Re[2]: Wish : new Options/Preference

2002-02-09 Thread tracer

Hello Dwight A Corrin,
On Sat, 9 Feb 2002 09:14:20 -0600 GMT your local time,
which was Saturday, February 9, 2002, 10:14:20 PM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Dwight A Corrin wrote:

 On Saturday, February 9, 2002, 4:53:02 AM, Dierk Haasis wrote:

 What I mean is, when clicking on the upper rigth cross usually used
 tu close the program, I want the Bat! to be minimized in the system
 tray (with an option)

 Which would actually be a break of GUI standards - and it took a long
 time to persuade MS to adhere to them. OS/2 used them with version 2.1
 when MS still stood with Windows 3.1x.

 I can't think of anything which would be much worse for a programer to
 do than to change a program so that trying to close it in the usual
 manner would not.

Whats wrong with minimizing the normal way or if you want an option
which might even exist is to make the minimize goto the system tray...
However shutdown gui is Shutdown... it would be very annoying to have
one program do it different from others, especially if its one often


Best regards,

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Re[2]: Wish : new Options/Preference

2002-02-08 Thread Eric Malausséna

Hi Peter,

On 8 février 2002 à 22:05:50, you wrote :

EM like in some others softwares...

PP except AV-software none known to me ...

Mailers like Pocomail (Becky2 ? I don't remember)
Audiogalaxy, eDonKey...

PP I don't know why any application that's not for protecting system
PP security (as AV-software and personal firewalls do) shouldn't be
PP closed if user pressed 'x' for _CLOSE/TERMINATE_ ...

It's _your_ opinion. OK.
Mine is that I would appreciate an option to have the choice.
So, you will choose the _standard_, and I (and others) will choose the _non

Using The Bat! v1.54 Beta/36 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 

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Re[2]: Wish : new Options/Preference

2002-02-08 Thread Eric Malausséna

Hi Dierk,

On 8 février 2002 à 23:10:22, you wrote :

DH If you haven't read Peter's mail, he wrote about defining a System
DH Wide Hotkey.

Of course I have read the mail because I answered to it.

DH You will find this item in the Options menu in TB!.
DH There is an entry to define a keyboard shortcut to minimise/restore

Thanks. I know. But I was asking for another way to hide when closing
like some other softwares.

DH I for my part don't use TB!'s possibility for this as I have installed
DH PowerPro which offers system wide hotkeys at the system level (BTW,
DH thanks, Allie, for the tip!). With PowerPro you could even define a
DH shortcut using a keyboard/mouse combi - this way I could emulate the
DH only Macintosh feature I like, rolling up a window into its title
DH bar.

Thanks for the tip. I'll have a look ;-)

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Re[2]: Wish : new Options/Preference

2002-02-08 Thread Eric Malausséna

Hello Nick,

On 9 février 2002 à 01:32:39, you wrote :

 I'd like seeing another setting in Option/Preference :
 Hide The Bat! on Exit

NA What exactly do you mean by exit... close down? Obviously not,
NA because then TB would really be hidden. ;o)

Yes. Like with Pocomail, Audiogalaxy, eDonKey... when I close these
programs they are (can be) automatically reduced as an icon in the
notification bar.

I'd like to have on option (like in Pocomail) because I want The Bat! to be
always active... and I don't want my wife or my children closing The Bat!

NA I may misunderstand what you are after, but I presume you mean 'minimise'
NA in which case there already is a section under Preferences that covers
NA that topic.
I know. That's not what I mean.

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Re[2]: Wish : new Options/Preference

2002-02-08 Thread Eric Malausséna

Hello Nick,

On samedi 9 février 2002 à 07:27:34, you wrote :

NA If you are not meaning minimise to System Tray, then I don't know what
NA you mean. There is nothing else. I take it that by notification area
NA you mean the System Tray, right? If so... you can do that via the
NA Preferences menu so that TB will remain active but will not show up on
NA the Task Bar. 

In Windows XP (french version), system tray is called notification area
(translating it).

What I mean is, when clicking on the upper rigth cross usually used tu
close the program, I want the Bat! to be minimized in the system tray (with
an option)

So, if really I'm the only one interested...

Using The Bat! v1.54 Beta/36 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 

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