSM, and don't fancy doing it twice (once per tagging scheme). 
Besides, there are clear technological issues with this kind of redundancy.

I'm also thinking about writing a new renderer (or renderer style) for marine 
data in OSM, and find the existing documentation of the tagging schemes in use 
less than optimal for that purpose.

 A further question for me is what is official and what is private?
 Both of those tagging schemes are similar although the structure is 
 as you mentioned.

As far as I can see, the similarities pretty much end with the fact that they 
both can be used for buoys and beacons and stuff. Sure, some of the strings 
look the same, but because of the different structure this merely adds to the 

Speaking of the structure: I also have the impression, that the OSeaM scheme 
views all of their tags as non-optional, resulting in a true proliferation of 
tags even for otherwise simple objects. But I may be wrong on that. The Wiki 
appears to be silent on the matter.

Anyway, what I meant by official is something like the Map Features -- a 
single go-to-page with most relevant links to the consensus of the OSM 
community as far as tagging is concerned, enabling newbies to just go ahead and 
start working. With private I meant a tagging scheme that is not used in OSM 
except by a certain group of people for their own purposes. But as I said, I 
may have misunderstood the earlier discussion on this matter on [talk-de].

 And, what is IMO much more important, the Openseamap scheme 
 is already rendered on OpenSeamap which is not true for the other one and I 
 stick with the opinion of the Openseamp guys: a seamap should be rendered 
 different than a street map because different objects are important.

Sorry, I'm not a member of either project and hence am not very well versed in 
their technology. Which renderer are you presently referring to?

I mean, as far as I know, both projects have their own slippy maps on their 
home pages (see above), but at this point neither of them really looks 
different than a street map because they both use the default Mapnik rendering 
style as base.

But then again, there also appear to be existing solutions to export marine 
data from OSM to embedded systems (hand-held GPSs, chart plotters etc.), so the 
renderer landscape could be said to be a bit more diverse than just consisting 
of a few slippy maps. Perhaps you're referring to one of these exported OSM 

I agree with you BTW: a marine map should eventually be rendered different from 
land maps, no matter whether the sea or inland waterways are depicted.

 However, as an IT guy I prefer the Openseamp scheme to the offical one 
 it is more modular from a technical point of view.

How is it more modular? How would modularity be useful in a practical sense? 
Can you provide an example or use case?

Being an IT guy myself, I think that maintainability (i. e. ease-of-use) of 
source code is very important. With tags being OSM's source code, this makes 
me a big fan of the pragmatism that generally governs the OSM community's 
approach to finding and agreeing upon new tags.

That's also why I'd like to see OSM tags for marine data that are conceptually 
similar to OSM tags for land data. And that's also why I have every expectation 
that we'll eventually arrive at such a tagging scheme, however it may look. :)

 Thus, I hope that people 
 out there do not still ignore the Openseamap scheme. After all, I translated 
 it into English ;)

Ah, thanks for doing that. Hopefully it will facilitate some discussion.

 Regarding S-57: I think what they mean is that they orient on the S-57 
 in respect to which attributes exist on which objects.

Yes, maybe that's what happened.

But S-57 is very convoluted and very specific to ENCs, even just far as the 
object attributes are concerned. OSM can be a lot more flexible. We should make 
use of that flexibility. I for one think it would be a mistake to have another 
data format's constraints carry over into OSM.


Arne Johannessen

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] collection/street relation: which one to use?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Ulf Mehlig
It has been a while since the use of collection and street relations
for collections of ways belonging to the same street have been
discussed. I just had a look at

and both relations area apparently ±equally used. Of course I understand
that everybody should tag what he/she thinks suits him/her best, but in
rather fundamental cases like this I personally would prefer a
somewhat coordinated approach ;-)

I would be interested in your opinion on preference for one of the types
(there is a short discussion on one of the talk pages, focussing on the
dilemma of being too specific/too fundamental), as I'm trying to
make up my mind which one to use here in north Brazil, where neither of
both relations have been much applied yet.

Thanks! Ulf

 Ulf Mehlig

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] collection/street relation: which one to use?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Ed Loach
Ulf wrote:

 I just had a look at
 and both relations area apparently ±equally used. 

Can't help answering your question, Ulf, but in what way is
undocumented? I know JOSM validator plugin doesn't know about it, but I ignore 
those warnings...

Does it need its own page rather than a redirect?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] collection/street relation: which one to use?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Pieren
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 1:37 PM, Ed Loach wrote:

  and both relations area apparently ±equally used.

True, it's not two but three relations proposals for the same purpose:
collection, street and associatedStreet

Althoughcollection is not limited to streets, it's also proposing street
addresses members...

Since associatedStreet was historicaly the first proposal including house
numbers and is the most popular according to Tagwatch, I would suggest to
deprecate the street proposal and remove streets from the collection

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] A GPS Trace Visualizer

2010-08-18 Per discussione andrzej zaborowski
For some time I have been thinking about making a tileserver / WMS
with a visualisation of OSM GPS traces, but one where you can see how
many traces overlap at a given point (so some kind of heat map thing).
 This would be used for tracing in JOSM instead of displaying all the
traces in the same colour.  This would really let you estimate where
the centreline of a road / lane is and would let you really take
advantage of having 1000s of traces for the same street (like in big
cities with many mappers).


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] A GPS Trace Visualizer

2010-08-18 Per discussione John Smith
On 18 August 2010 22:51, andrzej zaborowski wrote:
 For some time I have been thinking about making a tileserver / WMS
 with a visualisation of OSM GPS traces, but one where you can see how
 many traces overlap at a given point (so some kind of heat map thing).
  This would be used for tracing in JOSM instead of displaying all the
 traces in the same colour.  This would really let you estimate where
 the centreline of a road / lane is and would let you really take
 advantage of having 1000s of traces for the same street (like in big
 cities with many mappers).

The centre line is obvious, but there is a number of other things you
could do as well, like indicating average/mean speed to help with
maxspeed=* tagging and also where traffic lights exist.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Bilingual rendering for Greece

2010-08-18 Per discussione Peter Körner

Am 18.08.2010 10:31, schrieb Stephan Knauss:

It's complicated because different languages take up different space on
the map. So the placement of icons is not trivial.

I did the multilingual overlays on the Toolserver.

My first approach was to kick out all Symbolizers from the OSM Style 
that were no TextSymbolizers. This resulted in Text on the overlays 
overlapping POI-Icons.

The second approach, that's the one that is currently online, renders 
all TextSymbolizer and all PointSymbolizer but with the PointSymbolizer 
set to opacity=0.

Ævar had a great Idea for a third approach:
Only objects that actually have a translation need to be in the language 
overlay -- all other objects like most streets can go into the base 
layer. That way the language overlay would become nearly empty on higher 
zoom levels.

To do this, you need a fast way to find objects with translations. To be 
able to do this I comitted a patch to osm2pgsql that allows you to 
create hstore-columns for subtags, eg. a column name: that is null if 
no name:xx-tag is available and that contains a hstore with the 
translations otherwise.

You can then create a conditional index like
CREATE INDEX bla ON points (osm_id) WHERE NOT name: IS NULL;

to have a fast lookup for translated items.

I did a planet import with this column on the Toolserver and developed a 
style for it but never got around to complete this work.

If you or some other wants to talk about this technical point, please 
come over to osm-dev.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] A GPS Trace Visualizer

2010-08-18 Per discussione John F. Eldredge
There is likely to be a considerable difference between the average speed and 
the maximum speed, particularly along streets that are badly congested at 
different times of day.  The average speed is useful for routing decisions, but 
should be tagged separately from the maximum speed.

---Original Email---
Subject :Re: [OSM-talk] A GPS Trace Visualizer
Date  :Wed Aug 18 07:57:17 America/Chicago 2010

On 18 August 2010 22:51, andrzej zaborowski wrote:
 For some time I have been thinking about making a tileserver / WMS
 with a visualisation of OSM GPS traces, but one where you can see how
 many traces overlap at a given point (so some kind of heat map thing).
  This would be used for tracing in JOSM instead of displaying all the
 traces in the same colour.  This would really let you estimate where
 the centreline of a road / lane is and would let you really take
 advantage of having 1000s of traces for the same street (like in big
 cities with many mappers).

The centre line is obvious, but there is a number of other things you
could do as well, like indicating average/mean speed to help with
maxspeed=* tagging and also where traffic lights exist.

talk mailing list

John F. Eldredge --
Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to 
think at all. -- Hypatia of Alexandria
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] A GPS Trace Visualizer

2010-08-18 Per discussione andrzej zaborowski
On 18 August 2010 14:57, John Smith wrote:
 The centre line is obvious

The problem is when you really have a lot of traces in an area.
Considering that people also upload non-car driving traces, and traces
from broken GPSes or simply with really big horizontal error, at some
point when you look at your city, every pixel on your screen is
covered with a GPS point.  You can only rely on the density of those
points then.

This is already the case around the biggest streets in big metropoleis.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] good gps trace recorder for Iphone?

2010-08-18 Per discussione IgnacioZ
Hi I wanted to know which you think is the best gps trace tool for iphone. I
am currently travelling and would like to record some tracks in order to
upload later to OSM.

Thanks in advance,
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Howto add simple push pin or marker to OpenStreetMap ?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Valent Turkovic
On Tue, 17 Aug 2010 20:04:51 +0200, Nic Roets wrote:

 We have something better: The routing demo allows manipulation of
 multiple markers.

Whoow, this routing works perfectly and takes in account turn 
restrictions! Congrats!

Who has implemented this? Hope devels who worked on this make this 
routing available to iPhone and Android app makers (for a fee, or some 
other arangement) so that we can finally have OSM based routing with turn 


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registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter,
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic, MSN:

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Howto add simple push pin or marker to OpenStreetMap ?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Valent Turkovic
On Tue, 17 Aug 2010 16:13:40 +0200, jynus wrote:

 On the wiki:

Thank you all who replied, look like info is there on the Wiki, just not 
easily searchable.

I added two wiki redirect pages, not sure if that is welcomed or not so 
please check them out and if this is a bad thing to do please recommend a 
better way.


pratite me na twitteru -
linux, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless, ronjenje, pametne kuće
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter,
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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] good gps trace recorder for Iphone?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Mike N.
I use MotionX GPS ($2.99) - a great UI plus track recorder - although it seems 
to restrict recorded data to X meters between points  There might be a setting 
to change this, but I haven't found it.   I would rather have all data so that 
I can get an idea of the error, etc.

From: IgnacioZ 
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 9:13 AM
To: osm 
Subject: [OSM-talk] good gps trace recorder for Iphone?

Hi I wanted to know which you think is the best gps trace tool for iphone. I am 
currently travelling and would like to record some tracks in order to upload 
later to OSM.

Thanks in advance,
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Tagging Seamarks

2010-08-18 Per discussione Malcolm Herring
I found a wonderful motto at the top of the user page of one of the OSM 
system administrators, TomH:

I don't give a flying monkey's for tag voting, automatic changebots, 
endless discussions, categories, or any of that crap, but prefer to get 
on and actually do stuff.

This echoes my sentiments exactly!

So, I will take my leave of this thread and spend more time writing code 
 stylesheets for the OSeaM project.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] A GPS Trace Visualizer

2010-08-18 Per discussione John Smith
On 18 August 2010 23:08, John F. Eldredge wrote:
 There is likely to be a considerable difference between the average speed and 
 the maximum speed, particularly along streets that are badly congested at 
 different times of day.  The average speed is useful for routing decisions, 
 but should be tagged separately from the maximum speed.

there is a reason I wrote it as 'average/mean'... I'm sure with enough
GPS data, not just the location of points, and using some statistical
methods to properly analysis it you could get some meaningful
additional information out of the data.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Tagging Seamarks

2010-08-18 Per discussione David Fawcett
I know that OSM is the place that 'You too can be an Anarchist' (just
like everyone else...) ,but after watching discussions on roads, sea
marks, addresses, etc. I feel like the OSM community is missing
opportunities to leverage individual data contributions when they
can't all be tied together in a coherent way.

In the end, it would be nice if there were standards that most of the
people would follow.  I think that when most of us started mapping, we
looked for the 'official' way to tag things and would have been happy
to follow that standard.  Some people with always say, 'F! you, you
can't tell me how to map'.  And they are right and have a proper place
in OSM.  But, I think that many people see the value of standards and
see how it facilitates the creation of innovative and productive
applications/products based on OSM data, and they would be willing to
follow standards.


On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 8:32 AM, Malcolm Herring wrote:
 I found a wonderful motto at the top of the user page of one of the OSM
 system administrators, TomH:

 I don't give a flying monkey's for tag voting, automatic changebots,
 endless discussions, categories, or any of that crap, but prefer to get on
 and actually do stuff.

 This echoes my sentiments exactly!

 So, I will take my leave of this thread and spend more time writing code 
 stylesheets for the OSeaM project.


 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Tagging Seamarks

2010-08-18 Per discussione Pieren
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 3:32 PM, Malcolm Herring wrote:

 I don't give a flying monkey's for tag voting, automatic changebots,
 endless discussions, categories, or any of that crap, but prefer to get on
 and actually do stuff.

 This echoes my sentiments exactly!

 So, I will take my leave of this thread and spend more time writing code 
 stylesheets for the OSeaM project.

This attitude led to two incompatible tagging schemas for the same things.
It's simply irresponsible. So don't be surprised or offended if the
consensus is found without you and you tags are replaced later by bots.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] ODbL, CTs and tracing GPS tracks

2010-08-18 Per discussione Anthony
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 4:14 AM, TimSC wrote:
 Assuming GPS tracks have some legal protection in some legal jurisdictions,
 does anyone care to take a stab at answering my original question? :)

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 1:51 PM, TimSC wrote:
 Is tracing someones ODbL licensed GPS track a creation of a derived database
 or a produced work?

Depends how you store the trace, doesn't it?

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] A GPS Trace Visualizer

2010-08-18 Per discussione Cory Lueninghoener
Ha, projections!  I have been too lazy to think about that so far, so
right now this guy just has a cartesian grid going from -180 to 180
and -90 to 90.  Maybe sometime I'll add different flattened
projections, as well as sticking everything on a sphere.


On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 3:32 AM, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:
 2010/8/18 Toby Murray
 Interesting. In the past I've just used JOSM to download all the GPS
 traces in my area and then taken a screen shot.

 I did some visualisations in the past using gnuplot, but not caring
 about projections and the like (just used a cartesian grid).


 talk mailing list

Cory Lueninghoener
Hacker, Photographer, Tinkerer

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] good gps trace recorder for Iphone?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Chris Dombroski

On Wed, 18 Aug 2010 10:13:59 -0300, IgnacioZ wrote:
 Hi I wanted to know which you think is the best gps trace tool for
 am currently travelling and would like to record some tracks in order to
 upload later to OSM.
 Thanks in advance,

I know you only asked about iPhone, however, I thought I'd speak up for
the Android camp as well. Vespuchi is a OSM editor for Android, but can't
upload traces yet; don't know if it saves them anywhere either. Until
I've found the
(it's searchable on the market for installing it) app to be a good one.
Just open the app and press the start button to begin logging your route,
press stop to end and save your data. Ability to change the log rate by
time or distance. 

(Forgot to change my from address on my first post of this, moderators can
just delete that one)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] good gps trace recorder for Iphone?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Valent Turkovic
On Wed, 18 Aug 2010 10:13:59 -0300, IgnacioZ wrote:

 Hi I wanted to know which you think is the best gps trace tool for
 iphone. I am currently travelling and would like to record some tracks
 in order to upload later to OSM.

Try OSMTrack, really nice app and also MotionX GPS works great.


pratite me na twitteru -
linux, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless, ronjenje, pametne kuće
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter,
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic, MSN:

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] ODbL, CTs and tracing GPS tracks

2010-08-18 Per discussione TimSC

On 18/08/10 15:13, Anthony wrote:
On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 1:51 PM, TimSC 

Is tracing someones ODbL licensed GPS track a creation of a derived database
or a produced work?

Depends how you store the trace, doesn't it?

How specifically does the interpretation of the ODbL depend on trace 


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] A GPS Trace Visualizer

2010-08-18 Per discussione davespod

 There is likely to be a considerable difference between the average speed
 and the maximum speed, particularly along streets that are badly congested
 at different times of day.  The average speed is useful for routing
 but should be tagged separately from the maximum speed.

Even average speed for routing purposes would be difficult to determine. How
would you differentiate between car, motorcycle, bicycle, unicycle, horse or
shank's pony*?


* Apologies: just remembered the international audience: this is an idiom
meaning walking.

---Original Email---
Subject :Re: [OSM-talk] A GPS Trace Visualizer
Date  :Wed Aug 18 07:57:17 America/Chicago 2010

On 18 August 2010 22:51, andrzej zaborowski wrote:
 For some time I have been thinking about making a tileserver / WMS
 with a visualisation of OSM GPS traces, but one where you can see how
 many traces overlap at a given point (so some kind of heat map thing).
  This would be used for tracing in JOSM instead of displaying all the
 traces in the same colour.  This would really let you estimate where
 the centreline of a road / lane is and would let you really take
 advantage of having 1000s of traces for the same street (like in big
 cities with many mappers).

The centre line is obvious, but there is a number of other things you
could do as well, like indicating average/mean speed to help with
maxspeed=* tagging and also where traffic lights exist.

talk mailing list

John F. Eldredge --
Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not
to think at all. -- Hypatia of Alexandria
talk mailing list

View this message in context:
Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] ODbL, CTs and tracing GPS tracks

2010-08-18 Per discussione Anthony
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 11:14 AM, TimSC wrote:
 On 18/08/10 15:13, Anthony wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 1:51 PM, TimSC

 Is tracing someones ODbL licensed GPS track a creation of a derived
 or a produced work?

 Depends how you store the trace, doesn't it?

 How specifically does the interpretation of the ODbL depend on trace

Sounds like a good question to ask your lawyer.

A produced work is a work (such as an image, audiovisual material,
text, or sounds) resulting from using the whole or a Substantial part
of the Contents (via a search or other query) from this Database, a
Derivative Database, or this Database as part of a Collective

A Derivative Database Means a database based upon the Database, and
includes any translation, adaptation, arrangement, modification, or
any other alteration of the Database or of a Substantial part of the
Contents. This includes, but is not limited to, Extracting or
Re-utilising the whole or a Substantial part of the Contents in a new

If you store the trace as an image, then it's likely a produced work,
and not a derivative database.  If you store the trace as a database,
then it's like a derivative database, and not a produced work.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] A GPS Trace Visualizer

2010-08-18 Per discussione Toby Murray
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 10:25 AM, davespod wrote:
 Even average speed for routing purposes would be difficult to determine. How
 would you differentiate between car, motorcycle, bicycle, unicycle, horse or
 shank's pony*?

I personally tag all my trace uploads with mode of transportation
(bicycle, car, walking) as well as the make and model of the GPS unit
(garmin, edge 305) but yeah that probably can't be relied upon too


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Mapnik render queue stuck

2010-08-18 Per discussione Toby Murray
I uploaded a new stretch of river bank last night (over 3k objects).
This morning I checked the map and they had not been rendered. When I
check /status on the tiles they claim that they are due to be
rendered but they are obviously not actually in the render queue
because the queue has hit 0 on the munin graphs several times since I
uploaded. Also when I /dirty the tile it re-renders quickly. Is this a
bug in renderd? I think I uploaded right around the time of the spike
in the data import lag graph at 11:30 or so on the graph so that might
be a factor:

I have already re-rendered some zoom levels but I'll leave it alone
for now in case someone wants to take a look at it. Here is a link to
the area where you can still see just the river itself with no river
banks rendered and all the tiles supposedly in the queue. If you zoom
out one level you will see what I have already re-rendered.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapnik render queue stuck

2010-08-18 Per discussione Claudius

Am 18.08.2010 18:04, Toby Murray:

I uploaded a new stretch of river bank last night (over 3k objects).
This morning I checked the map and they had not been rendered.  (...)

Here is a link to
the area where you can still see just the river itself with no river
banks rendered and all the tiles supposedly in the queue. If you zoom
out one level you will see what I have already re-rendered.


Shows a nicely contoured riverbank to me. Browser caching issue?
Right-click - Open image address... - Hit F5 to reload the image file


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] collection/street relation: which one to use?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Ulf Mehlig
However, associatedStreet is maybe not the most obvious choice for
joining, say, the segments of a motorway; at least I thought,
associatedStreet would be used for associating single ways (street
segments) with waypoints (symbolising addresses along the street
segment) only. In addition (being, however, no native speaker of
English), using associatedStreet for a collection of ways sounds
strange to me.

... and then there is also the tag relatedStreet -- what's that? :-)

On Wed, 2010-08-18 at 14:10 +0200, Pieren wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 1:37 PM, Ed Loach wrote:
  and both relations area apparently ±equally used.
 True, it's not two but three relations proposals for the same purpose:
 collection, street and associatedStreet 
 Althoughcollection is not limited to streets, it's also proposing
 street addresses members...
 Since associatedStreet was historicaly the first proposal including
 house numbers and is the most popular according to Tagwatch, I would
 suggest to deprecate the street proposal and remove streets from the
 collection proposal.
 talk mailing list

 Ulf Mehlig

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] moderation going forward

2010-08-18 Per discussione SteveC
The list has become sane again, and I've not had to use any Evil Powers.

But, is this what you want going forward?

My own inclination is that list moderators are elected per list for, say, a one 
year period. But I suspect that finding people who want to be a moderator might 
be hard.



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapnik render queue stuck

2010-08-18 Per discussione Toby Murray
Nope. Someone must have done /dirty on it after I sent the email.
Caching issues wouldn't explain why the /status for the tiles claimed
they were due to be rendered - plus this was on two different
computers, 6 hours apart.


On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 11:33 AM, Claudius wrote:
 Am 18.08.2010 18:04, Toby Murray:

 I uploaded a new stretch of river bank last night (over 3k objects).
 This morning I checked the map and they had not been rendered.  (...)

 Here is a link to
 the area where you can still see just the river itself with no river
 banks rendered and all the tiles supposedly in the queue. If you zoom
 out one level you will see what I have already re-rendered.


 Shows a nicely contoured riverbank to me. Browser caching issue?
 Right-click - Open image address... - Hit F5 to reload the image file


 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] collection/street relation: which one to use?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Anthony
They both (street and collection) have problems.  type=street is the
best type.  role=member (or no role) would be the best role.

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 8:10 AM, Pieren wrote:
 Since associatedStreet was historicaly the first proposal including house
 numbers and is the most popular according to Tagwatch, I would suggest to
 deprecate the street proposal and remove streets from the collection

According to the wiki, associatedStreet only allows one occurrence of
the street role, and that member has to be a way.  So should we allow
associatedStreet include a street relation under the street role, or
should we allow it to contain multiple ways?  Given the name, probably
the former.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] collection/street relation: which one to use?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Anthony
Also I think the notion of general inheritance should be abandoned.  A
tag should be on the street relation only if it applies to the street
as a whole, and not to the individual ways which make up the relation.
 IOW, name is fine.  oneway=yes, for a dual carriageway, wouldn't be
(even though the individual ways are all oneway, the street is not).

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] collection/street relation: which one to use?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Anthony
Ugh, another point:

Putting all the elements which have addresses referencing a street
into a relation seems to me to violate that principle.

What's needed is a way to put a reference to the street into the way
for the building, not a way to put a reference to the building into
the way for the street.  One possibility is to just use
addr:street=way:37863 or addr:street=relation:28917.  But as there
would be no maintenance of referential integrity, that wouldn't be
without its dangers.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapnik render queue stuck

2010-08-18 Per discussione John Smith
On 19 August 2010 02:45, Toby Murray wrote:
 Nope. Someone must have done /dirty on it after I sent the email.
 Caching issues wouldn't explain why the /status for the tiles claimed
 they were due to be rendered - plus this was on two different
 computers, 6 hours apart.

I mentioned an issue with mod_tile no longer expiring tiles a few
weeks ago, but no one else confirmed there was a problem so I didn't
bother to file a bug about it.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] collection/street relation: which one to use?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Sebastian Klein

Ulf Mehlig wrote:

... and then there is also the tag relatedStreet -- what's that? :-)

relatedStreet was the term used by the AddrInterpolation JOSM-plugin 
before the associatedStreet proposal was created.

It is equivalent to associatedStreet and now obsolete.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] collection/street relation: which one to use?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Pieren
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 6:55 PM, Anthony wrote:

 According to the wiki, associatedStreet only allows one occurrence of
 the street role,

Which is the main difference with the proposal 'street'. But this can be
changed. It doesn't disturb existing relations and again, we could deprecate
the relation 'street' (the other member is 'everything that belongs to a
street' which sounds like the dirty is_in).

 and that member has to be a way.  So should we allow
 associatedStreet include a street relation under the street role, or
 should we allow it to contain multiple ways?  Given the name, probably the

because the name is singular ? is it a good reason to use relations of
relations when we know how difficult it is to edit ?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] collection/street relation: which one to use?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Anthony
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 1:25 PM, Pieren wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 6:55 PM, Anthony wrote:

 According to the wiki, associatedStreet only allows one occurrence of
 the street role,

 Which is the main difference with the proposal 'street'. But this can be

But changing it is probably a bad idea.  Do we really want a relation
with 500 ways representing the street and 50,000 nodes representing
the buildings?

After rereading
I'm going to conclude that the proper place to put address information
is in the building data, not in the street data, and that
associatedStreet should therefore be deprecated.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] collection/street relation: which one to use?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Pieren
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 7:31 PM, Anthony wrote:

 But changing it is probably a bad idea.  Do we really want a relation
 with 500 ways representing the street and 50,000 nodes representing
 the buildings?

wow, 500 ways and 50,000 addresses just for one street ! Show me the map !

 After rereading
 I'm going to conclude that the proper place to put address information
 is in the building data, not in the street data, and that
 associatedStreet should therefore be deprecated.

And if you read more on the wiki, you will discover that the Karlsruhe
schema is allowing both. Here we speak only about the contributors who
selected the solution with a relation. Nobody force you to use it but let
others clean-up the relations proposals.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] collection/street relation: which one to use?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Anthony
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 1:39 PM, Pieren wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 7:31 PM, Anthony wrote:

 But changing it is probably a bad idea.  Do we really want a relation
 with 500 ways representing the street and 50,000 nodes representing
 the buildings?

 wow, 500 ways and 50,000 addresses just for one street ! Show me the map !

What would you say is the maximum number of ways/addresses for one street?

 After rereading
 I'm going to conclude that the proper place to put address information
 is in the building data, not in the street data, and that
 associatedStreet should therefore be deprecated.

 And if you read more on the wiki, you will discover that the Karlsruhe
 schema is allowing both.

I've read that.  And what I'm saying is that it should only allow one.

Grouping relations really only make sense if the grouping is neither
geographical (as discussed above) nor exclusive (like the HSBC example
- the cash machine is unlikely to be operated by two different
institutions at the same time). 

The associatedStreet relation is exclusive.  There is only one
associated street for any address.

The street relation, on the other hand, is not exclusive.  There are
ways (e.g. in intersections) which are part of multiple streets.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] good gps trace recorder for Iphone?

2010-08-18 Per discussione IgnacioZ
Ok thank you all. I will try OSMTrack since it uploads directly to OSM.


On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 12:00 PM, Valent Turkovic

 On Wed, 18 Aug 2010 10:13:59 -0300, IgnacioZ wrote:

  Hi I wanted to know which you think is the best gps trace tool for
  iphone. I am currently travelling and would like to record some tracks
  in order to upload later to OSM.

 Try OSMTrack, really nice app and also MotionX GPS works great.


 pratite me na twitteru -
 linux, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless, ronjenje, pametne kuće
 registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter,
 ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic, MSN:

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Howto add simple push pin or marker to OpenStreetMap ?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Tobias Knerr
On 17.08.2010 15:52, Valent Turkovic wrote:
 I have seen that some people put simple pushpins on osm maps. Can't
 find on WIKI or anywhere how to do that so please point me in the
 right direction.

In addition to the mlat/mlon method mentioned previously, I've listed
some alternative tools for creating markers in the reply to this
question on OSM Help:

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] collection/street relation: which one to use?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Alan Mintz

At 2010-08-18 10:39, Pieren wrote:
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 7:31 PM,
Anthony wrote:

But changing it is probably a bad idea. Do we really want a
with 500 ways representing the street and 50,000 nodes representing
the buildings?

wow, 500 ways and 50,000 addresses just for one street ! Show me the map
Not unreasonable, FWIW. CA-138 in CA is a ~170 km (~106 mi) primary
surface road through mostly rural and some suburban area. It currently
has 48 ways, but I'm working on processing a survey I did, which will
probably break it into many pieces because of turn restrictions,
speed/weight limits, etc. If addressing were added to it, I'd guess
10-200 address points per mile (you do the math).
Foothill Blvd (CA-66) is a little shorter, but through well-developed
areas with many more breaks in jurisdiction (and therefore restriction
changes), not to mention far denser in terms of address points.

Alan Mintz

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] A GPS Trace Visualizer

2010-08-18 Per discussione Liz
On Thu, 19 Aug 2010, Toby Murray wrote:
 I personally tag all my trace uploads with mode of transportation
 (bicycle, car, walking) as well as the make and model of the GPS unit
 (garmin, edge 305) but yeah that probably can't be relied upon too
I don't break the trace at the point at which I get out of the car or off the 
bike and walk, so I have mixed tracks almost always.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] collection/street relation: which one to use?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Pierre-Alain Dorange
Anthony wrote:

 After rereading
 I'm going to conclude that the proper place to put address information
 is in the building data, not in the street data, and that
 associatedStreet should therefore be deprecated.

I'm not sure... for me adresss information are connected to street not
building, let me explain.

An adress give you the opportunity to find you way to where you want to
go (8th Adam Street). 
Connecting the address to the building let you know where is the
building not from where to go there ; some situation are complex and you
don't know from what street you can go to this particular building.
Connecting to the street can make routing software easy to build the
route to go from your location to the adress and it will go the right
route (because the adress is on th street) and avoid mistake by routing
you the the back of the building (you then have to take other streets to
go to the entrance).
Of cours connecting to the street dont indicate the building exactly.

For me connecting the the street is better for routing and postal adress
(find the postbox); connecting to building is more precise in therm of
location but less useful...

Pierre-Alain Dorange

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] A GPS Trace Visualizer

2010-08-18 Per discussione Toby Murray
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Liz wrote:
 On Thu, 19 Aug 2010, Toby Murray wrote:
 I personally tag all my trace uploads with mode of transportation
 (bicycle, car, walking) as well as the make and model of the GPS unit
 (garmin, edge 305) but yeah that probably can't be relied upon too
 I don't break the trace at the point at which I get out of the car or off the
 bike and walk, so I have mixed tracks almost always.

I had not really considered mixed traces. My workflow typically
results in pretty atomic traces especially when it comes to transport
mode but yeah I can see your case being another complication in trying
to use traces to derive avg speeds.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] moderation going forward

2010-08-18 Per discussione Ed Avis
We haven't had any problems before the controversy over licences, and I expect
that once these troubles are resolved one way or another, there won't be further
eruptions.  So I'd suggest not setting up any elaborate moderation mechanism
until it is proved to be necessary.

Ed Avis

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] collection/street relation: which one to use?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Cartinus
On Wednesday 18 August 2010 19:25:22 Pieren wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 6:55 PM, Anthony wrote:
  According to the wiki, associatedStreet only allows one occurrence of
  the street role,

 Which is the main difference with the proposal 'street'. But this can be

We've had about this same discussion on the Dutch forum not too long ago.

There was a nation wide building import. The JOSM terracer-plugin is now used 
to add adresses to these. So there are a lot of associatedStreet relations 
created. The plugin allows you to put more than one way into an 
associatedStreet relation.

Our conclusion was also that the requirement of only one way in an 
associatedStreet relation is not practically maintainable. If someone splits 
a way that just happens to be part of an associatedStreet relation, then he 
isn't going to move one part of the way and some of the adresses to a new 
relation, if he is just adding speed limits or routes or 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] A GPS Trace Visualizer

2010-08-18 Per discussione John Smith
On 19 August 2010 07:26, Toby Murray wrote:
 I had not really considered mixed traces. My workflow typically
 results in pretty atomic traces especially when it comes to transport
 mode but yeah I can see your case being another complication in trying
 to use traces to derive avg speeds.

walking ~= 5km/hr
cycling ~=20-40km/hr
cars ~=  100km/hr

It might be an issue for areas with reduced speed limits, but
realistically I don't see this as such an issue as everyone is making
it out to be, as long as you have suitable GPS information like
timestamps to calculate speed.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] A GPS Trace Visualizer

2010-08-18 Per discussione Graham Jones
Hi All,
Lukas Kabrt has been looking at something like this for his Google Summer of
Code Project - might be worth looking at what he has done at


On 18 August 2010 23:02, John Smith wrote:

 On 19 August 2010 07:26, Toby Murray wrote:
  I had not really considered mixed traces. My workflow typically
  results in pretty atomic traces especially when it comes to transport
  mode but yeah I can see your case being another complication in trying
  to use traces to derive avg speeds.

 walking ~= 5km/hr
 cycling ~=20-40km/hr
 cars ~=  100km/hr

 It might be an issue for areas with reduced speed limits, but
 realistically I don't see this as such an issue as everyone is making
 it out to be, as long as you have suitable GPS information like
 timestamps to calculate speed.

 talk mailing list

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapnik render queue stuck

2010-08-18 Per discussione Jonas Häggqvist

On 18-08-2010 19:22, John Smith wrote:

On 19 August 2010 02:45, Toby  wrote:

Nope. Someone must have done /dirty on it after I sent the email.
Caching issues wouldn't explain why the /status for the tiles claimed
they were due to be rendered - plus this was on two different
computers, 6 hours apart.

I mentioned an issue with mod_tile no longer expiring tiles a few
weeks ago, but no one else confirmed there was a problem so I didn't
bother to file a bug about it.

I've had the same suspicion. I've asked around on IRC without response and 
had come to the conclusion that I must be going mad, because surely such a 
thing would be noticed instantly. Maybe not?

I've several times uploaded changes and not seen them online until many 
hours later (with vigorous reloading, different browsers etc).

Jonas Häggqvist

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] collection/street relation: which one to use?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Peter Wendorff

 On 18.08.2010 19:21, Anthony wrote:

  put a reference to the street into the way
for the building, not a way to put a reference to the building into
the way for the street.  One possibility is to just use
addr:street=way:37863 or addr:street=relation:28917.  But as there
would be no maintenance of referential integrity, that wouldn't be
without its dangers.

Isn't addr:street=Main Street enough?

- to search for a house, only searching through local tags (of nodes or 
areas describing buildings/housenumbers) is enough.
- to search for the associated street of the house process a 
nearby-search for the street-name, as the same streetname usually 
doesn't appear twice in a city

- maintaining is easy as changing ways for the street don't care.

Navigation systems should IMHO do some preprocessing to the data - means 
e.g. connecting houses to nodes at the street for routing.

references in attributes are error prone, I fear.
1) some people reuse old ways when editing (should not be, but is often 
the case)
2) deletions, edits and additions would break the relation, if not 
maintained carefully, what's a lot of work.

So I prefer to add the street name to the street (as name) and 
addr:street to the building/shop etc.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapnik render queue stuck

2010-08-18 Per discussione John Smith
2010/8/19 Jonas Häggqvist
 I've had the same suspicion. I've asked around on IRC without response and
 had come to the conclusion that I must be going mad, because surely such a
 thing would be noticed instantly. Maybe not?

Which is why I didn't file a bug after no one else said anything, I
thought it must have been only me having/noticing the issue.

Forcing tiles to regenerate via /dirty works, but using render_expired
to tell renderd to expire tiles doesn't seem to have an effect any

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] collection/street relation: which one to use?

2010-08-18 Per discussione John F. Eldredge
When you say process a nearby-search for the street name, how broadly is 
nearby interpreted?  Nashville, TN, USA, where I live, has a number of 
instances of streets that were split by later construction.  For example, 
McGavock Pike extends both north and south of the airport; the airport 
construction replaced the middle portion of the street, resulting in a gap of 
about three miles between the two sections.  Also, since the city's expansion 
caused it to swallow up a number of smaller communities, there are some 
duplicate street names that have to be distinguished between by the postal code 
(referred to as the Zip Code).  I also know of at least one case where a street 
number occurs more than once on the same long street, but with different postal 
codes and, originally, different town names (the road in question was 
originally the highway connecting the two small towns).

---Original Email---
Subject :Re: [OSM-talk] collection/street relation: which one to use?
Date  :Wed Aug 18 17:36:58 America/Chicago 2010

  On 18.08.2010 19:21, Anthony wrote:
   put a reference to the street into the way
 for the building, not a way to put a reference to the building into
 the way for the street.  One possibility is to just use
 addr:street=way:37863 or addr:street=relation:28917.  But as there
 would be no maintenance of referential integrity, that wouldn't be
 without its dangers.
Isn't addr:street=Main Street enough?

- to search for a house, only searching through local tags (of nodes or
areas describing buildings/housenumbers) is enough.
- to search for the associated street of the house process a
nearby-search for the street-name, as the same streetname usually
doesn't appear twice in a city
- maintaining is easy as changing ways for the street don't care.

Navigation systems should IMHO do some preprocessing to the data - means
e.g. connecting houses to nodes at the street for routing.

references in attributes are error prone, I fear.
1) some people reuse old ways when editing (should not be, but is often
the case)
2) deletions, edits and additions would break the relation, if not
maintained carefully, what's a lot of work.

So I prefer to add the street name to the street (as name) and
addr:street to the building/shop etc.


talk mailing list

John F. Eldredge --
Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to 
think at all. -- Hypatia of Alexandria
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] prettymaps (based in part on OSM data)

2010-08-18 Per discussione simon
An interesting variant on rendering maps:

prettymaps is an experimental map from Stamen Design. It is an interactive
map composed of multiple freely available, community-generated data

* All the Flickr shapefiles rendered as a semi-transparent white
ground on top of which all the other layers are displayed.
* Urban areas from Natural Earth both as a standalone layer and
combined with Flickr shapefiles for cities and neighbourhoods.
* Road, highway and path data collected by the OpenStreetMap (OSM)

In all there are four different raster layers and six data layers (that
mean all the map data is sent in its raw form and rendered as visual
elements by the browser) that may be visible depending on the bounding box
and zoom level of the map.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapnik render queue stuck

2010-08-18 Per discussione Jon Burgess
On Thu, 2010-08-19 at 08:51 +1000, John Smith wrote:
 2010/8/19 Jonas Häggqvist
  I've had the same suspicion. I've asked around on IRC without response and
  had come to the conclusion that I must be going mad, because surely such a
  thing would be noticed instantly. Maybe not?
 Which is why I didn't file a bug after no one else said anything, I
 thought it must have been only me having/noticing the issue.
 Forcing tiles to regenerate via /dirty works, but using render_expired
 to tell renderd to expire tiles doesn't seem to have an effect any

The automated expiry mechanism is working. There would be many more
complaints if it was completely broken.

If you believe this is not the case then we need links to some specific
nodes or ways which you believe should have been rendered. Then we
someone can investigate further if there is a reason why this data is
not appearing. 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] collection/street relation: which one to use?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Anthony
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 6:36 PM, Peter Wendorff wrote:
  On 18.08.2010 19:21, Anthony wrote:

  put a reference to the street into the way
 for the building, not a way to put a reference to the building into
 the way for the street.  One possibility is to just use
 addr:street=way:37863 or addr:street=relation:28917.  But as there
 would be no maintenance of referential integrity, that wouldn't be
 without its dangers.

 Isn't addr:street=Main Street enough?

It'd be nice to have an easy way to link the address to the street.

 Navigation systems should IMHO do some preprocessing to the data - means
 e.g. connecting houses to nodes at the street for routing.

I disagree.  The street address isn't always the same as the street
used for access.

 references in attributes are error prone, I fear.
 1) some people reuse old ways when editing (should not be, but is often the
 2) deletions, edits and additions would break the relation, if not
 maintained carefully, what's a lot of work.

Yes, hence my comment about referential integrity.
addr:streetref=way:87323 would be a hack.  You'd really want something
built into the API for it to work right.

 So I prefer to add the street name to the street (as name) and addr:street
 to the building/shop etc.

I think for now that's probably the best solution.  And just hope
there aren't too many instances of Main Street on the addr vs. Main
St on the way.  And do some sort of nearby search.

Unfortunately, that means I can't do a simple SQL query to find out
what street has the most addresses on it in the OSM database.  OTOH,
I could probably come up with a fairly simple SQL query to answer How
many addresses are there on Broad Street in Philadelphia, especially
if I'm willing to approximate Philadelphia as a rectangle.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] collection/street relation: which one to use?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Anthony
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 8:26 PM, Anthony wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 6:36 PM, Peter Wendorff wrote:
 Isn't addr:street=Main Street enough?

 It'd be nice to have an easy way to link the address to the street.

Oh yeah, another advantage (though this is more useful for street
names than it is for addresses) is that you can add extra details to
the street name which would be tedious to repeat over and over again.
For instance, you could add a pronunciation transcription so that
text-to-speech apps can read the name of the street.

It'd be much better to link to a place with the name of the street and
the pronunciation transcription than it would be to copy the
pronunciation transcription to every instance of the street name.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapnik render queue stuck

2010-08-18 Per discussione John Smith
On 19 August 2010 09:40, Jon Burgess wrote:
 The automated expiry mechanism is working. There would be many more
 complaints if it was completely broken.

 If you believe this is not the case then we need links to some specific
 nodes or ways which you believe should have been rendered. Then we
 someone can investigate further if there is a reason why this data is
 not appearing.

As Jonas pointed out, view the tiles in the are you want to make some
changes, preferably an area that is unlikely to be touched or messed
with by anyone else, make the changes and see if the tiles are
refreshed in a reasonable time period.

I've noticed this on and off for a month or so, but I usually end up
forcing a refresh if I care enough to see things updated.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapnik render queue stuck

2010-08-18 Per discussione Toby Murray
Yeah, it definitely doesn't happen all the time. I would say most of
my edits work fine and cause a render as anticipated. But there is
some set of circumstances that causes something to hiccup. If I see it
again I will not touch it and file a bug instead of posting to the
mailing list where people can /dirty it. I don't have to worry much
about others randomly touching my area here in the middle of Kansas :)

Would this go under mapnik or website or something else?


On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 7:40 PM, John Smith wrote:
 On 19 August 2010 09:40, Jon Burgess wrote:
 The automated expiry mechanism is working. There would be many more
 complaints if it was completely broken.

 If you believe this is not the case then we need links to some specific
 nodes or ways which you believe should have been rendered. Then we
 someone can investigate further if there is a reason why this data is
 not appearing.

 As Jonas pointed out, view the tiles in the are you want to make some
 changes, preferably an area that is unlikely to be touched or messed
 with by anyone else, make the changes and see if the tiles are
 refreshed in a reasonable time period.

 I've noticed this on and off for a month or so, but I usually end up
 forcing a refresh if I care enough to see things updated.

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] moderation going forward

2010-08-18 Per discussione Steve Bennett
On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 2:34 AM, SteveC wrote:
 The list has become sane again, and I've not had to use any Evil Powers.

 But, is this what you want going forward?

 My own inclination is that list moderators are elected per list for, say, a 
 one year period. But I suspect that finding people who want to be a moderator 
 might be hard.


Hand pick 5-10 people you trust. Announce them. Remove anyone that
there are loud objections to. Don't bother with elections, it's not
important enough for the bureaucratic overhead.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] prettymaps (based in part on OSM data)

2010-08-18 Per discussione John Harvey
Very cool!  It gave me some insight into the area's in my part of the 
world and it looks great.  Well done.

John wrote:

An interesting variant on rendering maps:




talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Howto add simple push pin or marker to OpenStreetMap ?

2010-08-18 Per discussione Alan Millar
If you want more than one push-pin marker, you can use, which uses OSM map data.  Use the MyMaps
function, which allows you to create multiple maps each with multiple
markers.  I haven't used it a lot, but I tried it once and it worked
fine for me.

- Alan

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Beaches at lower zoom levels

2010-08-18 Per discussione Gaz Davidson
Beaches are missing at zoom=12 in Mapnik and zoom=13 in Osmarender, either
that or the sea is rendered over them. Is this by design or a bug?

