IMAP 2.10.03

2004-05-20 Thread Andrew
Hello tbudl,

 Ok firstly auto filtering still doesn't work is that correct?

 Secondly after upgrading to 2.10.03 attachments can't be opened. When
 I view my imap folders using Mozilla Thunderbird (which I briefly
 thought might be better than TB! at IMAP) it can open and save the
 attachments fine. For some reason TB! can't open the same attachment.

 Any ideas?


Best regards,
TheBat! 2.10.03 WinXp Pro

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Spam Filtering

2004-05-22 Thread Andrew
Hello Gene,

Friday, May 21, 2004, 6:53:29 AM, you wrote:

GB> BayesIT had been working pretty well

is it the best spam plugin available?

Best regards,

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: IMAP 2.10.03

2004-05-26 Thread Andrew
Hello Allie,

it's weird i have tb! installed for imap on both my desktop and laptop
and both give the same problem. Any suggestions on how to fix? Perhaps
if I download the latest beta (what's the url?)


Friday, May 21, 2004, 3:31:26 AM, you wrote:

AM> Andrew, [A] wrote:

A>> Ok firstly auto filtering still doesn't work is that correct?

AM> Not yet, but it's being worked on. Hopefully it'll be up and working
AM> reliably soon.

A>> Secondly after upgrading to 2.10.03 attachments can't be opened.
A>> When I view my imap folders using Mozilla Thunderbird (which I
A>> briefly thought might be better than TB! at IMAP) it can open and
A>> save the attachments fine. For some reason TB! can't open the same
A>> attachment.

AM> I don't have that problem though I do know that the experience with
AM> TB!'s IMAP can vary widely. Again, IMAP is being given attention and
AM> hopefully this sort of unpredictable behaviour will be sorted out.

Best regards,

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Duplicate Message Search

2004-12-05 Thread Andrew
Roelof Otten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hallo andrews,
> On Sun, 5 Dec 2004 07:13:23 -0800 (PST)GMT (5-12-2004, 16:13 +0100,
> where I live), you wrote:
> AMG> Curious as to how TB! does its duplicate message
> AMG> search. Never had trouble with it before, but now...
> IIRC on Message-ID

Thanks Roelof,

then it isn't working fully, or there are some other criteria in play. I checked
the RFC headers of some dupes and they had identical message IDs (also explains
why the sent folder never found any dupes, no Message ID).

Using the bat for a long long time now, used to these little quirks. Though I've
lately taken an interest in exploring all the features I got used to ignoring!!!
I'll be back, but let's hope they fix it in the next release (assuming they
don't charge for it :) )

Using TB! 


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Duplicate Message Search

2004-12-06 Thread Andrew

> According to TB! v3 help file:-
> Duplicates are detected by the following combination of message
> attributes: Message ID, Sender and date of creation.

Further investigation would lead to the following change:

"Duplicates are detected by the following combination of message
attributes: Message ID, Sender and date of creation as *listed* in the

For a sample message, the headers are identical, the message ID, date,
and sender..

however there is a two hour discrepancy in TB's interface.

Message Headers (both read):
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 13:33:37 -0400

in TB Interface:
displays as 25 Aug 2004, 2:33 PM in the local message
displays as 25 Aug 2004, 12:33 PM in the imported message

2 hours went somewhere, and I don't see where in the message something
like that could be "set," EDT on both Yahoo and Here on the PC, but
there is nowhere on the PC where such a thing would be set
differently. Just sent myself a test message to test the time stamp.
Seems fine.

Once second, just had an idea...

However, after exporting the those two and reimporting them into
another folder  (as a joke) the creation dates match. Remove
Duplicates worked.

Go figure. And no, haven't reset my PC clock recently and these were
all donwloaded over the weekend.

Maybe something to look into, and a way to work around it. Not a bad
day's work.

Thanks everybody!

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Duplicate Message Search

2004-12-06 Thread Andrew
After testing on a large volume of mail...

That work around isn't perfect, and does still misses some of the dupes that now
have everything the same.

Oh, well.


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Thousands of .MSG files?

2004-12-06 Thread Andrew
Steven P Valliere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> If no one's noticed, explorer isn't very fast when there
> are 20,000+ files in a folder...  (and before you ask,
> yes, I get far, far too much SPAM).

I'll let others answer the rest, but do you not have checked "Delete Attached
Messages when a Message is Deleted from the Trash folder" In Options > Files &
Directories? This way, when you delete your spam, the attachments, if any, go as

Been my experience that by having the attachments stored externally that I can
find/search them better and that the bat reacts very quickly since the mailbase
is smaller. In any case, in the same location you will find the dropdown list
that parses out the attachments (Keep Attachment Files option). Also a setting
to bind attachments for sent mail.

(I messed up an earlier install when I was first starting out, as near as I can
tell, TB still knows that the e-mail is supposed to have an attachment, but all
the sizes are 0 bytes. Let others confirm this or maybe even a better solution,
just my anectodal observations). 

Hope this helps, Andrew

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Duplicate Message Search

2004-12-07 Thread Andrew
Robin Anson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue 7 December 2004, 1:36:56 +1000, Andrew wrote:
> > However, after exporting the those two and reimporting them into
> > another folder  (as a joke) the creation dates match.
> Just to confirm - that is the creation dates not the received dates?

I should have been clearer, after exporting the whole test folder and
reimporting it the creation dates were fixed and they now all shared the samed
rec'd date (today's)


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Initial Cap %TOFNAME

2004-12-09 Thread Andrew
Someone else's posts about cool templates triggered a reminder for me...

Anyway, I've used TB! for years, and just recently started re-exploring the
parts I've been ignoring (most macros and quick templates).

Is there a way to force an initial cap in: %TOFNAME ?


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Cool filters thread

2004-12-09 Thread Andrew
Matt Thoene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello everyone...
> I know that Marck keeps a great library of templates, macros, and some
> filters...but I think there may be some other very cool filters out
> there that are not on his site. I feel like I'm not taking full
> advantage of how powerful the filtering is with TB.
> I'd like this to be a "reply with your coolest filter" thread. I'd
> start it, but the last thing mine are is cool...boring comes to mind
> really...
> Anyone??

Not a cool filter, but cool template use OK? (I'm sure they are all going to be
boring cause they are all so dang personalized, no?). Something very simple, but
which *I am* finding absolutely delightful. 

Where is that site, btw, please?

My Story:
Recently started looking for a new F/T job, but getting swarmed with contract
e-mails. I'm sure they are mostly broadcast, but I wanted to reply EASILY on the
off-chance one was legit or might lead to something (it's a volume game). (and
by the way, when I came up with this it blew my mind.) I used a quick template
that politely told them "not me, but if you have something else F/T, sure,
here's my res." 

I use several e-mail aliases (each job board) to track and keep the spam down,
which is why I *LOVE* the first line of my template, makes sure to use the alias
they sent to as the from. The handle is "contract". Type that, hit Ctrl-Space,
quick visual check, and then send, and I'm done. 2 seconds, tops:


[yadda, yadda, Thanks, but no thanks, but here's the res.]

Attachments:  %ATTACHMENTS

And then use a send filter to put it in a special "Sent job" sub folder. I
filter on the file/attachment name.



Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Initial Cap %TOFNAME

2004-12-09 Thread Andrew
Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Someone else's posts about cool templates triggered a reminder for me...
> Anyway, I've used TB! for years, and just recently started re-exploring the
> parts I've been ignoring (most macros and quick templates).
> Is there a way to force an initial cap in: %TOFNAME ?

Yeah, the docs can be useful, but they aren't the beat and I've missed things in
them before :) . Finally answered my own question:


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Cool filters thread

2004-12-09 Thread Andrew
Matt Thoene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Thursday, December 9, 20042:09:42 PM [-0700], Andrew wrote:
> > Where is that site, btw, please?
> I was referring to this one...

And it was a cool site, thanks!


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Plugin Hotmail for TB3 ?

2004-12-13 Thread Andrew
Hello Wilwilwil,

Monday, December 13, 2004, 11:13:04 AM, you wrote and sent the following:

> Hello,

> Is there a way to send and receive mails from Hotmail (MSN) ? I
> have to use a Hotmail address (webmail) but I want to manage it with
> TB.

> Maybe a plugin ? Or something like that ? And free if possible :  ;-)

Not sure there is a way anymore if haven't ALREADY been using it,aid,117933,00.asp

POP is still available ($$), but DAV isn't or soon won't be (supposed
to be gone by April 2005). It is also supposed to affect people who
use tools like Mailwasher (not me, not yet, but then again, I just got
my 250MB upgrade ;) .


It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. Voltaire (1694 - 1778)

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: OT: IM clients

2004-12-15 Thread Andrew
Hello Watcher,

Wednesday, December 15, 2004, 1:01:17 PM, you wrote and sent the following:

>   True, but just to let you know I hadn't decided on an IM yet and I
>   found this OT very useful, thanks all.

While we are OT, don't forget about Trillian Free and Pro.


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

I like kids, but I don't think I could eat a whole one.

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Who's stealing from TB?

2004-12-15 Thread Andrew
Hello Watcher,

Wednesday, December 15, 2004, 7:52:43 PM, you wrote and sent the following:

> Hello tbudl,

>   Been lurking a while but now I have a question, Every time I restart
> windows I have to tell TB to go ahead and reassociate EML with TB, I
> have tried doing it by hand but no matter what it get's switched back
> somehow.  Any suggestions as to who the very impolite app is that's
> stealing the association without asking?

Any other PIM manager competing for attention, like Palm Desktop?


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.
  --Voltaire (1694 - 1778)

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Who's stealing from TB?

2004-12-15 Thread Andrew
Hello Watcher,

Wednesday, December 15, 2004, 9:29:48 PM, you wrote and sent the following:

>> Any other PIM manager competing for attention, like Palm Desktop?

> Nope, just outlook which I have uninstalled.

Outlook's a PIM :grin: But I'm not familiar with it enough to suggest
any setting changes.


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
  --Benjamin Franklin, 1759

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Spam Filter (was Re: Plugin Hotmail for TB3 ?)

2004-12-17 Thread Andrew
Hello Alexander,

Friday, December 17, 2004, 1:25:25 PM, you wrote and sent the following:

> Having used
> SpamPal + Bayesian plugin, PopFile & lately K9, they all performed a lot
> better even after the shortest training periods.

It's why I use Malwasher Pro. Can include multiple e-mail accounts,
but working off the same spam/legit training mail base. It also
includes white list/black list, dns blacklist, and user filtering
(including RegEx). Everything happens on the server so nothing gets
downloaded that I don't let through (though I have recently begun
letting some, to train BayesIT and give it a test. Won't be the same,
but will do something when I forget to run MWP first).

Now if there was a Mailwasher Plugin for TB, now that WOULD be nice.

You know, I think I'll e-mail Firetrust about it.  Wouldn't that be


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by 
evil men.
  --Plato (427 BC - 347 BC)

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

%AB Macros and Addressbook filter question

2004-12-14 Thread Andrew
Hi All,

I noticed that I was getting mail to "me" but that my name wasn't in
the original TO or was misspelled.

I cam up with this. It makes sure that the sender is consistent, and
that the right alias return address is used.

But this led me to these thoughts:

Is there an easier or more logical way to do this? Is there no display
name AB key word or similar that would insert the entry as it would if
manually selected from the address book (might be handy when sending
mail too). Right now, I take the display name and have to copy it over
to the handle, but if I change something in the address book, I need
to update the handle as well...

How does the default address filter decide how to add addresses? Is
there a better way than the default one, which seems to do add every
combo of name even though the e-mail addy is obviously already in

Thanks, Andrew

Using The Bat!

A lie can travel halfway around the world while
the truth is putting on its shoes.
  --Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Problem with Norton's Firewall/Antivirus and The Bat

2004-12-19 Thread Andrew
Hello Charles,

Sunday, December 19, 2004, 2:36:19 PM, you wrote and sent the following:

> Hello All,

> I have been using The Bat for several years with three different OSs
> on different PCs with out problems. Recently, both my wife and I
> purchased Sony PCV RS630G's running Windows XP Home (with SP2
> installed). Both machines are behind a router and run Norton's
> Firewall and Antivirus. We both use The Bat Professional Edition
>, which runs flawlessly on her machine, but on my PC it to
> fail to connect to my e-mail accounts over 50% of the time. When it
> fails to connect, my PC want to send Microsoft an error report about
> ccApp.exe (a Norton's module). Rebooting the PC and/or stopping then
> re-starting Norton's solves the problem for awhile, but it sometimes
> takes two or three tries.

> I find this problem very frustrating. So much so that I am considering
> installing FireFox. But, my dear wife convinced me ask for help!

> I have un-installed and re-installed both Norton's and The Bat in
> every order I can think of.

> Can someone help?

> Thanks,

>  Charles  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Not sure why this would happen, but you should consider installing
Firefox anyway as an IE substitute. But it is not a substitute for an
AV and firewall.

It might help others if you wrote what version of NIS you are using.

Both machines are identical?? Is that correct?


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

You can observe a lot just by watching.
  --Yogi Berra (1925 - ), Berra's Law

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Just got an email from Ritlabs

2004-12-21 Thread Andrew
Hello Darrin,

Tuesday, December 21, 2004, 9:05:23 AM, you wrote and sent the following:

> Hello TBUDL,

>   Stated a discount on win-rar
>   Never used it before. Is it better than zip? I have received a
>   couple files before in .rar format but most often they are .zip.

Love WinRar. Better compression when using Rar, can create Zips for
friends who haven't seen the light yet, create simple installers in a
GUI interface or self extracting files, and more.

btw, it is also as free as ZIP (or not ;) ). If you go over the 40-day
eval you get reminded that it isn't supposed to be free, but can still
use most functions. I bought it to support 'em.

*Trial it first.*

Also, if you've ever come across a bad zip file:

Rar files can have
1) Recovery Record (as a % or each archive), gives WinRar the chance
to repair broken archives by storing some extra recovery data within
(increases size of file, better compression makes that a "so what"
unless the % is really high)

2) Recovery Volumes. When spanning archives volumes, across CDs for
example. You can create X number of recovery volumes that can replace
any one vol in the set. Yep. I don't get how it works, but it
supposedly does. Yes, this increases the overall size, by one CD for
me always but if the data is important.

Enough of the commercial.


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

The best political community is formed by citizens of the middle class.
  --Aristotle, Politics

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Mark as read and notification...

2004-12-22 Thread Andrew
Hello Wilwilwil,

Wednesday, December 22, 2004, 1:13:28 PM, you wrote and sent the following:

> Io,

> Is there a way to not generate the automatic email confirmation
> when I mark a mail as read (if this mail has flag for Read Confirm,
> of course) ?

I think all read confirm requests wait for you to at least open the
mail.  In the account properties > templates > Reading Confirmation
template. Choose the behavior you want.  You can delay the send by
choosing Put in Outbox and Prompt Before Action.

> If yes, is there a way to say I will never confirm, except for
> persons in a group of my addresses book ?

Hmmm Works the same way for folder level properties (the Confirm
template) and can override the account properties, so maybe if these
people/Address book are filtered into a particular folder??? Never
tried it, but that is one thought. 


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

The first and foremost function of our jurors is to protect private
citizens from a tyrannical and intrusive government...
Jurors are the last line of defense for liberty.
  --Thomas Jefferson, 1789

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Can't Access Years of TB - (Upgraded System, Reinstalled TB) - Help, Please

2005-01-04 Thread Andrew
Hello Marck,

Tuesday, January 4, 2005, 2:18:35 PM, you wrote and sent the following:

> Here's what went wrong: You forgot to backup and transfer the registry
> key. That contains all the vital bits like your registration code,
> your account names and where the folders are.

> If you still have the old computer, run up RegEdit and locate the
> HKLM/Software/Rit key and export it. Import it to the new system and
> try again.

If he doesn't have the old PC... Been thinking about this, but it has
been a long time since I used 1.62 (newer that 1.4, but still :).
Didn't they also send an e-mail with the key that had to be used with
a password (memory is vague) to register it? If he kept all his mail,
that key will likely still be in the TBB files (which are just text
files). Don't know how large they are, but wordpad might be able to
handle it and find that e-mail and registration string...

AS far as the folders, I've done the same for a new PC. Same name,
they will be found (you might have to look at the account(s) folder in
the TB directory if you've forgotten).


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over
public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.
  --Richard Feynman (1918 - 1988) 

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: How do you get decent support out of

2005-01-05 Thread Andrew
Hello Stuart,

Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 7:43:10 AM, you wrote and sent the following:

> I really like The Bat but I cannot possibly recommend it under
> these circumstances. (A shame as I am a Management Consultant for a
> major consultancy firm focused on the SMB section and am often asked
> for advice on email packages).

No-one here is going to disagree with your assessment about Ritlab's
public face. Unfortunately, they do make a product, that when it
works, works well in its niche.

I was in a similar position a couple of years ago (wow, more, like
three or four) after an e-mail virus swept through the office and most
co-workers home PCs. I was unaffected at home. They liked some of the
features I had talked about as well. I was asked if I could recommend
the Bat for the office. I could not, and I mentioned the support as my
leading reservation. I had tried getting support early on and learned
early on it was pointless. They didn't like that idea either. It's
great if you can tackle it on your own and solve the problem, but
office wide, 50+ seats? No way I was going to risk my office rep. They
just made sure that people had their AVs set to update frequently.

That said, there are quiet a few people who read these posts. What is
your issue and set up?


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream.
  --George Walker Bush, LaCrosse, Wis., Oct. 18, 2000

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: How do you get decent support out of

2005-01-05 Thread Andrew
Hello Thomas,

Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 12:43:31 PM, you wrote and sent the following:

> I consider these lists an integral part of TB, together with the Wiki
> which is getting better and better. Ritlabs is a real company with an
> office and full-time employees (to answer Stuart Moore's question)
> but what they lack in the department of tech support is more than made
> up by these lists.

> There were issues with TB in the past wich led me to not recommend it
> for businesses, but all of those (maybe with the exception of IMAP, am
> don't use that) have been solved. I would have no reservations
> recommending v3 in the current state.

> See above. Maybe the official Ritlabs support is "pointless", but
> seeking support on these lists isn't.

Oh, I'm sorry if it came across in the wrong way. I believe that
user-based support is always the best, but in a corporate setting not
always appropriate. It is a lot to expect, and unseemly, for a user
list to support a corporate paying customer who shelled out whatever
50 seats cost. That's all. On an individual basis, we all make due. But
in a corporate setting. Nope. I mean we lost 50-man days twice due to
viruses. The powers that be realized that we had lost nearly a year's
time in two, one-day incidents. Ritlabs could have benefited from that,
and I'm sure from others who have realized the same--30 bucks a seat
is a small price to pay for continued productivity, but only if it
comes with some hope that help will be there at the vendor corporate
level when client corp needs it. Maybe it is there, but since this is a
word-of-mouth application to a large extent, our opinions do sway
others. If they took care of us, they would take care of themselves
with increased sales and licensing revenue


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: How do you get decent support out of

2005-01-05 Thread Andrew
Hello Mary,

Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 1:44:46 PM, you wrote and sent the following:

> Would you consider subscribing there (if you haven't already) and
> raising this topic on TBUDL'S sister list?

> The team is very heavily engaged in getting out a revision of the
> latest release right now, but one or another of them is reading and
> posting there several times a week.

> From what all of them, including the apparent highest decision makers
> say, they are trying very hard to make a viable corporate-world
> commercial product.

> They're just quite low on communication and marketing expertise!

> As I'm sure all of my fellow listers will concur. And possibly even
> view my last statement above as the understatement of the year!!

Kind of suspected I was preaching to the choir, but I couldn't stop
myself :) I mentioned it during (what I think was) their first
experiment in support boards, before they closed them down due to
popular disappointment. They either will or won't, but at this stage
they have to provide the support for people to believe them. I'm sure
they know this has happened, and I'm sure they are aware of the
disappointment of corporate clients they have undoubtedly lost over
the years. They have to "do" it, and unfortunately for them, they will
have to provide quality support for a long while before anyone will
really believe them and they will have to take care of critical and
use issues in a timely fashion (I don't use IMAP, and it wouldn't have
been an issue in my example, but it will be for others).

Let's hope they actually follow through. If they don't, the up and
comers will copy the best TB! has to offer and eventually replace it
(wow, the quotes are random, but the one below is apropos).


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over
public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.
  --Richard Feynman (1918 - 1988) 

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: How do you get decent support out of

2005-01-05 Thread Andrew
Hello Alexander,

Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 2:00:42 PM, you wrote and sent the following:

> I think the company you're working for should think about its security
> strategy, and not just about the mail program...

It was a while ago, but attachments come in all the time. No security
policy is perfect, and it was one of those viruses that exploited OE
and Outlook's VB support when the preview pane was enabled (if I
remember correctly, the ones that triggered effectively automatically
a few years ago, remember?). Most AV's are after the fact, after the
discovery, but not before. And it did force them to look at what they
could have done differently, hence the discussion about switching
e-mail clients. You can't stop people from sending you e-mail, but IE,
OE, and Outlook sure don't help, they aren't in the "easy to control
and still remain usable" category. Ditching them all should be part of
any security policy! :)  Now with password protected zips with the
password in the body... no-one and nothing can protect you against
stupidity (what was that quote, human intelligence is limited, but not
its stupidity?).


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[3]: How do you get decent support out of

2005-01-05 Thread Andrew
Hello Stuart,

Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 2:14:08 PM, you wrote and sent the following:

TN>> So, what was your problem?
TN>> I have been using TB! for years and had no major problems at all.
> I had locked out the admin account - none of the working accounts
> had admin rights. In the past now so no need to work through what
> may or may not have happened as I cannot test anything now.

> I am pleased you have experienced no problems. I have had
> problems in the past (possibly my fault despite using the Internet
> since before it was called that) with a) filters no working
> correctly (resolved with a point upgrade) and emails being deleted
> for no apparent reason (not connected to the filters I assure you) -
> thank goodness for regular backups.

I'm not sure that qualifies as TB issue. How disappointing! If you can
somehow get Admin rights to that machine still you can reset your password or
take ownership of the mailbase files.

Have you looked at this?

btw, if you used encrypted file system (EFS) on those files, and reset
the password, you will lose any access to them whatsoever unless
you've specified a recovery agent. And that's the whole point with
encryption. Just in case.


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

QED: Quod erat demonstrandum. [Thus it is proven]

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: How do you get decent support out of

2005-01-05 Thread Andrew
Hello Mary,

Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 2:32:17 PM, you wrote and sent the following:

> Hello Andrew!

> On Wednesday, January 05, 2005, 1:08 PM, you wrote:

> Keep the faith, Andrew! :42:

I'll try

Feynman had a way about him though, didn't he? Probably
impossible to deal with in person, but no one said geniuses had to be


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought,
but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
  --Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) 

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Replacing PC-cillin with a good AV to use with TB! [was Re: How do I filter for this worm?]

2005-01-06 Thread Andrew
Hello Mary,

Thursday, January 6, 2005, 6:48:27 AM, you wrote and sent the following:
> What order should I proceed in?

> 1) I have the CD for the SP2 to install on this year-old copy of
> Windows XP-Home which the notebook comes with.

> 2) From there I need to go on-line and obtain all the XP-Home SP2
> updates.

> 2a) Should I first replace the AV, then do the Windows Updates?

> 2b) Or should I let the bundled PC-Cillin run, and then after the MS
> updates put my AV of choice on?

> 3) I already know the third piece of software I'm going to install on
> the new machine: It's called The Bat!

> P.S. I am on broadband, but behind a router. I'm either going to use
> the Sony's wifi that I presently don't know how to use, or else take
> the Desktop cable connection to Comcast loose and attach it to the
> little notebook for all this downloading.

> Special thoughts and prayers for me, a "babe-in-the-woods" of new
> hardware and software, will be greatly appreciated. :)

Hope this helps, worth reading:

How to Secure (and Keep Secure) My (New) Computer(s): A Layered Approach:

On the, whole if you haven't got a firewall in place, take care of
that first before connecting to the 'Net. So applying SP2 might be the
first answer. SP2 has a basic one built in to it. Many people have
reported issues with applying SP2 (many have said it went smoothly, it
did for me). A back-up before something major is not a bad idea. With
the FW in place, anytime you connect to the Net to do anything else
you are protected against most nasties.


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.
  --Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

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Re[2]: How do you get decent support out of

2005-01-06 Thread Andrew
Hello Peter,

Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 3:54:58 PM, you wrote and sent the following:

> What's wrong with that, as long as there *is* support?
> I'd love to be paid for my participation, but I volunteer anyway like
> many others. I just think it's worthwhile. :-)

It is worthwhile, I participate on a few lists and forums for various
things. But a corporate support person has access to resources that
user-based support groups (collectively) do not. They have the
ability to go to program managers, programers, testers, marketing
people, whoever, and act as client advocates when they are doing the
job right and can get answers for impossible or difficult questions.

The money argument doesn't hold water. They already charge enough
(and recharged it again recently) to afford a customer support person
or two. Especially if they are seeking corporate clients... they will
have to invest $$ to make $$, and if they get popular and their costs
decrease... well, we won't see a corresponding benefit. :)

We all deserve vendor support, but a corporation is even less likely
to invest limited budget in software that doesn't have at least
that... Call it formalism, but a corporation wants a responsible party
who represents the company to answer their questions, and their
complaints, and that is part of the payment. And we (TBUDL) don't
qualify as that responsible party for them (although, let me say this
again, we--the indv. users--deserve no less than that either).

I prefer user-based support, it is often faster, but I want access to
the vendor for the bigger issues.


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

New toy for children with short attention spans: boomerangs that don't come 

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Replacing PC-cillin with a good AV to use with TB! [was Re: How do I filter for this worm?]

2005-01-06 Thread Andrew
Hello Mary,

Thursday, January 6, 2005, 8:48:30 AM, you wrote and sent the following:

> I'm really Off-Topic Big Time with this thread.

> If you're not subscribed to TBOT, why don't you do that, Andrew? We
> are discussing my Today's Adventure over there. :)

> But thanks for the great support, here. :thankyou:

Thanks Mary,

Not to be that much an idiot, but I will be, I read/reply through e-mail,
but subscribed through gmane.


The Yahoo group?


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

The first and foremost function of our jurors is to protect private
citizens from a tyrannical and intrusive government...
Jurors are the last line of defense for liberty.
  --Thomas Jefferson, 1789

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: How do you get decent support out of

2005-01-06 Thread Andrew
Hello Thomas,

Thursday, January 6, 2005, 11:06:27 AM, you wrote and sent the following:

A>> I believe that user-based support is always the best, but in a
A>> corporate setting not always appropriate.

> True too, but. And this is a real question, because I don't know the
> answer: Which email clients offer the same kind and quality of
> suppport that you can get from the TB lists?

No disagreement, but that's not how bosses spend money. I think,
what I'm hoping, is that Ritlabs sees the light regarding providing
support (at least for winning corporate clients) and that we benefit by


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

I like kids, but I don't think I could eat a whole one.

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: How do you get decent support out of

2005-01-06 Thread Andrew
Hello Thomas,

Thursday, January 6, 2005, 12:05:31 PM, you wrote and sent the following:

> Tell me the email client with which this is the case, and I'll
> concede.

Pocosystems (Pocomail and Barca, an Outlook replacement). Support and
Forums. Support responded to me the last time I trialed it, though I
also used the forums.

So no-one does what TB does yet, doesn't mean they aren't getting
closer all the time. And in the meantime, the real point isn't "is
user-based support enough." In my mind, it's how Ritlabs is losing
revenue and how we all (clients and company) could benefit if they
took care. 


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

I mean, there needs to be a wholesale effort against racial
profiling, which is illiterate children.
  --George Walker Bush, second presidential debate, Oct. 11, 2000

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: How do you get decent support out of

2005-01-06 Thread Andrew
Hello Mary,

Thursday, January 6, 2005, 1:07:25 PM, you wrote and sent the following:

> I think perhaps Thomas may have thought he was Replying to Andrew.
> Andrew said that his company selected a different e-mail client, right
> after it lost a year or more of collective productivity in two days,
> due to the viruses that invaded via Outlook Express's preview pane
> vulnerability a couple of years ago,

> Andrew said he would have very much liked to have been able to
> recommend The Bat!, but wasn't comfortable doing that because RitLabs
> does not answer its customers' letters asking for help--at least, not
> on a dependable basis.

> Corporation decision-makers are going to want answers from the seller
> or the developer, not from volunteers on a support mailing-list. At
> least that's the point I think was being made by Andrew.

> Thomas apparently doesn't think that any e-mail seller offers that
> kind of support.

Summed up nicely!


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

Beware lest in your anxiety to avoid war you obtain a master.
  --Demosthenes (384 BC - 322 BC)

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Re[2]: TB not responding

2005-01-10 Thread Andrew
Hello Susanne,

Monday, January 10, 2005, 7:08:37 PM, you wrote and sent the following:

> Thanks! Did that and now get "the
> bat has encountered a problem and needs to close..." after a
> short wait.

Have you tried a reinstall of your version of TB! ?


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
  --William Pitt, House of Commons, 1783

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Re[2]: on the fly encryption

2005-01-11 Thread Andrew
Hello Peter,

Tuesday, January 11, 2005, 8:31:47 AM, you wrote and sent the following:

> - make a full backup
> - quit TB
> - remove the registry tree HKCU/Software/Rit/TheBat!
> - start TB, choose OTFE from the dialog, insert all neccessary
> data but do not create an account
> - restore the data (from your previously created backup) during install 
> dialog.

> Ready to go.

> HTH.

This would be just for the Pro?


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all 

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Re: Can't repair Inbox

2005-01-11 Thread Andrew
Hello Scott,

Tuesday, January 11, 2005, 2:16:56 PM, you wrote and sent the following:

> The messages that I downloaded didn't show up in the Inbox and
> when I download new messages the same ones download again, but
> don't show up.

> How can I fix this?

You can try using dispatch mail on the server to delete the
problematic mail...


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

An English professor announced to the class; "There are two words I
don't allow in my class. One is gross and the other is cool."
>From the back of the room a voice called out, "So, what are the words?"

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: HTML replies to HTML messages

2005-01-14 Thread Andrew
Hello Alexander,

Friday, January 14, 2005, 11:23:27 AM, you wrote and sent the following:

> Nothing. Its a long standing bug. Very annoying.
> See
> ...submitted October 2003 *sigh*

That's a shame.....


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

I like kids, but I don't think I could eat a whole one.

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Re: history

2005-01-15 Thread Andrew
Hello Arie,

Saturday, January 15, 2005, 8:56:29 AM, you wrote and sent the following:

> how can I clear the history for the "to" field when creating a message?
> I can't find it anywere

I think it is all contained in the file called account.his in your
account folder. Try renaming this (so you have the original as a back

I've done this before without ill effect (but every set up is
different). And of course, each account has its own.


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

If you save the world too often, it begins to expect it.

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Mailwasher Pro

2005-01-16 Thread Andrew
Hello Darrin,

Sunday, January 16, 2005, 11:07:34 AM, you wrote and sent the following:

>   Anyone use this with TB? Having good results? I decided to give it a
>   try.

For a long long time... It shouldn't interfere with anything. It is
sort of its own POP mail client. I leave it open most of the time, and
use TB to pull down the mail later.

btw, have you looked at these filters:

They work great for me, in fact I really don't worry about blacklist
servers anymore between those and Bayesian filtering. 

You know bouncing is a bad thing, and ought to be removed from the
product (most return addresses are spoofed for starters)? 


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

Human intelligence is limited, stupidity isn't.

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Re[2]: Anyone using OnSpeed with The Bat!?

2005-01-16 Thread Andrew
Marten Gallagher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Last time I was away, it cost me 640 GBP in telephone costs to keep my clients
> maintained and to access email.

Hmmm... why not a laptop with a local ISP sub? That's about decade's worth of
dial-up in the US (Netscape $ US 9.95/Mo, 5 GBP after conversion?)! Can't be
that much more expensive in Canada.


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Re[4]: Anyone using OnSpeed with The Bat!?

2005-01-16 Thread Andrew
Marten Gallagher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Well...b me :-0 I never considered that. Do you reckon I can get a SIM card,
with a data subscription, in
> Canada to go in my existing GPRS card? Come to that could I get a SIM for my
triband mobile as well?

Perhaps some of the Canadian members here (or over on TBOT) can help you out?
Not sure from a SIM angle, but a regular ISP subscription to a local number just
seemed to make sense, considering the money invloved. 

I know some sites pick up the country you are coming from and change the page
display, but if not, maybe this will spark some ideas for you. US rate is
$9.95/MO, unlimited dial-up.


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Attachments

2005-01-19 Thread Andrew
Hello Stuart,

Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 2:13:00 PM, you wrote and sent the following:

>   I notice that when I download a message with an attachment such as
> .doc or .xls that the icon beside the attachment shows the icon for the
> program that will open the attachment. This does not happen with .html
> or .pdf documents. Is there a reason for this and can it be fixed so
> that they do show up.

Do these types of documents show properly when on your desktop? HTML
and PDF icons show just fine in TB! on my machine. Do they open with
the proper program when double-clicked?

>  I have also noticed that when you click on an attachment and select
> Open, you get a message warning you about opening the document. It
> also has a note inferring that you can permanently remove this
> warning. If this is possible can you explain how?

Hold down the shift key while double-clicking the attachment or
Options - Preferences - Protection remove "*.*" from "Always display warning
about these files".


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

You can't say that civilizations don't advance, however, for
in every war they kill you in a new way.
  --Will Rogers, New York Times, Dec. 23, 1929

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Mail created date & time

2005-01-20 Thread Andrew
Hello Chris,

Thursday, January 20, 2005, 12:16:31 PM, you wrote and sent the following:

> I've already written to them twice including a screen print. They said
> they couldn't open the attachment (.png) for security reasons, so I have
> to write to them and print out a copy of the screen print :-(

View / RFC822 Headers isn't enough?


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

I like kids, but I don't think I could eat a whole one.

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Re[2]: Mail created date & time

2005-01-20 Thread Andrew
Hello Chris,

Thursday, January 20, 2005, 2:24:58 PM, you wrote and sent the following:

> What do people think?

1) They are generating wrong headers... but maybe not since I think 2
is more likely.

2) Are you accidentally parsing out headers from these particular
emails with your mail server? Some spam or header rule?


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was
a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
  --Douglas Adams

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Maintenance Steps?

