> I'm going to be moving TB to a different computer in the next few
> days, & would like simple, step-by-step instructions on what to do
> please :-)

  I do that from time to time - I think my system is particularly big
  despite being private mailsystem: In total my system has close to
  300 mailfolders containing approx 300 000 messages. My main system
  is of course at home and this is where I do all the maintenace.
  I have a mirror backup at my working place - and from time to time
  I update the rule settings etc. on the mirrored system. This is how
  I do it:

  In TB I Backup "Account Properties"; "Address books"; and "Global
  options". I do NOT use The Bat to backup "Folders with messages"
  nor "Attachments" (more about that in a moment...).

  NOTE: Remember to click "Choose" and check for the addressbooks.
  The Bat sometimes leave your Personal Address book unchecked (!)
  thus backup will happen for your address book!

  Next I select the folder where the backup file is to be stored,
  and I give it a decent name - like TB20020809-1803.tbk (backup
  of "The Bat"; year "2002"; month "08" (August); date "09" (9th);
  backup started 1803 (18:03)).

  Next I check for the accounts I want to back up - in my case I
  always do a total backup, so I check them all.

  I give the backup file a password - this is adviceable since
  your backup file will containg account properties you would like
  to keep for yourself - my password are always made up of a nice
  combination of alphanumeric "chArAct3rs".

  When all that is done I execute the backup - the process won't
  take many seconds since we at this time isn't including messages.

  At this stage we have now done a "full" account(s) backup.

  I made a point that I do not use The Bat to backup my messages.
  This is partly because TB dosn't really compress well (...or? ;)
  and WinZIP will do it faster and better in my opinion. Before I
  zip the _entire_ TB-folder I'll make sure my TB backup is there
  too (TB20020809-1803.tbk to be found in C:\Programfiles\The Bat!\).

  I use the same procedure for password and naming the zipped file;
  ie. "chArAct3rs" and "TB20020809-1806.zip"...and then I'll go for
  a coffee-break :)

  Later I burn this entire big zipped file to a CD (NOTE: Remember
  to test your Zip-file before ack'ing!). After burning to CD, I
  test to see if all the packed files are well without errors
  (WinZIP and WinRAR can do this easily).

  Now that I have the CD finished, I can restore (update) my mail
  system at work very easily. Since I already have The Bat installed
  at both places (equal versions!), all I have to do is to do a safe
  backup of my Sent Mail on the workingplace installation, and then
  I just extract all files from the CD into The Bat's folder - any
  old files are overwritten - but who cares! ;) Next I restore from
  my backed up TB20020809-1803.tbk - and eureka - system is up!

  NOTE: There are a few things you must make sure in order to be able
  to do it this easily.

  1) The Bat must be installed using an equal path on both systems;
     C:\Programfiles\The Bat!\

     This is important so that you can be _sure_ that your mail-
     rules will operate correctly and find folders where they were
     at the other machine. Any difference here may or may not cause
     your mailrules to stop working correctly - it really depends on
     how you have configured your systems. For example, mail rules
     that Moves messages automatically at receiption, may suddenly
     stop doing that because it looks for C:\Programfiles\The Bat!\
     at home, but C:\Programfiles\The Bat\ at work... :/

  2) Make sure the same The Bat version is installed on both systems.

     Apparently, this is important when overwriting files - including
     programfiles! :)

  3) Sometimes (and in my case) SMTP and POP3 properties may differ
     on the two machines. Those you may need to give a little tweak
     in order to work. But there is a workaround here to: Use XRay
     to set up correct properties for both machines, and set the
     properties in The Bat (both systems) to Regardless
     of which system (backup/restore) your TB will just point to that
     locally installed XRay - and XRay will route correctly anyway.

  4) ...is there more..? ...if there is I will let you know when I
     remember it... ;)

  Hope this method works for you.

/ St

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