[tw] Re: Using ASCIIsvg in TW

2008-11-02 Thread kilucas

David's made the following suggestion:

This is untested so no guarantees, but you can try this:  In
(or ASCIIsvgHA.js) drawPics, replace

var sscr = picture.getAttribute(sscr);
  if ((sscr != null)  (sscr != )) {
  try {
  if (isIE) {
  //names the SVG so it can identify
itself onclick
  } catch (e) {}


var sscr = picture.getAttribute(sscr);
var src = picture.getAttribute(script);

  if ((sscr != null)  (sscr != )) {
  try {
  if (isIE) {
  //names the SVG so it can identify
itself onclick
  } catch (e) {}
  } else  if ((src!=null)  (src != )) {
  try {
 if (isIE) {
  with (Math) eval(src);
  } catch(err) {alert(err+\n+src)}


On Oct 28, 12:18 pm, kilucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I posted some informatiuon about this in the ASCIIMath Google group
 where David Lippman and Peter Jipsen, who were both instrumental in
 producing the mathematical version of HTMLArea are posting. David got
 back to me to suggest there's a bug inASCIIsvgwhich is causing the

 I've copied my posting and his reply here (my apologies if that breaks
 any form of etiquette) and will see if I can rectify the problem
 myself although I'm not that handy with code and this may defeat me.
 Maybe someone better skilled might know how to fix this without too
 much effort.

 Bram: Presumably it'd be good to incorporate any solution we find into
 your package.

 Here's my posting, then David's reply:

 I'm using ASCIIMathML andASCIIsvgwith HTMLArea in TiddlyWiki. The
 implementation I have 
 invokes a window (called the Equation Grapher Control Panel) in which
 I can specifiy graph parameters to create SVG graphs. But theASCIIsvg
 home page suggests I might also be able to form my own drawings by
 embedding some material in web pages.

 By pasting examples similar those on theASCIIsvghome page into the
 raw html viewer of HTMLArea available via a toolbar button I've got
 browser to recognise that an svg object is to be rendered (the right
 mouse menu is appropriate to SVG) but myASCIIsvgcode isn't
 generating a drawing.

 My latest simple example is the following which amounts to an entire
 Tiddlywiki tiddler:

 pStart text/pembed src=HTMLArea\Plugins\AsciiSvg\d.svg
 script=initPicture(-2,2,-2,2);axes();line([-2,-2],[2,2]); /p /

 pEnd text/p

 (The instructions on theASCIIsvghome page say that the script
 delimiters should be single quotes but the HTMLArea editor converts
 them to double quotes even when I manually change them back).

 When I display the resultant page I get an empty SVG area surrounded
 by my start and end text and sometimes get a dialog box saying only
 undefined though it doesn't make clear what is undefined.

 When I compare the html here with the html generated by the Equation
 Grapher Control Panel wiindow the latter uses an sscr attribute to
 specific the graph I think but I can't find out what the sscr element
 is. And in any case it doesn't seem to be part of theASCIIsvg
 vocabulary as far as I can tell.

 I tried the same material in an ASciencePad tiddler but had no
 success there.

 So does anyone here know if I should be able to specify my own
 drawings in the TiddlyWiki/HTMLAea environment and if so how I'd
 speciify them so that they draw completely please?

 The sscr attribute is a short script that is the abbreviated format
 used by the Equation Grapher Control Panel.

 When I wrote theASCIIsvgplugin for HTMLArea, there were two files
 addition toASCIIsvg.js:  AsvgHA.js (or ASCIIsvgHA.js) and
 ASCIIsvgAddon.js.  The former is used in the editor window itself;
 latter is intended to be included in the output.

 Looking at it, it appears that I stripped the script attribute
 handling out of AsvgHA.js (in the drawPics function).  Not sure
 exactly why.  The handling is still in ASCIIsvgAddon.js, so it should
 be possible to add it in to AsvgHA.js.


 On 27 Oct, 18:17, kilucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've made limited progress. My browser now recognmises that I'm trying
  to display an SVG picture but doesn't actually draw the picture I
  intend. Here's what I've done and what I'm 

[tw] Re: Using ASCIIsvg in TW

2008-11-02 Thread kilucas

Here's what I found when I tried this.

I placed the following in a wyswiwyg tiddler within Bram Chen's
HTMLArea using the html view (not the standard editor view):

embed src=HTMLArea/plugins/AsciiSvg/d.svg script=border = 0
stroke = 'red'
p = []
with (Math)
  for (t = 0; t  10.01; t += 0.05)
p[p.length] = [t*cos(PI*t), t*sin(PI*t)]
path(p) /

It's code from an example of a drawing at the ASCIISVG home page at
http://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/svg/asciisvg.html but modified as

1) When I save the original raw embed statement, the delimeiters for
the script are changed from single quotes to double quotes and this
throws errors when the script encounters the red attribute. So I
changed the script delimiters to double quotes and the delimiters
within the script itself to single quotes

2) The original example begins embed width=117 height=117
src=d.svg ... The HTMLArea editor strips out the width and height
elements - I don't know why. But I think they're being remembered
because the SVG output seems to be affected by them nonetheless as
mentioned below

3) The original example refers to d.svg in the wrong location for
Bram's HTMLArea and I corrected it.

The result was that I did indeed see the drawing when I switched out
of raw html mode and back to normal viewing within the editor.

Another oddity was that I'd initially used a version of the embed
statement that omitted the height and width statements and the drawing
had been truncated on the right. When I replaced the width and height
statements, the drawing appeared correctly even though html view in
the editor no longer showed the width and height statements.

However, the drawing only appears as an empty SVG area when I view the
tiddler oustide the editor. Hence I'm only halfway to the desired

If I place the same embed statement in a non-wysiwyg tiddler (so it's
never been touched by HTMLArea) I just see the embed statement when I
view the tiddler.

Overall I'm therefore left wondering:

1) How can I get the drawing displayed when viewing the tiddler? Is
there perhaps an equivalent place in my TW where I need to get the
right code to execute at view time instead of edit time?
2) Can I stop HTMLArea swapping the script delimeters to single
3) can I stop HTMLArea removing thew width and height statements?
4) How would I invoke the same drawing from a non-wysiwyg tiddler.
(Maybe the answer to 1 above will help here).

I'll let you know if I learn more but if anyone has any insights that
might help further, please by all means let me know.



On Nov 2, 8:57 pm, kilucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 David's made the following suggestion:

 This is untested so no guarantees, but you can try this:  In
 (or ASCIIsvgHA.js) drawPics, replace

 var sscr = picture.getAttribute(sscr);
           if ((sscr != null)  (sscr != )) {
                   try {
                           if (isIE) {
                                   //names the SVG so it can identify
 itself onclick
                   } catch (e) {}


 var sscr = picture.getAttribute(sscr);
 var src = picture.getAttribute(script);

           if ((sscr != null)  (sscr != )) {
                   try {
                           if (isIE) {
                                   //names the SVG so it can identify
 itself onclick
                   } catch (e) {}
           } else  if ((src!=null)  (src != )) {
                           try {
                              if (isIE) {
                                   with (Math) eval(src);
                           } catch(err) {alert(err+\n+src)}


 On Oct 28, 12:18 pm, kilucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I posted some informatiuon about this in the ASCIIMath Google group
  where David Lippman and Peter Jipsen, who were both instrumental in
  producing the mathematical version of HTMLArea are posting. David got
  back to me to suggest there's a bug inASCIIsvgwhich is causing the

  I've copied my posting and his reply here (my apologies if that breaks
  any form of etiquette) and will see if I can rectify the problem
  myself although I'm not that handy with code and this may defeat me.
  Maybe someone better skilled might know how to fix this without too
  much effort.

  Bram: Presumably it'd be good to incorporate any solution we find into
  your package.

  Here's my posting, then David's reply:

  I'm using ASCIIMathML andASCIIsvgwith HTMLArea in TiddlyWiki. The
  implementation I have 

[tw] Re: Using ASCIIsvg in TW

2008-11-02 Thread kilucas

In a standard (non-wysiwyg tiddler) I get the same output as for a
wysiwyg tiddler when the tiddler is displayed - an empty SVCG pane -
if I surround the embed statement with html and /html which is
needed, I believe, to tell a standard tiddler to behave as a chunk of

In both cases therefore the formost challenge seem to lie in getting
the drawing to draw on the SVG pane. As the drawing is defined by the
script I'm guessing the problem lies in getting the script executed
when a tiddler is displayed as against when it's edited in the
HTMLArea editor which I can now achieve with the modified scripts


On Nov 2, 9:19 pm, kilucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here's what I found when I tried this.

 I placed the following in a wyswiwyg tiddler within Bram Chen's
 HTMLArea using the html view (not the standard editor view):

 embed src=HTMLArea/plugins/AsciiSvg/d.svg script=border = 0
 stroke = 'red'
 p = []
 with (Math)
   for (t = 0; t  10.01; t += 0.05)
     p[p.length] = [t*cos(PI*t), t*sin(PI*t)]
 path(p) /

 It's code from an example of a drawing at the ASCIISVG home page 
 athttp://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/svg/asciisvg.htmlbut modified as

 1) When I save the original raw embed statement, the delimeiters for
 the script are changed from single quotes to double quotes and this
 throws errors when the script encounters the red attribute. So I
 changed the script delimiters to double quotes and the delimiters
 within the script itself to single quotes

 2) The original example begins embed width=117 height=117
 src=d.svg ... The HTMLArea editor strips out the width and height
 elements - I don't know why. But I think they're being remembered
 because the SVG output seems to be affected by them nonetheless as
 mentioned below

 3) The original example refers to d.svg in the wrong location for
 Bram's HTMLArea and I corrected it.

 The result was that I did indeed see the drawing when I switched out
 of raw html mode and back to normal viewing within the editor.

 Another oddity was that I'd initially used a version of the embed
 statement that omitted the height and width statements and the drawing
 had been truncated on the right. When I replaced the width and height
 statements, the drawing appeared correctly even though html view in
 the editor no longer showed the width and height statements.

 However, the drawing only appears as an empty SVG area when I view the
 tiddler oustide the editor. Hence I'm only halfway to the desired

 If I place the same embed statement in a non-wysiwyg tiddler (so it's
 never been touched by HTMLArea) I just see the embed statement when I
 view the tiddler.

 Overall I'm therefore left wondering:

 1) How can I get the drawing displayed when viewing the tiddler? Is
 there perhaps an equivalent place in my TW where I need to get the
 right code to execute at view time instead of edit time?
 2) Can I stop HTMLArea swapping the script delimeters to single
 3) can I stop HTMLArea removing thew width and height statements?
 4) How would I invoke the same drawing from a non-wysiwyg tiddler.
 (Maybe the answer to 1 above will help here).

 I'll let you know if I learn more but if anyone has any insights that
 might help further, please by all means let me know.



 On Nov 2, 8:57 pm, kilucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  David's made the following suggestion:

  This is untested so no guarantees, but you can try this:  In
  (or ASCIIsvgHA.js) drawPics, replace

  var sscr = picture.getAttribute(sscr);
            if ((sscr != null)  (sscr != )) {
                    try {
                            if (isIE) {
                                    //names the SVG so it can identify
  itself onclick
                    } catch (e) {}


  var sscr = picture.getAttribute(sscr);
  var src = picture.getAttribute(script);

            if ((sscr != null)  (sscr != )) {
                    try {
                            if (isIE) {
                                    //names the SVG so it can identify
  itself onclick
                    } catch (e) {}
            } else  if ((src!=null)  (src != )) {
                            try {
                               if (isIE) {
                                    with (Math) eval(src);
                            } catch(err) {alert(err+\n+src)}


  On Oct 28, 12:18 pm, kilucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I posted some informatiuon about this in the ASCIIMath 

[tw] Re: Using ASCIIsvg in TW

2008-11-02 Thread kilucas

I've succeeded in getting drawings to draw correctly when a tiddler is

Guessing that ASCIIsvgAddon.js handled display of the drawing when a
tiddler is viewed and knowing it contains a drawpics function that was
almost identical to that in AsvgHA.js, I modified that in the former
as follows:

I changed the following code in drawpics from ...

  var sscr = picture.getAttribute(sscr);
  if ((sscr != null)  (sscr != )) {
  try {
  } catch (e) {}

to ...

//Modified by K Lucas following a related suggestion by David Lippman
  var sscr = picture.getAttribute(sscr);
var src = picture.getAttribute(script);
  if ((sscr != null)  (sscr != )) {
  try {
  } catch (e) {}
  } else  if ((src!=null)  (src != )) {
  try {
 if (isIE) {
  with (Math) eval(src);
  } catch(err) {alert(err+\n+src)}
//end of K Lucas modification

Now static drawings appear when tiddlers are viewed and whether or not
they are edited with the standard TW editor or the html view in

I'm getting some odd effects in this specific spiral drawing because
the drawing is truncated at the top and bottom in both the html view
within HTMLArea and when the drawing is viewed outside the editor,
regardless of whether the drawing was created in a wysiwyg tiddler or
a standard tiddler. This truncation remains even if I replace the
width and height settings (which I can currently only do reliably in a
non-wysiwyg tiddler because HTMLArea strips these out of the embed

I also get truncation on the right of the drawing when I first view it
in the wysiwyg view of the HTMLArea editor but not when I look at the
code in html view and then return to wysiwyg view.

