Re: Deep Alpha is now available

2005-02-24 Thread Dave Gorman
Thomas Fernandez said the following on 02/24/2005 10:22:
"I saw a woman wearing a sweatshirt with 'Guess' on it. I said,
'Thyroid problem?'"
That one really struck me! LOL!! Thanks for the laugh, I really needed 
it today!


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Re: html whitelist wish

2005-02-25 Thread Dave Gorman
Paul Van Noord wrote:
TFC> 3. peers? show me some and your sources
Eudora, OE, Outlook, etc.
I don't think Thunderbird reaches anywhere near the level of bloat and 
unusability of any of these. Outhouse and Outhouse Express especially 
are in a class of their own when it comes to bloat and security flaws.

I do like TBird's *optional* downloading of HTML images and proper 
display of HTML formatted emails. Some of the newsletters and so forth 
that I receive by email are actually readable without having to open 
them in the browser! And since it is *optional*, I am not by default 
opening myself to the security risks of downloading any and all images.

However, when it comes to TB, usable IMAP is far more important to me 
than anything to do with HTML. If we want to talk about unusable IMAP, 
TB truly is without peers among MUA's that claim to support IMAP!


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Re: html whitelist wish

2005-02-25 Thread Dave Gorman
Paul Van Noord wrote:
Also, its editor is primitive compared to MicroEd.
I'll agree wholeheartedly with that. MicroEd is far and away the think I 
miss most about TB! However, simply being able to receive my mail is 
considerably more important than the editor.

DG> I do like TBird's *optional* downloading of HTML images and proper
DG> display of HTML formatted emails. 

I work almost exclusively with neophyte users all over the world.
Having this option is one way for the ignorant to become vulnerable.
I see your point. But on the other hand, these same neophyts could open 
the same email in their browser with the same results. Plus, TBird's 
display of HTML emails *without* remote images is still far superior and 
more readable than TB!'s non-image display.

Most of my subscriptions have a text only option which I use
exclusively. When your internet access is paid for by the minute the
typically 1/5 size of a text message pays dividends.
True :)
DG> However, when it comes to TB, usable IMAP is far more important to me
DG> than anything to do with HTML. If we want to talk about unusable IMAP,
DG> TB truly is without peers among MUA's that claim to support IMAP!
I understand. However, virtually all the people I support do not have
IMAP as an option, nor is it desirable in most instances.
Everyone has different priorities. In spite of all of its shortcomings, 
TBird is a far better fit for my priorities right now than TB!. All of 
us are stating our priorities and wishes in the hopes that they will be 
taken into consideration by RITLabs as they continue to develop TB!.


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Re: html whitelist wish

2005-02-25 Thread Dave Gorman
Paul Van Noord wrote:
I'm curious. What do you say to the people who have a dead 2 year-old
who strangled himself by pressing the up button on the window with his
knee because his dad forgot to set the window lock?
First I'd ask why the 2 year old wasn't secured in a child seat while 
the car was powered on. And then I'd say the analogy is being carried to 
ridiculous lengths. Remote images in HTML emails don't quite have the 
capacity to kill young children. They might let a spammer know your 
email address is valid, but that's quite a different matter.

We're simply talking about building software that will allow the end 
user options as to how best the software can suit his/her needs. We're 
talking about letting the end user have the control, instead of the 
software manufacturer taking on a Microsoft-like "We know what is best 
for you" attitude.

Granted, there are many end users who will not know the ramifications of 
their choices. Buy why should my computing experience be diminished or 
made more inconvenient for no reason other than to prevent the stupid 
users from screwing things up?


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Re: html whitelist wish

2005-02-25 Thread Dave Gorman
Tony Boom wrote:
What fascinates me is all these newcomers come on here singing the praises
of all these other crap email clients but they still want to use The Bat,
If TB! doesn't do what they want it to do and Poco or Thunderbird does then
use that and join the relevant list and you can send html all day long
without anyone moaning!
In some areas, TB! is as good as it gets. In other areas it is lacking. 
I would love to use TB for the things it is good at, but the areas where 
it sucks (particulary IMAP) prevent me from using it at all. Is there 
something wrong with wanting a good email client to be better?

