Configuration of URL Download Manager behind a proxy

2008-03-18 Thread Philippe Macaire
Hi all,

I have to say that I was eager to try out V.4 's URL Download Manager
in order to have some well-chosen messages correctly displayed with
The Bat.

I may be missing something here but I can't manage to get it to work.
I'm using TB at work, where I'm behind a proxy, and this may be the
reason why it doesn't work. But let me explain my configuration.

I discovered a couple of years ago that in order to have the version
checker work from behind a proxy a urlmgr.xml file was to be created
in the default mail directory, containing

   proxy host=proxy_url port=proxy_port enabled=true

[it was a post from Marek]

and apparently it allowed me to check the version file.

This file has never changed since, and now I can see that this file
contains all the URL that I have declared as allowed or blocked,
so I'm quite sure this is the right file.

Unfortunately it is the whole functionality of the Download Manager
which does not convince me since I tried:
* home (no proxy), with proxy disabled in the file
* at work (proxy), with proxy enabled, then disabled in the file

but in no case TB did download the images in the mail.

Is anybody enjoying a working Download Manager? What can I check to
diagnose the problem?

Thanks for the help and time.

Best regards,

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Configuration of URL Download Manager behind a proxy

2008-03-18 Thread Philippe Macaire
On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 5:40 PM, Marek Mikus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  check Account log (Ctrl+Shift+A), where program logs communication with
  mail and HTTP servers, so You can see if was image downloaded and if not,
  what is the reason.

I tried, but I see no information whatsoever in the log.

Is it supposed to download images every time you access a message, or
does it download it just once, when you access it for the first time,
for instance?

Thanks for your reply.

Best regards,

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Confirmation required to delete a message

2006-09-18 Thread Philippe Macaire
Leonard S. Berkowitz wrote:

 I just installed the 3.85.03 home edition. Now, every message that I
 attempt to delete requires confirmation. I usually delete message with
 the forward or back arrow, and not the trash can. I looked in
 Account Properties and could find no setting to skip confirmation. Is
 there away to avoid confirmation on deletion?



I noticed that new behavior with 3.85.03 pro: I think it's a new
setting, you can find in

Options / Preferences / Other Options / Confirmations

My guess is that you're looking for Delete message(s) from text
preview area: just uncheck.

Best regards,
Using The Bat! 3.85.03

Current version is 3.85.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Version check

2006-09-05 Thread Philippe Macaire
Hi all,

I've just downloaded the new TB version (no problems so far), but I'm
afraid that the version check feature is not proxy-enabled, am I
right? If I'm behing a proxy, is there any way to have this feature


Best regards,
Using The Bat! 3.85.01

Current version is 3.85.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Problems with backup

2006-09-01 Thread Philippe Macaire
Alexander S. Kunz wrote:

 Hello Philippe Macaire  everyone else,

 on 30-Aug-2006 at 10:06 you (Philippe Macaire) wrote:

 Any experience, someone?

 None with TBs backup and that sizes - but what happens when you set up a
 similar backup event with ntbackup? You could compare the results of the
 incremental backup with those from TB and see if its any different.

Thanks for the pointer to ntbackup, but I would really like to have a
more efficient backup using TB (I'm currently using a free version of
SyncBack, a really nice product for backup and syncronization -- check

Actually, I tried to cleanup a bit my accounts, by moving old messages
into special (Common) folders. Then I made a full maintenance
operation (compression, integrity check, ecc.). Unfortunately I don't
know which of the two operations made things work, but now my
incremental backup (excluding the huge common folders) works like a

Next time I will try to separate these two operations in order to
check which one may have been the actual solution.

Thanks for the help anyway.

Best regards,
Using The Bat! 3.80.06

Current version is 3.80.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Problems with backup

2006-08-30 Thread Philippe Macaire
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to use the incremental backup feature of The Bat! but I'm
having a bit of trouble.

I have several accounts, one of them much bigger than the others (for
work), with something like 70.000 mails, and a lot of quite big
attachments. The resulting backup file is something like 2.4 GB. I
don't seem to have problems in backing up all my accounts at once. The
problem arises when I try to do an incremental backup (which I would
like to do once a day), because the resulting file is almost as big as
the full backup one, and it takes way too long (it works as if it
weren't incremental at all).

What's strange is that when I exclude from my backup my big account,
everything works fine, and the backup file is reasonably small.

I was wondering if the account dimension, or that of one of its
subfolders, could be a problem. Note that the account is configured to
store attachments in message bodies.

Any experience, someone?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,
Using The Bat! 3.80.06

Current version is 3.80.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Icons for files in attachment pane

2006-05-23 Thread Philippe Macaire
Hi all,

I noticed that sometimes the icons showing in the attachment pane do
not match the corresponding file type. For instance (see attached
image), an EML file is shown with an MS Project icon. In some rare
occasions it does not show at all.

I suspected my Windows XP SP2 to be corrupted in some way, but had it
installed from scratch a couple of months ago, and it did not change
anything to this behavior.

Does it happen to anybody else?

Thank you.

Best regards,
Using The Bat! 3.80.06
Current version is 3.80.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

New Customizer behavior

2006-05-01 Thread Philippe Macaire
Hi all,

I'm trying to create a menu container with the new menu customizer,
but it seems I can't add a new Action to the newly created menu
container... I remember on the old customizer a button which allowed
to add an action to a container, but apparently it disappeared, so I
have to admit there is another way to achieve the same result.

How can I do that?

Thanks a lot in advance.

Best regards,
Using The Bat! 3.80.03

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: New Customizer behavior

2006-05-01 Thread Philippe Macaire
Simon wrote:

 PM I remember on the old customizer a button which allowed
 PM to add an action to a container, but apparently it
 PM disappeared, so I have to admit there is another way to
 PM achieve the same result.

 Select the container (highlight).  Highlight the item you require
 in the container, then hold SHFT and click the right arrow button in the 

Thanks a lot, Simon: it works! But it doesn't seem much intuitive to
me... It ought to be well documented in the help file.

Best regards,
Using The Bat! 3.80.03

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Shortcuts not saved

2006-03-26 Thread Philippe Macaire

 since I upgraded to 3.71.03, it seems some of my shortcuts are not
 saved. [...] Before this last upgrade I had no problems with such
 Did anyone experienced a similar behavior?

 Yes, I lost all of my shortcuts when I upgraded to my current TB!
 version, from another recent 3.x version. Next time, just manually
 back up the

 drive:\Documents and Settings\You\Application Data\The Bat!\tbuser.DEF

 file prior to upgrading, to avoid trouble in having to re-create
 some or all of your keyboard shortcuts.

Thanks for the reply, but I did backup my tbuser.DEF, and this was not
the problem.

I'll try to explain the phenomenon more in detail:

* go to the Customise dialog

* pick up a menu item without a shortcut (in my setup: Main Menu /
Main Form - Message / Park)

* you can verify that no shortcut is defined on this item (nothing is

* assign Alt-\ as shortcut, and close the Customise dialog

* in the main menu (Message / Park) you can check that the shortcut is
correctly assigned (and it works)

* shutdown and restart The Bat!

* in the main menu (Message / Park) the shortcut no longer appears

* in the Customise dialog, if you select the Park item you can see
that an *empty* shortcut exists, you can remove it, but it is no
longer working as Alt-\

I have the impression that the issue is with the backslash. I could
use another key as shortcut of course, but on my keyboard it is really
handy, and I've been using it for a lot of time...

Can any of you confirm this? Is this a bug that should be reported?


Best regards,
Using The Bat! 3.71.03

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Shortcuts not saved

2006-03-19 Thread Philippe Macaire
Hi all,

since I upgraded to 3.71.03, it seems some of my shortcuts are not
saved. Apparently it happens when my shortcut contains the '\'
(backslash) character (e.g. Ctrl+Shift+\). I can define it, then use
it as long as TB is running, but as soon as I close and run again TB,
my shortcut has been cleared. Before this last upgrade I had no
problems with such shortcuts.

Did anyone experienced a similar behavior?

Thanks a lot.

Best regards,
Using The Bat! 3.72.02 (Beta)

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Send mails as attachments

2006-01-26 Thread Philippe Macaire
Fredrik Bergström wrote:

 Do you know of a better approach to do this? I'd like to be able to
 drag and drop a mail directly from the message list into the new mail,
 for instance.

 Try selecting a e-mail and just drag-n-drop it to the e-mail you are
 editing, works for me.

 Or maybe I misunderstood your question? ;)

Ops!... It works here too... :$

I've been missing this one for all these years... TB is really the best!

I can explain why I missed it in the first place: I always have my
main TB window maximized, and when I drag-and-drop (e.g. attachments
from a mail to another) I do so by dragging to the task bar, hovering
over the button representing my other message window and dropping on
the now focused window (not easy to explain, I hope you get the
picture). This does not work with a mail dragged directly from the
message list (nor does it work to drag and drop to the desktop -- may
be related).

It works if I unmaximize my main window and simply drag from one
window to the other. I think I can live with this one ;-)

Thanks for the time Fredrik.

Best regards,
Using The Bat! 3.65.03

Current version is 3.65.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Send mails as attachments

2006-01-26 Thread Philippe Macaire
MAU wrote:

 Or you can start dragging and then Alt+Tab to the new message window.

And here it is! I finally have it working like a breeze! :-)

Thanks a lot Miguel for this really nice advice.

Best regards,
Using The Bat! 3.65.03

Current version is 3.65.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Send mails as attachments

2006-01-25 Thread Philippe Macaire
Hi all,

it is sometimes useful to attach a received mail (as an eml file) to a
new mail.

Usually I save the received mail on disk (Save As...) then drag and
drop the file on the new mail. I then have to delete the file from the

Sometimes I also invoke the Alternative Forward menu on the received
mail (which creates a new mail with the other one in a file 1.eml),
then go into the Outbox to be able to drag and drop the attachment
1.eml to a new mail. I then have to delete the alternative forward
mail from the Outbox.

Do you know of a better approach to do this? I'd like to be able to
drag and drop a mail directly from the message list into the new mail,
for instance.

Best regards,
Using The Bat! 3.65.03

Current version is 3.65.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Modifiers on Reply buttons

2005-11-29 Thread Philippe Macaire
Mary Bull wrote:

 Does anyone know what it means? What Shift or Ctrl are supposed to
 change to the Reply button anyway?

 It means that if you highlight a portion of the body text and hold
 down the shift key, then press the Reply button, only the highlighted
 (selected) portion of the message you're replying to will be quoted in
 your Edit Mail Message window.

 The change is that now the Reply to All button will also work the same
 way as the Reply button. Highlight a portion of text in a message.
 Hold down the shift key. Click the Reply to All button. Your reply to
 all will quote only the selected (highlighted) text in your Edit
 Mail Message window.

Thanks for your reply Mary.

I can now use Shift-Reply as you explain, and it's useful.

I don't understand what Ctrl-Reply does, even when text is selected.

As for Shift-Reply All, it doesn't work as I would expect (works like
a normal Reply All), and this is probably where editing of TBUser.DEF
is required. Any experience, someone?

Best regards,
Using The Bat! 3.63.05 (Beta)

Current version is 3.62.14 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Modifiers on Reply buttons

2005-11-27 Thread Philippe Macaire
Hello all,

I've seen that the last stable version of The Bat has the following
release note:

[*] Keeping Shift or Ctrl keys change behaviour of Reply to All
toolbar button the same way as for Reply button (needs editing or
deletion of TBUser.DEF, though)

Does anyone know what it means? What Shift or Ctrl are supposed to
change to the Reply button anyway?

Best regards,


Current version is 3.62.14 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Macro to detach an attachment

2005-10-06 Thread Philippe Macaire
Hi all,

I know the %ATTACHFILE macro which allows you to add a file to the
list of files attached to the message.

Is there a way to remove an attachment? I could imagine something like

or anything similar.

Thanks for the help.



Current version is 3.60.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information: