Re: Moving TB! and also getting a legacy copy download?

2019-08-27 Thread MFPA

On Tuesday 27 August 2019 at 6:29:59 PM, in
, Chris Wilson wrote:-

> I
> can't get back my Folder View modes and my Colour
> Groups, would anyone
> know  which  files I need to grab from the old
> installation to copy to
> the  new  one?  

My Colour Groups seem to be defined in "COLORS.INI" in my mail folder.
And I couldn't swear to it but the View Modes might be in "CONFIG.CDB"

Best regards


Wise men learn many things from their enemies.

Using The Bat! v8.8.2.5 (BETA) on Windows 10.0 Build 17134  

Current version is 8.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Moving TB! and also getting a legacy copy download?

2019-08-27 Thread MAU
Hello Chris,

> I  have  managed  to find and download v 5.8.8 Home edition, if I load
> that and overwrite the bat.exe file with the one from my current 5.8.10
> will  that  upgrade  5.8.8  to  my  current 5.8.10 version?

I  am  quite  sure  it  will. v5.8.8 is a (legacy) release (.msi file)
while 5.8.10 is not (does not appear in the list at So, I
assume  it was a "beta release" (.exe file, actually a .rar one) and it
can be used to overwrite 5.8.8.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (Els Poblets (Alicante) - Spain)
Using The Bat! v8.8.9

Current version is 8.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Moving TB to a new computer

2003-11-22 Thread Tony Boom
Hello ztrader,

  A reminder of what ztrader typed on:
  22 November 2003 at 22:03:08 GMT -0800

z What do I have to move to the Win2000 computer
z to keep everything I have 'as is'?

Zip up the whole TB! folder and move it over to the same place on the
new PC.

z If I just duplicate the C: and D:
z directory structures I have, and copy all the files, will it work?

Run this little batch file which will save all the registry settings
and then run the reg file on the new PC. Assuming you have the same
folder structure, C: D: eyc, it should work OK.

You can't reverse the process though from a Win2K back to a 98
machine because of the difference in the registry.

--- CUT 

@echo off
rem Written by Januk Aggarwal
echo Welcome to your The Bat! Registry Backup program.

echo  ___
echo *   Back up Complete Bat Directory? *
echo *Enter to continue. *
echo *___*


if exist TBbckup1.reg del TBbckup2.reg

if exist TBbckup1.reg rename TBbckup1.reg TBbckup2.reg
start /w regedit /e TBbckup1.reg HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The Bat!
if not exist TBbckup1.reg echo Error!  Something went wrong.  Backup not
echo successful.
if exist TBbckup1.reg echo Success! Your registry entries for The Bat! are
echo backed up!


 CUT ---


Best regards,Tony.   
 Using The Bat! v2.01.49  ©2ØØ3 - AWB

Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: moving TB (Files)

2002-08-17 Thread Thomas F.

Hello Tony,

On Sat, 17 Aug 2002 11:07:29 +1000 GMT (17/08/02, 08:07 +0700 GMT),
Tony wrote:

T The problem is that I transfered all of the content of my old Pentium
T 1 to a new Pentium 4  including stored E-Mail messages.

T I now can't open any of my registered version!

Did you transfer the relevant registry entries? Don't worry about the
Pentium version, what is your OS and version?



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

Avoid cliches like the plague (They're old hat.)

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.62/Beta1
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using an AMD Athlon K7 1.2GHz, 128MB RAM

 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: moving TB

2002-08-16 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Deborah,

My MUA believes 'The Bat! (v1.60q) Educational' was used
on Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 3:30:24 AM.

DW I'm going to be moving TB to a different computer in the next few
DW days,  would like simple, step-by-step instructions on what to do
DW please :-)

Here is what I have done (NT to 2k, and 2k to 2k).

-export regestry
-zip (or whatever) my TB! dir (c:\Program Files\The Bat!)
 ...MAIL dir (d:\MAIL)
-expand the zip where I want them on the new PC, edit the .reg file
(with something like notepad, not wordpad) to change the drives and
paths if needed.
-now import the .reg file.

Start TB! with nothing lost... g It is the 'old' way, but has never
failed me yet.

DW I have the install file that I originally downloaded, so I can use
DW that to install. I want to move all my account details including
DW filters, templates, etc, my preferences, all my saved emails etc.

