Re: [time-nuts] GPS 18 behavior

2013-07-23 Thread Scott McGrath
Thanks Jim

Was not aware that 10 Ghz signals could penetrate so deeply.  I work for a 
enterprise wifi company on the RF side and one of our key challenges is signal 
attenuation/distortion by building materials

Any pointers to papers on this?

I did know that /tvb was using seismic sensors but moles are small you would 
need a high resolution seismic grid to accurately place them

 Woodchucks are much larger and they also tunnel and undermine things so easier 
to find with seismic sensor

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 23, 2013, at 12:03 AM, Jim Lux wrote:

 On 7/22/13 10:39 AM, Scott McGrath wrote:
 Moles are a bit small it would probably work better for woodchucks.  who are 
 in the process of undermining all lawns in neighborhood now.
 In a more serious vein most ground penetrating radar is low frequency and I 
 was not aware that THz waves could penetrate ground more than a few CM
 I believe tvb was using seismic sensors.
 low microwave (10 GHz) penetrates just fine to tens of meters. I wouldn't 
 want to run a comm link at any sort of data rate, but for 1 Hz bandwidth and 
 coherent detection, it works just fine.
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Re: [time-nuts] GPS 18 behavior

2013-07-23 Thread Jim Lux

On 7/23/13 4:51 AM, Scott McGrath wrote:

Thanks Jim

Was not aware that 10 Ghz signals could penetrate so deeply.  I work for a 
enterprise wifi company on the RF side and one of our key challenges is signal 
attenuation/distortion by building materials

Any pointers to papers on this?

there's tons of papers (and Master's theses) on propagation of 2.45 and 
5.8 GHz signals in buildings.  It seems that every grad student goes out 
and hooks up a VNA to some antennas.

As for other frequencies, there's some papers out there on propagation 
in various building materials and substances.  I put a list of some 
useful references (there's others, at the end of theis email)

from a modeling standpoint:
Target  Propagation Models for the FINDER Radar
Authors: 	Vaughn Cable; Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute 
of Technology, United States		
 	James Lux; Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of 
Technology, United States		
 	Salman Haque; Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of 
Technology, United States		

Was presented at URSI a couple weeks ago.
he attenuation is quite high compared to free space, but the dominant 
factor in the propagation is not the resistive losses, but is the 
multiple changes in dielectric media: lots of reflections, and many 
scatter energy in directions other than where you want it to go (e.g. 

It's like shining a laser pointer into milk.

So, I'm not surprised you have trouble with high speed digital comm. 
There's two things biting you. One is just the signal strength issue: A 
few dB/meter adds up quick.  The other is the delay spread in the path, 
which will limit your symbol rate, and getting to a more time-nuts-y area.

Our models (and measurements) show that in dense rubble with smallish 
chunks (few cm to tens of cm scale), the delay spread is on the order of 
10-20% of the propagation time.  On a 10 meter path (about 50 
nanoseconds), the delay spread is on the order of 5-10 nanoseconds. 
Clearly, you're not going be sending 100 megasymbols/second.  802.11 
sends 250 ksymbols/second, so it doesn't have a big problem with ISI, 
but it does get bitten by the frequency selective fading of these paths: 
and that fading varies dramatically on the scale of a wavelength: move 
5-10 cm and a completely different set of OFDM channels are alive.

I did know that /tvb was using seismic sensors but moles are small you would 
need a high resolution seismic grid to accurately place them

Actually, you don't need that high resolution to do location. You just 
need good timing resolution The challenge would be the uncertainty in 
propagation velocity in the medium. It's like acoustic location of 
gunshots, which works pretty well in free space, but not so well in an 
echoey environment.

Now if he were looking for diamond toothed rock boring gophers deep in a 
granite pluton, where the medium is more uniform, it would work better.

 Here's some possibilities.
There's tons of others..

J. A. Boan, “Radio Propagation in Fire Environments”, University of 
Adelaide, Australia, 2009.

C. Dissanayake, M. N. Halgamuge, K. Ramamohanarao, B. Moran, P. Farrell, 
“The Signal Propagation Effects on IEEE 802.15.4 Radio Link in Fire 
Environment”, 5th International Conference on Information and Automation 
for Sustainability, 17-19 December 2010

G. L. Charvat, L. C. Kempel, E. J. Rothwell, C. M. Coleman, E. L. 
Mokole, “A Through -Dielectric Radar Imaging System”, IEEE Transactions 
on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 38, No. 8, August 2010

M. C. Dobson, F. T. Ulaby, M. T. Hallikainen, H. A. El-Rayes, “Microwave 
Dielectric Behavior of Wet Soil – Part II: Dielectric Mixing Models”, 
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. GE-23, No. 1, 
January 1985

M. T. Hallikainen, F. T. Ulaby, M. C. Dobson, M. A. El-Rayes, L-K Wu, 
“Microwave Dielectric Behavior of Wet Soil – Part 1: Empirical Models 
and Experimental Observations”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and 
Remote Sensing, Vol. GE-23, No. 1, January 1985

W. A. Wensink, “Dielectric Properties of Wet Soils in the Frequency 
Range 1-3000 MHz”, Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 41, Issue 6, 27 April 2006

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Re: [time-nuts] GPS 18 behavior

2013-07-23 Thread Magnus Danielson

On 23/07/13 05:55, Jim Lux wrote:

On 7/21/13 6:42 PM, Chris Albertson wrote:

I think the way to keep the sensors in sync is to use the same method
they use to keep cell towers in sync. Basically each tower has a GPS
receiver and also a good local oscillator. The GPS disciplines the
oscillator and the timing is taken from that oscillator, not directly
from the GPS. If the GPS signal is blocked the system continues
normally however the oscillator may drift without the connection to
GPS. Then later when the GPS is available again the oscillator is
corrected. The system can run for a few days in holdover with no
GPS connection.

I think you were talking about a system that switches to a backup 1PPS

Today, I have a system with multiple modules physically connected by a
cable that need to be sync'd to maybe 1 millisecond. I was thinking
about using the 1pps from the GPS as the sync, if it was available all
the time, even in GPS denied areas; that would make it always use the
same sync from the same device, even if it's not synchronized to some
external time scale. Since the GPS receiver doesn't put out the 1pps all
the time, I can sync another way, and drive that sync process from the
GPS if it's available.

The long term system will have multiple modules separated by some
distance that need to be synced and frequency disciplined, but they
might have GPS, so that could be used to discipline a clock in the usual
way. As a practical matter, I'm more a fan of using GPS for knowledge
and adjust the output using a DDS rather than steer the oscillator,
because that allows a higher Q resonator, but that's a matter of
engineering details.

There's also the situation where you're totally GPS denied, but that's
an even more tricky problem.

That is not the way to do it. The GPS should discipline a

10MHz crystal (or whatever) and then you divide that by 10,000,000 to
get your 1PPS. Then when the GPS fails there is no interruption, no
mode change. Such a system only needs to have access to GPS now and
then. So if you have to go under a pile of concrete and loose access
to the sky there is no hiccup. This would work for the distributed
system too. Your 1E-11 over 10 to 100 seconds would be met even if
GPS were out for a few hours.

Yes, that would do. It turns out, though, that although you could
tolerate a slow drift, assuming you can figure out what it is, it makes
life harder if the two modules have drifted 1E-9 relative to each other
after 10 minutes.

The movie-business have similar problems, so a sync-ones and keep drift 
low system emerged to make field recordings easier.

If it would be tolerable to have a central transmitter, putting a PN 
code over a voice radio system would suffice to keep the drift fairly 
well kept together for this form of system. If you choose to do it on 
the audio channel, then you can use of the shelf radios, and replace 
those or re-program those as needed. Also, they are dirt cheap nowdays.

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Re: [time-nuts] GPS 18 behavior

2013-07-23 Thread Tom Van Baak
 For what it's worth, the application is a radar that detects buried 
 victims in disaster rubble, so the data we are collecting is basically 
 heartbeats and breathing.  the when was the data taken is a where 
 were we when the data was collected need.  The sync requirement comes 
 from being able to find the same heartbeat in multiple data streams.


That's a fascinating application. Ok, one last comment then. As much as GPS is 
an obvious solution, did you consider the use of multiple homebrew timing pulse 
pseudolites instead? If one placed a couple of them around the vicinity of the 
disaster area you could triangulate for your ranging and timing information. 
Since the transmitters would then be less than 1 km away instead of more than 
20,000 km away, you avoid all the limitations of GPS. Moreover, the solution 
would work if GPS were functional or not, something perhaps important for a 
disaster situation. Using some clever waveform (like what Loran-C did) you 
could better penetrate into all sorts of rubble and overcome multi-path at the 
same time.

I'm pretty sure there are a number of papers on local ranging and navigation 
based on these technique (e.g., UAV, robotics). The advantage is that it's a 
local solution, it can work indoors, underground, underwater, even on the moon; 
in general, it doesn't rely on a functioning GPS constellation with its 
inherently weak or jammable signals.

Of course all this from the guy who once tried to use seismic sensors and GPSDO 
to triangulate moles in his backyard...


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Re: [time-nuts] GPS 18 behavior

2013-07-23 Thread Jim Lux

On 7/22/13 6:30 AM, Tom Van Baak wrote:

For what it's worth, the application is a radar that detects
buried victims in disaster rubble, so the data we are collecting is
basically heartbeats and breathing.  the when was the data taken
is a where were we when the data was collected need.  The sync
requirement comes from being able to find the same heartbeat in
multiple data streams.


That's a fascinating application. Ok, one last comment then. As much
as GPS is an obvious solution, did you consider the use of multiple
homebrew timing pulse pseudolites instead? If one placed a couple of
them around the vicinity of the disaster area you could triangulate
for your ranging and timing information. Since the transmitters would
then be less than 1 km away instead of more than 20,000 km away, you
avoid all the limitations of GPS. Moreover, the solution would work
if GPS were functional or not, something perhaps important for a
disaster situation. Using some clever waveform (like what Loran-C
did) you could better penetrate into all sorts of rubble and overcome
multi-path at the same time.

Great minds think along similar paths.. Yes, in the long term plan, 
that's essentially what we'll do: multilateration among the multiple 
units.  But for the mean time, we need to mark the locations with GPS 
derived coordinates.  The search and rescue folks currently use Garmin 
handhelds, so they're aware of where it works and where it doesn't.

I'm pretty sure there are a number of papers on local ranging and
navigation based on these technique (e.g., UAV, robotics). The
advantage is that it's a local solution, it can work indoors,
underground, underwater, even on the moon; in general, it doesn't
rely on a functioning GPS constellation with its inherently weak or
jammable signals.

Interestingly, there's a whole lot of laboratory demos of various and 
sundry techniques, but the GPS-denied time/frequency/position problem is 
very non-trivial.  For instance propagation through rubble is a fairly 
harsh multipath/scattering environment.  The delay spread is about 10% 
of the distance traveled, and knowing what the average epsilon is, so 
you can turn propagation time into distance, is not easy to determine.

Anyone who claims that they can do centimeter level position 
determination at a range of 10 meters in rubble (or can do microwave 
imaging/SAR/etc, which implies the same thing) is, I think, blowing 
smoke, unless they have a VERY sophisticated measurement setup and a 
huge amount of computational horsepower to solve the inversion 
problem. (essentially, look at the first returns in time, use that to 
solve for the EM parameters of the first layer; then move the analysis 
front forward a step, do it again, etc., etc.,etc.)

Fortunately, unlike seismic data processing, for the most part the 
medium is linear, albeit somewhat anisotropic.

Of course all this from the guy who once tried to use seismic sensors
and GPSDO to triangulate moles in his backyard...

A valiant effort I'm sure.. And, I'll bet you learned all about the 
propagation anisotropy of soilgrin

But yes, in general there are general strategies to do multilateration 
(and multiangulation using direction of arrival as well) among multiple 
nodes that are cooperating.  Taking a general strategy to something that 
actually works in the field, preferably using off the shelf hardware 
modules of some sort, is a bit of a chore.

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Re: [time-nuts] GPS 18 behavior

2013-07-23 Thread Brian Alsop

Have you considered WWVB?  Works fine within structures.
Even though the carrier today is phase modulated one can probably glean 
1 ms accuracy from it or the data transmitted.


On 7/23/2013 14:05, Magnus Danielson wrote:

On 23/07/13 05:55, Jim Lux wrote:

On 7/21/13 6:42 PM, Chris Albertson wrote:

I think the way to keep the sensors in sync is to use the same method
they use to keep cell towers in sync. Basically each tower has a GPS
receiver and also a good local oscillator. The GPS disciplines the
oscillator and the timing is taken from that oscillator, not directly
from the GPS. If the GPS signal is blocked the system continues
normally however the oscillator may drift without the connection to
GPS. Then later when the GPS is available again the oscillator is
corrected. The system can run for a few days in holdover with no
GPS connection.

I think you were talking about a system that switches to a backup 1PPS

Today, I have a system with multiple modules physically connected by a
cable that need to be sync'd to maybe 1 millisecond. I was thinking
about using the 1pps from the GPS as the sync, if it was available all
the time, even in GPS denied areas; that would make it always use the
same sync from the same device, even if it's not synchronized to some
external time scale. Since the GPS receiver doesn't put out the 1pps all
the time, I can sync another way, and drive that sync process from the
GPS if it's available.

The long term system will have multiple modules separated by some
distance that need to be synced and frequency disciplined, but they
might have GPS, so that could be used to discipline a clock in the usual
way. As a practical matter, I'm more a fan of using GPS for knowledge
and adjust the output using a DDS rather than steer the oscillator,
because that allows a higher Q resonator, but that's a matter of
engineering details.

There's also the situation where you're totally GPS denied, but that's
an even more tricky problem.

That is not the way to do it. The GPS should discipline a

10MHz crystal (or whatever) and then you divide that by 10,000,000 to
get your 1PPS. Then when the GPS fails there is no interruption, no
mode change. Such a system only needs to have access to GPS now and
then. So if you have to go under a pile of concrete and loose access
to the sky there is no hiccup. This would work for the distributed
system too. Your 1E-11 over 10 to 100 seconds would be met even if
GPS were out for a few hours.

Yes, that would do. It turns out, though, that although you could
tolerate a slow drift, assuming you can figure out what it is, it makes
life harder if the two modules have drifted 1E-9 relative to each other
after 10 minutes.

The movie-business have similar problems, so a sync-ones and keep drift
low system emerged to make field recordings easier.

If it would be tolerable to have a central transmitter, putting a PN
code over a voice radio system would suffice to keep the drift fairly
well kept together for this form of system. If you choose to do it on
the audio channel, then you can use of the shelf radios, and replace
those or re-program those as needed. Also, they are dirt cheap nowdays.

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Re: [time-nuts] GPS 18 behavior

2013-07-22 Thread brent evers

 Of course all this from the guy who once tried to use seismic sensors and
 GPSDO to triangulate moles in his backyard...

I don't recall seeing that on  Sounds like something that
could become an obsession that rivaled clocks in cost.  I'm picturing Bill
Murray and a Caddyshack sequel on steroids...

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Re: [time-nuts] GPS 18 behavior

2013-07-22 Thread Scott McGrath
Moles are a bit small it would probably work better for woodchucks.  who are in 
the process of undermining all lawns in neighborhood now.

In a more serious vein most ground penetrating radar is low frequency and I was 
not aware that THz waves could penetrate ground more than a few CM


Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 22, 2013, at 9:46 AM, brent evers wrote:

 Of course all this from the guy who once tried to use seismic sensors and
 GPSDO to triangulate moles in his backyard...
 I don't recall seeing that on  Sounds like something that
 could become an obsession that rivaled clocks in cost.  I'm picturing Bill
 Murray and a Caddyshack sequel on steroids...
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Re: [time-nuts] GPS 18 behavior

2013-07-22 Thread Chris Albertson
I think the way to keep the sensors in sync is to use the same method
they use to keep cell towers in sync.  Basically each tower has a GPS
receiver and also a good local oscillator.  The GPS disciplines the
oscillator and the timing is taken from that oscillator, not directly
from the GPS.  If the GPS signal is blocked the system continues
normally however the oscillator may drift without the connection to
GPS.  Then later when the GPS is available again the oscillator is
corrected.The system can run for a few days in holdover with no
GPS connection.

I think you were talking about a system that switches to a backup 1PPS
signal.That is not the way to do it.  The GPS should discipline a
10MHz crystal (or whatever) and then you divide that by 10,000,000 to
get your 1PPS.  Then when the GPS fails there is no interruption, no
mode change.   Such a system only needs to have access to GPS now and
then.  So if you have to go under a pile of concrete and loose access
to the sky there is no hiccup.   This would work for the distributed
system too.  Your 1E-11 over 10 to 100 seconds would be met even if
GPS were out for a few hours.

You cn do the same for location data too.  When you walk under a
concrete roof the GPS goes away.  So you use an inertial system.  The
GPS continuously corrects the inertial nag and if you loose GPS they
is some drift but you don't loose position data.

All of this can be done in a small hand held battery powered system.

On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 1:55 PM, Jim Lux wrote:
 On 7/21/13 1:35 PM, Tom Van Baak wrote:

 when I'm in a GPS denied environment, it's not just because we're
 indoors, it's because we're somewhere that GPS isn't available, so
 what I'm really doing is providing a sort of flywheel to keep my
 little modules synced with each other.  I don't need super accuracy
 in an absolute sense: I just need to tag the data all with the same
 time tag within a few seconds.


 If the requirement is just a couple of seconds, did you consider one
 of the high-accuracy Dallas RTC chips? That might be a simpler
 solution than a GPS receiver (knowing when and when not to trust its
 1PPS, decoding NMEA, trusting NMEA, needing antenna with sky view).

 We have two requirements.. one is know when the data was collected in an
 absolute sense: that's a few seconds kind of requirement because we're
 collecting data for 30 seconds anyway.

 But we have another requirement to be able to align multiple simultaneous
 takes within a millisecond or so.

 For what it's worth, the application is a radar that detects buried victims
 in disaster rubble, so the data we are collecting is basically heartbeats
 and breathing.  the when was the data taken is a where were we when the
 data was collected need.  The sync requirement comes from being able to
 find the same heartbeat in multiple data streams. has a picture of the radar and
 a test site.

 If the requirement were sub-second, the solution is GPS; if the
 requirement were minutes, it's TCXO. Sounds like you're in the gray
 area where GPS is not necessarily the simplest, cheapest, or robust

 As it happens, we already need to have GPS position of the data take (where
 possible), so the GPS is there and available (sometimes).
 It's the what do I do when the GPS isn't there that I'm working through.

 The other thing about multiple, portable or remote sensors is that in
 some cases they don't actually need to agree on time or rate
 internally as long as you can post-process the data and retroactively
 apply a time and frequency correction to the data they have already
 collected or are collecting. For example, if you know one is 2.3
 seconds ahead and slow by 45 ppm you can still obtain highly accurate
 time-stamps from it -- the unit itself does not need to be on-time,
 or on-frequency.

 Indeed. For this application, knowledge is actually more important for
 sync.  The XO on the board setting the sample rate is good enough that if I
 just count clocks, and timestamp  when I get the sync pulse, I can line
 things up with a few seconds one way or another.. the data take is 30 or 60
 seconds, and even if we're WAY off, it's not going to be a millisecond off
 from a rate error at the end of 60 seconds.

 The distributed sensor problem down the road, though, I'm doing coherent
 microwave demodulation, so that's why I need the 1E-11 over 10-100 seconds.
 I'm looking for signals at 0.1 to 1 Hz (breathing and heartbeats) and if the
 transmitter and receiver are off by 1 Hz, then the difference looks just
 like a heartbeat.   To be honest, I'm not sure the distributed sensor
 (basically a bistatic radar) is doable with totally independent systems.
 What I might wind up doing is detecting the direct path and the reflected
 path simultaneously and looking for it that way.  It's basically a sort of
 phased array problem, and if you can somehow manage to get your 

Re: [time-nuts] GPS 18 behavior

2013-07-22 Thread Scott McGrath
You might want to look at what these guys have done for 40 years or so.

They have the ability to embed GPS coordinates while recording. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 21, 2013, at 4:55 PM, Jim Lux wrote:

 On 7/21/13 1:35 PM, Tom Van Baak wrote:
 when I'm in a GPS denied environment, it's not just because we're
 indoors, it's because we're somewhere that GPS isn't available, so
 what I'm really doing is providing a sort of flywheel to keep my
 little modules synced with each other.  I don't need super accuracy
 in an absolute sense: I just need to tag the data all with the same
 time tag within a few seconds.
 If the requirement is just a couple of seconds, did you consider one
 of the high-accuracy Dallas RTC chips? That might be a simpler
 solution than a GPS receiver (knowing when and when not to trust its
 1PPS, decoding NMEA, trusting NMEA, needing antenna with sky view).
 We have two requirements.. one is know when the data was collected in an 
 absolute sense: that's a few seconds kind of requirement because we're 
 collecting data for 30 seconds anyway.
 But we have another requirement to be able to align multiple simultaneous 
 takes within a millisecond or so.
 For what it's worth, the application is a radar that detects buried victims 
 in disaster rubble, so the data we are collecting is basically heartbeats and 
 breathing.  the when was the data taken is a where were we when the data 
 was collected need.  The sync requirement comes from being able to find 
 the same heartbeat in multiple data streams. has a picture of the radar and a 
 test site.
 If the requirement were sub-second, the solution is GPS; if the
 requirement were minutes, it's TCXO. Sounds like you're in the gray
 area where GPS is not necessarily the simplest, cheapest, or robust
 As it happens, we already need to have GPS position of the data take (where 
 possible), so the GPS is there and available (sometimes).
 It's the what do I do when the GPS isn't there that I'm working through.
 The other thing about multiple, portable or remote sensors is that in
 some cases they don't actually need to agree on time or rate
 internally as long as you can post-process the data and retroactively
 apply a time and frequency correction to the data they have already
 collected or are collecting. For example, if you know one is 2.3
 seconds ahead and slow by 45 ppm you can still obtain highly accurate
 time-stamps from it -- the unit itself does not need to be on-time,
 or on-frequency.
 Indeed. For this application, knowledge is actually more important for 
 sync.  The XO on the board setting the sample rate is good enough that if I 
 just count clocks, and timestamp  when I get the sync pulse, I can line 
 things up with a few seconds one way or another.. the data take is 30 or 60 
 seconds, and even if we're WAY off, it's not going to be a millisecond off 
 from a rate error at the end of 60 seconds.
 The distributed sensor problem down the road, though, I'm doing coherent 
 microwave demodulation, so that's why I need the 1E-11 over 10-100 seconds.  
 I'm looking for signals at 0.1 to 1 Hz (breathing and heartbeats) and if the 
 transmitter and receiver are off by 1 Hz, then the difference looks just like 
 a heartbeat.   To be honest, I'm not sure the distributed sensor (basically a 
 bistatic radar) is doable with totally independent systems.  What I might 
 wind up doing is detecting the direct path and the reflected path 
 simultaneously and looking for it that way.  It's basically a sort of phased 
 array problem, and if you can somehow manage to get your phase reference 
 distributed among all the elements with small phase error over the 
 measurement interval, that's a good thing: less post processing, and all that.
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Re: [time-nuts] GPS 18 behavior

2013-07-22 Thread Jim Lux

On 7/21/13 6:42 PM, Chris Albertson wrote:

I think the way to keep the sensors in sync is to use the same method
they use to keep cell towers in sync.  Basically each tower has a GPS
receiver and also a good local oscillator.  The GPS disciplines the
oscillator and the timing is taken from that oscillator, not directly
from the GPS.  If the GPS signal is blocked the system continues
normally however the oscillator may drift without the connection to
GPS.  Then later when the GPS is available again the oscillator is
corrected.The system can run for a few days in holdover with no
GPS connection.

I think you were talking about a system that switches to a backup 1PPS

Today, I have a system with multiple modules physically connected by a 
cable that need to be sync'd to maybe 1 millisecond.  I was thinking 
about using the 1pps from the GPS as the sync, if it was available all 
the time, even in GPS denied areas; that would make it always use the 
same sync from the same device, even if it's not synchronized to some 
external time scale.  Since the GPS receiver doesn't put out the 1pps 
all the time, I can sync another way, and drive that sync process from 
the GPS if it's available.

The long term system will have multiple modules separated by some 
distance that need to be synced and frequency disciplined, but they 
might have GPS, so that could be used to discipline a clock in the usual 
way. As a practical matter, I'm more a fan of using GPS for knowledge 
and adjust the output using a DDS rather than steer the oscillator, 
because that allows a higher Q resonator, but that's a matter of 
engineering details.

There's also the situation where you're totally GPS denied, but that's 
an even more tricky problem.

  That is not the way to do it.  The GPS should discipline a

10MHz crystal (or whatever) and then you divide that by 10,000,000 to
get your 1PPS.  Then when the GPS fails there is no interruption, no
mode change.   Such a system only needs to have access to GPS now and
then.  So if you have to go under a pile of concrete and loose access
to the sky there is no hiccup.   This would work for the distributed
system too.  Your 1E-11 over 10 to 100 seconds would be met even if
GPS were out for a few hours.

Yes, that would do.  It turns out, though, that although you could 
tolerate a slow drift, assuming you can figure out what it is, it makes 
life harder if the two modules have drifted 1E-9 relative to each other 
after 10 minutes.

You cn do the same for location data too.  When you walk under a
concrete roof the GPS goes away.  So you use an inertial system.  The
GPS continuously corrects the inertial nag and if you loose GPS they
is some drift but you don't loose position data.

Interestingly, there's a lot of people who have tried this, and it 
doesn't work quite as well as they hope.  Basically you're talking a 
strapdown IMU, and such an IMU on a person doesn't work all that well. 
Imagine a policeman with a walkie talkie.. the radio gets picked up and 
used and sees fairly high accelerations over short durations, with high 
jerk as well.  If you were to strap a bunch of accelerometers and gyros 
to a person's skin (not their clothes, which bounce around and slide) 
you could do better.

I was at a DARPA thingie the other day where there were a bunch of 
exhibitors with personal tracking systems.. there's a lot of handwaving 
about whether they can actually reliably achieve, say, 1-2 meter 
position accuracy.  In a tactical environment, 1-2 meters is the 
difference between life and death (e.g. which side of the wall or street 
are you on).

All of this can be done in a small hand held battery powered system.

m.. maybe. how long does the battery lastgrin...

You're not going to be running a 10811 Double Oven XO on a couple AAA 
batteries.  The CSAC is 120 mW.

A single AAA battery is about 1 Watt hour, for comparison.

Yeah, it's doable, but it's non trivial..

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Re: [time-nuts] GPS 18 behavior

2013-07-22 Thread Jim Lux

On 7/22/13 5:48 AM, Scott McGrath wrote:

You might want to look at what these guys have done for 40 years or so.

ground penetrating radar doesn't work very well in the typical disaster 
rubble enviroment which has uneven surfaces and a lot of random 
scattering in the medium. It works great dragging it across a smooth 
field looking for buried pipes, drums of hazmat, buried bodes, etc.  It 
depends on the impulse response of the medium and target being 
relatively clean.  GPR also doesn't typically have the ability to 
detect moving targets with displacements of 1mm (which is what 
heartbeats are).

Our scenario has an impulse response that looks like a Rayleigh 
distribution with a half power width of about 20% of the distance, and a 
very long trailing tail.

The CW radar approach we have works great through rubble and collapsed 
buildings, etc., we're just looking to improve it somewhat with coarse 
range and azimuth binning, and to synchronize data takes from multiple 
sensors dispersed around the site.  The latter is really synchronized 
well enough to match heartbeats, so milliseconds is good enough.

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Re: [time-nuts] GPS 18 behavior

2013-07-22 Thread Jim Lux

On 7/22/13 10:39 AM, Scott McGrath wrote:

Moles are a bit small it would probably work better for woodchucks.  who are in 
the process of undermining all lawns in neighborhood now.

In a more serious vein most ground penetrating radar is low frequency and I was 
not aware that THz waves could penetrate ground more than a few CM

I believe tvb was using seismic sensors.

low microwave (10 GHz) penetrates just fine to tens of meters. I 
wouldn't want to run a comm link at any sort of data rate, but for 1 Hz 
bandwidth and coherent detection, it works just fine.

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Re: [time-nuts] GPS 18 behavior

2013-07-21 Thread David J Taylor

I don't have a GPS-18 in front of me, and I'm modifying some software
remotely, and I ran across an issue that someone on this list probably
knows off the top of their head.

Does the GPS-18 put out 1pps pulses even if it hasn't got a fix yet?
That is, when you apply power, does it just start putting out 1pps
pulses (at some random phase), and then when it gets a fix, it snaps to
the correct timing.

The manual says that it puts out 1pps pulses until power is removed, so
I assume that when the GPS signal goes away, it keeps on as best it can.
 I would assume that the clock isn't great, but it's reasonably close
to 1pps.

What's the behavior when it reacquires?  Say the free-running 1pps is
something like 1.1 Hz, so in 10 seconds, we've got an extra 1pps. Does
it then skip pulses, or what?

And a sort of background hardware question...

The manual is also not very forthcoming on the electrical
characteristics.. is it a pull up with a switch pulling it down to
ground? or does it source significant current? That is, if you wanted to
wire or the output from the GPS-18 with another 1pps source, would it
be diodes or resistors you'd use.


My own notes on the GPS-18 LVC are here:

You may be able to gather something about the electrical characteristics 
from that note - the device will happily feed to PC RS-232 ports connected 
in parallel (driving receive signals, that is) without problem.

I recall that during initial testing it takes some time for the PPS to 
start, so think it needs at least a minimal lock.  I have less recollection 
about how long the PPS takes to stop in the event of lack of satellite 
signal, but it does stop at some time and does not continue for ever.  Being 
crystal-controlled, I imagine that the free-running PPS would be pretty 
accurate, not 10% out as you suggest.

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Re: [time-nuts] GPS 18 behavior

2013-07-21 Thread David McGaw
The GPS-18 does NOT output 1PPS until it acquires lock.  Then the 1PPS 
stays on even if lock is lost, running from the internal crystal.  I 
have not checked, but once it reacquires lock I presume it jumps to the 
correct second.  All outputs including 1PPS are CMOS levels, so it 
drives both low and high.


On 7/21/13 9:02 AM, Jim Lux wrote:
I don't have a GPS-18 in front of me, and I'm modifying some software 
remotely, and I ran across an issue that someone on this list probably 
knows off the top of their head.

Does the GPS-18 put out 1pps pulses even if it hasn't got a fix yet? 
That is, when you apply power, does it just start putting out 1pps 
pulses (at some random phase), and then when it gets a fix, it snaps 
to the correct timing.

The manual says that it puts out 1pps pulses until power is removed, 
so I assume that when the GPS signal goes away, it keeps on as best it 
can.  I would assume that the clock isn't great, but it's reasonably 
close to 1pps.

What's the behavior when it reacquires?  Say the free-running 1pps is 
something like 1.1 Hz, so in 10 seconds, we've got an extra 1pps. Does 
it then skip pulses, or what?

And a sort of background hardware question...

The manual is also not very forthcoming on the electrical 
characteristics.. is it a pull up with a switch pulling it down to 
ground? or does it source significant current? That is, if you wanted 
to wire or the output from the GPS-18 with another 1pps source, 
would it be diodes or resistors you'd use.

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Re: [time-nuts] GPS 18 behavior

2013-07-21 Thread Jim Lux

On 7/21/13 7:15 AM, David McGaw wrote:

The GPS-18 does NOT output 1PPS until it acquires lock.  Then the 1PPS
stays on even if lock is lost, running from the internal crystal.  I
have not checked, but once it reacquires lock I presume it jumps to the
correct second.  All outputs including 1PPS are CMOS levels, so it
drives both low and high.


OK.. so my wire or question can be answered.. I've got a bunch of 
microcontrollers (teensy3 from pjrc)  with High Z inputs that I want to 
sync, and since the Garmin 1pps can both source and sink, a diode and 
resistor might work well.  When I don't have 1pps, I can have one of the 
modules reconfigured to be a source, with a series resistor.

Thanks all..
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Re: [time-nuts] GPS 18 behavior

2013-07-21 Thread Jim Lux

On 7/21/13 6:59 AM, David J Taylor wrote:

My own notes on the GPS-18 LVC are here:

You may be able to gather something about the electrical characteristics
from that note - the device will happily feed to PC RS-232 ports
connected in parallel (driving receive signals, that is) without problem.

I see you're driving a LED through a 1.5k resistor, and still getting 
above the notional 3V threshold for the RS232 input, so that PPS must be 
able to source a fair amount of current.  So it's definitely not a 1 k 
pullup and an open collector driving it.

I recall that during initial testing it takes some time for the PPS to
start, so think it needs at least a minimal lock.  I have less
recollection about how long the PPS takes to stop in the event of lack
of satellite signal, but it does stop at some time and does not continue
for ever.  Being crystal-controlled, I imagine that the free-running PPS
would be pretty accurate, not 10% out as you suggest.

Oh, I didn't actually think it would be 10% off.. more like a few ppm, 
depending on temperature.  I was wondering more what would happen if you 
were indoors for a couple days, then went back out, what the box does. 
realistically, I don't expect that it smoothly brings it back into line, 
rather, I would expect it to jump to the correct time and timing.

I think, realistically, I should be looking at the actual sentences 
coming out and figuring out whether our GPS synchronized state has 
changed, and maybe deal with it appropriately.

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Re: [time-nuts] GPS 18 behavior

2013-07-21 Thread David J Taylor

From: Jim Lux
Oh, I didn't actually think it would be 10% off.. more like a few ppm,
depending on temperature.  I was wondering more what would happen if you
were indoors for a couple days, then went back out, what the box does.
realistically, I don't expect that it smoothly brings it back into line,
rather, I would expect it to jump to the correct time and timing.

I think, realistically, I should be looking at the actual sentences
coming out and figuring out whether our GPS synchronized state has
changed, and maybe deal with it appropriately.


My experience is limited, but I recall that the PPS stopped soon after the 
signal disappeared, and would only re-appear when the unit had sufficient 
lock on the GPS.  There is indeed a valid/not-valid bit in the output stream 
(perhaps referring to position, it's in the manual).

My GPS 18x LVC is noticeably more sensitive than the GPS 18 LVC, and will 
work almost all of the time indoors.  I am on the second floor of a two 
storey house, and I have the 18x up against a south-facing brick wall 
perhaps 5m above ground level.  Most of the other GPS devices I have which 
work from puck antennas get satisfactory reception indoors as well.  Only 
the old Garmin GPS 12XL and a Rapco 1904M GPSDO need more attention to the 
signal - they are both turn of the century devices IIRC.  More modern 
devices seem to be more sensitive.

You might like to go for an 18x and put it in view of the sky, if possible, 
or even use a module like:

which works nicely indoors here as well, that particular unit being in a 
walk-in cupboard with a north-facing wall.  I'm at 56 degrees north, so you 
may be better located.  Perhaps that module may be more in keeping with your 
other devices?

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Re: [time-nuts] GPS 18 behavior

2013-07-21 Thread Jim Lux

On 7/21/13 9:28 AM, David J Taylor wrote:

From: Jim Lux
Oh, I didn't actually think it would be 10% off.. more like a few ppm,
depending on temperature.  I was wondering more what would happen if you
were indoors for a couple days, then went back out, what the box does.
realistically, I don't expect that it smoothly brings it back into line,
rather, I would expect it to jump to the correct time and timing.

I think, realistically, I should be looking at the actual sentences
coming out and figuring out whether our GPS synchronized state has
changed, and maybe deal with it appropriately.


My experience is limited, but I recall that the PPS stopped soon after
the signal disappeared, and would only re-appear when the unit had
sufficient lock on the GPS.  There is indeed a valid/not-valid bit in
the output stream (perhaps referring to position, it's in the manual).

when I'm in a GPS denied environment, it's not just because we're 
indoors, it's because we're somewhere that GPS isn't available, so what 
I'm really doing is providing a sort of flywheel to keep my little 
modules synced with each other.  I don't need super accuracy in an 
absolute sense: I just need to tag the data all with the same time tag 
within a few seconds.

I have a GPS in the system, so that was convenient.

My GPS 18x LVC is noticeably more sensitive than the GPS 18 LVC, and
will work almost all of the time indoors.  snip

You might like to go for an 18x and put it in view of the sky, if
possible, or even use a module like:

Mostly, I'm trying to use what's already in the system.  I have the 
GPS-18 already there feeding a PC with position and time (when 
available), and as long as it has the 1pps, I figured I could use that 
to sync the modules with a hardline (that talk to the host PC via USB).

Right now, I sync them (without GPS) by having one be a master and send 
a pulse that the others receive.  They're little teensy3 modules (like 
a fast Arduino with more memory and peripherals), so I just have one of 
the GPIO pins wired together.

Somewhere down the road, I'm going to be changing the system 
architecture so that the modules aren't all in the same physical box and 
a wire for sync isn't practical.  So the idea is to put a GPS with each 
module, and assuming they all see the GPS at the same time, they each 
sync with the 1pps.

If I can figure out how get the sync to garmin, but have flywheel work 
in the present system, then I can  start to get that piece of the future 
system done now.  Or, at least, go through the first half dozen iterations.

In a very much down the road scenario, I'll be looking at trying to 
synchronize the modules to 100 microseconds AND try to make the RF 
section stay on the same frequency within a fraction of a Hz (at 
3-30GHz).  *that* is a substantially more challenging chore.  Basically 
implementing a GPSDO good to 1E-11 over 30 seconds in each module.  And 
small, and battery powered, and cheap, of course grin

For today, though, sync to 1 millisecond among the physically connected 
modules is plenty good.

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Re: [time-nuts] GPS 18 behavior

2013-07-21 Thread Tom Van Baak
 when I'm in a GPS denied environment, it's not just because we're 
 indoors, it's because we're somewhere that GPS isn't available, so what 
 I'm really doing is providing a sort of flywheel to keep my little 
 modules synced with each other.  I don't need super accuracy in an 
 absolute sense: I just need to tag the data all with the same time tag 
 within a few seconds.


If the requirement is just a couple of seconds, did you consider one of the 
high-accuracy Dallas RTC chips? That might be a simpler solution than a GPS 
receiver (knowing when and when not to trust its 1PPS, decoding NMEA, trusting 
NMEA, needing antenna with sky view).

If the requirement were sub-second, the solution is GPS; if the requirement 
were minutes, it's TCXO. Sounds like you're in the gray area where GPS is not 
necessarily the simplest, cheapest, or robust solution.

The other thing about multiple, portable or remote sensors is that in some 
cases they don't actually need to agree on time or rate internally as long as 
you can post-process the data and retroactively apply a time and frequency 
correction to the data they have already collected or are collecting. For 
example, if you know one is 2.3 seconds ahead and slow by 45 ppm you can still 
obtain highly accurate time-stamps from it -- the unit itself does not need to 
be on-time, or on-frequency.


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Re: [time-nuts] GPS 18 behavior

2013-07-21 Thread Jim Lux

On 7/21/13 1:35 PM, Tom Van Baak wrote:

when I'm in a GPS denied environment, it's not just because we're
indoors, it's because we're somewhere that GPS isn't available, so
what I'm really doing is providing a sort of flywheel to keep my
little modules synced with each other.  I don't need super accuracy
in an absolute sense: I just need to tag the data all with the same
time tag within a few seconds.


If the requirement is just a couple of seconds, did you consider one
of the high-accuracy Dallas RTC chips? That might be a simpler
solution than a GPS receiver (knowing when and when not to trust its
1PPS, decoding NMEA, trusting NMEA, needing antenna with sky view).

We have two requirements.. one is know when the data was collected in 
an absolute sense: that's a few seconds kind of requirement because 
we're collecting data for 30 seconds anyway.

But we have another requirement to be able to align multiple 
simultaneous takes within a millisecond or so.

For what it's worth, the application is a radar that detects buried 
victims in disaster rubble, so the data we are collecting is basically 
heartbeats and breathing.  the when was the data taken is a where 
were we when the data was collected need.  The sync requirement comes 
from being able to find the same heartbeat in multiple data streams. has a picture of the radar 
and a test site.

If the requirement were sub-second, the solution is GPS; if the
requirement were minutes, it's TCXO. Sounds like you're in the gray
area where GPS is not necessarily the simplest, cheapest, or robust

As it happens, we already need to have GPS position of the data take 
(where possible), so the GPS is there and available (sometimes).

It's the what do I do when the GPS isn't there that I'm working through.

The other thing about multiple, portable or remote sensors is that in
some cases they don't actually need to agree on time or rate
internally as long as you can post-process the data and retroactively
apply a time and frequency correction to the data they have already
collected or are collecting. For example, if you know one is 2.3
seconds ahead and slow by 45 ppm you can still obtain highly accurate
time-stamps from it -- the unit itself does not need to be on-time,
or on-frequency.

Indeed. For this application, knowledge is actually more important for 
sync.  The XO on the board setting the sample rate is good enough that 
if I just count clocks, and timestamp  when I get the sync pulse, I can 
line things up with a few seconds one way or another.. the data take is 
30 or 60 seconds, and even if we're WAY off, it's not going to be a 
millisecond off from a rate error at the end of 60 seconds.

The distributed sensor problem down the road, though, I'm doing 
coherent microwave demodulation, so that's why I need the 1E-11 over 
10-100 seconds.  I'm looking for signals at 0.1 to 1 Hz (breathing and 
heartbeats) and if the transmitter and receiver are off by 1 Hz, then 
the difference looks just like a heartbeat.   To be honest, I'm not sure 
the distributed sensor (basically a bistatic radar) is doable with 
totally independent systems.  What I might wind up doing is detecting 
the direct path and the reflected path simultaneously and looking for it 
that way.  It's basically a sort of phased array problem, and if you can 
somehow manage to get your phase reference distributed among all the 
elements with small phase error over the measurement interval, that's 
a good thing: less post processing, and all that.


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