Hello Mary,

Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 4:44:19 PM, you wrote:


s>> Oooooh, sounds like me ... we could be the "dynamic duo" that Marck,
s>> Lief, et al wonder "Why are they using The Bat!"  Just kidding, guys
s>> (and gals)!

Aaaah, geeeesh!  Do you think "Lief" is gonna git me?  My fast fat
fingers misspelled his name ... shame on me, shame on me, shame on me.
Sorry, Leif ... I hope this doesn't mean you'll not help me in the
near future ... I figure you will in the "far future" as our memories
tend to fade ...

MB> They know why *I'm* using The Bat!--because it's absolutely the best
MB> e-mail client in the known universe!

Well, that's a very strong statement, but I think I can agree with it
with some reservations.

MB>>> Subscriber2list, would you consider subscribing to TBOT?

s>> Do you think they'd let me?  Welcome me with open arms or just think
s>> "Here comes another one of those dudes?"  Mary, I think I just might!
s>> I'm sure I would enjoy everyone and learn a thing or two besides.

MB> We'd be overjoyed to see you there. We don't always have 600-plus
MB> posts every day, as happened over the weekend. Just when some of us
MB> feel like partying. <g>

Aaah, noch eins!

MB> Click on the URL at the bottom of this message for info. Or read your
MB> "Welcome to TBUDL" letter for the "subscribe to" address.

Will do.



Best regards,

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