Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-09-09 Thread Thomas F.

Hello Mark,

On Sun, 8 Sep 2002 23:26:34 -0700 GMT (09/09/02, 13:26 +0700 GMT),
Mark Bernard wrote:

MB Eddy... I forward these corrupt messages to myself, and open them
MB with the SAME copy of TB! that they were corrupt in... only after
MB being forwarded, all the attachments are fine.  While composing this
MB message, I redirected one of the corrupt messages to the same
MB address it was originally sent to, and it arrived uncorrupted!

I confirm this. And while I first thought the TB's viewer is broken (I
can see the .jpg files without problems when I save them to disk and
then open them with IrfanView), I now think that the there must be
soemthing wrong with the headers (or lower headers) of the incoming
messages. When they are forwarded by TB, TB will insert correct

I am not good enough at reading boundaries and such. Maybe someone who
is can check whether my theory holds.



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Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-09-09 Thread Allie C Martin

Mark Bernard [MB] wrote:'

MB It's a pain... but it's also funny in a strange but true kind
MB of way. Any other ideas?

Isn't Internet Mail Service, also Microsoft Outlook?

If so, there does seem to be a commonality in clients sending the
attachments that are not being properly handled. There is likely to
be something about the encoding of their attachments that TB! isn't
always properly handling.

Allie C Martin \  TB! v1.62/Beta5  WinXP Pro (SP1)
 List Moderator/   PGP Key -

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Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-09-09 Thread Thomas F.

Hello vlk,

On Mon, 9 Sep 2002 14:20:45 +0200 GMT (09/09/02, 19:20 +0700 GMT),
vlk wrote:

v Probably it is not the problem here, but TB! has no support for
v JPG files in CMYK color mode (only RGB) - you get the JPG Err#.
v saving file and opening in other app (Acdsee, ..) is then ok.

How can I check which colour mode a jpg file uses?



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Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-09-09 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hello Thomas!

On Monday, September 9, 2002 at 6:45:10 PM you wrote:

 How can I check which colour mode a jpg file uses?

Open it with IrfanView, PhotoShop, PhotoPaint or the like and look for
the Image Information.

Dierk Haasis

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Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-09-08 Thread Gerard

ON Friday, September 6, 2002, 10:26:53 PM, you wrote:

MB It happened again today with a corrupted .DOC (word document) file.
MB Tried openning the file from within TB!  Tried saving to desktop and
MB openning from there.  Wouldn't work.  I forwared the corrupt file to
MB myself (different email address... same computer and same copy of TB!)
MB and it openned fine - no reboots, nothing - original attachment will
MB still not open.

Hi Mark,
   What your describing should be impossible except for the fact that
   there might be a difference in handling the attachements between

   The only thing I can think of is that the encoding of the attachment
   you received originally s not compatible with TB! and when you sent
   it to an other email address it is somehow encoded into a different

   I am assuming that you do not have local delivery activated under
   Options|networkadmin|allow local delivery.

   Could you try to do it again with this option activated. It should
   then fail to open the attachment in the other email account.

Best regards,
Save Water - Take a bath with your neighbor's daughter

 Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

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Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-09-08 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

Mark Bernard [MB] wrote:'

MB It's not just a single email and attachment that this works
MB with. I've tried it with different emails, from different
MB senders. One with a corrupted .DOC file and one with a
MB corrupted .JPG. Both files were fine after being forwarded.

Are the different senders using the same clients?

- -- 
Allie C Martin \  TB! v1.62/Beta5  WinXP Pro (SP1)
 List Moderator/   PGP Key -


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Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-09-08 Thread Eddy

Sunday, September 8, 2002, 6:57:01 PM, you wrote:

ACM Mark Bernard [MB] wrote:'

MB It's not just a single email and attachment that this works
MB with. I've tried it with different emails, from different
MB senders. One with a corrupted .DOC file and one with a
MB corrupted .JPG. Both files were fine after being forwarded.

ACM Are the different senders using the same clients?

I've had the same problem as Mark for a long time, with varying
versions of TB! I sent email to the list back in April, and nobody
had any clues then. The attitude seemed to be well it doesn't
happen to me, so I guess it must be a problem on your end.

Luckily, other people are starting the experience the attachment
corruption issue, so maybe it will get resolved.

Allie, it shouldn't matter what client the senders are using. The
points are this:

 - The mail is being received and stored properly by TB!
   (otherwise, you would not be able to forward it to another
   user and have them be able to read the attachment correctly.
   If it was network errors, ISP related, or a problem with how
   TB! stores messages, forwarding the message would result in
   the forwarded copy being unreadable by the new recipient,
   which is NOT the case. The attachments which are corrupt for
   me in TB! can always be forwarded to a non-TB! user and be
   perfectly readable).

 - This leads me to believe there are issues with how TB! decodes
   attachments, such that under certain circumstances (which are
   yet to be determined), attachments are corrupted.

 - In any event, TB! should never corrupt an attachment, regardless
   of what MUA is used.
I have sent zip'd versions of a TB! folder that contains corrupt
attachments to other TB! users, including Thomas F., a frequent
participant on this list, and they have verified that indeed, the
attachments are corrupt for them when they open the folder... yet
forwarding that same message to a non-TB! user results in a perfectly
readable message. The key now is to get the authors to look at why
these attachments are being corrupted when they are opened by TB!,
and get a fix into the next version!

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Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-09-07 Thread Thomas F.

Hello Eddy,

On Fri, 30 Aug 2002 15:20:06 -0400 GMT (31/08/02, 02:20 +0700 GMT),
Eddy wrote:

E Not it my case. If somebody sends me a JPEG image (for example) TB!'s
E internal viewer will show a blank tab if I click the tab at the
E bottom. If I then double-click on the icon in the attachment sidebar,
E I get an alert that says:

E   JPG Err#68

 or, more rarely, JPG Err#11.

I confirm Err#11 for internal viewer for message and attachment you
sent me by PM.

E If I save the corrupt files to disk, they are not viewable in any
E third-party image viewers either.

I do not confirm this. If I save the apparently corrupt file to disk,
I can then open and view it with Irfanview without any problem.

For me, this means that the file is OK but for some reason, TB's
internal viewer couldn't read it. I suggest you send a bug report to
Ritlabs and attach the zipped files and the instructions as you did to



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Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-09-01 Thread Eddy

On Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 7:40:52 PM Mark Bernard wrote:

 I recently changed over to TB! from PMMail2000, which I'd been using
 for years.  A fair percentage of the attachments I recieve are now
 (since switching to TB!) corrupted.

 I think that the Err#68 is from TB!'s image viewer.

I agree, Mark.

And like Mark, I experience corruption with ALL attachment types, not
just JPEG images. .doc files, .ppt files, .zip files, you name it, it
has come through corrupted at one time or another. And also like Mark,
saving a corrupted JPEG image to disc will _partially_ display in an
external viewer, like ACDSee.

These attachments are being sent by Windows users, typically using
Outlook, Outlook Express or the mail portion of Netscape.

On Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 7:52:06 PM Dierk Haasis wrote:

 I wonder why you should be the only one affected. The only time I got
 a corrupted attachment it was actually corrupted in that the file
 wasn't named correctly - it came from a Mac and therefore lacked the
 essential extension for Windows to identify it.

 And the few times I remember a similar subject came up on this list it
 always came down to wrong extensions, malformed code, corruption
 through bad connections or servers.

Mark is definitely not the only to experience it, and unfortunately,
the corruption is not occuring for any of the reasons you mention,

If you read my original messages to the list, you'll see that
forwarding a message that is corrupt in TB! to somebody who does not
use TB!, the attachment arrives FINE. If the attachment really was
corrupt, or maligned during network transfer, forwarding the message
to a non-TB! user would also have problems, which they DO NOT. This
indicates that the message was received correctly by TB!, and that it
is stored in TB!'s interal mailboxes fine.

It appears it could be a problem with the BASE64 decoding of MIME
attachments, since the corruption only manifests itself when you try
to extract an attachment with TB! (by using the internal viewer or
by choosing Save on the attachment).