You should not need any of that if you do what I outlined above.

DW I'm thinking I may back up some of my older email onto CDs rather than
DW put it *all* onto my nice, new, clean, hard drive :-) - what's the
DW best way to go about that too?

Have not done that, I keep all my mail live...

Using The Bat! eMail v1.61
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
What are you doing?!?   The message is over,   GO AWAY!

 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: moving TB (Files)

2002-08-16 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

Tony [T] wrote:'

T I keep a large amount of mail on my Bat Program until I have enough
T to burn fill a CD. I have just done a data transfer from one old PC
T to new one,using a USB cable. Now,when I try to open my Bat Mail on
T the new PC, I can't open the individual mail at all.

T  Can someone suggest a solution for this problem?

You're very vague in your description of your problem. What data did
you transfer and from what to where? Was the transfer made up of mail
bases?  We need an exact description so that we can pinpoint the
possible problems.

- --
Allie C Martin \  TB! v1.62/Beta1  Windows XP Pro
 List Moderator/   PGP Key -


 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: moving TB (Files)

2002-08-16 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

Tony [T] wrote:'

T I now can't open any of my registered version!


I forgot to mention that you should trim your posts appropriately.
There's no need to quote all of my previous message, including my
signature and the list footers.


- --
Allie C Martin \  TB! v1.62/Beta1  Windows XP Pro
 List Moderator/   PGP Key -


 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: moving TB (Files)

2002-08-16 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

Tony [T] wrote:'

T The problem is that I transfered all of the content of my old
T Pentium 1 to a new Pentium 4  including stored E-Mail messages.

Was it an exact mirroring of the old installation to the new systems
hard disk? If not, when you transferred TB! over, did you do so to
the same path as it was on the previous system.

In other words, if on the previous system, TB! was installed in
C:\Program Files\The Bat!; is it now present in the same location on
your new system? Is your mail directory in the same location on the
new system as it was on the old system?

T I now can't open any of my registered version!

What do you mean here. Nothing happens? Do you get an error message
( if so, what does it say). Is it that TB! opens and your previous
installations accounts aren't present?

- --
Allie C Martin \  TB! v1.62/Beta1  Windows XP Pro
 List Moderator/   PGP Key -


 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: moving TB (Files)

2002-08-16 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

Tony [T] wrote:'

T Is it that TB! opens and your previous installations accounts
T aren't present? 

If this is the case then very likely your paths have changed when
you moved TB! over to the new drive.

Open your registry editor and go to

Hkey_Current_User/Software/rit/The Bat!

Look for the entries: 'Program Files' and 'ProgramDir'.

Do they reflect the paths where you moved your old installation to
on your new drive? If not, then you'll need to correct this. Do this
when TB! is closed.

If you're still having problems and you still have your old drive, I
suggest moving your installation as covered by messages in the
thread with subject 'Moving TB'. You can view the thread here:

- --
Allie C Martin \  TB! v1.62/Beta1  Windows XP Pro
 List Moderator/   PGP Key -


 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: moving TB

2002-08-15 Thread St - Musaic.Net

 I'm going to be moving TB to a different computer in the next few
 days,  would like simple, step-by-step instructions on what to do
 please :-)

  I do that from time to time - I think my system is particularly big
  despite being private mailsystem: In total my system has close to
  300 mailfolders containing approx 300 000 messages. My main system
  is of course at home and this is where I do all the maintenace.
  I have a mirror backup at my working place - and from time to time
  I update the rule settings etc. on the mirrored system. This is how
  I do it:

  In TB I Backup Account Properties; Address books; and Global
  options. I do NOT use The Bat to backup Folders with messages
  nor Attachments (more about that in a moment...).

  NOTE: Remember to click Choose and check for the addressbooks.
  The Bat sometimes leave your Personal Address book unchecked (!)
  thus backup will happen for your address book!

  Next I select the folder where the backup file is to be stored,
  and I give it a decent name - like TB20020809-1803.tbk (backup
  of The Bat; year 2002; month 08 (August); date 09 (9th);
  backup started 1803 (18:03)).

  Next I check for the accounts I want to back up - in my case I
  always do a total backup, so I check them all.

  I give the backup file a password - this is adviceable since
  your backup file will containg account properties you would like
  to keep for yourself - my password are always made up of a nice
  combination of alphanumeric chArAct3rs.

