Re: Crossover or somesuch??

2018-06-05 Thread Jason Gottschalk

Apple has Parallels which works poorly at best.

On June 4, 2018 8:02:10 PM Maggie Meister  wrote:

Hello all,

We're thinking about buying a Mac computer. We already have two
Linux (Ubuntu), two Win7, and an XP. It seems some of the
software we are using is migrating away from the Win environment.

We have successfully run TB! on the Linux machine using Crossover
and Play on Linux. Might there be a way to run TheBat! on a Mac
through Crossover, Boot Camp, Parallels, Citrix XenApp, or other
such applications??

I'm not sure I understand the flap from Apple about the security
issues of email and their system, but I am loath to abandon my
TheBat! after using it since version 1, and not interested at all
in the Apple mail system.


Best regards,
Maggie Meister

The Bat! Home Edition, Version (32-bit) (Yes, I've
finally upgraded from v4xxx, but then, this is a Win7 machine.)

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Current version is 8.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Current version is 8.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Archiving attachments

2017-02-05 Thread Jason Gottschalk
I want it defined in the attachment location directive in settings. This 
way I set it once for all incoming mail without using filters.

On February 5, 2017 4:37:01 AM MAU  wrote:

Hello Jason,

I wish we could use variables (macros) in the attachments folder
setting.. would make life so much easier.

If you mean using macros to define the folder where attachments should
be extracted, I have just tested and they work.

I  the  test filter I posted yesterday I defined the folder to extract
the attachments as:

C:\Datos G\Atachments

Today, for testing, I set it to:

C:\Datos G\Atachments\%Fromfname

And  it  did  work.  When  running  the  filter, several folders where
created  with  the first name of From, and the appropriate attachments
where extracted in each folder. So, it looks like it works

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (Els Poblets (Alicante) - Spain)
Using The Bat! v7.4.2.0 Christmas Edition
My photos at:
My photoblog:

Winamp Playing: Advert: - Get your ad-free membership TODAY! At the
lowest prices! (CALM RADIO - SOLO PIANO)

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Archiving attachments

2017-02-04 Thread Jason Gottschalk
I wish we could use variables (macros) in the attachments folder 
setting.. would make life so much easier.

On February 4, 2017 2:30:24 PM MAU  wrote:

Hello Maggie,

 I haven't archived in what seems like forever. Is there a
 way to save attachments globally? If not, will I  have to go
 through each and every mail to copy out the attachment? Just
 the thought causes headache.

 Thanks for your ideas.

OK,  I'm going to suggest a couple of things. None is perfect.

1.-  You  can  keep  attachments  in  message  bodies or in a separate
directory. See Help/Account/Properties/Files and directories/Attachments

I  assume your current setting is "In message Bodies", and that if you
now  change  to  "In  a  separate directory" this change will apply to
future messages only, and not to those already in message base.

2.-  You can use a manual filter to extract attachments, I have tested
it and it works. Copy the following filter and paste it in the Sorting
of  your  Account. I created it as a 'Read Filter'.

 TB! Message Filter 
UID: [55C43EB2.01D27F0F.3F6DB36E.6121BD2A]
Name: ExtAtt
Filter: {\0D\0A\20`21\0D\0A}
ExtractFiles IncrementName AutoPath dir C:\5CDatos\20G\5CAttachments 
dirRelative %EXEDRIVE%\5CDatos\20G\5CAttachments mask *.jpg


Once  pasted,  you may change the target directory to your desired one
and/or  the  attachments  'mask'.  I  created  this one to extract JPG
attachments.  Is  no  mask  is  indicated,  all  attachments  will  be
extracted, including .html ones.

Then  select a folder in your folder tree and 'Re-filter' it with Read
Filter, but selecting 'Manual filter only'. You will have to re-filter
each  folder,  one  by one. But it is better than selecting message by
message and copying the attachment(s).

Don't  worry  if  it  doesn't  work  at first, the attachments are NOT
deleted  from  the  message  bodies,  just  extracted.  This may be an
inconvenience  if you also want/wanted to delete them from the message

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (Els Poblets (Alicante) - Spain)
Using The Bat! v7.4.2.0 Christmas Edition
My photos at:
My photoblog:

Winamp Playing: Michele McLaughlin - Forsaken (CALM RADIO - SOLO

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Random auto reply time - Scheduled delivery

2009-10-09 Thread Jason Gottschalk

Hello TBUDL,

  I want to auto reply to mail from a particular address, but I don;t
  want to reply immediately or at the same delay every time.

  Is there a way for the reply to use the "send timing" and force a
  random delay between 5 and 60 minutes???

Be Well, Do Good Work, and Keep In Touch...

Jason Gottschalk

SYO Computer Services and SYO Biometrics

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Folders and subfolders

2009-01-09 Thread Jason Gottschalk
Hello Tbudl,

  Which Account.* file keeps track of the folders and subfolder? I'd like to 
try deleting it and seeing if it will rebuild and find all of my folders.

Best Regards
Jason Gottschalk

SYO Computer Services and SYO Biometrics

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: PC-cillin and TB!

2004-11-04 Thread Jason Grunstra
You might want to try a server based spam/virus filter. At our company we use 
Sentinare PostGuard so that spam/viruses are trapped on the server 
level, so that they don't waste time/resources downloading and scanning garbage emails.

They have a easy web-based quarantine interface in case you need to rescue a message, 
but it's rare that you have to. They use SpamAssassian and some other filters to get 
really good accuracy, my account at work is 99.6% accurate.


===Original message text===
From: Leo Landa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, November 4, 2004, 3:58:12 PM
Subject: PC-cillin and TB!

On Thu, 4 Nov 2004, P.Johnson wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm getting a new computer and want to get the best firewall and virus
> protection I can, and have been looking at Trend Micro PC-cillin
> Internet Security. I am wondering if any TB! users have tried this
> suite; and more generally, if there has to be specific compatibility
> between email programs and virus software.

I have a Trend Micro Office Suite mandatory at work, including the laptop 
which runs The Bat (1.x) for my private mail. I receive a lot of spam, and 
some of it is virus-infected. The problem is, that when the Bat stores 
this virus attachment on disk, the OfficeScan pops up saying it's a virus. 
For some reason TheBat cannot continue operation (I guess because 
OfficeScan takes over the file for quarantine or smth), and the message is 
not deleted on the server. This means that every 5 minutes (my polling 
period) I get this message and have to delete the e-mail manually on the 

Plus, all our admins receive a virus warning.

Hence, I have been asked to remove The Bat.

Just my experience - those problems may be obsolete by now.


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:
End of original message text===

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Message attachments incomplete or missing bytes??

2004-11-04 Thread Jason Grunstra
Hello, I'm new to the group. I've been using The Bat! 3.0 for a few months and have 
been experiencing problems with file attachments on incoming emails. In the Message 
List area, the Size column displays the correct number of bytes. But in the preview 
pane the size of the attachment is much smaller, if I try to save/open the attachment 
it the file saved to disk matches the smaller file size and is not the complete file, 
so the file will not open.

If I login to the webmail interface for my email I can download the file in it's 
entirety. So it does not appear to be a server issue. I am using IMAP as a protocol. 
Any ideas on how to fix this?

I've experienced this with Word.Doc, Adobe.Pdf, Excel.xls files to name a few.



Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Antivirus / Tmp Files / Failed Download of message

2004-08-02 Thread Jason Gottschalk
Hello tbudl,

I read in another message that excluding the Bat's .tmp files from
antivirus scanning within the anti virus software will solve the huge
problem of constant popups and messages that do not get downloaded
from the server.

With respect to Norton Antivirus Corporate edition, you can only
exclude by EXTENSION or DIRECTORY.  I really would rather not exclude
all .tmp files, and I would rather not exclude the windows temp

My question is this: Can I have the bat use a unique directory for its
.tmp files? or can I change the extension of the The Bat's temp files
to something other than tmp? A unique directory or extension will
solve the Norton corporate edition problems.

Best regards,
 Jason Gottschalk mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 SYO Computer Engineering Services, Inc.

Current version is 2.12.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Reply numbering

2003-06-25 Thread Jason
Hello Wayne,

On Wed, 25 Jun 2003 08:50:34 -0400GMT (6/25/2003, 8:50 PM +0800, where
I live), you wrote:

WH> Is reply numbering on by default?
nope, I think u can change it
uncheck the "use reply numbering in the subject line"
i think that should do the trick


Best Regards, Jason (JC)

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

OT: Checking online status

2003-06-21 Thread Jason
Dear all

I would like to know can we figure out a person whether is online or
not through anyway??
is that the person have to got a fixed IP??
can anyone shed some lights on this matters??
sorry moderator, I know it should be posted to TBOT
but that forum is kinda quiet, so would like to try my luck here :)
coz is kinda urgent to me, u could announced it "dead horse" if u find
it inappropriate

thanks for any inputs

Best Regards, Jason (JC)

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

filter won't work anymore :(

2003-04-06 Thread Jason
Dear all

puzzled me, one of my filter just won't work anymore all of a sudden
I just copy and paste the filter that I created
can anyone here shed some lights on this issue???
coz it is kinda frustrating to use the mail despatcher to tick the
receive box each time I check my email, coz I found out it was filter
out during that process :((

Name: Signal Watch
Active: 1
Source: \\\Inbox
Target: \\\Daily Signal
CopyFolder: none
MainSet: 20daily signal
HotKey: 0
SizeBigger: 0
SizeSmaller: 0
AgeOlder: 0
AgeNewer: 0
InAddrPos: 0
OutAddrPos: 0
KillMethod: 0
SysSound: 0
SoundTime: 0:00-0:00
AllowTime: 0:00-0:00

Best Regards
 Jason (JC)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: damaged msg base

2003-03-23 Thread Jason
Hello Marck,

Sunday, March 23, 2003, 8:35:33 PM, you wrote:

MDP> Then don't select the broken message - select the others and move
MDP> them to a new folder.
 I supposed there would be quite a lot
 that would means I gonna spot it one by one???
 coz I expect there is an easy way though :(

MDP> Once you only have bad messages in the old
MDP> folder, delete the old folder and rename the new one.
 I will try only later, as that would consume lot of times :(

 anyway, thanks for ur prompt reply

Best Regards
 Jason (JC)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: damaged msg base

2003-03-23 Thread Jason
Hello Roelof,

Sunday, March 23, 2003, 6:54:29 PM, you wrote:

RO> Create a new folder. Copy all mail from your faulty folder to that new
RO> folder and delete the problematic folder afterwards.
something puzzled was that it appeared only when I click on
certain msg, apparently, those were the culprits
but how to remove it?? coz I select the msg, then choose delete
TB just do nothing, so the problem persists :(

RO> Three questions
RO> When's the last time you purged and packed this folder
purge on exit on all folders

RO> When's the last time you defragged your mail partition
few days ago

RO> When's the last time you checked your drive with scandisk
just after I read ur msg. no bad sector or segments found

 any idea or solution??

