Re: beat this seems like spam to me

2001-07-03 Thread Douglas Hinds

Hello Dragan  others on this TB! list  following this thread,

I wrote this yesterday but didn't log back on to send it.
Judging from the comments that came in later,  the file containing
the virus evidently did NOT come in via TBUDL. IAC, the name of the
file is the critical concern here.

Monday, July 02, 2001, you stated, apparently regarding a file that
was sent to TBUDL with a message by Mark Brown w/ the subject:

beat this:

HM Maybe I'm overdoing here but anyway:

HM My PC Cillin repported a virus in the Attach folder of my TB directory. The
HM virus was quaranteed and upon sending it to the PC Clillin's analyzing team
HM I've got this ( including the file which fixes everything if the virus was
HM maybe was already executed etc ) :

Thanks for telling the rest of us. It would help to mention the NAME
of the file. The virus info you included is very interesting, but
the fundamental issue is whether the file containing it came through
or not.

If it was sent in a message posted by Mark Brown with the above
subject, JoAnne Virant stated:

JV whatever you sent was removed by the bat demon

in relation to that.

So once again: *What is the name of the file*? I show no attachment
with that post.



HM Dear Customer,

HM Thank you for contacting the Virus Doctor @ Trend Micro. We
HM received your e-mail with attachment.

HM The file you send us has been detected as PE_Magistr.A by our
HM Trend InterScan.

HM PE_MAGSITR.A is a per-process, memory-resident, polymorphic
HM virus that is similar to TROJ_MTX.A

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Re[2]: beat this seems like spam to me

2001-07-03 Thread Jan Rifkinson

Hello Listers.

On Monday, July 02, 2001 11:18:46 [ +0800 GMT], Thomas F wrote the
following in regards to 'beat this seems like spam to me':

Thomas Yeah, the little problem with the PC-Cillin / TB combination is that
Thomas you never know which mail exactly cotnained the virus. You don't even
Thomas know which account was effected.
  I use this combination  had occassion to have a virus quaranteed.
  Until I dumped all the new read files in my folders PC-cillin
  continued to quarantine it but I didn't know the name of the file.

  So what do you do if you get a PC-cillin quarantine msg?

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
TB! V1.53d/W2K_SP2/PGP Key ID: 0x3F14A060
ICQ 41116329

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OT: Virus-catching by PC-Cillin (was: beat this seems like spam to me)

2001-07-03 Thread Thomas F

Hello Jan,

On Tue, 3 Jul 2001 09:37:30 -0400 GMT (03/07/2001, 21:37 +0800 GMT),
Jan Rifkinson wrote:

JR   So what do you do if you get a PC-cillin quarantine msg?

If the PC-Cillin window pops up while I check mail, I check the
account logs for the below error message, which I psoted on this list
as an example, with message-ID [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

!21/06/2001, 10:37:31: FETCH - [Inbox] could not store message (file name - 

I then use the despatcher to delete the message from the server.

If the virus is already in the message base (because PC-Cillin didn't
run when the message was downloaded or whatever), I have posted a
step-by-step instruction how to identify the message (out of
thousands) with message-ID [EMAIL PROTECTED]




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Re[2]: beat this seems like spam to me

2001-07-03 Thread Jernej Simoni

Hello Douglas,

3. julij 2001, 15:16:16, you wrote:

 Thanks for telling the rest of us. It would help to mention the NAME
 of the file. The virus info you included is very interesting, but
 the fundamental issue is whether the file containing it came through
 or not.

Magistr has a bad habit to use the name of infected file... I received
it as cfgwiz32.exe (ISDN configuration wizard), telnet.exe and as
And anyway, we already know that the file didn't come through.

Jernej Simoncic, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ICQ: 26266467

[The Bat! v1.53d on Windows 98 4.10.1998]

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beat this seems like spam to me

2001-07-03 Thread Homesick Mac

RHello Thomas,

Tuesday, July 03, 2001, 5:18:46 AM, you wrote:

TF Yeah, the little problem with the PC-Cillin / TB combination is that
TF you never know which mail exactly cotnained the virus. You don't even
TF know which account was effected.

OK, but if I store the attachments in the message bodies ?

Right  now  they're  separated  in  the  Account  Properties.  If I put them
together  I'll  be  able  to tell which message contained the virus. Right ?
Wrong ?


Kind regards,
Homesick Mac

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Re[2]: beat this seems like spam to me

2001-07-03 Thread Homesick Mac

Hello Douglas,

Tuesday, July 03, 2001, 3:16:16 PM, you wrote:

DH So once again: *What is the name of the file*? I show no attachment
DH with that post.

DH Douglas

Yepps, the file was SLFSRVSW.EXE. Here's the complete virus log:

Detected Virus List
Time,Infected File Name,Virus Name,Action On Virus,User Name,Scan Type
23:13:51,D:\ANTIVIRUS\PC-CILLIN\QUARANTINE\E021.TMP,PE_Magistr.A,Unable to 
clean,Mac,Quarantine Scan
clean,Mac,Quarantine Scan
or quarantine infected file.,Mac,Real-time Scan
or quarantine infected file.,Mac,Real-time Scan
or quarantine infected file.,Mac,Real-time Scan

Kind regards,
Homesick Mac

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Re: beat this seems like spam to me

2001-07-03 Thread A Curtis Martin

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 4 Jul 2001 01:23:13 +0200, Homesick graced us with these comments:
TF Yeah, the little problem with the PC-Cillin / TB combination is that
TF you never know which mail exactly cotnained the virus. You don't even
TF know which account was effected.

I personally use DrWeb and have the same problem in that Dr Web will
detect the virus but will not be able to tell me exactly which message
it's associated with. It will only tell me which message base is involved.
I then search for the attachment.

Of course, if you have the attachments stored separately, Dr Web will
locate the virus. It will again not be able to tell you which message it
came from.

HM OK, but if I store the attachments in the message bodies ?

Same problem.

HM Right now they're separated in the Account Properties. If I put them
HM together I'll be able to tell which message contained the virus. Right
HM ? Wrong ?

AFAIK and you still will not be able to tell.

Wouldn't the anti-virus program have to be optimised to handle TB message
bases in order to locate and extract just the virus from the message base
file? Otherwise it will delete the entire message base when you ask that
the infected file be deleted.

The only way I can see you knowing exactly which message is infected is
when the message is scanned upon receipt or you manually scan attachments.

- --
©Allie C. Martin  ••  List Moderator (and fellow registered end-user)
Using The Bat! (v1.53d) [OS: Windows 2000 (Service Pack 2)]
'Oxymoron: Science Fiction.'
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Re[2]: beat this seems like spam to me

2001-07-03 Thread Homesick Mac

Hello Allie,

Wednesday, July 04, 2001, 1:39:04 AM, you wrote:

ACM The only way I can see you knowing exactly which message is infected is
ACM when the message is scanned upon receipt or you manually scan attachments.


   The  only thing I'll have to do is to tell my PC Cillin _not_ to automaticaly
   quarantine the uncleanable infected files. In the options it says:

   Action on uncleanable files:

   Quarantine - Delete - Pass - Rename

   Here  I  could  maybe  chose Pass and later scan the whole TB directory. It
   might work.

Kind regards,
Homesick Mac

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Re: beat this seems like spam to me

2001-07-03 Thread A Curtis Martin

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 4 Jul 2001 01:56:15 +0200, Homesick thoughtfully wrote the
HMThe  only thing I'll have to do is to tell my PC Cillin _not_ to automaticaly
HMquarantine the uncleanable infected files. In the options it says:

HMAction on uncleanable files:

HMQuarantine - Delete - Pass - Rename

Hmmm. Makes me wonder if this option could be the reason behind some users
mysteriously missing a whole folder of messages, the base files
disappearing without a trace.

- --
©Allie C. Martin  ••  List Moderator (and fellow registered end-user)
Using The Bat! (v1.53d) [OS: Windows 2000 (Service Pack 2)]
'Procrastination: The art of keeping up with yesterday.'
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Re: beat this seems like spam to me

2001-07-03 Thread Thomas F

Hi Mac,

On Wed, 4 Jul 2001 01:56:15 +0200GMT (04/07/2001, 07:56 +0800GMT),
Homesick Mac wrote:

HMQuarantine - Delete - Pass - Rename

HMHere  I  could  maybe  chose Pass and later scan the whole TB directory. It
HMmight work.

ironic mode
You can also turn of PC-Cillin altogether. It would have the same
/ironic mode



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Re: beat this seems like spam to me

2001-07-03 Thread Thomas F

Hi Allie,

On Tue, 3 Jul 2001 18:39:04 -0500GMT (04/07/2001, 07:39 +0800GMT),
A Curtis Martin wrote:

ACM Wouldn't the anti-virus program have to be optimised to handle TB message
ACM bases in order to locate and extract just the virus from the message base
ACM file? Otherwise it will delete the entire message base when you ask that
ACM the infected file be deleted.

Correct. For any AV-program, the whole message base is one file. In
order to identify the message with the attachment in its body, you
have export all messages, which makes them seperate *.msg files. And
then scan these individual files.

ACM The only way I can see you knowing exactly which message is infected is
ACM when the message is scanned upon receipt

No, because the error message will identify the file bat1276.tmp as
the infected one. Yes, this is the message, but you don't know right
away which one it is.



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Re: beat this seems like spam to me

2001-07-03 Thread A Curtis Martin

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 4 Jul 2001 10:25:27 +0800, Thomas graced us with these comments:
ACM Wouldn't the anti-virus program have to be optimised to handle TB message
ACM bases in order to locate and extract just the virus from the message base
ACM file? Otherwise it will delete the entire message base when you ask that
ACM the infected file be deleted.

TF Correct. For any AV-program, the whole message base is one file. In
TF order to identify the message with the attachment in its body, you
TF have export all messages, which makes them seperate *.msg files. And
TF then scan these individual files.

Ok then. This isn't surprising.

ACM The only way I can see you knowing exactly which message is infected is
ACM when the message is scanned upon receipt

TF No, because the error message will identify the file bat1276.tmp as
TF the infected one. Yes, this is the message, but you don't know right
TF away which one it is.

So what do you do in that situation? Manually inspect all your recently
downloaded mail?

- --
©Allie C. Martin  ••  List Moderator (and fellow registered end-user)
Using The Bat! (v1.53d) [OS: Windows 2000 (Service Pack 2)]
'(A)bort, (R)etry, (G)et a beer?'
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Re: beat this seems like spam to me

2001-07-03 Thread Thomas F

Hi Allie,

On Tue, 3 Jul 2001 21:40:35 -0500GMT (04/07/2001, 10:40 +0800GMT),
A Curtis Martin wrote:

TF No, because the error message will identify the file bat1276.tmp as
TF the infected one. Yes, this is the message, but you don't know right
TF away which one it is.

ACM So what do you do in that situation? Manually inspect all your recently
ACM downloaded mail?

No, I  check the account logs for the error message couldn't rigfht
to inbox or something. See my mail of last night.

Then I go into that account with the mail despatcher, and have not had
a problem identifying the offending message by sight.



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Re: beat this seems like spam to me

2001-07-02 Thread Preston

Hello Mark (or is it Paul?),

Thursday, June 28, 2001, 3:20:18 PM, you wrote:

MB Hello BatList,
MB --
MB Have Great Day,  Mark Brown
MB °¨¨°º©[ WWW.MARKBROWN.COM ]©º°¨¨°

MB Using The Bat! 1.52f
MB Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 
MB Service Pack 4

Was this an attempt to submit a Virus/trojan AND spam?

Best regards,

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

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Re[2]: beat this seems like spam to me

2001-07-02 Thread Homesick Mac

Hello Preston,

Monday, July 02, 2001, 3:21:30 PM, you wrote:

P Hello Mark (or is it Paul?),

P Thursday, June 28, 2001, 3:20:18 PM, you wrote:

MB Hello BatList,
MB --
MB Have Great Day,  Mark Brown
MB °¨¨°º©[ WWW.MARKBROWN.COM ]©º°¨¨°

MB Using The Bat! 1.52f
MB Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 
MB Service Pack 4

P Was this an attempt to submit a Virus/trojan AND spam?

Maybe I'm overdoing here but anyway:

My PC Cillin repported a virus in the Attach folder of my TB directory. The
virus was quaranteed and upon sending it to the PC Clillin's analyzing team
I've got this ( including the file which fixes everything if the virus was
maybe was already executed etc ) :

Dear Customer,

Thank you for contacting the Virus Doctor @ Trend Micro. We
received your
e-mail with attachment. 

The file you send us has been detected as   PE_Magistr.A by our

PE_MAGSITR.A is a per-process, memory-resident, polymorphic virus
that is
similar to TROJ_MTX.A. It uses complex routines and anti-debugging
techniques, which make it very difficult to analyze. It has both a
component and a Trojan component that infect the local system as
well as all
files with .EXE and .SCR extensions. Upon execution, this Trojan
Windows System files and then sends infected files via MS
Express/Netscape Navigator to all addresses listed in the infected
Windows and Outlook Express address book. Its destructive payload
the primary hard disk drive controller, overwrites CMOS RAM, and
flash memory (BIOS). Due to its polymorphic nature the email that
Trojan comes with does not have a static subject line, message
body, or
attachment filename. 

To be able to clean all detected files, please run the attached
tool. Before
running the tool, read the readme.txt first for instructions.

Below is the hyperlink which describes PE_MAGISTR.A.

To get rid of a Trojan, simply delete the program.

Please update your pattern file and scan engine regularly to keep
you safe
from virus attack. 
Download the latest pattern at this site: 
Download the latest scan engine at this site: 

If you have any other inquiries, please feel free to contact us. 
Thank you
and have a nice day!


Emmy Lou D. Dy
Virus Watch Team, AntiVirus Group 
TrendLabs, Trend Micro, Inc.

 Additional Resources =
Weekly Virus Report:
Virus Encyclopedia:
Solution Bank:
HouseCall (free scanner):

-Original Message-
Sent: None
To: US PCC Doctor
Subject: Virus Submission from PCC6 User.

PCEW-0019-9479-8502-2362 serial number
First_Name=Dragan Ruzic
;--- Title
TITLE=PC-cillin v6.072

;--- Program 1(Main, I/O monitor, else...)

;--- Engine(VSAPI32.VxD)

;--- Filter32.VxD


;--- Pattern

;--- Readme



Kind regards,
Homesick Mac

Homesick Mac


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Re: beat this seems like spam to me

2001-07-02 Thread Chema Berian

Hello Listers, 

On  Mon,  2 Jul 2001, at 16:15:14 [GMT +0200] (which was 16:15 where I
live) Homesick wrote:

HM My  PC  Cillin  repported  a  virus  in the Attach folder of my TB
HM directory.
So you *did* receive an attachment??

I got this line at the end of the message:
[ attachment or non text part has been remove by MDaemon ]

Im  not  quite  sure  if it was *my* MDaemon who remove the attachment
(great) or it was the dutaint one (better)

Chema Berian 
Spanish GDUTB Moderator  
Suscriptions: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using The Bat! 1.53bis on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

TB  Tip  of  the Moment: You can use separate templates for new, reply
and  forward  messages  in  the  folders  you have created - check out
Folder | Properties dialogue.

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Re[2]: beat this seems like spam to me

2001-07-02 Thread Homesick Mac

Hello Chema,

Monday, July 02, 2001, 11:15:31 PM, you wrote:

CB Hello Listers, 

CB On  Mon,  2 Jul 2001, at 16:15:14 [GMT +0200] (which was 16:15 where I
CB live) Homesick wrote:

HM My  PC  Cillin  repported  a  virus  in the Attach folder of my TB
HM directory.
CB So you *did* receive an attachment??

I guess I did :-)

CB I got this line at the end of the message:
CB [ attachment or non text part has been remove by MDaemon ]

Here's how it happened. When I closed TB and thought about turning off the
PC, the little window by PC Cillin was up there on my desktop saying

Virus found listing the path to the TB directory, and into the Attach

Now, what I don't know is if the virus maybe came with some other message, I
get quite enough spam and it doesn't have to be TBUDL I've got   it from,
eah ?


Kind regards,

Homesick Mac

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Re: beat this seems like spam to me

2001-07-02 Thread Marck D Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Chema,

On 02 July 2001 at  23:15:31 +0200 (which was 22:15 where I live)
Chema Berian wrote to Homesick Mac and made these points:

CB [ attachment or non text part has been remove by MDaemon ]

CB Im not quite sure if it was *my* MDaemon who remove the attachment
CB (great) or it was the dutaint one (better)

TBUDL removes attachments with the above disclaimer. TBBETA and TBTECH

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
\ BrainStorm - free thinking - www: /
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Re: beat this seems like spam to me

2001-07-02 Thread Thomas F

Hi Mac,

On Mon, 2 Jul 2001 23:44:55 +0200GMT (03/07/2001, 05:44 +0800GMT),
Homesick Mac wrote:

HM Here's how it happened. When I closed TB and thought about turning off the
HM PC, the little window by PC Cillin was up there on my desktop saying

HM Virus found listing the path to the TB directory, and into the Attach
HM folder.

Yeah, the little problem with the PC-Cillin / TB combination is that
you never know which mail exactly cotnained the virus. You don't even
know which account was effected.

HM Now, what I don't know is if the virus maybe came with some other message, I
HM get quite enough spam and it doesn't have to be TBUDL I've got   it from,
HM eah ?

Right. I didn't get the virus notification, so I don't think it was
the posting here that caused the alarm on your machine.



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