Re: [Talk-us] Tagging historic US routes

2020-03-05 Per discussione Paul Johnson
Try network=US:US:Historic on your route relation.  Might not render, but
you can at least give renderers *something* for renderers to latch onto if
they want that information. ref=US Historic xx seems to be the way tagging
for that if you want to go that route.  I recommend, until we can finally
kill the route-tagging-on-way "ref=*" legacy method, to implement both,
since it makes it more obvious if the ref=* tagging gets munged later.

On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 7:46 PM Tod Fitch  wrote:

> This weekend I drove part of AZ-79 and noticed that Arizona has now put up
> some “Historic US 80” signage. On the sections of highway I drove, every
> occurrence of a AZ-79 route marker now also has a historic US-80 route
> marker. (Back in the day that highway was dual signed as US-80 and US-89
> but I guess nobody cares about having historic US-89 markers at present.)
> I was in a rental car and eventually figured out how to get Apple CarPlay
> setup so I could use the OSM based app to show the roads I was on.
> In doing so I saw that was showing the road with dual highway
> shields: A AZ shield with 79 and a US shield with 80. Since US-80 was
> decommissioned a long time ago (at least in Arizona and California) this
> seems wrong so I thought I’d look at the tagging.
> The tagging is on a route relation [1], at least I don’t see tagging on
> the individual way segments that would render as “US 80”.
> How should this be tagged?
> Casting about for examples of what to do, it seems that the Lincoln
> Highway [2] relation is quite different. And US 66 in California has no
> historic route relation at all, just the current county road route [3].
> There is a German page on the wiki about “route=historic” [4]. My reading
> of a machine translation of it implies that instead of “route=road” the
> historic US 80 relation should have “route=historic” and “historic=road”.
> Suggestions?
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Tagging historic US routes

2020-03-05 Per discussione Tod Fitch
This weekend I drove part of AZ-79 and noticed that Arizona has now put up some 
“Historic US 80” signage. On the sections of highway I drove, every occurrence 
of a AZ-79 route marker now also has a historic US-80 route marker. (Back in 
the day that highway was dual signed as US-80 and US-89 but I guess nobody 
cares about having historic US-89 markers at present.)

I was in a rental car and eventually figured out how to get Apple CarPlay setup 
so I could use the OSM based app to show the roads I was on. In doing 
so I saw that was showing the road with dual highway shields: A AZ 
shield with 79 and a US shield with 80. Since US-80 was decommissioned a long 
time ago (at least in Arizona and California) this seems wrong so I thought I’d 
look at the tagging.

The tagging is on a route relation [1], at least I don’t see tagging on the 
individual way segments that would render as “US 80”.

How should this be tagged?

Casting about for examples of what to do, it seems that the Lincoln Highway [2] 
relation is quite different. And US 66 in California has no historic route 
relation at all, just the current county road route [3].

There is a German page on the wiki about “route=historic” [4]. My reading of a 
machine translation of it implies that instead of “route=road” the historic US 
80 relation should have “route=historic” and “historic=road”.



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Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-ko] MapRoulette challenges to fix the road network in South Korea

2020-03-05 Per discussione Andrew Wiseman via Talk-ko
Hello everyone,

This is Andrew again from Apple. I wanted to let everyone know that we just 
updated the MapRoulette challenges related to road network issues in South 
Korea with new OSM data. 

You can find the challenges in this MapRoulette project: and they include things like 
overly sharp road angles, roads that cross but aren’t connected, roads that 
aren’t connected to anything, overlapping roads, turn restrictions, roads that 
are close but not connected to others, and other similar issues. I plan to work 
on some of them myself too.

If you haven’t used it before, MapRoulette lets you go through potential issues 
in OSM data one by one and either correct them or indicate they are not a 
problem. The challenges were created with our Atlas data analysis tool: .

If you aren’t sure what challenge to try, sharp angles or crossing roads are 
probably the easiest but they should all be fairly straightforward.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions or feedback. Thank you! 


자동 번역 :

여러분 안녕하세요.

애플의 앤드류입니다. 한국의 도로 네트워크 문제와 관련된 MapRoulette 과제를 새로운 OSM 데이터로 업데이트했음을 모든 사람에게 
알리고 싶습니다.

이 MapRoulette 프로젝트 (에서 도전 과제를 찾을 
수 있으며 지나치게 날카로운 도로 각도, 교차하지만 연결되지 않은 도로, 연결되지 않은 도로 등이 포함됩니다. , 겹치는 도로, 회전 제한, 
가까이 있지만 다른 도로와 연결되지 않은 도로 및 기타 유사한 문제. 나는 그들 중 일부도 스스로 일할 계획이다.

이전에 사용하지 않은 경우 MapRoulette를 사용하면 OSM 데이터의 잠재적 인 문제를 하나씩 살펴보고이를 수정하거나 문제가 아님을 표시 
할 수 있습니다. 과제는 Atlas 데이터 분석 도구 (를 사용하여 작성되었습니다.

어떤 도전을 시도해야할지 잘 모르는 경우 날카로운 각도 나 교차로가 가장 쉬운 방법 일 수 있지만 모두 매우 간단해야합니다.

제안이나 의견이 있으면 알려주세요. 감사합니다!


Andrew Wiseman |  Maps | iPhone: + | 

Talk-ko mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Dados do Openstreet

2020-03-05 Per discussione Paulo Carvalho
Oi, Denis,

O OSM é apenas o repositório de dados cartográficos.  Há vários
serviços de roteamento e APIs, on-line e off-line, para várias linguagens,
que operam sobre esses dados.  Sugiro como ponto de partida essa página: .



Em qui., 5 de mar. de 2020 às 14:52, Denis Vespasiano <> escreveu:

> Pessoal,
> Bom dia!
> Sou aluno do CEFET-MG e estou fazendo um TCC sobre o problema do
> roteamento, e no meu trabalho, preciso montar um grafo direcionado de um
> certo local para criar possíveis rotas dentro da cidade. É possível eu
> conseguir estes dados ou o grafo a partir da API do openstreet?
> Se sim, onde eu consigo ler a documentação desta API
> Enviado do Email  para
> Windows 10
> ___
> Talk-br mailing list
Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-es] Comarcas de España

2020-03-05 Per discussione Andy Townsend

Hello again everyone,

I just wondered whether the conversation on how to map the Comarcas of 
Spain had come to any conclusion?  There was a lot of discussion about 
these in January, but not much since.

Best Regards,


(apologies for English text; rough Spanish translation follows - 
disculpas por el texto en inglés; sigue la traducción aproximada al español)

Hola de nuevo a todos

Me preguntaba si la conversación sobre cómo mapear las Comarcas de 
España había llegado a alguna conclusión. Hubo mucha discusión sobre 
estos en enero, pero no mucho desde entonces.


