Hi Peter
          In a post time stamped 21:40:15 +0200 re: "custom quotes & search criteria"
          you wrote:

Peter> On Wed, 27 Sep 2000 17:37:45 -0400, Jan Rifkinson wrote:

JR>>            My goal is to lift "David" or "David Frye" from the msg &
JR>>            possibly the "Date info" as well to reply to.

JR>> -----|| original digest message ||-----
JR>> Message: 1
JR>>    Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 06:49:37 -0400
JR>>    From: "David Frye" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
JR>> Subject: Re: Digest Number 752/itching

JR>> My girls have been having an itching problem for several weeks
JR>> -----|| End Digest Msg ||-----

Peter> I have put together a regexp for the reply template that extracts the
Peter> name of the Sender:

Peter> <onelongline>
Peter> %SETPATTREGEXP='From: (\"?(.+?)\"? *<|([-.\w]*)@)'
Peter> </onelongline>

Peter> It handles several forms of addresses:
Peter> From: name <address@domain>
Peter> From: "name" <address@domain>
Peter> From: address@domain

          Jan responds: Peter, this worked like a charm. What a
          gift you have given me. Now if I could just understand
          it. It's not your explanation was not clear, its just
          that its all so new to me.

          I thought that if I could substitute the "From" pattern
          with "Subject:" that the expression would yield the
          subject from the copied text rather than yielding the
          Digest subject like Digest #543 or whatever. Alas, no
          such luck.

          I don't think I understand what you are saying below.
          For example, what are the "RE's" you reference? It looks
          like you are saying that I can use the %CLIPBOARD to
          replace the %TEXT expression but as the text is already
          selected by selecting the text from the digest, this
          isn't clear to me. What I'm trying to figure out is why
          I can't use the same REGEXP [substituting "subject" for
          "From"] to retrieve the subject matter in the clipped
          portion of the msg as long as I don't select more than
          one "from" & one "subject" which I wouldn't do anyway.

Peter> And i tried the %clipboard, it seems to work. So you could replace in
Peter> the RE's for the name and the date %TEXT with %CLIPBOARD, put another
Peter> regexp for quoting the text (this one using %TEXT) into you r reply
Peter> template. Then you would have to select and copy the From: and Date:
Peter> line and then select the part of the text you want to quote and press
Peter> F4. Very complicated...

          Jan responds: This is amazing stuff & I have to figure
          out (1) how to educate myself & (2) decide whether or
          not I'll ever get it. I like TheBat! because it is so
          customizable but if I can't figure out how to do it, I
          won't be able to take advantage of this feature. Again,
          thanks so much for your help with this.

          What this does is to allow me [or anyone] to subscribe
          to digests & be able to respond to individual msgs in a
          personal way. This is a tremendous help to me for sure.

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA

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