Re[2]: custom quotes & search criteria

2000-09-27 Thread Jan Rifkinson

Hi BatListers,

  In a post timestamped 14:21:21 +0100 re: custom quotes & search criteria
  Marck D. Pearlstone wrote:

JR>>  Is there a way to customize the quotes on a folder instead of
JR>>  globally?  I  ask  because  when  answering  individual msgs,
JR>>  customizing  to initials or names is great but when answering
JR>>  a digest, it makes less sense.

Marck> Yes  -  you can use the %QUOTESTYLE= macro in the reply template to do
Marck> this.

JR>>  Along the same lines - digest format vs. individual msgs - is
JR>>  it possible to search & quote on specific text? An example of
JR>>  this  would  be  pulling  out the name text after "from" in a
JR>>  digest to insert in a reply quick macro.

Marck> With  regular  expressions,  yes.  This would mean a small programming
Marck> feat however.

  Jan responds: Thanks for this help. I played around with
  the  %QUOTESTYLE= macro. I used the "=TEXT" variable but
  the  best I could produce was an accurate quote style on
  the first line of the quoted text. The rest of the quote
  style was based on the global choice.

  As  for  pulling the name text after "from" in a digest,
  would  this  process not become easier within a selected
  portion  of text, i.e. text in the clipboard which would
  generally  include  only  one  name?  If this is so, how
  would I apply a regular expression to selected text?

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA

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Re[2]: custom quotes & search criteria

2000-09-27 Thread Jan Rifkinson

Hi BatListers,

  In a post timestamped 23:34:05 +0800 re: "custom quotes & search criteria"
  Thomas Fernandez wrote:

Thomas> In another account, I use:
Thomas> %quotestyle="%SETPATTREGEXP='([a-zA-Z]*)@'%REGEXPMATCH='%OFromAddr'"%Quotes

  Jan responds: so let's see if I can interpret this

  %quotestyle tells TB! to watch for defined text

  =%SETPATTREGEXP tells TB! to set the text based on
  the search criteria to follow

  =([a-zA-Z]*)@ is the search criteria which = anything
  preceding "@" starting with any lower or upper case letter

  %REGEXMATCH macro looks for this in the style text in the

  %Quotes = the text quoted

  Why do you put dbl quotes ["] around the entire %Quotestyle

Thomas> In your case it is the same as %OFName, but in my company, it isn't.
Thomas> Point I'm making: you can use RegEx in %Quotestyle, and it still
Thomas> works. :-)

  Jan  responds:  Thanks  Thomas.  I  find this especially
  interesting as I am trying to figure out how to select a
  from  "name"  from  selected  text  in  a  digest  & I'm
  wondering  if some expanded variation of the above macro
  can be used for this purpose.

  BTW,  I  figured  out  what  I  was doing wrong with the
  %QUOTESTYLE=  &  I  thank  you for that also. Although I
  reviewed  the macro list from TB!Help before asking this
  questions of the list, I couldn't figure it out. I'm not
  a programmer; maybe that's a part of my problem.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA

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Re[2]: custom quotes & search criteria

2000-09-27 Thread Charlie Turner (ceejay)

Hello Marck

On 27 September 2000, at 16:37, you wrote

JR>>   As  for  pulling the name text after "from" in a digest,
JR>>   would  this  process not become easier within a selected
JR>>   portion  of text, i.e. text in the clipboard which would
JR>>   generally  include  only  one  name?  If this is so, how
JR>>   would I apply a regular expression to selected text?

MDP> I  don't  think you can. You can perform a regexp on the quotable text
MDP> or the headers or the original text but not the clipboard.

I'm  pleased  to  hear  that.  I've been looking in the Help files and
searched  through  the FAQ but can't find anything that explains how I
would set up a regex to handle quotable text.

What  I  want  to  achieve  is  this: place the cursor after the first
paragraph  of  the  quoted text when composing a reply. I'd appreciate
any offers of help with this one. TIA

have a good day
   Charlie (ceejay)

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Re[2]: custom quotes & search criteria

2000-09-27 Thread Jan Rifkinson

Hi BatListers,

  In a post timestamped 20:07:54 +0200 re: "custom quotes & search criteria"
  Peter Steiner wrote:

Peter> On Wed, 27 Sep 2000 16:37:25 +0100, Marck D. Pearlstone wrote:

JR>>>   As  for  pulling the name text after "from" in a digest,
JR>>>   would  this  process not become easier within a selected
JR>>>   portion  of text, i.e. text in the clipboard which would
JR>>>   generally  include  only  one  name?  If this is so, how
JR>>>   would I apply a regular expression to selected text?

MDP>> I  don't  think you can. You can perform a regexp on the quotable text
MDP>> or the headers or the original text but not the clipboard.

Peter> I've never tried, but %REGEXPBLINDMATCH="%CLIPBOARD" should apply a
Peter> regexp to the clipboard. Or am i mixing up things?

  Jan  responds:  Thanks  for the thought, Peter. H. I
  sure  as  heck  don't  know the answer to this but if it
  were  to work, might it instead be a search for the text
  after the word "From:" in the %QUOTECLIPBOARD text since
  I'd be working from a digest of msgs?

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA

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Re[2]: custom quotes & search criteria

2000-09-27 Thread Jan Rifkinson

Dear Marck, Thanks for your email.

  On Wednesday, September 27, 2000 re: "custom quotes &
  search criteria" Marck wrote:

JR>>   As  for  pulling the name text after "from" in a digest,
JR>>   would  this  process not become easier within a selected
JR>>   portion  of text, i.e. text in the clipboard which would
JR>>   generally  include  only  one  name?  If this is so, how
JR>>   would I apply a regular expression to selected text?

Marck> I  don't  think you can. You can perform a regexp on the quotable text
Marck> or the headers or the original text but not the clipboard.

  Jan  responds:  So,  if  I  understand you, this means I
  might  be able to accomplish what I want from the quoted
  text  if  I include the From: information in the %QUOTEd
  portion  from  the  digest  which is something I do as a
  matter of course unless I want to rcv individual msgs.

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA

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Re[2]: custom quotes & search criteria

2000-09-27 Thread Jan Rifkinson

Hi BatListers,

  In a post timestamped 22:02:07 +0200 re: "custom quotes & search criteria"
  Peter Steiner wrote:

Peter> On Wed, 27 Sep 2000 14:45:55 -0400, Jan Rifkinson wrote:

JR>   As  for  pulling the name text after "from" in a digest,
JR>   would  this  process not become easier within a selected
JR>   portion  of text, i.e. text in the clipboard which would
JR>   generally  include  only  one  name?  If this is so, how
JR>   would I apply a regular expression to selected text?

MDP I  don't  think you can. You can perform a regexp on the quotable text
MDP or the headers or the original text but not the clipboard.

Peter>>> I've never tried, but %REGEXPBLINDMATCH="%CLIPBOARD" should apply a
Peter>>> regexp to the clipboard. Or am i mixing up things?

JR>>   Jan  responds:  Thanks  for the thought, Peter. H. I
JR>>   sure  as  heck  don't  know the answer to this but if it
JR>>   were  to work, might it instead be a search for the text
JR>>   after the word "From:" in the %QUOTECLIPBOARD text since
JR>>   I'd be working from a digest of msgs?

Peter> I don't know the exact format of a digest, but assuming standard
Peter> format (From: username <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>), my first try would be
Peter> (if you wanted the address part):

Peter> %SETPATTREGEXP='From:( 

Peter> For the %CLIPBOARD macro to work, you would not only have to select the
Peter> text, but also copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl-C). And note that the
Peter> part matching the address is simple, it doesn't match addresses
Peter> containing digits, dot or other special characters.

  Jan responds: Peter, thanks for the suggestion. Here's a
  sample  of a Bouvier digest msg (Bouviers are dogs) that
  I  clipped.  I  put  your  suggested  string  in a reply
  template for this digest. Then I copied ^c this msg from
  the  digest including the "from" line, Then I used F4 to
  reply & got the following error msg.

   *** Error: nothing to repeat ***

   My goal is to lift "David" or "David Frye" from the msg &
   possibly the "Date info" as well to reply to.

   Thanks so much for your thoughts on this.  This process
   is like panning for gold in the US Northwest in 1935.

-|| original digest message ||-
Message: 1
   Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 06:49:37 -0400
   From: "David Frye" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Digest Number 752/itching

My girls have been having an itching problem for several weeks, usually
worst after going outside.  I found a benadryl tablet helps.
When the weather cools off my girls should get better.
-|| End Digest Msg ||-

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA

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Re[2]: custom quotes & search criteria

2000-09-28 Thread Jan Rifkinson

Hi Peter
  In a post time stamped 21:40:15 +0200 re: "custom quotes & search criteria"
  you wrote:

Peter> On Wed, 27 Sep 2000 17:37:45 -0400, Jan Rifkinson wrote:

JR>>My goal is to lift "David" or "David Frye" from the msg &
JR>>possibly the "Date info" as well to reply to.

JR>> -|| original digest message ||-
JR>> Message: 1
JR>>Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 06:49:37 -0400
JR>>From: "David Frye" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
JR>> Subject: Re: Digest Number 752/itching

JR>> My girls have been having an itching problem for several weeks
JR>> -|| End Digest Msg ||-

Peter> I have put together a regexp for the reply template that extracts the
Peter> name of the Sender:

Peter> %SETPATTREGEXP='From: (\"?(.+?)\"? *<|([-.\w]*)@)'

Peter> It handles several forms of addresses:
Peter> From: name 
Peter> From: "name" 
Peter> From: address@domain

  Jan responds: Peter, this worked like a charm. What a
  gift you have given me. Now if I could just understand
  it. It's not your explanation was not clear, its just
  that its all so new to me.

  I thought that if I could substitute the "From" pattern
  with "Subject:" that the expression would yield the
  subject from the copied text rather than yielding the
  Digest subject like Digest #543 or whatever. Alas, no
  such luck.

  I don't think I understand what you are saying below.
  For example, what are the "RE's" you reference? It looks
  like you are saying that I can use the %CLIPBOARD to
  replace the %TEXT expression but as the text is already
  selected by selecting the text from the digest, this
  isn't clear to me. What I'm trying to figure out is why
  I can't use the same REGEXP [substituting "subject" for
  "From"] to retrieve the subject matter in the clipped
  portion of the msg as long as I don't select more than
  one "from" & one "subject" which I wouldn't do anyway.

Peter> And i tried the %clipboard, it seems to work. So you could replace in
Peter> the RE's for the name and the date %TEXT with %CLIPBOARD, put another
Peter> regexp for quoting the text (this one using %TEXT) into you r reply
Peter> template. Then you would have to select and copy the From: and Date:
Peter> line and then select the part of the text you want to quote and press
Peter> F4. Very complicated...

  Jan responds: This is amazing stuff & I have to figure
  out (1) how to educate myself & (2) decide whether or
  not I'll ever get it. I like TheBat! because it is so
  customizable but if I can't figure out how to do it, I
  won't be able to take advantage of this feature. Again,
  thanks so much for your help with this.

  What this does is to allow me [or anyone] to subscribe
  to digests & be able to respond to individual msgs in a
  personal way. This is a tremendous help to me for sure.

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA

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Re[2]: custom quotes & search criteria

2000-09-29 Thread Jan Rifkinson

Hi Peter

  In a post time stamped 21:40:15 +0200 re: "custom quotes & search criteria"
  you wrote:

Peter> I have put together a regexp for the reply template that extracts the
Peter> name of the Sender:

Peter> %SETPATTREGEXP='From: (\"?(.+?)\"? *<|([-.\w]*)@)'

  Jan responds: As I mentioned in a prior post, the above
  works like a charm & I thank you for it.

  I'm including another digest sample to illustrate what
  I'm now trying to do, alas unsuccessfully.

-|| original digest-style msg ||-

There are 2 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

  1. Trying to register Ecco Toolkit
   From: "Jefferson French" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  2. Strange sync behavior with Palm IIIx

Message: 1
   Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 22:03:31 -
   From: "Jefferson French" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Trying to register Ecco Toolkit

the web and email contact info in the
documentation are no longer valid.

-|| End digest-style Msg ||-

  Jan continues: So I select Jefferson French's msg & want
  to reply to it in a personal way via macro. Thanks to
  the line you created below, I'm able to lift his name
  from the selected text & place it in a folder customized
  a reply macro.

Peter> %SETPATTREGEXP='From: (\"?(.+?)\"? *<|([-.\w]*)@)'

  Jan continues: However I'd also like to be able to pull
  out the subject of the above selected msg [Trying to
  register Ecco Toolkit] instead of the digest subj line
  "[EccoPro] Digest "

  I've tried the following expression without success:

  %setpattregexp='Subject: ((\d\D\n$%)%regexpQUOTES)

  thinking that:
  1.%setpattregexp would look for a pattern within the
  selected text

  2.the pattern would look for "Subject"

  3.then accept any letter or any digit following
  "Subject" ending only at a new line

  4.& paste it in the reply template.

  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA

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