Talk-es mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Cameras - - Brussels

2020-03-05 Per discussione Vucodil via Talk-be
Hi everyone,

Few months ago, I presented in Matrix the project of importing cameras of in OSM :
Soon, I will upload a subset of those cameras (only Brussels). If you want to 
comment my workflow or to check an example of geojson output, be welcome.

- Workflow:
- Geojson example:,

The full import may happen in the future if we get more permissions.

Best regards,


Talk-be mailing list

[Diversity-talk] Notes posted on DISC, thoughts on research

2020-03-05 Per discussione Mikel Maron
Hey all

Finally got around to posting information about the DISC and our recent meeting 
to the OSMF wiki:

I also was chatting with Martin Dittus, who has done a lot of research on HOT, for his insight on how to approach the survey work. 
Thought I'd share his thoughts.

> I don’t have quite the right specialisation for this, but can offer some 
> general reflections based on the above. Regarding filling in gaps, a) 
> Surveys. Might be worth to simply review what old & recent surveys are 
> available, and (if you want to run your own) how they phrased these kinds of 
> questions. I imagine Yu-wei might have good perspectives on survey design if 
> needed - her approach might actually already be described in the paper. b) 
> there is of course survivorship bias there in any such survey - it won’t tell 
> us why people dropped out. For that I’d recommend more ethnographic 
> approaches, people who’ve accompanied the community and have seen/heard 
> stories.  C) generally I suspect that a lot of the work that is being asked 
> for has already been done, and it’s simply not been collated and given 
> visibility. It might be worthwhile to eg review all the documents linked in 
> that Diversity wiki page above and see what kind of recommendations the 
> authors make. Broadly speaking I suspect the committee’s time might be well 
> spent not trying to reproduce the most recent stats, but instead simply 
> finding succinct articulations of known specific issues; ie a kind of 
> visibility & strategy-setting agenda 

This echoes a lot of the thoughts during our first meetings of the DISC -- 
there's a lot existing to draw on, and what's the most we can make with it.


* Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron

Diversity-talk mailing list
Code of Conduct:
Contact the mods (private):

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Tagguer les Maison du vélo, atelier et asso vélo

2020-03-05 Per discussione Florimond Berthoux
Merci pour vos réponses.

Pour mon cas, club serait pas mal pour l'atelier d'autoréparation, et
potentiellement aussi pour la partie bureau/salle commune.

Si j'essaye de formaliser tout ça :

shop=bicycle|bicycle_repair si l'activité principale est commerciale c'est
à dire qu'il y a un client qui paye à la tâche (que ça soit associatif ou
bicycle si c'est surtout de la vente
bicycle_repair si c'est surtout de la réparation

Pour les endroits d'activité qui réunis les membres de l'association.

Qu'on peut compléter avec les services fournis plus détaillés :

lorsque l'activité principale est presque exclusivement du travail de
bureau (ou pour distinguer les bureaux des parties communautaire en

Si ça vous va j'ajouterais ces explications à la page Bicycle.

Le jeu. 5 mars 2020 à 07:57, Francescu GAROBY  a écrit :

> Bnojour,
> Pour la Maison du Vélo à Caen
> , c'est plutôt le tag "
> club=bicycle " qui a été
> privilégié, plutôt que "shop=bicycle".
> La raison est que cette MdV est à fois un atelier, où on peut recevoir des
> conseils et de l'aide, mais aussi le siège où plusieurs associations autour
> du vélo ont leurs bureaux. Ça n'est pas une boutique, dans le sens où on
> n'y vend rien de neuf : uniquement des pièces détachées d'occasion (à prix
> libre) et des vélos d'occasion, notamment lors de bourses aux vélos. Bref,
> je pense que "club" est plus adapté que "office" ou "shop".
> Par contre, on peut compléter avec les tags
> "service:bicycle:{repair|rental|diy}"
> Francescu
> Le jeu. 5 mars 2020 à 07:12, Jean-Christophe Becquet  a
> écrit :
>> Bonjour,
>> À Gap, l'association Mobil'Idées qui fait :
>>  - Centre d'information sur la mobilité durable
>>  - Vente de vélos d'occasion
>>  - Réparation/entretien avec le soutien des membres de l'association
>> a utilisé office=association et shop=bicycle, ce qui me semble correct.
>> Ils précisent les équipements et services disponibles avec les tags
>> suivants :
>> service:bicycle:chaintool=yes
>> service:bicycle:pump=yes
>> service:bicycle:repair=yes
>> service:bicycle:second_hand=yes
>> Mobil'Idées
>> Bonne journée
>> JCB
>> --
>> Neelie Kroes : Une technologie propriétaire est un gaspillage financier
>> ==APITUX : le choix du logiciel libre==
>> APITUX - Jean-Christophe Becquet
>> 2 chemin du Tivoli - 04000 Digne-les-Bains
>> 06 25 86 07 92 - -
>> SIRET : 452 887 441 00031 - APE : 6202A
>> ===
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
> --
> Francescu
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Florimond Berthoux
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Projet du mois de mars - #balanceTaBorne

2020-03-05 Per discussione Stéphane Péneau

C'est bon, c'est corrigé pour le doubs.
Ajoutons ça une petite modif sur le script etalab, et la prochaine 
consolidation devrait ajouter un peu plus de 1500 bornes de recharges. 
Ensuite ce sera à Noémie d'importer cette nouvelle version dans Osmose.

Malgré tout, il reste encore de nombreux fichiers qui ne sont pas dans 
les clous pour être intégrés.


Le 03/03/2020 à 13:59, Stéphane Péneau a écrit :

Un contributeur à fait le boulot : 

J'ai vu, mais c'est une vieille version (2018), et elle n'est pas 
récupérée par le script.


Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-lv] Palīdzība ĢIT / SOTM Baltics konferencē

2020-03-05 Per discussione Peteris Bruns
Būšu, neko nesolu. Ja vajag, tad sauc talkā.
Līdz vakaram gan ir naiva cerība nepalikt.

On Thu, 27 Feb 2020 at 22:05, Rihards  wrote:

> Ja dodies uz ĢIT konferenci / SOTM Baltics 6. martā, ir iespēja darīt
> labu darbu - pieteikties nedaudz palīdzēt :)
> Varianti:
> * Palīdzēt ar telpu novākšanu uzreiz pēc pasākuma.
> * Būt "timekeeper" (nav obligāti jāpiesakās visai dienai, var arī mazu
> daļiņu).
> * Būt jautājumu moderatoram (nav obligāti jāpiesakās visai dienai, var
> arī mazu daļiņu).
> Iespēja palīdzēt, iespējams, lielākajai konferencei Latvijā - un labāk
> iepazīt brīnišķīgus cilvēkus.
> --
>  Rihards
> ___
> Talk-lv mailing list

Talk-lv mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] The benefits of cross-linking OSM and Wikidata

2020-03-05 Per discussione Kathleen Lu via talk
Right. Since the definition of "active contributor" includes "has
maintained a valid email address in their registration profile and responds
to a request to vote within 3 weeks", then people who do not vote do not
count as active.
A 2/3 majority voting in favor is not an easy threshold by any means, but I
don't think it would be any more difficult for OSMF to *conduct* the vote
than it is to conduct the board election.