For example, here's my hometown:

Moving the coastline seems excessive, is there a way around this?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Beaches at lower zoom levels

2010-08-18 Per discussione Alan Mintz

At 2010-08-18 21:38, Gaz Davidson wrote:
Beaches are missing at zoom=12 in
Mapnik and zoom=13 in Osmarender, either that or the sea is rendered over
them. Is this by design or a bug?
For example, here's my hometown:
Moving the coastline seems excessive, is there a way around
Are coastlines supposed to be on the low-tide position, high-tide
position, or middle of the beach? I've been gluing the low-tide side of
beaches to coastline on the few I've edited, since their position
suggested that was the intent.

Alan Mintz

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] JOSM Remote plug-in

2010-08-18 Per discussione robert


Dat van inloggen via OAuth ga ik eens uitproberen. Ik weet niet hoe  
dat gaat, maar daar zal ik wel uitkomen.
Van die USB stick vind ik een minder goed idee omdat dit zou  
impliceren dat ik altijd die stick bij me heb en deze ook nooit kwijt  
zou raken. Dat is een illusie. :(

Is het technisch mogelijk om bepaalde basis plugins in te bouwen in de  
downloadable JOSM versie?


Citeren Lennard

On 17-8-2010 21:48, wrote:

een internet cafe, moet vervuilen met een/meer .jar bestanden. Ik zou
graag willen zien dat ook dat niet meer lokaal neergezet hoeft te woren.

Je kunt JOSM compleet, inclusief JRE en al jouw eigen plugins en
settings, vanaf een USB-stick draaien. Zo neem je altijd je eigen
omgeving mee, op welke PC in welk internetcafe je ook gaat zitten.

Als je dan ook nog zorgt dat je JOSM laat inloggen via OAuth, loop je
ook een stuk minder risico dat iemand er met je wachtwoord van OSM
vandoor gaat.


Talk-nl mailing list

Talk-nl mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] electrisch parkeren

2010-08-18 Per discussione Martijn van Exel

Hallo allemaal,

In Amsterdam verschijnen parkeerplaatsen die zijn gereserveerd voor 
electrische auto's. Ik heb er net een getagd met 
amenity=parking,electrified=yes[1]. Maar dat moet beter kunnen. Ideeen?


Martijn van Exel
Senior Researcher / Software Engineer
Geodan SR
President Kennedylaan 1
1079 MB Amsterdam (NL)
Tel: +31 (0)20 - 5711 318
Fax: +31 (0)20 - 5711 333
KvK-nummer: 33 247475

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] electrisch parkeren

2010-08-18 Per discussione Maarten Deen
On Wed, 18 Aug 2010 10:46:11 +0200, Martijn van Exel wrote:

 In Amsterdam verschijnen parkeerplaatsen die zijn gereserveerd voor
 electrische auto's. Ik heb er net een getagd met
 amenity=parking,electrified=yes[1]. Maar dat moet beter kunnen.

Is het echt alleen voor elektrische auto's? Dan een access=designated

Toepasselijke wikipagina's:


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] electrisch parkeren

2010-08-18 Per discussione Martijn van Exel
Ja, het is alleen voor electrisch!

Hier is er één:

martijn van exel +++
laziness - impatience - hubris
twitter / skype: mvexel
flickr: rhodes

2010/8/18 Maarten Deen
 On Wed, 18 Aug 2010 10:46:11 +0200, Martijn van Exel wrote:

 In Amsterdam verschijnen parkeerplaatsen die zijn gereserveerd voor
 electrische auto's. Ik heb er net een getagd met
 amenity=parking,electrified=yes[1]. Maar dat moet beter kunnen.

 Is het echt alleen voor elektrische auto's? Dan een access=designated

 Toepasselijke wikipagina's:


 Talk-nl mailing list

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] electrisch parkeren

2010-08-18 Per discussione Floris Looijesteijn
Bedoel je nou de parkeerplaatsen met oplaadstations of een reguliere
parkeerplaats waar je alleen met een electrische auto mag staan?

Dat zou uit de tag direct duidelijk moet worden.

parking=electric_car ?


Martijn van Exel wrote:
 Ja, het is alleen voor electrisch!

 Hier is er één:

 martijn van exel +++
 laziness - impatience - hubris
 twitter / skype: mvexel
 flickr: rhodes

 2010/8/18 Maarten Deen
 On Wed, 18 Aug 2010 10:46:11 +0200, Martijn van Exel wrote:

 In Amsterdam verschijnen parkeerplaatsen die zijn gereserveerd voor
 electrische auto's. Ik heb er net een getagd met
 amenity=parking,electrified=yes[1]. Maar dat moet beter kunnen.

 Is het echt alleen voor elektrische auto's? Dan een access=designated

 Toepasselijke wikipagina's:


 Talk-nl mailing list

 Talk-nl mailing list

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] electrisch parkeren

2010-08-18 Per discussione Rob
hehe cool,

Voor dat ding heb ik firmware geschreven ;)

ik tag de paaltjes als


Op 18 augustus 2010 11:16 heeft Floris Looijesteijn
het volgende geschreven:
 Bedoel je nou de parkeerplaatsen met oplaadstations of een reguliere
 parkeerplaats waar je alleen met een electrische auto mag staan?

 Dat zou uit de tag direct duidelijk moet worden.

 parking=electric_car ?


 Martijn van Exel wrote:
 Ja, het is alleen voor electrisch!

 Hier is er één:

 martijn van exel +++
 laziness - impatience - hubris
 twitter / skype: mvexel
 flickr: rhodes

 2010/8/18 Maarten Deen
 On Wed, 18 Aug 2010 10:46:11 +0200, Martijn van Exel wrote:

 In Amsterdam verschijnen parkeerplaatsen die zijn gereserveerd voor
 electrische auto's. Ik heb er net een getagd met
 amenity=parking,electrified=yes[1]. Maar dat moet beter kunnen.

 Is het echt alleen voor elektrische auto's? Dan een access=designated

 Toepasselijke wikipagina's:


 Talk-nl mailing list

 Talk-nl mailing list

 Talk-nl mailing list

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] electrisch parkeren

2010-08-18 Per discussione Stefan de Konink
Hash: SHA512

Op 18-08-10 11:41, Rob schreef:
 Voor dat ding heb ik firmware geschreven ;)

Patser ;) Zou je ook niet durven zeggen als die paaltjes straks ook
vastlopen ;)

Version: GnuPG v2.0.15 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] electrisch parkeren

2010-08-18 Per discussione Rob
Op 18 augustus 2010 11:45 heeft Stefan de Konink
het volgende geschreven:
 Hash: SHA512

 Op 18-08-10 11:41, Rob schreef:
 Voor dat ding heb ik firmware geschreven ;)

 Patser ;) Zou je ook niet durven zeggen als die paaltjes straks ook
 vastlopen ;)

hehe, zat erop te wachten ;)

Talk-nl mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] 3dShapes landuse + water import Midden Nederland

2010-08-18 Per discussione Frank Steggink

Hoi Lijst,

Sorry voor de crosspost, maar niet iedereen zit op het OSM forum, dus 
hoop ik zo een breder publiek te bereiken.

Het kan je haast niet ontgaan zijn dat momenteel Nederland wordt 
verrijkt met bijzonder mooie landuse en water data (zgn. '3dShapes' 
dataset). Ik heb zojuist de import in de omgeving van Utrecht afgerond. 
Op veler verzoek ga ik binnenkort beginnen met de import van 3dShapes in 
Midden Nederland. Ofwel, het gapende gat tussen de Veluwe en de 
Utrechtse Heuvelrug wordt aangevuld. Dus, de volgende ebieden worden 
binnenkort aangevuld:

* Westelijke Veluwerand (Harderwijk, Putten, Ede)
* Gelderse Vallei / Eemvallei (Barneveld, Veenendaal, Nijkerk)
* Rivierengebied (Tiel, Gorinchem)
* Zuidelijk Flevoland (Almere)
* Noordelijk deel van 't Gooi (Weesp, Bussum, Huizen)
Hiermee ontstaat een mooi aangesloten geheel van 3dShapes import in 
Midden en Oost Nederland, vandaar de ietwat rare vorm.

Zoals gebruikelijk zal ik er ook voor zorgen dat de data netjes wordt 
geïntegreerd in de bestaande data. Dus ik ga geen dubbele nodes 
veroorzaken. Ook zal ik redundante (AND) shapes verwijderen (alleen 
water, bos, park, begraafplaats), maar namen en andere informatie zal ik 
óf meenemen, óf ik zal de shape omtaggen naar toponym=xxx (voor 
naamsaanduiding van een gebied). Ook probeer ik heidevelden, 
zandverstuivingen, e.d. mee te nemen (o.b.v. bestaande data en CLC2000 
landuse data). Uiteraard is lokale kennis het beste, dus schroom vooral 
niet om shapes om te taggen die jouw inziens verkeerd zijn aangegeven.

Laat, als het kan, op het OSM forum weten op welke gebieden ik moet 
letten tijdens de import. Zijn er bijv. gebieden die hermetisch 
afgesloten moeten worden voor 3dShapes? Of zijn er gebieden waar alleen 
shapes geïmporteerd moeten worden en je zelf de opschoning voor je 
rekening wilt nemen? Link: . Hier is ook een 
kaartje te vinden om welk gebied het gaat.



Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Flächen und Ways

2010-08-18 Per discussione Willi
 Am Dienstag, 17. August 2010 15:59  schrieb Garry []

 Am 16.08.2010 15:21, schrieb Willi:
 Die Datenbank und den Server möchte ich gerne sehen, der eine Weltkarte mit 
 Details aller Objekte verarbeiten kann und die Menschen, die all dies 
 eingeben können  und wollen. Da es dies weder heute noch in der Zukunft 
 geben wird werden bereits bei  Erfassung und Eingabe Objekte ...

 Am Dienstag, 17. August 2010 15:59  schrieb Garry []
 Niemand braucht einen Computer mit mehr als 640(?)kByte Speicher... 
 Schon mal gehört?

Sicher kenne ich den Satz. Ich arbeite schon über 35 Jahre mit Computern und 
habe mit 32 KByte Kernspeicher angefangen und habe diesen selbst repariert. 
Deshalb weiß ich auch, dass die richtige Schreibweise Kbyte und nicht kByte 
ist ;). Dein Zitat passt nicht zu meiner Aussage, da ich braucht weder 
gemeint noch geschrieben habe sondern geben wird.

 Am Dienstag, 17. August 2010 15:59  schrieb Garry []
 Die Computertechnick hat bisher stets mit den wachsenden Anforderungen 
 der Datenbedürfnisse schritt gehalten. Warum sollte sich das jetzt 
 plötzlich ändern?

Das stimmt nicht für mich und viele, die ich kennen gelernt habe. Meines 
Erachtens ist es eher anders rum. Der (anspruchsvolle) Nutzer und Programmierer 
nutzt die ihm zur Verfügung stehenden Mittel aus, jemand sagte mal ... ist wie 
ein ideales Gas, das jedes ihm zur Verfügung stehende Vakuum ausfüllt.

 Am Dienstag, 17. August 2010 15:59  schrieb Garry []
 Für eine (Strassen)Navianwendung ist es relativ egal ob eine einzelne Strasse 
 in der
 Landschaft 100m weiter links oder rechts liegt, Die Lage von Gewässer 
 interessiert es 
 schon gar nicht solange es die Strasse sieht.
 Aber etwas dass nicht eingetragen ist kann man nicht nutzen.

Dem stimme ich zu. Eine ungenau eingetragene Straße ist besser als eine nicht 
eingetragene. Dies gilt auch für andere Objekte. Meine Aussage war jedoch nur 
zu Brücken und Tunnel wenn sich Straße und Fluss kreuzen. Und da kann sowohl 
Mensch als auch Routing die eingezeichnete Straße nutzen und den Fluss queren 
ohne zu wissen ob da nun ein Tunnel oder eine Brücke ist. Und in diesem Fall 
halte ich es für besser, nichts einzutragen wenn ich weder weiß ob da Tunnel 
oder Brücke ist und die genaue Lage schon gar nicht kenne. Zum Beispiel wenn 
ich nach Yahoo oder LandSat kartiere und noch nie vor Ort war. Dort wo ich 
kartiere gibt es nicht nur viele Flüsse sondern man man muss meist vor Ort 
genau nachsehen ob da Brücke oder Tunnel ist. Wenn dann noch nichts eingetragen 
ist macht sich jemand eher diese Mühe als eine bereits eingetragene Brücke zu 


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Re: [Talk-de] Proposal: Verleih von xy

2010-08-18 Per discussione Bernd Wurst
Am Mittwoch 18 August 2010, 08:12:50 schrieb Guenther Meyer:
 waehrend man aus einem rental=xyz sofort rausziehen kann, dass es da 
 xyz zu mieten gibt, auch wenn xyz der Software gar nicht bekannt ist

Ich stimme dir zu, dass amenity=* ziemlich überfrachtet ist und begrüße auch 
neue Kategorien für eindeutige Dinge. 
Aber der Vorteil dieser Information wie du ihn hier nennst ist eher minimal. 
Ich geh selten los uns sage mir: Ich will jetzt was mieten. Egal was, aber 
mieten! Weil ob da rental=car oder rental=boat oder rental=women steht, macht 
dann doch einen gewissen Unterschied.

Lieber kauf ich mir Dinge die ich dringend brauche und (dort) nicht mieten 
kann als dass ich mir aus Verlegenheit irgendwas anderes miete. :)

Gruß, Bernd

Die Grippe kommt auf allen Viren

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Re: [Talk-de] Proposal: Verleih von xy

2010-08-18 Per discussione Guenther Meyer
Am Dienstag 17 August 2010, 13:18:28 schrieb Falk Zscheile:
 Am 17. August 2010 12:55 schrieb Jonas Stein
  Hi Andreas,
  Warum also sollte man ohne Not bestehende, funktionierende Tags
  (amenity=bicycle_rental, amenity=car_rental) über'n Haufen schmeißen?
  Uebern Haufen geschmissen werden die ja nicht gleich.
  Das rental soll ja voll kompatibel mit den bestehenden sein.
  Vieles ist in der Entwicklung und manche Tag-Schemata wurden
  schon mit der Zeit angepasst, weil man bessere Methoden fand.
 Genau, aber in diesem Fall ist die Methode eben (wie bereits
 ausgeführt) nicht besser, weil sie das taggen nicht erleichtert. 


 Autovermietung ist mit einer Schlittenvermietung nicht vergleichbar.
 Daher ist es sinnlos alle unter einem gemeinsamen Tag
 zusammenzufassen. Sinn macht das beispielsweise bei
 natural=wetland/wetland=*, weil nicht jeder Sumpf, Moor, Salzwiesen
 etc. unterscheiden kann. Die wichtige gemeinsame Information ist:
 dort bekommt man nasse Füße Hier ist eine Differenzierung mit
 Sub-Tags also sehr sinnvoll. Das jemand eine Autovermietung von einem
 Skiverleih nicht unterscheiden kann ist eher unwahrscheinlich.

Ein Sportgeschaeft ist mit einem Computerladen nicht vergleichbar.
Daher is es sinnlos alle unter einem gemeinsamen Tag zusammenzufassen.
Sinn macht das beispielsweise bei highway=secondary/tertiary, weil nicht jeder 
verschieden wichtige Strassen unterscheiden kann.. Die wichtige gemeinsame 
Information ist: dort ist eine Strasse. hier ist eine Differenzierung mit 
Sub-Tags also sehr sinnvoll.

 gemeinsame Oberinformation hier kann man etwas mieten ist zudem
 völlig wertlos ...#

ist sie nicht.

 Für so etwas gibt es fixme=*


 Eine Umstellung bloß um weniger verschiedene Werte für amenity zu
 erhalten, ist nicht gerechtfertigt, da es an einem praktischen Nutzen
 fehlt (reine Formsache).


 Ich akzeptiere Tags auch wenn sie keinen Proposalprozess durchlaufen haben


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Re: [Talk-de] Proposal: Verleih von xy

2010-08-18 Per discussione Stephan Wolff


Am 17.08.2010 12:55, schrieb Jonas Stein:

Hi Andreas,

Warum also sollte man ohne Not bestehende, funktionierende Tags
(amenity=bicycle_rental, amenity=car_rental) über'n Haufen schmeißen?

Ich stimme Andreas zu. Für alle alle Arten von Fahrzeugen passt rental 
nicht so recht. Autovermietungen gehören inhaltlich eher in eine Gruppe 
mit Taxen als mit Kostümverleih, Bootsvermietungen eher zum Wassersport 
als zu Werkzeugverleih, Flugzeugcharter eher zu Flughafeneinrichtungen 
als zum Videoverleih.
In OSM werden Fahrzeuge im Allgemeinen anders behandelt als andere 

Uebern Haufen geschmissen werden die ja nicht gleich.
Das rental soll ja voll kompatibel mit den bestehenden sein.

Naja, eine Autovermietung, die als rental eingegeben wird, kann von 
allen heute bestehenden Renderern und Applikationen nicht dargestellt 
oder gefunden werden. kompatibel ist das nicht.
Welche Anwendungen würden von einer Umstellung profitieren, weil sie 
alle rental-Objekte einheitlich behandeln können?

Man muss auch bedenken, dass wir bis jetzt nur 5 Verleih-Tags haben.
Davon einige die noch im 'vote' Stadium sind.
Verleihbare Dinge gibts aber zu tausend.

Für alle Gegenstände außer Fahrzeugen finde ich rental gut.

Viele Grüße, Stephan

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Re: [Talk-de] Garmin 60 CSx via USB-Kabel an JOSM

2010-08-18 Per discussione Johann H. Addicks

Am 18.08.2010 07:23, schrieb Michael Buege:

Ist das wirklich so weit jenseits deiner Vorstellungskraft?
Seit ein paar Wochen experimentiere ich jetzt mit Navit rum. Ich besitze
weder eine Bluetootmaus noch ein neuzeitliches Telefon. Nur das 60CSx, eine
externe Antenne dazu und ein Netbook. Also nehme ich das, was ich habe.

