Hello Mary,

Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 3:47:57 PM, you wrote:


MB> Sorry about the ambiguous construction of my sentence in the post
MB> you're replying to, where I said, "It's free."  :) Upgrading from
MB> v.2.00.x to any subsequent version is definitely free. Including
MB> to the latest (current) one: v. 2.11.02

I don't think you were ambiguous ... I just always like to confirm
"what I think I've read" ... possibly a bad habit on my part.


MB> I just ignore the new features which I don't understand. It's entirely
MB> feasible to do that. So I don't use any Virtual Folders, and I never
MB> did use any color groups (although these were available long ago in
MB> earlier versions).

MB> The features I like are:

MB> 1) Viewing mail on the Mail Dispatcher before downloading
MB> 2) Address Book templates
MB> 3) Quick templates
MB> 4) Making filters--once a slight learning curve is mastered

Thanks for the input.

MB> I would dearly love to banter with you here, but I already have too
MB> bad a reputation for long posts.

Hey, bantering is an art form ... just not always desirable on an
email list, so ... I'll try not to also.

MB> I didn't hang back from this thread out of a desire to be mean. I just
MB> felt shy, in case I didn't fully understand what was being talked
MB> about. I also have a pretty good reputation for getting my foot in my
MB> mouth, here and elsewhere. :) And for rambling and getting OT.

Oooooh, sounds like me ... we could be the "dynamic duo" that Marck,
Lief, et al wonder "Why are they using The Bat!"  Just kidding, guys
(and gals)!

MB> Subscriber2list, would you consider subscribing to TBOT?

Do you think they'd let me?  Welcome me with open arms or just think
"Here comes another one of those dudes?"  Mary, I think I just might!
I'm sure I would enjoy everyone and learn a thing or two besides.

P.S.  Have you been "trouted" yet?  Sounds like a great honor ... I
see where one of the moderators earned such an award ... LOL!


Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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