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Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-09-01 Thread Adam Rykala

Sh'mae Eddy,
On Sun, 1 Sep 2002, at 11:07:12 [GMT -0400] (or 16:07 in Wales)
regarding 'Problem with attachments being corrupted' you wrote:

E On Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 7:40:52 PM Mark Bernard wrote:

 I recently changed over to TB! from PMMail2000, which I'd been using
 for years.  A fair percentage of the attachments I recieve are now
 (since switching to TB!) corrupted.

 I think that the Err#68 is from TB!'s image viewer.

E I agree, Mark.

E And like Mark, I experience corruption with ALL attachment types, not
E just JPEG images. .doc files, .ppt files, .zip files, you name it, it
E has come through corrupted at one time or another. And also like Mark,
E saving a corrupted JPEG image to disc will _partially_ display in an
E external viewer, like ACDSee.

At the risk of sounding like an inverse AOL'er, I must say

Not me, too.

I'm  running  TB!  on  Xp  and  haven't had any attachments corrupt yet, and the
nature  of  my  use of email means I send a lot of attachments of multiple forms
(.doc, .sdw, .cdr, .zip etc etc)

Strange  -  Mention  was  made  later  in  the  email  of  Mime encoding - tried

Perhaps we can work it out closer by working out what affects you and not me



| 01 September 2002, 16:51
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Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-09-01 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

Eddy [E] wrote:'

E And like Mark, I experience corruption with ALL attachment types,
E not just JPEG images. .doc files, .ppt files, .zip files, you
E name it, it has come through corrupted at one time or another.
E And also like Mark, saving a corrupted JPEG image to disc will
E _partially_ display in an external viewer, like ACDSee.

E These attachments are being sent by Windows users, typically
E using Outlook, Outlook Express or the mail portion of Netscape.

My sister has sent me attached jpg's that were corrupted when I got
them. This happened on two occasions and I was blaming her for the
problem. :/ She also uses Outlook Express.

Be that as it may, that's the only time I can say that I've received
corrupted attachments and I receive a fair amount of attachments. I
think the problem may be with attachments sent using Outlook Express
since the people that I tend to receive attachments from aren't
using Outlook Express.

- --
Allie C Martin \  TB! v1.62/Beta3  Windows XP Pro
 List Moderator/   PGP Key -


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-09-01 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hello Eddy!

On Sunday, September 1, 2002 at 5:07:12 PM you wrote:

 If you read my original messages to the list, you'll see that
 forwarding a message that is corrupt in TB! to somebody who does not
 use TB!, the attachment arrives FINE.

Hm, I've been receiving various attachments from different sources
using a variety of mailers, incl. NS 4.7x (on Mac), the same on
Windows, OE (Mac and Windows), Outlook, MS Web Mailer, Entourage, TB!,
Calypso, Pogo, etc. And I've never come across a
non-viewable/non-extractable attachment. I've also sent files on a lot
of occasions with TB!, and there has never been a difficulty.

Usually the attachments are Base-64 encoded (MIME), even from Mac
users, as they luckily are too inexperienced to change the encoding
for files themselves.

Dierk Haasis

PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

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Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-09-01 Thread Eddy

On Sunday, September 1, 2002, 11:53:16 AM, Adam Rykala quoted me and
then wrote:

E And like Mark, I experience corruption with ALL attachment types,
E not just JPEG images. .doc files, .ppt files, .zip files, you name
E it, it has come through corrupted at one time or another. And also
E like Mark, saving a corrupted JPEG image to disc will
E _partially_ display in an external viewer, like ACDSee.

AR I'm running TB! on Xp and haven't had any attachments corrupt yet,
AR and the nature of my use of email means I send a lot of
AR attachments of multiple forms (.doc, .sdw, .cdr, .zip etc etc)

Just to be clear, I only have problems RECEIVING attachments. I can
send attachments from TB! just fine; so far, I have not encountered
corruption on outgoing mail, although admittedly, I don't send very
many attachments. Also I'm running under Win 2K, not XP.

As I noted before, I can zip up a TB! folder with a corrupted
attachment and send that zip'd folder to another TB! user, and it WILL
be corrupted for them, yet that user forwarding the message to a
non-TB! user will result in the message being perfectly fine.