Dann lasse doch das Netbook weg und navigiere mit dem 60CSx allein, das 
kann der!

Gleiches gilt für's Trackloggen: Das 60CSx speichert beliebige 
Trackmengen auf die Speicherkarte runter, da muss mann allenfalls zum 
Datentransfer den GPSR mit einem Rechner verbinden.
Und dafür braucht's keinen Treiber unter keinem mir bekannten OS, da es 
sich einfach um USB-MassStorage handelt.


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Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzwechsel: freiwillige Zustimmung ab jetzt moeglich

2010-08-18 Per discussione jh

Am 13.08.2010 15:59, schrieb Frederik Ramm:


jh wrote:

Die Contributor Terms sind nicht ueberfluessig, sonst wuerden sie
einfach weggelassen werden.

Dies sehe ich für die strittige Klausel 3 als von den Proponenten
nicht hinreichend belegt.

Die ODbL ist eine ganz neue Lizenz. Die hat noch niemand in dem Umfang
eingesetzt, wie wir das vorhaben. Es ist moeglich, dass sie Fehler hat
oder sich als ungeeignet herausstellt. Es ist auch moeglich, dass sich
die Aussenwelt so veraendert, dass wir mit der ODbL irgendwann total
abgehaengt dastehen, weil der Rest der Welt was anderes macht. Das ist
z.B. der Wikipedia ja passiert mit der GFDL-Lizenz - die haben dann ja
zum Glueck eine Klausel in die GFDL eingebaut bekommen, die den Wechsel
zur CC-BY-SA ermoeglichte, *ohne* dass sie alle ihre Mitglieder fragen
mussten. Koennen wir uns darauf verlassen, dass die Autoren der ODbL,
wenn es tatsaechlich so weit kaeme, extra fuer uns eine Spezialklausel
in die ODbL einbauen, die den Wechsel zu einer anderen Lizenz erlaubt?

Zunächst: ich halte das Vorgehen der Wikipedia im Wesentlichen auch für 
einen schmutzigen oder zumindest fragwürdigen Trick mit ebenfalls nicht 
hinreichend belegtem Leidensdruck. Darüber will ich aber nicht streiten. 
Was die Situationen jedoch wesentlich unterscheidet, ist dass die CTs 
auch einen Wechsel des fundamentalen Charakters der Lizenz (weg von SA, 
bzw. hin zu PD) erlauben. Das Argument, das hier immer wieder gebracht 
wird, ist das des Abgehängtwerdens. Dieses Szenario halte ich jedoch für 
extrem unwahrscheinlich. Die Frage der Liberalität der Lizenz spielt, in 
einem gewissen Rahmen, gegenüber den sonstigen Qualitäten eines 
Angebotes eine eher untergeordnete Rolle. Siehe die relativen Erfolge 
von Linux (mit seiner eher restriktiven Lizenz) versus *BSD (kein 
Flamewar bitte).

Wie ich geschrieben habe, wird gerade darueber diskutiert, die CTs
dahingehend abzuaendern. Eine Abaenderung der CTs in Richtung einer
*strengeren* Auslegung ist ja durchaus moeglich, ohne alle, die den
bisherigen CTs zugestimmt haben, erneut fragen zu muessen. (Streng
genommen gibt es dann zwei Gruppen von Nutzern, eine, die der ersten
Fassung der CTs zugestimmt hat und eine, die der zweiten, staerker
eingeschraenkten Fassung zugestimmt hat - die Handlungsmoeglichkeiten
der OSMF sind dann natuerlich auf die Schnittmenge begrenzt.)

Das ist ja shcön und gut, aber Zustimmung wird derzeit zu den aktuellen 
CTs eingefordert. Und nur über die müssen wir reden.

Wir haben das Problem, dass viele Leute der neuen Lizenz nicht wegen
ihrer selbst kritisch gegenueber stehen, sondern weil sie irgendeinen
Datenverlust fuerchten, und sei der auch am anderen Ende der Welt. Hier
wird also ein *potentieller* Datenverlust zur selbsterfuellenden
Prophezeiung aufgebauscht: ich fuerchte, es koennten Daten verloren
gehen, also rufe ich lauthals dazu auf, der Lizenz nicht zuzustimmen und
sorge dadurch erst fuer den Datenverlust, der ohne meine Angstmache gar
nicht erst eingetreten waere.

Motiviert zu meinem initialen Posting hat mich, darauf hinzuweisen, dass 
die Annahme, die schweigende Mehrheit, der ich ansonsten angehöre, sei 
schon einverstanden. Das kann sich als Irrtum herausstellen und hat 
wenig mit einer self-fulfilling-prophecy zu tun.
Ich hätte es für sinnvoll gehalten, für den Lizenzwechsel nicht Fakten 
zu schaffen, bevor nicht ein breiter Konsens erreicht worden ist. Mir 
ist klar, dass das Gegenargument hier die vermeintliche Unerreichbarkeit 
dieses Ziels ist. Je nach Definition von breit ist dieses auch unter 
Umständen nicht von der Hand zu weisen. Wenn aber im Namen dieses 
Glaubens die Diskussion eskaliert wird, bis davon gesprochen wird, dass 
Dissenter wie lästige Bazillen desinfiziert werden müssen, ist eine 
Grenze überschritten, die Widerspruch provoziert.

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Re: [Talk-de] Garmin 60 CSx via USB-Kabel an JOSM

2010-08-18 Per discussione Steffen Wolf
Hi Johann H. Addicks,

 Ihr wollt also allen ernstes einen 60CSx als GPS-Empfänger an einem 
 laufenden Laptop betreiben, um die livedaten in Josm angezeigt zu bekommen?

 Aber das was Ihr (Du und Jan) da vorhabt, das halte ich für reichlich 
 abgedreht. Oder habt ihr jemanden, der Euch in der Gegend herumfährt, so 
 dass ihr vom Rücksitz (Auto, Tandem, Achterdeck) unterwegs in JOSM 
 arbeiten wollt?

Ich kenn so jemanden. Laut Erzaehlungen war es der Beifahrersitz in
einem Jeep, wobei ein paar erfahrbare Wald- und Feldwege erfasst wurden.
Ja, es ist ungewoehnlich, aber eben nicht unmoeglich.

Zucker ist der Stoff, der dem Kaffee einen bitteren Geschmack verleiht -
wenn man vergißt, ihn hineinzutun ...

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Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzwechsel: freiwillige Zustimmung ab jetzt moeglich

2010-08-18 Per discussione jh

Am 13.08.2010 18:21, schrieb Ulf Möller:

Am 13.08.2010 11:45, schrieb jh:

Arroganz, mit der entsprechenden Bedenken der Australier begegnet wird -
ich paraphrasiere: dann geht halt endlich streben! - unerträglich und

Nanu, wer sagt das?

Nur ein paar Beispiele:

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Garmin 60 CSx via USB-Kabel an JOSM

2010-08-18 Per discussione Jan Jesse

  Ihr wollt also allen ernstes einen 60CSx als GPS-Empfänger an einem
  laufenden Laptop betreiben, um die livedaten in Josm angezeigt zu
  Ich kann ja verstehen, wenn Leute, die nur eine Bluetooth-Maus und kein
  neuzeitliches Handy besitzen, soetwas (meintwegen auch mit einem
  Netbook) tun.

Ich hab alles an Navis, was es in den letzten Jahren so zu kaufen gab, und bin 
dennoch beim Netbook bzw. iPad gelandet (letzteres natürlich nicht für Josm). 
Es hat was, eine Gegend zu erkunden und dabei sofort zu editieren. Viele 
Fragen, die beim Eintragen sonst auf Erinnerungen/ Notizen angewiesen sind, 
schaut man einfach vor Ort gleich noch mal nach. 

  Aber das was Ihr (Du und Jan) da vorhabt, das halte ich für reichlich
  abgedreht. Oder habt ihr jemanden, der Euch in der Gegend herumfährt, so
  dass ihr vom Rücksitz (Auto, Tandem, Achterdeck) unterwegs in JOSM
  arbeiten wollt?

Ich halte die Methode nicht für abgedreht, sondern genial. Bin gerade die Peene 
hoch gefahren, hab die Dinge unterwegs (während der Fahrt) erfasst, per UMTS 
hochgeladen, Fertig. Die Kontrolle auf der Rückfahrt ergab brauchbare 


Openlayers online auf iPhone/ iPad gerade für solche POI-Projekte, wie wir s 
sind, bedeutet einfach immer das geeignete Gerät zum Mal schnell klicken 
dabei zu haben. Ich hab damit nur gute Erfahrungen.

Ich halte es für sinnvoll, auch solche fetten Clients für die Datenerfassung zu 
erschließen. Wenn ich in der gleichen Anwendung, mit der ich navigiere, auch 
gleich Korrekturen vornehmen kann, wird die Sache irgendwie leichter. Natürlich 
darf sie nicht zu leicht werden, aber das kann man dann steuern.

Das Garmin selbst empfinde ich inzwischen bei der Datenerfassung als etwas 
spartanisch :-)


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