[Tinyos-help] TinyOs 2.0.2 Dispatcher Implementation Problem

2007-09-12 Thread gasparri
Hi Folks,

I am trying to write a piece of code in which I need a remote control to
broadcast several commands to a bunch of nodes and each of them has to
handle this message to figure out if there is any action for it.

Assuming the remote control send the command START_EMISSION asking to
the node with id x to send SAMPLES times of an hello msg. This is the
portion of code I wrote for the node x. It is supposed to be a
dispatcher to decide which is the proper action associated to a given

/* When a msg is received its payload is copied in a local global
structure  and
 the dispatcher is called */
 event message_t* AMProtoReceive.receive(message_t* msg, void* payload,
uint8_t len) {
 Protocol_Msg *btrpkt = (Protocol_Msg*)(call
AMProtoPacket.getPayload(msg, NULL));

 atomic {
   P_payload.protocol_id = btrpkt-protocol_id;
   P_payload.parameter_1 = btrpkt-parameter_1;
   P_payload.parameter_2 = btrpkt-parameter_2;

 post protocol_msg_handler();

 return SUCCESS;

  /* The Dispacher  realizes the command START_EMISSION has been received
and the startEmission task is posted */
  task void protocol_msg_handler(){
switch(P_payload.protocol_id) {
if (P_payload.parameter_1 == TOS_NODE_ID) {
  train = P_payload.parameter_2;
  call Leds.led1On();
  post startEmission();
  case SEND_DATA: {
if (P_payload.parameter_1 == TOS_NODE_ID)
  post sendData();

/* This task simply start a periodic time where TIMER_PERIOD_EMISSION is the
the period at which the hello msg has to be sent */
  task void startEmission() {
call Timer0.startPeriodic(TIMER_PERIOD_EMISSION);

/* Each step the period is expired the emissionRadio is posted */
 event void Timer0.fired() {
 call Leds.led0Toggle();
 post emissionRadio();

/* The hello msg is built and then it is sent */
task void emissionRadio(){
if (sample0) {
   DTOA_Msg *btrpkt = (DTOA_Msg*)(call
AMDTOAPacket.getPayload(pktDTOA, NULL));
   call AMDTOASend.send(AM_BROADCAST_ADDR, pktDTOA, sizeof(DTOA_Msg));
   call Timer0.stop();



/* After the confermation of the send of the msg the number of samples is
decreased */
event void AMProtoSend.sendDone(message_t* msg, error_t error) {
 atomic  sample--;

The problem is that after the first hello msg is sent the node stucks
and I don't understand why. Can anybody help me?

Thank you,

P.S.: In attachment the full source code if you are interested.

This email was sent using SquirrelMail.
Web Site: http://www.squirrelmail.org/

Description: Cdf file

Description: Cdf file

/* ID nodes */
enum {

/* Timers */
enum {
  TIMER_START=1000,			/* Microsecond */
  TIMER_SOUND=100, 			/* Milli */
  TIMER_PERIOD_EMISSION=2000		/* Milli */


/* Port for Packets */
enum {
  AM_PROTOCOL= 5, /* Port used for both commands and notification msgs*/
  AM_DTOA = 6,	 /* Port used for dtoa msgs*/
  AM_DATA= 7   /* Port used for notification msgs*/

/* Protocol Ids */
enum {
	START_EMISSION = 1,	/* To notify to start of an emission */
	END_EMISSION = 2,	/* To notify to end of an emission */
	SEND_DATA = 3,		/* To notify to send data */	
	DATA_SENT=4		/* To notify data has been sent */

/* Configuration Parameters */
enum {
	TRAINS = 1,

/* To define the structure of a msg*/

typedef nx_struct DTOA_Msg {
  Note that the type nx_uint16_t is introduced.
  This type differs from the C type int16_t as
  the byte ordering is handled internally.
  nx_uint16_t node_id;
} DTOA_Msg;

typedef nx_struct Data_Msg {
  Note that the type nx_uint16_t is introduced.
  This type differs from the C type int16_t as
  the byte ordering is handled internally.
  nx_uint16_t receiver;
  nx_uint32_t samples[SAMPLES];
  nx_uint32_t emitter;
  nx_uint32_t iter;
} Data_Msg;

typedef nx_struct Protocol_Msg {
  Note that the type nx_uint16_t is introduced.
  This type differs from the C type int16_t as
  the byte ordering is handled internally.
  nx_uint8_t protocol_id;
  nx_uint8_t parameter_1;
  nx_uint8_t parameter_2;
} Protocol_Msg;

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] TinyOs 2.0.2 Dispatcher Implementation Problem

2007-09-12 Thread gasparri
Hi Folks,

I am trying to write a piece of code in which I need a remote control to
broadcast several commands to a bunch of nodes and each of them has to
handle this message to figure out if there is any action for it.

Assuming the remote control send the command START_EMISSION asking to
the node with id x to send SAMPLES times of an hello msg. This is the
portion of code I wrote for the node x. It is supposed to be a
dispatcher to decide which is the proper action associated to a given

/* When a msg is received its payload is copied in a local global
structure  and
 the dispatcher is called */
 event message_t* AMProtoReceive.receive(message_t* msg, void* payload,
uint8_t len) {
 Protocol_Msg *btrpkt = (Protocol_Msg*)(call
AMProtoPacket.getPayload(msg, NULL));

 atomic {
   P_payload.protocol_id = btrpkt-protocol_id;
   P_payload.parameter_1 = btrpkt-parameter_1;
   P_payload.parameter_2 = btrpkt-parameter_2;

 post protocol_msg_handler();

 return SUCCESS;

  /* The Dispacher  realizes the command START_EMISSION has been received
and the startEmission task is posted */
  task void protocol_msg_handler(){
switch(P_payload.protocol_id) {
if (P_payload.parameter_1 == TOS_NODE_ID) {
  train = P_payload.parameter_2;
  call Leds.led1On();
  post startEmission();
  case SEND_DATA: {
if (P_payload.parameter_1 == TOS_NODE_ID)
  post sendData();

/* This task simply start a periodic time where TIMER_PERIOD_EMISSION is the
the period at which the hello msg has to be sent */
  task void startEmission() {
call Timer0.startPeriodic(TIMER_PERIOD_EMISSION);

/* Each step the period is expired the emissionRadio is posted */
 event void Timer0.fired() {
 call Leds.led0Toggle();
 post emissionRadio();

/* The hello msg is built and then it is sent */
task void emissionRadio(){
if (sample0) {
   DTOA_Msg *btrpkt = (DTOA_Msg*)(call
AMDTOAPacket.getPayload(pktDTOA, NULL));
   call AMDTOASend.send(AM_BROADCAST_ADDR, pktDTOA, sizeof(DTOA_Msg));
   call Timer0.stop();



/* After the confermation of the send of the msg the number of samples is
decreased */
event void AMProtoSend.sendDone(message_t* msg, error_t error) {
 atomic  sample--;

The problem is that after the first hello msg is sent the node stucks
and I don't understand why. Can anybody help me?

Thank you,

P.S.: In attachment the full source code for a node. The remote control is
not provided as it does not do anything special just send the command.

This email was sent using SquirrelMail.
Web Site: http://www.squirrelmail.org/#ifndef PARAMETERS_H

/* ID nodes */
enum {

/* Timers */
enum {
  TIMER_START=1000,			/* Microsecond */
  TIMER_SOUND=100, 			/* Milli */
  TIMER_PERIOD_EMISSION=2000		/* Milli */


/* Port for Packets */
enum {
  AM_PROTOCOL= 5, /* Port used for both commands and notification msgs*/
  AM_DTOA = 6,	 /* Port used for dtoa msgs*/
  AM_DATA= 7   /* Port used for notification msgs*/

/* Protocol Ids */
enum {
	START_EMISSION = 1,	/* To notify to start of an emission */
	END_EMISSION = 2,	/* To notify to end of an emission */
	SEND_DATA = 3,		/* To notify to send data */	
	DATA_SENT=4		/* To notify data has been sent */

/* Configuration Parameters */
enum {
	TRAINS = 1,

/* To define the structure of a msg*/

typedef nx_struct DTOA_Msg {
  Note that the type nx_uint16_t is introduced.
  This type differs from the C type int16_t as
  the byte ordering is handled internally.
  nx_uint16_t node_id;
} DTOA_Msg;

typedef nx_struct Data_Msg {
  Note that the type nx_uint16_t is introduced.
  This type differs from the C type int16_t as
  the byte ordering is handled internally.
  nx_uint16_t receiver;
  nx_uint32_t samples[SAMPLES];
  nx_uint32_t emitter;
  nx_uint32_t iter;
} Data_Msg;

typedef nx_struct Protocol_Msg {
  Note that the type nx_uint16_t is introduced.
  This type differs from the C type int16_t as
  the byte ordering is handled internally.
  nx_uint8_t protocol_id;
  nx_uint8_t parameter_1;
  nx_uint8_t parameter_2;
} Protocol_Msg;


Description: Cdf file

Description: Cdf file
Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] JTAG

2007-09-12 Thread Mona.baher
HI All,
I am wondering if anyone has tested the JTAG in tmote sky! I would
like to know if there is any tools for testing and debugging some
modules like MSP..and cc2420? Is it possible to measure the power
consumption via the JTAG?
I would really appreciate any help in this topic.

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] JTAG

2007-09-12 Thread Roman Lim

i used the JTAG interface with tmotes and the eclipse framework. here
you can find some description on this:
I don't think its possible to measure power consumption with JTAG.


Mona.baher wrote:
 HI All,
 I am wondering if anyone has tested the JTAG in tmote sky! I would
 like to know if there is any tools for testing and debugging some
 modules like MSP..and cc2420? Is it possible to measure the power
 consumption via the JTAG?
 I would really appreciate any help in this topic.
 Tinyos-help mailing list

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] MSP430 get clock

2007-09-12 Thread Leonardo

Steve McKown ha scritto:

On Tuesday 11 September 2007 12:27:31 pm Leonardo wrote:

Steve McKown ha scritto:

On Tuesday 11 September 2007 08:48:49 am Leonardo wrote:

Steve McKown ha scritto:

On Tuesday 11 September 2007 08:25:14 am Leonardo wrote:

Hy guy,
I need to help. I want to capture the clock of my telosb. I know that
i have to use MSP430 but how?
how can I get the clock with MSP430?

Two questions: which clock do you want to get, and how do you want to
get it? For the former, the msp430 maintains a number of clocks, for
example, MCLK, SMCLK, ACLK.  For the latter, are you wanting to expose
the clock to a digital output pin for use by a bit of add-on hardware,
or do you want to expose it to a software component to trigger some


i need to get the clock because i have to sincronized my wireless
network. i have to get the clock and set the clock on my telosb. i
didn't know that there are many clock in telosb, but I need to only one.
Thanks for help me

You probably want to look at the msp430's Timer B, which is wired in
TinyOS to the 32KHz crystal.  This clock runs even in sleep mode, which
is probably what you need to deal with timed radio events.  The standard
TinyOS TimerTMilli is a software timer attached to Timer B.  There may
be a 32KHz resolution Timerxxx; I don't recall off the top of my head.

So I presume that you'll pass around some kind of timebase or offset in
radio packets between nodes, when the nodes can then use to determine
which next to transmit or receive.  You probably can't manage more than a
gross coordination without digging into the radio's software stack.

If you can, try to use the LPL (low power wireless) mode of the cc2420
radio stack.  It's already there and works pretty well.  If you need
something else, check the TEPs; there's one that covers the software
layers in the new stack, and you could create your own layer to implement
a new timing policy if that's what you need.


Thanks for you help Steve, but I have another problem and i think my
english don't help me :D
I need to get and set the clock of my process for sicronized my
telos. the problem is that i don't know the way to get and set the
clock Do you understand me now? Sorry for my english

In my project i have to send the clock of master on network in the
beacon message. The slave get the clock and set its clock. in this way
they are sincronized because in the beacon vector there is the correcly
sequence to transmit and receive the data message. and in this way each
node rise up at the right moment.

I don't think you need synchronized clocks per se, since you can use the the 
beacon itself to find a common point in time (t0) between beacon sender and 
receivers.  Then, to sechedule future events, one schedules t0 + deltaT.  
There's some timing feedback in the radio stack to help find t0.  So all you 
need is a clock source with suitable granularity and precision, and a way to 
manage the latency between desired and actual event timings.

If you are implementing something like the beaconed protocol that's part of 
802.15.4, I *think* you can get by with a crystal-derived 32KHz clock, as 
available on the TelosB platforms.  Even though the new cc2420 radio stack is 
modular, creating a new layer to implement a beacon-timed network protocol is 
going to be a big job.  To get back to your original question, I'd expect you 
might use an Msp430Timer32khzC component for scheduling future timed events.  
You'll need a good understanding of the interrupts that can occur in the 
system which could cause your radio events to be deferred for a period.  Not 
to mention getting to know the radio stack itself very well.

If, on the other hand, you are creating something with far looser timing 
requirements, say a 100ms or larger granularity, then maybe you can get by 
with using TimerTMilli to set future events and using ActiveMessageC's 
SplitControl interface to initiate future communications at the right time.


Thank Steve, I understand all. But I have another question now: in my 
code now write in this way:

uses Interface MSP430Timer;
and in this file:

components new MSP430Timer32khzC() as MSP430Timer;

BeaconM.MSP430Timer - MSP430Timer;

in this way do it caputer the clock that i want?

when i write: now= call MSP430Timer.get();  in now is there my clock?

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Moteiv's Delta on MicaZ

2007-09-12 Thread Timothy Strongton
Does Moteiv's Delta application provided in Boomerang work on MicaZ motes?

Thank you for your attention!

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [tinyos-help] clarifications about serial communication

2007-09-12 Thread Mayur Maheshwari

Your response was of great help. Let me know if you can provide some
pointers on how this could be done using the BSL or share the part of your
code where the mote is reset if 3 write failed events trigger

Thanks once again

On 9/10/07, Steve McKown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sunday 02 September 2007 12:59:44 pm Mayur Maheshwari wrote:
  Hi Romain
  This is regarding the problem which you faced while sending the data to
  BaseStation from SerialForwarder(SF) when it continuously gives the
  Failed event. Let me know if you got any success with that.
  I did few things and later found that the problem lies in the mote:
  1. I stopped the SF, removed the modules controlling my mote from the
  kernel i.e. usbserial and ftdi-sio while the mote is still plugged in. I
  restarted all the components and the sitaution was the same. However,
  mote was getting continous power from the USB all the time.
  2. While the SF was running and Write Failed event coming up on every
  attempt to send data, I pushed the reset button on the telosB. This
 was a
  mild success as the SF app was able to send the data after this.
  Right now I am thinking in a direction that the mote should stop and
  restart the radio and the UART if such an event occurs. This is not a
  technique but does help in automating the reset scenario.

 I also see this on our own msp430-based mote design.  I tend to suspect
 drift of the DCO taking the baud rate out of spec.  I've seen similar
 behavior on read events as well, and in all cases so far, resetting the
 corrects the problem for some period of time.  To work around this in the
 mean time, our base station code resets the attached mote (using BSL) if
 see 3 of these communications errors in a row.

 If this is the issue, then installing a crystal @ XT2 would solve the
 We haven't had the time yet to try this out, but I'll report back if/when
 ever do this.

Mayur Maheshwari([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Karmanye Vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana,
Ma Karma Phala Hetur Bhurmatey Sangostva Akarmani
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] TinyOs 2.0.2 Dispatcher Implementation Problem

2007-09-12 Thread Philip Levis

On Sep 11, 2007, at 11:48 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 event message_t* AMProtoReceive.receive(message_t* msg, void*  

uint8_t len) {
 Protocol_Msg *btrpkt = (Protocol_Msg*)(call
AMProtoPacket.getPayload(msg, NULL));

 atomic {
   P_payload.protocol_id = btrpkt-protocol_id;
   P_payload.parameter_1 = btrpkt-parameter_1;
   P_payload.parameter_2 = btrpkt-parameter_2;

 post protocol_msg_handler();

 return SUCCESS;

The problem is that after the first hello msg is sent the node  

and I don't understand why. Can anybody help me?