  When all that is done I execute the backup - the process won't
  take many seconds since we at this time isn't including messages.

  At this stage we have now done a full account(s) backup.

  I made a point that I do not use The Bat to backup my messages.
  This is partly because TB dosn't really compress well (...or? ;)
  and WinZIP will do it faster and better in my opinion. Before I
  zip the _entire_ TB-folder I'll make sure my TB backup is there
  too (TB20020809-1803.tbk to be found in C:\Programfiles\The Bat!\).

  I use the same procedure for password and naming the zipped file;
  ie. chArAct3rs and then I'll go for
  a coffee-break :)

  Later I burn this entire big zipped file to a CD (NOTE: Remember
  to test your Zip-file before ack'ing!). After burning to CD, I
  test to see if all the packed files are well without errors
  (WinZIP and WinRAR can do this easily).

  Now that I have the CD finished, I can restore (update) my mail
  system at work very easily. Since I already have The Bat installed
  at both places (equal versions!), all I have to do is to do a safe
  backup of my Sent Mail on the workingplace installation, and then
  I just extract all files from the CD into The Bat's folder - any
  old files are overwritten - but who cares! ;) Next I restore from
  my backed up TB20020809-1803.tbk - and eureka - system is up!

  NOTE: There are a few things you must make sure in order to be able
  to do it this easily.

  1) The Bat must be installed using an equal path on both systems;
 C:\Programfiles\The Bat!\

 This is important so that you can be _sure_ that your mail-
 rules will operate correctly and find folders where they were
 at the other machine. Any difference here may or may not cause
 your mailrules to stop working correctly - it really depends on
 how you have configured your systems. For example, mail rules
 that Moves messages automatically at receiption, may suddenly
 stop doing that because it looks for C:\Programfiles\The Bat!\
 at home, but C:\Programfiles\The Bat\ at work... :/

  2) Make sure the same The Bat version is installed on both systems.

 Apparently, this is important when overwriting files - including
 programfiles! :)

  3) Sometimes (and in my case) SMTP and POP3 properties may differ
 on the two machines. Those you may need to give a little tweak
 in order to work. But there is a workaround here to: Use XRay
 to set up correct properties for both machines, and set the
 properties in The Bat (both systems) to Regardless
 of which system (backup/restore) your TB will just point to that
 locally installed XRay - and XRay will route correctly anyway.

  4) there more..? ...if there is I will let you know when I
 remember it... ;)

  Hope this method works for you.

/ St

 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: moving TB

2002-08-15 Thread Paddy L

Hello Deborah,
Thursday, August 15, 2002, 3:45:38 AM, you wrote:

DW It sounds like it should, though I think for me it will be even
DW easier, as I'm just doing a mass-move; I don't intend using TB on this
DW machine again.

A year ago, I had to transfer to a new computer. Since, my old machine
had no CD drive, I used 3.5 floppies. I used TB! Backup checking all
boxes and saved on my HD. Using Windows Commander, I did a multi-zip of
the *.tbk file. I installed TB! on the new HD in same directory as old.
Unzipped the floppies with WinCmd, and used TB! restore. Worked

A couple of weeks ago, I installed XP to dual boot with my existing ME.
Again, I used Backup, installed TB! on XP and used restore to load
files. Worked perfectly.

HTH.  If there's a problem doing it this way, I'm sure the power batters
will let us know. ;-)

BTW, Have 18 @accounts as well as archive accounts, ~3 messages, my
last *.tbk ~130mb


 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: moving TB

2002-08-15 Thread Greg Strong

Hello Deborah,

On Thu, 15 Aug 2002, at 08:30:24 GMT +0100 (8/15/02, 2:30 AM -0500 GMT
here), you wrote in

DW I'm going to be moving TB to a different computer in the next few
DW days,  would like simple, step-by-step instructions on what to do
DW please :-)

1) copy Mail directory from backup hard drive

2) install TheBat

I haven't copied to new computer, but I do keep a mirror HD backup when
I have re-configured production HD.

I just simply COPY the

\Program Files\The Bat!\MAIL\

directory with all contents from the mirrored HD backup to the
production HD. All my accounts are kept in this directory which is the
default directory for accounts in TB. Then simply install TB into
directory above Mail. You will have to be able to connect both PC's.
Real simple and everything works.

If you use CDR to create backup of all files on the CD, you should be
aware all files become read only. You will have to remove this property
on each file to make things work.

TB does have a backup located under Tools | Backup. I haven't used it
yet, but believe it keeps everything. I'm sure other on the list will be
able to tell of any short falls using TB backup. You could then burn the
backup file to CDR. Install TB on new PC, then use TB Tools | Restore.


Best regards,

Greg Strong 
TB! v1.62/Beta1 on Windows 98  

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 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: moving TB

2002-08-15 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

Deborah W [DW] wrote:'

DW I'm going from a pc running Win98 to a notebook running Win2000 -
DW does anyone know of any issues that might crop up?

None should crop up, although one can never predict the fluke

- --
Allie C Martin \  TB! v1.62/Beta1  Windows XP Pro
 List Moderator/   PGP Key -


 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: moving TB

2002-08-15 Thread Mark Wieder

One thing that I've found very useful in moving to a new Windows operating
system is to export the existing registry to some other media (zip
disk or whatever) before switching over. I find there's always
something I forgot to back up, some setting I forgot to write down, no
matter how careful I try to be. Most things can be transferred over
from the old directories, but registry entries are a special breed. If
you export the registry to a text file you can import individual keys
(TheBat! registration and such)after the move.

-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.60h on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Moving TB from Win98 to Win2K?

2001-03-20 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi epp,

On 20 March 2001 at  22:41:54 +0100 (which was 21:41 where I  live)
epp wrote to The Bat mail list and made these points:

e I have to move The Bat 1.51 with several accounts  folders, from Win98
e to the new PC with Win 2000. Can I do that and is there some kind of
e instruction for that? Thanks for help.

This is covered in the FAQ at:

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA / TBTECH
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
[Any opinions are my own and not those of RIT labs   ]

TB! v1.52 Beta/1 S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1

Version: 6.5.8ckt (build 04)
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Re: Moving TB from Win98 to Win2K?

2001-03-20 Thread Nick Andriash

Hash: SHA1

On March 20, 2001, at 1:50:52 PM, Marck D. Pearlstone wrote:

 This is covered in the FAQ at:

Marck, aside from the instructions on the FAQ, I simply copy my entire
C:\Program Files\The Bat folder to a ZIP Disk, and export the Registry Key
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT to the same ZIP Disk. When I'm ready to
re-install TB! to a freshly formatted HD, I simply copy over the files and
double click on the Registry File.

Will the above not work when switching from 98 to Win 2K? Would seem to
save the hassle of having to re-install TB!, create the dummy account and
what not.


 -=N.J. Andriash | Vancouver, B.C. Canada=- 
[ TB! v1.52 Beta 1 | Win 98 SE 4.10  A ] 
  [ GnuPG v1.0.4-1 (MingW32) | Key ID: 0x7BA3FDCE ]  

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Re: Moving TB from Win98 to Win2K?

2001-03-20 Thread A Curtis Martin

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 20 Mar 2001 16:08:37 -0800, Nick wrote these words of wisdom:

NA Marck, aside from the instructions on the FAQ, I simply copy my
NA entire C:\Program Files\The Bat folder to a ZIP Disk, and export
NA the Registry Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT to the same ZIP
NA Disk. When I'm ready to re-install TB! to a freshly formatted HD,
NA I simply copy over the files and double click on the Registry
NA File.

NA Will the above not work when switching from 98 to Win 2K? Would
NA seem to save the hassle of having to re-install TB!, create the
NA dummy account and what not.

Yes, it will work provided that you install TB! on a partition
with the same drive letter as the one it was originally installed on.
If you install it somewhere else, then you need to edit the registry
file, making the necessary path changes before importing it in Win2k.

- --
  - Allie -
 A. Curtis Martin  |  Moderator(TBUDL|TBBETA|TBTECH)
Opinions given are mine and not necessarily those of RITLABS!
  The Bat! v1.52 Beta/1 | Windows NT 5.00.2195 (Service Pack 1)

Version: PGP 6.5.8ckt (build 04)
Comment: PGP Key ID: 0x57C9EB602B0717E2   (Sealed for security).


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Re: Moving TB from Win98 to Win2K?

