different prob w/ deferred delivery

2001-06-17 Thread hysterial

Before I upgraded to v1.53bis, the following problem did not exist.

In the Account Options  Transport, I have 'deferred' delivery
checked. As far as my knowledge on this goes, this means that when I
send a message (Send Now), it will be placed in the outbox until
either a scheduled online delivery occurs, or an online new mail fetch
occurs, AND I have 'combined delivery' enabled in the Transport
options. Things have changed since upgrading from the previous
version. Now, when I select send now, TheBat! takes the command
quite literally.

I know that this is only a minor problem for me, since I will only
have to start remembering to hit 'queue in outbox' instead of 'send
now', but I thought that temporary queuing in the outbox was the whole
purpose behind deferred delivery.
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Reply Counter

2001-06-17 Thread hysterial

The Subject of all of my replies is automatically appended with this
fabulous 'Re' counter (a numeric value). I don't like it. I know that
there is a %REPLYCOUNTER which you can insert into your account's
Reply Template if you actually want the feature, but this is not in my
template. Is there an option somewhere else that my eyes have passed
over thus far? I'd really like to get rid of this number popping into
my reply subject for every email!

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Re: Reply Counter

2001-06-17 Thread hysterial



On Sun, 17 Jun 2001 18:58:56 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The Subject of all of my replies is automatically appended with this
fabulous 'Re' counter (a numeric value). I don't like it. I know that
there is a %REPLYCOUNTER which you can insert into your account's
Reply Template if you actually want the feature, but this is not in my
template. Is there an option somewhere else that my eyes have passed
over thus far? I'd really like to get rid of this number popping into
my reply subject for every email!

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New Version

2001-06-16 Thread hysterial

The current verion available for download: 1.53bis

So..  what's bis stand for?

Usage comments otherwise?

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Re: Filter Mystery

2001-05-24 Thread hysterial

For anyone who's interested, the problem, I think, was that some files
and/or registry items had been moved. It seemed to happen after I had
done some hard drive cleanup with Fix-It Utilities. I re-installed,
and the exact same filter worked beautifully. That was odd. What kind
of external files would The Bat!'s filters rely on? Maybe that wasn't
even the case- I can't be sure.

On Fri, 18 May 2001 12:32:21 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I can’t figure out why my filter isn’t working. I need to take all
‘read’ messages from one specific author, export them to a text file,
and delete them from my local mailbox.

Here’s what I’ve set for the rule:

-  Sorting Rule: read messages
-  Source Folder: inbox
-  Move Messages To Folder: inbox
-  Strings: [author's address] / sender / yes
-  Rule Is: manual only

Here's what I checked under the Actions tab:

-  delete the message
-  export message to file (append to / tried both existant and
non-existant files)

...and I have no other settings for this filter. It just doesn't work.
I right-click the account that the rule applies to, and choose to
filter Read Messages. I get the confirmation:  (x) messages
processed; 0 messgages filtered .

Any ideas?

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Re: Filter Mystery

2001-05-21 Thread hysterial

On Fri, 18 May 2001 14:43:05 -0500, A Curtis Martin wrote:

Did you enable the little 'manual filters only' check box in the refilter
popup command prompt?

Yep, tried that.

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Re: Filter Mystery

2001-05-21 Thread hysterial

On Fri, 18 May 2001 13:56:48 -0700, Nick Andriash wrote:

I'm not sure I know what you mean when you right-click the account that
the rule applies to? You have to right click the Inbox in question, and
then make the choice to re-filter messages, remembering to choose only
read messages. I think the dialogue in question defaults to Incoming

Yes, it does. When setting up the filter, I had set 'read messages'. 

What I meant was that I right clicked the mail folder that this
author's messages were in, and chose 're-filter'. If someone could
duplicate this filter, not only might it be confirmed as a bug, but I
could find out if it's just a problem with The Bat!  and my Win2k

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Filter Mystery

2001-05-18 Thread hysterial

I can’t figure out why my filter isn’t working. I need to take all
‘read’ messages from one specific author, export them to a text file,
and delete them from my local mailbox.

Here’s what I’ve set for the rule:

-   Sorting Rule: read messages
-   Source Folder: inbox
-   Move Messages To Folder: inbox
-   Strings: [author's address] / sender / yes
-   Rule Is: manual only

Here's what I checked under the Actions tab:

-   delete the message
-   export message to file (append to / tried both existant and
non-existant files)

...and I have no other settings for this filter. It just doesn't work.
I right-click the account that the rule applies to, and choose to
filter Read Messages. I get the confirmation:  (x) messages
processed; 0 messgages filtered .

Any ideas?

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