As for adding features that you and some others may not want, do you 
presently use every single feature TB has to offer? If not, why aren't 
you screaming for removal of what you consider unnecessary features?


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Re: An error occurred while reading the message base (IMAP)

2005-04-14 Thread Dave Gorman
Allie Martin said the following on 04/14/2005 15:07:
When some of the other bugs have been ironed out of this beta series,
I will start beta testing again.
This is my current position, though this position may be worsening as I 
get more acquainted, through Mulberry, with what a fully functional and 
implemented IMAP protocol can offer. TB! has some way to go.
Ditto to everything Allie said. Since the advent of v3, I have quit 
using TB! altogether as I'm not going to pay another license fee for a 
product which has not improved one bit since my previous license fee. I 
have followed TBBETA in hopes of someday returning to TB! when IMAP 
problems are repaired. However as I've grown more accustomed to TBird 
(while it may be lacking in many respects, it does IMAP smoothly and 
reliably -- like Allie, that is my priority), I'm beginning to think I 
have probably left TB! behind permanently.

Interesting comments about Mulberry, Allie. I tried it once for a while 
but didn't feel as comfortable with it as with TBird. Maybe I'll have to 
give it another try.


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Re: [Usability] The most un-obvious things

2005-06-01 Thread Dave Gorman

--On Tuesday, May 31, 2005 23:44 +0800 Ming Chang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 5. Universal Template Manager
> IMO, current template organization of TB is quit confusing. Each folder has its
> own template, each AB entry has its template, each account has its template and
> there is also the QTs. It's hard to remember what folder/account/contact a
> single QT or template is belong to. Please look at the Foxmail. It has a
> Universal Template manager. You can define your template in it. And in each
> account property, you can simply specify which template it should use.

How very limiting and non-versatile. TB!'s multi-tiered template capabilities is probably the thing I miss most about TB! since moving to IMAP (and subsequently using other MUA's until TB's IMAP is satisfactory). I absolutely hate being stuck with account-wide templates and only one template per account. Everything else I have learned to work around or live without, but TB!'s templates (along with its extensive macros) are the thing that keeps me watching the TB! lists and monitoring its IMAP progress.


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Re: [Usability] The most un-obvious things

2005-06-01 Thread Dave Gorman
--On Wednesday, June 01, 2005 11:16 -0500 Dave Gorman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

And before I get trouted -- I apologize for the HTML use. I had it turned 
on as my default as HTML use was necessary for several emails I was 
composing for work. I have chastised myself severely. (Who would have 
thought I would be into that sort of thing anyway...?)


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OT Dave Gorman (was: Re: The most un-obvious things)

2005-06-01 Thread Dave Gorman
--On Wednesday, June 01, 2005 18:37 +0100 Liz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

PS  Id  ask  you about the Dave Gorman hunt thing that went on 2 years
back and so on but, Im sure you heard it so much you wanna puke

During the time the major search was going on, I didn't have much of an
online presence. Only occasionally does someone ask about it. I IM'd with
*THE* Dave Gorman early in his search, before his trip to New York City.
However, living where I do about in the geographical center of the USA
(Western Iowa), it wasn't feasible for him to travel to meet me. Someone
gave me the book for Christmas a couple years back and I enjoyed it. If I
ever make it to England, I'll have to look him up...


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Re: OT Dave Gorman (was: Re: The most un-obvious things)

2005-06-01 Thread Dave Gorman
--On Wednesday, June 01, 2005 19:23 +0100 Liz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I  followed the TV program he made a fair bit, just because I found it
really  interesting..  I once applied for a job in a company my mother
worked  for,  I  heard  nothing..  My  mother  asked what happened, my
surname at the time was Kimber, another Liz Kimber had gotten the job!
The  odds  of  that  are  quite slim, there arent tons of Kimbers, let
alone living in that kinda area, doing that kinda job.

That does seem extremely unlikely!

Personally I've never met another Dave Gorman. In fact, I've never met any
Gormans outside of my extended family. There are only a handful of Gormans
in the area where I live, none of which I'm related to, but I've never had
occasion to meet any of them.


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Re: IMAP question

2005-07-06 Thread Dave Gorman

--On Wednesday, July 06, 2005 11:58 -0500 Stuart Cuddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Can someone explain how to get my IMAP folders to be folders on the
> same level as Inbox, rather than becoming subfolders.

On some servers this is not possible -- the Inbox is like the root and all other folders are subfolders of the Inbox. For instance, my IMAP account at work is like this, using Courier IMAP as the server. However, my personal accounts on my own server (MDaemon) allow me to create folders at the same level as the Inbox.


 Current beta is 3.51 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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how long to unsubscribe?

2005-07-27 Thread Dave Gorman
Yesterday I sent TBBETA & TBUDL unsubscribe requests to the address in the 
headers. I am still receiving list mail. How long does it usually take for 
unsubscribe requests to be completed?


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Re: IMAP & Sent Mail

2004-02-16 Thread Dave Gorman
Sunday, February 15, 2004, 5:26:18 PM, you wrote:

>> Folder must exist on server - assigning it in The Bat isn't enough

> The folder does exist on the server. Works fine from my home computer
> -- and works fine with Becky on both my home and work computers.

Furthermore, on my work computer (which I am presently at), I
have 3 IMAP accounts. 2 save sent messages to the IMAP sent
folder as instructed, 1 account does not. That account does not
save sent messages *anywhere*, they are simply gone.

I have tried deselecting the setting to use the IMAP sent folder
so it would use a local sent folder instead. Sent messages are
not copied to a local sent folder either.

I really need to resolve this ASAP as keeping sent messages for
the account in question is crucial. Any ideas?

Using The Bat! v2.04 RC/2 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

 Current beta is 2.03 RC/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Message Finder

2004-02-20 Thread Dave Gorman
Hello Markus,

Friday, February 20, 2004, 8:58:13 AM, you wrote:

> I use your latest build 2.04.04 and cannot use the message finder
> anymore.

> Everytime I try to seek something within my messages, my Bat freezes
> and must be closed the hard way by "Ctrl+Alt+Del".

On the computer I am at presently I have no problem. On my
computer at home I too am unable to use message finder.

Using The Bat! v2.04.4 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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Re: Search / Virtual Folder

2004-03-28 Thread Dave Gorman
Hello 9Val,

Saturday, March 27, 2004, 3:44:21 PM, you wrote:

DG>> on the "Filter" tab, I select "Auto Synchronize". The folder is
DG>> created at the bottom of my folder tree, but it is empty. I can find
DG>> no way to manually sync it. What am I missing?

> For manual synchronization press ESC

Still nothing. Maybe it doesn't work with IMAP?

Using The Bat! v2.05 Beta/12 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

 Current beta is 2.05 beta 12 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: The ultimate IMAP solution (for me)

2004-05-28 Thread Dave Gorman
Hello Mark,

Thursday, May 27, 2004, 5:28:21 PM, you wrote:


Fine. Don't read IMAP-related threads. Your lack of interest or need
of IMAP doesn't mean others should refrain from discussing it, or be
asked to identify themselves as nags for discussing a feature they
consider crucial.

I'm not the least bit interested in smilies. I quickly skip over the
30 million or so emails about smilies. No big deal.

Using The Bat! v2.10 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

 Current beta is 2.11 Beta/8 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: IMAP Inbox count

2004-06-09 Thread Dave Gorman
Hello Martin,

Wednesday, June 9, 2004, 11:11:33 AM, you wrote:

> When messages are received and automatically filtered to another folder
> the Inbox message count includes the moved messages. The status of the
> phantom messages is unread. Moreover, when you select another folder the
> Inbox count is displayed correctly until opened again.

> The only way to cleat this is to Mark All Messages Read.

> Anyone confirm?


Using The Bat! v2.11.03 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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Re: The Bat! v2.12 Beta/1 is now available

2004-06-16 Thread Dave Gorman
Hello Stefan,

Tuesday, June 15, 2004, 6:44:47 PM, you wrote:

> The option to have multiple connections to the IMAP server will be
> introduced in some 2.12 Beta soon

Great news! Thanks!!

Using The Bat! v2.10 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

 Current beta is 2.12 Beta/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Strange display glitch, beta 6

2004-07-02 Thread Dave Gorman
Friday, July 2, 2004, 12:59:39 PM, I wrote:

> Ctrl-right arrow to choose new message
> 2-6 seconds for initial message display (seems slower overall than B1)
> 2-6 additional seconds for header bar to be populated and attachments
> to be displayed properly (initially picture attachments are displayed
> as gibberish code under the sig, like when viewing source, then after
> 2-6 seconds they display properly as attachment tabs).

Well, I tried B1 before realizing B7 was out. However, the initial
fetch in B1 is not slower after all, still about 2-6 seconds per
message. However, the second step of 2-6 seconds for the message to
display properly. This is continuing with B7

> Now I'm off to restore B1 so I can use the dispatcher!

And the dispatcher works fine with B7!

Using The Bat! v2.12 Beta/7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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Re: The Bat! v3 pricing and availability info

2004-08-31 Thread Dave Gorman

Maxim Masiutin wrote:
The Bat! 3.0 version is due to be released on September 1, 2004.
I'll pass on the upgrade. IMAP still doesn't work properly in the last official 
release (spontaneous TB shutdowns, numerous exception errors, flaky filtering, 
flaky syncing). I certainly can't justify paying for another upgrade when the 
last one I paid for still doesn't function properly.

Thunderbird is starting to look quite good to me now. There are most certainly 
things about TB I will miss, but I won't miss the constant crashes and 
unexpected behavior for which apparently I will have to pay again in order to 
maybe someday hopefully have the problems rectified...


Current beta is 3.00 Beta/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Status Report on the Christmas Edition of The Bat

2004-12-19 Thread Dave Gorman
Copying to TBOT as this seems to be thoroughly off-topic...
Alexander Leschinsky wrote:
even fresh KMail
Thanks for the list. Now that I have a working installation of Mandrake 
10.1 (as long as I don't reboot...), I'll give these a try as IMAP 
clients. I've been using TBird on Windows and so far on my Linux box 
because it's the best Windows IMAP client I could find.

I've given KMail a try this morning. Try as I might, I seem to be unable 
to subscribe to my IMAP account's Inbox. Not a good sign...


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Re: Status Report on the Christmas Edition of The Bat

2004-12-19 Thread Dave Gorman
AC Martin said the following on 12/15/2004 11:29:
I thought the figure was more than 200,000 for Linux users. That's
depressing. :)
And how is this tally of Linux users compiled? I'm using Linux on one of 
my boxes and don't know of any way that counter would know I'm using Linux.


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Re: the bat! new wishes !!!

2005-02-16 Thread Dave Gorman
Cees said the following on 02/16/2005 15:31:
 I NEVER understood the use or advantage of IMAP in the first place.
 Why doesn't everybody just stick to POP3.
I don't understand why everyone wants to use computers in the first 
place. Why can't everyone just use pencil and paper?


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Re: the bat! new wishes !!!

2005-02-16 Thread Dave Gorman
Mary Bull said the following on 02/16/2005 16:01:
On Wednesday, February 16, 2005, 3:46 PM, you wrote:
I NEVER understood the use or advantage of IMAP in the first place.
Why doesn't everybody just stick to POP3.

I don't understand why everyone wants to use computers in the first 
place. Why can't everyone just use pencil and paper?
Cees is sort of new--at least, that's my impression. There are a
number of reasons that people use IMAP. Allie has discussed them here
and on TBOT. 
My apologies to Cees. Sarcasm is too often my initial reaction! Usually 
I catch myself before hitting "Send", but I couldn't resist my own dark 
nature this time. :)


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Re: the bat! new wishes !!!

