Hey Deborah,

My MUA believes 'The Bat! (v1.60q) Educational' was used
on Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 3:30:24 AM.

DW> I'm going to be moving TB to a different computer in the next few
DW> days, & would like simple, step-by-step instructions on what to do
DW> please :-)

Here is what I have done (NT to 2k, and 2k to 2k).

-export regestry
-zip (or whatever) my TB! dir (c:\Program Files\The Bat!)
                & ...MAIL dir (d:\MAIL)
-expand the zip where I want them on the new PC, edit the .reg file
(with something like notepad, not wordpad) to change the drives and
paths if needed.
-now import the .reg file.

Start TB! with nothing lost... <g> It is the 'old' way, but has never
failed me yet.

DW> I have the install file that I originally downloaded, so I can use
DW> that to install. I want to move all my account details including
DW> filters, templates, etc, my preferences, all my saved emails etc.

You should not need any of that if you do what I outlined above.

DW> I'm thinking I may back up some of my older email onto CDs rather than
DW> put it *all* onto my nice, new, clean, hard drive :-) - what's the
DW> best way to go about that too?

Have not done that, I keep all my mail live...

Using The Bat! eMail v1.61
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
What are you doing?!?   The message is over,   GO AWAY!

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