[Talk-us] Raleigh NC Building Import - ready to begin on Tuesday

2019-03-03 Thread Leif Rasmussen
Hi everyone,
I have split up the building data files to make importing more manageable,
and I believe that everything is ready to go. If not, please let me know
before Tuesday!

* Wiki page:
* Tasking manager site: https://tasks.openstreetmap.us/project/110
* Start time: March 5, 2019
* Size of import: 30,000 buildings.

Leif Rasmussen
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Wake County Missing Buildings Import

2019-02-03 Thread Leif Rasmussen
Hi everyone,
Joe Caruso contacted the City of Raleigh about the license of the building
footprints, and received a promising reply.  The data is OSM compatible.
The building import will begin some time soon, after all comments have been
addressed.  The bus stop and address imports will begin after this import
is complete.

* Wiki page:
* Tasking Manager Project: https://tasks.openstreetmap.us/project/110
* Size of Import: 31, 730 buildings.

Please let me know if I have missed anything.
Leif Rasmussen
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Three upcoming imports in Wake County, NC

2019-01-09 Thread Leif Rasmussen
Hi everyone,
Joe Caruso and I have been planning three imports in Raleigh, North
Carolina from open data sources, and would like to start them some
time soon.


Import #1: Wake County missing buildings import
Ten years ago, James Umbanhowar imported all large buildings (not including
many small sheds and similar) in Raleigh, NC.  Many new developments have
been built since, and there are currently 35,000 buildings not in OSM.
Using the JOSM validator (which finds and lets you select overlapping
buildings), I have created a file with only missing buildings.

Number of buildings: 35,000
Link to data:
Wiki page:
License for data: Public Domain


Import #2: Triangle area bus stop import (Will only start AFTER the first
import is complete).
This import will be very manual, to ensure high data quality and clean
conflation.  The data source will likely be
but only if we can verify the license.  Otherwise, we will use data from
Durham Open Data, which is licensed under the ODbL.

Number of points: ~2000
Link to transformed data:
Wiki page: https://wiki.osm.org/wiki/Research_Triangle_NC_Transit_Import
License for data: Custom or ODbL, depending on how open "Custom" is.


Import #3: Wake County address import (Will only start AFTER the first two
imports are complete).
This import will add every missing address in Wake County, and will be done
with a tasking manager project and manual merging of data with existing
buildings & POIs.  Only one address point will be imported for each
address, meaning that no imported addresses will contain the tag
"addr:unit".  The import will have a very similar workflow to the Durham
County address import.

Number of points: 443,381
Link to data source:
Wiki page:
License for data: Public Domain


These imports will not happen all at once, but rather be worked on one at a
time.  This way, fewer mistakes will be made.
Please let me know if everything is not perfect.
Leif Rasmussen
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] USPS Post Boxes

2018-09-26 Thread Leif Rasmussen
No, I was not planning on converting post boxes to the 'correct' operator
value regularly, but that sounds like a good idea.

I have very little opinion in which value of operator should be used, as
long as they are consistent.  I think that basing the 'preferred' values on
what can be found printed on the post boxes, however, is a good idea.  This
methodology produces the following:
* FedEx
* United States Postal Service
This system makes the most sense to me, as it reduces the amount of
possible confusion.  DHL, as a matter of fact, can't be expanded, because
it is the initials of the three founders: Adrian *D*alsey, Larry *H*illblom,
and Robert *L*ynn.
"United Parcel Service" is rarely seen on post boxes - only the text "ups"
FedEx is the same.  The company rebranded from "Federal Express" to "FedEx"
in January 2000, making "FedEx" the correct value to use.
For the United States Postal Service, the text "United States Postal
Service" is always displayed on the post boxes, which seems like a good
argument to go with the expanded version.

I think that the above values are the best, but would be happy to adopt any
other values.

Regarding a MapRoulette challenge, how would that work?  Would all post
boxes be converted to "United States Postal Service" before or after the
challenge, or would me changing operator tags be completely unnecessary?