2001-03-20 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Nick,

On 21 March 2001 at  16:08:37 -0800 (which was 00:08 where I  live)
Nick Andriash wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and made these points:

NA Marck, aside from the instructions on the FAQ, I simply copy my
NA entire C:\Program Files\The Bat folder to a ZIP Disk, and export
NA the Registry Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT to the same ZIP
NA Disk. When I'm ready to re-install TB! to a freshly formatted HD,
NA I simply copy over the files and double click on the Registry
NA File.

NA Will the above not work when switching from 98 to Win 2K? Would
NA seem to save the hassle of having to re-install TB!, create the
NA dummy account and what not.

It won't work in one of the directions - I have a feeling it's when
you go from 2k back to 98. Since the new backup and synch procedures
went in for the newer versions, I added the sections to the FAQ on how
to do it using the in-built functions. This save the registry-shy from
fiddling with it and caters for any drive/directory changes en-route.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA / TBTECH
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
[Any opinions are my own and not those of RIT labs   ]

TB! v1.52 Beta/1 S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1

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Re: Moving TB from Win98 to Win2K?

2001-03-20 Thread Nick Andriash

Hash: SHA1

On March 20, 2001, at 4:25:53 PM, A Curtis Martin wrote:

 Yes, it will work provided that you install TB! on a partition with
 the same drive letter as the one it was originally installed on. If you
 install it somewhere else, then you need to edit the registry file,
 making the necessary path changes before importing it in Win2k.

Ah, Ok thanks Allie... Will have to keep that in mind later this summer!


 -=N.J. Andriash | Vancouver, B.C. Canada=- 
[ TB! v1.52 Beta 1 | Win 98 SE 4.10  A ] 
  [ GnuPG v1.0.4-1 (MingW32) | Key ID: 0x7BA3FDCE ]  

Version: GnuPG v1.0.4-1 (MingW32) - GnuPGshell v1.60
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Re: Moving TB! among computers, keeping current on computer(s)

2001-02-04 Thread George F Schoelles


Hello Mark,

Sunday, February 04, 2001, 11:18:59 AM, you wrote:

MK I installed TheBat! 1.49 to C:\TheBat directory.  I am wanting to move
MK TheBat! 1.49 to another computer.  Can I just back up C:\TheBat
MK directory and use REGEDIT to export the following Windows Registry
MK key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The Bat!" to move all of my
MK settings to another computer?

I did it with a backup file from TB, but the REG exported is not
common between 98xx and NTxx.  Though once imported I did the find
lost directory thingy which eludes me at the moment and all seemed

- --
Best regards,
 George   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

*Thawte authorized WOT Notary  * ICQ: 122492 *

I'm schizophrenic, What are you? 

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Re: Moving TB! among computers, keeping current on computer(s)

2001-02-04 Thread Mark Knipfer

George F Schoelles wrote:

MK I installed TheBat! 1.49 to C:\TheBat directory.  I am wanting to
MK move TheBat! 1.49 to another computer.  Can I just back up
MK C:\TheBat directory and use REGEDIT to export the following Windows
MK Registry key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The Bat!" to move all
MK of my settings to another computer?

 I did it with a backup file from TB, but the REG exported is not
 common between 98xx and NTxx.  Though once imported I did the find
 lost directory thingy which eludes me at the moment and all seemed

I tried moving the Windows 2000 Registry export to the Windows 98SE
computer without success -- registry format differences and .REG file
format differences too.

I installed TB! 1.49 on the Windows 98SE computer.  I then backed up the
C:\TheBat directory on the Windows 2000 computer using Winzip.  Copied
the archive file to the Windows 98SE computer.  Unzipped the archive
file to the C:\TheBat directory.  Ran TheBat! without any problems on
Windows 98SE.

You can only move the Windows Registry portion between alike Windows

Mark Knipfer

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Re: Moving TB! among computers, keeping current on computer(s)

2001-02-04 Thread Thomas

Hi George,

On Sun, 4 Feb 2001 15:08:09 -0800GMT (05/02/2001, 07:08 +0800GMT),
George F Schoelles wrote:

 I did it with a backup file from TB, but the REG exported is not
 common between 98xx and NTxx.  Though once imported I did the find
 lost directory thingy which eludes me at the moment

For the record: shft-crtl-alt-L. ;-)



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste. Anmeldung unter:

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.49e
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