On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 7:01 AM Maarten Deen  wrote:

> On 2020-03-05 15:39, Rory McCann wrote:
> > On 05/03/2020 15:25, Sören Reinecke via talk wrote:
> >> couldn't we do a vote about that? Would it be possible for the OSMF to
> >> maintain and coordinate such a voting.
> >
> > Yes, we _could_.
> >
> > It would require a 2/3 majority of “active [OSM] contributors”,
> "and responds to a request to vote within 3 weeks"
> > is (intentionally) a large number (about 250,000 at the time of
> > writing).
> Which will limit that number of 250.000 substantially, and will in fact
> limit that number to the number of votes you receive.
> If 4 people respond and 3 vote in favor, than that counts as a 2/3
> majority as put forward in item 3 of the license.
> Regards,
> Maarten
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

[Talk-br] Dados do Openstreet

2020-03-05 Per discussione Denis Vespasiano
Bom dia!

Sou aluno do CEFET-MG e estou fazendo um TCC sobre o problema do roteamento, e 
no meu trabalho, preciso montar um grafo direcionado de um certo local para 
criar possíveis rotas dentro da cidade. É possível eu conseguir estes dados ou 
o grafo a partir da API do openstreet?
Se sim, onde eu consigo ler a documentação desta API

Enviado do Email para Windows 10

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] veicolo sconosciuto in autostrada

2020-03-05 Per discussione Francesco Ansanelli
Il gio 5 mar 2020, 18:28 Volker Schmidt  ha scritto:

> On Thu, 5 Mar 2020 at 18:22, canfe  wrote:
>> In autostrada è vietato guidare veicoli che richiedano una patente
>> inferiore
>> alla B.
> Dove è scritto questo?  Mi è scappato.

Credo che per tappare qualche buco normativo abbiano inventato un cartello.

> Pertanto è il divieto per le macchinine diesel.
>> Per intenderci quelle degli alcolizzati o quelli a cui hanno tolto la
>> patente.
> Comunque serve il patentino o la patente A1 che si prendono a 14 e 16
anni... Senza nessuna patente non si può guidare una macchina.

Anche questo. Ma non è limitato alle autostrade? E' permanente?

> Volker
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Interstate naming in the United States

2020-03-05 Per discussione Wayne Emerson, Jr. via talk

Based on the wikipedia articles
It sounds to me like these would be names of route relations, not names 
of ways. In my area, sections of I-95 can have different names like 
"Blue Star Memorial Highway" or "Yankee Division Highway" or "New 
Hampshire Turnpike". IMO these local names would be the ones used in the 
"name=*" tag, not the name a trans-continental route.

These are some relevant quotes from the first wikipedia article above: 
"In practice the concept of the Pan-American Highway is more publicly 
embraced in Latin American countries than in North America. Much of the 
road system in Latin America is explicitly marked 
as/Pan-American/(commonly/Vía Panam/or/Vía Panamericana/)."
"In Canada, no particular road has been officially designated as the 
Pan-American Highway."
"In 1966, the [US] Federal Highway Administration designated the entire 
Interstate Highway System part of the Pan-American Highway 
System,^although this has never been reflected in any of the official 
interstate signage."
"The Pan-American Highway is interrupted between Panama and Colombia by 
a 100 km (60 mi) stretch of marshland known as the Darién Gap."

Have you checked if this person is trying to rename all of the sections 
of the CanAm route?


On 3/5/2020 11:29 AM, Jack Armstrong wrote:
I'm not an expert in the field of naming U.S. interstate highways. I'd 
like some opinions from others with more experience with this.

A new OSM user has just "named" Interstate 25 (I-25) as the "CanAm 
Highway". As a native Coloradan, I can say I've never heard anyone 
refer to I-25 as the CanAm Highway. There is a Wikipedia page on the 
name. This highway might also be referred to as the PanAmerican 
Highway, but again, nobody in this region refers to it as such. I 
suppose almost all U.S. interstate highways could be "named" the 
Dwight D. Eisenhower Interstate Highway. A few years ago a user 
"named" I-70 and I-25 in Colorado as the "Dwight D. Eisenhower 
Highway", which I deleted explaining to the user this was not how 
Coloradans referred to these interstates.
Before I (gently) approach the new user, what is the best way for this 
name to be tagged? I assume a relation is not the best answer. I would 
think alt_name, alt_name_1, alt_name_2, etc., is the best method?

Thanks, Jack Armstrong

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] veicolo sconosciuto in autostrada

2020-03-05 Per discussione Volker Schmidt
On Thu, 5 Mar 2020 at 18:22, canfe  wrote:

> In autostrada è vietato guidare veicoli che richiedano una patente
> inferiore
> alla B.
Dove è scritto questo?  Mi è scappato.

Pertanto è il divieto per le macchinine diesel.
> Per intenderci quelle degli alcolizzati o quelli a cui hanno tolto la
> patente.
Anche questo. Ma non è limitato alle autostrade? E' permanente?

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] veicolo sconosciuto in autostrada

2020-03-05 Per discussione canfe
In autostrada è vietato guidare veicoli che richiedano una patente inferiore
alla B.
Pertanto è il divieto per le macchinine diesel.
Per intenderci quelle degli alcolizzati o quelli a cui hanno tolto la

Sent from:

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] veicolo sconosciuto in autostrada

2020-03-05 Per discussione Francesco Ansanelli
Il gio 5 mar 2020, 15:55 Simone Saviolo  ha

> Scusate, l'ho visto adesso. A me sembra più un quadriciclo pesante (i
> "macchinini" senza patente), ma non trovo riscontro del simbolo da nessuna
> parte.

Sono quadricicli leggeri le microcar (e solitamente sono 500 cc quelle a
gasolio)... Credo non esista un simbolo apposta e sarebbe stato meglio
usare quello degli autoveicoli anziché inventarne uno...

> Ciao,
> Simone
> Il giorno gio 5 mar 2020 alle ore 15:49 Simone Saviolo <
>> ha scritto:
>> Il giorno gio 5 mar 2020 alle ore 00:41 Volker Schmidt 
>> ha scritto:
>>> Sto guardando da vicino come taggare la tangenziale di Padova. In questo
>>> contesto ho studiato i cartelli sulla parte Nord, che è una superstrada,
>>> che dovrebbe essere taggato come motorroad.
>>> Guardando i cartelli su Mapillary ho notato su alcuni uno divieto per un
>>> tipo di veicolo che non mi è chiaro che cosa è: il primo divieto su
>>> questo  e
>>> questo  (e
>>> anche su questo cartello
>>> all'uscita Padova Ovest della A4).
>>> Sulle foto si vede male, ma sembra un Ape
>>> , ma non trovo quel segnale
>>> di divieto sul web.
>>> Qualcuno sa a che cosa si riferisce ?
>> Scusate, guarderò nel punto sbagliato, però non capisco di cosa state
>> parlando. Io vedo i seguenti divieti:
>> - sidecar fino a 249cc
>> - moto fino a 149cc
>> - velocipedi
>> - pedoni
>> - veicoli a trazione animale.
>> Dov'è il quadriciclo leggero?
>> Ciao,
>> Simone
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Ref per farmacie

2020-03-05 Per discussione Francesco Ansanelli
Il gio 5 mar 2020, 13:25 Martin Koppenhoefer  ha

> Am Mo., 2. März 2020 um 22:33 Uhr schrieb Francesco Ansanelli <
>>> in ogni caso sarebbe da documentare nel wiki
>>> Per me, i tags vanno entrambi bene, ref:mds è un po’ usato (200+),
>>> mentre ref:msal non esiste proprio:
>>> io sono contrario ad una modifica automatica ref -> ref:...
>>> al meno che non si verificano per ogni farmacia che il ref indicato in
>>> osm è veramente il codice usato dal ministero (in questo caso sarei a
>>> favore)
>> Farei dove è presente source=Ministero della Salute
>> Così sarebbe accettabile per te?
> intendevo: non possiamo trasformare tutti i tags "ref" delle farmacie
> italiane automaticamente in "ref:mds" (o simile), senza verificare che si
> tratta veramente di un codice del ministero della salute, e idealmente, che
> sia ancora lo stesso, corretto codice.

Per quelle che ho controllato lo è... Visto che sono state importate.

Non aggiungere tag "source" al livello di oggetti per favore, mettiamoli
> negli changeset.
Ormai il latte è già versato da anni...

> Ciao
> Martin
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] The benefits of cross-linking OSM and Wikidata

2020-03-05 Per discussione Mateusz Konieczny via talk

Mar 5, 2020, 15:39 by

> On 05/03/2020 15:25, Sören Reinecke via talk wrote:
>> couldn't we do a vote about that? Would it be possible for the OSMF to
>> maintain and coordinate such a voting.
> Yes, we _could_.
> It would require a 2/3 majority of “active [OSM] contributors”, which is 
> (intentionally) a large number (about 250,000 at the time of writing). I'm 
> sorry, but a licence change to remove the share alike part of the OSM licence 
> has microscopic chance of passing... You'll just have to accept it.
And I am pretty sure that migrating Wikidata to ODBL is even less likely.

Sadly, you run into a conflict between strategies of this projects.

To make it even more irritating - imports from Wikidata into OSM are also
impossible in general due to licensing issues.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Interstate naming in the United States

2020-03-05 Per discussione Mateusz Konieczny via talk

Mar 5, 2020, 17:39 by

> On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 10:32 AM Jack Armstrong <>> > 
> wrote:
>> I suppose almost all U.S. interstate highways could be "named" the Dwight D. 
>> Eisenhower Interstate Highway. A few years ago a user "named" I-70 and I-25 
>> in Colorado as the ">> Dwight D. Eisenhower Highway", which I deleted 
>> explaining to the user this was not how Coloradans referred to these 
>> interstates.
> You're conflating the name of single roads with the name of the route system 
> of which they are members.  The name of a route doesn't necessarily, and 
> often is completely unrelated, to the names of the ways that are members.  
> The name of the network (in this case, the network is officially called 
> "Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways") 
> tends to be even further removed from what individual roads are actually 
> named.  I think there is a tunnel in that network, within Colorado, named for 
> Eisenhower, though.
>> Before I (gently) approach the new user, what is the best way for this name 
>> to be tagged? I assume a relation is not the best answer. I would think 
>> alt_name, alt_name_1, alt_name_2, etc., is the best method?
> For the pan-am/can-am, within the US, I question ground truth veracity, but 
> open to other opinions.
Note that my posting was about name tagging in general - I have no knowledge 
whatever and
where this specific name should be tagged.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Interstate naming in the United States

2020-03-05 Per discussione Mateusz Konieczny via talk

alt_name, loc_name (?), reg_name <> (?) seems fitting

In case of multiple alternative names use


alt_name_1, alt_name_2 is rather poor idea, see

Mar 5, 2020, 17:29 by

> I'm not an expert in the field of naming U.S. interstate highways. I'd like 
> some opinions from others with more experience with this. 
> A new OSM user has just "named" Interstate 25 (I-25) as the "CanAm Highway". 
> As a native Coloradan, I can say I've never heard anyone refer to I-25 as the 
> CanAm Highway. There is a Wikipedia page on the name. This highway might also 
> be referred to as the PanAmerican Highway, but again, nobody in this region 
> refers to it as such. I suppose almost all U.S. interstate highways could be 
> "named" the Dwight D. Eisenhower Interstate Highway. A few years ago a user 
> "named" I-70 and I-25 in Colorado as the "> Dwight D. Eisenhower Highway", 
> which I deleted explaining to the user this was not how Coloradans referred 
> to these interstates.
> Before I (gently) approach the new user, what is the best way for this name 
> to be tagged? I assume a relation is not the best answer. I would think 
> alt_name, alt_name_1, alt_name_2, etc., is the best method?
> Thanks, Jack Armstrong 
> chachafish

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Interstate naming in the United States

2020-03-05 Per discussione Paul Johnson
On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 10:32 AM Jack Armstrong 

> I'm not an expert in the field of naming U.S. interstate highways. I'd
> like some opinions from others with more experience with this.
> A new OSM user has just "named" Interstate 25 (I-25) as the "CanAm
> Highway".

It's been a while since I've been on I 25, but at least as of then, I never
saw anything referring to it as such.

> As a native Coloradan, I can say I've never heard anyone refer to I-25 as
> the CanAm Highway. There is a Wikipedia page on the name. This highway
> might also be referred to as the PanAmerican Highway, but again, nobody in
> this region refers to it as such.

If it enjoys any kind of status beyond an informal collection of routes in
the US and Canada, I'm not aware of it.

> I suppose almost all U.S. interstate highways could be "named" the Dwight
> D. Eisenhower Interstate Highway. A few years ago a user "named" I-70 and
> I-25 in Colorado as the "Dwight D. Eisenhower Highway", which I deleted
> explaining to the user this was not how Coloradans referred to these
> interstates.

You're conflating the name of single roads with the name of the route
system of which they are members.  The name of a route doesn't necessarily,
and often is completely unrelated, to the names of the ways that are
members.  The name of the network (in this case, the network is officially
called "Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense
Highways") tends to be even further removed from what individual roads are
actually named.  I think there is a tunnel in that network, within
Colorado, named for Eisenhower, though.

> Before I (gently) approach the new user, what is the best way for this
> name to be tagged? I assume a relation is not the best answer. I would
> think alt_name, alt_name_1, alt_name_2, etc., is the best method?

For the pan-am/can-am, within the US, I question ground truth veracity, but
open to other opinions.
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Interstate naming in the United States

2020-03-05 Per discussione Jack Armstrong
I'm not an expert in the field of naming U.S. interstate highways. I'd like some opinions from others with more experience with this. A new OSM user has just "named" Interstate 25 (I-25) as the "CanAm Highway". As a native Coloradan, I can say I've never heard anyone refer to I-25 as the CanAm Highway. There is a Wikipedia page on the name. This highway might also be referred to as the PanAmerican Highway, but again, nobody in this region refers to it as such. I suppose almost all U.S. interstate highways could be "named" the Dwight D. Eisenhower Interstate Highway. A few years ago a user "named" I-70 and I-25 in Colorado as the "Dwight D. Eisenhower Highway", which I deleted explaining to the user this was not how Coloradans referred to these interstates.Before I (gently) approach the new user, what is the best way for this name to be tagged? I assume a relation is not the best answer. I would think alt_name, alt_name_1, alt_name_2, etc., is the best method?Thanks, Jack Armstrong chachafish

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Hikar and OpenTrailView - new development blog

2020-03-05 Per discussione Nick Whitelegg
Hello everyone,

For those interested in my projects Hikar (; augmented reality for 
paths using OSM) and OpenTrailView (; off-road 'StreetView' 
like application for countryside users) I have now started a new development 

If you're interested in these projects, all updates will be primarily posted 
For people in the UK, I will also post updates on MapThePaths there, as well as 
the talk-gb list.




talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] The benefits of cross-linking OSM and Wikidata

2020-03-05 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2020-03-05 15:39, Rory McCann wrote:

On 05/03/2020 15:25, Sören Reinecke via talk wrote:

couldn't we do a vote about that? Would it be possible for the OSMF to
maintain and coordinate such a voting.

Yes, we _could_.

It would require a 2/3 majority of “active [OSM] contributors”,

"and responds to a request to vote within 3 weeks"

is (intentionally) a large number (about 250,000 at the time of

Which will limit that number of 250.000 substantially, and will in fact 
limit that number to the number of votes you receive.
If 4 people respond and 3 vote in favor, than that counts as a 2/3 
majority as put forward in item 3 of the license.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] veicolo sconosciuto in autostrada

2020-03-05 Per discussione Simone Saviolo
Scusate, l'ho visto adesso. A me sembra più un quadriciclo pesante (i
"macchinini" senza patente), ma non trovo riscontro del simbolo da nessuna



Il giorno gio 5 mar 2020 alle ore 15:49 Simone Saviolo <> ha scritto:

> Il giorno gio 5 mar 2020 alle ore 00:41 Volker Schmidt 
> ha scritto:
>> Sto guardando da vicino come taggare la tangenziale di Padova. In questo
>> contesto ho studiato i cartelli sulla parte Nord, che è una superstrada,
>> che dovrebbe essere taggato come motorroad.
>> Guardando i cartelli su Mapillary ho notato su alcuni uno divieto per un
>> tipo di veicolo che non mi è chiaro che cosa è: il primo divieto su
>> questo  e questo
>>  (e anche su questo
>> cartello
>> all'uscita Padova Ovest della A4).
>> Sulle foto si vede male, ma sembra un Ape
>> , ma non trovo quel segnale
>> di divieto sul web.
>> Qualcuno sa a che cosa si riferisce ?
> Scusate, guarderò nel punto sbagliato, però non capisco di cosa state
> parlando. Io vedo i seguenti divieti:
> - sidecar fino a 249cc
> - moto fino a 149cc
> - velocipedi
> - pedoni
> - veicoli a trazione animale.
> Dov'è il quadriciclo leggero?
> Ciao,
> Simone
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] veicolo sconosciuto in autostrada

2020-03-05 Per discussione Simone Saviolo
Il giorno gio 5 mar 2020 alle ore 00:41 Volker Schmidt 
ha scritto:

> Sto guardando da vicino come taggare la tangenziale di Padova. In questo
> contesto ho studiato i cartelli sulla parte Nord, che è una superstrada,
> che dovrebbe essere taggato come motorroad.
> Guardando i cartelli su Mapillary ho notato su alcuni uno divieto per un
> tipo di veicolo che non mi è chiaro che cosa è: il primo divieto su questo
>  e questo
>  (e anche su questo
> cartello
> all'uscita Padova Ovest della A4).
> Sulle foto si vede male, ma sembra un Ape
> , ma non trovo quel segnale di
> divieto sul web.
> Qualcuno sa a che cosa si riferisce ?

Scusate, guarderò nel punto sbagliato, però non capisco di cosa state
parlando. Io vedo i seguenti divieti:
- sidecar fino a 249cc
- moto fino a 149cc
- velocipedi
- pedoni
- veicoli a trazione animale.

Dov'è il quadriciclo leggero?


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] The benefits of cross-linking OSM and Wikidata

2020-03-05 Per discussione Rory McCann

On 05/03/2020 15:25, Sören Reinecke via talk wrote:
> couldn't we do a vote about that? Would it be possible for the OSMF to
> maintain and coordinate such a voting.

Yes, we _could_.

It would require a 2/3 majority of “active [OSM] contributors”, which is 
(intentionally) a large number (about 250,000 at the time of writing). 
I'm sorry, but a licence change to remove the share alike part of the 
OSM licence has microscopic chance of passing... You'll just have to 
accept it.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] The benefits of cross-linking OSM and Wikidata

2020-03-05 Per discussione Frederik Ramm

On 05.03.20 15:25, Sören Reinecke via talk wrote:
> couldn't we do a vote about that? Would it be possible for the OSMF to
> maintain and coordinate such a voting.

No. The OSMF is not at liberty to grant *anyone* exceptions from the ODbL.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] The benefits of cross-linking OSM and Wikidata

2020-03-05 Per discussione Sören Reinecke via talk
couldn't we do a vote about that? Would it be possible for the OSMF to maintain and coordinate such a voting. Original Message Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] The benefits of cross-linking OSM and WikidataFrom: Martin Koppenhoefer To: Sören Reinecke CC: Mateusz Konieczny ,OSM talk mailing list Am Do., 5. März 2020 um 14:36 Uhr schrieb Sören Reinecke :No. Exceptions for both organisations on both site to use/lisence certain data differently than normal. Both organisations Wikipedia Foundation and OpenStreetMap Foundation would need to sign an aggreement.From my understanding of the OSM contributor terms, the OSMF does not have the faculty to grant exceptions from the license, which the majority of active contributors have chosen (currently ODbL), i.e. such an agreement would require to make a voting amongst all active contributors on the OSM side. No idea about wikidata terms, likely they would not need to change anything, wikidata is already very permissive.CheersMartin
talk mailing list

[Talk-GB] Dept for Transport seeking NaPTAN/OSM knowledge

2020-03-05 Per discussione Jez Nicholson
My friend Giuseppe Sollazzo @puntofisso Head of Data @transportgovuk is
requesting help from the NaPTAN knowledgable...

"Are you someone who
1. works in a Local Authority and is responsible for #NaPTAN
2. is a volunteer who adds data from NaPTAN into  @openstreetmap
3. works for any mapping application/agency and uses NaPTAN?"

Please contact him via Twitter if you know owt.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] veicolo sconosciuto in autostrada

2020-03-05 Per discussione Volker Schmidt
"Compresi" non penso. Sul cartello in questione c'è un simbolo sconosciuto
(nessuna traccia in internet) e un limite inferiore in centimetri cubi,
cioè della cilindrata.
Quello che mi indicate sono limiti di peso in kg, che è una cosa
completamente diversa,
Anche io ho il dubbio che si tratta di una cosa vecchia, ma nessuna traccia
sul web mi sembra strana.

On Thu, 5 Mar 2020 at 14:11, Mannivu  wrote:

> > Non sono compresi qui, sopratutto nella b?
> >
> > a) velocipedi, ciclomotori, motocicli di cilindrata inferiore a 150 cc se
> > a motore termico e motocarrozzette di cilindrata inferiore a 250 cc se a
> > motore termico;
> > b) altri motoveicoli di massa a vuoto fino a 400 kg o di massa
> complessiva
> > fino a 1300 kg;
> Credo siano compresi anche perché i cartelli più recenti non hanno
> quell'indicazione (es.  Cartello al casello di Romano di Lombardia della
> BreBeMi
> <
> )
> -
> Manuel Tassi
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> --
> Sent from:
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] The benefits of cross-linking OSM and Wikidata

2020-03-05 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am Do., 5. März 2020 um 14:36 Uhr schrieb Sören Reinecke <>:

> No. Exceptions for both organisations on both site to use/lisence certain
> data differently than normal. Both organisations Wikipedia Foundation and
> OpenStreetMap Foundation would need to sign an aggreement.

>From my understanding of the OSM contributor terms, the OSMF does not have
the faculty to grant exceptions from the license, which the majority of
active contributors have chosen (currently ODbL), i.e. such an agreement
would require to make a voting amongst all active contributors on the OSM
side. No idea about wikidata terms, likely they would not need to change
anything, wikidata is already very permissive.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] The benefits of cross-linking OSM and Wikidata

2020-03-05 Per discussione joost schouppe
Hi Andy,

Nice to see the project picked up here. It was a fun one to be involved in.

Note that it works based on a mix. The core of the program is "take the
streets, find the etymology tag, query wikidata for the person, then their
gender". But we do have a csv with the streetnames and their associated
The gender in the CSV was assigned by humans, based on websearching.
Automatic approaches don't always work, since several streets just have a
last name but are in fact named after a single person, not a family.
In the long run, it would be awesome if all these humans get their wiki
page. We didn't have the time to make that happen in this project. Se we
only added wikidata tags to OpenStreetMap in cases where the q-number was
already available.
Note that we didn't need to use any OSM data for improving Wikidata in this

Some cool things this project entails:
- I've seen a prototype that works without the CSV. So it works around the
globe; the only thing needed to make it work is adding the wikidata tags in
- this approach can be first step to making all sorts of nifty maps, like
colouring the streets named after people in a certain profession, or from a
certain century. Or make a map where neighborhoods show up where the
streets are named after flowers or birds.

For more info on the project see
(Issues welcome of course)
We had a few contacts with GeoChicas, but Jonathan decided to build from
scratch. Exactly because of the focus on the wikidata approach - the list
of names is a fallback only. I hope we can do some more exchange of
experience soon.

Note: I only helped to convince the people involved to use OpenStreetMap,
and supported the project here and there

Op di 3 mrt. 2020 om 17:21 schreef Andy Mabbett :

> Some of you will remember, around five years ago, a debate about
> whether or not we should add Wikidata IDs to OSM.
> We did, and so here's "EqualStreetNames.Brussels", an example of what
> is now possible:
> It shows streets in Brussels named after men and women, visualized
> with data from OpenStreetMap and Wikidata.
> Does anyone have other good examples?
> --
> Andy Mabbett
> @pigsonthewing
> ___
> talk mailing list

Joost Schouppe
OpenStreetMap  |
Twitter  | LinkedIn
 | Meetup

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] The benefits of cross-linking OSM and Wikidata

2020-03-05 Per discussione Sören Reinecke via talk
No. Exceptions for both organisations on both site to use/lisence certain data differently than normal. Both organisations Wikipedia Foundation and OpenStreetMap Foundation would need to sign an aggreement. Original Message Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] The benefits of cross-linking OSM and WikidataFrom: Martin Koppenhoefer To: Sören Reinecke CC: Mateusz Konieczny ,OSM talk mailing list Am Mi., 4. März 2020 um 20:56 Uhr schrieb Sören Reinecke via talk :Did I say "dialogue"? This is a matter of communication.What should be agreed on? Wikidata moving to ODbL? We moving to CC0? What other options do you see?CheersMartin
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] veicolo sconosciuto in autostrada

2020-03-05 Per discussione Mannivu

> Non sono compresi qui, sopratutto nella b?
> a) velocipedi, ciclomotori, motocicli di cilindrata inferiore a 150 cc se
> a motore termico e motocarrozzette di cilindrata inferiore a 250 cc se a
> motore termico;
> b) altri motoveicoli di massa a vuoto fino a 400 kg o di massa complessiva
> fino a 1300 kg;

Credo siano compresi anche perché i cartelli più recenti non hanno
quell'indicazione (es.  Cartello al casello di Romano di Lombardia della


Manuel Tassi
Talk-it mailing list
Sent from:

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] The benefits of cross-linking OSM and Wikidata

2020-03-05 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am Mi., 4. März 2020 um 20:56 Uhr schrieb Sören Reinecke via talk <>:

> Did I say "dialogue"? This is a matter of communication.

What should be agreed on? Wikidata moving to ODbL? We moving to CC0? What
other options do you see?