But I've created a simpler drawing using the folling and this appears
to display correctly in all circumstances.

embed width=117 height=117 src=HTMLArea/plugins/AsciiSvg/d.svg
marker = arrow
stroke = red

I'm conscious that I haven't tested David's original suggestion fully
or my further implementation of it in ASCIIsvgAddon.js and don't
really know how to do this other than to exercise it through examples.
But this all seems to be a great step forward. Beyond that testing, my
outstanding issues are therefore:

1) Can I stop HTMLArea swapping the script delimeters to single

2) Can I stop HTMLArea removing the width and height statements?

3) How can I get the spiral drawing displayed without top and bottom
truncation when viewing the tiddler?

4) how can I get the spiral drawing to display without truncation of
the right-hand side when first viewed within HTMLArea's wysiwyg view

5) Find out whether animated drawings will also work using these
modified .js files.

If anyone has any insights into 1- 4 above I'd be very interested to
hear your ideas. And I'll report back on item 5 when I've tried it.

Many thanks


On Nov 2, 9:29 pm, kilucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a standard (non-wysiwyg tiddler) I get the same output as for a
 wysiwyg tiddler when the tiddler is displayed - an empty SVCG pane -
 if I surround the embed statement with html and /html which is
 needed, I believe, to tell a standard tiddler to behave as a chunk of

 In both cases therefore the formost challenge seem to lie in getting
 the drawing to draw on the SVG pane. As the drawing is defined by the
 script I'm guessing the problem lies in getting the script executed
 when a tiddler is displayed as against when it's edited in the
 HTMLArea editor which I can now achieve with the modified scripts


 On Nov 2, 9:19 pm, kilucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Here's what I found when I tried this.

  I placed the following in a wyswiwyg tiddler within Bram Chen's
  HTMLArea using the html view (not the standard editor view):

  embed src=HTMLArea/plugins/AsciiSvg/d.svg script=border = 0
  stroke = 'red'
  p = []
  with (Math)
    for (t = 0; t  10.01; t += 0.05)
      p[p.length] = [t*cos(PI*t), t*sin(PI*t)]
  path(p) /

  It's code from an example of a drawing at the ASCIISVG home page 
  athttp://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/svg/asciisvg.htmlbutmodified as

  1) When I save the original raw embed statement, the delimeiters for
  the script are changed from single quotes to double quotes and this
  throws errors when the script encounters the red attribute. So I
  changed the script delimiters to double quotes and the delimiters
  within the script itself to single quotes

  2) The original example begins embed width=117 height=117
  src=d.svg ... The HTMLArea editor 

[tw] Re: Using ASCIIsvg in TW

2008-11-02 Thread kilucas

Just on the truncation of the spiral drawing ...

The top and bottom truncation is fixed if I specifiy the y-axis
minimum and maximum explicitly in initpicture(-10,10,-10,10) rather
than initpicture(-10,10). I don't know why the version of ASCIISVG
that I'm using needs this when the ASCIISVG home page does not.

I still don't understand the right-hand truncation. The drawing
initially appears in HTMLArea as a square with the origin offset to
the right because the x axis runs from -10 to only approximately 3.
The region with x from 3 to 10 is all missing. When I view the tiddler
in html mode and then revert to wysiwyg mode, the full x axis is shown
but on a drawing which is now wider than it is tall, the x-axis
spacing remaining the same as it was originally shown but the drawing
is wider to accomodate the x region from 3 to 10.

Yet, when the tiddler is viewed after editing, the drawing is square
and correctly formed again.

Ultimately I need the drawing correct in view mode and that's working.
But it'd be great to fix the editing mode which is, after all, meant
to be WYSIWYG.


On Nov 2, 10:48 pm, kilucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've made significant progress and can now view drawings with partial
 success when tiddlers are viewed. Here's the posting I addded to the
 TiddlyWiki group that provides the details of what I did alongside
 what does and doesn't work now. And, as ever, if you have any insights
 into the remaining challenges, it'd be great to hear your views.

