Re[2]: Follow-up header (was: Common courtesy on threading!)

2004-06-30 Thread Terry G. Munson
Hello subscriber2list,

Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 10:54:48 AM, you wrote:

 Again, not available to click on.

I think follow up would be references in version 2.00.



Using the Bat! 2.00
under Windows XP Service Pack 1 2600

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Follow-up header (was: Common courtesy on threading!)

2004-06-30 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Cyrille,


 No Follow-up possibility was in the context menu of possibilities.
 Nor do I quite understand the show and hide reference, but suspect
 that is applicable to the newer version releases.  I am using an older
 version of The Bat!, Version 2.0.0

 Oh well ... Cyrille, thanks for your very gracious and detailed help.
 Pretty good steps to follow.  BTW, my Dad's name was Cyrille ;)

C I am not your Dad. But I give you the advice to upgrade to the latest
C version (2.11.02). Don't be afraid it does not hurt (only a little
C bit).

LMAO!  Good advice, but I've never been one to have to have the
latest and greatest ... only the more tested, true and stable is
what I would like.  Heck, The Bat! people have seemed to put out more
versions in a shorter period of time than a blink of an eye!  Here's
hoping they don't rush too fast with all those wild and wonderful
newfangle features and functionality releases as it is a very good
product overall IMHO. Then again, they do have a huge number of field
testers around the world, right?  LOL!  Your folks comments will give
me a hint when to upgrade.

C P.S If your Dad had such I nice name, why did he call you
C 'subscriber2list' then???  (-:

Well, that's a loong story, but to cut to the chase, he gave my
brother the English version of Cyrille, i.e., Cyril.  I use the
subscriber2list handle and others to sort of figure out potentially
where SPAM may come from as I subscribe to many other list as well.
My name is Dirigo.

Thanks again for all your help and suggestions!


Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Follow-up header (was: Common courtesy on threading!)

2004-06-30 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Mary,

Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 2:09:26 PM, you wrote:

MB Hello subscriber2list!

MB On Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 12:54 PM, you wrote:

S Then I displayed the View option menu of the message itself and no
S Follow-up menu selection was offered

MB Now that you've been through all the trial-and-error possibilities,
MB I'll chime in with my experience. When I was running TB! v. 2.00.6, I
MB had no Follow Up headers option offered anywhere.

Oooh, thanks for the input ... you must have been chuckling there for
awhile, but, Mary ... you could have saved me and others bandwidth and
grey matter.  LOL!  Just kidding 'ya!

MB It was with considerable shock, in a long thread on tbot, that I saw
MB Greg's handy routine.

Well, I guess I should have been over on the tbot thread, huh?  I
liked Greg's description of how-to and thought it a great function.
He didn't chime in when I asked the initial question, so either he
is/wa very busy and didn't see it or thought Hey, I don't want to
rehash it.

MB Skeptical, I gave it a try, and it did work. In fact, once I ticked
MB the Follow Up option, that header remained in my Edit Mail Message
MB window whenever I was replying to a message. The line was occupied by
MB the ID display header in the View Folder window.


MB Sometimes I untick it, just to save my viewing headers space.

Understand ... save the screen real estate.

 MB I think it's probably now definite that versions 2.00.0 through
 MB 2.00.6 do not contain these options.

 I think you're probably correct here.
MB I stayed there for a long time, perfectly happy. Finally took the
MB plunge and upgraded. That went smooth as silk--just downloaded right
MB over my old TB! With The Bat! closed, of course.

Well, good for you!  I too am perfectly happy (within reason, that is
In time I will more than likely take the plunge, but I'm wondering
how does RIT price all these upgrades?  What I mean is ... every time
there is a new release, does one have to pay for the upgrade?  It
would seem so, but they release so many upgrades within a short period
of time, they're beginning to remind me of a few other software

MB If you want this handy routine, you could try upgrading. It's free to
MB all 2.xx users.

I'm not quite sure I understand ... the handy routine is free if I
upgrade?  Do I pay for the actual upgrade, i.e., from Version 2.00.x
to Version 2.11.x?  I would think so, but since I haven't been into
upgrading very much, I most certainly do not know.

Hey, next time you see where I'm digging myself into a hole here ...
please yell a wee bit earlier and ... pull me out.

Thanks, Mary.  I really do appreciate your comments and what you have
experienced with your past versions of The Bat!  It is a good product
and I do like it.  Kind of a fun product to me.  It opens up so many
opportunities to ask so many questions.  Take care.


Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Follow-up header (was: Common courtesy on threading!)

2004-06-30 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Mary,

Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 3:47:57 PM, you wrote:


MB Sorry about the ambiguous construction of my sentence in the post
MB you're replying to, where I said, It's free.  :) Upgrading from
MB v.2.00.x to any subsequent version is definitely free. Including
MB to the latest (current) one: v. 2.11.02

I don't think you were ambiguous ... I just always like to confirm
what I think I've read ... possibly a bad habit on my part.


MB I just ignore the new features which I don't understand. It's entirely
MB feasible to do that. So I don't use any Virtual Folders, and I never
MB did use any color groups (although these were available long ago in
MB earlier versions).

MB The features I like are:

MB 1) Viewing mail on the Mail Dispatcher before downloading
MB 2) Address Book templates
MB 3) Quick templates
MB 4) Making filters--once a slight learning curve is mastered

Thanks for the input.

MB I would dearly love to banter with you here, but I already have too
MB bad a reputation for long posts.

Hey, bantering is an art form ... just not always desirable on an
email list, so ... I'll try not to also.

MB I didn't hang back from this thread out of a desire to be mean. I just
MB felt shy, in case I didn't fully understand what was being talked
MB about. I also have a pretty good reputation for getting my foot in my
MB mouth, here and elsewhere. :) And for rambling and getting OT.

Oh, sounds like me ... we could be the dynamic duo that Marck,
Lief, et al wonder Why are they using The Bat!  Just kidding, guys
(and gals)!

MB Subscriber2list, would you consider subscribing to TBOT?

Do you think they'd let me?  Welcome me with open arms or just think
Here comes another one of those dudes?  Mary, I think I just might!
I'm sure I would enjoy everyone and learn a thing or two besides.

P.S.  Have you been trouted yet?  Sounds like a great honor ... I
see where one of the moderators earned such an award ... LOL!


Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Follow-up header (was: Common courtesy on threading!)

2004-06-30 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Mary,

Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 4:22:55 PM, you wrote:

MB Hello subscriber2list!

MB On Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 3:09 PM, you wrote:

TGM Only if you were born before 1960. ;-)

s LOL!  Yup ... way back ... push 'em back ... well, may be not that far
s back .. 1945 or there abouts ...

MB You delightful young puppy! (Have you tried View Threads by References in
MB View/View threads by, in v. 2.00.0 yet?)

Aaah, so I'm a young whipper-snapper, huh?  LOL!  Anyway ... to stay
on The Bat! topic, No, I have not as of yet tried View Threads by
References (am almost sure at one time or another I have - but didn't
really understand what the true effect/result of my actions was at the
time - you know ... I was just pushing the buttons or making various
selections to see what would happen, i.e., how stable The Bat!
was/is!), but promise to do so.

MB Here's doddering old Mary, born c. 1927. :)

Well, I think you're a pretty sharp lady myself.  I've read some of
your prior comments in earlier emails ... you've got spirit, gumption
... you're tough ... keep it up!


Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Follow-up header (was: Common courtesy on threading!)

2004-06-30 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Mary,

Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 4:44:19 PM, you wrote:


s Oh, sounds like me ... we could be the dynamic duo that Marck,
s Lief, et al wonder Why are they using The Bat!  Just kidding, guys
s (and gals)!

Aaaah, gsh!  Do you think Lief is gonna git me?  My fast fat
fingers misspelled his name ... shame on me, shame on me, shame on me.
Sorry, Leif ... I hope this doesn't mean you'll not help me in the
near future ... I figure you will in the far future as our memories
tend to fade ...

MB They know why *I'm* using The Bat!--because it's absolutely the best
MB e-mail client in the known universe!

Well, that's a very strong statement, but I think I can agree with it
with some reservations.

MB Subscriber2list, would you consider subscribing to TBOT?

s Do you think they'd let me?  Welcome me with open arms or just think
s Here comes another one of those dudes?  Mary, I think I just might!
s I'm sure I would enjoy everyone and learn a thing or two besides.

MB We'd be overjoyed to see you there. We don't always have 600-plus
MB posts every day, as happened over the weekend. Just when some of us
MB feel like partying. g

Aaah, noch eins!

MB Click on the URL at the bottom of this message for info. Or read your
MB Welcome to TBUDL letter for the subscribe to address.

Will do.



Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Follow-up header (was: Common courtesy on threading!)

2004-06-30 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Leif,

Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 5:20:26 PM, you wrote:

LG Hello subscriber2list,


LG You're toast bud!!! :grin:



Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information: