Re: [time-nuts] LeoNTP PPS output to PC DB9 input

2019-05-28 Thread Brent Gordon

Hello Anthony,

Those cables will NOT work.  The BNC connectors are 75 Ohms, which will 
damage the 50 Ohm connector on the server.

Yes, pin1 is DCD.  You might need level shifting, but probably not.

For the cable, just buy a cheap BNC cable and a DE-9 (sometimes 
erroneously called DB-9) connector.  Cut one end off of the cable, strip 
the outer jacket back a couple of centimeters, unravel then twist the 
braid, strip the white insulation back about 2 millimeters, and put some 
heat shrink on the braid so about 2 mm is showing.  Solder the center 
conductor to pin one and the braid to pin five.  Put a hood or some tape 
over the connector and you're done.


On 5/28/2019 9:28 PM, Anthony Dunne wrote:

Hi Everyone

I am hoping one of you may be able to help with a specific problem?

Some time ago, I purchased the excellent LeoNTP time server available here:-

It serves network time via NTP over Ethernet primarily but it also has 
PPS/1Mhz/10Mhz via a female BNC connector on the rear.

I would like to connect the BNC output to a DB9 Serial input (female) on a 
machine running FreeBSD (pfSense) to provide PPS reference/accuracy to the NTPD 
running there.

Firstly would this work?

Secondly, my dilemma is the pin-out.

I believe on the DB9 pin 1 is DCD (the actual pulse) and pin 5 is the ground. 
Is this correct?

Could I use a cable such as this:-

even though pin five is not connected or would I need to use something like 

and make sure the pin 5/plug 5 is grounded in some way?

Alternatively, is there a simpler way to achieve the goal?

Sorry if this is vague but I would really appreciate some help on this :)

Thank-you in advance

New South Wales

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Re: [time-nuts] LeoNTP PPS output to PC DB9 input

2019-05-28 Thread tom burkart

Quoting Anthony Dunne :

Firstly would this work?


Secondly, my dilemma is the pin-out.
I believe on the DB9 pin 1 is DCD (the actual pulse) and pin 5 is  
the ground. Is this correct?


Could I use a cable such as this:-


Alternatively, is there a simpler way to achieve the goal?
No, you really need a level shifting stage that converts the PPS to  
RS232 levels.


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[time-nuts] LeoNTP PPS output to PC DB9 input

2019-05-28 Thread Anthony Dunne
Hi Everyone

I am hoping one of you may be able to help with a specific problem?

Some time ago, I purchased the excellent LeoNTP time server available here:-

It serves network time via NTP over Ethernet primarily but it also has 
PPS/1Mhz/10Mhz via a female BNC connector on the rear.

I would like to connect the BNC output to a DB9 Serial input (female) on a 
machine running FreeBSD (pfSense) to provide PPS reference/accuracy to the NTPD 
running there.

Firstly would this work?

Secondly, my dilemma is the pin-out.

I believe on the DB9 pin 1 is DCD (the actual pulse) and pin 5 is the ground. 
Is this correct?

Could I use a cable such as this:-

even though pin five is not connected or would I need to use something like 

and make sure the pin 5/plug 5 is grounded in some way?

Alternatively, is there a simpler way to achieve the goal?

Sorry if this is vague but I would really appreciate some help on this :)

Thank-you in advance

New South Wales

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Re: [time-nuts] imprecise but adequate time

2019-05-28 Thread Mike Cook

> Le 28 mai 2019 à 16:38, Eric Scace  a écrit :
> Hi fellow time nuts —
>   I’m looking for a sanity check or alternative suggestions for the problem 
> and tentative solution described below.

You have a situation where the application in any one system is unaware of the 
validity of the underlying OS time. So I think you have to have a mechanism 
where transactions are refused/re-routed if that validity can not be 
established. So I would say that some mechanism be put in place to check the 
local clock against the time reported by a majority , or a large enough sample, 
of the networks systems. Depending on the transaction rate that could be done 
on a per transaction, or reasonable interval. 

>   Thanks for your thoughts.
> — Eric
> Problem:
>   In one of my day jobs, I am designing a global network of systems (using 
> open-source software) that provide well-researched information about rights 
> and licenses for musical works (e.g., songs, compositions).
>   Claiming rights, registering licenses (some of which are temporary), and 
> time-stamping changes to data each exemplify cases where date/time must be 
> included. In many cases the time order of events can be important — 
> potentially changing who gets paid how much when music is performed or 
> distributed.
>   The machines are scattered around the planet and the usual problems of time 
> distribution exist. Furthermore, systems are operated independently. We 
> assume  occasional use of NTP to correct system clocks, but not a local 
> GPS-provided time. The software development team is generally oblivious to 
> the issues of time in distributed computer networks.
>   A grim picture — but, fortunately, this application does not require high 
> precision time.
> My tentative proposal:
>   1. To avoid burdening systems with multiple local time conversions, all 
> date/time information throughout the system shall be UTC. Implications:
> user apps will be responsible for converting from a human user’s local time 
> to UTC
> thus, user app developers will have to do this conversion correctly
>   2. Date/time stamps in the data shall be rounded to the nearest EVEN second 
> by the system instances; e.g., to 2019 May 28 14:24:28 UTC. Implications:
> user apps that submit claims or updates will have their claims/updates 
> date/time-stamped by the receiving system node with this rounding method. 
> Example: “John Smith claims that he and Jane Doe wrote these lyrics, making 
> an equal contribution between them, on 2019 May 27 15:00:00 UTC. His claim 
> was received by the system at 2019 May 28 14:26:50 UTC.” One or more 
> blockchain ledgers record a hash of the musical work [the lyrics, in this 
> example], the claim [who wrote the lyrics when], and which app/system 
> registered the claim and when.
> events occurring roughly within ±1 second of each other will be deemed to 
> have occurred simultaneously. This is entirely adequate for this application.
> competing leap second smearing methods employed by different operating 
> systems and data center operators will be washed out of the time stamp by 
> this rounding requirement.
> — end —
> ___
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"Ceux qui sont prêts à abandonner une liberté essentielle pour obtenir une 
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Benjimin Franklin

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Re: [time-nuts] Updating the unit of,time: the second.

2019-05-28 Thread Mike Cook

> Le 27 mai 2019 à 11:13, Dave B via time-nuts  a 
> écrit :
> Hi.
> This from the recent ShortWave Radiogram broadcast, may be of interest.
> ~ ~ ~
> (Snipped stuff about other SI units undergoing a revamp...)
> Scientists now have their sights set on updating the unit of
> time: the second.
> Currently, the second is defined by atomic clocks made of cesium
> atoms. Those atoms absorb a certain frequency of light. The
> wiggling of the light's electromagnetic waves functions like the
> pendulum on a grandfather clock, rhythmically keeping time. One
> second is defined as 9,192,631,770 oscillations of the light.
> But a new generation of atomic clocks, known as optical atomic
> clocks, outdo the cesium clocks. "Their performance is a lot
> better than what currently defines the second," says physicist
> Andrew Ludlow of the National Institute of Standards and
> Technology in Boulder, Colo. Because those optical atomic clocks
> operate at a higher frequency, their "ticks" are more closely
> spaced, making them about 100 times more precise than cesium
> clocks.
> Ideally, the length of a second should be defined using the most
> precise timepieces available. A switch might happen in the late
> 2020s, Ludlow says.

I disagree with this.

a. There is no need for a new definition.
b. Any new definition would have to be realizable and easily verifiable. 
c. The first commercial cesium clocks were available in 1956, but the second 
did not get redefined until 1967.  There is no rush.
I believe that commercial optical clocks are available but:
d. There are too many flavors of optical clocks around on lab benches. So 
despite their increased precision and stability which flavor would get the vote?

So I predict that that will be no change in the definition in the next 20 years 
and chip scale optical clocks will be available before five years hence.

> The change to the kilogram's definition was carefully
> orchestrated so that it wouldn't affect normal people: A kilogram
> of flour still makes the same number of biscuits. Any change to
> the second will be similarly coordinated.
> So, sorry, there'll be no chance to squeeze any extra seconds
> into a day.
> ~ ~ ~
> So, perhaps a host of surplus cesium clocks on the market at some point?
> 73
> Dave B G0WBX.
> -- 
> Created on and sent from a Unix like PC running and using free and open 
> source software:
> ___
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"Ceux qui sont prêts à abandonner une liberté essentielle pour obtenir une 
petite et provisoire sécurité, ne méritent ni liberté ni sécurité."
Benjimin Franklin

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Re: [time-nuts] GPS 1PPS, phase lock vs frequency lock, design

2019-05-28 Thread life speed via time-nuts
On Sunday, May 26, 2019, 7:24:31 AM PDT, Attila Kinali  
As you state that you are familiar with PLL design, I guess your confusion
comes from having a 1Hz signal and trying to use that for a "normal" phase
detector. While this is possible and can be done, it leads imediatly to
the problems you have stumbled upon. The canonical way to do it, is instead
measuring the arrival time of the PPS relative to a clock derived from the
10MHz. Ie you timestamp the PPS. Then you take the timestamp modulo 1 second
and substract from it the setpoint value (can be 0 or anything else that
makes your math easier), which then gives you the error or your control
loop. Having the error value, you now can apply the digital PLL knowledge
you have and design the loop filter.

There are of course a few complications of the system:

1) You need to apply the saw-tooh correction to the measured PPS timestamp.
Otherwise you get a spread in the order of 10ns and, much worse, "hanging

2) The systems sampling clock is 1Hz, which is unusual to most people
who are used kHz or even MHz sampling rate digital loops. But the advantage
is that it's so slow, that you can do all the calculations with minimal
dead time, compared to the sampling period. Just keep in mind that
everything has to have a sub-Hz bandwidth.

3) To achieve a decent frequency stability and low noise OCXO output,
the DAC you use to control it needs to have at the very least 16bit
(mostly DNL, but INL shouldn't change too much or too quickly, otherwise
the loop becomes unstable). For one of my design, I calculated that
I would need ~23bit for the stability I wanted, which poses a problem
by itself. Luckily, having the DAC in the control loop simplifies things
quite a bit. Using a 16bit DAC (eg AD5560 or AD5683R, the latter would
be better suited for this application due to the LDAC pin) and using
a delta-sigma modulator (at least 2nd order, better 4-8th order) 
should give you enough resolution to work with.

Alternatively, a 1bit DAC using a high order delta-sigma modulator
and an external D-FF (don't use one in the FPGA as the jitter from
the FPGA would kill the resolution) would also work. Audio DACs
don't work for this application as they have too much low-frequency
noise (aka drift).

4) The filter after the DAC will require some good opamps. Even though
using chopper/autozero opamps is tempting, I'd rather go for low flicker
noise bipolar opamps (eg LT6018 or LTC6081, LT6010,...) as the loop will
compensate for the drift of the opamp (given it's not too big). 

5) The easiest way to timestamp PPS if you already have a FPGA is
using a ring oscillator based TDC. There is code out there that
works for Xilinx[1]. I have a port to Altera/Intel Cyclone4 lying
around if you are interested. This will give you a resolution in the
order of 100-200ps, which should be good enough for a GPSDO.
The second way would be to implement a time-to-amplitude converter
(the simplest, I am aware of, is the one in Nick Sayer's GPSDO[2]),
but that is already quite a bit more effort in the analog domain
than what a ring oscillator TDC would require.

> I need the output of two of these units I design to have to be phase
> coherent relative to each other.  Your knowledge, experience and scholarly
> references are welcome.

There is not much out there on refernces that I could send you. Most
of what I know I gathered from looking at other peoples GPSDOs and
reading what they have done. An outdated summary of that can be found
at [3]. Additional to this you will need good knowledge of digital PLL
design, for which I recommend having a look at the standard books
(e.g. Gardner[4] and Best[5]).

How well you can get the GPSDOs synchronized depends a bit on the effort
you spend on the receiver. Standard L1 receivers (of the same model
with the same firmware) will be better than 10ns if they are not too
far apart (a few 10km to maybe 100km). If you need better than 1ns, you
will need an L1/L2 receiver and have to manually calibrate the offset
of the receiver.


            Attila Kinali

[4] "Phaselock Techniques", 3rd edition, 2015 by Floyd Gardner
[5] "Phase-locked lopps", 6th edition, 2009, by Roland Best
    The bad part of Zurich is where the degenerates
                throw DARK chocolate at you.
Thanks for taking the time to respond and share your practical experiences in 
this area.  Your explanations are very helpful, I have a few more questions if 
you don't mind:
1)  Would you elaborate on the "saw-tooth" correction, is this related to the 
"correction" data made available by the GPS receiver that is in addition to the 
1PPS output, which apparently has limited accuracy by itself.
2)  I think I understand this.  Further I will have to understand  what the 
optimal PLL BW is in lig

Re: [time-nuts] imprecise but adequate time

2019-05-28 Thread Tom Van Baak

Hi Eric,

> 2. Date/time stamps in the data shall be rounded to the nearest EVEN 
second by the system instances

That's a clever way to both mask accuracy & uncertainty and to avoid 
leap seconds. Still, it smells like a hack, unfit for the 21st century. 
But I feel your pain.

BTW, this is how mod times are stored in the FAT file system. [1] For 
example, if a camera uses a SD card, you'll see that every photo has an 
EVEN time stamp. In this case it wasn't to avoid leap seconds but rather 
it allowed time-of-day to fit in 16 bits (back in the era when bytes 
mattered). So there's ancient (any maybe even forensic or legal) 
precedent for what you're doing.

I worry, though, about the next person tasked with improving your 
design. You have fused two separate issues together: the issue of 
timestamp accuracy / resolution / legal traceability, and the issue of 
properly handling UTC (leap seconds). Are you sure there's no other 
practical solution than to use EVEN seconds?



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Re: [time-nuts] Truetime XL / XLi question

2019-05-28 Thread willhb
Here is the exact output from my XLi. There are extra lines for F18 and F72
but not F73. 



F18 BOOTLOADER  192-8000


FILE SYSTEM 192-8002V2.0

PROJ REV #  2.0

FPGA #  184-8000V64














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Re: [time-nuts] imprecise but adequate time

2019-05-28 Thread paul swed
Something to think about. Leap seconds.
But that said I suspect the reason for the reasonable time is that many
publishers wouldn't have access to a solid time source like GPS or some
other universal reference.
Really agree with Mike on the litigation aspect and the need for accurate
time. How do you stay clear of that issue. It will ultimately show up on
your door step.

On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 12:00 PM K5ROE Mike  wrote:

> If the data collected by your system could potentially be used in
> litigation , I would reconsider your accuracy requirement, especially
> the OKness of simultaneous transactions.
> I assume that all nodes can write to the blockchain; how do you sanity
> check if one node's clock is wildly off?
> Since you don't control the operating system, but do control the
> application code, you may want/have to maintain time in your application.
> Since everybody is writing to the same chain, I don't see how you can
> not use a mutual time reference among the nodes.
> On 5/28/19 10:38 AM, Eric Scace wrote:
> > Hi fellow time nuts —
> >
> > I’m looking for a sanity check or alternative suggestions for the
> problem and tentative solution described below.
> >
> > Thanks for your thoughts.
> >
> > — Eric
> >
> > Problem:
> >
> > In one of my day jobs, I am designing a global network of systems
> (using open-source software) that provide well-researched information about
> rights and licenses for musical works (e.g., songs, compositions).
> >
> > Claiming rights, registering licenses (some of which are temporary),
> and time-stamping changes to data each exemplify cases where date/time must
> be included. In many cases the time order of events can be important —
> potentially changing who gets paid how much when music is performed or
> distributed.
> >
> > The machines are scattered around the planet and the usual problems
> of time distribution exist. Furthermore, systems are operated
> independently. We assume  occasional use of NTP to correct system clocks,
> but not a local GPS-provided time. The software development team is
> generally oblivious to the issues of time in distributed computer networks.
> >
> > A grim picture — but, fortunately, this application does not require
> high precision time.
> >
> > My tentative proposal:
> >
> > 1. To avoid burdening systems with multiple local time conversions,
> all date/time information throughout the system shall be UTC. Implications:
> > user apps will be responsible for converting from a human user’s local
> time to UTC
> > thus, user app developers will have to do this conversion correctly
> >
> > 2. Date/time stamps in the data shall be rounded to the nearest EVEN
> second by the system instances; e.g., to 2019 May 28 14:24:28 UTC.
> Implications:
> > user apps that submit claims or updates will have their claims/updates
> date/time-stamped by the receiving system node with this rounding method.
> Example: “John Smith claims that he and Jane Doe wrote these lyrics, making
> an equal contribution between them, on 2019 May 27 15:00:00 UTC. His claim
> was received by the system at 2019 May 28 14:26:50 UTC.” One or more
> blockchain ledgers record a hash of the musical work [the lyrics, in this
> example], the claim [who wrote the lyrics when], and which app/system
> registered the claim and when.
> > events occurring roughly within ±1 second of each other will be deemed
> to have occurred simultaneously. This is entirely adequate for this
> application.
> > competing leap second smearing methods employed by different operating
> systems and data center operators will be washed out of the time stamp by
> this rounding requirement.
> >
> > — end —
> > ___
> > time-nuts mailing list --
> > To unsubscribe, go to
> > and follow the instructions there.
> ___
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Re: [time-nuts] imprecise but adequate time

2019-05-28 Thread K5ROE Mike
If the data collected by your system could potentially be used in 
litigation , I would reconsider your accuracy requirement, especially 
the OKness of simultaneous transactions.

I assume that all nodes can write to the blockchain; how do you sanity 
check if one node's clock is wildly off?

Since you don't control the operating system, but do control the 
application code, you may want/have to maintain time in your application.

Since everybody is writing to the same chain, I don't see how you can 
not use a mutual time reference among the nodes.

On 5/28/19 10:38 AM, Eric Scace wrote:

Hi fellow time nuts —

I’m looking for a sanity check or alternative suggestions for the problem 
and tentative solution described below.

Thanks for your thoughts.

— Eric


In one of my day jobs, I am designing a global network of systems (using 
open-source software) that provide well-researched information about rights and 
licenses for musical works (e.g., songs, compositions).

Claiming rights, registering licenses (some of which are temporary), and 
time-stamping changes to data each exemplify cases where date/time must be 
included. In many cases the time order of events can be important — potentially 
changing who gets paid how much when music is performed or distributed.

The machines are scattered around the planet and the usual problems of time 
distribution exist. Furthermore, systems are operated independently. We assume  
occasional use of NTP to correct system clocks, but not a local GPS-provided 
time. The software development team is generally oblivious to the issues of 
time in distributed computer networks.

A grim picture — but, fortunately, this application does not require high 
precision time.

My tentative proposal:

1. To avoid burdening systems with multiple local time conversions, all 
date/time information throughout the system shall be UTC. Implications:
user apps will be responsible for converting from a human user’s local time to 
thus, user app developers will have to do this conversion correctly

2. Date/time stamps in the data shall be rounded to the nearest EVEN second 
by the system instances; e.g., to 2019 May 28 14:24:28 UTC. Implications:
user apps that submit claims or updates will have their claims/updates 
date/time-stamped by the receiving system node with this rounding method. 
Example: “John Smith claims that he and Jane Doe wrote these lyrics, making an 
equal contribution between them, on 2019 May 27 15:00:00 UTC. His claim was 
received by the system at 2019 May 28 14:26:50 UTC.” One or more blockchain 
ledgers record a hash of the musical work [the lyrics, in this example], the 
claim [who wrote the lyrics when], and which app/system registered the claim 
and when.
events occurring roughly within ±1 second of each other will be deemed to have 
occurred simultaneously. This is entirely adequate for this application.
competing leap second smearing methods employed by different operating systems 
and data center operators will be washed out of the time stamp by this rounding 

— end —
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[time-nuts] imprecise but adequate time

2019-05-28 Thread Eric Scace
Hi fellow time nuts —

   I’m looking for a sanity check or alternative suggestions for the problem 
and tentative solution described below.

   Thanks for your thoughts.

— Eric


   In one of my day jobs, I am designing a global network of systems (using 
open-source software) that provide well-researched information about rights and 
licenses for musical works (e.g., songs, compositions).

   Claiming rights, registering licenses (some of which are temporary), and 
time-stamping changes to data each exemplify cases where date/time must be 
included. In many cases the time order of events can be important — potentially 
changing who gets paid how much when music is performed or distributed.

   The machines are scattered around the planet and the usual problems of time 
distribution exist. Furthermore, systems are operated independently. We assume  
occasional use of NTP to correct system clocks, but not a local GPS-provided 
time. The software development team is generally oblivious to the issues of 
time in distributed computer networks.

   A grim picture — but, fortunately, this application does not require high 
precision time.

My tentative proposal:

   1. To avoid burdening systems with multiple local time conversions, all 
date/time information throughout the system shall be UTC. Implications:
user apps will be responsible for converting from a human user’s local time to 
thus, user app developers will have to do this conversion correctly

   2. Date/time stamps in the data shall be rounded to the nearest EVEN second 
by the system instances; e.g., to 2019 May 28 14:24:28 UTC. Implications:
user apps that submit claims or updates will have their claims/updates 
date/time-stamped by the receiving system node with this rounding method. 
Example: “John Smith claims that he and Jane Doe wrote these lyrics, making an 
equal contribution between them, on 2019 May 27 15:00:00 UTC. His claim was 
received by the system at 2019 May 28 14:26:50 UTC.” One or more blockchain 
ledgers record a hash of the musical work [the lyrics, in this example], the 
claim [who wrote the lyrics when], and which app/system registered the claim 
and when.
events occurring roughly within ±1 second of each other will be deemed to have 
occurred simultaneously. This is entirely adequate for this application.
competing leap second smearing methods employed by different operating systems 
and data center operators will be washed out of the time stamp by this rounding 

— end —
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Re: [time-nuts] Updating the unit of,time: the second.

2019-05-28 Thread jimlux

On 5/28/19 2:12 AM, Attila Kinali wrote:

On Tue, 28 May 2019 03:06:12 +0100

Another way to look at it is, before you reach the point where the
redefinition of the kg change becomes visible, other errors like
buoyancy of air will introduce errors that are orders of magnitude
largers (uncorrected the buoyancy induced uncertainty is IIRC in the
a few ppm range, corrected its induced uncertainty goes to 1e-8).
So, unless you are doing your weight measurements in vacuum, there is
no need to care about the change of definition of kg.

Air is about 1mg/cc, so your measured mass is off by 1000 ppm if you're 
measuring water (depending on how much air your vessel displaces).  If 
you're weighing lumps of lead (11.3 g/cc), then only 100ppm error.

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Re: [time-nuts] Network Time Puzzle

2019-05-28 Thread K5ROE Mike
I would broaden your experiment to try many different remote servers.    
Maybe using different chunks of the global NTP pool 

It could be traffic shaping on your ISP , an ISP in the middle, or one 
on the remote end.

It could be traffic prioritization from one of the above that lowers 
priority for ports > 1024

It could be weirdness from the network stack on your Windows XP clients. 
You might considering using something more modern.

K5ROE Mike

On 5/26/19 4:26 AM, Peter Martinez via time-nuts wrote:

Greetings, Time Nuts, from a new member.

I have two old Windows XP laptops on which I can lock the timing to 
GPS, which means I can read the time at which things happen to a few 
microseconds.  I thought I would modify some of my old NTP software, 
both client and server, to make use of this and see how well the ntp 
system performs.

It's all working fine, but in the course of trying to decide what to 
set for the "local port address", I discovered a strange effect.  If I 
set the local port address of my ntp client to one value (somewhere 
between 49152 and 65535 for example), then query an ntp server on the 
internet, then change the local port to another value and do it again, 
the Time Offset and Round Trip Delay readings come back different. 
Change the port back and the offset/delay values go back to the 
original.  Same on the other PC.  But ONLY on some distant servers.  
Most of them don't show the effect.

I have seen jumps of about 6.2msec in delay and 3.1msec in offset, but 
the offset might be positive or negative.  This leads me to think that 
this wierd effect is a propagation delay occuring in one of the two 
paths, either the path from me to the server or from the server back 
to me.  On some servers I have seen the delay jump by 12.4msec with no 
jump in the offset. This must be a 6.2 msec. delay in BOTH propagation 
delays.  In this case, four different values of local port address can 
give rise to 4 different delay/offset combinations.  A scatter plot of 
delay versus offset, with random port address, shows four dots in a 
diamond shape.  Different delay values give different-sized diamonds.  
Routes with more than one such effect show even prettier patterns of 
superimposed diamonds.  The effect is stable over time, at least for 
the length of time (weeks) I have been studying it.

If this is real (and I am fairly sure it's not a bug at my end or at 
the servers), then it will impact on the accuracy which can be 
achieved with NTP.  I ask myself "Why does the network do this?". Is 
there a valid reason for it, or is it a side-effect of something 
else?  Has anyone else seen this effect?  Is there anyone out there 
reading this who could modify an NTP client program so that the loal 
port address can be changed manually, and see if this is a widespread 
feature of the internet.  If this effect didn't occur, NTP could be a 
lot better than it is now.

Peter Martinez G3PLX

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Re: [time-nuts] Updating the unit of,time: the second.

2019-05-28 Thread Dr. David Kirkby
On Tue, 28 May 2019 at 11:03, Attila Kinali  wrote:

> On Tue, 28 May 2019 03:06:12 +0100
> "Dr. David Kirkby"  wrote:
> > I notice a lot of 1 kg weights on eBay, so perhaps the same will happen
> > with Cs clocks!
> This is rather unlikely. For one, Cs beam standards have a very limited
> life span. For an other I am pretty sure that the surge of kg weight
> standards on ebay is due to their manufacturing becoming cheap rather
> than the kg definition changing. Most of these standards are M1 or M2
> anyways (or in other words, they are accurate to 50ppm or 160ppm
> respectively [1]), which is way more than the slight change in the
> definition of the kg.

I assume that you missed the fact that I was joking about the 1 kg weights
on eBay.

> Attila Kinali

Dave, G8WRB

Dr David Kirkby Ph.D C.Eng MIET
Kirkby Microwave Ltd
Registered office: Stokes Hall Lodge, Burnham Rd, Althorne, CHELMSFORD,
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Re: [time-nuts] Updating the unit of,time: the second.

2019-05-28 Thread Attila Kinali
On Tue, 28 May 2019 03:06:12 +0100
"Dr. David Kirkby"  wrote:

> I notice a lot of 1 kg weights on eBay, so perhaps the same will happen
> with Cs clocks!

This is rather unlikely. For one, Cs beam standards have a very limited
life span. For an other I am pretty sure that the surge of kg weight
standards on ebay is due to their manufacturing becoming cheap rather
than the kg definition changing. Most of these standards are M1 or M2
anyways (or in other words, they are accurate to 50ppm or 160ppm
respectively [1]), which is way more than the slight change in the 
definition of the kg. 

Another way to look at it is, before you reach the point where the
redefinition of the kg change becomes visible, other errors like
buoyancy of air will introduce errors that are orders of magnitude
largers (uncorrected the buoyancy induced uncertainty is IIRC in the
a few ppm range, corrected its induced uncertainty goes to 1e-8).
So, unless you are doing your weight measurements in vacuum, there is
no need to care about the change of definition of kg.

If we look at frequency standards, then using a simple L1-only GPSDO
brings us to better than 1e-10 for τ > 1s. If you do PPP frequency
transfer as Ole did, you get to 1e-11 for τ > 1s and down to 1e-14
for τ > 1000s. And all that with a very moderate budget. Why spend
thousands of € for a surplus Cs beam that will be out of Cs fumes in 
5-10 years, when I can build a similar quality standard for a fraction
of the cost that is probably going to work for decades to come?

Attila Kinali

[1] OIML R111-1
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