Best Regards
 Jason (JC)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

damaged msg base

2003-03-23 Thread Jason
Dear all

I'm keeps receiving this error msg while I read my email in TB
"An error occurred while reading the message base
 H:\my email folder\messages.tbb
do u want to repair this message base now??

when I click yes, TB will just freeze, and I have to force it close
from the task manager
this happened after TB hanged on one occasion when I was downloading
my email
OS: w2K 5.00.2195 SP2

any idea and solution???
thanks for any inputs in advance

Best Regards
 Jason (JC)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Dr. Web and TB

2003-03-21 Thread Jason
Hello Allie,

Saturday, March 22, 2003, 2:56:08 AM, you wrote:

AM> Which OS are you running?
w2k 5.00.2195 SP2

AM> Which plug-in version are you using?
AM>Where did you download the plug-in?
er..I just google it, if Im not mistaken, a russian website
I will try the plugin from the url u gave

btw Allie, do we still need to enable Dr. web email scanning (SpIDer
Mail) if I already activate it thru the plugin???

Best Regards
 Jason (JC)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Dr. Web and TB

2003-03-21 Thread Jason
Dear all

I just started using Dr. Web AV in conjunction with TB by using the
.bav plugin and at the same time activate the email scan feature in
the Dr. Web
but my PC hanged for almost every times, and the downloading process
is slow like hell!
if I remove the email scan feature in Dr. Web and the plugin for TB
TB works well as usual.:(
anyone encounter this kind of problem before???
this makes me thinking of back to AVG :(

thanks for any inputs

Best Regards
 Jason (JC)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: TB! uses 100% CPU to download.

2003-03-04 Thread Jason Gottschalk

Never got a single response or interest from this group, but I did
find the problem.

Hope you can solve it; if it happens to you.

Tuesday, February 25, 2003, 9:43:25 PM, you wrote:
JG> Hello tbudl,

JG> The Bat! uses 100% cpu to download messages.  It takes nearly a minute
JG> to download each new message.

JG> I noticed this starting when I installed 1.62i

JG> Also,a small attachment that used to take a half second or so to
JG> compose now takes several minutes.

JG> Is there some thing 'Bat' related that could be causing this?

JG> I keep my message bases purged and compacted regularly, I have about
JG> 200,000 messages in the Bat!.

JG> I've changed my NIC, ran a full virus scan and other routine things to
JG> no avail.

JG> I'm using Windows XP Pro.

JG> As I said up top, same environment, just update the Bat! when I
JG> noticed this started happening.

JG> Any ideas where I should look first?

Best regards,
 Jason Gottschalk mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 SYO Computer Engineering Services, Inc.

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

TB! uses 100% CPU to download.

2003-02-25 Thread Jason Gottschalk
Hello tbudl,

The Bat! uses 100% cpu to download messages.  It takes nearly a minute
to download each new message.

I noticed this starting when I installed 1.62i

Also,a small attachment that used to take a half second or so to
compose now takes several minutes.

Is there some thing 'Bat' related that could be causing this?

I keep my message bases purged and compacted regularly, I have about
200,000 messages in the Bat!.

I've changed my NIC, ran a full virus scan and other routine things to
no avail.

I'm using Windows XP Pro.

As I said up top, same environment, just update the Bat! when I
noticed this started happening.

Any ideas where I should look first?

Best regards,
 Jason Gottschalk mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 SYO Computer Engineering Services, Inc.

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: grrr...Two Palm mail programs *slow* with TheBat!

2003-01-27 Thread Jason Waugh
Hi Aaron,

AG> Anyone try Dataviz's Inbox to Go or Iambic's Iambic Mail? Both are
AG> slower than very slow dogs captured in slow-motion if they try to
AG> synchronize (messages) with TheBat!...I have them set up for Outlook
AG> Express (ugh), by the way.

What kind of Palm do you have?  My Tungsten came with Versamail, which
can synchronize with POP servers directly - I just did that, and had
"leave mail on server" checked so I could also get my mails in The
Bat! later.

Perhaps Iambic Mail can do something similar?

 Jason Waugh

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

OT: How good is Panda Antivirus??

2002-11-09 Thread Jason
Dear all
just came across this AV software by chance
would like to know how u expert think of it
anyone of u here using it??
care to give ur precious advice??


Best regards,
 Jason  mailto:J2000@;

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: e33

2002-11-08 Thread Jason

  It seems you have got a virus on your machine!
  Please make sure you have the latest update of your virus scanner
  and check all your files right away!

Take care,

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

anyone see my posting?? testing :)

2002-10-13 Thread Jason

Best regards,
 Jason  mailto:J2000@;

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: TB! for my Mum - several questions

2002-10-05 Thread Jason

Hello Sudip,

Sunday, October 6, 2002, 10:31:58 AM, you wrote:

SP> The spammers frequently use
SP> pictures to confirm your mail address - which obviously results in
SP> more spam.

how they gonna do that?
can u tell me about this?
just curious though :)

Best regards,

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

POP b4 send

2002-08-18 Thread Jason

Hi, Bat's expert
maybe this should considered as OT
but I don't know whether there is any trick in Bat that
could get the job done :)
I owned a pop3 email A/c (
but it required me to pop the a/c first b4 I could send out any email
I find it quite annoying
can I make any changes in the Bat to bypass it
or any 3rd party software or plug-in to do the same job??


Best regards,

   Primary e-mail   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Secondary e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PGP Public Key   : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=PGPKey

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Outlook Express

2002-08-15 Thread Jason

Hi, Bat's expert
I would like to advice my company to switch its email client
currently I'm using Outlook express
but it sucks!
so, anyone here could back me up for that??
point out the cons and pros (any??) of the outlook express
so I could outtalk them with the Bat??
I find TB pretty ez to use, but not good in words to express it

Best regards,

   Primary e-mail   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PGP Public Key   : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=PGPKey

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:


2002-08-03 Thread Jason

Hi, Dear Bat's users
considered I'm a still a novice
anyone here could spare their time to tell
what is the difference between this two??
or point me to a URL that could have a detail coverage on this
issue??? (not discussion forum)
thanks n grateful to u all ya!

Best regards,

   Primary e-mail   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current Ver: 1.61
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Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bug Reports:


2002-08-03 Thread Jason

Hi, Dear Bat's users
I've already subscribed to the TBOT forum, thanks for the URL, guys!
but, to my surprise
I didn't received a single posting from TBOT forum for the whole day??
is it always been this quiet?? that I gonna activate it somewhere to receive the posting
thru TB??
sorry if this question sound stupid to you all
hope u guy can enlighten me
just curious

Best regards,

   Primary e-mail   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current Ver: 1.61
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TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bug Reports:

OT posting??

2002-08-02 Thread Jason

Hi, Bat users
if I intend to seek help on off topic issue
with Bat's experts
where should I post my msg. to???
if this forum exist??
could someone provide me the URL to subscribe then??

Best regards,

   Primary e-mail   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current Ver: 1.61
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TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bug Reports:

Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-07-29 Thread Jason Gottschalk

Hello Eddy,
Was there ever a solution to this?  I am a VAR and have about 100
customers using TB!.  I have one customer that has this problem daily.

He receives large attachments from a variety of people, and most of
them are being corrupted when they are transferred out of the bat,
either to the hard drive or to a viewer.

If he forwards or redirects the message to anyone else, including me,
with the bat, they work just fine.

So the message is not corrupt while in his message base, only when TB!
saves it to disk.

Where can I look for a resolution to this?


Wednesday, April 17, 2002, 7:08:02 PM, you wrote:
EG> I am currently evaluating The Bat! I started with 1.60 and
EG> just recently installed 1.60c.

EG> So far, I really like the product. But before I buy it, I need
EG> to figure out why certain attachments (usually large ones) are
EG> being corrupted.

EG> For example, a friend just recently sent a 525K ZIP file of
EG> pictures to both me and my wife. We both use the same ISP with
EG> the exact same mail settings. Unfortunately, she likes Outlook
EG> and that is what she uses.

EG> Also unfortunate is the fact that the ZIP file was received just
EG> fine by her, but corrupted by The Bat. It has to be TB because:
EG> 1) my wife received the message just fine and we both use the
EG>same ISP
EG> 2) I can download the ZIP file just fine using my ISP webmail
EG> 3) I forwarded the message (via my ISP's webmail interface) to
EG>my wife and myself again. Again, she received it fine and the
EG>copy I received via TB was corrupt and would not open.

EG> This has happened with JPEG attachments as well; at some point the
EG> picture just "ends" prematurely. Again, no problem if I login and
EG> view it via the webmail interface. (I have TV configured to keep 
EG> the mail on the server for 3 days because of this problem.)

EG> Does anybody have any ideas why this is happening? I assume that
EG> other people aren't experiencing this issue, otherwise there would
EG> be lots of posts about this, but I couldn't find any. Why am I 
EG> so "special"? I've tried uninstalling and re-installing TB, I just
EG> upgraded to 1.60c (as I mentioned), etc. all to no avail.

