Re: [time-nuts] OT: Connecting Racal 1992 to GPIB

2007-09-16 Thread GandalfG8
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In a message dated 16/09/2007 21:32:39 GMT Daylight Time,  

Hubert  mentioned the jumpers (SK4, 4 pins) on the GPIB board (PCB Assy  GPIB
401820), which I found. But I can't find this jumpers in the service  manual.
It looks like there are different service manuals? In the manual I  have
downloaded from BAMA there aren't any jumpers on the  board.

Can anyone help me with these jumper settings  and/or a good service manual?

Hi Harry
I have a 240 page 1991/92 manual in pdf which includes the instruction  for 
installing the GPIB option and does refer to jumpering SK4.
I don't know whether or not the manual itself will be any different to what  
you already have, but I can send you either the complete manual, which  is 
approx 5 1/2 Mb, or just extract the GPIB pages.
Your choice, but if you go for the complete manual please make sure you let  
me have an email address known to be able to handle that size  file.
Alternatively, I could upload it to and send you the url, or  
perhaps Didier would like a copy for his web site?:-)

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Re: [time-nuts] Fw: UNIQUE CLOCK

2007-09-09 Thread GandalfG8
In a message dated 09/09/2007 16:09:32 GMT Daylight Time,  

How  do you normally set your PC time?

Both my XP machines are running NTP,  so no need to do any manual tweaks. 

Hi Rob
Thanks for the information, I've been meaning to take a look at  NTP and will 
check the links later.
I'm just running one PC regularly at the moment and that's  normally 
referenced to MSF using a serial port radio clock.
However, the PC is free  running whilst I'm using the clock serial port for a 
 GPS test rig and what I've been doing is just resetting it to the displayed  
GPS time when it drifts by more than a few seconds.
Not very precise, but good enough for the time being:-)

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Re: [time-nuts] Fw: UNIQUE CLOCK

2007-09-09 Thread GandalfG8
In a message dated 09/09/2007 15:52:55 GMT Daylight Time,  

Exact to  the second here!


Perhaps that's because your PC clock was better set than mine:-)
It was out here by a couple of seconds compared with GPS derived time  so I 
guessed it was taking time locally as my PC clock is free running at the  
I offset the PC clock by a couple of minutes and sure enough the  display 

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Re: [time-nuts] Fw: UNIQUE CLOCK

2007-09-09 Thread GandalfG8
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In a message dated 09/09/2007 15:38:13 GMT Daylight Time,  

Just  look at it and study it. It gives you the EXACT TIME of the DAY in   
Seconds, minutes, hours, the day, month and year. Just read the green line.  
Everything's there.  

"Exact" is perhaps debatable, it takes its time from the PC being used  to 
display it:-)

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[time-nuts] Z3801A question...was Vectron Oscillator

2007-09-07 Thread GandalfG8
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In a message dated 07/09/2007 16:21:14 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

I have a  Vectron 10 MHz ovened oscillator, model CO-206B59VW, with output  
via  SMA and 7 solder pins for power and control lines.
It's only been connected  previously for basic supply, and I can  probably 
trace that ok, but  would like to try it as a disciplined  oscillator so need 
know the  rest of the connections.
If anyone can help out with connection details for  the 7 pins I'd be  most 

Hi All
I now have the connection details and confirmed specification for the  
Vectron oscillator, many thanks to Bob and Rex for that, which leads me on to a 
further question.
I have one HP Z3801A that is complete and working fine,  but another missing 
its oscillator and PSU module.
I have a few options for the oscillator, including the  Vectron and a couple 
of spare 10811s, but the PSU could be a pain.
Does anyone have, or know where I might find, a direct replacement PSU  
module for a Z3801A?

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[time-nuts] Vectron Oscillator

2007-09-07 Thread GandalfG8
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Hi All
I have a Vectron 10 MHz ovened oscillator, model CO-206B59VW, with output  
via SMA and 7 solder pins for power and control lines.
It's only been connected previously for basic supply, and I can  probably 
trace that ok, but would like to try it as a disciplined  oscillator so need to 
know the rest of the connections.
If anyone can help out with connection details for the 7 pins I'd be  most 
I suspect Vectron may have used a standard configuration but they don't  seem 
to carry any information on these older models.
I've also got a poor copy of the specification page from an old  catalogue, 
very poor when it comes to exponents, so although I'm pretty sure I  know what 
the detailed spec is, any confirmation of stability and ageing figures  etc 
would also be appreciated.

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Re: [time-nuts] OT: You know your getting old when...

2007-09-06 Thread GandalfG8
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In a message dated 07/09/2007 00:06:23 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Sure  sign of dyslexia :-)

Dnot yuo maen delsyxia?

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Re: [time-nuts] GPSDO Question

2007-09-02 Thread GandalfG8
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In a message dated 02/09/2007 04:20:54 GMT Daylight Time,  

It is  amusing/distressing to see that the myth that using an FLL to lock
an  oscillator to the PPS output of a GPS receiver is a good approach
still  persists.
The optimum solution is a phase lock loop.
Whilst building an  FLL is instructive/educational, if you want the best
GPSDO performance you  should really use a PLL.

Perhaps it depends on how you define a "good" approach.
If you're looking for the very best you can get then it probably  isn't, but 
I don't recall that being claimed in the first place.
However, one of the attractions has to be the simplicity of the  circuit and 
the fact that something offering reasonable performance can be  knocked up 
very quickly.
Without the divider and buffers, the circuit proposed by Bertrand  Zauhar, 
VE2ZAZ, in his QEX article reduces to just three ICs.
It may not be optimum but it must be a strong contender for the best  you can 
get for very little effort.
The Idaho State University version is reported on their web page for  the 
project as having been checked over a 13 day period, by the Idaho National 
Laboratories Calibration  Lab, and found to be accurate to 1.2x10^-10.
I  don't think that's too bad for a fun project that could probably  be put 
together in an evening, even for one guilty of causing such  amusement and/or 

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Re: [time-nuts] EMI from florescent lights

2007-08-10 Thread GandalfG8
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In a message dated 10/08/2007 06:13:01 GMT Daylight Time,  

Does  anybody know how much garbage comes from the standard CFL "60 watt"  
replacements for incandescent lamps?  I'm interested in both WWVB and  GPS.

WWVB is 60 KHz which is the 500th harmonic of 120 Hz.500 is a big number, 
so maybe that's not a serious problem.  I don't  have any WWVB gear right now 
so this part is just academic  curiosity.

On the other hand, that fixture is only 6-8 ft from a couple  of GPS antennas.

This seems to be one of those areas when yer pays yer money and takes yer  
"Normal" fluorescents can wipe out LF and well into MF, say 3 or 4 MHz at  
least, that harmonic ratio is no security.
In a previous house I had several fittings in a garage 6 or  7 metres from 
the house, admittedly old and buzzing well, and if I forgot to  switch these 
the RFI wiped out LF/MF totallyat least it was easy to  spot and fix:-)
We had fluorescents and CFLs in our recent urban apartment but backround  RFI 
was so bad to start with it was impossible to detect any difference with  
lights on or off.
The more recent house we have now also has a couple of  fluorescents in the 
garage, but in much better condition than those mentioned  above. These also 
generate interference but nowhere near as bad  as before.
I've also had experience of nearby fluorescents where there didn't seem to  
be any noticeable RFI at all.
I much prefer the light from fluorescents, over incandescent bulbs, for a  
lab or workshop environment but do try to avoid them if possible.
CFLs though are not just "normal" fluorescents wound up small. In place of  
the iron cored choke they use an electronic ballast.
I'm no expert on these but assume they can be considered to have similar  
characteristics to a switch mode power supply, and they operate at a much  
frequency than 50 or 60 Hz, I've just seen one example quoting 34  KHz.
Again, some appear to be better behaved than others but for  anyone wanting 
to receive on LF/MF, and hence WWVB, I  would recommend avoiding them like the 
The RSGB mag RadCom has carried reports on some of these for the EMC page.  I 
don't have these back copies to hand but there may be copies of the articles  
online somewhere. I'm sure a Google check would provide more info.
Another item to avoid, or at least be wary of, is the dimmer switch for  
incandescent bulbs.
These chop the incoming sinewave by varying the switching angle and can  
again generate severe LF/MF interference.
I've heard bad reports of these but have also used LF loops just a few feet  
above them with no effect, so again mileage varies.
Many domestic appliances, TVs etc, now carry switch mode PSUs which are  
permanently on unless disconnected from the mains. These are becoming 
sources of LF/MF/HF interference and there's been many reports of severe  
interference traced to such items.
Then there's good ole "Broadband Over Powerline" (BPL), another great  source 
of interference below 30 MHz.
So that's the sort of fun you might expect with WWVB:-)

Having said all that, I would not expect there to be any problems from  
either type of fluorescent with GPS equipment operating in L band, providing  
RF practice is followed.
Fluorescent tubes interfering with low level 10GHz microwave  signals is a 
well perceived phenomena but this is due to the the ionised gasses  being in 
transmission path.
It might be an interesting area for observation but would suggest changing  
the antenna or checking wiring if a problem were observed.
If direct RF interference is unlikely, but there's always the  possibility of 
noise on power feeds with any equipment. Proper screening and  grounding 
should avoid any issues.
With GPS timing, the only low level signal is the GPS signal  itself, signals 
out of the receiver module are much higher amplitude so  much less liable to 
the sort of interference being considered.
Power line conditioning is worth considering for any lab environment  though, 
just because the amount of mains borne crud is increasing all the  time.
Perhaps a Faraday screen or three might help too:-)

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Re: [time-nuts] Scope Clock

2007-08-03 Thread GandalfG8
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In a message dated 03/08/2007 15:11:29 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

I think  you mean "Most *analog* scopes can be used in X-Y display mode". I
have not  looked closely, but I do not remember seeing X-Y mode on a DSO,
even though  I am sure the high end models support it.

Hi Didier
Jan, who makes the clock, did say that it would work ok with better DSOs  but 
not very well with cheaper ones so I guess that supports your comment.
You're quite right though, I was just thinking of analogue scopes:-)

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Re: [time-nuts] Scope Clock

2007-08-02 Thread GandalfG8
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In a message dated 02/08/2007 18:00:43 GMT Daylight Time,  

Several  of you have talked about using XY displays for this.  I'm probably 
just  dense, but I don't know what this 
is...  Can you provide some model  info that I might look up.  I'd love to 
have this clock displaying on  something 
other than my Tek scope

Hi Mark
An X-Y display is similar to a scope but the inputs interface directly  to 
the X and Y plates of the tube via DC amplifiers.
What's missing are the timebase and triggering circuits and the AC  coupled 
vertical amps and attenuators.
They are commonly used with instruments that generate their  own timebase 
waveforms, such as sweep generators etc, where the sweep  waveform will be used 
as the timebase and will be conncted to the X plates and  the detected RF, say, 
to the Y plates.
Most scopes can be used in X-Y mode anyway but the X-Y display  is really 
just the back end of the scope without the fancy twiddly  bits on the front:-)

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Re: [time-nuts] Basic Stratum 1 question

2007-08-02 Thread GandalfG8
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In a message dated 02/08/2007 16:33:26 GMT Daylight Time,  

I am having a debate with our CIO.  He wrote in a memo about  timing:

*Local hardware is to be considered Stratum 1, since it get time  from its
own CMOS.*

I told him that absurd and that it can't be  considered stratum 1.

So any dodgy PC clock is now Stratum 1 by his definition?

The  following is just one quick example from a google search and came  

What is Stratum 1?

In the world of NTP, stratum levels define  the distance from the reference 
clock.  A reference clock is a stratum-0  device that is assumed to be accurate 
and has lttle or no delay associated with  it.  The reference clock 
synchronizes to the correct time (UTC) using long  wave radio signals, GPS 
transmissions, CDMA technology or other time signals  such as WWV, DCF77, etc.  
servers cannot be used on the network,  instead, they are directly connected 
to computers which then operate as  stratum-1 servers.

A server that is directly linked to a stratum-0 device  is called a stratum-1 
server.  This includes all time servers with built-in  stratum-0 devices and 
those with direct links to stratum-0 devices such as over  an RS-232 
connection or via an IRIG-B time code.  The basic definition of a  stratum-1 
server is that it be directly linked (not over a network path) to  a reliable 
source of UTC time such as GPS, WWV, or CDMA transmissions.  A  stratum-1 time 
server acts as a primary network time standard.
See what he makes of that :-)


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Re: [time-nuts] Scope Clock

2007-08-02 Thread GandalfG8

Re: [time-nuts] Scope Clock

2007-07-31 Thread GandalfG8
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In a message dated 31/07/2007 23:23:38 GMT Daylight Time,  

as  ordered will these boards accept 1pps or was yours a  special?


Hi Eric
Take a look at.
It looks like the 1PPS is standard.
I've got a 12 inch X-Y display doing nothing right  now..
and I'm very tempted to have a play with one of these:-)

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Re: [time-nuts] Time may not exist

2007-07-28 Thread GandalfG8
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In a message dated 28/07/2007 05:49:07 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Before  this subject deteriorates into what trial lawyers and
politicians excel at  (twisting words to obscure the truth),
consider what happens if time does  not exist.

Velocity is distance moved per unit of time, or distance  is
velocity times time. If time does not exist, then nothing  moves.

Reproduction becomes impossible.

Even thought becomes  impossible because neurons fire depending
on the pulse rate at  synapses.

Not to mention communication and other things that are  frequency
sensitive, including light and radiant heat.

And then  there's the matter of Earth rotating in several ways.

Since all of  these things do exist, time exists. It is what goes
on inside the brains of  quantum physicists that leads them to
make rash statements about things  they cannot measure. As I
recall, the derivation of the Planck length  seemed suspect.

But does time actually does exist in an absolute sense?
There are intervals between events, that we refer to as "time" or the  
"passage of time", and we choose to allocate a unit to this, the "second", just 
we choose to allocate units to distance and mass.

Distance and mass, however, are a bit more user friendly, in that  generally 
there is at least the possibility that a given distance or  mass will remain 
obligingly the same for long enough to enable a repeat  measurement, albeit 
within certain tolerances.
This doesn't apply to time, nor to anything else once time becomes  involved, 
which in itself, of course, makes the above statement extremely  suspect:-)
With time, it's those intervals between events that we seek to measure with  
ever increasing precision, and great fun it is too:-), but however 
"repetitive"  given events are the "same" event never occurs twice and neither 
does the  
same interval.
This may all seem boringly obvious but, since "time" depends for it's  
existence on these patterns of events and the intervals between them, the  
as to whether time itself really exists as a quantity may turn out  to be not 
quite so trivial after all.

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Re: [time-nuts] Oncore VP problem

2007-07-21 Thread GandalfG8
In a message dated 21/07/2007 18:45:43 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Your  computer may be sensing the serial data stream and declaring it to be  a
mouse. This is a generic problem having nothing to do with Tac32 but it  and
the solution are in the CNS Clock II and Tac32 manual available where  you
got the software.

P.S., I am in the UK at the AMSAT-UK  conference.

Hi Rick
Many thanks for your comments.
You're quite right and all is under control again:-)
I've obviously been lucky in the past, in that I've not come across this  
before and it seems to be only certain strings that trigger it.
Running WinOncore had enabled the Ea and Ek commands but it was the Bb  
string enabled by TAC32 that triggered the problem, in this instance  anyway.
Now I'm aware of the potential it'll be easier to deal with in the  future.
I haven't had a chance to explore TAC32, or the manual, any further yet but  
it looks good and I'll be coming back to it soon.
Welcome to sunny Guilford, you're about 75 miles from where I lived  for many 
and nearly 475 from where I am now:-)
The west coast of Scotland is supposed to be the wettest part of the UK,  and 
normally lives up to that reputation, but it's been quite sunny here of  
late, certainly no wetter than normal, and could almost be  considered drought 
conditions compared to what some other parts of the  country have suffered rece
Enjoy your stayand stay dry:-)

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Re: [time-nuts] Oncore VP problem

2007-07-21 Thread GandalfG8
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In a message dated 19/07/2007 14:58:59 GMT Daylight Time,  

This is  a well known quirk/feature of Windows itself.
There is a way of "curing" it  (other than using a better OS) but I cant 
recall the details at the  moment.


Thanks Bruce
I've got it sorted now, for the time being at least:-)
I'd love to use a "better" OS, have tried a few flavours of Linux for  
example after spending a long time working with Unix servers, but there are  
applications where Windows is the only viable OS.
In my case, the biggest single factor is the Winradio software for the  G313.
There isn't a viable alternative, not that I've seen so far  anyway, and it 
took long enough to get all the quirks ironed out under  Windows, so certainly 
not an area where I'd want to try an emulator.
If I've got to keep Windoze for that then I'm less tempted to run another  OS 
for anything else.

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Re: [time-nuts] Active LF Antennas

2007-07-20 Thread GandalfG8
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In a message dated 20/07/2007 09:57:38 GMT Daylight Time,  

Another  fairly popular antenna in the LF field is a circuit by
Roelof Bakker PA0RDT  where the whip is replaced by a square inch of PCB pad.
This has proved  exceptionally good in some noisy urban appartments and hotel
rooms mounted  out off the balcony on a length of cane

Hi Alan
After penning my enthusiasm for Roelof's efforts perhaps I should  have 
checked back before hitting the send button.
as I now see you beat me to it:-)
regards again from the soggy north

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Re: [time-nuts] Active LF Antennas

2007-07-20 Thread GandalfG8
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In a message dated 20/07/2007 03:51:20 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Brooke -  you scored a bullseye on that one.  I had a
couple of false starts,  but got an email back from
Frank Gentges suggesting I contact Far Circuits  for
the PC boards ($11.50 for the set which includes
shipping). Now to  obtain the rest of the parts...

If you want to make a quick start on LF try a Google on "pa0rdt" or just  
take a look at this
Via Google you''ll find info on work by Roelof Bakker aimed  at reducing the 
element size on an active vertical and the pdf shows the  result.
a complete active antenna on a single PCB 90mm long and 30mm  wide:-)
There's been quite a lot of online discussion on the pros and  cons of this, 
so don't really want to get drawn into it all again, but I have built them and 
they've worked well for me.
Using a mini drill with an end burr tool to cut the PCB, or  just a hobby 
knife will do, the module as described in that pdf can be built in  a couple of 
hours at most, including the PSU interface.
The 2N5109 suggested works fine but I've also used a 2N3866  with similar 
I've used one with a 2N3866 to receive the 17 KHz SAQ  transmissions both 
from south east England, inland approx 25 miles north of  London, and from the 
west coast of Scotland, in the middle of the Clyde  estuary. In England the 
antenna was probably 5 metres above ground level,  in Scotland approx 4 metres 
above sea level.
MSF on 60KHz is very strong via the mini-whip here in  Scotland, even given 
the lashed up nature of the test support, but since their  move north that's 
probably to be expected:-)
HBG and DCF77 are usable too, JJY has so far not been  seen:-)
My eventual intention for the mini-whip, as well as using it  in it's own 
right, is to use it as a "spotter" for my rotator mounted Wellbrook  loops so 
not to miss things in the null.
the best of both worlds:-)

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Re: [time-nuts] Oncore VP problem

2007-07-19 Thread GandalfG8
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In a message dated 19/07/2007 12:33:07 GMT Daylight Time,  

In the  TAC32 documentation, you will read about Mouse data and GPS data  !

Theres a command line switch to run that should resolve  it.

Brian N4FMN

Thanks Brian
XP was bring up a false pointing device at startup, just as described,  and 
disabling that has fixed it.
I like to think I would have got there eventually but, as you  realised:-), 
hadn't got round to reading the manual yet as I was just  pleased to have the 
Oncore working.
Looking at the current incoming traffic from the Oncore shows that the Bb,  
Ea, and Ek, strings are all coming in on a once per second basis.
Prior to running TAC32 I had only been seeing the Bb and Ea strings so  I 
presume TAC32 automatically enables the Ek command.
As I hadn't seen the problem before I'm guessing it's something  in the Ek 
string that caused it, in my case anyway.
Perhaps it's time to read the rest of the manual :-)

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Re: [time-nuts] Oncore VP problem

2007-07-19 Thread GandalfG8
In a message dated 19/07/2007 02:44:42 GMT Daylight Time,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

My  suggestion is that you pick up a free evaluation copy of Rick
Hambly's  TAC32 software at
. TAC32  knows all the quirks & options that ever existed in a  Motorola
receiver, going all the way back to the Rev.3 PVT6. Then if you  find it
useful, a legal copy can be purchased from Rick, or at members  discount
from TAPR  (

Hi Tom
Many thanks for the suggestion.
You may have seen my subsequent post in which I commented that I had tried  
TAC32 without solving my problem, only to find the kit was working ok but  with 
an incorrectly labelled connector.
TAC32 does look useful though so I'll check it over more thoroughly  later.
One "interesting" side effect..
Some time after shutting down TAC32 last night, but with the Oncore still  
connected to the serial port and outputting data, my PS2 connected mouse 
 misbehaving, with the pointer jumping all over the place then settling down 
for  a while before repeating the performance.
It didn't occur to me at first that the incoming serial data might have  
anything to do with it until it started again this morning and I eventually  
stopped it by disconnecting the serial lead from the receiver.
Whilst I can't say for sure that running TAC32 was what caused it, it's not  
something I've ever seen in the past nor previously this past few  days after 
running WinOncore.
I'll check later to see if the port shut down properly and also take a look  
at the Oncore message stream, perhaps TAC32 may have changed something  there 
as part of its auto setup routine?

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Re: [time-nuts] Oncore VP problem

2007-07-18 Thread GandalfG8
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In a message dated 18/07/2007 21:25:35 GMT Daylight Time,  

I  wouldn't worry too much about not having TRAIM. As long as your GPS has  a
good view of the sky you should be alright. If you really need a  higher-end
receiver then there's the newer M12M-T.

Do you have any  pictures of the adapter board / product? I'm curious to see
what it looks  like.

Hi Jason
I don't really need anything any better right now, just being  greedy:-)
Although it would have been nice to have the extra timing options  I'm just 
pleased to find I have the PPS output after all.
With most of my test gear in storage right now, including Z3801A and  other 
references, I was looking for a quick way to check out a Parthus GPS  standard 
that hasn't been behaving quite as I expected.
The QEX project from last year seemed to offer an ideal  solution, without 
the output dividers/drivers it's just one PIC, one op  amp, and a level 
if you don't count the GPS receiver and an HP 10811 that is:-)
The unit I'm using was marketed around 1996 by Maplin Electronics in the UK  
as their "GPS Development System".
I bought this one recently from a company who had it as left over  NOS, they 
used them in 1997 as accurate timing sources for lighting/effects  in a theme 
Maplin are quite a large retail chain in the UK, similar to RadioShack  but 
without the radios:-),  and they also published a magazine at  the time.
I think this may have started as a magazine project that they decided to  
market as a finished product.
Basically, it's just an Oncore on an interface board that  contains a MAX232 
IC and a 5 volt regulator.
I suspect it's very similar to the Motorola evaluation kit.
It's put together quite nicely in a small extruded case but  doesn't seem to 
be very well designed.
To start with, they rate the supply from 8 to 16 volts with a 16 volt  
electrolytic across it.
Probably ok, but I prefer a margin so changed it.
The electrolytic across the negative 8.5 volt output from the MAX232 was  the 
wrong way round, I thought it was a one off until I found the PCB marked up  
that way.
And finally, as I mentioned earlier, the front panel screening is  wrong.
Other than that, it seems ok:-)
I've got a photo of the outside but that doesn't tell you much  so I'll take 
some pictures of the PCB etc and let you have those  later.
I'll also try to provide a copy of the interface schematic.

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Re: [time-nuts] Oncore VP problem

2007-07-18 Thread GandalfG8
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In a message dated 18/07/2007 19:53:08 GMT Daylight Time,  

Actually, no.

The receiver has to be reflashed in order to  update firmware, but the
receiver ID info is actually in EEPROM. There was  an old DOS program from
Moto that would allow you to edit the receiver ID  information in order to
change options.
Good point, I was only thinking of upgrades in the sense of  enabling 
options, hadn't got any further than that:-)
Any idea if copies of that old DOS program are still available?
It turns out to have been "another one of those days"
I installed TAC32 as you suggested, all up and running ok, but still no  1PPS.
I then did what I should have done earlier, and took the module  and it's 
motherboard out of the case to check it wasn't a physical  problem.
So now it turns out that it is working, and may well have been working  all 
alongonly somebody screwed up the silk screen for the front panel  and 
labelled the output socket incorrectly.
It's a multipin connector and my 1PPS doesn't come out on  the supposed 1PPS 
connection, it comes out on a pin indicated as  Ov !!!
I might have expected that from a homebrew project  but this was marketed as 
a commercial product, and by a fairly large  company.
It looks like I'm back on track, with a few things learned along the  way, so 
many thanks for your assistance, which has been much  appreciated.
Thanks again also to Jason for the extra documentation.


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Re: [time-nuts] Oncore VP problem

2007-07-18 Thread GandalfG8
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In a message dated 18/07/2007 19:25:04 GMT Daylight Time,  

It is  largely unknown that basically any VP receiver is capable of operating
as a  standard positioning receiver, precise timer with TRAIM, or with ALL
the  bells and whistles including carrier phase. The code inside all
receivers  with the same version firmware (8.4, 10.0, etc.) is capable of
operating in  any mode. When the receiver boots it looks at the Option List
in the  receiver ID to see which options are active. Motorola liked to
pretend that  the timing and carrier phase receivers were more expensive
because of  specialized code, but in fact this was not the case. The code was
always  there, but the receiver would not use it if the option was not
present in  the receiver ID.

I take it that means a flash upgrade would just have to modify  the receiver 
ID, or even just the option list?  :-)

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Re: [time-nuts] Oncore VP problem

2007-07-18 Thread GandalfG8
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In a message dated 18/07/2007 19:25:04 GMT Daylight Time,  


Nigel - the best thing for you to do at this point  is to download an eval
copy of  TAC32 from Rick's website and let his  software set up your
receiver. It will set it up automatically to get the  1PPS running. Once you
have convinced yourself that your receiver is  working you can go back to
WinOncore12. I think the problem with your 1PPS  is that WinOncore12 does not
recognize the old VP 1PPS  commands.


Sigh indeed..but you got me smiling too:-)
That's better news than I was expecting so maybe there's still light at the  
end of my tunnel after all.
I'll keep my fingers crossed and try what you suggest...
back later:-)

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Re: [time-nuts] Oncore VP problem

2007-07-18 Thread GandalfG8
In a message dated 18/07/2007 19:13:28 GMT Daylight Time,  

I think the "B" means PPS? One of those  PDF files shows all the feaures of
the models, and there are a couple VP  models where there isn't any
specification for PPS so I would guess that  means it doesn't have that
Hi Jason 
This is the info for my  module.
SFTW P/N # 98-P36830P
MODEL #B3221B1114
HDWR P/N # _
SERIAL #   SSG0115514

As I commented in an earlier  post, this has just the B option and is one of 
those listed with no  specification in the 1PPS column, which is what led me 
to assume it hasn't  got the 1PPS output.
That ties in with what I'd  found but the comments in the firmware list had 
me wondering again, especially  as the Oncore is fitted to a development kit 
with a 1PPS output  socket.
Although supposedly unused, it is an old kit so perhaps the module got  
swapped at some time, or it was an optional extra when new.
Oh well, the case is quite nice:-)

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Re: [time-nuts] Oncore VP problem

2007-07-18 Thread GandalfG8
In a message dated 18/07/2007 17:54:38 GMT Daylight Time,  

I put  all the Oncore related files I have gathered up online a while back,
they  can be found  at:


Thanks Jason
There were some useful items there that I hadn't seen before, in particular  
the VP firmware history.
but now I'm totally confused:-)
That firmware history refers to firmware version 8v4 being fitted to  models 
Bx4 and, sure enough, my firmware is 8v4.
8v4 is supposed to have updates for the Time RAIM option so I  would have 
expected that to imply my unit did have the 1PPS option after all,  but it 
resolutely ignores any of the relevant commands either via the WinOncore  
window or the menu options for time setting.
It will alow me to sellect the option that turns on 1PPS but the module  
ignores the command and doesn't seem to reply.
Maybe I'll give up on the QEX simple GPS standard and just build a  clock:-)

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Re: [time-nuts] Oncore VP problem

2007-07-17 Thread GandalfG8
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In a message dated 17/07/2007 23:09:36 GMT Daylight Time,  

You  should be able to restart the VP with the @@Cg command in the
"Additional  Message Window" in WinOncore12. The total command string  is:


Note that with the VP this must be done  after every receiver default or

You will  also encounter trouble trying to run a lot of the more esoteric 8
channel  messages that the VP supported. WinOncore12 has no idea about what
to do  with these. Once again, Rick's software will come to the rescue.

Best  regards,

Randy Warner
Senior Applications Engineer
Geodetics,  Inc.
Thanks Randy
That saved the day.
It was one of those things that seem silly when you know but a real pain  
when nothing wants to work.
The unit did come with some earlier DOS software and a while ago I  booted up 
the Dolch luggable, that I keep for the Z3801A and SatStat, and ran  the DOS 
GPS90 software but that was doing the same thing.
My problem???
The VP comand set document doesn't mention, or not that I can see  anyway, 
the need for that leading zero, so I was using @@Cg1.and it don't  like 
Considering the antenna is only propped up on a ground floor window sill  for 
now, and signal levels are on the low side, all is looking good, with a  10 
degree mask angle it's seeing 10 or 11 satellites and so far tracking  3.
It turns out to be an early 8 channel, a B3 model, but as long as it  has the 
1PPS output, that should be ok for what I need.
Thanks too for the other information, I'll look out for a copy of TAC32 and  
try that later.
and thanks again

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[time-nuts] Oncore VP problem

2007-07-17 Thread GandalfG8
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Hi All
I'm trying to set up a supposedly NOS GPS development kit,  similar to the 
old Motorola evalution kit, with an Oncore VP mounted on an  interface board 
fitted with a 5 volt regulator and MAX232 interface  chip.
Running WinOncore12 under WinXP I can talk to the module ok, enter location  
info and get it to return it's ID etc, but other than that I can't get it  to 
do anything.
I've discovered from the VP command set that it goes into idle mode after a  
self test and needs a "position fix mode" command to put it back into "fix"  
Unfortunately, although the module acknowledges the command it reports  that 
it's still in idle mode.
I'll dig out a DOS PC later, and try an earlier version of the software,  but 
if anyone's come across this before I'd be grateful for any tips as to how I  
can kick it back into life again.

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Re: [time-nuts] HP-3336A Level Generator manual

2007-07-16 Thread GandalfG8
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In a message dated 16/07/2007 08:53:58 GMT Daylight Time,  

G'Day  Nigel,
I have a paper copy of the manual, which bit of the circuit diagram  do 
you require. (I cannot scan the whole manual at this stage but a couple  
of pages is possible)
Regards Scott

Hi Scott
Many thanks for your reply.
I don't really "need" any of the circuits at the moment so I wouldn't  want 
to put you to the trouble of scanning it, but the offer is much  
appreciated.and I might be back when I power up my own  units:-)
I was just surprised to find, when trying to help with the question  re no 
output at the front panel, that neither of the pdf files I've  got had any 
circuit diagrams included and was hoping somebody might  already have found a 
complete pdf copy that could be shared without any  work on their part.
It's even possible I have a paper copy myself but nearly all my paper  
manuals are in storage and I can't remember if I had one for the 3336.
and thanks again

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Re: [time-nuts] HP-3336A Level Generator Question

2007-07-15 Thread GandalfG8
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In a message dated 10/07/2007 17:36:08 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

The UPS  man just delivered a care package from my
latest ebay purchase!!!  I  fired it up and found the
front panel displayed properly, but no output on  the
75ohm BNC connector, but the rear panel 21-60mhz aux
works fine as  mesured by a 5328a counter.

Pulled the bottom off and note that the 50  ohm output
into the matching box has good signal - problem in  the
50/75/150/600 assembly.

This question prompted me to take a look at the pdf service manual I have  
for the 3336, thinking it should be a relatively easy fix, but I  find my copy 
doesn't contain any schematics.
I've got a couple of these units that I haven't checked out yet so  would be 
grateful if anybody has a pdf service manual that includes  schematics, or 
just the schematics, that they'd be willing to share?
I've tried the Agilent site and a Google search but no luck with  either.

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Re: [time-nuts] Tracor 527E Manual

2007-07-04 Thread GandalfG8
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Please ignore my previous message, if you haven't already:-), it was  
supoosed to have gone direct to Didier.

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[time-nuts] Tracor 527E Manual

2007-07-04 Thread GandalfG8
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Hi Didier
After Scott anounced that he'd uploaded the 527A manual to your site I  
realised that I had the manual for the 527E, came from Teknet some time ago, so 
I've uploaded that one too.

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[time-nuts] Was Tracor 527A Tracor 527E Manual

2007-07-04 Thread GandalfG8
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G'Day All,
I have copied a scan of a Tracor 527A manual to Didier  Juges's site
It is ~13MB, file name 527A_op_serv_manual.pdf   I hope that is OK 
Regards Scott
P.S. If you need it in a  hurry I can mail and/or copy some where else 
for you.

Hi Scott and All
Many thanks Scott for the 527A manual.
It was only when downloading it that I discovered a 527E manual  in my 
archives, of similar size, that I must have downloaded some time  ago and 
I'm now also uploading that one to Didier's site, should be finished in  
about 10 minutes, 23:50 UK time.
Both can be found in his upload folder for now.

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[time-nuts] Ebay 5071A scam back again?

2007-06-26 Thread GandalfG8
Hi All
Am I right in thinking this is another EbayUK repeat of the dodgy  5071A 
auction that was listed a week or so ago?
GM8PZR (  ( 

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Re: [time-nuts] HP5370B GPIB-Softmark

2007-06-15 Thread GandalfG8
In a message dated 15/06/2007 18:01:42 GMT Daylight Time,  

> My  biggest problem might be getting over the shock of how cheap it is
>  compared to the HP equivalent and also compared to the 82350B PCI
> card  I bought recently:-( 

How much do they cost?  (with  shipping)

I gave up on the ugly web site before I found the  price.

I'm a bit surprised they don't have a US  reseller

The unit costs $85 with $25 shipping to anywhere outside of  Australia.
These are Australian $ and a quick check online converts that to approx  
93USD total.
At the moment the exchange rate probably makes it an even better  buy from 
the UK.
The web site does seem a bit messy at first but easy enough  once you get 
used to it.
There's a separate side tab for orders which takes you into page 1 with a  
link into page 2, the USB-GPIB unit is near the bottom of page 2.
Some of their other stuff looks good too.

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] HP5370B GPIB-Softmark

2007-06-15 Thread GandalfG8
In a message dated 15/06/2007 15:37:43 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

The  biggest problem, was getting over the shock of it taking only 5 days to  
arrive from Australia! 

My biggest problem might be getting over the shock of how cheap it is  
compared to the HP equivalent and also compared to the 82350B PCI card I bought 
Oh well, let's see if another can arrive as fast:-)
I've just bought one anyway, has to be worth trying, but are there any  known 
problems or restrictions with these units?

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Re: [time-nuts] GPIB on the HP3586

2007-06-11 Thread GandalfG8
In a message dated 11/06/2007 22:06:01 GMT Daylight Time,  


You're more than welcome
and better too many than too few:-)

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] GPIB on the HP3586

2007-06-11 Thread GandalfG8
In a message dated 11/06/2007 21:34:34 GMT Daylight Time,  

While I  brought the (huge) maintenance manual with me, I seem to forgot the
User  manual for the Selective Level Meter HP-3586C. Would anyone have the
HPIB  programming string definitions available?

On its way to your own email address, approx 2MB pdf.
If you want the complete user manual pdf I can send that but it's about  14MB 
and I think you'll find it on Didier's webs site anyway.

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Re: [time-nuts] Beware: HP 5071A Primary Frequency Standard 10890AAgilent on ...

2007-06-07 Thread GandalfG8
In a message dated 07/06/2007 15:32:25 GMT Daylight Time,  

Just  checked this on EBay and nothing coming up.

Rob K  

It was there earlier, gone now, guess Ebay pulled  it.

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Re: [time-nuts] R: Info on HP 10514A and 10534A mixers?

2007-05-31 Thread GandalfG8
In a message dated 01/06/2007 03:28:44 GMT Daylight Time,  

I have  an eight page manual dated 15 June 1969 for these mixers.  It 
shows  applications and specifications.  I have no way to presently scan  
it.  If somebody is willing to scan it into a PDF file and make it  
available, I will be happy to send it via snail mail.

Brian -  N4FMN

Hi Brian
I could do that, and happy to do so, but I'm in the UK so probably best  
considered as a last resort only if nobody closer offers.
Either way, I've got a 10514A so would appreciate an eventual copy  please

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Re: [time-nuts] HP-5328A Manuals / Schematics

2007-05-27 Thread GandalfG8
In a message dated 27/05/2007 16:43:24 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

I'm  wanting to work on the divider chain to incease
the gate time  from 10  seconds up to something much
longer forr increased resolution. Are these  on-line

Hi Tom
The manuals are available for free download from the Agilent web  site.
Just enter 5328A in the search box on the front page and you'll find user  
and service manuals.

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Re: [time-nuts] PTS310 Manual

2007-05-16 Thread GandalfG8
In a message dated 15/05/2007 06:45:12 GMT Daylight Time,  

no, it  is not urgent. I am waiting for the PTS310 to arrive here within
the course  of the week. After what you have said about its "edge" I am
REALLY eager to  paly around with it.

Hi Ulrich
The PTS310 manual is now available from Didier's web site, as is the manual  
for the PTS500, and there's some more to follow.
It's the PTS160 I have most experience of so far, I have two with all  
modules fitted and front panel switches, plus another that "only" has modules  
to 100Hz, and being able to dial up a clean and precise frequency  at a 
reasonable signal level makes them a great local oscillator as well as  good 
variable reference that can be GPS locked via the external input.
Full PC control is the next step, my 310 and X10 are both remote only, as  
I've at least one HF receiver, normally crystal controlled but takes very well  
to LO injection, that needs a calculator every time I want to change  
For many things they might be considered overkill, but they do  come with a 
very definite "feel good" factor:-)
Using the PTS kit can get a bit silly with something like the Softrock  
though, a receiver that folks are building into Altoids tins with a local  
oscillator that fits a 19inch rack:-)

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] PTS310 Manual

2007-05-14 Thread GandalfG8
In a message dated 14/05/2007 13:41:54 GMT Daylight Time,  


nice to see you arrive here at this mysthic place where  we render homage
the ancient gods of time and frequency and the modern gods  of rubidium
and cesium... 

Please follow Didier's suggestion, so  more people than just me can take
advantage out of it.  

Hi Ulrich
And many thanks for the truly poetic welcome:-)
As you'll see from my reply to Didier, I just need his confirmation that  
he's ok with hosting the manual, and others, that originally came from Teknet  
before I upload them.
If you need it urgently you could register with Teknet and  download it, or I 
could send it to you and still upload it to Didier's manual  site.
For anyone needing info on the PTS X10 or PTS250, I have manuals for  these 
too but only in printed format.
I'm not able to scan complete manuals right now but could extract specific  
information if not too many pages.
I don't know why but, in the UK anyway, the PTS units seem to be one of the  
world's best kept secrets.
>From the time I bought my first PTS160, convinced from the info on the PTS  
site that I'd found something special but not being quite sure until I'd played 
 with it, I was totally hooked.
I've got Rockland Wavetek, and Racal, units that are similar, but the  PTS 
units, for me anyway, definitely have the edge.

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] PTS310 Manual

2007-05-14 Thread GandalfG8
In a message dated 14/05/2007 05:02:13 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Hi  Nigel,

Welcome to the list.

You are welcome to upload your  manual to my Manual web  page:
Instructions are at the  top.
Hi Didier
Nice to see you again, and thanks for the kind welcome.
The PTS310 manual is actually one I downloaded from Teknet, I could have  
pointed Ulrich there but it's a bit messy having to register etc.
Their only restriction is that it shouldn't be sold so uploading it  
shouldn't be a problem, but please confirm you're happy with that.
If you are ok with it, I've also got manuals from them for the PTS500 and  
>From a different source I've got the manual for the PTS160 and will  try to 
upload that too.
I've got printed copies of the 160 and 310 manuals anyway so that should  
cover it.
I say "try", as I'm having problems with broadband dropping out right now,  
it's happening several times a day and could be a problem with uploads, which  
are relatively slow.
I'll start once you confirm you're ok with hosting the Teknet manuals, and  
keep my fingers crossed my connection holds up until I've finished:-)

time-nuts mailing list

[time-nuts] PTS310 Manual

2007-05-13 Thread GandalfG8
Hi Ulrich and All

I joined the list today, found it whilst looking for info on  some Lucent GPS 
kit, as I have a strong interest in GPS and other time and  frequency 
standards, both off air and standalone.
While having a look through the archives I found your request, as  below, for 
PTS310 information.
I have the full manual in pdf format but it's approx 20Mb so  I would have to 
split it into two for mailing, as AOL will only  send/receive attachments up 
to 16MB, and would need an email address known to  accept 10Mb files.
Alternatively, if anyone else wants it too, I could upload it onto  
rapidshare .com for download.
Apologies if this doesn't come out in the expected format, there's no  
"reply" option on archived postings so I've had to cut and paste.


I just managed to buy a second hand PTS 310 synthesizer on  eBay in the
remote-only version with parallel BCD interface. Has anyone of  you a
manual available in electronic form or at least some information on  the
pinning of the 50-pol Amphenol connector for setting the  frequency?

Best regards and thanks in advance 

Ulrich  Bangert
df6jb at
Ortholzer Weg 1
27243 Gross Ippener 


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