SUCCESS is not a pointer to a message_t. You're passing a NULL  
pointer, and so the next packet that's received blows away control  
registers. Your compilation has a warning that says you're casting  

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] question about SimpleCmd Bcast application

2007-09-12 Thread Diego Maldonado
Hello, professors of berkeley

Im Diego Maldonado student of Electronic Enginneer from Colombia, Universidad 
Industrial de Santander ( UIS).

Currently i'm developing my bachelor thesis in  wireless sensor networks 
subject by working with telos B and tmote Sky devices.

I have a doubt regarding to SimpleCmd Application when it is set up with Bcast 

i'm trying to set a latency testbed where there is a mote conected to my laptop 
sending led_on and led_off commands to 7 receivers telos b y tmote sky. six of 
them are programmed  with bcast option and the last one with simplecmd (end 
device), so in theory, i have  7 hops before reach the final one.

My question is this: If six of them are programmed to make bcast ..how can i 
know about the order of forwarding packets? I mean, as they are all under the 
same cordinator coverage range , how can I kwow if a command sended from the 
cordinator is  being received for 2 or more bcast motes at the same time, which 
would be a problem because I want the data to hop from the first Bcast receiver 
to the second and then to  3rd one and so on, until reaching the final one...so 
i can register the latenciy caused by going through several hops.

I hop you can understand my non-perfect english and I appreciate if you can 
give me a hand with this I only have a week to deadline.

thank you very much friends from Berkeley

Diego Armando Maldonado.

Open WebMail Project (http://openwebmail.org)

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] question about SimpleCmd Bcast application

2007-09-12 Thread Kevin Klues
If you want to measure latency over seven hops, don't send a broadcast
message, send a message addressed to a specific node i.e. always send
to (TOS_NODE_ID + 1), then program each node with successive ids and
measure the time it takes between sending on the first node in the
chain and being received at the end.


On 9/10/07, Diego Maldonado [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hello, professors of berkeley

 Im Diego Maldonado student of Electronic Enginneer from Colombia,
 Universidad Industrial de Santander ( UIS).

 Currently i'm developing my bachelor thesis in  wireless sensor networks
 subject by working with telos B and tmote Sky devices.

 I have a doubt regarding to SimpleCmd Application when it is set up with
 Bcast option.

 i'm trying to set a latency testbed where there is a mote conected to my
 laptop sending led_on and led_off commands to 7 receivers telos b y tmote
 sky. six of them are programmed  with bcast option and the last one with
 simplecmd (end device), so in theory, i have  7 hops before reach the final

 My question is this: If six of them are programmed to make bcast ..how can i
 know about the order of forwarding packets? I mean, as they are all under
 the same cordinator coverage range , how can I kwow if a command sended from
 the cordinator is  being received for 2 or more bcast motes at the same
 time, which would be a problem because I want the data to hop from the first
 Bcast receiver to the second and then to  3rd one and so on, until reaching
 the final one...so i can register the latenciy caused by going through
 several hops.

 I hop you can understand my non-perfect english and I appreciate if you can
 give me a hand with this I only have a week to deadline.

 thank you very much friends from Berkeley

 Diego Armando Maldonado.

  Open WebMail Project (http://openwebmail.org)

 Tinyos-help mailing list

Tinyos-help mailing list

RE: [Tinyos-help] Moteiv's Delta on MicaZ

2007-09-12 Thread Giri Baleri
Hi Tim,
If you are looking for mesh routing stack for MICAz, you might want to
consider XMesh from Crossbow that is distributed with MoteView and
More details are available in the XMesh user's manual below.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Timothy Strongton
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 6:06 AM
To: Tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: [Tinyos-help] Moteiv's Delta on MicaZ

Does Moteiv's Delta application provided in Boomerang work on MicaZ
Thank you for your attention!
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Moteiv's Delta on MicaZ

2007-09-12 Thread Joe Polastre
The short answer is no.  Delta has been optimized for Moteiv's Tmote
Sky and Tmote Invent modules.  Since Boomerang is open source, you are
welcome to use Delta and try to port it to other platforms as
necessary, but the only platforms it will work with out of the box are
Tmote Sky and Tmote Invent.


On 9/12/07, Timothy Strongton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does Moteiv's Delta application provided in Boomerang work on MicaZ motes?

 Thank you for your attention!

 Tinyos-help mailing list

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [tinyos-help] clarifications about serial communication

2007-09-12 Thread Steve McKown
On Wednesday 12 September 2007 09:32:00 am Mayur Maheshwari wrote:

 Your response was of great help. Let me know if you can provide some
 pointers on how this could be done using the BSL or share the part of your
 code where the mote is reset if 3 write failed events trigger

You can grab the logic from the tos-bsl program that comes in the tinyos-tools 
package and installs into /usr/bin.  I've attached a C snippet that I used.  
Use the rest_gwbs() function.  It's a poor substutue for solving the real 
problem, but is an OK stopgap for development or testing, anyway...


 Thanks once again

 On 9/10/07, Steve McKown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sunday 02 September 2007 12:59:44 pm Mayur Maheshwari wrote:
   Hi Romain
   This is regarding the problem which you faced while sending the data to
   BaseStation from SerialForwarder(SF) when it continuously gives the
   Failed event. Let me know if you got any success with that.
   I did few things and later found that the problem lies in the mote:
   1. I stopped the SF, removed the modules controlling my mote from the
   kernel i.e. usbserial and ftdi-sio while the mote is still plugged in.
   I restarted all the components and the sitaution was the same. However,
   mote was getting continous power from the USB all the time.
   2. While the SF was running and Write Failed event coming up on every
   attempt to send data, I pushed the reset button on the telosB. This
  was a
   mild success as the SF app was able to send the data after this.
   Right now I am thinking in a direction that the mote should stop and
   restart the radio and the UART if such an event occurs. This is not a
   technique but does help in automating the reset scenario.
  I also see this on our own msp430-based mote design.  I tend to suspect
  drift of the DCO taking the baud rate out of spec.  I've seen similar
  behavior on read events as well, and in all cases so far, resetting the
  corrects the problem for some period of time.  To work around this in the
  mean time, our base station code resets the attached mote (using BSL) if
  see 3 of these communications errors in a row.
  If this is the issue, then installing a crystal @ XT2 would solve the
  We haven't had the time yet to try this out, but I'll report back if/when
  ever do this.
void set_scl(int fd, int level)
  unsigned int rts = TIOCM_RTS;
  if (level)
ioctl(fd, TIOCMBIC, rts);
ioctl(fd, TIOCMBIS, rts);

void set_sda(int fd, int level)
  unsigned int dtr = TIOCM_DTR;
  if (level)
ioctl(fd, TIOCMBIC, dtr);
ioctl(fd, TIOCMBIS, dtr);

void i2c_start(int fd)
  set_sda(fd, 1);
  set_scl(fd, 1);
  set_sda(fd, 0);

void i2c_stop(int fd)
  set_sda(fd, 0);
  set_scl(fd, 1);
  set_sda(fd, 1);

void i2c_wbit(int fd, int bit)
  set_scl(fd, 0);
  set_sda(fd, bit);
  set_scl(fd, 1);
  set_scl(fd, 0);

void i2c_wbyte(int fd, int byte)
  i2c_wbit(fd, byte  0x80);
  i2c_wbit(fd, byte  0x40);
  i2c_wbit(fd, byte  0x20);
  i2c_wbit(fd, byte  0x10);
  i2c_wbit(fd, byte  0x08);
  i2c_wbit(fd, byte  0x04);
  i2c_wbit(fd, byte  0x02);
  i2c_wbit(fd, byte  0x01);
  i2c_wbit(fd, 0 );  /* acknowledge */

void i2c_wcmd(int fd, int addr, int cmdbyte)
  i2c_wbyte(fd, 0x90 | (addr  1));
  i2c_wbyte(fd, cmdbyte);

void tmote_reset(int fd)
  i2c_wcmd(fd, 0, 3);
  i2c_wcmd(fd, 0, 2);
  i2c_wcmd(fd, 0, 0);
  usleep(25);   /* give MSP430's oscillator time to stabilize */

void reset_gwbs(serial_source src)
  /* This is currently hardcoded to support the telos mote.  The reset
   * process is different for different motes.  See the docs for tos-bsl.
   * for more information.
Tinyos-help mailing list