EG> I have about 20 days left in my trial, and I'd like to see if I can
EG> get it resolved before it is over.

EG> Thanks for any help!

EG> P.S. Is there any way to prevent TB from adding the stupid X-Rcpt-To:
EG>  header? It seems that even if you send a message to a bunch of
EG>  people, TB always adds an "X-Rcpt-To:" header with the email 
EG>  address of the last person on the list or CC: line. Very annoying.

EG> __
EG> Do You Yahoo!?
EG> Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax

EG> Current Ver: 1.60c
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EG> TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Best regards,
 Jason Gottschalk mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 SYO Computer Engineering Services, Inc.

Current Ver: 1.61
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Archives   :
Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bug Reports:

Re: Mail Ticker properties

2002-06-27 Thread Jason Diamond

Hi, Joseph.

On Wednesday, June 26, 2002, 9:04:42 PM, you wrote:

JN> Hmmm...  I don't have that problem.  I have my mail ticker set to wait
JN> for two minutes and then to be on for two minutes (and it's not
JN> enabled for all folders).  When the time is up, or if I've read the
JN> messages before the time passes, the ticker disappears.

Are you saying that you set the minimum age to 2 minutes and the
maximum to 4? I tried that and the ticker stopped appearing
alltogether which was slightly confusing to me. Am I misinterpeting
how those properties are used?

Maybe it's a problem with TB! my OS (Windows XP). After the maximum
age limit expires the ticker stays at the top of my screen with just
the number of unread messages and nothing scrolling at all (until new
messages come in).

Best regards,
 Jason Diamond <>

Current Ver: 1.60q
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Bug Reports:

Re: Mail Ticker properties

2002-06-27 Thread Jason Diamond

Hi, Tim.

On Thursday, June 27, 2002, 4:49:38 AM, you wrote:

JD>> A right-click Dismiss command would be good

TM> Try right-click Hide

That hides it forever. I have to go into Options -> Preferences and
set the Display MailTicker property back to Automatically every time I
choose Hide. I only want to hide (dismiss) it until the next batch of
messages come in.

Best regards,
 Jason Diamond <>

Current Ver: 1.60q
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Bug Reports:


2002-06-27 Thread Jason

Hi, guys
I intend to create another e-mail account
but I would like to keep the setting exactly the same as
another account
can it be done in a quick way???
what I mean is the folder tree and filter
thanks in advance

Best regards,

   Primary e-mail   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   My PGP Public Key at :

Current Ver: 1.60q
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Archives   :
Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bug Reports:

Weird extension

2002-05-28 Thread Jason

Hi, guys
whenever I receives e-mail from Eudora users with attachments along
I've problem to open it, coz the extension is kinda weird to me
for instance "; x-mac-type=4A504547; x-mac-creator=4A565752"
this is really annoying, coz I gonna search for the proper application to
execute the file rather than it open by itself
anyone can enlighten me with this???
is this BAT's security against the virus???
are there any solution to solve it once and for all???

just for ur info, I've ZoneAlarm installed
I've tried disabled it but to no avail

Best regards,

   Primary e-mail   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   My PGP Public Key at :

Current Ver: 1.60m
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Bug Reports:

Default template

2002-05-16 Thread Jason

Hi, Bat user
I have a questions which I can't seem to get the answer
If I have created a template to be used in a specific folder
but after some times, I would like to change it back to the BAT
default template
How can I get it done in a quick way??
Best regards,

   Primary e-mail   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Bug Reports:

Re: Turn off the bleeping beep

2002-05-11 Thread Jason Waugh

Hi Ken,

KM> Hello Yuki,

KM> Yes, I've been getting this but only since I upgraded to V1.60h. I
KM> thought it was just me but now it sounds like there are two of us.

I've been experiencing this since 1.60h as well.  For me, it is
happening with mail that I have a filter on which marks as read and
moves to trash (I have a lot - I am very selective about what I read
at home from my work address, the rest can wait until I'm there!).

And for others that have made suggestions in this thread... I don't
have sound on in the account properties, and I don't have sound on in
the filter... I also did not change anything before moving to 1.60h,
it just started happening.

 Jason Waugh

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Bug Reports:

Reply an email

2002-03-03 Thread Jason

Hi, all
I'm facing this problem whenever I try to reply an email
it can never be send out, TB freeze and given this error msg
Access violation at address , read of 
what could be wrong??
this never happen if I copy the whole msg body to create another new
any idea??

Using WinME, TB 1.51/B41
Best regards,


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Re: Defragmentation of message bases

2002-02-23 Thread Jason

Hello Alastair,

Saturday, February 23, 2002, 11:12:16 PM, you wrote:

AS>  without having to defragment
AS> the entire hard disk (NT4, Win2K or WinXP only).

so, is there any similar solution for WinME??

Best regards,
 Jasonmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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2002-02-23 Thread Jason

Hi, all
I'm a novice user in TB
I would like to know is the "Backup" under the Tools menu
include the backup of the filter setting??
if it doesn't, then any other way out??

Best regards,
--Jason--  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re[2]: free decent virus checker that works with TB?

2002-02-11 Thread Jason

Hello Alastair,

Monday, February 11, 2002, 5:43:56 PM, you wrote:

>> Here is my bat file:
>> C:\Progra~1\Norton~1\NAVW32.exe C:\emailatt\*.*
>> Echo y | del C:\emailatt\*.*
>> exit 

I'm a novice Bat user
May I know what is the folder "C:\emailatt\*.* meant for??

Best regards,
 Jasonmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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HTML- special folder

2002-01-21 Thread Jason

I'm a novice user in TB
can we set up a filter to sent all the html email straight to a
special folder
what is the condition to be applied in the filter
thanks ya!

ICQ#   119785304


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Remote Mailbox

2002-01-04 Thread Jason

Hi, guys!
first time here
I would like to know does TB have the feature like "remote mailbox" as
Becky do (as told by my friends)??
that means we could delete the unwanted msg. before we even download
it from the server
coz some of the emails are too big in size
that spend me lots of time to download it, kinda irritating if u have
a bad connection that keep disconnecting!
so, any idea??

ICQ#   119785304


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Re: Secure POP3 ?

2001-12-11 Thread Alexander Jason

Hi Dierk,

Yes, it did occur to me to search the archive.

Alex Jason

Tuesday, December 11, 2001, 10:17:09, you wrote:

> Hash: SHA1

> Hello Alexander!

> On 11 Dec 2001 at 18:41:20 you wrote:

>> I'm new to the list so please forgive me if this has been discussed

> I you always ask for forgiveness, did it ever come to mind that there
> is an archive to search?

>> Is SECURE POP3 possible with TB -- or will it SOON be possible? My mail server has 
>> switched to ATTBI and it requires Secure POP3.

> It was hinted that SSL is planned.

>> How is it that Outlook and many other mail clients have this and we don't . . .

> Because this isn't Outlook? How is it that TB! is safe from malware
> attacks and others aren't?

> - --
> Dierk Haasis

> PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

> The Bat 1.54 Beta/14 on Windows 95 4.0 67306684 C

> Sonar no cuesta nada (Träumen kostet nichts.).

> Version: PGP 6.5.8ckt
> Comment: Privacy is the core element to Freedom!

> iQA/AwUBPBY/lvTo1oA8g8dLEQL7pQCeJFxkPJWLYTB6689MS77pdqRc+n8AoKvc
> X+8uBmi2BnXsL+3sEkZo77ns
> =1nHY


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Secure POP3 ?

2001-12-10 Thread Alexander Jason

I'm new to the list so please forgive me if this has been discussed . . ..

Is SECURE POP3 possible with TB -- or will it SOON be possible? My mail server has been
switched to ATTBI and it requires Secure POP3.

How is it that Outlook and many other mail clients have this and we don't . . .

Alex Jason


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Re: Re[2]: Receiving HTML files

2001-09-19 Thread Jason Ellis

>It is not always the same person's mail. I did take the >source and saved it as an 
>'.htm' file and then opened it >in IE and it viewed perfectly so I don't think it was 

Honestly, that means very little. IE is *very* forgiving of bad HTML. If TB interprets 
HTML strictly, then it is actually to be expected that bad HTML won't be visible in TB 
but will be in IE. 


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Takes forever to cloas

2001-09-14 Thread Jason Gottschalk

Hello tbudl,

  When I Exit (properly) thebat!, it takes about 20 minutes to close.
   It sits on Cleaning up, Jason/Inbox for 19 minutes before
   continuing on.  What is causing this?

Best regards,
 Jason Gottschalk mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 SYO Computer Engineering Services, Inc.


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Re: "Could not store message" Problem

2001-09-13 Thread Alexander Jason

Hi Syafril,

Well, sometimes it does help but sometimes it does not. But I'm hoping for a fix; a
solution. I don't to have to re-boot or clear out a folder each time I download email.


Thursday, September 13, 2001, 00:55:06, you wrote:

> Hi All,

> On  Wed,  12  Sep  2001  at 21:44:13 GMT -0700 (9/13/2001 11:44 AM GMT
> +0700  where  you  think  I  live)  "Alexander  Jason"=[AJ]  typed the
> following :

AJ>> "!12-Sep-01,  19:19:33:  FETCH  -  [Inbox] could not store message
AJ>> (file name - C:\DOCUME~1\ALEXAN~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\bat2A9.tmp)"

AJ>> I have plenty of HD space and usually when I try downloading a few
AJ>> more  time,  I  will finally get the mail to download. I have even
AJ>> tried cleaning out that folder several times but the problem keeps
AJ>> occurring.

> Exit from TB!, delete all *.tmp file, then shutdown restart will help.


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"Could not store message" Problem

2001-09-12 Thread Alexander Jason

When downloading mail, I now very often get the error message:

"!12-Sep-01, 19:19:33: FETCH - [Inbox] could not store message (file name -

I have plenty of HD space and usually when I try downloading a few more time, I will
finally get the mail to download. I have even tried cleaning out that folder several 
but the problem keeps occurring.

Anyone know  about this?




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Re[4]: Images in HTML emails?

2001-09-04 Thread Jason Palmgren


In response to your message dated: Tuesday, September 04, 2001...

> Hold down Ctrl and Shift, then push "i". A little memo box will pop
> up. Took *me* a while to get it too!

Yep.  That's *EXACTLY* what I am doing...but no luck.  No memo window.
Oh well.  Not important, I guess.


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Re[2]: Images in HTML emails?

2001-09-04 Thread Jason Palmgren


In response to your message dated: Tuesday, September 04, 2001...

> have you found the memo-view (ctrl-shift-i) already? it's like a
> little post-it! you can attach to emails.. it takes a bit getting used
> to, but i find it very handy.

I'm a bit confused.  When I try to use the (ctrl-shift-i) command
nothing happens.  Am I missing something?  Sounds like a cool feature,
but I'm having no luck with it...?


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How to MOVE folders?

2001-09-04 Thread Jason Palmgren

Hello all:

I would like to move my "The Bat" folder from the default folder into
another sub-folder.  How is this done?



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How to make GLOBAL changes?

2001-09-04 Thread Jason Palmgren

Hello all:

Another question for you...  I would like to change the "From" "To"
"Subject" "Received" "Created" "Size" bar in the inbox.  I would like
the bar to include only a few of the columns.  It's easy enough to
change the settings for each folder individually, but how can I make
a change that will apply to ALL the folders simultaneously?



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Images in HTML emails?

2001-09-04 Thread Jason Palmgren

Hello all:

I am a newbie here.  Sorry if this has been covered.

I'm not a very "hardcore" user yet.  I have been using Outlook Express for years, but 
I love the advanced
features that TB offers!  How can I switch the settings so that images
in the HTML emails *ARE* displayed?

I know that this is undesirable to
some people, but I use images in emails to help me remember the
content of the message.  For me it is just a mental trigger.



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Re[2]: Slowness opening folders - solutions?

2001-09-04 Thread Jason Ellis

Thanks to Januk, Allie, and SyP. I just compressed all folders (never
did that before - I never knew that TB didn't really delete messages -
that seems like a bad thing to me. If I hit the delete button, it
should move it to the trash folder. It should *not* leave it hidden in
the folder it was originally in, that just doesn't make any sense at

Anyway, thanks to those who responded. Hopefully now the problem has
been solved - if this doesn't fix it, I'll post another message.


> Hello Jason,

> Historians believe that Tuesday, September 4, 2001 at 17:14 GMT -0400
> was when, Jason Ellis [JE] typed the following:

JE>> I am using TB v1.51 on Windows 2000, and since moving to this
JE>> combination in May (previously I was on Windows NT with TB 1.48) I
JE>> have found that it takes an excruciatingly long time to open folders
JE>> within TB.
JE>> Anyone have this problem who could provide some guidance?

>  It sounds like you need to compress the folders.
>  (Folders -> Compress all folders).

>  When you delete a message, it is not removed from disk, it is only
>  marked as deleted.  A compress operation physically removes these
>  messages.  To see if you do have these deleted messages on disk, use
>  the Folder->Browse Deleted feature.

>  You can automate the compression so that it occurs every time you
>  close down TB.  This option is set folder-by-folder in the folder
>  properties.

>  One other thing you can check out is the Purge option.  Purge will
>  delete messages based on your folder settings.  It then runs a
>  compress operation automatically.

Jason Ellis, CEO
Hosting Solutions, Inc.


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Re: Slowness opening folders - solutions?

2001-09-04 Thread Jason Ellis

Oh, one other thing - this happens mostly when opening a folder, but
it does also happen when browsing within a folder that has a lot of
messages - I'll be reading along no problem and then I'll click on a
message and it'll sit there and spin for a minute or two before
loading it up. A similar symptom also occurs (but last two to three
times as long) when trying to use the spell checker.

> Hello List,

> I am using TB v1.51 on Windows 2000, and since moving to this
> combination in May (previously I was on Windows NT with TB 1.48) I
> have found that it takes an excruciatingly long time to open folders
> within TB.

> I am wondering if upgrading to the newest version of TB (1.53d it
> looks like) will solve this problem or only make it worse? Anyone else
> have this issue and able to correct it?

> Basically what happens is when I click on a folder in TB, the
> computer's hard drive sits and spins for an eternity (45 to 60
> seconds) before the contents of that folder finally show up in the
> preview pane. I've thought that maybe TB isn't storing these things in
> RAM anymore, and I've considered upgrading my RAM (I have 256 megs
> now, which should certainly be enough) in the hopes it might solve
> this, but I honestly think the problem is with TB 1.51 and not with
> the computer (since I've not had problems with any programs other than
> TB).

> This never happened on earlier versions - just this one. But because
> the upgrade of TB occurred at the same time I moved to W2K, I do not
> know if it is a problem within TB itself or an operational problem of
> TB running on W2K.

> Anyone have this problem who could provide some guidance?

> Thanks,

> Jason

Jason Ellis, CEO
Hosting Solutions, Inc.


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Slowness opening folders - solutions?

2001-09-04 Thread Jason Ellis

Hello List,

I am using TB v1.51 on Windows 2000, and since moving to this
combination in May (previously I was on Windows NT with TB 1.48) I
have found that it takes an excruciatingly long time to open folders
within TB.

I am wondering if upgrading to the newest version of TB (1.53d it
looks like) will solve this problem or only make it worse? Anyone else
have this issue and able to correct it?

Basically what happens is when I click on a folder in TB, the
computer's hard drive sits and spins for an eternity (45 to 60
seconds) before the contents of that folder finally show up in the
preview pane. I've thought that maybe TB isn't storing these things in
RAM anymore, and I've considered upgrading my RAM (I have 256 megs
now, which should certainly be enough) in the hopes it might solve
this, but I honestly think the problem is with TB 1.51 and not with
the computer (since I've not had problems with any programs other than

This never happened on earlier versions - just this one. But because
the upgrade of TB occurred at the same time I moved to W2K, I do not
know if it is a problem within TB itself or an operational problem of
TB running on W2K.

Anyone have this problem who could provide some guidance?



Jason Ellis, CEO
Hosting Solutions, Inc.


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Sending Problems

2001-06-20 Thread Jason Hannah

 I have The Bat 1.53bis, and when I send any mail that is bigger than
 1.4Kb, it gets stuck and won't send.  I know that it's not my mail
 provider, because I've sent the same exact email with another program
 just to test it.  The progress bar on the connection centre window
 will say something like "Transfer: [2,228 bytes / 2,227 bytes]", which
 but then it will hang there, and the message does NOT get sent.

 Any suggestions?  This has only been doing this for about a week now,
 and like I said, it's only on messages bigger than 1.4K.  I tried
 going back to an older version of the Bat, and that didn't help, and
 until about a week ago, it worked fine in 1.53.

 Jason Hannah
 Lead Guitarist of
 Force That Binds

Jason Hannah
Lead Guitarist of
Force That Binds

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Re[2]: When Did This Start?

2001-05-21 Thread Jason Ellis

JE>> I just confirmed this behaviour in TB v1.51.

> It is not TB. It is done by routing Unix servers to avoid confusion
> with the From: line which indicates the start of a message body. That
> is why some see it and others (including myself) do not.

That's interesting, except we're not running Unix servers, we're
running NT (and I'm sending from myself to myself so it's not touching
anything except our own servers).

Can anyone say whether IMail (from Ipswitch exhibits
this behaviour?

Jason Ellis, CEO
Hosting Solutions, Inc.

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Re[2]: When Did This Start?

2001-05-21 Thread Jason Ellis

Hello Karin,


>>From here on in...

> Nope, I can type it fine without TB's editor kicking in and
> putting quote characters in from^Hnt.

But actually, it is doing it. When I tested, the editor did not kick
in - it never actually showed up in my editor screen. But once I sent
the message, *then* it had it (and in fact so does yours). You might
think that it is inserting it on receive, but it isn't, because I
checked the message on the server itself (before TB downloaded it) and
the bracket was there already. So TB is inserting this at send, but it
is not inserting it as you type.


Jason Ellis, CEO
Hosting Solutions, Inc.

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Re: When Did This Start?

2001-05-21 Thread Jason Ellis

I just confirmed this behaviour in TB v1.51. Weird. Unlike Nick I am
not using PGP (although I might be using GPG since I've never heard of
it before and thus don't know what it is).

It appears to so this upon sending the message, as it doesn't insert
it when I'm typing it, but by the time I receive it it has the > in
there (and it's not inserting it on receive because I checked my test
message direct through my server's web messaging interface and it
already had the > in the message.)

This is very odd behaviour - I'm thinking it's something that needs to
be fixed.


> All of a sudden I now see that TB! amends any line starting with "from" by
putting a >> in front of it. I've never noticed that before, and so now I
> have to use the dash-escape feature of both PGP and GPG to dash-escape
> that line. This is what I mean:

>>From here on in... This line should have > in front of it now.

> Has this always been the case with TB? Perhaps I've never typed any
> sentences beginning with "From"? ;o)

Jason Ellis, CEO
Hosting Solutions, Inc.

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Re: The Bat! Lite?

2001-05-16 Thread Jason J Thompson

Hello Cricket and everyone else...

C> But as a selling point to get people to buy TB!, after a 30 day fully
C> functional evaluation period, the "Lite" version would become default
C> until a valid license is purchased.

C> I applaud Stefan and Max for producing and continually updating an
C> excellant product and believe they well deserved to be paid! By
C> causing the evaluation version to migrate to a Lite version the
C> customer will not loose their email, but they won't have access to the
C> enhancements eitheruntil a valid key is purchaced.

Fully-functional shareware is far more popular. Why should someone
purchase software they can't fully test out first? Especially when it
comes to shareware like The Bat, where the draw to the program is not
in a fancy interface or other hype, but in raw, versatile

  Jason J. Thompson

Powered by The Bat! v1.53 Beta/6
Running on Windows 2000 v5.00.2195 SP2
On a AMD Thunderbird 1000MHz with 384MB

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Re: The Bat! Lite?

2001-05-16 Thread Jason J Thompson

Hello Christian and everyone else...

CD>   I know this could be a hot topic, but I would have liked to see a
CD>   slim version of The Bat! including only the basic email
CD>   functionality.

CD>   What could be removed:

Perhaps, to satisfy all of us, v2 of TB should be plugin-based, so you
may enable or disable any major feature you wanted. :-)

  Jason J. Thompson

Powered by The Bat! v1.53 Beta/6
Running on Windows 2000 v5.00.2195 SP2
On a AMD Thunderbird 1000MHz with 384MB

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Re: The Bat! Lite?

2001-05-16 Thread Jason J Thompson

Hello Christian and everyone else...

CD>   I know this could be a hot topic, but I would have liked to see a
CD>   slim version of The Bat! including only the basic email
CD>   functionality.

CD>   What could be removed:

CD>   Security stuff, PGP S/MIME
CD>   The network functionality
CD>   The mail dispatcher
CD>   Macros
CD>   Submission forms
CD>   Quick templates
CD>   Message list colors

Most of these are features which many users would consider to be basic
and essential features of The Bat, and make TB distinct from other

If you want a truly gutted mailer without all these features, I
believe Bat is not the client for you. :-)

CD>   All the "esoteric" functionality could still be made available in a
CD>   "Pro" version for those that need it.

I do not believe that most TB users would consider the above list to
be "esoteric" features. :-)

  Jason J. Thompson

Powered by The Bat! v1.53 Beta/6
Running on Windows 2000 v5.00.2195 SP2
On a AMD Thunderbird 1000MHz with 384MB

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Re: Kind of a cosmetic bug and a Q...

2001-05-16 Thread Jason J Thompson

Hello ANT-ilic and everyone else...

Ai>   I use manual filters with a hot-key...
Ai>   I've got a filter that puts messages from outbox into another
Ai>   outbox (on another account, of course)... Even if there are no
Ai>   messages left in outbox it remains green like there are more
Ai>   messages... Clicking on something else and back to that outbox and
Ai>   color gets right...

Confirmed. Folder tree view appears to not refresh on use of a manual

Ai>   A question is about hot-key filters... Since I started using them I
Ai>   get only that message that is in focus filtered even if there are
Ai>   much more messages that match filter (Option "Check the selected
Ai>   message against this rule" makes no difference)...

This is how it is supposed to work. If you want to filter all messages
in a folder, right-click the folder and select Re-filter Messages.

  Jason J. Thompson

Powered by The Bat! v1.53 Beta/5
Running on Windows 2000 v5.00.2195 SP2
On a AMD Thunderbird 1000MHz with 384MB

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Re: Multiple accounts (1.52f)

2001-05-15 Thread Jason J Thompson

Hello Yuki and everyone else...

YT> I recently got a second e-mail address, and I added an account for it to
YT> TB.  Both accounts are set under Account/Properties/Options to check for
YT> e-mail at startup.  However, what appears to be happening is that only the
YT> account that last had the focus when TB was previously open is getting its
YT> mail checked.  Has anyone else noticed this, and does anyone know how to
YT> configure this so both e-mail accounts get new mail when TB is opened?

Can not confirm. TB works as expected here.

Some things to check, in addition to Syafril's suggestions:

Do you have either account password protected? That may keep the
account from automatically downloading its mail.

Is one account failing its connect attempt? Check the logs on both
accounts after startup.

Did you check the "account-specific network settings" option in either
account's properties? If so, try turning it off for both accounts.


  Jason J. Thompson

Powered by The Bat! v1.53 Beta/5
Running on Windows 2000 v5.00.2195 SP2
On a AMD Thunderbird 1000MHz with 384MB

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Re: vCard

2001-05-15 Thread Jason J Thompson

Hello Dierk and everyone else...

DH>   After I've get my vCard properly to work (by deleting my picture, so
DH>   other mail clients can import the vCard), I just realised that the
DH>   vCard file is called, when appended to a mail, "vCard". I know from
DH>   NS/Mozilla that they use the name of the vCard holder as file name.

DH>   Is this possible in TB!? Or is this a feature request?

Try this... Export your own contact information to a vCard (.vcf)
file. Name it whatever you please. Sure, give it your name. Then use
the %attach macro in your message template to attach the custom-named
vCard to your message, rather than letting TB name it. :-)

...what I would do, anyway. GL

  Jason J. Thompson

Powered by The Bat! v1.53 Beta/5
Running on Windows 2000 v5.00.2195 SP2
On a AMD Thunderbird 1000MHz with 384MB

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Re: Default dial up

2001-05-15 Thread Jason J Thompson

Hello John and everyone else...

JP> Probably simple - I have two isp accounts - how can I get Bat! to dial
JP> up one account in preference (which seems to be selected in some
JP> mysterious manner) than the other

Options menu -- Network & Administration -- Dialup networking
connection -- Change it to your preferred ISP.

If that doesn't work, or if "Local area network or manual connection"
was previously selected, then the culprit is probably Windows'/Internet
Explorer's dialup settings.

To change that, go to Start -- Control Panel -- Internet Options --
Connections. Change settings as preferred.

  Jason J. Thompson

Powered by The Bat! v1.53 Beta/5
Running on Windows 2000 v5.00.2195 SP2
On a AMD Thunderbird 1000MHz with 384MB

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Step-by-step for moving TB

2001-05-02 Thread Jason Ellis

Hello List,

I know I've asked this before, but it was about a year and several
versions ago, so I need to ask again.

Could someone give me a step-by-step instructions for moving TB (and
all of my stuff within TB) to a new computer? Note a couple important

1) I'm currently using v1.48d on this computer. The new computer I
will be using whatever the latest version is (1.51 maybe? I just
downloaded it but haven't installed yet so I can't look it up).

2) The directory structures are changing dramatically from this
computer to the new computer (a fact I'm not thrilled about, but I
bought the new computer from Dell and everything was pre-installed,
and I don't much have the inclination or the time to fdisk the thing
and start from scratch). Currently all my TB files are located on my
E: partition, but when I move to the new computer there are no
partitions so it'll be on the C: drive. And the directory structures
are very different.

3) I have a lot of attachments I really have to be able to access.
When I moved all the stuff to this computer from my old one, I
remember I had to actually move the old attachments folder into the
program folder (or something like that) in order for them to work,
since TB (at the time at least) mapped the attachment location within
the message itself not globally. The problem with this new move is
that I can't do that - there's no E: drive for me to put the
attachment folder. Help!

4) I have a *lot* of filters set up. Re-creating them all would take
hours. Please tell me I don't have to do all that work. I also have a
lot of folders and about 8 e-mail accounts.

If it helps, other than the directory structure and filters, I'm
running basically as-installed. I haven't done any registry edits or
any specialized stuff like that. I don't even use the address book!

I absolutely love TB - it's the best e-mail program I've ever found.
My only wish is that it was easier to move from one computer to
another. IIRC, when I used Eudora, I only had to move one or two
files, that was it, and I had everything. With TB, as I recall from
doing this a year ago, it's a royal pain. I switch computers typically
once a year or so (typically when the tax refund check comes in), so
I'll probably be asking this again this time next year.



Jason Ellis, CEO
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Re: Reply-To (was: OK, can I do this?)

2001-04-19 Thread Jason Ellis

Hello Thomas,

> What email program is he using?

He's using Netscape. I tried to get him to switch to TB, but he has
about 4 years of messages archived in Netscape and over 100 filters
set up that he doesn't want to deal with re-doing in TB, so he won't

> Actually, while he would be right in a sense to be upset if you
> disclosed his salary to the whole department, it is not your fault,
> because he has set up his email program so that he actually requests
> you to reply to the other address. The fault is technically at his
> side.

Actually, no, it isn't. He has his e-mail program set up that way
because we require anybody who answers support e-mails to have it set
up that way (even I have my reply-to set up to that for mail that
comes in to the tech support address - fortunately, since I use TB, I
set that up only for that one folder where the tech support e-mails
get filtered in, but I don't think that's possible in his e-mail
program). I'm the one who put the reply-to policy in place (and stand
by it - before we put that in place what would happen is if a support
rep answered an e-mail on Monday but then wasn't working again until
Thursday, if the customer responded with a follow-up question it was
days before that got answered. By having the reply-to be the general
support address, anyone can answer a question even if it was initially
handled by another person.

So yeah - it's my fault, and it can't really be changed.

> You could take a look at the TO address before you hit send. ;-)

Thanks - that's normally what I do, but once in a while I goof up and

Jason Ellis, CEO
Hosting Solutions, Inc.

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---> OK, can I do this?

2001-04-19 Thread Jason Ellis

OK Batsters, I've got a need that I have very little doubt the Bat can
handle (hey - this little program can handle anything, right?) but I
have no idea how.

For the record, I'm using v1.48d.

What I need to do is this:

I have a colleague that provides tech support at my company. Because
of this, even though his e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(obviously not the real address), his reply-to address is set to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] The problem is, because he's a
manager, we often have to hold conversations we'd rather not have any
of the other employees read. But from time to time (and yes, this is
entirely my own fault) I hit reply to one of his e-mails (and the
reply, as noted, goes to our general support address) and forget to
change the e-mail to his personal e-mail address. This, of course, is
a problem if one of the other support people gets an otherwise
confidential reply.

So... is there a way to set it up so that *for this person only* the
Bat ignored the reply-to he has specified and sends to his personal
address? Just for this person? The "from" address is his personal
address, it's the reply-to that is the general address.

Please help. The reason I ask this at this time is that I just
accidentally sent an e-mail that contained his salary information to
our entire tech support staff. We managed to grab it out of the mail
queue on the server before anyone else had read it, but if he hadn't
been so quick it could have been disastrous. And now, of course, he's
quite upset with me (as well he should be).

Any suggestions/guidelines you can offer I would appreciate.




Jason Ellis, CEO
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Share Address Book?

2001-03-07 Thread Jason Gottschalk

Hello TBUDL,

  Is there a way to allow my colleague to enter into my address book?
  We have a lan with a server, I could place the address book there.

Best regards,
 Jason Gottschalk mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 SYO Computer Engineering Services, Inc.

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The Bat on second hard drive?

2001-02-23 Thread Jason Ellis

Hello List,

I have an interesting question for this list. I'm about to buy a new
computer - I've reached the point where I really need Windows 2000 but
my current computer isn't powerful enough to reliably run W2K.

Anyway, what I was hoping to do was to pull my current hard drive out
of my current computer and put it in as a secondary (slave) drive in
the new computer. That way I wouldn't have to go through the headache
of copying over all my files and programs, I could just run them off
the second disk.

However, I've noticed that The Bat puts an awful lot of stuff in the
system registry. I'm not an expert on how the registry works, so I'm
wondering, if I do what I'm planning to do, with The Bat still work
the same way it always has, or will I end up having to re-install it
to get it to work on the new system?



Jason Ellis, CEO
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Re: Logo pictures of TB!

2001-02-19 Thread Jason J Thompson

Hello Lija,

Monday, 19 February, 2001, 19:51:41, you wrote:

L> So, if there is one, could you provide me with some link on the net to find
L> these, or if there is still some 1.47HE user, please send that logo to me
L> privately (JPEG should be about 30KB).

I knew I saved all my old mails for a reason. :-)

I found it attached to an email I sent a friend when 1.47HE was
released showing off the new logo. TB! had kept the attachment. How

You can find it at
The file will be there for a few days. I will delete it from the
server after a while.

Best regards,
 Jasonmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: How to get rid of virus warning box?

2000-12-26 Thread Jason Ellis

Hello Thomas,

Thanks! Much appreciated! All is now well ;-)


> Hi Jason,

> On Wed, 27 Dec 2000 01:04:59 -0500GMT (27/12/2000, 14:04 +0800GMT),
> Jason Ellis wrote:

JE>> But the box does say to "contact your network administrator to disable
JE>> it permanently" (or something to that affect). Since I am the network
JE>> administrator in this office, and I have no idea how to disable it,
JE>> I'd like to ask the list if you do.

> Unfortunately, there is no dialogue box (it's in the wishlist), and
> you have to go into the reigstry:

> HKCU / Software / RIT / The Bat! / ... and find the three keys:
> ProtectWarnOpen, ProtectAllowOpen and ProtectDisableOpen. Edit them to
> your liking.

> By the way, you also have a legacy HKLM / Software / RIT key in your
> registry from the old version. You don't need it any more.

Jason Ellis, CEO
Hosting Solutions, Inc.

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How to get rid of virus warning box?

2000-12-26 Thread Jason Ellis

Hello List,

I recently upgraded to the new version of TB after using v1.41 for a
long time.

There are some things (as I've mentioned on this list before) that I'm
not fond of in this new version, but I've decided just to live with
those that I can't change.

One thing that I *think* I can change, but can't figure out how, is
this new dialog box that pops up on opening an attachment. This wasn't
there in v1.41, but is now. Every time I open an attachment, a box
pops up warning that attachments could contain viruses. I know I can
hold the shift key down while clicking to avoid the box, but I never
remember to do that until after the box pops up.

But the box does say to "contact your network administrator to disable
it permanently" (or something to that affect). Since I am the network
administrator in this office, and I have no idea how to disable it,
I'd like to ask the list if you do.

I've searched the various menus and properties areas, and can't find
anything that seems to be related to that box; but then again I could
just be missing it. Anyone point me to the right settings?



Jason Ellis, CEO
Hosting Solutions, Inc.

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Re: OT: strange antivirus message issue

2000-12-23 Thread Jason Ostrom


My apologies for sending in HTML.

Yes, I am using OE until I get this issue resolved.  I neglected to mention
that I am not having said problem with OE, probably for the reason you
mentioned.  Yes, I did try disabling Norton auto email protect, but it
didn't do anything.

But this time around, I re-installed TB, and I'm not getting the errors.
Probably because I disabled Norton auto protect, in addition to

I think I am set now.

Thank you for taking the time, Marc.

All the best,

- Original Message -
From: "Marck D. Pearlstone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jason Ostrom on TBUDL" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2000 5:41 PM
Subject: Re: OT: strange antivirus message issue

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Jason,
> On 23 December 2000 at 16:50:14 -0600 (which was 22:50 where I
> live) Jason Ostrom wrote and made these points:
> Please  do  not  write  to  this  list in HTML. It is against the list
> rules.
> JO> popup applet and also makes a sound every time I pop my mail:
> JO> "Norton Antivirus has detected the virus in:
> JO> File Name:  
> JO> Domain Name: 
> JO> System Name: 
> JO> User Name:  
> JO> Access to the file was denied"
> It  sounds to me as if there is an infected mail on your server and it
> is  staying there. NAV is preventing you from reading the message and,
> at  the  same  time, nothing is killing that message so, next time you
> check .. it's still there.
> JO> I didn't think it was that big of a deal (only annoying) until the
> JO> culminating event, 18,000 of my old messages somehow dumped into
> JO> my inbox.
> JO> The messages are very annoying. I would like to get rid of them.
> JO> After uninstalling this Bat program, I installed a new version of
> JO> 1.48.
> You'd  do  better  to  remove  NAV  email  scan service. That's what's
> interfering.  As  long  as you don't run Outlook Express, you're virus
> proofed  by The Bat anyway. What was that? You *are* using OE? Oh dear
> .
> JO> My question is: has anyone seen this message before,
> Not I .. but then I don't use NAV.
> JO> and if so, what is the deal?
> Anyone here know how to configure NAV?
> JO> Any insight much appreciated. FYI, I have read the online mailing
> JO> list archive and not found what I am looking for.
> No  -  TB  users  aren't  so concerning about email virus interception
> because TB won't auto-execute any of them.
> - --
>  Cheers,
>  .\\arck
> [Marck D. Pearlstone | Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA  ]
> [ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
> [ PGP Key:  ]
> [Any opinions are my own and not those of RIT labs   ]
> TB! v1.48f S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1
> Version: PGP 6.5.8 Secured
> Comment: PGP Sealed for freshness
> iQA/AwUBOkU4NjnkJKuSnc2gEQJcBgCg1YofTl0UVL78QdZqzaF8Bv/PjNgAoJuY
> oWwAOe/s7j5GtGlgOQvBwo0P
> =d61l
> --
> --
> View the TBUDL archive at
> To send a message to the list moderation team double click here:
> To Unsubscribe from TBUDL, double click here and send the message:
> --
> You are subscribed as : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: strange antivirus message issue

2000-12-23 Thread Jason Ostrom

Thank you very much for your reply, George.

No, I have not turned on Email virus detection in NAV, nor did I make any
other changes to my mail setttings.  Actually, it appears as if the problem
just appeared out of nowhere.  Now, I did attempt to disable the NAV auto
email virus protection, but I still get the errors.

I also forgot to mention that I am currently using Outlook Express to send
my mail, and I don't get the problem I get with the Bat.


- Original Message -
From: "George F. Schoelles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jason Ostrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2000 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: strange antivirus message issue

> Hello Jason,
> Saturday, December 23, 2000, 2:50:14 PM, you wrote:
> JO> "Norton Antivirus has detected the virus in:
> Have you recently turned on E-mail virus detection in NAV or made some
> E-mail address or NAV settings that would cause a change?
> --
> Best regards,
>  Georgemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> --
> View the TBUDL archive at
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strange antivirus message issue

2000-12-23 Thread Jason Ostrom

Hello list, 
I was wondering if you could shed some light on an 
issue I have been having trouble with.   I have been running Bat 1.46 
for almost a year without a problem until I started receiving the following 
error message every time I pop my mail.  It is a very annoying popup applet 
and also makes a sound every time I pop my mail:  
"Norton Antivirus has detected the virus 
File Name:  
Domain Name: 
System Name: 
User Name:  
Access to the file was denied"
I didn't think it was that big of a deal (only 
annoying) until the culminating event, 18,000 of my old messages somehow dumped 
into my inbox.  
The messages are very annoying.  I would like 
to get rid of them.  After uninstalling this Bat program, I installed a new 
version of 1.48.  
I am still getting the exact same error 
message.  I also tried deleting the files but can never locate them in the 
\temp directory they allegedly are in.  They are always named "bat89.tmp", 
"bat25c.tmp", etc.
My question is:  has anyone seen this message 
before, and if so, what is the deal?
Any insight much appreciated.  FYI, I have 
read the online mailing list archive and not found what I am looking 
all the best,
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Bug Report (still!)

2000-12-18 Thread Jason Ellis

Hi List,

A week or so ago (back when I was still using an older version of The
Bat), I posted a message about a bug in The Bat that caused it to stop
auto-checking mail when a download was cancelled. I was told that
upgrading to a newer version would solve that.

Well... I just discovered, in this new version (which in itself has a
couple things a strongly dislike, but we've already covered that),
that it *still* is displaying the same behavior it did with the older

Thinking I might not have been clear in my previous description, here
is a more descriptive explanation:

>From time to time, when downloading e-mail, my connection will hang.
When that happens, TB will just sit there trying to download mail.
It'll sit there for hours and hours and hours trying to download that
same mail. The only way to get it to stop is to cancel the download.
However, when I cancel the download, TB then stops auto-checking mail
for that particular account from that point onward.

The only solution I've found is to close and re-launch TB. But that's
inconvenient when I'm working.

Can this be corrected? Cancelling a download shouldn't cause the
auto-checking to shut off, it should just cancel the download. I can
manually check mail just fine, but it won't auto-check.

This bug has been in every version I've had so far.

Any suggestions?


Jason Ellis, CEO
Hosting Solutions, Inc.

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Re[2]: Ack!!

2000-12-16 Thread Jason Ellis

> I'm afraid you'll have to live this one.