 I've succeeded in getting drawings to draw correctly when a tiddler is

 Guessing that ASCIIsvgAddon.js handled display of the drawing when a
 tiddler is viewed and knowing it contains a drawpics function that was
 almost identical to that in AsvgHA.js, I modified that in the former
 as follows:

 I changed the following code in drawpics from ...

           var sscr = picture.getAttribute(sscr);
           if ((sscr != null)  (sscr != )) {
                   try {
                   } catch (e) {}

 to ...

 //Modified by K Lucas following a related suggestion by David Lippman
           var sscr = picture.getAttribute(sscr);
 var src = picture.getAttribute(script);
           if ((sscr != null)  (sscr != )) {
                   try {
                   } catch (e) {}
           } else  if ((src!=null)  (src != )) {
                           try {
                              if (isIE) {
                                   with (Math) eval(src);
                           } catch(err) {alert(err+\n+src)}
 //end of K Lucas modification

 Now static drawings appear when tiddlers are viewed and whether or not
 they are edited with the standard TW editor or the html view in

 I'm getting some odd effects in this specific spiral drawing because
 the drawing is truncated at the top and bottom in both the html view
 within HTMLArea and when the drawing is viewed outside the editor,
 regardless of whether the drawing was created in a wysiwyg tiddler or
 a standard tiddler. This truncation remains even if I replace the
 width and height settings (which I can currently only do reliably in a
 non-wysiwyg tiddler because HTMLArea strips these out of the embed

 I also get truncation on the right of the drawing when I first view it
 in the wysiwyg view of the HTMLArea editor but not when I look at the
 code in html view and then return to wysiwyg view.

 But I've created a simpler drawing using the folling and this appears
 to display correctly in all circumstances.

 embed width=117 height=117 src=HTMLArea/plugins/AsciiSvg/d.svg
 marker = arrow
 stroke = red

 I'm conscious that I haven't tested David's original suggestion fully
 or my further implementation of it in ASCIIsvgAddon.js and don't
 really know how to do this other than to exercise it through examples.
 But this all seems to be a great step forward. Beyond that testing, my
 outstanding issues are therefore:

 1) Can I stop HTMLArea swapping the script delimeters to single

 2) Can I stop HTMLArea removing the width and height statements?

 3) How can I get the spiral drawing displayed without top and bottom
 truncation when viewing the tiddler?

 4) how can I get the spiral drawing to display without truncation of
 the right-hand side when first viewed within HTMLArea's wysiwyg view

 5) Find out whether animated drawings will also work using these
 modified .js files.

 If anyone has any insights into 1- 4 above I'd be very interested to
 hear your ideas. And I'll report back on item 5 when I've tried it.

 Many thanks


 On Nov 2, 10:45 pm, kilucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've succeeded in getting drawings to draw correctly when a tiddler is

[tw] Re: Using ASCIIsvg in TW

2008-10-28 Thread kilucas

I posted some informatiuon about this in the ASCIIMath Google group
where David Lippman and Peter Jipsen, who were both instrumental in
producing the mathematical version of HTMLArea are posting. David got
back to me to suggest there's a bug in ASCIIsvg which is causing the

I've copied my posting and his reply here (my apologies if that breaks
any form of etiquette) and will see if I can rectify the problem
myself although I'm not that handy with code and this may defeat me.
Maybe someone better skilled might know how to fix this without too
much effort.

Bram: Presumably it'd be good to incorporate any solution we find into
your package.

Here's my posting, then David's reply:

I'm using ASCIIMathML and ASCIIsvg with HTMLArea in TiddlyWiki. The
implementation I have from
invokes a window (called the Equation Grapher Control Panel) in which
I can specifiy graph parameters to create SVG graphs. But the
home page suggests I might also be able to form my own drawings by
embedding some material in web pages.

By pasting examples similar those on the ASCIIsvg home page into the
raw html viewer of HTMLArea available via a toolbar button I've got
browser to recognise that an svg object is to be rendered (the right
mouse menu is appropriate to SVG) but my ASCIIsvg code isn't
generating a drawing.

My latest simple example is the following which amounts to an entire
Tiddlywiki tiddler:

pStart text/pembed src=HTMLArea\Plugins\AsciiSvg\d.svg
script=initPicture(-2,2,-2,2);axes();line([-2,-2],[2,2]); /p /

pEnd text/p

(The instructions on the ASCIIsvg home page say that the script
delimiters should be single quotes but the HTMLArea editor converts
them to double quotes even when I manually change them back).

When I display the resultant page I get an empty SVG area surrounded
by my start and end text and sometimes get a dialog box saying only
undefined though it doesn't make clear what is undefined.

When I compare the html here with the html generated by the Equation
Grapher Control Panel wiindow the latter uses an sscr attribute to
specific the graph I think but I can't find out what the sscr element
is. And in any case it doesn't seem to be part of the ASCIIsvg
vocabulary as far as I can tell.

I tried the same material in an ASciencePad tiddler but had no
success there.

So does anyone here know if I should be able to specify my own
drawings in the TiddlyWiki/HTMLAea environment and if so how I'd
speciify them so that they draw completely please?

The sscr attribute is a short script that is the abbreviated format
used by the Equation Grapher Control Panel.

When I wrote the ASCIIsvg plugin for HTMLArea, there were two files
addition to ASCIIsvg.js:  AsvgHA.js (or ASCIIsvgHA.js) and
ASCIIsvgAddon.js.  The former is used in the editor window itself;
latter is intended to be included in the output.

Looking at it, it appears that I stripped the script attribute
handling out of AsvgHA.js (in the drawPics function).  Not sure
exactly why.  The handling is still in ASCIIsvgAddon.js, so it should
be possible to add it in to AsvgHA.js.

On 27 Oct, 18:17, kilucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've made limited progress. My browser now recognmises that I'm trying
 to display an SVG picture but doesn't actually draw the picture I
 intend. Here's what I've done and what I'm thinking of trying next.

 I've inserted the embed statement while editing the html (an option
 provided by the HTMLArea editor). This seems to recognise the  sign
 much better than when I placed the embed statement in the wysiwyg
 editor itself. (A look at the genereated html for the whole TW when
 the tiddler was on display showed embed .. preceded by lt when I
 pasted the embed statement into the wysiwyg part of the editor rather
 than lt which was generated by the ASCIISvg grapher.

 Once I set HTMLArea to show me the html and pasted the embed
 statement there, I could no longer see that part of the statement when
 viewing the tiddler instead of seeing all the code I'd pasted in.
 Guessing this meant that the embed statement was being acted upon
 instead of merely redisplayed as code, this seemed to be a little

 I now also see an area in the displayed tiddler which my browser
 clearly thinks is an SVG area because a right click in IE6 offers SVG
 menu options.

 The recomended code at the ASCIISvg web site includes a reference to a
 file called d.svg. In HTMLArea this is located at HTMLArea\plugins
 \AsciiSvg\d.svg so I edited the HTML to reflect this longer relative
 path. This made no practical difference that I can see so I'm simply
 guessing it's correct.

 I had a further problem with the raw html editor within HTMLArea. It
 seems to change the script delimiters from the single quotes that I
 pasted in to double quotes. As I was initially trialling an ASCIISvg
 script that 

[tw] Re: Using ASCIIsvg in TW

2008-10-19 Thread kilucas

Interesting. I tried the embed etc material in Firefox too but still
only saw the script. That's almost a relief anyway because my Firefox
objectes to pasting into a tiddler because of security problem that I
haven't been able to fix yet, but pasting example SVG code is much
faster and less error prone than retyping it by hand.

I tried placing d.svg adjacent to the TW and even an extra copy of the
original ASCIIsvg.js there although the header markup wouldn't have
known about the latter and neither made any difference.

It's such a shame because the drawing facilities are so useful as well
as the graphing facilities. And, presuming that the graphing
facilities invoke the drawing facilities anyway, I feel drawing by
providing the ASCIIsvg code must somehow be possible.

For now I'm using a separate web page to draw my images and am using
SnagIt to take a screenshot of the drawing which I then place in the
tiddler as an image. This admittedly has the advantage that it can be
viewed by anyone with IE but without the SVGViewer but my pages
typically include mathematical notation via ASCIIMathML so they need
the MathPlayer anyway. AQnd I couldn't reasonably expect any other
user of my TW's to do this.

And I can't render dynamic images using screenshots as I could
theoretically with ASCIIsvg.

So I'll keep thinking about this to see if I can find some way to get
ASCIIsvg code invoked. And I didn't realise there's a plugin to store
images in TWs - I'm holding mine in an Images folder alongside but
this reduces portability I feel. So I'll explore that too - thanks for
the tip.


On Oct 19, 1:01 pm, okido [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Kevin,

 I had the same problems with IE and ACIIsvg and I abandoned graphics
 for that reason.
 However there is still a concept that I would like to try and that I
 used long time ago when I was still working on my CP/m system.
 At that time I constructed graphs directly in video memory, this
 worked fine.
 Something similar could be done by dynamically altering an image that
 is stored in a tiddler.
 There is a plugin for storing images in tiddlers available.
 At least this would solve IE problems I think.
 Maybe there are some programmers out there how would like to pick up
 this concept.

 Have a nice day, Okido

 On 17 Oct, 20:32, kilucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Thanks for this. I'd forgotten about this source but found a similar
  one called CTY's Math TiddlyWiki athttp://www.jostylr.com/deli.html
  last night, so thanks for the reminder. They both use ASCIIsvg stand
  alone from the enhanced HTMLArea of Peter Jipsen and Bram Chen which
  I'm hoping to use and I'm guessing that I might confuse my TW if it
  includes two versions of ASCIIsvg for now.

  Paolo's examples solely use script to generate graphs or other
  drawings which is exactly my aim, but in addition to the graphing
  front end that Bram mentions above and which works in my TWs.

  They just seem to embed the code in a standard tiddler surrounded by
  html tags and it'd be great if I could do that in HTMLArea but my
  experiemnts have all failed and I just see the code.

  CTY's surrounded the code with two backticks but that might also
  complicate my copy of HTMLArea which uses a single backtick to
  surround ASCIIMathML markup (as does Paolo's I think).

  Lastly, both copies throw object errors when I try to display the
  sample graphs and drawings in IE6 but then Paolo warns it's not tested
  for IE. A quick trial at the link you posted worked fine in Firefox.

  I haven't stteled on my likely browser yet though I'd prefer IE
  because that's the native browser on my target PCs. Both throw
  inconvenient security messages that I've still not got rid of entirely
  and Firefox objects to pasting html without a complicated-looking
  change to the browser environment which I'd have to do on each PC -
  not very appealing.

  So there's a lot left to settle but if I could just invoke ASCIIsvg
  via code in addition to the graphing front end, all in HTMLArea in at
  least one browser, that'd be a great step forward.

  And if I can't, I may fall back to your option with FireFox. So thanks
  for the clues.


  On Oct 17, 5:01 pm, okido [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi Kilucas,

   I made some graphs with little effort.
   See the TW of Paulo Soares 
   This will certainly help you further.

   Have a nice day, Okido

   On 17 Oct, 09:43, kilucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Thanks for this and this parameter screen generates fine when I use
the trigger button on the HTMLArea toolbar.

But I think it is only useful for graphs. If I want to draw say a
trigonometric diagram such as that 
then I believe I need access to all the ASCIIsvg commands direcatly
and hence would like to know how to embed them in a tiddler.

Do you think 

[tw] Re: Using ASCIIsvg in TW

2008-10-17 Thread kilucas


Thanks for this and this parameter screen generates fine when I use
the trigger button on the HTMLArea toolbar.

But I think it is only useful for graphs. If I want to draw say a
trigonometric diagram such as that at 
then I believe I need access to all the ASCIIsvg commands direcatly
and hence would like to know how to embed them in a tiddler.

Do you think this is possible perhaps?



On Oct 17, 5:27 am, BramChen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Kevin,

 The attachment might be a solution for you if I understand you correctly.

 Bram Chen

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[tw] Re: Using ASCIIsvg in TW

2008-10-17 Thread okido

Hi Kilucas,

I made some graphs with little effort.
See the TW of Paulo Soares at http://www.math.ist.utl.pt/~psoares/addons.html
This will certainly help you further.

Have a nice day, Okido

On 17 Oct, 09:43, kilucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for this and this parameter screen generates fine when I use
 the trigger button on the HTMLArea toolbar.

 But I think it is only useful for graphs. If I want to draw say a
 trigonometric diagram such as that 
 then I believe I need access to all the ASCIIsvg commands direcatly
 and hence would like to know how to embed them in a tiddler.

 Do you think this is possible perhaps?



 On Oct 17, 5:27 am, BramChen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Kevin,

  The attachment might be a solution for you if I understand you correctly.

  Bram Chen

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[tw] Re: Using ASCIIsvg in TW

2008-10-16 Thread BramChen
Hi Kevin,

The attachment might be a solution for you if I understand you correctly.

Bram Chen

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inline: ParametricSpiral.png