TB! Recieves messages but says it can't write them to disk.

2003-07-10 Thread Nick OHare2
Hi all,

I'm not too sure whether or not this (incredibly) talented group can
help me or it's a developer problem.

Two days ago emails stopped coming into my account.  A quick check of
the log showed that the messages were listed as received but each
message was promptly followed with

! 7/8/03, 16:20:20: fetch - [inbox] could not store message
(file name - c:\docume~1\admin~1\locals~1\temp\bat1bbo.tmp

A check of the tmp files in question however shows that the messages
were written (with varying file sizes) and I can open them in
Notepad and see the message.

There were over 18,000 tmp files in the directory and at first I
thought that TB! was choking on the number so I deleted them all.
This didn't help.  I then downloaded TB! and reinstalled it (I didn't
do an uninstall first.)

The particulars of the machine running TB! is as follows:
Win2K Service Pack 3
TB! Version 1.62r
Approximately 188,000 emails in the main account
The Mail folder is approximately 5.6 gigs

Any suggestions, or work arounds would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re: TB! Recieves messages but says it can't write them to disk.

2003-07-10 Thread Marck D Pearlstone
Hash: SHA1

Hi Nick,

@10-Jul-2003, 09:46 -0400 (14:46 UK time) Nick OHare2 [NO] in

NO ! 7/8/03, 16:20:20: fetch - [inbox] could not store message
NO (file name - c:\docume~1\admin~1\locals~1\temp\bat1bbo.tmp

... snip


1) Are you running logged in as Administrator? (TB is trying to use
   the Administrator's temp folder).
2) What are the permissions on that folder?
3) What AV software is running - could that be stopping things?
4) Are you running a firewall?

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v1.63 Beta/11 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Version: PGPsdk version 1.7.1 (C) 1997-1999 Network Associates, Inc. and its 
affiliated companies.


Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re: TB! Recieves messages but says it can't write them to disk.

2003-07-10 Thread Marek Mikus
On Thu, 10 Jul 2003, Nick OHare2 wrote:

 I'm not too sure whether or not this (incredibly) talented group can
 help me or it's a developer problem.
 Two days ago emails stopped coming into my account.  A quick check of
 the log showed that the messages were listed as received but each
 message was promptly followed with
 ! 7/8/03, 16:20:20: fetch - [inbox] could not store message
 (file name - c:\docume~1\admin~1\locals~1\temp\bat1bbo.tmp
 A check of the tmp files in question however shows that the messages
 were written (with varying file sizes) and I can open them in
 Notepad and see the message.
 There were over 18,000 tmp files in the directory and at first I
 thought that TB! was choking on the number so I deleted them all.
 This didn't help.  I then downloaded TB! and reinstalled it (I didn't
 do an uninstall first.)

1) problem can be antivirus, but you did not told about antivirus 

2) tmp files are stored but not imported to TB, as I understand. Did 
not your system crashed two days ago? Try to close TB, backup 
messages.tbb and messsages.tbi files from INBOX folder of this account 
and run TB again. One user has similar problem and he had corrupted 
msgbase somehow (probably by crash).

Marek Mikus
Czech Support of The Bat!

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: TB! Recieves messages but says it can't write them to disk.

2003-07-10 Thread Nick OHare2
Hello Marck,

Thursday, July 10, 2003, 9:54:34 AM, you wrote:

MDP @10-Jul-2003, 09:46 -0400 (14:46 UK time) Nick OHare2 [NO] in

NO ! 7/8/03, 16:20:20: fetch - [inbox] could not store message
NO (file name - c:\docume~1\admin~1\locals~1\temp\bat1bbo.tmp

MDP Thoughts:

MDP 1) Are you running logged in as Administrator? (TB is trying to use
MDPthe Administrator's temp folder).
MDP 2) What are the permissions on that folder?
MDP 3) What AV software is running - could that be stopping things?
MDP 4) Are you running a firewall?

Thank you for your response.  I am indeed logged in as Administrator
and the permission for the folder are set properly (the tmp files are
written to the temp directory).  I should have mentioned that I was
running a firewall (ZoneAlarm) and a AV (AVG).  I shut both of them
down and the same problem occurs (I'm doing checks through the message

One test I did do involved using another TB! account and did manage to
download an email I sent it.  Is it possible that my brother finally
came up with the magic number of emails that can bring TB! to it's
knees?  I was shocked when I saw the number emails and the size of the
Mail folder.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: TB! Recieves messages but says it can't write them to disk.

2003-07-10 Thread Nick OHare2
Hello Marek,

Thursday, July 10, 2003, 10:12:14 AM, you wrote:

MM On Thu, 10 Jul 2003, Nick OHare2 wrote:

 Two days ago emails stopped coming into my account.  A quick check of
 the log showed that the messages were listed as received but each
 message was promptly followed with
 ! 7/8/03, 16:20:20: fetch - [inbox] could not store message
 (file name - c:\docume~1\admin~1\locals~1\temp\bat1bbo.tmp
 A check of the tmp files in question however shows that the messages
 were written (with varying file sizes) and I can open them in
 Notepad and see the message.

MM 1) problem can be antivirus, but you did not told about antivirus 
MM warnings.

MM 2) tmp files are stored but not imported to TB, as I understand. Did 
MM not your system crashed two days ago? Try to close TB, backup 
MM messages.tbb and messsages.tbi files from INBOX folder of this account 
MM and run TB again. One user has similar problem and he had corrupted 
MM msgbase somehow (probably by crash).

Thank you for your response.  I was running an AV but shut it down and
tried again with the same results.  According to my brother the
machine hasn't crashed recently.

As I just wrote Marck, I can download to another account under TB! but
for my main account the log keeps insisting that it can't write to the
Windows directory file. However TB! tmp files clearly show up in that
directory. I think my brother hit the magic number that chokes TB.

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re: TB! Recieves messages but says it can't write them to disk.

2003-07-10 Thread Marck D Pearlstone
Hash: SHA1

Hi Nick,

@10-Jul-2003, 14:59 -0400 (19:59 UK time) Nick OHare2 [NO] in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Marck:

MDP 3) What AV software is running - could that be stopping things?
MDP 4) Are you running a firewall?

NO I should have mentioned that I was running a firewall
NO (ZoneAlarm)

(sharp intake of breath) - have a look for references to ZA, ZAP and
ZoneAlarm in the archive. It is widely held to be a source of
problems for many. Not all, but many for sure.

NO and a AV (AVG). I shut both of them down and the same problem
NO occurs (I'm doing checks through the message dispatcher).

Shutting down ZA is not an option. It has been conclusively proven
that nothing short of a complete exorcism will stop ZA from doing at
least *something* you didn't tell it to within your system. This
alone is my main reason for advising folks to make the shift to
Kerio if they possibly can. No software should be that pervasive,
unbeknownst to the user.

However, we digress, since this is clearly *not* the source of your

NO One test I did do involved using another TB! account and did
NO manage to download an email I sent it. Is it possible that my
NO brother finally came up with the magic number of emails that can
NO bring TB! to it's knees?

No. I sincerely believe that there is no possibility of that being
the problem. Since you are using the dispatcher, you can batch the
downloads and reduce the number of messages coming in. I predict
that the result will be the same. I think that Marek hit it when he
said that the Inbox of the account may well be corrupt in some way,
shape or form.

Are there many messages in the Inbox? Move them out to another
location. Exit TB. Use Windows Explorer to find the Inbox folder on
disk and delete the .tbb and .tbi files. Run TB again and see if
your mails will now import correctly. They are downloading just fine
(to the temp folder) - it's just the act of importing them to Inbox
that's choking.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v1.63 Beta/11 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Version: PGPsdk version 1.7.1 (C) 1997-1999 Network Associates, Inc. and its 
affiliated companies.


Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information: