Hi Mango,
I have quite a lot of experience with address imports, and would love to
help with Miami.  I have visited Miami several times, and have grown a
liking for it.  Adding addresses there would be a real pleasure.
There appears to be two address data sets - one with "addr:unit", and one
without.  The one with "addr:unit" addresses
has 1,166,445
points, and the one without
has 586,171 points.  Both of these should be considered.  I would suggest
importing the one with condos, or "addr:unit" features if the quality is
good.  Otherwise, I think that the dataset without addr:unit should be
Also, the license seems OK.  According to the Miami-Dade County Buildings
the license is public domain, which they claim is true of all government
produced data in Florida.
The only issue I see with the data is the size.  My laptop took 5 minutes
to open the address points (including addr:unit, so 1,166,445 nodes) and
more than 20 minutes to edit a single key.  This could be worked around,
though, by splitting up the data.
I created a wiki page for the import
which is a step of the Import Guidelines
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Guidelines>. Sending a proposal
to the local community and imports mailing list will also be needed.
I hope that this import will end up working out!
Leif Rasmussen
Talk-us mailing list

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