2005-02-16 Thread Dave Gorman
Cees said the following on 02/16/2005 16:30:
AM> In a nutshell, IMAP allows you to seamlessly manage your mail from
AM> multiple machines. Despite working from different machines, all mail
AM> is still at a single location, i.e., on the IMAP server. Webmail
AM> achieves a similar effect, but with WebMail, you can't work with
AM> clients like TB!.
 I love the way you can explain things, you're very good at that!
 But.. to me this sounds just like the feature to "not delete messages at
 the server", so that you can indeed access your mail from various locations.
I can understand that impression, however it's not at all the same. With 
IMAP, you are accessing the same full mailbase from any location -- not 
just incoming messages, but the entire folder structure complete with 
sent messages.

I often need to go back into my sent messages archives to research 
communications with clients. With IMAP, I can do this from home, or the 
office, or from anywhere. With POP3, the only awkward workaround for 
this is cc'ing myself on every message I send.

Additionally, having the same message archive with the same folder 
structure available at any time from any location makes it much more 
convenient than trying to use a single POP3 mailbox from multiple 
locations. And with webmail access to the same mailbase, I don't even 
need to be on one of my own computers to access the same information.


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Re: the bat! new wishes !!!

2005-02-17 Thread Dave Gorman
Goncalo Farias wrote:
DG> multiple  locations. And with webmail access to the same mailbase,
DG> I  don't  even need to be on one of my own computers to access the
DG> same information.
If you're not using your computer you can't really be sure that you'll
have   access  to a mail client with IMAP, are you? Furthermore, can't
even tell if you're going to use TB! at all! :)
Re-read what I wrote:
"And with *WEBMAIL ACCESS* to the same mailbase, I don't even need to be 
on one of my own computers to access the same information."

Although Allie brought up good points as well about this.

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Re: Inbox - known question

2005-02-17 Thread Dave Gorman
Cees said the following on 02/17/2005 13:05:
  don't  know if this is off-topic but something's nagging  I still can't
  figure out what the use is for the 'inbox - known' folder.
  Can  anyone  please  explain that to me? Allie? Private or on the list, you
If you make the pre-installed  filter active, all email from 
addresses in your Address Book will be filtered to your "Inbox - Known" 
folder. Remember that filters are processed in order, so the order of 
the  filter can make a big difference.


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Re: BUG AGAIN: [Windows+m] doesn't minimize

2002-04-04 Thread Dave Gorman

Thursday, April 4, 2002, 9:53:19 AM, Marek wrote:

> Hello, this problem was already reported, I don't know, if was
> confirmed. User reported me this problem on Windows NT 5.0 and
> TB 1.60c. All other programs work.

Win-M fails to minimize TB! *only* when "Do not display program
icon on the Task Bar" is selected in Options. It has been this
way in every version of TB! that I have used.

Using The Bat! v1.60 RC/2 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195
Service Pack 2

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Re: Softimage is JavaScriptable, even Photoshop lately, why not Bat?:)

2002-12-06 Thread Dave Gorman
Friday, December 6, 2002, 3:45:32 PM, MaXxX wrote:

> Does anyone here second my opinion


Using The Bat! v1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600

 Current beta is 1.62b16 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: separate options for autocomplete of addresses and subjects

2003-01-15 Thread Dave Gorman
Wednesday, January 15, 2003, 7:52:45 AM, Gene wrote:

>> I would like to suggest to have 2 separate options for autocomplete
>>of e-mail addresses and subject lines.


> Yes!  Also the ability to search the nickname or handle only for auto
> complete of address.  This has been long requested both formally and
> in this forum.

Agreed again.

Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/3 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600

 Current beta is 1.62b17 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: 1.63 Beta/6

2003-02-07 Thread Dave Gorman
Friday, February 7, 2003, 9:40:30 AM, Gene wrote:

> The majority of the mail I receive is HTML and not having the
> ability to properly handle it in BAT is a real problem

In what way doesn't TB! "properly handle it"? I've never had a
problem reading an HTML email in TB!.

Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/3 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600
Service Pack 1

 Current beta is 1.63b4 | "Using TBBETA" information: