Hello Mary,

Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 4:22:55 PM, you wrote:

MB> Hello subscriber2list!

MB> On Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 3:09 PM, you wrote:

TGM>>> Only if you were born before 1960. ;-)

s>> LOL!  Yup ... way back ... push 'em back ... well, may be not that far
s>> back .. 1945 or there abouts ...

MB> You delightful young puppy! (Have you tried View Threads by References in
MB> View/View threads by, in v. 2.00.0 yet?)

Aaah, so I'm a young whipper-snapper, huh?  LOL!  Anyway ... to stay
on The Bat! topic, "No", I have not as of yet tried "View Threads by
References" (am almost sure at one time or another I have - but didn't
really understand what the true effect/result of my actions was at the
time - you know ... I was just pushing the buttons or making various
selections to see what would happen, i.e., how stable The Bat!
was/is!), but promise to do so.

MB> Here's doddering old Mary, born c. 1927. :)

Well, I think you're a pretty sharp lady myself.  I've read some of
your prior comments in earlier emails ... you've got spirit, gumption
... you're tough ... keep it up!


Best regards,

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