Does Nominatim consider "operator:wikipedia" and "operator:wikidata" tags?
If so, I think that that would be an issue with Nominatim, and not the
tagging, correct?  I agree with you and Brian about "wikidata" and
"wikipedia" tags being wrong, but I think that "operator:wikidata" and
"operator:wikipedia" should be fine.

Good points!  Many post boxes do not have the operator value, and a
community review of those would be a great idea (if people have the time
for that).  Thanks for pointing out all of those variations of the same
operator!  I did not know that all of them existed, and will definitely
convert all to the "correct" value if I manage to go ahead with a

Finally, should I also "fix" UPS and FedEx boxes as well in the changeset?
It would be nice for all post boxes to be consistently tagged.

Thank you,

Leif Rasmussen
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] USPS Post Boxes

2018-09-24 Thread Leif Rasmussen
Hi everyone,
The opinions expressed on the USPS/United States Postal Service tagging
have been very mixed, with seemingly equivalent numbers of people
supporting both options.  Based on the following facts, I have decided to
convert the tag "operator"="USPS" on post boxes to "operator"="United
States Postal Service".
1) We all agree that all USPS post boxes should have the same operator tag,
but disagree on the minor detail of which tag is better: "USPS" or "United
States Postal Service".
2) I saw, overall, a larger number of good arguments for expanding the
operator tag, including the fact that the words "United States Postal
Service" appear on the post boxes themselves.
3) Expanding USPS would be in line with the OSM "expand abbreviations"

I will create the changeset Thursday evening if nobody replies with an
objection.  If you are strongly against this change, please stop me before
*The changeset will do the following* to post boxes tagged with
"operator"="USPS", "operator"="US Post Services", "operator"="US Post
Service", "operator"="US Postal Service", "operator"="US Postal Services",
"operator"="U.S. Post Services", "operator"=" U.S. Post Service",
"operator"="U.S. Postal Service", and "operator"="U.S. Postal Services":
* *Convert the value of "operator" to "United States Postal Service".  *

** Add the tag "operator:wikidata"="Q668687".  *
** Add the tag "operator:wikipedia"="en:United States Postal Service".*
** Fix any warnings or errors that come up in the JOSM validator window
(such as incorrect collection times format).  *

*Post offices will not be affected by this change. * If someone would like
them to also have uniform operator tags, they can propose that separately.
Thank you to everyone who commented on this issue!  I highly appreciated
the views expressed, and believe that they greatly improved the end outcome
of this change.  *Again, if you still strongly oppose this change or I am
forgetting something important, let me know before Thursday evening!  *
Leif Rasmussen
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Address data for Miami Florida United States

2018-09-14 Thread Leif Rasmussen
Another update on the address data:
I managed to do the address data transformation by splitting the data up
into five files.  The data is now in ready to upload OSM format (except for
data errors).  All duplicates of existing addresses in the OSM database
have automatically been removed, leaving only missing addresses in the
dataset.  This means that the data could be uploaded to the OSM database
without creating duplicate addresses.
The data is available here:
I split it up into five manageable files with roughly 100,000 points in
The data itself has some minor issues.
1) Many "addr:city" tags are missing.  These can be added in manually
before upload by selecting all addresses with a certain postcode and adding
the city to them.  In the US, postcodes usually only have one city
associated with them, so adding the missing addr:city tags is much easier
because of this.
2) Some other tags are missing from about 50 addresses.  They don't have
"addr:street", "addr:postcode", or "addr:city".  Just "addr:housenumber"
and "addr:state".
Other than that, the data looks great!
I will fix up the wiki page and contact the imports mailing list sometime
this weekend if I can.

Levente Juhász,
Manually adding the addresses would take way too long.  Instead, a tasking
manager project should be created for organizing address upload.  If the
uploader wants, they can merge the data with existing features such as
buildings, but this is not required.  An upload without merging would
simply add all missing addresses around the existing ones.  I was thinking
that the tasks be about 5,000 - 10,000 addresses each.  This should allow
for quick and easy upload, even if Miami does not have very many
contributors interested in helping.
Leif Rasmussen
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Address data for Miami Florida United States

2018-09-14 Thread Leif Rasmussen
Update on the address data:
I tried transforming the small data file (550,000 addresses) to OSM format,
but my computer ran out of memory.  I will try using a more powerful
computer later.  The transformation worked perfectly on a smaller file of
8000 addresses in Miami Beach, however.  I uploaded that sample file
to a google
drive folder
Simply download the file and drag and drop it into JOSM to view that
addresses.  The address data source only had "addr:city" for some of the
addresses, so that tag will have to be added manually based on postcode
Leif Rasmussen

Also, the addresses with numbered street names (4th Street) have not been
expanded (to eg. "Fourth Street").  The roads in OSM currently have the
numbered versions (4th Street), so I will just leave the addresses like
they are now.

On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 10:42 AM mangokm40  wrote:

> Mr. Rasmussen,
> Thanks for the offer!  I definitely need help. :)
> I looked, and failed to find, the layer without unit#.  That's what I
> thought would be preferred.  Thanks
> for spotting it.  I don't see why we would search for a specific unit on a
> map.  When I navigate, I would
> just want directions to "1234 NW 33rd Ct", not "1234 NW 33rd Ct Apt 6".
> If you know
> of a good reason for the unit #s, let me know.  It doesn't matter to me,
> since I don't need navigation in
> Miami.  :D
> If you think 600k points is big, imagine the building footprints. :)  It's
> available, if required.  Heck, they
> even make a 3d building layer available.  But I don't think we'll enjoy
> the size.
> I knew the license is not a problem.  However, I saved that email just in
> case it comes up.
> I'm going to read the info Mr. Juhász provided.  Unfortunately, I'm way
> behind here.
> Also, I replied to all b/c I think that's what I'm supposed to do.
> However, I don't want to 'bug' people on
> the list.  Hopefully, someone will let me know if this needs to go
> off-list.
> (_8'()
> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
> On Wednesday, September 12, 2018 4:17 PM, Leif Rasmussen <354...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Mango,
> I have quite a lot of experience with address imports, and would love to
> help with Miami.  I have visited Miami several times, and have grown a
> liking for it.  Adding addresses there would be a real pleasure.
> There appears to be two address data sets - one with "addr:unit", and one
> without.  The one with "addr:unit" addresses
> <https://gis-mdc.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/address-with-condo?geometry=-80.369%2C25.708%2C-80.365%2C25.709>
>  has 1,166,445
> points, and the one without
> <https://gis-mdc.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/eef6b33da60d47c0964387960c840eea_0?geometry=-80.274%2C25.715%2C-80.272%2C25.715>
> has 586,171 points.  Both of these should be considered.  I would suggest
> importing the one with condos, or "addr:unit" features if the quality is
> good.  Otherwise, I think that the dataset without addr:unit should be
> imported.
> Also, the license seems OK.  According to the Miami-Dade County Buildings
> Import
> <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Miami-Dade_County_Large_Building_Import#Import%20Data>,
> the license is public domain, which they claim is true of all government
> produced data in Florida.
> The only issue I see with the data is the size.  My laptop took 5 minutes
> to open the address points (including addr:unit, so 1,166,445 nodes) and
> more than 20 minutes to edit a single key.  This could be worked around,
> though, by splitting up the data.
> I created a wiki page for the import
> <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Miami-Dade_County_Address_Import>,
> which is a step of the Import Guidelines
> <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Guidelines>. Sending a
> proposal to the local community and imports mailing list will also be
> needed.
> I hope that this import will end up working out!
> Leif Rasmussen
> (_8'()
> Sent with ProtonMail <https://protonmail.com> Secure Email.
> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
> On Wednesday, September 12, 2018 4:17 PM, Leif Rasmussen <354...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Mango,
> I have quite a lot of experience with address imports, and would love to
> help with Miami.  I have visited Miami several times, and have grown a
> liking for it.  Adding addresses there would be a real pleasure.
> There appears to be two address data sets - one with "addr:unit", and one
> without.  The one with "addr:unit" address

Re: [Talk-us] Address data for Miami Florida United States

2018-09-12 Thread Leif Rasmussen
Hi Mango,
I have quite a lot of experience with address imports, and would love to
help with Miami.  I have visited Miami several times, and have grown a
liking for it.  Adding addresses there would be a real pleasure.
There appears to be two address data sets - one with "addr:unit", and one
without.  The one with "addr:unit" addresses
has 1,166,445
points, and the one without
has 586,171 points.  Both of these should be considered.  I would suggest
importing the one with condos, or "addr:unit" features if the quality is
good.  Otherwise, I think that the dataset without addr:unit should be
Also, the license seems OK.  According to the Miami-Dade County Buildings
the license is public domain, which they claim is true of all government
produced data in Florida.
The only issue I see with the data is the size.  My laptop took 5 minutes
to open the address points (including addr:unit, so 1,166,445 nodes) and
more than 20 minutes to edit a single key.  This could be worked around,
though, by splitting up the data.
I created a wiki page for the import
which is a step of the Import Guidelines
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Guidelines>. Sending a proposal
to the local community and imports mailing list will also be needed.
I hope that this import will end up working out!
Leif Rasmussen
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] USPS Post Boxes

2018-09-06 Thread Leif Rasmussen
Hi Peter,
I would like to do the operator value conversion this weekend, but would
also like to make sure to listen to all the reasons for not expanding
USPS.  These include having the tagging style as consistent as possible,
the long version being harder to type, a list of semicolon separated
expanded operators being too long, and more.  These are valid concerns,
which should be addressed before anything else happens.
First, for keeping the tagging style as consistent as possible, each post
box will be given the tag "operator:wikidata"="Q668687".  This way, even if
the operator=* tags are changed later on, all post boxes will still be
consistent and easy to querry.
Second, for making sure that the operator tag is not too hard to type, I
think that adding a taginfo based autocomplete to the operator=* field in
iD could solve this.  I would have to open an issue about that on Github,
Third, another fear was that a list of expanded operators separated by
semicolons would be hard to work with.  I have no easy solution for this.
Perhaps, iD could have something to organize the operator tags into blocks,
rather than just text like other fields.
I would like to convert the tags this weekend, so please let me know if you
have any suggestions for how to make the conversion less problematic.
Thank you,
Leif Rasmussen
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] USPS Post Boxes

2018-08-28 Thread Leif Rasmussen
Hi everyone,
A couple of days ago, I noticed that different post boxes in the United
States had different ways of tagging that they were part of the USPS
system.  Roughly 60% had "operator"="USPS", 40% "operator"="United States
Postal Service", and about 15 similar to "operator"="United States Post
Services" or "United States Post Office".  I wanted to make them all the
same, so I asked on the OSMUS Slack group about the tags, and most people
supported "USPS".  I then proceeded to upload a changeset manually
converting 1500 "United States Postal Service" or similar to "USPS".  I
should have waited longer before uploading.
All post boxes in the USPS system now have "operator"="USPS".
After uploading, people expressed concern about the choice of "USPS" over
"United States Postal Service".  The wiki states that abbreviations should
be expanded, "USPS" could be confused with other agencies
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Power_Squadrons>, and this
counted as an automated edit, which should have had better planning with
the OSM community.
I would now like to propose converting all post boxes with the tag
"operator"="USPS" to "operator"="United States Postal Service".  I would
also like to add the tag "operator:wikidata"="Q668687" to the post boxes
that currently have "operator"="USPS".  Please reply with any feedback or
concerns you have with this proposal.
Thank you,
Leif Rasmussen
OSM username: LeifRasmussen <https://www.osm.org/user/LeifRasmussen>
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Durham and Chatham County Address Imports (North Carolina, USA)

2018-07-21 Thread Leif Rasmussen
Hi James
I have now created the project on the OSM US tasking manager.  It is
available at https://tasks.openstreetmap.us/project/46.  Please feel free
to begin working on it at any time!  I will soon create a project for
Chatham County, NC, as well.
Thanks for helping me complete this import properly!

On Sat, Jul 21, 2018 at 5:00 PM James Umbanhowar  wrote:

> Thank you for listening!
> I would probably only help with Durham, so two tasks would be great.
> I would think something like 500 addresses would be a reasonable task
> size.  Obviously in areas without preexisting buildings, this would go
> rather quickly, but matching addresses to buildings (whether by putting
> on/in the whole polygon or near an entrance) would be a completable
> task.
> James
> On Sat, 2018-07-21 at 15:39 -0400, Leif Rasmussen wrote:
> > Thank you for stopping me!  I did not fully understand the last
> > email, and I am sorry about just moving forward like that.  Should I
> > create one new task for both Durham and Chatham Counties, or one for
> > each?  Also, how many addresses should each section have?
> > Thanks again,
> > Leif
> >
> > On Sat, Jul 21, 2018, 2:39 PM James Umbanhowar 
> > wrote:
> > > Sorry, I just saw this.  Please do not upload this, yet.  You have
> > > not
> > > responded to any of the feedback that I have given.  Instead you
> > > have
> > > chosen to just upload all the points into the database and then
> > > correct
> > > the database afterwards.
> > >
> > > Please, instead, break this into smaller areas and then conflate
> > > the
> > > points with existing objects and then upload. From what I can tell,
> > > this would be easiest done with the Tasking Manager.
> > >
> > > Also, I have already signalled my willingness to help with this
> > > task
> > > and using the tasking manager would allow me and possibly others to
> > > help.
> > >
> > > Thank you,
> > >
> > > James
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On Thu, 2018-07-19 at 23:42 -0400, Leif Rasmussen wrote:
> > > > Hi everyone!
> > > I have finally verified the license on the Chatham
> > > > County, NC address data which includes about 44,000 address
> > > points.
> > > > It is public domain except for that it has a "no direct resale"
> > > > policy that allows indirect resale (includes other data), which
> > > is
> > > > compatible with OSM.  Durham County, which uses the ODbL has also
> > > > produced address data.  I will be completing both the imports
> > > this
> > > > weekend.  Some discussion has taken place about adding buildings
> > > in
> > > > Durham at the same time as the import, but to keep everything
> > > more
> > > > simple, I have decided on just adding nodes for now and then
> > > merging
> > > > with buildings later.  This would reduce complexity and help
> > > > everything run more smoothly.  I will upload all of the data
> > > alone.
> > > > This helps keep everything more simple, leading to fewer
> > > mistakes.  I
> > > > do not see very much benefit to having several account all
> > > importing
> > > > the data.
> > >
> > > Details:
> > > Size of both imports combined: 190,000 addresses
> > > Date of upload: Saterday and Sunday, 21st and 22nd of July, 2018
> > > Type of import:  One time with JOSM in 20 changesets.
> > > Account:  LeifRasmussen_import
> > >
> > > Wiki pages:
> > > Durham County
> > > Chatham County
> > >
> > > Please let me know of any concerns of ideas!  I would love to
> > > improve
> > > the import as much as I can.
> > > Thanks!
> > > Leif Rasmussen
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Durham and Chatham County Address Imports (North Carolina, USA)

2018-07-21 Thread Leif Rasmussen
Thank you for stopping me!  I did not fully understand the last email, and
I am sorry about just moving forward like that.  Should I create one new
task for both Durham and Chatham Counties, or one for each?  Also, how many
addresses should each section have?
Thanks again,

On Sat, Jul 21, 2018, 2:39 PM James Umbanhowar  wrote:

> Sorry, I just saw this.  Please do not upload this, yet.  You have not
> responded to any of the feedback that I have given.  Instead you have
> chosen to just upload all the points into the database and then correct
> the database afterwards.
> Please, instead, break this into smaller areas and then conflate the
> points with existing objects and then upload. From what I can tell,
> this would be easiest done with the Tasking Manager.
> Also, I have already signalled my willingness to help with this task
> and using the tasking manager would allow me and possibly others to
> help.
> Thank you,
> James
> On Thu, 2018-07-19 at 23:42 -0400, Leif Rasmussen wrote:
> > Hi everyone!
> I have finally verified the license on the Chatham
> > County, NC address data which includes about 44,000 address points.
> > It is public domain except for that it has a "no direct resale"
> > policy that allows indirect resale (includes other data), which is
> > compatible with OSM.  Durham County, which uses the ODbL has also
> > produced address data.  I will be completing both the imports this
> > weekend.  Some discussion has taken place about adding buildings in
> > Durham at the same time as the import, but to keep everything more
> > simple, I have decided on just adding nodes for now and then merging
> > with buildings later.  This would reduce complexity and help
> > everything run more smoothly.  I will upload all of the data alone.
> > This helps keep everything more simple, leading to fewer mistakes.  I
> > do not see very much benefit to having several account all importing
> > the data.
> Details:
> Size of both imports combined: 190,000 addresses
> Date of upload: Saterday and Sunday, 21st and 22nd of July, 2018
> Type of import:  One time with JOSM in 20 changesets.
> Account:  LeifRasmussen_import
> Wiki pages:
> Durham County
> Chatham County
> Please let me know of any concerns of ideas!  I would love to improve
> the import as much as I can.
> Thanks!
> Leif Rasmussen
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Durham and Chatham County Address Imports (North Carolina, USA)

2018-07-19 Thread Leif Rasmussen
Hi everyone!
I have finally verified the license on the Chatham County, NC address data
which includes about 44,000 address points.  It is public domain except for
that it has a "no direct resale" policy that allows indirect resale
(includes other data), which is compatible with OSM.  Durham County, which
uses the ODbL has also produced address data.  I will be completing both
the imports this weekend.  Some discussion has taken place about adding
buildings in Durham at the same time as the import, but to keep everything
more simple, I have decided on just adding nodes for now and then merging
with buildings later.  This would reduce complexity and help everything run
more smoothly.  I will upload all of the data alone.  This helps keep
everything more simple, leading to fewer mistakes.  I do not see very much
benefit to having several account all importing the data.

Size of both imports combined: 190,000 addresses
Date of upload: Saterday and Sunday, 21st and 22nd of July, 2018
Type of import:  One time with JOSM in 20 changesets.
Account:  LeifRasmussen_import

Wiki pages:
Durham County
Chatham County

Please let me know of any concerns of ideas!  I would love to improve the
import as much as I can.
Leif Rasmussen
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Chatham County, North Carolina Address Import

2018-07-06 Thread Leif Rasmussen
 I finished importing about 74000 addresses in Orange County North Carolina
on Sunday.  The import went relatively smoothly, with no major screw-ups.
The only problem I ran into was an internet disconnect in the middle of the
10th upload (of 11).  Only half of all addresses in the area had been added
OSM when my internet connection broke due to a Wifi problem.  To fix the
issue, I closed the changeset, deleted all addresses added in the changeset
(not all in the entire import), and re-uploaded that section.  No damage
was done to the OSM database.  Other than the internet problem, everything
went perfectly!
I am now planning on doing another import of addresses next weekend, this
time in Chatham County North Carolina.  I will follow the exact same
procedure as the last import, this time ensuring that I use a different
computer that will not lose connection.  I have already created a new wiki
page (
for the import.
Procedure for data transformation:

   - First, I downloaded the data in Shapefile format from Chatham County
   Open Data.
   - Then, I opened the data with JOSM using the opendata plugin.
   - Then, I saved the file.
   - Then, I downloaded every object with "addr:housenumber" and
   "addr:street" in Chatham County using the Overpass API. I saved that data
   as a file as well.
   - I then ran my Java address editing program plugging in the new data
   and existing data. The program corrected casing (CHAPEL HILL -> Chapel
   Hill), created addr:street ("streetDirection"="N", "streetName" =
   "COLUMBIA", & "streetType"="ST" -> "addr:street"="North Columbia Street"),
   and flagged duplicates of existing addresses by comparing the dataset to
   the existing addresses in the OSM database.
   - I opened the file created by the program with JOSM and did some final
   - Finally, I saved the ready-for-upload files on Google drive so that
   anyone can view them.

The Java address editing program is available here (
The transformed address data is available here (

I would love any feedback about the import procedure, quality of data, or
anything else!
Thank you,
Leif Rasmussen
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [Imports-us] Importing Addresses in Orange County North Carolina

2018-06-22 Thread Leif Rasmussen
Hi Tommy,
Yes, I agree that existing addresses should be kept. When I wrote that I
removed duplicates, what I actually meant was that I removed duplicates of
existing addresses from the addresses that I am planning to add.  That is
to say that only missing addresses will be added.  Sorry about being

On Fri, Jun 22, 2018, 7:06 PM Tommy Bruce  wrote:

> I feel like addresses that are already on the map should be kept or
> combined in some way.
> If addresses are in place than someone with local knowledge added those
> addresses.
> 2018-06-20 14:33 GMT-07:00 Clifford Snow :
>> A couple of things  First you have two tags that are not needed,
>> addr:state and  addr:country.
>> The other is a question on how you plan to conflate address? A quick
>> glance showed that some of the new address nodes are a few meters away from
>> the building polygon - with an address. With a large import - it could be
>> hard to catch.
>> Best,
>> Clifford
>> On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 8:46 AM Leif Rasmussen <354...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I am planning to import addresses in Orange County North Carolina.  I
>>> have already completed all data transformation and duplicate removal
>>> necessary and I would like advice on importing the addresses.  This is my
>>> first import, and I would like to avoid messing up the OSM database and
>>> having to revert.  The data set that I plan to import includes about 74,000
>>> addresses.  My plan is to upload 11 small chunks between 5,000 and 9,000
>>> addresses over the course of a day (hopefully July 1st if all runs
>>> smoothly).
>>> The processed addresses are available for download here
>>> <https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zFmtIsQAF3Eg4H6zrIZsKLpK1dAVK8x_> (all
>>> duplicates of existing addresses have been removed).
>>> If addresses are not wanted for any reason, please let me know!  I am
>>> open to discussing the import.  Also, I need as much information from
>>> experienced mappers as possible to avoid screwing up.  If anyone else has
>>> attempted an address import and made any mistakes at all (or done anything
>>> well), please let me know!
>>> Thank you,
>>> Leif Rasmussen
>>> My OSM acount is LeifRasmussen
>>> <https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/LeifRasmussen>.
>>> My Import acount is  LeifRasmussen_import
>>> <https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/LeifRasmussen_import>.
>>> The import wiki page
>>> <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Orange_County,_North_Carolina_Address_Import>
>>>  has
>>> been created as well.
>>> ___
>>> Imports-us mailing list
>>> imports...@openstreetmap.org
>>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/imports-us
>> --
>> @osm_seattle
>> osm_seattle.snowandsnow.us
>> OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
>> ___
>> Imports-us mailing list
>> imports...@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/imports-us
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Importing Addresses in Orange County North Carolina

2018-06-20 Thread Leif Rasmussen
 Hi everyone,
I am planning to import addresses in Orange County North Carolina.  I have
already completed all data transformation and duplicate removal necessary
and I would like advice on importing the addresses.  This is my first
import, and I would like to avoid messing up the OSM database and having to
revert.  The data set that I plan to import includes about 74,000
addresses.  My plan is to upload 11 small chunks between 5,000 and 9,000
addresses over the course of a day (hopefully July 1st if all runs
The processed addresses are available for download here
<https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zFmtIsQAF3Eg4H6zrIZsKLpK1dAVK8x_> (all
duplicates of existing addresses have been removed).
If addresses are not wanted for any reason, please let me know!  I am open
to discussing the import.  Also, I need as much information from
experienced mappers as possible to avoid screwing up.  If anyone else has
attempted an address import and made any mistakes at all (or done anything
well), please let me know!
Thank you,
Leif Rasmussen

My OSM acount is LeifRasmussen
My Import acount is  LeifRasmussen_import
The import wiki page
been created as well.
Talk-us mailing list