Re: [Tinyos-help] I need Help! I can't compile apps with TOSSIM

2006-08-24 Thread Philip Levis

On Aug 21, 2006, at 11:28 PM, Lajos Lange wrote:


I have some problems with TinyOS 2. I installed TinyOS 2 on Linux  
kubuntu 2.6.15-26-386 distribution. When I make the tos-check-env  
everything looks fine exept some warnings with graphviz but I guess  
this is not the problem.

It's hard to tell what the problem is. How did you install TinyOS 2?  
What are your TOSDIR and MAKERULES variables set to? My guesses would  

1) Something is wrong with your TOSDIR, so that it's getting confused  
between TinyOS 1.x and 2.x code.

2) It looks like the problems stem from uint8_t, but uint32_t works  
OK; maybe there is something wrong with inttypes.h? It might be that  
uint8_t is defined somewhere else on your distro?

The RPMs weren't build with ubuntu in mind, although I've been able  
to use them just fine: I assume you transformed them to deb packages?


Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] MTS420 and Taos Photo sensor

2006-08-24 Thread Mohan Hambar
Hi all,I am working with MTS420 sensors to get Light readings. I have made a small app that will send the photo values when request is received. But the photo values received are weired.e.g (0, 3 FF etc). Most of the times it is zero. I amunable to track the problem. I am attaching a code files.can anyone help me?ThanksMohanincludes TinyDBCmd;
#include Util.h
	includes MultiHop;

configuration TinyDBCmd {

implementation {

Main, TinyDBCmdM, GenericCommPromiscuous as Comm, 
MicaWbSwitch, LedsC, ADCC
#ifdef MULTIHOP		
		,MultiHopRouter as multihopM, QueuedSend
		, TestMTS400

	Main.StdControl- TinyDBCmdM;
	Main.StdControl- TestMTS400;
	TinyDBCmdM.GetGPS  - TestMTS400;
	TinyDBCmdM.CommControl- Comm;
	TinyDBCmdM.ReceiveRequest - Comm.ReceiveMsg[AM_QUERY_REQUEST];

	TinyDBCmdM.SendResponse - multihopM.Send[AM_QUERY_RESPONSE];
	Main.StdControl - multihopM.StdControl;
	Main.StdControl - QueuedSend.StdControl;		
	multihopM.ReceiveMsg[AM_QUERY_REQUEST] - Comm.ReceiveMsg[AM_QUERY_REQUEST];
	TinyDBCmdM.SendResponse   	- Comm.SendMsg[AM_QUERY_RESPONSE];

	TinyDBCmdM.Leds  	 - LedsC;
	TinyDBCmdM.PressureControl   - IntersemaPressure;
	TinyDBCmdM.IntersemaPressure - IntersemaPressure.Pressure;
	TinyDBCmdM.IntersemaCal  - IntersemaPressure;
TinyDBCmdM.IntersemaTemp - IntersemaPressure.Temperature;
	TinyDBCmdM.HumidControl - SensirionHumidity;
	TinyDBCmdM.Humidity - SensirionHumidity.Humidity;
	TinyDBCmdM.Temperature  - SensirionHumidity.Temperature;
	TinyDBCmdM.HumidityError- SensirionHumidity.HumidityError;
	TinyDBCmdM.TemperatureError - SensirionHumidity.TemperatureError;

TinyDBCmdM.AccelControl - Accel.StdControl;
TinyDBCmdM.AccelCmd - Accel.AccelCmd;
TinyDBCmdM.AccelX   - Accel.AccelX;
TinyDBCmdM.AccelY   - Accel.AccelY;

	TinyDBCmdM.PhotoControl - TaosPhoto;
TinyDBCmdM.TaosCh0  - TaosPhoto.ADC[0];
	TinyDBCmdM.TaosCh1  - TaosPhoto.ADC[1];
	//Battery Ref
TinyDBCmdM.BattControl 	- Voltage;
TinyDBCmdM.ADCBATT 		- Voltage;

includes TinyDBCmd;
includes gps;
#include Util.h

module TinyDBCmdM {

	provides interface StdControl;

	uses {
		interface Leds;
		//interface Timer;

		interface StdControl as CommControl;
		interface ReceiveMsg as ReceiveRequest;
#ifdef 	MULTIHOP
		interface Send as SendResponse;
		interface SendMsg as SendResponse;
		// Battery
interface ADC as ADCBATT;
interface StdControl as BattControl;

		interface ADC as IntersemaTemp;
interface ADC as IntersemaPressure;
interface Calibration as IntersemaCal;
		interface SplitControl as PressureControl;

		interface ADC as Humidity;
		interface ADC as Temperature;
		interface SplitControl as HumidControl;
		interface ADCError as HumidityError;
		interface ADCError as TemperatureError;

interface StdControl as AccelControl;
interface I2CSwitchCmds as AccelCmd;
interface ADC as AccelX;
interface ADC as AccelY;
		interface SplitControl as PhotoControl;
		interface ADC as TaosCh0;
		interface ADC as TaosCh1;
		interface GetGPS;		

implementation {

	TOS_Msg reqmsg, gpsmsg;
	TOS_MsgPtr  request,gps;
	uint8_t cmd[12];
	uint8_t		qid;
	uint8_t		epochid;
	int8_t  radiobusy;

	//Sensor Attributes data
	char 		count;
uint16_t 	calibration[4];   //intersema calibration words
	uint8_t nodeid;


	TOS_Msg 	resmsg;
	TOS_MsgPtr  response;
			ACCEL_Y=9, PHOTO=10, GPSDATA=11 };

	uint8_t  	hour;
	uint8_t  	minute;
	uint8_t  	lat_deg;
	uint8_t  	long_deg;
	uint32_t 	dec_sec;
	uint32_t 	lat_dec_min;
	uint32_t 	long_dec_min;
	uint8_t  	nsewind;
	uint8_t  	fixed;
	char gga_fields[GGA_FIELDS][GPS_CHAR_PER_FIELD]; 

	void startAttribute(int);
	void checkAttribute();
	void clearAttributes();

	task void SendGPSData()	
		GPSMsg 		*pack;

		uint16_t	length;

#ifdef MULTIHOP		
			pack = (GPSMsg *) call SendResponse.getBuffer(gps,length);
			pack = (GPSMsg *)gps-data;
			atomic {
pack-nodeid		= TOS_LOCAL_ADDRESS;
pack-restype	= 1;
pack-qid		= qid;
pack-epochid		= epochid;

pack-lat_deg   = call GetGPS.getLatDeg();
pack-long_deg  = call	GetGPS.getLongDeg(); 

Re: [Tinyos-help] Serial Forwarder Problem

2006-08-24 Thread José L. Ponce

 All the messages to and from your 50 re-Motes go through one
 TOSBase mote on the MIB adapter to get to the host computer
 where SerialForwarder (or any other client program) is running.
 The messages are distinguished by a destination address (e.g.,
 the addr field in the TOS_Msg struct in ...tos/types/AM.h), and
 sometimes contain a source address so you can tell where they
 came from. To send a message to a specific mote you put it's
 moteID in the destination address.

 Was that the question?

For the case of using a single mote with TOSBase which forwards messages
it is clear. But, say we got two motes connected per USB to the computer.
We would need two instances of SerialForwarder, each associated to one of
the motes, and if a program on the computer wants to communicate with one
of the motes, it would have to know which SerialFowarder to connect to.

How would I have to do that?

And going a bit further. The ideal case would be to have a program which
automatically checks USB ports, gets the mote address of each mote
connected and creates a SerialForwarder association with each mote, so
that if a program wants to send a message to a mote, it only needs to know
its local address. I am sure something similar already exists. I would
like to know is it done.


- J.

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Query about the hardware interrupt ......... in CC1000

2006-08-24 Thread primalfear 69
hello guys

i have few things to be cleared.
i am in to mica2 under windows XP was trying to communicate two motes via radio. 
As of now am using timer module as the interrupt. and am succeeding in making them communicate.But then i could feel its ineffectiveness.. 
the drawbacks are
itstaking arround 150ms to transmit one byte of data without any errors if i give time interval less than that am loosing packets.

can any body let me know about the hardware interrupt being generated when a transmission or receive is being done by the radio. i feel there should be some command or some inbuilt function regarding this. could anyone guide me in doing so..:-).


i got one more doubt to be cleared.. in Nesc language is there any roles played by while or for statements as in C .
coz when i use these statements am not able to use it as generally its known to be (for infinite loops and for a definite loop).


Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] how to link library to NesC code

2006-08-24 Thread Philip Levis

On Aug 24, 2006, at 12:59 AM, Ravi Prasad wrote:

Hi all,

I need to link a library (object code) to my NesC application.

I found one mail( 
tinyos-help/2005-April/009109.html) in the archive asking same  
question but with no answer.

Can anyone help me on the issue?

You're just linking at the C compilation stage. So pass -l/-L.


Tinyos-help mailing list

RE: [Tinyos-help] Howto use InternalFlash on Tmote

2006-08-24 Thread David Moss
FYI - I just uploaded an msp430f1611 FlashBridge implementation to TinyOS
1.x CVS under /contrib/rincon/apps/FlashBridge.  This will let your
applications read, write, erase segments, and calculate CRC's on data stored
in the msp430's internal flash.  Similar to InternalFlashC in a way, but
with more control over the flash and access to the full 256 bytes instead of
128 bytes.

A demo that lets you interact with various flash types from your computer is
located in /contrib/rincon/apps/FlashBridge/apps/FlashBridgeViewer.  You'll
need parts of the /contrib/rincon directory to get this demo app to compile,
so just download the whole /contrib/rincon directory. Make sure you edit the
Makefile to select the flash type you want to interact with.

I'll probably upload another implementation soon that provides the same
interface to the avr's internal flash.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joe
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 3:50 PM
To: Chong Hui Kim
Cc: tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] Howto use InternalFlash on Tmote

Programs like Deluge allow you to upload new programs without
completely erasing the internal flash.  if you use the BSL, your only
option is to erase all flash, including internal flash.  You may want
to read the MSP430x1xx User's Guide for more data.


On 8/22/06, Chong Hui Kim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thank you for your comments.

 I understand what was wrong.

 Then how can I download program without erasing of internal flash?

 - Original Message -
 From: Joe Polastre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Chong Hui Kim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 1:14 AM
 Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] Howto use InternalFlash on Tmote

  Did you Mass Erase between programs (ie, type 'make tmote install')?
  That erases all of the internal flash.
  On 8/22/06, Chong Hui Kim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I want to write some data in Flash of MSP430 and read them.
  For this, I used InternalFlashC component and InternalFlash interface.
  However, data did not been stored in Flash.
  In single program, it works well. (I conducted write and read. Then
  data was read exactly same.)
  In separated write and read program, however, data did not been stored.
  I conducte write data into Flash in one program. After doing this, I
  read data of Flash from same address in another program. Then wrong
value is
  In my thought, Flash may be erased. I used information memory of Flash
  (Address is from 01000h to 010FFh with 256 Byte.)
  Just write code is call InternalFlash.write((uint8_t *)0x00,
  read code is call *)0x00, dataarray,
  Plz, help me.
  Tinyos-help mailing list
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Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Serial Forwarder Problem

2006-08-24 Thread Robert Szewczyk


To connect to multiple  motes you would write something along the lines of:

import net.tinyos.packet.BuildSource;

   //connect to the mote source identified by sfString1, e.g.
 mote_if1 = new MoteIF(BuildSource.makePhoenix(sfString1, (Messenger) null);
 mote_if1.registerListener(new MsgType(), this);

  // connect to the other Tmote connected to the local machine, e.g.
 mote_if2 = new MoteIF(BuildSource.makePhoenix(sfString2, (Messenger) null);
 // need to register the listeners for every MoteIF started
 mote_if2.registerListener(new MsgType(), this);

On 8/24/06, José L. Ponce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

(Sorry, forgot to click on reply all!)

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] Serial Forwarder Problem
From:José L. Ponce [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:Thu, August 24, 2006 7:06 pm
To:  Shane B. Eisenman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 however, the simpler approach (though less transparent) is to define a
mapping of moteID to SF exported TCP port in a file on your PC, and use
a script to scroll through that file and launch N sessions of SF. I've
done this for a testbed of 35 mica2/MIBs i've used at Columbia and it is
convenient for me. I've used an easy-to-remember mapping (e.g., moteID 1
is mounted on the MIB600 whose associated SF instance exports port 9001,
etc.) so that i don't have to ever look at that mapping file.


I think this approach is the logical and simpler solution to this issue.
However, my problem is that I am using USB: My motes are connected to a
number of USB Hubs which are connected to the computer (A Laptop). Every
time I connect the computer to this testbed, the USB port number of a
given mote is different.

Now that I think about it, I guess I could use the mote identifier that
appears when calling motelist and build a table according to that...

Any suggestions regarding a scripting language? (I haven't really made
many scripts, I just modify them :))

Second question: Suppose I have two motes and two instances of
SerialForwarder running, one for each mote. If I have a program which
wants to communicate with one of the motes, how does the program know
which of the SerialForwarders to use? For the case of a single
SerialForwarder, I have always done:

  mote_if = new MoteIF((Messenger)null);
  mote_if.registerListener(new MsgType(), this);


  mote_if.send(mote_id, message);

But I'd guess that if I have multiple instances of SerialFowarder it
should be done in some other way.

- Jose.

Tinyos-help mailing list

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Re: Tinyos-help Digest, Vol 40, Issue 97

2006-08-24 Thread Omprakash Gnawali

 Second question: Suppose I have two motes and two instances of
 SerialForwarder running, one for each mote. If I have a program which
 wants to communicate with one of the motes, how does the program know
 which of the SerialForwarders to use? For the case of a single
 SerialForwarder, I have always done:

On this testbed:

We maintain a mapping of USB port and mote ID (that you can get from
motelist). Then you can maintain either an explicit (another mapping
file) or an implicit mapping (lookup the mote/usbport mapping file and
always make sure a given serial forwarder is always launched for mote
x) of serial forwarder instance and moteID. These two mapping can be
merged into a single file if you wish.

Your program can figure out the serial forwarder to which it needs to
connect by looking at these mappings. Make sure you rerun mapping
scripts (potentially restart serial forwarder depending on your
configuration) every time port assignment changes.

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Serial Forwarder Problem

2006-08-24 Thread Jose L. Ponce


To connect to multiple  motes you would write something along the lines of:

Thanks a lot for that. I had been trying to use these phoenix sources
a while ago but didn't get to make my program work.

This means that when I start a java program that wants to talk to
different motes through different SerialForwarders, it needs also
needs to read from a table for each mote id in which USB port it is

What's more, if I want to send a message to mote 100, for example, using

mote_if_of_mote100.send(100, message);


mote_if_of_mote100.send(TOS_BCAST_ADDRESS, message);

will give the same result.

But this would also mean that it is not possible to send a message to
_all_ motes simultaneously, right? This would be a big problem...

- J.
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Serial Forwarder Problem

2006-08-24 Thread Jose L. Ponce

2006/8/24, Robert Szewczyk [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Sure -- I could see a solution where you use some method to
synchronize all motes to a common time base (perhaps using any of the
proposed radio time sync protocols) and then you use USB to transmit
messages of the form: at time X do Y,where time X is sufficiently far
in the future.

Well, I was thinking more along the lines of using USB if only one
mote were to be contacted and using radio if a message had to be sent
to all motes simultaneously.

Thanks for your help.

- J.
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Serial Forwarder Problem

2006-08-24 Thread Robert Szewczyk

On 8/24/06, Jose L. Ponce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 To connect to multiple  motes you would write something along the lines of:

Thanks a lot for that. I had been trying to use these phoenix sources
a while ago but didn't get to make my program work.

This means that when I start a java program that wants to talk to
different motes through different SerialForwarders, it needs also
needs to read from a table for each mote id in which USB port it is

What's more, if I want to send a message to mote 100, for example, using

mote_if_of_mote100.send(100, message);


mote_if_of_mote100.send(TOS_BCAST_ADDRESS, message);

will give the same result.


But this would also mean that it is not possible to send a message to
_all_ motes simultaneously, right? This would be a big problem...

That's correct.  Simultaneous transmission to all motes over usb would
be difficult over a point to point link such as USB .  USB host
schedules transmissions to individual endpoints on a 1 ms granularity,
and depending on the precise timing of requests you may observe as
much as 2 ms between requests.   It sounds like if you want  motes to
receive a message simultaneously, a radio broadcast channel may be


Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] nesc code generation from ncxml

2006-08-24 Thread jlim
Hi everyone,

Is there anyone who know about ncxml that generated by ncc with special
options. What I want to do is generating nesc code from ncxml if possible.
When ncxml is changed by directly editing , I want to generate new nesC
code that refect the change in ncxml.

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Serial Forwarder Problem

2006-08-24 Thread Jose L. Ponce

2006/8/24, Robert Szewczyk [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 But this would also mean that it is not possible to send a message to
 _all_ motes simultaneously, right? This would be a big problem...
That's correct.  Simultaneous transmission to all motes over usb would
be difficult over a point to point link such as USB .  USB host
schedules transmissions to individual endpoints on a 1 ms granularity,
and depending on the precise timing of requests you may observe as
much as 2 ms between requests.   It sounds like if you want  motes to
receive a message simultaneously, a radio broadcast channel may be

Mmmm... Perhaps a better solution would be to use both USB and
radio... I have used SerialForwarder Multiplexer but I am not getting
very good results and I am thinking that using multiple instances of
SerialForwarder and mapping might be more work but in the end the
computer-mote communication should be more reliable this way...

- J.
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Serial Forwarder Problem

2006-08-24 Thread Robert Szewczyk

Sure -- I could see a solution where you use some method to
synchronize all motes to a common time base (perhaps using any of the
proposed radio time sync protocols) and then you use USB to transmit
messages of the form: at time X do Y,where time X is sufficiently far
in the future.


On 8/24/06, Jose L. Ponce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

2006/8/24, Robert Szewczyk [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  But this would also mean that it is not possible to send a message to
  _all_ motes simultaneously, right? This would be a big problem...
 That's correct.  Simultaneous transmission to all motes over usb would
 be difficult over a point to point link such as USB .  USB host
 schedules transmissions to individual endpoints on a 1 ms granularity,
 and depending on the precise timing of requests you may observe as
 much as 2 ms between requests.   It sounds like if you want  motes to
 receive a message simultaneously, a radio broadcast channel may be

Mmmm... Perhaps a better solution would be to use both USB and
radio... I have used SerialForwarder Multiplexer but I am not getting
very good results and I am thinking that using multiple instances of
SerialForwarder and mapping might be more work but in the end the
computer-mote communication should be more reliable this way...

- J.

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Tmote static profiler

2006-08-24 Thread harish prabhu
Hi  Is there are a static profiler/analyzer for Tmotes ? I need to find how much RAM is used by each nesC component.Regards,Harish
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Tmote static profiler

2006-08-24 Thread Cory Sharp

There is a script called module_memory_usage in
tinyos-1.x/contrib/SystemC/scripts/ that you can use to report the
static ROM and RAM used by nesC components.  (Download it from the
TinyOS CVS repository if you do not have it.)  Note this does not
report anything about stack usage.


On 8/24/06, harish prabhu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Is there are a static profiler/analyzer for Tmotes ?
  I need to find how much RAM is used by each nesC component.

Tinyos-help mailing list

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Tmote static profiler

2006-08-24 Thread harish prabhu
Thanks a lot Cory !I tried it out and it is pretty useful.Regards,HarishOn 8/25/06, Cory Sharp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:There is a script called module_memory_usage intinyos-1.x/contrib/SystemC/scripts/ that you can use to report the
static ROM and RAM used by nesC components.(Download it from theTinyOS CVS repository if you do not have it.)Note this does notreport anything about stack usage.CoryOn 8/24/06, harish prabhu 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Is there are a static profiler/analyzer for Tmotes ? I need to find how much RAM is used by each nesC component.
 Regards, Harish ___ Tinyos-help mailing list Tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU
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