OK, so can anyone tell me how to downgrade to a version that doesn't
have this "feature", because I simply can't work like this any more. I
was hoping there was a way to disable it, but since there doesn't seem
to be, I've got to either downgrade or move away from TB because I
can't have this.



Jason Ellis, CEO
Hosting Solutions, Inc.

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Re[2]: Ack!!

2000-12-16 Thread Jason Ellis

Hello Ming-Li,

> You may, however, adjust
> their column width to 0, or adjust your folder pane width to hide
> those columns. (I adjust mine to hide the total msg counts, showing
> only unread msg counts.)

This is what I've had set up forever - the problem with it is with
this new version I just installed (I was previously running v1.41),
when any of those columns are hidden, this little "help" box pops up
telling me the info that was in those hidden columns. The problem is,
if I wanted to know that info, I wouldn't have hidden the columns in
the first place. The "help" box is intrusive and annoying, and I'm
trying to figure out how to get rid of it without wasting the valuable
space on my monitor.

Jason Ellis, CEO
Hosting Solutions, Inc.

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Re[4]: Ack!!

2000-12-16 Thread Jason Ellis

Hello Jan,

Jason>> [...] Is there a way to remove the last two columns.

>   Right click on the folder bar & move/reorder/remove any info that
>   you want.

Hmm... doesn't seem to work. When I right click on the folder bar
nothing happens.

Jason Ellis, CEO
Hosting Solutions, Inc.

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Re[2]: Ack!!

2000-12-15 Thread Jason Ellis

> Are you using the 'cool hints' option?
> Disabling this may make things less horrible for you

Nope - this is already disabled.

>   or you could
> give your folder columns more space.

ick - I tried that - it eats about 1/3 of my horizontal space. Is
there a way to remove the last two columns. All I need to see is the
name of the folders, I have no interest at all in the message counts
or anything, I'd much rather be able to actually read my e-mail than
to see how many messages I have (which is irrelevant information to me

> [..trim..]

> - --
> @~@@~@
>  | A. Curtis Martin  [List Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA]  |
>  | PGPKey: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey |
> @_@   (Opinions given are mine and not those of RITLABS)   @_@

> 'Predestination was doomed from the start.'
> __
> TB! v1.48d | Windows NT 5.00.2195 (Service Pack 1)

> Version: PGP 6.5.8
> Comment: Digitally signed for sender verification.

> iQA/AwUBOjrxz1fJ62ArBxfiEQLrZgCg9oXHiVX/jV5bWlovZMadTJ+z5zkAoKqP
> j/YwfMhnAUD6QJjVYuZJb29A
> =xaAh

Jason Ellis, CEO
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2000-12-15 Thread Jason Ellis

Hello List,

I just (finally) upgraded TB to the newest version. I was running 1.41
for a long time, and was very very satisfied, but a day or two ago I
sent a message to this list complaining about a nasty little bug I'd
been wrestling with for a while and someone told me it was fixed in a
newer version, so I bit the bullet and finally upgraded.

Well, I don't know if the bug is fixed, but I assume it is. But I do
now have a new problem. Well, not so much a problem really, just a new
'feature' that I find terribly annoying and would like to disable but
can't figure out how.

In this new version, whenever I hover my mouse over a folder (for even
a fraction of a second), a little box pops up telling me the folder
name and how many messages are in it. This is driving me nuts.

How do I disable this 'feature'? Please tell me this is something that
can be toggled on and off. It's absolutely driving me insane. I find
these types of things very annoying in any program (MS programs are
the ones I see doing it most and it drives me nuts), and those (like
this one) that pop up instantly are far more annoying than those that
only pop up after 3 or 4 seconds of the cursor hovering (those I can
at least tolerate).

Anyway... Please tell me I don't have to downgrade back to 1.41 to
correct this. Please tell me there's a toggle I'm missing for this



Jason Ellis, CEO
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Any way to fix this?

2000-12-15 Thread Jason Ellis

Hello List,

>From time to time (actually 2 or 3 times a day) my mail download will
hang. It's usually caused by network issues with my ISP. In cases like
this, I usually have to cancel the download after it's sat there for
10 minutes or so.

The problem is that once I cancel the download, The Bat stops
automatically checking mail on that account. The only way I've found
to restart the automatic checking is to close The Bat and re-launch
the program - something that is a real pain when I'm working.

Is there any way to restart automatic mail checking after such an
event, without having to close The Bat?



Jason Ellis, CEO
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Out of Resources.....

2000-12-06 Thread Jason Gottschalk

Hello TBUDL,

On many occasions, usually when I am not near the computer. ie; out
of the office or during the night.  The Bat! will pop up a message
asking for the login name and password, however, they are both already
filled in.  If this happens, and the little message box sits on the
screen for a very long time Several hours.,  it will run my
computer out of resources.  I have watched very closely over the last
8 or 9 months and can safely say that this is indeed the case.

Is there a way to stop the bat from popping up these messages? I know
that it must be the result of the mail server, because it happens more
often than not on the accounts that are on the same server.

I have 25 mail accounts being managed by The Bat!

Best regards,
Jason Gottschalk

SYO Computer Engineering Services Inc

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Re: Where is glyph.bmp?

2000-10-30 Thread Jason Thompson

Hash: SHA1

Hello Östen and everyone else...

ÖH> Changed the first two glyphs and saved the file to the Bat
ÖH> directory but it doesn't seem to work for me...

The glyphs file must be saved as "glyphs.bmp" in your TB folder. By
default, this is "C:\Program Files\The Bat!".

 ' Jason Thompsonmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] '
 ' PGP Welcome-See below!   [The Bat! v1.47HE] '
 ' ~ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=GetPublicKey ~  '

"Cannot open file "C:\Progra~1\TheBat~\MaiL\ListsC~1.txt""

//The Bat! v1.47 Halloween Edition
//Win98 v4.10 build 1998
//AMD K6-2 400mhz 128mb

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Re: Where is glyph.bmp?

2000-10-30 Thread Jason Thompson

Hash: SHA1

Hello Östen and everyone else...

ÖH> But where is that glyph.bmp file? I can't find it anywhere.
ÖH> Shouldn't it be in the theBat! directory?

The default TB glyphs are in the TB exe. Only add-on glyphs come in a
separate file. You can download some glyphs files at the TBOT website,
"Files" section:

 ' Jason Thompsonmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] '
 ' PGP Welcome-See below!   [The Bat! v1.47HE] '
 ' ~ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=GetPublicKey ~  '

"Cannot open file "C:\Progra~1\TheBat~\MaiL\ListsC~1.txt""

//The Bat! v1.47 Halloween Edition
//Win98 v4.10 build 1998
//AMD K6-2 400mhz 128mb

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Re: Registration Sale

2000-10-30 Thread Jason Thompson

Hash: SHA1

Hello Michael and everyone else...

MSG> The sale prices may only be good through October 30th--I can't quite
MSG> tell from the site!

It says the prices are valid _on_ Oct 30. :-)  It doesn't say how long
the sale continues.

 ' Jason Thompsonmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] '
 ' PGP Welcome-See below!   [The Bat! v1.47HE] '
 ' ~ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=GetPublicKey ~  '

"Cannot open file "C:\Progra~1\TheBat~\MaiL\ListsC~1.txt""

//The Bat! v1.47 Halloween Edition
//Win98 v4.10 build 1998
//AMD K6-2 400mhz 128mb

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Re: font changes, italics, etc.

2000-10-27 Thread Jason Thompson

Hash: SHA1

Hello Jan and everyone else...

Jason> The Bat! is a plain text e-mail client. It can receive and
Jason> (usually) decode HTML mail from _other_ clients. However, this
Jason> is expected to change in version 2.

JR> How is this going to change in TB! v2?

v2 will support plugins, which means that you could use an add-on
message editor of your choice. Theoretically, a third-party editor
could be HTML-cabable.

 ' Jason Thompsonmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] '
 ' PGP Welcome-See below!   [The Bat! v1.47HE] '
 ' ~ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=GetPublicKey ~  '

"Cannot open file "C:\Progra~1\TheBat~\MaiL\ListsC~1.txt""

//The Bat! v1.47 Halloween Edition
//Win98 v4.10 build 1998
//AMD K6-2 400mhz 128mb

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Comment: Sealed from jerks by PGP.


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Re: font changes, italics, etc.

2000-10-27 Thread Jason Thompson

Hash: SHA1

Hello Jan and everyone else...

Jason> The Bat! is a plain text e-mail client. It can receive and
Jason> (usually) decode HTML mail from _other_ clients. However, this
Jason> is expected to change in version 2.

JR> How is this going to change in TB! v2?

v2 will support plugins, which means that you could use an add-on
message editor of your choice. Theoretically, a third-party editor
could be HTML-cabable.

 ' Jason Thompsonmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] '
 ' PGP Welcome-See below!   [The Bat! v1.47HE] '
 ' ~ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=GetPublicKey ~  '

"Cannot open file "C:\Progra~1\TheBat~\MaiL\ListsC~1.txt""

//The Bat! v1.47 Halloween Edition
//Win98 v4.10 build 1998
//AMD K6-2 400mhz 128mb

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Sealed from jerks by PGP.


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Re: font changes, italics, etc.

2000-10-27 Thread Jason Thompson

Hash: SHA1

Hello Hilary and everyone else...

HF> Does The Bat! not support settings like font changes, italics,
HF> etc.?

In a word, no. The Bat! is a plain text e-mail client. It can receive
and (usually) decode HTML mail from _other_ clients. However, this is
expected to change in version 2.

 ' Jason Thompsonmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] '
 ' PGP Welcome-See below!   [The Bat! v1.47HE] '
 ' ~ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=GetPublicKey ~  '

"Cannot open file "C:\Progra~1\TheBat~\MaiL\ListsC~1.txt""

//The Bat! v1.47 Halloween Edition
//Win98 v4.10 build 1998
//AMD K6-2 400mhz 128mb

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Sealed from jerks by PGP.


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Re: Message threading - an idea

2000-10-24 Thread Jason Thompson

Hash: SHA1

Hello Michal and everyone else...

MK> Is  it  possible  to  to  add  the  counter (in further development of
MK> course), for number of mails in any thread ? Like in folder window ?

Absolutely. Just add the appropriate columns. Right-click the folder
column header to edit them. Look for "Total messages" and "Unread
messages". Both of these pertain to threads.

 ' Jason Thompsonmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] '
 ' PGP Welcome-See below!   [The Bat! v1.47HE] '
 ' ~ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=GetPublicKey ~  '

"Cannot open file "C:\Progra~1\TheBat~\MaiL\ListsC~1.txt""

//The Bat! v1.47 Halloween Edition
//Win98 v4.10 build 1998
//AMD K6-2 400mhz 128mb

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Sealed from jerks by PGP.


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Re: Auto-expanding threads

2000-10-22 Thread Jason Thompson

Hash: SHA1

Hello Bill and everyone else...

BG> How do you re-collapse all the threads after expanding them all?

For now, lots of clicking. >:-)  (sorry, I'm feeling vicious)

Seriously though, there's no keyboard shortcut to collapse all threads
(sad but true).

But there is real hope: You can restart TB. It will start with all
threads collapsed.

 ' Jason Thompsonmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] '
 ' PGP Welcome-See below!  [The Bat! v1.47 Beta/7] '
 ' ~ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=GetPublicKey ~  '

"Do infants enjoy infancy as much
as adults enjoy adultery? "

//The Bat! v1.47 Beta/7
//Win98 v4.10 build 1998
//AMD K6-2 400mhz 128mb

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Sealed from jerks by PGP.


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Re: Printing

2000-10-20 Thread Jason Thompson

Hash: SHA1

Hello Jason and everyone else...

JG> Why doesn't the Printer ICON work in the bat?  It has actually never
JG> worked for me  Now that I have installed it at 25 workstations for
JG> a customer, I have to address it.  It works if you Click File>Print,
JG> but not if you just click the printer icon.

That icon's tooltip reads, "Print the message(s) selected" and that is
how it behaves (here, anyway). If a message is not selected, the icon
gives no response. Otherwise it works fine.

Hey! You stole my name! Give it back! >:-)

 ' Jason Thompsonmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] '
 ' PGP Welcome-See below!  [The Bat! v1.47 Beta/7] '
 ' ~ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=GetPublicKey ~  '

The mind is the standard of the man.
- --Joseph Merrick

//The Bat! v1.47 Beta/7
//Win98 v4.10 build 1998
//AMD K6-2 400mhz 128mb

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Sealed from jerks by PGP.


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2000-10-20 Thread Jason Gottschalk

Hello TBUDL,

Why doesn't the Printer ICON work in the bat?  It has actually never
worked for me  Now that I have installed it at 25 workstations for
a customer, I have to address it.  It works if you Click File>Print,
but not if you just click the printer icon.

Best regards,
Jason Gottschalk

SYO Computer Engineering Services Inc

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Re[2]: Odd problem just recent

2000-10-18 Thread Jason Ellis

Hello Britta,

Thanks for the info, but I can't see that that's it. For one thing, I
am running across a network, not via dial-up. Though I do have TB set
to download mail automatically, I do not have the specific network
settings option that you mentioned enabled.

But I agree - it seems to happen after there's been a connection
glitch (when our mail server hangs or the network drops packets for a
few minutes when TB is trying to check mail), so your assumption it
has something to do with that is a good one - but in my case since I
don't even have a modem in this box (nor is Dial-Up Networking
installed at all) I don't think that that specifically is what's
causing the problem.

Anyone else have any idea?



>> Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 23:43:54 -0400
>> From: Jason Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> I have a problem that has only just recently begun to happen. I'm
>> running TB v1.41 (I haven't upgraded simply because I've found that
>> upgrading software usually causes more headaches than it solves).

> I've never had a problem upgrading TB! - just install the new version
> over the old. For ultimate safety, I would always recommend backing up
> your "Mail" folder first.
> Somewhere between 1.41 and 1.46 I seem to remember TB changed the file
> format (?) for its messages. Everything was converted without a hitch.

>> But, anyway, I have this problem that only began a week or so ago, and
>> it's driving me nuts. About 50% of the time when I try to close TB, it
>> refuses to close. I get the annoying "bink" sound when I click on the
>> X to close the software. It's the same result I get when I try to
>> close TB when it's in the process of checking mail, except in these
>> cases it *isn't* checking any mail.

> I have/had the same thing happen, and will take an uneducated guess
> here: maybe you're running into the rogue Dial-up Connection blip.
> That's what happens with me, anyway.
> Under your Account Options: do you have Mailbox Checking - Periodical
> Checking enabled for a specific period? I have (check every 5 mins.).
> Under your Account Network, do you have Use Account-specific Network
> Settings enabled? If yes, do you have "No automatic dial for
> periodical checking" and "Use an existing dialup connection" enabled?
> Those were my settings, and I figured that for some reason TB! seemed
> to disregard the "No automatic dial for periodical checking" under
> certain circumstances.
> I have now completely unchecked the Account-specific Network Settings
> on the Network tab, and that - so far - seems to have cured the
> problem.

> I also went to the TBUDL list archive and did a search for "DUN" and
> "dial-up connection" and found quite a lot of helpful messages there
> regarding the various settings - if you need to dig into it further.

>> As I said, this happens about 50% of the time, and only in the last
>> week or 10 days.

> same here - it appears at odd times ... comes and goes in phases; I
> have never been able to pin down exactly *when* and under what
> conditions it suddenly springs to life. I seems to be when I've had a
> hiccup, like being disconnected but continuing to use TB! (offline
> now) and it seems to think it now ought to check for the connection
> and prompt me to dial up again.

> Anyway - it's just a shot in the dark, but maybe this is what is
> happening in your case?

>   Cheers,
>Wednesday, 18 October 2000  10:01
>  ~~
>   Britta [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The Bat! 1.46d
>   ~~

Jason Ellis, CEO
Hosting Solutions, Inc.

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Odd problem just recent

2000-10-16 Thread Jason Ellis

Hello List,

I have a problem that has only just recently begun to happen. I'm
running TB v1.41 (I haven't upgraded simply because I've found that
upgrading software usually causes more headaches than it solves).

But, anyway, I have this problem that only began a week or so ago, and
it's driving me nuts. About 50% of the time when I try to close TB, it
refuses to close. I get the annoying "bink" sound when I click on the
X to close the software. It's the same result I get when I try to
close TB when it's in the process of checking mail, except in these
cases it *isn't* checking any mail.

I end up having to use Task Manager to close it down, and even then it
insists the program is actually doing something at that moment (when
it isn't).

As I said, this happens about 50% of the time, and only in the last
week or 10 days.

This is getting very annoying, because when I have to shut TB down via
the Task Manager it doesn't empty my trash folder, and it "forgets"
what message I was on in each folder (instead reverting back to
whatever message was selected the last time I closed TB the "normal"

Does anyone have *any* idea what could possibly be causing this?



Jason Ellis, CEO
Hosting Solutions, Inc.

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Re: junk mail filters

2000-10-16 Thread Jason Thompson

Hash: SHA1

Hello Jan and everyone else...


JR>   Jason, I was very interested in reading these archives as
JR>   I,  too,  have  questions  about  a  junk mail filter. I
JR>   already use the blank recipient filter but would like to
JR>   add  to  it.  However, the above does not appear to be a
JR>   link.  Could  you  2x check the address& re-publish it or
JR>   send it to me privately.

The URL is correct, but Bat! assumes it is an email link since there
is a "@" in it. Copy/paste the URL into your web browser it'll be

OrMarck's link works fine too, and is simpler. :-)

 ' Jason Thompsonmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] '
 ' PGP Welcome-See below!  [The Bat! v1.47 Beta/7] '
 ' ~ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=GetPublicKey ~  '

Eat healthy, exercise daily...die anyway!

//The Bat! v1.47 Beta/7
//Win98 v4.10 build 1998
//AMD K6-2 400mhz 128mb

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Re: Add a RFC-822 headers to all messages

2000-10-12 Thread Jason Thompson

Hash: SHA1

Hello Sirul and everyone else...

S> Hi,  I'm  looking  for a feature, but I don't know if it is here and I
S> cannot find it, or if isn't there. So I wana do what the subject says,
S> but  I've  looked in the macros to make a template, and nothing there,
S> also  have tried with Sorting Office/Filters, but again, nothing there
S> to add a header. So, is it possible?

You want to add one specific header? Then the answer is no, not
currently in TB. You may only add a 'Comment' header using the macro
%comment="something" or [View menu - Comments].

 ' Jason Thompsonmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] '
 ' PGP Welcome-See below!  [The Bat! v1.47 Beta/7] '
 ' ~ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=GetPublicKey ~  '

The mind is the standard of the man.
- --Joseph Merrick

//The Bat! v1.47 Beta/7
//Win98 v4.10 build 1998
//AMD K6-2 400mhz 128mb

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Sealed from jerks by PGP.


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Re: junk mail filters

2000-10-12 Thread Jason Thompson

Hash: SHA1

Hello Rainfall and everyone else...

R> What is the best way to implement a junk mail filter?

There have been extensive posting on this discussion list concerning
this topic already, and everyone has a different opinion. I would
suggest looking at the TBUDL archives.

R>   Is it possible to move all incoming messages where the sender is in
R>   my address book to a folder like "known senders"?

Just create a filter that searches for @ anywhere (basically, all
mails) and under the Advanced tab, check out the options for address
book checking.

 ' Jason Thompsonmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] '
 ' PGP Welcome-See below!  [The Bat! v1.47 Beta/7] '
 ' ~ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=GetPublicKey ~  '

This above all, to thine own self be true.
- --Shakespeare

//The Bat! v1.47 Beta/7
//Win98 v4.10 build 1998
//AMD K6-2 400mhz 128mb

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Sealed from jerks by PGP.


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