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] veicolo sconosciuto in autostrada

2020-03-05 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am Do., 5. März 2020 um 11:11 Uhr schrieb Volker Schmidt :

> Il carro trainato da cavalli o buoi è vietato separatamente (segno di
> divieto in  basso a destra).
> I quadricicli leggeri (scusate l'errore di spelling prima) non appaiono
> fra i divieti in autostrada (CdS Art. 175
> .)

Non sono compresi qui, sopratutto nella b?

a) velocipedi, ciclomotori, motocicli di cilindrata inferiore a 150 cc se a
motore termico e motocarrozzette di cilindrata inferiore a 250 cc se a
motore termico;
b) altri motoveicoli di massa a vuoto fino a 400 kg o di massa complessiva
fino a 1300 kg;

Il limite di peso di un quadriciclo pesante è di 400 kg (550 kg nel caso si
tratti di un mezzo destinato al trasporto di merci).

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Ref per farmacie

2020-03-05 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am Mo., 2. März 2020 um 22:33 Uhr schrieb Francesco Ansanelli <>:

>> in ogni caso sarebbe da documentare nel wiki
>> Per me, i tags vanno entrambi bene, ref:mds è un po’ usato (200+), mentre
>> ref:msal non esiste proprio:
>> io sono contrario ad una modifica automatica ref -> ref:...
>> al meno che non si verificano per ogni farmacia che il ref indicato in
>> osm è veramente il codice usato dal ministero (in questo caso sarei a
>> favore)
> Farei dove è presente source=Ministero della Salute
> Così sarebbe accettabile per te?

intendevo: non possiamo trasformare tutti i tags "ref" delle farmacie
italiane automaticamente in "ref:mds" (o simile), senza verificare che si
tratta veramente di un codice del ministero della salute, e idealmente, che
sia ancora lo stesso, corretto codice. Non aggiungere tag "source" al
livello di oggetti per favore, mettiamoli negli changeset.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Gruppi montuosi

2020-03-05 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Gruppi montuosi

2020-03-05 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am Do., 5. März 2020 um 12:31 Uhr schrieb Lorenzo Pesci <>:

> Buongiorno, ho notato che nella mappa mancano le indicazioni dei gruppi
> montuosi dell'Appennino.
> (Sibillini, Laga, Gran Sasso, Majella, Aspromonte per esempio)
> Ho letto allora le istruzioni per l'etichetta
> natural=mountain_range
> che però non mi è piaciuta molto poiché propone di mappare il gruppo
> montuoso con un nodo (il "modo più comune") o come linea che collega le
> principali cime.

infatti, mountain_range non è per gruppi montuosi, benchè per catene

> Sconsiglia di usare l'area che si presta a diverse interpretazioni (ma
> che secondo me, unendo le cime principali, sarebbe il miglior modo).

potresti usare la relazione del tipo "group", e aggiungere tags


in più forse questi (e simili):


che non richiede un tag principale, viene ereditato/implicito dai membri.
Come membri potresti aggiungere dei nodi del tipo

Questo tipo di relazione non è molto diffuso (ancora), ma si presta
perfettamente, è leggero come approccio, e facilmente da evaluare (per
esempio renderizzare un label).

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Bâtiments d'hôpital autre que lieu soin...

2020-03-05 Per discussione Jacques Lavignotte

Le 05/03/2020 à 00:38, Donat ROBAUX a écrit :


Dans ton inventaire à la Prévert, tu as oublié le bureau du service RH dans
lequel je travaille...

Tu es ici :

Nœud : Pavillon administratif (7263324723)

ou là :

Chemin : Pavillon administratif (88121922)

Bref j'adore quand on m'explique mon métier. Bientôt un exposé sur la T2A

Pas de T2A ici. ;)


GnuPg : 156520BBC8F5B1E3 Because privacy matters.
« Quand est-ce qu'on mange ? » AD (c) (tm)

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] Gruppi montuosi

2020-03-05 Per discussione Lorenzo Pesci
Buongiorno, ho notato che nella mappa mancano le indicazioni dei gruppi 
montuosi dell'Appennino.

(Sibillini, Laga, Gran Sasso, Majella, Aspromonte per esempio)

Ho letto allora le istruzioni per l'etichetta
che però non mi è piaciuta molto poiché propone di mappare il gruppo 
montuoso con un nodo (il "modo più comune") o come linea che collega le 
principali cime.
Sconsiglia di usare l'area che si presta a diverse interpretazioni (ma 
che secondo me, unendo le cime principali, sarebbe il miglior modo).

Wikipedia è molto dettagliata nella descrizione dei gruppi montuosi e, 
per un archivio di dati geografici come Osm, usare un solo punto mi 
sembra riduttivo .

Senza la pretesa si colmare da solo il vuoto, ho provato a mappare
i miei amati monti Sibillini e ho scelto una linea che collega le 
principali cime (seguendo Wikipedia);

Volevo però consultare questa comunità per avere un parere.

Sulle Alpi l'approccio è diverso ed è stato usato
che però comprende anche zone non montuose (lago di Garda)

E' preferibile uniformarsi a questa ultimo codice?

Lorenzo Pesci

Con Tiscali Mobile Smart 30 4G hai minuti illimitati, 100 SMS e 30 Giga 
in 4G a soli 8,99€ al mese.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] veicolo sconosciuto in autostrada

2020-03-05 Per discussione Lorenzo Pesci

Il cartello mi sembra
Transito vietato ai veicoli a trazione animale
da codice della strada
figura II 53 art.117

Lorenzo Pesci

Con Tiscali Mobile Smart 30 4G hai minuti illimitati, 100 SMS e 30 Giga 
in 4G a soli 8,99€ al mese.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] veicolo sconosciuto in autostrada

2020-03-05 Per discussione Volker Schmidt
Il carro trainato da cavalli o buoi è vietato separatamente (segno di
divieto in  basso a destra).

I quadricicli leggeri (scusate l'errore di spelling prima) non appaiono fra
i divieti in autostrada (CdS Art. 175

Non vedo da nessuna parte un limite legato alla cilindrata di 500cc.
Forse è stato superato dai limiti inferiori di peso di Art 175 2b). In ogni
caso sembrano cartelli non più validi.