AR Strange - Mention was made later in the email of Mime encoding -
AR tried uuencoding?

I don't have any control over how attachments are sent to me, and MIME
Base64 is presently the most common method of encoding attached
binaries such as JPEGs or ZIP files.


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Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-08-31 Thread Thomas F.

Hello Eddy,

On Fri, 30 Aug 2002 15:20:06 -0400 GMT (31/08/02, 02:20 +0700 GMT),
Eddy wrote:

E - If I copy the offending message to a new folder called Test, zip
E   up the Test folder created by TB! (containg a .TBB and .TBI file),
E   mail it to a friend of mine who uses TB!, and he imports it, he also
E   gets the JPG Err#68 message. And he has never experienced any
E   problems with attachment corruption.

I have seen this error at a few occasions, and it was fair to assume
that the jpg files were indeed corrupted.

E - Forwarding the message to an account that receives mail with another
E   MUA, such as Outlook, the message will be fine and is NOT corrupted.

Please foward to me.

E If anybody has the capability to work with TB! authors to diagnose
E this problem, I will forward a zip file that contains a .TBB/.TBI
E file that demonstrates the problem I have.

Please forward to me. I will run some tests, but I run Win98, not XP.

Reading my earlier comments again (the part I snipped from your
message), I don't think it is a RAM problem either. It could be file
I/O handling, either by TB or by the OS. Alas, it would help me if
anybody  has any idea what this JPG Err#68 means. Is this a standard
error message (from Windows), or is it a TB internal error message?



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Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-08-31 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hello Mark!

On Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 7:40:52 PM you wrote:

 I recently changed over to TB! from PMMail2000, which I'd been using
 for years.  A fair percentage of the attachments I recieve are now
 (since switching to TB!) corrupted.

 I think that the Err#68 is from TB!'s image viewer.

I wonder why you should be the only one affected. The only time I got
a corrupted attachment it was actually corrupted in that the file
wasn't named correctly - it came from a Mac and therefore lacked the
essential extension for Windows to identify it.

And the few times I remember a similar subject came up on this list it
always came down to wrong extensions, malformed code, corruption
through bad connections or servers.

For example, there is a new file format on the market called JPEG2000.
IIRC, the extension is the same as for JPEG, therefore TB!'s internal
viewer will try to show it but encounter an incompatible format in the
file headers. Hence an error message ensues.

Perhaps I'm wrong in this particular example, but I think you'll get
the point of this thought experiment.

Dierk Haasis

PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

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Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-07-29 Thread Jason Gottschalk

Hello Eddy,
Was there ever a solution to this?  I am a VAR and have about 100
customers using TB!.  I have one customer that has this problem daily.

He receives large attachments from a variety of people, and most of
them are being corrupted when they are transferred out of the bat,
either to the hard drive or to a viewer.

If he forwards or redirects the message to anyone else, including me,
with the bat, they work just fine.

So the message is not corrupt while in his message base, only when TB!
saves it to disk.

Where can I look for a resolution to this?


Wednesday, April 17, 2002, 7:08:02 PM, you wrote:
EG I am currently evaluating The Bat! I started with 1.60 and
EG just recently installed 1.60c.

EG So far, I really like the product. But before I buy it, I need
EG to figure out why certain attachments (usually large ones) are
EG being corrupted.

EG For example, a friend just recently sent a 525K ZIP file of
EG pictures to both me and my wife. We both use the same ISP with
EG the exact same mail settings. Unfortunately, she likes Outlook
EG and that is what she uses.

EG Also unfortunate is the fact that the ZIP file was received just
EG fine by her, but corrupted by The Bat. It has to be TB because:
EG 1) my wife received the message just fine and we both use the
EGsame ISP
EG 2) I can download the ZIP file just fine using my ISP webmail
EG 3) I forwarded the message (via my ISP's webmail interface) to
EGmy wife and myself again. Again, she received it fine and the
EGcopy I received via TB was corrupt and would not open.

EG This has happened with JPEG attachments as well; at some point the
EG picture just ends prematurely. Again, no problem if I login and
EG view it via the webmail interface. (I have TV configured to keep 
EG the mail on the server for 3 days because of this problem.)

EG Does anybody have any ideas why this is happening? I assume that
EG other people aren't experiencing this issue, otherwise there would
EG be lots of posts about this, but I couldn't find any. Why am I 
EG so special? I've tried uninstalling and re-installing TB, I just
EG upgraded to 1.60c (as I mentioned), etc. all to no avail.

EG I have about 20 days left in my trial, and I'd like to see if I can
EG get it resolved before it is over.

EG Thanks for any help!

EG P.S. Is there any way to prevent TB from adding the stupid X-Rcpt-To:
EG  header? It seems that even if you send a message to a bunch of
EG  people, TB always adds an X-Rcpt-To: header with the email 
EG  address of the last person on the list or CC: line. Very annoying.

EG __
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Bug Reports:

Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-07-29 Thread Thomas F.

Hello Jason,

On Mon, 29 Jul 2002 12:16:18 -0400 GMT (29/07/02, 23:16 +0700 GMT),
Jason Gottschalk wrote:

JG He receives large attachments from a variety of people, and most of
JG them are being corrupted when they are transferred out of the bat,
JG either to the hard drive or to a viewer.

So he can see them alright from within TB, i.e. he does not transfer
(save?) them out of The Bat?

JG Where can I look for a resolution to this?

What's your OS and RAM? Are you on a network or on a stand-alone PC?

JG Wednesday, April 17, 2002, 7:08:02 PM, you wrote:

I didn't see Eddy's original message.

EG I am currently evaluating The Bat! I started with 1.60 and
EG just recently installed 1.60c.

OS? RAM size?

EG Also unfortunate is the fact that the ZIP file was received just
EG fine by her, but corrupted by The Bat.

The only thing I can imagine is that it has to do with the RAM, or you
are using XP (which seems to behave in unexpected ways sometimes). I
have never heard this before, but now Jason has confirmed a similar
problem (the attachments are received OK and get corruptedonly when
being saved to disk seperately).

EG P.S. Is there any way to prevent TB from adding the stupid X-Rcpt-To:
EG  header? It seems that even if you send a message to a bunch of
EG  people, TB always adds an X-Rcpt-To: header with the email 
EG  address of the last person on the list or CC: line. Very annoying.

I do not have such a header. It must be your ISP adding it.



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Bug Reports:

Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-04-18 Thread Eddy Geez

* Alexis Haeringer [20020417 16:05]:
 EG P.S. Is there any way to prevent TB from adding the X-Rcpt-To:
 EG  header? It seems that even if you send a message to a bunch
 EG  of people, TB always adds an X-Rcpt-To: header with the
 EG  email address of the last person on the list or CC: line.

 Strange, because for me X-POP3-Rcpt: display the true name of
 received account (contrary to virtual acount, like alias). And this
 header is not write when you send a email but only when you received
 a email with specially configured pop3 server (I suppose)

Ok, after further research it appers that it is the outgoing
SMTP server on my ISP's side adding the X-Rcpt-To: header! (My mail
is delivered directly to my mail spool at work and it still has those
headers, so it isn't a POP3 or IMAP client thing.) My apologies for
implicating TB as the culprit.

However, I still think TB may be responsible for the corruption 
of larger attachments. If anybody has any ideas on this, please
let me know.


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Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-04-18 Thread Gerard

ON Thursday, April 18, 2002, 2:58:27 PM, you wrote:

EG However, I still think TB may be responsible for the corruption 
EG of larger attachments. If anybody has any ideas on this, please
EG let me know.

EG Thanks!

Hi Eddy,
   It is not very likely that TB! is cause of this.
   Please try forwarding the attachment to someone, before you do
   anything else with it, and see if they can open it.
   Better yet would be to copy the attachment to a floppy or CD and
   handcarry it to an other computer to see if it can be opened there.

   Your sure it is not your application that is opening the attachment
   that is the cause of the problem?

