automatically archiving the Inbox

2005-01-20 Thread Mike F

I have a read messages filter that moves messages in my Inbox that
are more than 60 days old to an archive folder.  The filter is active
but it only works when I manually re-filter my Inbox.  Is there some
way to make this filter run automatically?

I know it is recommended to keep the size of the Inbox small.  Is it
also recommended to keep the Sent Mail folder small?

Mike F   Mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: automatically archiving the Inbox

2005-01-20 Thread Mike F

Thursday, January 20, 2005, 9:11:46 PM, you wrote:

C Right-click on Inbox and go to properties. Check the box by Keep
C messages in base for (days) and enter 60. Then, open your account
C properties. Go to Deletion. Under Alternate Deletion, select
C Move to the specified folder. Also check Use alternative
C deletion method for purging folders.

C Now, every time you purge your folders, the messages will be moved.
Under Options - Preferences, I configured The Bat! to automatically
C purge folders on exit.

Thanks, I would have never guessed this behavior in a million years.

However, does this mean that if I purge a folder other than my Inbox,
its messages will go to the same folder I am using for my Inbox
archive?  I am asking because I don't see anything in Account
Properties/Deletion that specifies that this behavior is for Inbox

Mike F   Mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: automatically archiving the Inbox

2005-01-20 Thread Mike F

Thursday, January 20, 2005, 10:20:00 PM, you wrote:

C Yes. But you can configure every other folder individually to
C override the account wide settings.

In that case, I am going to stick with manual filtering.  Setting up
all of those overrides is too much work for me.  Thanks Chris for
explaining all of this.

C I was thinks of putting in a feature request regarding this. The
C deletion settings under the account properties would be the default
C for every folder. However, each folder (including the Inbox) could
C have its own settings. At the top of the tab within the folder's
C properties, there could be a checkbox that says something along the
C lines of Define folder-specific settings that would enable custom
C deletion settings for that folder. This interface would be similar to
C setting up address book templates.

C Thoughts?

I think hooking archive functionality into alternative deletion and
purging is very cryptic.  I think there should be a clearly named
Archive property at the folder level.  There could also be an
Archive property at the account level but I wouldn't have any use for

Mike F   Mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

inbox lost again!

2004-02-03 Thread Mike F
I can't believe it.  I lost all the messages (over 1,000) in my inbox
again. I am running Windows ME with The Bat 2.01.3.

I just finished installing Windows Media Player 9 and it said Do you
want to reboot now? so I clicked OK.  The Bat was open at the time
and I had the Compress all folders on exit option selected. I saw
The Bat begin compressing folders but I am not sure if it finished
because I looked away. However, something went wrong because instead
of restarting, my screen went black.  After I hit the reset switch and
Windows restarted, my inbox had 0 messages in it!  This time the inbox
doesn't seem to be corrupted because I can still receive new messages.

C:\WINDOWS\TEMP is 99MB at the moment.  The Folder Maintenance - Check
Integrity/Repair says nothing to do with my inbox.

Mike Frantz  Mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-

To: Stefan Tanurkov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, January 18, 2004, 5:19:18 AM
Subject: inbox corrupted - Christmas Edition (reposted)


Sunday, January 18, 2004, 4:18:45 AM, you wrote:

ST The problem might be in your TEMP directory - the slowdown and the
ST directory's size (4 G) tells clearly about that. Basically, you
ST can easily remove all files with the .TMP extension from there and
ST add the line

OK, my TEMP directory is now 74MB.

ST Another thing - check integrity of your Inbox folders using the
ST Folder|Maintenance, they might become damaged somehow...

The Folder Maintenance - Check Integrity/Repair function might have
solved my problem if I had known about it.  I have already reinstalled
The Bat and recovered from a backup so it's too late now to fix it.  I
will remember this function if I run into this again.

Thanks for your help.

Mike F   Mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | Using TBUDL information:

Re[4]: inbox corrupted - Christmas Edition

2004-01-18 Thread Mike F

Sunday, January 18, 2004, 1:59:22 AM, you wrote:

AM Maybe. That's a huge amount of temp files. Any reason for the
AM build up?

AM I suggest downloading and running this application pretty regularly:


No reason for the build up.  I just have been negligent on maintenance
issues.  Thanks, I will check out the program.

AM ZA is known to suddenly start causing problems. I would never wave
AM its involvement aside simply based on the fact that it has so far
AM not cause problems. I've read many accounts of and personally
AM experienced the contrary.

Fair enough.  I have also read complaints about Zone Alarm on this

Mike F   Mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: inbox corrupted - Christmas Edition (reposted)

2004-01-18 Thread Mike F

Sunday, January 18, 2004, 4:18:45 AM, you wrote:

ST The problem might be in your TEMP directory - the slowdown and the
ST directory's size (4 G) tells clearly about that. Basically, you
ST can easily remove all files with the .TMP extension from there and
ST add the line

OK, my TEMP directory is now 74MB.

ST Another thing - check integrity of your Inbox folders using the
ST Folder|Maintenance, they might become damaged somehow...

The Folder Maintenance - Check Integrity/Repair function might have
solved my problem if I had known about it.  I have already reinstalled
The Bat and recovered from a backup so it's too late now to fix it.  I
will remember this function if I run into this again.

Thanks for your help.

Mike F   Mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | Using TBUDL information:

inbox corrupted - Christmas Edition

2004-01-17 Thread Mike F
I have been using The Bat for years without any problems.  I am
running Windows ME and recently upgraded to the Christmas Edition
(2.03.3). Last night I opened The Bat and started receiving my new
messages.  On the last message, message 88 out of 88, it gave an error
like Could not store message, saving as C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\bat81C4.TMP.
(This is not the precise wording of the error message but it is pretty
close.) And it would continue very slowly saving messages in
C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\ with different filenames. I got tired of watching it
do this, so I shut it down and restarted the program.  After
restarting, it did the exact same thing: received 88 messages, the
same error, and started writing messages to C:\WINDOWS\TEMP.

Next I downgraded to 2.00.6 but I could not access any of the over
1,600 messages in my inbox.  The message count was correct but the
inbox appeared completely blank. The other folders were fine. (By the
way, I definitely had View/Display/All Messages selected.) I
downgraded to version 1.62 but it was the same.  I opened the file for
my inbox, MESSAGES.TBB, in a text editor and could see my messages
that way.  My guess is that the format for this file was corrupted and
The Bat could no longer read it.

I was fortunate that I had a full backup from December 30, 2003.  I
tried restoring the backup using version 1.62 but it just froze.  So I
completely uninstalled The Bat, then installed version 2.01.3, and
restored the backup.  Everything is fine now except I lost this
month's messages and my address book.  I think I lost my address book
because unless you change the default, it only backs up Trusted Root

Overall the damage for me was pretty minimal because I had a backup
but I hope RITLabs looks into this issue.

Mike F   Mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: inbox corrupted - Christmas Edition

2004-01-17 Thread Mike F

Saturday, January 17, 2004, 10:09:22 PM, you wrote:

TF Take a look at this message directly on the server. Either message 88,
TF or 87. One of them may be damaged.

Unfortunately, I didn't think of this at the time.  Those messages are
long gone from the server now.

Mike F   Mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: inbox corrupted - Christmas Edition

2004-01-17 Thread Mike F

Saturday, January 17, 2004, 10:53:31 PM, you wrote:

AM - Do you compress your Inbox regularly? The Inbox will grow to
AM enormous   sizes for those who download a lot of mail, even though
AM the mail may   be filtered to other folders. Copies of all mail
AM remain in the Inbox   message base until you do a compression.

No, I wasn't compressing my inbox.  This probably explains why it was
getting slower and slower to display messages every time I clicked on
the inbox folder!  I've set the inbox to compress on exit now.  Thanks
for pointing this out.

AM - What's the size of your Temp folder? Is it massive and making you run
AM   low on disk space. TB! always saves messages to your temp folder while
AM   downloading. If there's no space to do this or the saving to temp
AM   folder operation is interfered with, the downloading process will be
AM   affected.

I have 16GB free on my hard disk.  C:\WINDOWS\TEMP is 4GB.  Does it
matter if the TEMP folder is large if I have plenty of free space?

AM - Are you running any antivirus software that checks incoming mail.
AM   They're notorious for affecting TB! mail download. This can be a
AM   sporadic and rather unpredictable at times, so the fact that you've
AM   not been having problems doesn't rule it out as being the problem now.

I am running ZoneAlarm 3.7.098 so that could be an issue although I
more suspicious of Bat CE because that is the only recent change to my

Mike F   Mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | Using TBUDL information:

inbox corrupted - Christmas Edition (reposted)

2004-01-17 Thread Mike F
I am reposting this message because I originally sent it as a reply
when it should have been a new message.

I have been using The Bat for years without any problems.  I
am running Windows ME and recently upgraded to the Christmas Edition
(2.03.3). Last night I opened The Bat and started receiving my new
messages.  On the last message, message 88 out of 88, it gave an error
like Could not store message, saving as C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\bat81C4.TMP.
(This is not the precise wording of the error message but it is pretty
close.) And it would continue very slowly saving messages in
C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\ with different filenames. I got tired of watching it
do this, so I shut it down and restarted the program.  After
restarting, it did the exact same thing: received 88 messages, the
same error, and started writing messages to C:\WINDOWS\TEMP.

Next I downgraded to 2.00.6 but I could not access any of the over
1,600 messages in my inbox.  The message count was correct but the
inbox appeared completely blank. The other folders were fine. (By the
way, I definitely had View/Display/All Messages selected.) I
downgraded to version 1.62 but it was the same.  I opened the file for
my inbox, MESSAGES.TBB, in a text editor and could see my messages
that way.  My guess is that the format for this file was corrupted and
The Bat could no longer read it.

I was fortunate that I had a full backup from December 30, 2003.  I
tried restoring the backup using version 1.62 but it just froze.  So I
completely uninstalled The Bat, then installed version 2.01.3, and
restored the backup.  Everything is fine now except I lost this
month's messages and my address book.  I think I lost my address book
because unless you change the default, it only backs up Trusted Root

Overall the damage for me was pretty minimal because I had a backup
but I hope RITLabs looks into this issue.

Mike F   Mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | Using TBUDL information: