[tw] Re: Suggestions for Action Tracking in Meeting Minutes?

2011-07-18 Thread Claudio
Hi Ken,

I've been using TW for keeping minutes and AIs but my solution is
simpler, which makes use of Eric's Comment plugin, Checkbox plugin and
QuickEdit plugin.

Meeting notes are first entered into ordinary tiddlers, which are
named in the projectcode_date_description (e.g. ProjXX 20110718
Meeting with John). When there are AIs associated with a particular
meeting, I will insert the Comment code comment AllTasks into the
tiddler using the Insert button created by QuitEdit. When you save the
tiddler, you will see a text field appears for entering the AIs. If
you want to track open/closed status, you can include [_] in front of
the AI description, which will create a checkbox. All AIs will be
registered centrally in the [[AllTasks]] tiddler., where a link to the
meeting notes tiddler will be included automatically.

The drawback of this is that you cannot sort the AIs in [[AllTasks]]
easily.  I do not need much sorting, What I'm doing is using table in
[[AllTasks]] (you can defined it with Comment plugin). Then, the table
data can be coverted (using QuickEdit) and sort in Excel.

Hope the above help!

On Jul 15, 9:50 pm, Ken Brucker ken.bruc...@action-a-day.com wrote:
 I'm working on migrating my note taking in meetings and 1:1s into a 
 TiddlyWiki and the key sticking point I have is in managing action items that 
 come out of the meetings.  What I've seen of action trackers, they all seem 
 to require that actions be setup as unique tiddlers and the state is managed 
 via tags.  That method complicates the note taking process in a non-intuitive 
 way and can lose the context (point in the meeting minutes) where the action 
 is captured.

 What I've been wanting is the ability to have actions captured inline in the 
 minutes, along with ability to search across meetings for any open actions 
 for display in a Summary Tiddler.  I'm not looking for one of the full-on GTD 
 type systems.


 - Inline capture and display of action items (AI).
 - Ability to list AIs from tiddlers, with some limited filtering on state 
 (open, closed, all) and tiddler tags
 - AI list to include a link back to source of AI
 - Wherever an AI is displayed, provide checkbox (or functionally similar 
 element) to mark AI open/closed.

 Possible macros:

 ai aiState aiText - Captures an AI in a tiddler.  aiState would be 
 altered by the displayed checkbox
 ai_list aiState tag_list - Display list of AIs based on filter 
 parameters.  tag_list optional

 Anything like this exist?

 Thoughts on such a plugin positive or negative?

 Pointers on how to implement?  Are there proper ways to modify tiddler 


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[tw] Re: Help with adding new markup

2011-07-18 Thread colmjude

 To get bold face text, you should use: ''bold'' (doubled single-

 {{quote{''bold face and quoted''}}}

If you require the text to be bold the conventional way would be to do
this with CSS, and given the fact that you have already given this
section of the markup a class quote you can hook into it and add the
necessary styling.
For example:
.quote {
font-weight: 900;

Hope that helps,


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[tw] Re: Suggestions for Action Tracking in Meeting Minutes?

2011-07-18 Thread Julian Knight
I agree that this is not a comfortable use case just now.

I tend to put actions in a simple list with a checkbox (CheckboxPlugin). 
Anything that needs more active management I would create in a new tiddler 
later on (not in the meeting) and put a link in the original list.

I do have something else for Risks and Issues though. In this case I use a 
forEachTiddler inclusion that lists the risks for a project in my weekly 
report tiddler. The end of the forEachTiddler includes a computed link - 
when you click on the link, you get a new tiddler with the appropriate 
template and the next risk/issue ID in the title.

Here is the transclusion in case it helps:
|Author|Julian Knight|
|License| |
|Description|Display a listing of risks and issues in a table|

tiddler *Risks with: [I-JK-MIG-001,I-JK-MIG-002]


{{{tiddler [[*Risks]] with: [I-JK-MIG-001,I-JK-MIG-002,]}}}
tiddler [[*Risks##show]] with: [I-JK-MIG-001,I-JK-MIG-002,]


  ' tiddler.title.readBracketedList().containsAny( list ) ' 
  script '
var list=$1;

function strt(){window.remain = list.slice();return ;}

function myTitle(t) {
  //if(!window.remain) window.remain = list.slice(); // copy
  window.remain.splice(window.remain.indexOf(t),1); // remove current 
  return t;

function getMy(n,d,tiddler) {
  var out = store.getValue(tiddler,n);
  if((typeof out) == undefined) {
return d;
  } else {
return out;
  ' |[[ + myTitle(tiddler.title) + ]]| + 
 getMy(shorttitle,,tiddler) + 
|tiddler [[+tiddler.title+##Description]]$))  + 
|tiddler [[+tiddler.title+##Tasks]]$)) + 
|RAG +getMy(rag,G,tiddler)+$)) + |\n '
  begin ' strt() + |ID |Title| Description |Outstanding Tasks |RAG |h\n '
  end ' New: [[+window.remain.join(]],[[)+]] '


%/tiddler {{ var src='*Risks'; 
src+(tiddlertiddler.title==src?'##info':'##show'); }}
with: [[$1]]

The risk template has a number of standard headings (Description, Tasks, 
etc.) that are translated into the required columns. I also have a small 
plugin that I wrote that takes a RAG (Red, Amber, Green) status and wraps it 
with a span of the appropriate background colour. All risk tiddlers are 
tagged with **Risks* (note the leading *). It's not very pretty I know and 
could do with some serious reworking but I needed it in a hurry and it 
worked well enough for the project I was on.

Regards, Julian Knight

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[tw] Re: Lists in tables?

2011-07-18 Thread Julian Knight
Another alternative is to skip WIKI formatting altogether and use a visual 
editor that inserts HTML instead. I'm pretty sure there is a plugin around 
somewhere, I know I've used it in the past.

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[tw] Re: Why I can't use TiddlyWiki, but wish I could

2011-07-18 Thread Julian Knight
Hans, I sympathise with the Lotus Notes issue! I did extensive work with 
Notes from around 1991 to 1999 and very ocassionally need to resurrect some 
old work that I know is buried in one of the Notes databases that I have 
archived. Are you sure you need v2 though? I've been able to get at all my 
data by downloading the latest release from IBM - though I suspect that my 
oldest surviving database is v3 rather than v2. Of course, you do need a 
copy of your ID file!

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[tw] Re: Help! with wysiwyg / EasyEdit Plugin

2011-07-18 Thread Julian Knight
Hi Jero,

You could try Eric's QuickEdit 
http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditPluginplugin. Though this isn't actually 
WYSIWYG, it does provide a way of easily 
remembering the markup.

I've not tried EasyEdit myself though I quick test on Pascal's 
homepagehttp://visualtw.ouvaton.org/VisualTW.htmlwith Firefox 4 worked fine. 
I have used his FCKEditor plugin though which 
worked fine for me last time I used it though it does require access to the 
external libraries.

Have you tried EasyEdit with a clean, empty version of TW to make sure there 
is no other plugin messing things up? Maybe there is a problem with the 
latest version of TW as the plugin doesn't seem to have been updated since 

Regards, Julian Knight.

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[tw] Re: Why I can't use TiddlyWiki, but wish I could

2011-07-18 Thread HansBKK
haven't got a round tuit yet, and good luck my remembering my password from 
12+ years ago

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Re: [tw] Re: Suggestions for Action Tracking in Meeting Minutes?

2011-07-18 Thread Ken Brucker
A couple votes for the checkbox plugin.  I'll have to check it out and see how 
it fits in with my desired workflow.

Really appreciate the suggestions.

On Jul 18, 2011, at 5:03 AM, Claudio wrote:

 Hi Ken,
 I've been using TW for keeping minutes and AIs but my solution is
 simpler, which makes use of Eric's Comment plugin, Checkbox plugin and
 QuickEdit plugin.
 Meeting notes are first entered into ordinary tiddlers, which are
 named in the projectcode_date_description (e.g. ProjXX 20110718
 Meeting with John). When there are AIs associated with a particular
 meeting, I will insert the Comment code comment AllTasks into the
 tiddler using the Insert button created by QuitEdit. When you save the
 tiddler, you will see a text field appears for entering the AIs. If
 you want to track open/closed status, you can include [_] in front of
 the AI description, which will create a checkbox. All AIs will be
 registered centrally in the [[AllTasks]] tiddler., where a link to the
 meeting notes tiddler will be included automatically.
 The drawback of this is that you cannot sort the AIs in [[AllTasks]]
 easily.  I do not need much sorting, What I'm doing is using table in
 [[AllTasks]] (you can defined it with Comment plugin). Then, the table
 data can be coverted (using QuickEdit) and sort in Excel.
 Hope the above help!
 On Jul 15, 9:50 pm, Ken Brucker ken.bruc...@action-a-day.com wrote:
 I'm working on migrating my note taking in meetings and 1:1s into a 
 TiddlyWiki and the key sticking point I have is in managing action items 
 that come out of the meetings.  What I've seen of action trackers, they all 
 seem to require that actions be setup as unique tiddlers and the state is 
 managed via tags.  That method complicates the note taking process in a 
 non-intuitive way and can lose the context (point in the meeting minutes) 
 where the action is captured.
 What I've been wanting is the ability to have actions captured inline in the 
 minutes, along with ability to search across meetings for any open actions 
 for display in a Summary Tiddler.  I'm not looking for one of the full-on 
 GTD type systems.
 - Inline capture and display of action items (AI).
 - Ability to list AIs from tiddlers, with some limited filtering on state 
 (open, closed, all) and tiddler tags
 - AI list to include a link back to source of AI
 - Wherever an AI is displayed, provide checkbox (or functionally similar 
 element) to mark AI open/closed.
 Possible macros:
 ai aiState aiText - Captures an AI in a tiddler.  aiState would be 
 altered by the displayed checkbox
 ai_list aiState tag_list - Display list of AIs based on filter 
 parameters.  tag_list optional
 Anything like this exist?
 Thoughts on such a plugin positive or negative?
 Pointers on how to implement?  Are there proper ways to modify tiddler 
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[tw] R: Re: TiddlyWiki on eBook reader?

2011-07-18 Thread FrancescoD
Seeing would be something. 
Unfortunately, it seems not everyone supports it: the Nook, for instance, 
neither has a browser nor lists HTML as a supported file type. But I guess I 
could choose one that does have this capability for not much more. 

More intresting is that after some further reasearch, I found out that the 
Nook being actually Android can be rooted, and can have Android apps 
installed. So I could put there AndTidWiki, that would be perfect!

Could this be done? Has anyone tried it before?
Thanks for answering!

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[tw] Re: Help! with wysiwyg / EasyEdit Plugin

2011-07-18 Thread Jero
Thank you very much.
As you mention, it works with Firefox -here too.
I was using Google Chrome. The text-disappearing-issue seems to be 

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[tw] TW notepad

2011-07-18 Thread ionobr...@gmail.com
This is a feature idea.  My TW (which I've worked very hard on, and will
release some time this summer: thanks for all your help, TW Group) has a
panel system for commonly used index tiddlers.  I think a notepad would
be a useful feature here.  It's a tiddler that never needs to be saved, and
which never goes into 'view' mode.  This functions as kind of a chalkboard.
I often find that when I'm browsing, or doing something else, I want to flip
back to my TW and write a note.  I don't want to go to the trouble of
organizing it.  Often this kind of info needs to be added to an existing
page, or will be deleted soon.  The point is that I want to get it into the
TW as fast as possible and move on.

This would be as simple as: for a tiddler tagged notepad:

   - disabling the automatic are you sure you want to close this tiddler
   without saving message
   - automatically saving the tiddler if it is closed
   - Prevent notepad from raising the message sure you want to close this
   TW with unsaved changes?
   - automatically saving the tiddler if the wiki is closed (possible?)

Then create custom CSS classes and a template using EditTemplate with the

Anyone else think this would be useful?

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[tw] Importing on Opera

2011-07-18 Thread Mark S.
When I try to import tiddlers into TW on Opera, like from tiddlytools,
I get Error getting list of tiddlers  no tiddlers are listed. No
error message is generated in the error console, though. When I try to
do an import from a local file, I additionally get a pop-up message
about there not being a variable netscape, and the url path fills
itself with a funny name like:


Where C:/fakepath is not a directory on my machine -- the actual TW
file (both target and source) are on the D: drive.

I can import when using firefox. My version of firefox is old
(3.6.18), my version of Opera is fairly recent (11.11). On windows XP.

Is anyone paying attention to compatibility on browsers like Opera? As
much as I like FF, Opera is more functional and my main browser.


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Re: [tw] Re: TW notepad

2011-07-18 Thread ionobr...@gmail.com
Thanks for the direction.  Those are pretty similar to my concept, might be

On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 2:27 PM, Måns humam...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi ionobrian

 Do you know http://www.tiddlytools.com/#QuickNotePlugin ?
 Tobias has made his own version and implemented it here:

 There's a similar feature in mgsd:

 Cheers Måns Mårtensson

 On 18 Jul., 19:30, ionobr...@gmail.com ionobr...@gmail.com wrote:
  This is a feature idea.  My TW (which I've worked very hard on, and will
  release some time this summer: thanks for all your help, TW Group) has a
  panel system for commonly used index tiddlers.  I think a notepad
  be a useful feature here.  It's a tiddler that never needs to be saved,
  which never goes into 'view' mode.  This functions as kind of a
  I often find that when I'm browsing, or doing something else, I want to
  back to my TW and write a note.  I don't want to go to the trouble of
  organizing it.  Often this kind of info needs to be added to an existing
  page, or will be deleted soon.  The point is that I want to get it into
  TW as fast as possible and move on.
  This would be as simple as: for a tiddler tagged notepad:
 - disabling the automatic are you sure you want to close this tiddler
 without saving message
 - automatically saving the tiddler if it is closed
 - Prevent notepad from raising the message sure you want to close
 TW with unsaved changes?
 - automatically saving the tiddler if the wiki is closed (possible?)
  Then create custom CSS classes and a template using EditTemplate with the
  Anyone else think this would be useful?

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[tw] Re: Request for a fieldseditor (FE2) macro (Tobias?)

2011-07-18 Thread Tobias Beer

See if that works for you...

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[tw] Re: Request for a fieldseditor (FE2) macro (Tobias?)

2011-07-18 Thread PMario
addClass is not defined. It will break with 2.6.3

I made a list of elements that are deprecated with 2.6.3

There jQuery replacements should be found at:

On Jul 18, 10:19 pm, Tobias Beer beertob...@googlemail.com wrote:

 See if that works for you...

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