   Let us know how things went.
Best regards,

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Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-04-18 Thread Peter Palmreuther

Hello Eddy,

On Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 1:08:02 AM you wrote in
[EMAIL PROTECTED]">mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (at least in part):

[Corrupted attachment trouble]

Strange ... never had it TB! is corrupting my attachments.
All sizes, all formats went through just fine.
What exactly let you assume they are corrupted? Have you tried opening them
from within TB!? Have you tried saving them and opening later? Have you by
any chance an anti virus software running in background that might interfer
the process of storing the file to disk?

EG P.S. Is there any way to prevent TB from adding the stupid X-Rcpt-To:
EG  header? It seems that even if you send a message to a bunch of
EG  people, TB always adds an X-Rcpt-To: header with the email 
EG  address of the last person on the list or CC: line. Very annoying.

Never seen any header like this as long as I'm using TB!.
Could you send me off list a test message?
Peter Palmreuthermailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(The Bat! v1.60c on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2)

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Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-04-18 Thread Eddy Geez

*** Peter Palmreuther [20020418 10:11] writes:

PP What exactly let you assume they are corrupted? 

JPG attachments do not always display in TB, especially if they
are large. They show up blank, or show something like JPG Err #68.
Saving them to disk results in the top portion (some random amount of
it) being visible, and the rest of the image corrupt.

ZIP files do not open; WinRAR usually reports a premature end of

PP Have you tried opening them from within TB!?

Yes. Both JPG's (by clicking on the tabs at the bottom of the window)
and ZIP files (by double-clicking it).

PP Have you tried saving them and opening later? 

Yes. The files I save via my ISP's webmail interface (which open
just fine) are larger than if I save the file from the exact same 
message as received by TB! For example, a recent ZIP was 538,085
bytes when downloaded via the webmail interface (which also utilizes
POP3, just like TB!) and only 537,978 bytes when saved from TB!.

Note that I do not have any problem sending large attachments from
TB!; that has always worked without trouble.

PP Have you by any chance an anti virus software running in
PP background that might interfer the process of storing the file
PP to disk?

Nope, I do not run any antivirus software on my Win2K SP2 box. And
I *just* did a fresh install of Win2K last week (i.e., reformatted
the drive and started over completely; I started getting the BSOD
on startup with INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE and could not find a way
to repair it) so it isn't likely that I have corrupt DLL's or 
other cruft in my system that is causing the problem.

I have received a private email from another individual who is 
experiencing the exact same problem, so at least I know it isn't
just me.

** Gerard [20020418 07:32] writes:

G Please try forwarding the attachment to someone, before you do
G anything else with it, and see if they can open it.

Nope, once the file is received into my inbox, it is already corrupt.

G Better yet would be to copy the attachment to a floppy or CD and
G handcarry it to an other computer to see if it can be opened there.

Nope, once I save the file to disk, there is already data missing
(as shown in the example above).

So I'm still looking for explanations/solutions. :)


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Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-04-18 Thread Dwight A Corrin

On Thursday, April 18, 2002, 6:12:21 PM, Eddy Geez wrote:

G Please try forwarding the attachment to someone, before you do
G anything else with it, and see if they can open it.

 Nope, once the file is received into my inbox, it is already corrupt.

I think that the suggestion was to send the apparently corrupted file
so the other person could try to open it. Maybe both versions to
someone would be even more instructive.

Dwight A. Corrin
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Re: Problem with attachments being corrupted

2002-04-17 Thread Alexis Haeringer

Bonjour Eddy,

Mercredi, le 17 avril 2002 à 16h08 [GMT -0700] (ce qui correspond à
01h08 ici où j'habite), Eddy Geez =[EG] a écrit à [EMAIL PROTECTED] :

EG P.S. Is there any way to prevent TB from adding the stupid X-Rcpt-To:
EG  header? It seems that even if you send a message to a bunch of
EG  people, TB always adds an X-Rcpt-To: header with the email 
EG  address of the last person on the list or CC: line. Very annoying.

Strange, because for me
display the true name of received account (contrary to virtual acount, like
alias). And this header is not write when you send a email but only
when you received a email with specially configured pop3 server( I
suppose) .
If you would like to delete try xray
Bien à vous,
 Alexis Haeringer  mailto:ginkyo[arobase]
 (alias ginkyo)

Ma clef PGP : mailto:pgp1[arobase]

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