2005-01-23 Thread Andrew
Hey All,

Just a curious question...  probably 'cause it is Sunday and I find
myself with a little extra time since going outside into the snow and
wind doesn't feel like an option right now ( NYC :) )

There used to be a working defrag option in BayesIT (now no more), but
do TB folders suffer so much that this was (is) necessary or does a
regular ole' degrag program take care of it (I use PerfectDisk)? I
supposed I could copy, rename, delete, rename manually the mail base
(that's basically what it did I suppose--copied the bases over and then
replaced the beat up ones with brand new files, unless it did something
more), but is it necessary?

My folders are set set to compress at each exit (doesn't take any time
at all since it happens every time), 40K messages across multiple
folders (some in the thousands). 

Inboxes kept mostly empty.

Any issues here? Am I missing a maintenance step or two?


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was
a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
  --Douglas Adams

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Maintenance Steps?

2005-01-23 Thread Andrew
Hello Stuart,

Sunday, January 23, 2005, 10:44:56 AM, you wrote and sent the following:

> I am using the latest version of BayesIt .80 (at least I think it is
> the latest version)and it still has the defrag option.

I've got .73 and while the bonus option is there, it does nothing. I
was thinking another case of sloppy GUI.

Maybe time to grab the latest and see if it is in fact sloppy GUI?



Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

If you save the world too often, it begins to expect it.

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Maintenance Steps?

2005-01-23 Thread Andrew
Hello Stuart,

Sunday, January 23, 2005, 10:44:56 AM, you wrote and sent the following:

> I am using the latest version of BayesIt .80 (at least I think it is
> the latest version)and it still has the defrag option.

Just tested 0.7.12 and 0.8.0... Legacy/Sloppy GUI with no functionality
behind it.

I guess my original questions are still in play. But thanks.


Using The Bat!
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

I mean, there needs to be a wholesale effort against racial
profiling, which is illiterate children.
  --George Walker Bush, second presidential debate, Oct. 11, 2000

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: TB! Freezing after downloading mail

2005-01-23 Thread Andrew
Chris Weaven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The only way we can open messages, is to close TB! using the right click 
> option on the animated icon is the system tray and selecting 'Exit'. On 
> re-opening TB!, we can then read the messages.

Had a similiar issue once (not the same, but similar). Did you play with
directory or user permissions at all on their system? Perhaps TB is trying to
write to some file it can't write to and it is trying to do that when it 


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Palm Synch Starts the Bat

2005-05-13 Thread Andrew

Hi All,

Weird bug in the latest version of TB!, wondering if anyone else
experienced it.

Every time I sync my Palm (OS 5, Desktop 4.1.4, latest Agendus Standard
for Windows and Palm also installed), TB! launches. I don't synch my
TB mail or have any of those conduits running  (wish I could synch my
TB mail, but that's another story).

One interesting note: During the install, TB! saw that Agendus for Windows was 
running and
asked me to turn it off. I did, before continuing.

Any thoughts?


Using The Bat! 3.5
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

The best political community is formed by citizens of the middle class.
  --Aristotle, Politics

Current version is 3.5 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

IMAP4 multi send

2005-05-26 Thread Andrew
Hello ,

for some reason when I've been sending mail using thebat and imap4
  twenty or so copies of each email have been sent.  Looking at my
  sent folder not every single message is being multi sent but most

  This is happening both on my home pc and laptop running 3.5 pro.

  I've uninstalled and reinstalled the bat.
  Any ideas?  

Best regards,
 Andrew  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

IMAP4 multi send

2005-05-26 Thread Andrew
Hello ,

for some reason when I've been sending mail using thebat and imap4
  twenty or so copies of each email have been sent.  Looking at my
  sent folder not every single message is being multi sent but most

  This is happening both on my home pc and laptop running 3.5 pro.

  I've uninstalled and reinstalled the bat.
  Any ideas?  

Best regards,
 Andrew  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

forwarded emails

2005-06-02 Thread Andrew
Hello tbudl,

  when I forward emails at the moment I'm getting a 1.eml attachment
  automatically added - a bounce back says it may be a virus.

  Has anyone heard of this? it it a virus infection? can i get rid
  of it?


Best regards,
 Andrew  mailto:mail1

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Google Desktop/TB Plugin/Mostly Works, But....

2005-11-19 Thread Andrew

Hi All,

Been playing with the latest TB! and Google Desktop Search Plug-in

For the most part it works great, but it just hangs on some folders
and I have to exit, uncheck that folder and restart the index again.

Can't seem to figure out what is hanging it and wonder if someone else
has tackled this (a quick search here and elsewhere didn't bring anything up 

1) Copied messages to a new Folder and deleted to old one.
2) Deleted my TB index file and forced it to rebuild
3) Deleted Google and its files and forced those to rebuild
4) Run TB Maintenance a couple of times.
5) Defragged my HD
I've tried steps one and two with a couple of the folders where it
hangs.  Still no go. No common features either, some have a lot, some
a few.

I'm sure I'm missing that "one" bad message, but any help in
identifying it or whatever the real issue is appreciated


Using The Bat! 3.62.14
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream.
  --George Walker Bush, LaCrosse, Wis., Oct. 18, 2000

Current version is 3.62.14 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Google Desktop/TB Plugin/Mostly Works, But....

2005-11-19 Thread Andrew

Hello Roman,

Saturday, November 19, 2005, 12:47:04 PM, you wrote and sent the following:

> Huh. I had asked for a plug-in like that (or rather, I had asked that TB!
> had a search feature as powerful and fast as GDS, but I daydream and
> digress) and there wasn't anything available (or nobody knew) when I
> asked.

Can be dowloaded from here:

The download is as slow as sin, but it does eventually
download. After you install it, you will find it listed as a TB Plugin

> What hangs - TB or GDS?

Um, both? the first time you ask it to index it goes through a list of
folders that you have specified to Index. IS this done through TB!'s
Plugin interface.

It gets to these problem folders and then stops. And in case it was
just slow, I waited, and waited, and waited

> You did all that just to make it work and it didn't?
It mostly works, I unchecked the problem folders, but some are ones I
want indexed. Like all TB users, I have way too many messages across
way too many folders, but I'm not willing to part with any.


Using The Bat! 3.62.14
On Windows XP, 5.1 Build: 2600

Never argue with idiots, they'll drag you down
to their level and beat you with experience -- Anon/Dilbert? 

Current version is 3.62.14 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Slow when downloading mail

2000-10-19 Thread Andrew

Anyone else noticed that when The Bat! is actually downloading mail
their whole machine slows right down?

Even downloading a 2k email seems to momentarily slow it down to a

Andy D


Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.

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Re[2]: Slow when downloading mail

2000-10-20 Thread Andrew

Friday, October 20, 2000, 7:32:09 AM, Jamie wrote:

JD> Hello Andrew,
JD> On Thu, 19 Oct 2000 15:58:22 +0100 GMT your local time,
JD> which was Thursday, October 19, 2000, 15:58:22 (GMT+0100) (BST) my local time,

JD> Andrew wrote:

A>> Anyone else noticed that when The Bat! is actually downloading mail
A>> their whole machine slows right down?

A>> Even downloading a 2k email seems to momentarily slow it down to a
A>> crawl.

JD> What modem do you use. If it is the dreaded winModem class it's likely
JD> that the DSP and HCF is done using precious cycles. Does the machine
JD> slow down when downloading other files?

Not using a modem, I'm on a network.  I can be downloading a load of
other things at the same time without having the same problems.

And _nothing_ else slows my machine down in the same way.  My MP3
player stutters really badly when downloading mail too.

Could it be because I'd have thousands of mails go through?  Is there
some kind of 'tidy up' option I should be running occasionally.


Some days you are the bug, some days you are the windscreen.

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Re[2]: Slow when downloading mail

2000-10-20 Thread Andrew

Friday, October 20, 2000, 12:24:31 PM, A. wrote:

ACM>   On Fri, 20 Oct 2000 09:26:35 +0100, Andrew wrote:
A>> Could it be because I'd have thousands of mails go through?  Is there
A>> some kind of 'tidy up' option I should be running occasionally.

ACM> Be sure to run a purge and compress on all folders, especially the inbox
ACM> and other folders in which you delete a lot of messages.

Cheers, I set the folder options up.

Is there some main configutration I can set to "compress all folders
on exit"?


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Re[4]: Slow when downloading mail

2000-10-20 Thread Andrew

Friday, October 20, 2000, 11:42:33 AM, Jamie wrote:

JD> Andrew wrote:
A>> Not using a modem, I'm on a network.  I can be downloading a load
A>> of other things at the same time without having the same problems.

JD> So how does this network connect to the internet?

ISDN in the corner.

JD> I'd agree with Allie on the purge and compress idea.

Which worked perfectly and speeded up mail no end.

JD> Also are you downloading the mail from an internal or external server?

External, but that doesn't seem to be the problem.  The problem was
apparently it trying to fit mail in to the jam packed folders (which
had never been purged)

Andy D


There's nary an animal alive that can outrun a greased Scotsman. - Groundskeeper Willie

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Re[2]: Slow when downloading mail

2000-10-20 Thread Andrew

Friday, October 20, 2000, 1:18:54 PM, A. wrote:

ACM> Hash: SHA1

ACM>   On Fri, 20 Oct 2000 12:44:06 +0100, Andrew wrote:

A>> Is there some main configutration I can set to "compress all folders
A>> on exit"?

ACM> No. You'll have to go through each relevant folders properties and set
ACM> the purge and compress options.

I'm leaving the purge option alone.  I don't want old email just

But I've set up compress on all 24 folders (which took me a few

Thanks for your help everybody.

Andy D

Small, green leafy bodies, long tongues drooling over sharp incisors, they weren't 
human, they were brussel sprouts, killer brussel sprouts.

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Re[2]: Slow when downloading mail

2000-10-20 Thread Andrew

Friday, October 20, 2000, 1:20:20 PM, A. wrote:

ACM>   On Fri, 20 Oct 2000 13:07:59 +0100, Andrew wrote:

JD>>> I'd agree with Allie on the purge and compress idea.

A>> Which worked perfectly and speeded up mail no end.

ACM> Great!! So how many megabytes of purged mail did you free yourself of?

not sure, I had to wander away and leave it for 5 minutes..

But after compressed the 5 biggest folders of all the mail on exit, I
then found the 'compress all folders' option and freed another 18MB on my less
used folders..


If I wanted to hear the pitter patter of little feet I would put shoes on my cat

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Re[2]: Syncing with Palm address book

2001-06-14 Thread andrew

Hi John,

 On Sat, 9 Jun 2001, at 11:22:04 [GMT +0900] (which was 03:22 in London) you wrote:

JTT> Hello Randy;

JTT> Not sure if this is what you're looking for or not, but you could
JTT> export your address book to a csv files and then import it to the Palm
JTT> DeskTop program.

I assume that would work the other way too? ie. I use palm and have a
lot of contacts on it so could convert to cvs and then import to bat?

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Re[2]: Flagging folders containing flagged messages

2001-06-14 Thread andrew

DH> Even if this is not TBBETA I sent another "Me too". It was always
DH> annoying me that I had to mark a message unread to see with one glance
DH> which folder has important messages in it.

I raised this issue last week I think and agree entirely that it would
be useful. (I add this only in the hope that if enough users 'flag'
the issue the coding might be changed ;-)

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Re[2]: The Bat! v1.53 now released.

2001-06-14 Thread andrew

Hi A,

 On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, at 06:19:15 [GMT -0500] (which was 12:19 in London) you wrote:

ACM> On Thu, 14 Jun 2001 13:05:05 +0200, Dierk thoughtfully wrote the
ACM> following:
ACM> ...
DH>> 1. The behaviour started with 1.53bis, definitely on my machine that
DH>> is.

DH>> 2. I use two accounts extensively, both with the same settings as far
DH>> as this bug is concerned (deferred and auto-save at 10 sec).

DH>> 3. I got hit regularly on the account I currently use (this one), only
DH>> it hits every second or third trial (much more every second).

DH>> 4. A few minutes ago I wrote half a dozen complex and long mails in
DH>> the other account, and I could send with no problem.

ACM> The queries appear only when you try to send the message in a modified
ACM> state. Since you auto-save every ten seconds, it's more likely that the
ACM> message was auto-saved before you hit CTRL+Enter.

Probably like others I was concerned about how to do the update. In
the past updating has been really difficult. Do you install over the
old version etc? (there's no help on the faq page) I have to say that this time was 
the easiest install
by far I upgraded from 1.51 to 1.53 and it was s smooth, it knew
where the bat was and installed over the old version like a dream.

well done guys.

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threads again

2001-06-14 Thread andrew

Hi thebat,

Mainly from reading tbudl, I've noticed the sub discussions which
start within a thread, these can be really interesting but is it
possible to sort them in the same way we see the mail thread? So we
see the '+' for the main thread and then with in the thread another
'+' where the sub discussion starts?

this may not be possible and I've seen the numbers in the subject line
which denote these discussions.

 andrew  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using The Bat! v1.53bis on Windows 98 4.10 Build   A

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Re[2]: threads again

2001-06-14 Thread andrew

Hi Nick,

 On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, at 10:24:46 [GMT -0700] (which was 18:24 in London) you wrote:

NA> Thread by References should accomplish that, unless by "sub discussions"
NA> you mean when someone has started a new discussion stemming from the old
NA> thread. In that case, no, TB! will not be able to link the two threads
NA> together. However, I have a feeling that if you thread by Reference, you
NA> will get what you want.

ahhh ;-)

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Re[2]: threads again

2001-06-14 Thread andrew

Hi Nick,

 On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, at 10:24:46 [GMT -0700] (which was 18:24 in London) you wrote:

NA> Thread by References should accomplish that, unless by "sub discussions"
NA> you mean when someone has started a new discussion stemming from the old
NA> thread. In that case, no, TB! will not be able to link the two threads
NA> together. However, I have a feeling that if you thread by Reference, you
NA> will get what you want.

I think I'll never ask for anything again ;-)

I viewed by reference and it was scarey. I'll never do that again ;-)

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Re[2]: threads again

2001-06-15 Thread andrew

Hi Nick,

 On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, at 17:12:00 [GMT -0700] (which was 01:12 in London) you wrote:

NA> Is it safe to presume Threading by References was not what you wanted? ;o)

well it was but then when i saw what it looked like I went back to
thread by subject because it was actually easier to read. ;-)

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OT? The bat and HP G95

2001-06-15 Thread andrew

Hi All,

I just got one of those HP G95 (scanner, photocopier, printer, fax)
gizmos and I have to say I'm impressed with it.

But one question which is really more about HP software than The Bat!.
HP has a 'scan to email' function but I can't seem to point it at The
BAT! I wondered if anyone else had G85/95 and had succeeded in achieving



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Using The Bat! v1.53bis on Windows 98 4.10 Build   A

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Re[2]: TB and PCCillin AV (InoculateIT)

2001-06-16 Thread andrew

Hi Thomas,

TF> You don't need to integrate much. Just activate Realtime Scan in
TF> PC-Cillin.

TF> Be aware that any AV software cannot check MIME-encoded (or otherwise
TF> encoded) attachments. Before you open an attachment, you should save
TF> it to file (I always save into the tmp directory). If the file
TF> contains a virus, PC-Cillin will not allow saving but raise an alarm.
TF> I have not been hit ever since I've used PC-Cillin.

I use InoculateIT would the procedure be the same? or is there a
better way.

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Re[2]: What I am waiting for from TheBat! ... Soft Returns in the Editor

2001-06-16 Thread andrew

Hi A,

 On Sat, 16 Jun 2001, at 20:10:06 [GMT -0500] (which was 02:10 in London) you wrote:

ACM> Sure. However, you need PowerPro <>, or
ACM> some other macro utility installed. This is the macro in PowerPro format:

I tried the link and got a dns (cannot find server) error anyone else
have a problem?

Does Power Pro need to be link into TB in some way for the macro to
work? Or is it an always on sys tray scenario?


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autocomplete email addresses

2001-06-17 Thread andrew


I've played with it a bit but can't work out how I get auto complete
working. I've tried making the address a favourite, giving nicknames
etc etc. What's the secret?

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Re[2]: autocomplete email addresses

2001-06-17 Thread andrew

Hi Peter,

 On Sun, 17 Jun 2001, at 17:27:29 [GMT +0200] (which was 16:27 in London) you wrote:

PP> What is set in
PP> "Options" / "Preferences" / "System": "Complete automatically address/subject
PP> entry fields" ???

ah it was set to input history I've now set it to all address books
and history :-)

Does it only auto-complete based on email address? So it won't use
nicknames to input an email address?


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Re[2]: autocomplete email addresses

2001-06-17 Thread andrew

Hi Peter,

 On Sun, 17 Jun 2001, at 18:33:14 [GMT +0200] (which was 17:33 in London) you wrote:

PP> Hello andrew,

PP> On Sunday, June 17, 2001 at 5:41:22 PM you wrote:

a>> ah it was set to input history I've now set it to all address books
a>> and history :-)

PP> It is not clear if this solved your problem? .-)

sorry, yes it did. Thanks for your comments on the other point I'll
play around with it.


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Re[2]: No uninstaller!?

2001-06-18 Thread andrew

Hi Jan,

 On Sun, 17 Jun 2001, at 18:10:18 [GMT -0400] (which was 23:10 in London) you wrote:

Shouldn't that be...

