Re: [Slightly OT] a fixed-width font for you to try out

2002-12-06 Thread Daniel Hirning
In  reply to MaXxX's message '[Slightly OT] a fixed-width font for you
to try out' on Saturday, December 07, 2002 1:04 PM from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


M> Lately,  out  of lack of a reasonable monospaced font, I decided to
M> take a whack at Softy the font editor, and create a font for my own
M> use.

I  found  it  too  hard  to  read at high resolution - the letters all
seemed  to  run into each other. And the ' ` , characters were all too
abnormally   large  in  comparison  to  the  rest  of  the  characters
surrounding them.

I prefer Andale Mono at 9pt - i find it easier on the eyes than most.

If you update it, or make another one, make sure you post to the list,
cause I will check each one out.


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Re[2]: Softimage is JavaScriptable, even Photoshop lately, why notBat? :)

2002-12-06 Thread Daniel Hirning
In  reply  to  MaXxX's  message  'Softimage  is  JavaScriptable,  even
Photoshop lately, why not Bat? :)' on Saturday, December 07, 2002 8:45

M> Does anyone here second my opinion - as an addon, of course, not as
M> a  requirement for all TheBat! users to learn to script in order to
M> produce the simplest filters! - or am I all alone? :)

I  second  the  idea,  personally  I  would love to see such a feature
built-in  to  TB. The ability to assign shortcut keys to small scripts
would  be  ideal,  allowing me to do everything within TB, and getting
rid of PowerPro... The "requirement" to use PowerPro to do things that
I think should be functions of TB, has started to bug me as of late.


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Re[4]: Problem with mails from Mac

2002-11-26 Thread Daniel Hirning
In  reply  to  Alexander's  message  'Problem  with mails from Mac' on
Tuesday, 26 November 2002 9:36 pm from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


AL> Unsuppoted by TB BinHex

ahh,  there  we  go, thought it must have been something like that. My
suggestion  is to hit F9, save the message sources to a text file, and
use a separate program to extract the BinHex encoded file. Give WinZip
a look, i *think* it does it...

Small question however, why does TB! not support BinHex?


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Re[2]: Problem with mails from Mac

2002-11-26 Thread Daniel Hirning
In reply to Thomas's message 'Problem with mails from Mac' on Tuesday,
26 November 2002 2:46 pm from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


>> sometimes I get mails from graphic designers containing attachments
>> which The Bat! simply doesn't recognize.

>> The Mail is shown with the correct size but no attachment there.

TF> What is the file extension of the attachment?

It  won't  have  a  file  extension, its coming from a macintosh, file
information  is  actually  stored in a separate (hidden) file on a mac
system, if I remember correctly.

The  lack  of  a file extension, however, is not the problem (well, it
shouldn't be).

The  issue must be in the encoding method used by the mac email client
being used.

View  the  source  (F9)  and  see  if  you can find any mention of the
encoding  method used, and if it follows the correct format, or if its
something completely made up :)

Depending  on what the issue is, you might be able to copy the encoded
file to another text file, and then use a separate decoding program (I
think winzip even does that type of stuff these days)


 Current beta is 1.62b5 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re[2]: mailto: link problem

2002-06-04 Thread Daniel Hirning

In reply to Martin's message 'mailto: link problem' on Tuesday, 4 June
2002 1:53 am from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


MS> In account A you edit a new message. In the editor window on top you
MS> choose an other from-address (account B) and then save the message.
MS> Over here the message is saved in the output folder of account A - not
MS> B.

My mistake, I should have been more careful in describing exactly what
i meant by changing accounts - i was of course referring to right
clicking on the bottom status bar where it lists the current account -
than you will be presented with a menu with all your accounts.

This, IMO, is more convenient (and sensible) than a dialog box to
select an account before the message window appears,  IMO.

Dare i ask, how do 'other' email clients handle this situation?


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Re[2]: mailto: link problem

2002-06-03 Thread Daniel Hirning

In reply to Martin's message 'mailto: link problem' on Tuesday, 4 June
2002 1:17 am from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


MS> Why should TheBat take over the control - it's me who want's to
MS> choose the account. In my opinion a MMI should be done that the
MS> program has to ask if something is missing.

I disagree, I think it is a fair assumption to start in the account
last used, and use the current method to change accounts via
right-clicking on the account in bottom status bar.

MS> It's only have the way - in this way the message is stored in the
MS> wrong output folder and you will have problems to send a message
MS> via an ISP with an other from-address...

I had never noticed this abnormality before - and I have just gone and
tried to reproduce it, and can't.

TB will send using the *correct* output folder that matches the
account selected when i hit send.

TB will Save Draft to the *correct* output folder that matches the
account selected when i hit 'Save Draft'

TB will save a message to the *correct* output folder that matches the
account selected when i his Save the *first* time - all subsequent
'saves' will result in it saving it the same location. this, however,
does NOT change the way in which the Send and Save to Draft function,
they still will use the correct account that is selected when you hit
send/save as draft.

Well, that is at least how it all works here with 1.60n/5, and i have
never noticed it to work any differently.

MS> With your solution you have to move the message to the correct
MS> output folder. So it would be really more comfortable to choose
MS> the account before editing.

As pointed out above, I can't confirm this, as it works correct on my


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Re[2]: mailto: link problem

2002-06-03 Thread Daniel Hirning

In reply to Thomas's message 'mailto: link problem' on Tuesday, 4 June
2002 1:15 am from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

TL> (when no default mailto:-account is selected)
TL> Set a pw to an account. The account tree collapses. Exit TB!
TL> Click a mailto:-link in your browser and you can send a msg from
TL> inside a pw protected account without knowing the pw!!!

TL> Do you think this is a security-bug?

Ahhh - now this is an entirely different matter that i didn't realise.
Yes, this is a security-bug

I have never used a password in TB (or any other mail client for that
matter) so i have no experience in this, but in this situation it
should definitely ask for an account/password combination.

BUT if there is no password protected accounts, I still stand by that
it should work in the exact way it currently operates, using the last
used account.


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Re[2]: mailto: link problem

2002-06-03 Thread Daniel Hirning

In reply to Martin's message 'mailto: link problem' on Tuesday, 4 June
2002 12:55 am from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


MS> But I didn't have checked any to be the default - because I want to
MS> choose the account before editing the message...

Ahhh ok - well, if you don't specify the account to be default, than
it is my opinion that it *should* start up in the last account used -
cause lets face it - right clicking down the bottom of the message
editor in the account spot and selecting an account is (virtually)
just as easy as being displayed a dialog box to select from, and far
cleaner than an ugly dialog box... Just my opinion at least.


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2002-06-02 Thread Daniel Hirning

While on the topic of filters...

Something that has always bugged me is that TB doesn't support filters
that run as soon as you open a folder, similar to how Pegasus filters

I would love to be able to change into a folder, and have it
automatically move certain messages older than a certain time frame
into the archive folder automatically and a few other similar filters.

Currently i have to manually run the filter with a hot key, but you
firstly have to select all the messages (which is a huge pain if you
have threading enabled) and than hit the hot key.

Is there a different approach? Or perhaps I'm the only person that
wants such a filter system?

BTW, i don't what this type of filter system to replace the current
one, but in addition to it.

Another thing i would love to see in the bat is a "notes" type of
thing - the ability to save a message in any folder you want.

the current approach of saving it and than dragging from the outbox to
the folder you want it is a pain. but i realise using TB to organise
notes and other tidbits of info is sort of getting away from the whole
idea of it being just an email program, so i won't say anymore on the

(my apologies if this arrives twice)


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Re[3]: 1.60n

2002-06-02 Thread Daniel Hirning

In reply to Maxim's message '1.60n' on Sunday, 2 June 2002 9:16 pm

>> Sorry Maxim, it didn't help at all. The whole PC still stops,
>> starts and stutters like a broken light switch.

MM>   There are two things that I can suspect:

Is it possible it could be a stray incoming filter that is behaving
differently with 1.60n? Maybe it is working differently, or maybe it
just wasn't running at all with 1.60k?

Just a thought.


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Re[2]: 1.60n

2002-05-31 Thread Daniel Hirning

TL> First when I select the radiobutton and later I can't even access the
TL> S/MIME options.

Confirmed, I can't get into S/MIME options either, getting a 'List
index out of bounds (0)'

I was set to the MS API upon installing 1.60n.


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Re[4]: Bug or feature?

2002-04-04 Thread Daniel Hirning

In reply to Marcus's <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> message 'Bug or feature?' dated
4/4/2002 at 11:08:43GMT +0200 (7:08 PM):

Hey Marcus,

MO> Mmm..  Didn't work, there is no space there. How do I make TB! put
MO> a space at the end of a line? I know I can in my signature, but in
MO> the editor?

by hitting the space bar and pushing enter?

not all that trivial.

The  reason it didn't work was because it wasn't the last signature in
the message (plus, it didn't have the space after it - but it did have
the  grrr.. :)


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Re[2]: Kaspersky plug-in - working or not?

2002-03-27 Thread Daniel Hirning

In  reply  to  Tony's  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  message  'Kaspersky
plug-in - working or not?' dated 28/03/2002 at 19:49:32GMT + (6:49

Hey Tony,

TB>  Not  only that, it's in their interest to cater for any user base
TB>  however  small.  If  10,000  users  stopped using Mcaffee because
TB>  Kaspersky  provided  a  feature they didn't then I'm sure Mcaffee
TB>  would  want  to  know  why  and,  what's more, how to rectify the
TB>  situation.

I guess we will just have to all wait and see what happens, though i'm
still  not  holding  my  breath  for any CA products (the only scanner
software I will rely on) to support TB plugin...

But,  like  i  said  before, I'm pretty confident in the resident file
scanning anyway :)


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