Re: compress ADB files?

2004-07-05 Thread Martin Sebald
Hi Richard!

>> I'm planning on putting pictures in the address book for most of the
>> people and replacing them from time to time when I get better ones,
>> so my address book files will be full of crap after a while.
> So before your address book grows over 1GB, take the workaround: Copy
> all contacts in another address book and delete the old one.
> Doesn't that work?

I did not try.

> (Ok, compress would be better, but Ritlabs can't do all at the same
> time - now, IMAP has priority).

Yeah it would be much better and I don't want to use that workaround, not
even start for a time. I think this feature is very important and should
work (automaticly) for every user.



The Bat! v2.12 Beta/7 powered by Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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Re: Roguemoticons

2004-07-05 Thread Roland Burger
Hi Leif,

on Monday, July 5, 2004 at 23:18 you wrote in message
among others:
RB>> But if you updated the you must do it again and again!

> I added the Type = "Rogues" to the template for both, so from now 
> on, it won't be an issue.

Thank you very much Leif. I saw it!

Best regards,

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possible bug?

2004-07-05 Thread Wallner 'Waces' Tamas
Dear All,
I've find the following:
Account - Properties - Transport - Send Mail - Authentication. Here I
like to use Special SMTP authentication. In the 'older' versions it's
worked corretly. Now, I made the necesary changes, clicks on OK, close
the Preferences tab. After it if I reopen the SMTP Authentication page
it's still 'regular'
Anyone can confirm it?
Wallner 'Waces' Tamas

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Two s

2004-07-05 Thread Arjan de Groot
All of a sudden my Beta! 2.12/7 has developed a second  (See attachment). The one with the Shift-Alt-6 short-
cut used to be a threaded VM. I really can not recall how it got

The problem is that this second instance isn't removable.

Anyone know where the VM settings reside, so I can restart from

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Re: Roguemoticons

2004-07-05 Thread Leif Gregory
Hi Januk,

On Mon, 5 Jul 2004, at 16:31:06 [GMT -0700] (which was 5:31 PM where I
live) you wrote:
JA> See that's what I wonder, is it anywhere in the body, or just in
JA> the sig?

Dunno. I'll try it sometime.

Leif Gregory 

List Moderator (and fellow registered end-user)
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Re: AB Macros Wish (was: Re: Bug in displaying photos from AB)

2004-07-05 Thread Richard Anders
Hello Januk,

Tuesday, July 6, 2004, 01:26 you wrote at 

>> Could you please give a example?
Ah, now I think I get you. But (to be honestly) _I_ have no use for it.

Richard Anders

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Re: Roguemoticons

2004-07-05 Thread Leif Gregory
Hi Januk,

On Mon, 5 Jul 2004, at 16:08:05 [GMT -0700] (which was 5:08 PM where I
live) you wrote:
JA> I'm not using the Roguemoticons, so if I were to put in the
JA> characters for a smiley defined in the PDSF2.MSL, wouldn't that
JA> show up in the header? For example, what does :trout: do? (Is that
JA> even a valid smiley?) Or is it only smileys that are in the
JA> signature that go into the header bar?

If for instance, you put the Type = "Rogues" in the PDSF.MSL file (the
one supplied by RITLabs), then :-) and :-( and whatever else is in the
PDSF.MSL file will show up in the header pane when used in the body.

I haven't tested this, but it stands to reason.

Leif Gregory 

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Genetics explains why you look like your father, and if you
don't, why you should.

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Re: organize rogues better

2004-07-05 Thread Leif Gregory
Hi Bernd,

On Sun, 4 Jul 2004, at 22:30:37 [GMT +0200] (which was 2:30 PM where I
live) you wrote:
BD> I have made a little package to automate the extraction and
BD> organization of the rogues.

Thanks. Sorry, I should have taken care of that earlier. The .MSL
files are all updated to use the rogues folder, and all the images are
in the rogues folder now too.

Leif Gregory 

List Moderator (and fellow registered end-user)
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Re: Roguemoticons (was: IMAP: Delete key doesn't show Deleted flag)

2004-07-05 Thread Leif Gregory
Hi Paul,

On Mon, 5 Jul 2004, at 17:34:10 [GMT -0400] (which was 3:34 PM where I
live) you wrote:
PC> did you try just renaming it to like pdsf2.msl.OLD ?? or is it the
PC> fact that it just resides in that folder..

You could rename it, but it only affects beta users, and since the
beta users use the rogues.msl, there's no need to have the PDSF2.MSL
(note, there is a two on the end, don't delete the PDSF.MSL file.

Leif Gregory 

List Moderator (and fellow registered end-user)
PCWize Editor  /  ICQ 216395  /  PGP Key ID 0x7CD4926F
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Using The Bat! 2.12 Beta/7 under Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4 
on a P4 1.6Ghz OC'd to 2.32Ghz with 512MB.

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Re: Kill dupes (was Re: Bug in displaying photos from AB)

2004-07-05 Thread Richard Anders
Hello Graham,

Monday, July 5, 2004, 12:50 you wrote at 

>> 1. Improvement of "kill duplicates: If you could select which fields
>> TheBat! should compare
> There is (or at least was!) 2 command line arguments which were used
> to specify the fields used in a dedup
Thanks for that hint.

> a search of the archive for posts from me containing
> /DEDUPIGNORETOMSGID (which is the option I still use).. should find
> what the other (alternative) command line option was.
Respect. Found it.

/DEDUPIGNORETOMSGID was the other. But what, if I just want to compare
the message ID? But until TheBat! doesn't show me the duplicates before
deleting, I'll never use this feature (the risk is too high for me -
and I've enough free space :).

Richard Anders

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Re: Bug in displaying photos from AB

2004-07-05 Thread Richard Anders
Hello 9Val,

Monday, July 5, 2004, 12:39 you wrote at 

>>> Don't know - I have never worked with AB (I mean programmatical)
>> If you like the request you could forward it, to the right
>> developer ...
> They read TBBETA :)
But they don't write TBBeta :-(. I know nothing about their opinion
about my ideas. Don't know if it was through out of a window, if it's
just the wrong time to talk about such things, if they are already on
the todo-list ...

>> PNG works fine. Are there some others which are supported
> No

>> Ah, and I remeber three other (but probably hard to realize) features:
> Yes, they are difficult
For me, the new sorting office would have (by the feature requests)
priority ...

Richard Anders

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Pictures in the Message Header Box

2004-07-05 Thread Kevin Coates

I like the picture feature and think it helps personalize e-mail when
you can see the party who has written the message. On my notebook, the
picture looks rather small and may be insufficiently detailed if the
author didn't crop the head shot. Has anyone suggested adding a
feature so that if a picture is clicked a larger version will appear
in a pop-up window? Alternatively, the corresponding address book
entry displaying might also work.

Kevin Coates
Dewitt, NY USA

Using TB! v2.12 Beta/7 under Windows XP 5.1.2600 SP1

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Re: Roguemoticons

2004-07-05 Thread Allie Martin
Dierk Haasis, [DH] wrote:

> Let me add to this: I've never been a big fan of emoticons and I've
> never been a fan of non-PT-messages. I tried it and now like it very
> much, not for the vomiting smileys but because photos from the AB and
> the Roguemoticons can be used. A neat idea and a feature solely
> dependent on the recipient (apart from the handle in the body).

Exactly. Though I congratulated 9Val for spending his free time to
make this a reality, a lot of credit goes to Leif as well. :)

-=[ :Allie: ]=- (List Moderator and fellow end-user)

Running The Bat! v2.12 Beta/5 on WinXP Pro (SP1) 

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Kill dupes (was Re: Bug in displaying photos from AB)

2004-07-05 Thread Foster, Graham
Hello Richard

> 1. Improvement of "kill duplicates: If you could select which fields
> TheBat! should compare
There is (or at least was!) 2 command line arguments which were used
to specify the fields used in a dedup

Max added them, and I understand they have been retained. I did report
them to the Beta mailing list once. - a search of the archive for
posts from me containing /DEDUPIGNORETOMSGID (which is the option I
still use).. should find what the other (alternative) command line
option was.

Using The Bat! 2.12 Beta/7
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Re[2]: Bug in displaying photos from AB

2004-07-05 Thread 9Val
Hello Richard,

>> Don't know - I have never worked with AB (I mean programmatical)
RA> If you like the request you could forward it, to the right
RA> developer ...
They read TBBETA :)

RA> And to came back to topic: Could you please tell me what files TheBat!
RA> supports for the Address book photos. Gif gives AV, but JPG, BMP and
RA> PNG works fine. Are there some others which are supported (need the
RA> information for "my" translator).

RA> Ah, and I remeber three other (but probably hard to realize) features:
Yes, they are difficult



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Re[2]: OT (was: Bug in 2.12 Beta/7 Icons in sorting office lost)

2004-07-05 Thread 9Val
Hello Krzysztof,

KT> So you accept that what's past Dnestr doesn't belong to Moldova? There
KT> have been many controversies about that, but officially Tiraspol is in
KT> Moldova. Is it not?
Difficult  question.  Moldova  is  a  small  country, but... Not small
enough to be one. Currently it is divided in three parts - Republic of
Moldova, Gagauzian Autonomy (south part) and Republic of Pridnestrovie
(east  part,  on  left  side  of Dnestr). Ridiculous. Pridnestrovie is
different  country  - we need to pass custom-houses, it has own money,
own  goverment,  own president (if he can be called so), own army, own
police,  own  justice and so on. When it called that it is independent
of  Moldova we had a small civil war. War was stopped, Pridnestovie is
independent  and  negotiations about to unite two parts of one country
are  still  unsuccessfully.  In Moldavian schools children are teachen
that   Pridnestrovie   is  "self  proclaimed  and  nobody-acknowledged
republic".  Think  that  in  their schools teachers say something like
this but about Moldova.

Even  Gagauzian Autonomy (which officialy is part of republic) has big
troubles  -  I  know  that  some  years  ago Turkey sent to it oil (as
humanitarian help) and that oil was stopped by Moldova.

KT> So  all of the crew live in Moldova?

KT> Many of them have rather Russian- or Ukrainian-sounding names. Oh,
KT> and  do  you  use  Romanian  on  everyday  basis  or Russian? Just
KT> curious!
Only  two  members  of  developers  team know Romanian well (enough to
everyday communication), others use only Russian.



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Re[2]: Roguemoticons

2004-07-05 Thread 9Val
Hello Bernd,

BD>>> And would it also be possible to move the images also into an subfoler
BD>>> named "rogues" like it is done in the PCWsmileys?

>> You can do it manually - just move all photos to some dir and change
>> all lines Smiley="path_to_that_dir_relative_to_images_dir"

BD> I know, see my mail from yesterday [1]. But the question is, why
BD> everyone should do this always. I (and i think a few other people)
Leif  had  serious  arguments  why  to  do it. He planned to change it



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Re[3]: IMAP Problems

2004-07-05 Thread Mike Smith
Hi Stefan

MS>> 1. Cleared cache messages *wasnt* selected and I did a full
MS>> synchronisation (both right click menu and F2). Sadly no success
MS>> there.

ST> Did you actually perform synchronisation (by pressing F2 or the "Fetch"
ST> button)? If you "just view" a folder, only headers get synchronised.
ST> Other sync modes require explicit commands such as synchronise all
ST> folders or a single folder...

The messages appear to be being stored now. If I go offline (note: a
"go offline" button would be handy rather than having to delete the
connection from connection centre). Is there a reason why the same
directory structure as POP3 accounts is not used??

MS>> 2. I had tried the Reset button which doesnt get rid of the folders. I
MS>> do wonder if this is a problem with Exchange, although Outlook WA
MS>> doesnt show them at all.

ST> There is a difference between actually existing folder and folder you
ST> are subscribed to. If you cannot get rid of some folder you don't
ST> actually have on the server, it's most likely you are subscribed to
ST> them. Simply unsubscribe from them and *then* use the "Reset" button.

I have tried unsubscribing (and resetting)  but even certain folders I originally
created  and then deleted and which are unchecked for subscription
still appear in the subscribed list and wont disappear from my folder

The folders dont appear  when I use Outlook, Outlook WA or Pine. Very



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Re[2]: IMAP: Delete key doesn't show Deleted flag

2004-07-05 Thread 9Val
Hello George,

GMM> May I ask a question? I don't know bat's internals, but why smileys must be
GMM> enabled for displaying picture in the header pane ?
Well,  it  is quite simple - initially I planned support of AB-images,
X-Rogue,   X-Faces   and  picons.  X-Rogue has some problems after
automatical  download  so  I  disabled  it in current betas. But after
looking to AB-photos of sender I decided to use some glue - if message
was parsed and rogue found it is used.

GMM> I mean is not possible to use plain text viewer and display the rogue icons in
GMM> header pane ?
Currently not.



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Re: Pictures in the header

2004-07-05 Thread Stuart Hemming
Hash: SHA1

I agree with your suggestion about mass updating of AB entries, but I
can't see any value in a 'default' picture'; I wouldn't use that at

- --

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Re: A bat! wish

2004-07-05 Thread Foster, Graham
Hello Peter
> Please support my wish:

If you will support mine

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Re: A bat! wish

2004-07-05 Thread Foster, Graham
Hello Peter

> Please support my wish:

I guess mine should be added to yours too

Using The Bat! 2.12 Beta/7
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Re: Exchange bug

2004-07-05 Thread Jonathan Angliss
On Thursday, July 01, 2004, Den V. Yafyasov wrote...

DVY>>> Yes, "check the log for details" and nothing more (only 3 lines in the
DVY>>> log).

JA>>  Account -> View Log

JA>> It is different than the status line that you're looking at.

> Look at my first message (Line 4 : THE LOG CONTAINS THE NEXT LINES)

If you're still getting this issue, you could use the debug logging.
Create a file in your exchange account folder called protocol.ini.  In
the file, put the following:


Save it, restart TheBat.  That will up the logging for TheBat into the
account folder in a file called smtp.log.  It might provide you with
more information.

Jonathan Angliss
Using The Bat! v2.12 Beta/7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

When Mary had a little lamb, the doctor was suprised, but when Old
MacDonald had a FARM, the doctor nearly had a heart attack!

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