JR>   Click on "Start"
JR>   Click "settings"
JR>   Click "Control Panel"
JR>   Find Add/Remove Programs
JR>   Put your cursor on The Bat!
  Think very carefully! Take the OE inoculation again, check
  sanity. ;-)
JR>   Click "Uninstall" or "remove"


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quote only high lighted text

2001-06-18 Thread andrew


Is it possible to highlight a section of a mail click reply and only
have that part quoted and ready for replying?

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Re[2]: quote only high lighted text

2001-06-18 Thread andrew

Hi OK3,

 On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, at 16:49:17 [GMT +0500] (which was 12:49 in London) you wrote:

O> Did you try hitting F4 for reply?

thanks ;-) that works a treat. Thanks both.

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Re[2]: quote only high lighted text

2001-06-18 Thread andrew

Hi Nick,

 On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, at 05:33:05 [GMT -0700] (which was 13:33 in London) you wrote:

NA> Go to your Mouse Hardware Options and program the wheel button for F4, so
NA> now just drag the cursor across the text you want to quote, then hit the
NA> wheel button with your index finger. :o)  Add the %WRAPPED Macro to your
NA> Reply Template and you're off to the races! :o)

very very handy ;-) Thanks.

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Re: Fw: The Bat! - information request (uninstall)

2001-06-19 Thread andrew

Hi Daf,

 On Tue, 19 Jun 2001, at 14:38:23 [GMT -0500] (which was 20:38 in London) you wrote:

>> for some weird reason, the uninstall
>> program was not included in the previous 1.53 releases. Please excuse
>> us for such inconvenience...

sounds like this explains everything then.

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Re[3]: TB and PCCillin AV (InoculateIT)

2001-06-19 Thread andrew

Hi William,

 On Tue, 19 Jun 2001, at 17:24:24 [GMT +0100] (which was 17:24 in London) you wrote:

WM> 'eTrust EZ Antivirus Real-Time protection will check and clean any
WM> infected e-mail attachments when you open them.

so any attachment I open via bat should be checked by the software?
Would this include MIME format as someone wrote on this thread?

WM> You can also Save the attachment to the hard disk and scan it
WM> using the main eTrust EZ Antivirus program.

But this is probably a safer way because it will def check these

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Re[3]: Fw: The Bat! - information request (uninstall) still mailto: problems

2001-06-19 Thread andrew

Hi Ben,

 On Tue, 19 Jun 2001, at 17:41:28 [GMT -0400] (which was 22:41 in London) you wrote:

BM> I did notice that 153d still has one major bug. On the first use of a
BM> mailto: from a web page, it still pops up 2 instances of TB!. On later
BM> mailto: attempts it only brings up one.

i think a previous thread has dealt with this issue.

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Re[5]: TB and PCCillin AV (InoculateIT)

2001-06-19 Thread andrew

Hi William,

 On Tue, 19 Jun 2001, at 22:30:47 [GMT +0100] (which was 22:30 in London) you wrote:

WM> I also use the 'Mailsafe' feature of Zone Alarm. The
WM> belt and braces approach.

I actually had that on without realising it ;-)


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Re[3]: quote only high lighted text

2001-06-19 Thread andrew

Hi andrew,

 On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, at 13:52:17 [GMT +0100] (which was 13:52 in London) you wrote:

NA>> Add the %WRAPPED Macro to your
NA>> Reply Template and you're off to the races! :o)

I wanted to include %wrapped as a cookie because somewhere on the list
it was mentioned that this makes global updates much easier.

%COOKIE="J:\the bat new\wrap.txt" was inserted into the template and
contained a text file with just '%wrapped' in it. But when i tried a
new message the '%wrapped' was shown in the body of the email - should
it be invisible?

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Re: clicked something and got box of possible email software

2001-06-19 Thread andrew

Hi andrew,

 On Tue, 19 Jun 2001, at 20:59:20 [GMT +0100] (which was 20:59 in London) you wrote:

a> Hi TBUDL,

a>   clicked something and got box of possible email software, TB,
a>   Outlook, AOL etc that's on my pc. I was in the message list window
a>   and only had my hand on the mouse - i've never seen it before what
a>   was it? what did i do?

I think this was actually powerpro which produced the box which i
installed at allie's suggestion ;-) so nothing to do with bat

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Re[2]: quote only high lighted text

2001-06-19 Thread andrew

Hi David,

 On Wed, 20 Jun 2001, at 00:43:30 [GMT +0200] (which was 23:43 in London) you wrote:

DvZ> Hello andrew,

DvZ> On Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 23:16:48 +0100, andrew [a] wrote
DvZ> concerning 'quote only high lighted text':

a>> I wanted to include %wrapped as a cookie because somewhere on the
a>> list it was mentioned that this makes global updates much easier.

a>> %COOKIE="J:\the bat new\wrap.txt" was inserted into the template
a>> and contained a text file with just '%wrapped' in it. But when i
a>> tried a new message the '%wrapped' was shown in the body of the
a>> email - should it be invisible?

DvZ> LOL. To insert cookies into a message from a textfile, you have to put
DvZ> the taglines into the textfile. You placed '%wrapped' in the textfile
DvZ> so everytimes it outputs '%wrapped'. Instead you have to place
DvZ> '%wrapped' in your template, like this:
DvZ> %WRAPPED='%COOKIE="J:\the bat new\cookies.txt"'

Glad I'm raising a smile anyway ;-)

Let me start again on this one... below is the reply template I
currently have. I now have my third mouse button set to f4 so when i
select text and click it it only sends that info.

Nick said
>>Add the %WRAPPED Macro to your Reply Template and you're off to the races! :o)

so where would i put that in the template?

(and while we're at it cookies then are only plain text to be inserted
in each mail selected - ie. i could cookie my web address, or a sig?)


 On%SUBPATT="2", at %SUBPATT="3" [GMT%SUBPATT="4"] (which was %OTIME in London) you 

%quotes="%SETPATTREGEXP=""(?is)(\n*-BEGIN PGP 
SIGNED.*?\n(Hash:.*?\n)?\s*)?(.*?)(^(-*?\s*?--\s*\n|_{40,}\s*\n|-BEGIN PGP 


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Re: Unnerving sigs

2001-06-19 Thread andrew

Hi Karin,

 On Wed, 20 Jun 2001, at 01:53:44 [GMT +0200] (which was 00:53 in London) you wrote:

KS> And of course, *this* time TB chose an innocent one just to
KS> disprove me. I am freaking out.

'even paranoids have enemies' ;-) Maybe it is all a conspiracy just
to drive you insane

Someone else in another thread mentioned he suspects TB may know
more than it let's on - so at least you're not alone.

That doesn't help at all does it ;-) sorry.

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Re[3]: clicked something and got box of possible email software

2001-06-20 Thread andrew

Hi Jan,

 On Tue, 19 Jun 2001, at 21:46:52 [GMT -0400] (which was 02:46 in London) you wrote:

JR>   ok what is powerpro? Don't remember reading about it.

Allie mentioned in it one of his mails as a macro tool we can use to
run a macro to do quotes in the middle of a para, it can be used to
split the para and reflow both parts leaving cursor in the middle -
apparently but I'm still working on it ;-)

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Re[2]: Unnerving sigs

2001-06-20 Thread andrew

Hi Peter,

Can I just clarify. Do we like  a tag that is related to the subject
of the mail? I would imagine it would be pretty useful. So we don't
have a problem?

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threads and unread messages

2001-06-20 Thread andrew


Just a thought. Wouldn't it be cool if when we view a list by threads
it minimised all threads and then showed only expanded threads where
there's a new message waiting within the thread as well as latest/top.
I thought TB was doing it for me just now which is where the thought

Can it do this? What do people think?

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Re[3]: why do my #?@! filters not work

2001-06-21 Thread andrew

Hi andrew,

 On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, at 12:00:09 [GMT +0100] (which was 12:00 in London) you wrote:

M>> Spam Two
a> Any mails that haven't been moved to personal and sender's address *is
a> not* in the address book set-up above move to trash (this gives you a
a> fail safe, so you can check the filter isn't killing good mails by
a> looking in trash).
a> - last filter.

It occurred to me that there could be a bit more use for this filter.
Having watched it work in conjunction with the filter 2 discussed
elsewhere in the original mail it's proving very effective. There were
two main thoughts:-

1) Pretty simple to add the senders address to the know spam 1 filter
and 2) Could we set-up a filter which forwards the spam to the 'terms
of service'/anti-spam email address of the providers involved ie.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]???. Yahoo/Hotmail would be good first steps (without
having to set-up a separate filter for each).

Anyway thought I'd throw it out there for thoughts.

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Re: Out of Resources Message Error

2001-06-21 Thread andrew

Hi Daniel,

 On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, at 16:19:12 [GMT +0200] (which was 15:19 in London) you wrote:

DM> Every so often I get message error in bat in the middle of the screen
DM> that say Canvas Error and other similar messages. I appreciate my
DM> computer might be low on resources but my other programs manage to
DM> cope. Any suggestions? thanks.

I used to get that but since upgrading it doesn't happen anymore.

 --  thanks,  andrew mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: Out of Resources Message Error

2001-06-21 Thread andrew

Hi Lars,

 On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, at 17:37:29 [GMT +0200] (which was 16:37 in London) you wrote:

LG> Under Windows 2000, you can use the 'Task Manager' for that. In the View
LG> menu you can choose which columns to show, and one possibility is to
LG> display the number of used GDI objects. But I have never worked with NT
LG> 4, so I don't know anything about the task manager there. But I guess it
LG> should be pretty similar.

win98 suggestions anyone?

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Re[2]: add to address book

2001-07-01 Thread andrew

Hi John,

 On Sun, 1 Jul 2001, at 06:34:17 [GMT -0700] (which was 14:34 in London) you wrote:

a>> I want to add the senders of all mails in a folder to an address
a>>group manually (ie. not by filter) can i do it?

I actually want to add, let's say the senders of 70 different mails to
an address group by selecting all in the folder and then (ideally)
clicking an add sender to address book feature (but this while
highlighting only the subject lines rather than looking at each
message in turn and adding individually (that's too manual;-))

I know how I could do this automatically with a filter but I want to
do it manually so I approve the mails I want to add to the group. In
theory my filters should mean anyone left in the group should be added
but just to be sure I want to see the list and check.

Hope that's a bit clearer.

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Re[2]: add to address book

2001-07-01 Thread andrew

Hi Marck,

 On Sun, 1 Jul 2001, at 15:38:35 [GMT +0100] (which was 15:38 in London) you wrote:

MDP> Apply a "manual only" filter in a scratch folder containing copies of
MDP> the messages you want to address-harvest using the "Re-filter
MDP> messages" option.

MDP> Start by copying all messages to the scratch folder. Use  to thin
MDP> out those you don't want then apply the re-filter.

great thx

 andrewmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: replies to me in lists

2001-08-29 Thread andrew

Hello David,

Thanks for all four of your replies - helps to make it look as if this
is a really hot thread - LOL

Seriously thanks for how far you were able to take it - I've
implemented your recommendation for TB! list and this has
done what I wanted - just a shame i can't get it to work for other


Wednesday, August 29, 2001, 9:03:40 AM, you wrote:

DvZ> Yes you're right. I think I misread your original post. I thought you
DvZ> were talking about TB! lists only.

DvZ> When all the users are using TB! it's easy. TB! picks the name from
DvZ> the From: header and the address from the Reply-To: header and mixes
DvZ> them together. Then you get "andrew"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or
DvZ> "andrew on TBUDL"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. Then it's really easy to
DvZ> filter on this because your name is in the To: header.

DvZ> I'm sorry I can't help you with another solution.

Best regards,
 andrewmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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SMTP server - setting up

2001-08-30 Thread andrew

Hello tbudl,

Ok I'm a complete novice on this...

I have several domain names but unfortunately the hosting provider
doesn't provide me with smtp access to send mail under these domains.
ie. I don't have an smtp server from the host which will allow me to
send mail.

This has meant I've had to try and find a work around. The best I've
found is using to get a free account and then using advanced
smtp authentication (user number and password) and having to set the
'from' address to [EMAIL PROTECTED] The problem here is that a) it's
not very neat and b) if I subscribe to a mailing list with the account
the list will want confirmation from the 'from' address rather than
the account (because I'm having to give the from address
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rather than [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Which means unless
their's a web page confirmation screen I can't confirm.

So the question is...

Can I set-up my own smpt server. Is this possible on my PC or do I do
this on my webspace? (novice as I say). If so on either can anyone
suggest simple software I should use?

If anyone else has a better solution to the above problem I'd be glad
to hear that too. (or an existing smtp server I can have access to :))



Best regards,
 andrew  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: SMTP server - setting up

2001-08-30 Thread andrew

Hello Serge,

Thursday, August 30, 2001, 2:44:20 PM, you wrote:

SS> Hello andrew,

SS> Thursday, August 30, 2001, 5:19:44 PM, you wrote:

SS> Sounds pretty strange. Normally, isp providers do provide smtp
SS> server. On the other hand, I must enter the net TROUGH the
SS> provider's modem pool (or something like that) in order to be
SS> allowed send mail. An open smtp with authentication is the
SS> alternative. Look at for example.

sorry, yes i should have said that they do provide smtp if i dial-up
with them but as I have free access via another route (dial-up/dsl)
this isn't a viable option. So I needed to fin another way.

I'll try myrealbox and see what smtp is like, if only the from address
doesn't have to be [EMAIL PROTECTED] that will probably be

SS> You can setup you own smtp relay server. And change the
SS> "highest" level smtp depending on the provider you are connected
SS> at the moment.

any idea how or with what software?

>> If anyone else has a better solution to the above problem I'd
>> be glad to hear that too. (or an existing smtp server I can
>> have access to :))

SS> You can configure TB! to use the same smtp server with
SS> authentication in all your accounts.

Best regards,
 andrewmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[3]: SMTP server - setting up

2001-08-30 Thread andrew

Hello Serge,

Thursday, August 30, 2001, 5:00:27 PM, you wrote:
SS> What I actually meant is that you may need *different* smtp to
SS> relay to depending the route you actually enter the Net. "Relay"
SS> is the right term and "highest level smpt" is not. Thank you.

thanks all :)

Best regards,
 andrewmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: replies to me in lists

2001-08-30 Thread andrew

Hello David,

To re-open this thread... (thanks to TBUDL) I now have my smtp
access sorted so that I can send mail from my domains :))

And I think someone said in this thread that if I had my own domain
mail I could achieve a filter to flag replies to me not just in TBUDL
but also on yahoo groups etc.

So I'm wondering if someone could explain how :)

I'm assuming that this will be achieved either by filtering the
'In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' field which was
like this and I'm homing will now be 'In-Reply-To:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' But if this is what I need
to filter on how do I write the filter to look for 'In-Reply-To:

I've also considered working the filter on the 'to:' field but i don't
think this will work as some lists don't personalise it and the filter
would then conflict with my personal mail.

help :))

Tuesday, August 28, 2001, 1:51:21 PM, you wrote:

DE> Hash: SHA1

DE> Salutation andrew

DE> On 28 August 2001 at 13:24:47 +0100 (which was 13:24 where I live) andrew
DE> wrote and made these points

a>>   Some time ago someone posted a really useful filter that colour coded replies to
a>>   mails I have posted on email lists, so that you can see immediately
a>>   that you had replies to your mail. From memory I think the filter
a>>   looked for
a>>   In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
a>>   or References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
a>>   in the header of the mail to do this filtering. But I'm not sure the
a>>   above is the same as [EMAIL PROTECTED] which is what I'd expect to
a>>   be seeing inreplyto.

DE> The In-Reply-To: is used by the mail user agent (The Bat!) to sort the
DE> messages (etc) and not to say who to return the message to. This information
DE> is kept in the following headers.

DE> Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
DE> From: andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

DE> and will be used differently as to how you want to reply to it.

a>>   Does anyone know how to set this filter up?

DE> If you use the message id it will find only one message thread as the ID
DE> should change with every new message the you create. (Not a good idea.)

DE> - --
DE>  HAND, ___
DE>   David   |   SecureBat! 1.53n/iKey1000   | E-mailaholics |
DE>  _|  Win 2K Server  5.0.2195 SP2  | International |
DE> | Prime directives butt, fire when ready Mr. Worf!|

DE> Version: PGP 6.5i
DE> Comment: PGP Signed, sealed, delivered.

DE> iQA/AwUBO4uTyfmK8eZlD0U0EQLBfgCg26kpcv+i+Ui+LH4fCyH60ig81e4An3Mf
DE> 2i7ZcsJ0iSEMRGYR+4Z+szWO
DE> =MJ/l

Best regards,
 andrewmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: SMTP server - setting up

2001-08-31 Thread andrew

Hello Raj,

Friday, August 31, 2001, 4:14:04 AM, you wrote:

R> Personally  I  use  the ADR ( They have link from the RIT
R> Labs site.
R> Its  been  working  fine.  I  too  have  multiple  ISP's  (cannot depend on
R> one). Plus the
R> deliveries are fast.

R> Ah, I forgot to mention, this is not free though. IMHO worth paying for it
R> though.

worth knowing about though :) If you pay for it does it make it look
like the smtp server is ?

Best regards,
 andrewmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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