On Thu, 5 Mar 2020 at 09:15, Ivo Reano  wrote:

> A me sembrano tutte "Divieto di transito ai veicoli trainati da animali"
> Vado a cercare la normativa. Ma sono sicuro che era all'esame di guida per
> la patente ai miei tempi!
> Probabilmente è ancora valido anche se carri trainati dai buoi forse si
> trovano a qualche festa che ricorda i tempi antichi.
> Il giorno gio 5 mar 2020 alle ore 08:44 Volker Schmidt 
> ha scritto:
>> Dal contesto è un quattrociclo leggero, ma il segno/simbolo si lo sono
>> inventato? E' un divieto valido?
>> On Thu, 5 Mar 2020, 06:44 Francesco Ansanelli, 
>> wrote:
>>> Ciao Volker,
>>> Potrebbe essere un quadriciclo leggero?
>>> Francesco
>>> Il gio 5 mar 2020, 00:41 Volker Schmidt  ha scritto:
 Sto guardando da vicino come taggare la tangenziale di Padova. In
 questo contesto ho studiato i cartelli sulla parte Nord, che è una
 superstrada, che dovrebbe essere taggato come motorroad.
 Guardando i cartelli su Mapillary ho notato su alcuni uno divieto per
 un tipo di veicolo che non mi è chiaro che cosa è: il primo divieto su
 questo  e
 questo  (e
 anche su questo cartello
 all'uscita Padova Ovest della A4).
 Sulle foto si vede male, ma sembra un Ape
 , ma non trovo quel segnale
 di divieto sul web.
 Qualcuno sa a che cosa si riferisce ?

 Talk-it mailing list

>>> ___
>>> Talk-it mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Bâtiments d'hôpital autre que lieu soin...

2020-03-05 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Je n'ai pas voulu être exhaustif, car il y a des tas de choses dans un
centre hospitalier. J'en ai oublié (j'aurais pu ajouter un "etc."),
d'autres comme les aires de sport, et d'autres commerces et services
publics. Un hôpital en soit c'est pratiquement une ville entière, mais
sans sans mairie et sans conseils d'élus locaux (même s'il peut y
avoir des conseils consultatifs avec des malades ou leurs familles,
c'est surtout des conseils d'administration et des réunions de
services propre à l'organisation entre administrateurs et chefs de
services, des réunions syndicales ou du comité d'entreprise avec le
personnel, des réunions de service: quand on est à l'hôpital on voit
le temps qui y est consacré quand la plus grande partie du personnel y
est enfermé pendant des heures et que les patients, qui portent bien
leur nom!, attendent les soins ou ont des besoins d'intendance ou
attendent une sortie ou une activité u simplement leur tour dans des
salles d'attentes ou les chambres, ou qu'on les aide à se lever ou
leur apporte un simple verre d'eau, dans certaines unités de soin, ça
peut durer des heures tous les jours; les hôpitaux ont une réunionite
aiguë, chronique et incurable où le personnel qui y est contraint n'a
pourtant rien à faire d'utile aussi longtemps, puis finalement en
ressort avec tout à faire en même temps et à la hâte!), ni résidents
permanents officiels (quoique pour le recensement l'Insee compte les
longs séjours, même chose pour les casernements militaires, ou les
prisons quand ceux qui y résident n'ont pas d'autre choix que d'en
faire leur résidence principale de facto, avec ce que cela complique
en terme de "population comptée à part" dans les communes d'origine
qui bénéficient quand même en partie de leur recomptage pour certains
financements par l'Etat).

Le jeu. 5 mars 2020 à 00:39, Donat ROBAUX  a écrit :
> Philippe,
> Dans ton inventaire à la Prévert, tu as oublié le bureau du service RH dans
> lequel je travaille...
> Bref j'adore quand on m'explique mon métier. Bientôt un exposé sur la T2A et
> son application en SSR
> Pour le reste, effectivement, il n'y a pas grand choix. Soit je mets
> /building=hospital/ sur les bâtiments liés de près ou de loin à du soin
> (genre labo, pharmacie), sinon /building=service/ sur tout ce qui est
> technique (services techniques, lingerie, chaufferie,...) et pour le reste
> /building=yes/. Petite exception pour l'internat que je mappe en
> /building=dormitory/.
> Si sur le site internet de l'hôpital, on a un plan du site, c'est cool.
> Attention tout de même car ils ne sont pas forcément à jour. Sinon, c'est
> parfois au doigt mouillé, je l'avoue.
> Donat
> --
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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Tagguer les Maison du vélo, atelier et asso vélo

2020-03-05 Per discussione Florimond Berthoux
Bof, pour moi shop signifie la vente d’une prestation commerciale, ce qui
n’est pas le cas d’atelier associatif d’association (ou marginalement).
shop=bicycle_repair me fait plutôt penser à un réparateur de vélo (le
garagiste du vélo).

Le mer. 4 mars 2020 à 23:01, marc marc  a écrit :

> Le 04.03.20 à 22:08, Florimond Berthoux a écrit :
> > - Un atelier associatif de d'auto-réparation de vélo
> > Comment tagguer tout ça ?
> shop=bicycle_repair
> operator:type=ngo
> self_service=only ou self_service=assisted ou qlq chose du genre
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Florimond Berthoux
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] veicolo sconosciuto in autostrada

2020-03-05 Per discussione Ivo Reano
A me sembrano tutte "Divieto di transito ai veicoli trainati da animali"
Vado a cercare la normativa. Ma sono sicuro che era all'esame di guida per
la patente ai miei tempi!
Probabilmente è ancora valido anche se carri trainati dai buoi forse si
trovano a qualche festa che ricorda i tempi antichi.

Il giorno gio 5 mar 2020 alle ore 08:44 Volker Schmidt 
ha scritto:

> Dal contesto è un quattrociclo leggero, ma il segno/simbolo si lo sono
> inventato? E' un divieto valido?
> On Thu, 5 Mar 2020, 06:44 Francesco Ansanelli, 
> wrote:
>> Ciao Volker,
>> Potrebbe essere un quadriciclo leggero?
>> Francesco
>> Il gio 5 mar 2020, 00:41 Volker Schmidt  ha scritto:
>>> Sto guardando da vicino come taggare la tangenziale di Padova. In questo
>>> contesto ho studiato i cartelli sulla parte Nord, che è una superstrada,
>>> che dovrebbe essere taggato come motorroad.
>>> Guardando i cartelli su Mapillary ho notato su alcuni uno divieto per un
>>> tipo di veicolo che non mi è chiaro che cosa è: il primo divieto su
>>> questo  e
>>> questo  (e
>>> anche su questo cartello
>>> all'uscita Padova Ovest della A4).
>>> Sulle foto si vede male, ma sembra un Ape
>>> , ma non trovo quel segnale
>>> di divieto sul web.
>>> Qualcuno sa a che cosa si riferisce ?
>>> Volker
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Re: [Talk-it] veicolo sconosciuto in autostrada

2020-03-05 Per discussione Francesco Pelullo
Il gio 5 mar 2020, 08:44 Volker Schmidt  ha scritto:

> Dal contesto è un quattrociclo leggero, ma il segno/simbolo si lo sono
> inventato? E' un divieto valido?

Forse un quadriciclo elettrico per pensionati?


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