Re: [Tinyos-help] make deluge support mica2

2008-06-03 Thread jiwen zhang
Hello :

2008/6/3 Razvan Musaloiu-E. [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 I just found a MPR400CB and I and was able to successfully run the burn
 script from the tinyos-2.x/apps/tests/deluge/Blink.

that is to say you have modify the deluge to make it support deluge
including th burn script ? what is the way ?  are there some differences
with mine ? are there some errors in my modifications , Razvan ME ?

 I used a MIB520 so the command I used was:
./burn /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyUSB1 micaz
 Both the injection and the reboot worked fine.

i also can injection on the basestation mote . but when i use the reboot
command (-r) , it does not load the image i specify to the internal flash
and just reboot .
what about yours ? does it can reboot from the specified image ?

 I only have one of these motes so I cannot do any other test than this. :-(

You have helped me so much , i really thank you very mcch !!

Does any one try it ? i want to know the your result . thank you very much

 Razvan ME

 On Tue, 3 Jun 2008, jiwen zhang wrote:

 Hello all :
  can someone give me an answer to my questions (as follows)?  thank you
 very much !!!

 2008/6/1 jiwen zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hello all :
   because i have many mica2 motes , and few micaz motes , so i want to
 modify the deluge to make it support mica2 .
  some operations i have done :
  1 . go to /opt/tinyos-2.x/tos/lib/TOSBOOT , create a folder named mica2
 copy all the files in the directory TOSBOOT/micaz to TOSBOOT/mica2.

  2 . modify the file hardware.h in TOSBOOT/mica2 . add the sentences at
 about lines 101? :
  chage the value of VOLTAGE_PORT to 7 . (i refer to tinyos-1.15) , i
 think it should be 30 .

  3. modify the file
   at the start of command Voltage.okToProgram() , add the sentences : (i
 refer to tinyos-1.15)

  4 . modify the Makefile in the directory TOSBOOT/  , add the sentences
 (after about lines 54 ?):
 ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),mica2)
  CFLAGS += -Wl,--section-start=.text=0x1f000
  CFLAGS += -Iat45db -Iavr -Imica2 -Ilib
  CFLAGS += -I../net/Deluge

  5 . modify the files in /TOSBOOT/ , and in
 lib/Deluge/BlockStorageManager/ , DelugePageTransfer.h in lib/Deluge/ .
  the mothod is easy , for example :
 at the lines : defined(PLATFORM_MICAZ) || defined(PLATFORM_IRIS)
 change it into : defined(PLATFORM_MICAZ) || defined(PLATFORM_MICA2) ||

 6 . go to /opt/tinyos-2.x/tos/lib/net/Deluge/extra , copy the files and in extra/iris to extra/mica2 .

 7 . /opt/tinyos-2.x/support/make, modify the file bnp.extra , add the
 sentences at about line29 ?:
  ifeq ($(TARGETS),mica2)
BOOTLOADER ?= $(TOSBOOT_DIR)/mica2/main.ihex
AVR_FUSE_H ?= 0xda

 8 . modify the files tos-deluge in /usr/local/bin ? and
 /opt/tinyos/tools/tinyos/misc at about line38 ? :
 chage :
 BAUDRATES = {'micaz': 57600,
  'telosb': 115200,
  'iris': 57600}
 into :
 BAUDRATES = {'micaz': 57600,
 'mica2': 57600,
  'telosb': 115200,
  'iris': 57600}

 that is all .

 Do i still have something to modify or there are something wrong i have
 modified ?

 i have tested the result , there is something deviant :
 1 . i test the basestion node (/opt/tinyos-2.x/tests/deluge/blink ,
 CFLAGS=--DDELUGE_BASESTATION make mica2 ), I can ping it and inject a
 image , but when i use the command to reboot it from the image i have
 installed (section 1) , it reboots but does not load the image from
 1 .

 2 . i test network programme . i use two mica2 motes , one is the
 , the other is non-basestation . after i use the command -dr , i find
 green led of non-basestation blinks .( i have tested with micaz , it is a
 right  action it should have . )  i have thought it is ok . but after a
 time (about more than 30 minutes ) , the mote still blink the green led .
 don't know why .

 can anyone give me some suggestions ?

 thank you very much !!

 zhang jiwen

 zhang jiwen

zhang jiwen
Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] time synchronization

2008-06-03 Thread jiwen zhang
Hello all :
   i see some files in chips/rf230 , i see some words like TimeSyncPacket ,
so i think maybe the time synchronization is implementated in rf230 , am i
right ?
   if yes , i want to know which arithmetic does it use ? maybe there are a
corresponding paper , can someone give me a reference ?

  thank you very much !!

zhang jiwen
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] ERROR: MAKE TELOSB

2008-06-03 Thread Marco Belleschi

I did not modify anything, I just installed the Xubuntos version from CD. This 
behavior is really odd, because make micaz actually works, but when I type make 
telosb I get that error. 
As you said, strace make telosb gives tons and tons of output, but what shall I 
figure out from it?

 Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2008 22:31:34 -0700
 Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] ERROR: MAKE TELOSB
 From what I can tell, your path looks fine. The execution path lookup
 is actually (usually) handled as part of a system call... have you
 modified the Makefile in anyway? (Maybe assigning to PATH?)
 What does an strace reveal?
 You can try `strace make telosb`
 or `strace contents of the long line starting with ncc`
 There will be tons and tons of output so you should log it.
 You may have to install the appropriate package to get the strace utility.
 Couldn't execute may also mean msp430-gcc failed to start for some
 other reason (such as bad dynamic linking).
 On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 2:16 PM, Michael Schippling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm cc'ing this back to the whole help list because:
   A) I'm clueless
   B) We would like to keep a record of the above...
  NCC obviously uses some other nefarious method to find
  the executable, so maybe someone who understands such things
  can comment.
  Marco Belleschi wrote:
  Thanks for your interest. This is what I get when I type the following
  $ which msp430-gcc
  $ msp430-gcc --version
  msp430-gcc (GCC) 3.2.3
  $ echo $PATH
  Unluckily, these commands do not give to me any clue and I get stuck.
  Thanks in advance for your help
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2008 11:05:38 -0600
Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] ERROR: MAKE TELOSB
See if you can find the missing executable. On my Widows T1 system 
If it exists then some PATH or other thing is not pointing to it
Marco Belleschi wrote:
 Dear all,
 I installed tinyos 2.0.2 using the Xubuntos live CD. Everything
  seems to
 work, but when I make telosb I get the following error:

 /opt/tinyos-2.x/apps/BlinkSingle$ make telosb
 mkdir -p build/telosb
 compiling BlinkAppC to a telosb binary
 ncc -o build/telosb/main.exe -Os -O -mdisable-hwmul -Wall -Wshadow
 -DDEF_TOS_AM_GROUP=0x7d -Wnesc-all -target=telosb
 -fnesc-cfile=build/telosb/app.c -board=
 -DIDENT_HOSTNAME=\marco-Xubuntos\ -DIDENT_USER_HASH=0x401d86ebL
 -DIDENT_UNIX_TIME=0x4843d015L -DIDENT_UID_HASH=0x222da1f9L
 Couldn't execute msp430-gcc
 make: *** [exe0] Error 2

 Any hint would be great.

 Thanks in advance!

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Re: [Tinyos-help] Problem with the iris mote and avrdude

2008-06-03 Thread Kevin Klues
The problem is that your avr compilers are too old. You need to be
using 4.1.2 or above.


On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 2:00 AM, Xavier PATRIS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello everybody,

 I need assistance with avrdude.
 I work with TinyOS 2.0.2 on Ubuntu 8.04. Avrdude is installed form the the
 rpm package
 witch Alien.
 All my TinyOS files are up-to-date and checked out from CVS and it works
 fine with the MICA2 and MICAz motes.

 When I try to flash an IRIS mote with my MIB520 board (make iris install
 mib520,/dev/ttyUSB0/), I get the following error :

 mkdir -p build/iris
 compiling BlinkAppC to a iris binary
 ncc -o build/iris/main.exe -Os -Wall -Wshadow -Wnesc-all -target=iris
 -fnesc-cfile=build/iris/app.c -board=micasb
 -DIDENT_HOSTNAME=\wcg-laptop\ -DIDENT_USER_HASH=0xda66ccefL
 -DIDENT_UNIX_TIME=0x483fb3beL -DIDENT_UID_HASH=0x0a90f557L
 -fnesc-dump=wiring -fnesc-dump='interfaces(!abstract())'
 -fnesc-dump='referenced(interfacedefs, components)'
 -fnesc-dumpfile=build/iris/wiring-check.xml -lm
 compiled BlinkAppC to build/iris/main.exe
 2230 bytes in ROM
   51 bytes in RAM
 avr-objcopy --output-target=srec build/iris/main.exe build/iris/main.srec
 avr-objcopy --output-target=ihex build/iris/main.exe build/iris/main.ihex
 writing TOS image
 cp build/iris/main.srec build/iris/main.srec.out
 installing iris binary using mib510
 uisp -dprog=mib510 -dserial=/dev/ttyUSB0 --wr_fuse_h=0xd9 -pm1281 -U
 efuse:w:0xff:m  --erase --upload if=build/iris/main.srec.out
 No part specified, supported devices are:

 It's look like that the make command tries to flash the IRIS mote with uisp
 rather than avrdude.

 Does somebody have an idea to fix the problem ?

 Thanks for your time.


 Xavier PATRIS
 Research Engineer

 OPERA Department
 Université Libre de Bruxelles
 Av. F. Roosevelt 50 (CP 165/51)
 1050 Bruxelles

 tel: +32 2 650 30 87

 Tinyos-help mailing list


Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] RAM size memory

2008-06-03 Thread Gracinda García Lago
Eric, thank you for your answers!
But, maybe you can clarify something more.
You have told me that the compiler doesn´t control the memory size, it only 
counts bytes, but... how can the compiler know if it is out of memory or not?If 
the compiler knows that it is out of memory I think that it has to know 
something about limits for memory size...
Sorry if I am insisted on this doubt but I am trying to know how the compiler 
I have found some files (msp430x16x.h...) where the interrupt vectors, flags, 
SFR...are defined for every model for msp430 family, but I din´t find any 
information related to limits for memory size. 
We are trying to compile a profile, but we think that we don´t have enough 
memory because when we make it, an error message appears,  it has been reported 
before section vectors lma 0xffe0 overlaps previous 
I have read about this ,  and people has solved this problem removing some 
components, we know that the component that is increasing the memory size is 
Deluge component, but we need it and we can´t remove I have read about 
doing a fake platform that could give us information about how much memory we 
need. (we are thinking about choosing a micro with higher ram memory but we 
need more information about memory requirements)
Do you know how can I do that? how can I define a fake platform with other 
memory size limits and the same hardware characteritics? 
I am reading about Deluge and TSync components in order to know if we can 
remove something more, or we need to get a higher RAM memory.
Thank you very much for your help.
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] MTS 420

2008-06-03 Thread Kevin Klues
This is my fault.  I'll add you in right now.


On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 12:32 AM, Aurélien Francillon
 Philip Levis a écrit :

 On Jan 7, 2008, at 2:22 AM, Aurélien Francillon wrote:

 Le Sunday 06 January 2008 20:50:19 Kevin Klues, vous avez écrit :
 This is great news.  Let us know if you would like to do your
 development work as part of a tinyos-2.x contrib project.

 a port to tinyos-2.x has been done by someone here (incl GPS driver) ,
 we plan
 to upload it to the contrib soon ...

 That would be excellent.


 Hi Phil,
 I have been sending a request on 10/05 and again on 26/05 at the
 caretakers' address:
 I had no answer yet ? I'm sending my request to the wrong place ?
 I feel like I'm just ignored because someone else is working on it and
 pushed it's implementation to the contrib repository ?
 There is probably room for more than one experimental implementation ...


 Tinyos-help mailing list


Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] cricket listener send tracking data wirelessly to another listener

2008-06-03 Thread ehsan monsef
Hi, friends
  is it possible for cricket listener to send tracking data to another listener 
  instead of using serial port to ipaq or laptop. 
  thanks in advanced

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] CTP and snooping (very short qt)

2008-06-03 Thread funofnet Funofnet
I whould like to verify if CTP routing protocol uses snooped packet information 
to update its neighbour table entries?
Thank you

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Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] MTS 420

2008-06-03 Thread Philip Levis

On Jun 3, 2008, at 12:32 AM, Aurélien Francillon wrote:

 Philip Levis a écrit :
 On Jan 7, 2008, at 2:22 AM, Aurélien Francillon wrote:
 Le Sunday 06 January 2008 20:50:19 Kevin Klues, vous avez écrit :
 This is great news.  Let us know if you would like to do your
 development work as part of a tinyos-2.x contrib project.

 a port to tinyos-2.x has been done by someone here (incl GPS  
 driver) , we plan
 to upload it to the contrib soon ...

 That would be excellent.

 Hi Phil,
 I have been sending a request on 10/05 and again on 26/05 at the  
 caretakers' address:
 I had no answer yet ? I'm sending my request to the wrong place ?
 I feel like I'm just ignored because someone else is working on it  
 and pushed it's implementation to the contrib repository ?
 There is probably room for more than one experimental  
 implementation ...

Hm -- I'll ask the contrib czars (Kevin Klues and Martin Leopold).  
Kevin is out this week, so it might be until next week. Contrib  
doesn't apply admission control like you describe.

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] DELAY_AFTER_RECEIVE in CC2420 Low Power Listening

2008-06-03 Thread David Moss
Hi Jongkeun -


Good observation.  


Sending an RTS / CTS to stop transmissions from other nodes is a good idea.
I have two initial concerns about this approach, but maybe it should be
studied a little more to confirm or deny these:  1) I'm concerned about the
dependency on the link-layer to prevent phy-layer collisions, especially
when we're dealing with such low power and somewhat long transmission
distances that cause packets to be easily corrupted.  2) I'm concerned about
the excess transmissions taking place to get a single packet through, and
the impact on reliability and energy savings.  


802.11's virtual sensing approach, from what I understand, works well
especially because the transmission rates are high and the transmitters have
access to mains power.  In this case, getting a single packet through with
an RTS / CTS requires at least 3 packets to be exchanged:  RTS / CTS / Data.
Transmissions are typically the largest energy consumer of any operation on
the node.  If one of those packets gets dropped, it will have to be
retransmitted.  Other nodes will also have to back off somehow to prevent
collision if they miss the CTS packet, which brings us back down to
PHY-layer collision avoidance.  


If you don't want to rely on the radio hardware to prevent collisions (and
save energy by leaving the radio off), I think you'd be talking more about a
TDMA solution.  This is totally possible, but requires accurate clock
management and synchronization between nodes.  The RF230 implementation is
pioneering some really nice synchronization protocols that would make
something like that more possible, at least across homogeneous platforms.







From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jongkeun
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2008 9:29 PM
To: David Moss
Subject: Re: DELAY_AFTER_RECEIVE in CC2420 Low Power Listening


It sounds like a sort of virtual carrier sensing. How about introducing a
thing like NAV of 802.11 for a packetized wake-up transmission as a general
approach? do you think it is worth to introduce such a virutal carrier
sensing mechansim for LPL based sensor networks? if so, is it possible to
implement it without an aid of radio H/W?


On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 9:17 AM, David Moss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yes, in fact, this is what I'm implementing on the CC1100 and CC2500 radio
stacks.  The trick is getting the transmit branch of the radio stack to hold
off for awhile if a packet was recently received.  This allows one node to
completely dominate the channel while it sends back-to-back packets with
acknowledgment gaps in between.  Packet delivery and acknowledgment success
rate goes up, collisions go down, and energy efficiency goes way up.  


So far, this seems to work very reliable on my desk.  I have yet to test it
outside or in a real network, where any number of issues may come into play.






From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jongkeun
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2008 7:24 PM
To: David Moss
Subject: Re: DELAY_AFTER_RECEIVE in CC2420 Low Power Listening


Thank you David for your detailed explanation.
I fully agree with you regarding safety and robustness for applications.

One more question, looking at the initial backoff (0x4) and congestion
backoff (0x3) applied in the packetized wake-up transmission, I'm wondering
there is any theory in choosing those backoff constants. What's the backoff
strategy? intentionally to allow multiple wake-up transmissions mixed at the
same time. What if we allows only one wake-up transmission at a time in
medium by treating separately the first packet and the following resended
packets in the packet train, i.e. the standard backoff is applied for the
first packet and almost 0 backoff is used for the resended packets. Do you
have any history or experience?


On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 8:54 AM, David Moss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Jongkeun,


The DELAY_AFTER_RECEIVE is not the length of a CCA receive check.  The
receive check is currently implemented through polling the CCA pin a number
of times in PowerCycleP.  This polling method will be transformed into an
alarm/interrupt receive check for greater accuracy and efficiency, as soon
as someone has time to do it.  The goal of the receive check is to be as
short as possible, and is the length of the time between packets in a
packetized wake up transmission strategy.  I've had these receive check
perform reliably at 5 ms or less, but the current implementation makes the
receive check last ~11 ms for reliability across everyone's systems and
platforms.  Only after activity is detected - either by transmitting a
packet or receiving a packet - does the radio remain on for the time defined
by DELAY_AFTER_RECEIVE, which is currently 100 ms.


You'll notice the DELAY_AFTER_RECEIVE is 

Re: [Tinyos-help] make deluge support mica2

2008-06-03 Thread Razvan Musaloiu-E.

On Tue, 3 Jun 2008, jiwen zhang wrote:

 Hello :

 2008/6/3 Razvan Musaloiu-E. [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 I just found a MPR400CB and I and was able to successfully run the burn
 script from the tinyos-2.x/apps/tests/deluge/Blink.

 that is to say you have modify the deluge to make it support deluge
 including th burn script ? what is the way ?  are there some differences
 with mine ? are there some errors in my modifications , Razvan ME ?

I run exactly the latest version from CVS. I used micaz which means the 
radio part will not work but otherwise the Mica2 is very similar with 

 I used a MIB520 so the command I used was:
./burn /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyUSB1 micaz
 Both the injection and the reboot worked fine.

What happens if you run the above command on an unmodified tree?

 i also can injection on the basestation mote . but when i use the reboot
 command (-r) , it does not load the image i specify to the internal flash
 and just reboot .
 what about yours ? does it can reboot from the specified image ?

The reboot using -r worked properly because the burn script is using it. I 
also tested it manually and it worked fine.

All the best!
Razvan ME

 I only have one of these motes so I cannot do any other test than this. :-(

 You have helped me so much , i really thank you very mcch !!

 Does any one try it ? i want to know the your result . thank you very much

 Razvan ME

 On Tue, 3 Jun 2008, jiwen zhang wrote:

 Hello all :
  can someone give me an answer to my questions (as follows)?  thank you
 very much !!!

 2008/6/1 jiwen zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hello all :
   because i have many mica2 motes , and few micaz motes , so i want to
 modify the deluge to make it support mica2 .
  some operations i have done :
  1 . go to /opt/tinyos-2.x/tos/lib/TOSBOOT , create a folder named mica2,
 copy all the files in the directory TOSBOOT/micaz to TOSBOOT/mica2.

  2 . modify the file hardware.h in TOSBOOT/mica2 . add the sentences at
 about lines 101? :
  chage the value of VOLTAGE_PORT to 7 . (i refer to tinyos-1.15) , i
 think it should be 30 .

  3. modify the file
   at the start of command Voltage.okToProgram() , add the sentences : (i
 refer to tinyos-1.15)

  4 . modify the Makefile in the directory TOSBOOT/  , add the sentences
 (after about lines 54 ?):
 ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),mica2)
  CFLAGS += -Wl,--section-start=.text=0x1f000
  CFLAGS += -Iat45db -Iavr -Imica2 -Ilib
  CFLAGS += -I../net/Deluge

  5 . modify the files in /TOSBOOT/ , and in
 lib/Deluge/BlockStorageManager/ , DelugePageTransfer.h in lib/Deluge/ .
  the mothod is easy , for example :
 at the lines : defined(PLATFORM_MICAZ) || defined(PLATFORM_IRIS)
 change it into : defined(PLATFORM_MICAZ) || defined(PLATFORM_MICA2) ||

 6 . go to /opt/tinyos-2.x/tos/lib/net/Deluge/extra , copy the files and in extra/iris to extra/mica2 .

 7 . /opt/tinyos-2.x/support/make, modify the file bnp.extra , add the
 sentences at about line29 ?:
  ifeq ($(TARGETS),mica2)
BOOTLOADER ?= $(TOSBOOT_DIR)/mica2/main.ihex
AVR_FUSE_H ?= 0xda

 8 . modify the files tos-deluge in /usr/local/bin ? and
 /opt/tinyos/tools/tinyos/misc at about line38 ? :
 chage :
 BAUDRATES = {'micaz': 57600,
  'telosb': 115200,
  'iris': 57600}
 into :
 BAUDRATES = {'micaz': 57600,
 'mica2': 57600,
  'telosb': 115200,
  'iris': 57600}

 that is all .

 Do i still have something to modify or there are something wrong i have
 modified ?

 i have tested the result , there is something deviant :
 1 . i test the basestion node (/opt/tinyos-2.x/tests/deluge/blink ,
 CFLAGS=--DDELUGE_BASESTATION make mica2 ), I can ping it and inject a new
 image , but when i use the command to reboot it from the image i have
 installed (section 1) , it reboots but does not load the image from
 1 .

 2 . i test network programme . i use two mica2 motes , one is the basestion
 , the other is non-basestation . after i use the command -dr , i find the
 green led of non-basestation blinks .( i have tested with micaz , it is a
 right  action it should have . )  i have thought it is ok . but after a 
 time (about more than 30 minutes ) , the mote still blink the green led . i
 don't know why .

 can anyone give me some suggestions ?

 thank you very much !!

 zhang jiwen

 zhang jiwen

 zhang jiwen

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] time synchronization

2008-06-03 Thread jiwen zhang
Hello all :

2008/6/3 Miklos Maroti [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi Zhang,

  Hello all :
 i see some files in chips/rf230 , i see some words like TimeSyncPacket
  so i think maybe the time synchronization is implementated in rf230 , am
  right ?

 Yes. The PacketTimeStamp interface is used to access the transmit or
 receive time of the packet. If you want to embed a time stamp inside
 the packet then you need to use the TimeSyncAMSend and TimeSyncPacket
 interfaces of the SimSyncSend component.

i understand , when use the TimeSyncAMSend interface to send a packet , it
also performs sender-receiver time synchronization besides send the packet.
but i still have some puzzles . if the sender and receiver are turned on all
the time and sleep periodically , there is no need of time synchronzation
and  the information of time have no significance to the motes.  am i right
? what is the  aim when you implement the driver ? do you want to use it for
lowpowerlistening ? because the current implementation of lowpower listening
is asynchronous , not synchronous (the sender  know when the receiver wake
up , and there is no need to send the wake up packet before send the useful
data ) .  i see the lpl of rf230 has been implemented , which kind does it
belong to ? do it use time synchronization in implementation of LPL ?

 if yes , i want to know which arithmetic does it use ?

 What do you mean? The time resolution is currently 1 millisecond
 (continnuous) and 1 microsecond (stops of the mote stops).

i think you have implemented the time synchronization , so i want to know
the arithmetic of time synchronization  you use .
Do you know which implementation of time synchronization suppose rf230 ?

  maybe there are a corresponding paper , can someone give me a reference ?

 Not yet. a TEP is coming out soon. You should have no problem using
 the components I pointed out. The interface files have the necessary

is rf230 supposed by CTP ?


zhang jiwen
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] time synchronization

2008-06-03 Thread Miklos Maroti
Hi Zhang,

 Yes. The PacketTimeStamp interface is used to access the transmit or
 receive time of the packet. If you want to embed a time stamp inside
 the packet then you need to use the TimeSyncAMSend and TimeSyncPacket
 interfaces of the SimSyncSend component.

 i understand , when use the TimeSyncAMSend interface to send a packet , it
 also performs sender-receiver time synchronization besides send the packet.
 but i still have some puzzles . if the sender and receiver are turned on all
 the time and sleep periodically , there is no need of time synchronzation
 and  the information of time have no significance to the motes.  am i right

No. The TimsSyncAMSend is a time synchronization primitive and has
nothing to do with asynchronous LPL. If you want to establish
synchronized global time across all motes (regardless if you use LPL
or not) to be able to correlate external events, then you need time
synchronization. Please read the Flooding Time Synchronization
Protocol paper.

 ? what is the  aim when you implement the driver ? do you want to use it for
 lowpowerlistening ? because the current implementation of lowpower listening
 is asynchronous , not synchronous (the sender  know when the receiver wake
 up , and there is no need to send the wake up packet before send the useful
 data ) .  i see the lpl of rf230 has been implemented , which kind does it
 belong to ? do it use time synchronization in implementation of LPL ?

No, they are completely independent.

 i think you have implemented the time synchronization , so i want to know
 the arithmetic of time synchronization  you use .
 Do you know which implementation of time synchronization suppose rf230 ?

What do you mean by arithmetic of time synchronization? By the way,
only the sender-receiver time synchronization primitive is
implemented. FTSP will be ported to use this primitive.

 Not yet. a TEP is coming out soon. You should have no problem using
 the components I pointed out. The interface files have the necessary

 is rf230 supposed by CTP ?

What is CTP?

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] avr-gcc on Mac -- not only for Mac users

2008-06-03 Thread Zinaida Benenson

I'm trying to compile for micaz on PPC Mac (Tiger), and I have the  
standard problem which was already described here. Unforunately, I  
couldn't find a satisfactory answer in this mailing list, and nowhere  

I installed TinyOS using recent instructions by Kevin Klues with  
precompiled binaries for msp430 (this works fine) and avr:

The famous error goes here:

spiderman:~/src/tinyos-2.x/apps/Blink zina$ make micaz
mkdir -p build/micaz
 compiling BlinkAppC to a micaz binary
ncc -o build/micaz/main.exe  -Os -Wall -Wshadow -Wnesc-all - 
target=micaz -fnesc-cfile=build/micaz/app.c -board=micasb - 
DDEFINED_TOS_AM_GROUP=0x22 --param max-inline-insns-single=10 - 
DIDENT_HOSTNAME=\spiderman.infor\ -DIDENT_USERHASH=0x9bf9b498L - 
DIDENT_TIMESTAMP=0x484569aeL -DIDENT_UIDHASH=0x1f02a009L -fnesc- 
dump=wiring -fnesc-dump='interfaces(!abstract())' -fnesc- 
dump='referenced(interfacedefs, components)' -fnesc-dumpfile=build/ 
micaz/wiring-check.xml -lm
avr-gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1': execvp: No such file or directory
commandline: failed to preprocess /stow/repository/nesc-1.2.9/lib/ 
avr-gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1': execvp: No such file or directory
commandline: failed to preprocess /Users/zina/src/tinyos-2.x/tos/ 
avr-gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1': execvp: No such file or directory
commandline: failed to preprocess /Users/zina/src/tinyos-2.x/tos/ 
commandline: Scheduler `TinySchedulerC' has no scheduling interface  
named `TaskBasic'
avr-gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1': execvp: No such file or directory
commandline: failed to preprocess
make: *** [exe0] Error 1

I checked that I have only one avr-gcc on my system, then deleted it  
and reinstalled (this is what Kevin recommended when this question  
was posted previously). No effect.

At first glance, avr-gcc cannot find the program called cc1. However:

$ avr-gcc -print-prog-name=cc1

To compare:

$ msp430-gcc -print-prog-name=cc1

It can be seen that msp430-gcc was built using gcc 3.2.3, but avr-gcc  
uses gcc 4.1.2.

The only solution I could think of was to try and build avr-gcc using  
gcc 3.2.3. However, before I go to such trouble, I would like to hear  
what you think of this idea, and probably you can suggest something  
else (even if you are not a Mac user).


Zinaida Benenson

University of Mannheim
A 5,6
68159 Mannheim

Room B 138
Phone +49 621 181 2556
Fax +49 621 181 3577

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Question about adding component in the MultihopLEPSM

2008-06-03 Thread nirupama
Hello Dr.Levis,

I am working on modifying a clustering protocol which is implemented in the 
Surge application. I figured that the routing used is MultiHopLEPSM. I want 
to calculate the distance of the node from the base station (i.e node 0) and 
use it as one of the parameter for clustering. There are two ways that I 
think of implementing it:

1.Give the location of the nodes ahead ,so from there the distance can be 
calculated using Euclidean equation. Can I do that ,in that case I think I 
should be writing a module in MultiHopLEPSM.

2.Secondly I thought of giving the input of coordinates in Neighbortbl.But 
so far I understood the entries of Neighbortbl is updated from the packets 
received from the neighboring nodes by snooping. In that case I thought of 
declaring my own packet structure (as CC1000 radio can have it's own packet 
structure). And giving the two field for coordinates of the node.

Can you please correct me if I'm going in the wrong way? Or this is not at 
all possible? I am working on this for last few months and couldn't get a 
possible solution.

Nirupama Barua

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Question about adding component in the MultihopLEPSM

2008-06-03 Thread Paul Stickney
Finding distances (localization) between motes is problematic, at best.
Assuming each node is in a (known) static location you impose another
requirement on the WSN.
It doesn't really matter if motes know this up-front (e.g. program
time) or are told OTA (over-the-air) later.

For OTA it may be beneficial to implement your own distribution
protocol along-side.
(It becomes more complicated when you try to merge everything into one, KISS.)
Or maybe a Dissemination protocol or Deluge could help.

Another approach may simply be to use some metric of link quality to
implement your protocol.
In the end, link-quality (aggregated with delay, power, throughput,
etc.) is what counts when getting messages from A to B...

On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 11:03 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Dr.Levis,

 I am working on modifying a clustering protocol which is implemented in the
 Surge application. I figured that the routing used is MultiHopLEPSM. I want
 to calculate the distance of the node from the base station (i.e node 0) and
 use it as one of the parameter for clustering. There are two ways that I
 think of implementing it:

 1.Give the location of the nodes ahead ,so from there the distance can be
 calculated using Euclidean equation. Can I do that ,in that case I think I
 should be writing a module in MultiHopLEPSM.

 2.Secondly I thought of giving the input of coordinates in Neighbortbl.But
 so far I understood the entries of Neighbortbl is updated from the packets
 received from the neighboring nodes by snooping. In that case I thought of
 declaring my own packet structure (as CC1000 radio can have it's own packet
 structure). And giving the two field for coordinates of the node.

 Can you please correct me if I'm going in the wrong way? Or this is not at
 all possible? I am working on this for last few months and couldn't get a
 possible solution.

 Nirupama Barua

 Tinyos-help mailing list

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] how to use ParameterInituint16_t

2008-06-03 Thread Paul Stickney
No, it looks problematic in general.

1) Don't wire the component twice. This will just make things confusing.
2) The generate_random() function initializes a seed and then gets a
random number from that seed.
Remember that PRNGs generate the -same sequence- for the same seed
(and the seed is being set each time!).
This is essentially making the random generator non-random (it is
entirely based off of the current 'counter'.)
3) Furthermore, the variable name 'counter' sounds suspicious. See
point #2 and below.

Just set the seed at mote initialization (and maybe *adjust*
periodically from a random source).
To get many different sequences the seeds MUST COVER the entire
seed-space (2**32).
You can find many examples (some really bad) on how older programs
(most notably C and Perl?) set the seed based on some function of
system time.
Usually this involves extra math to attempt to get a better coverage
of the seed-space.

All that being said, the first thing I would ensure is that -the seeds
you are providing- are as 'random' as you think.
In this implementation the inputs directly determines the 'random'
(see above) output.
Without the re-seeding you would simple get another pseudo-random
number NEXT in the sequence based off of the seed.


 Thank you for your reply, I just want to confirm with you if the code you saw 
 my message to set the seed and then generate a random number is actually
 correct? What did you mean by correctly applied when you said:
 I would ensure an adequate seed is actually being generated and
 correctly applied.

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Compile warnings

2008-06-03 Thread Paul Stickney
I don't have any better ideas but... if you are going to use a
standard prefix, maybe:
It indicates more magic to me.

Although, I'd rather have the warnings left in than use a filter.

Another option may be to use macros.
#ifdef SAFE
#define DEFSAFE(a) a
#define DEFSAFE(a)

void foo() {
  DEFSAFE(int tempLen);

(okay, maybe this wasn't the best example)

On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 9:19 AM, John Regehr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The unused variable warnings are a side effect of our Safe TinyOS
 patches.  Creating safe code sometimes requires introducing temporaries
 that are in fact unused when you compile code in unsafe (i.e. default)
 mode.  The nature of these temporary values is such that they will not
 cause a smart compiler to generate worse object code.

 Anyway we're aware of the warnings and want to get rid of them.  One way
 would be to adopt a naming convention for them (e.g. safeTmpLen or
 similar) and then filter out warnings about those variables.  That is kind
 of gross.  I'm open to suggestions.

 John Regehr

 On Tue, 3 Jun 2008, David wrote:

 Hi list.

 I'm using the latest tinyos2.x CVS, and recently I've been getting a
 lot of compilation warnings like this:


 make telosb
 mkdir -p build/telosb
compiling BlinkAppC to a telosb binary
 ncc -o build/telosb/main.exe  -Os -O -mdisable-hwmul -Wall -Wshadow
 -Wnesc-all -target=telosb -fnesc-cfile=build/telosb/app.c -board=
 -DDEFINED_TOS_AM_GROUP=0x22 -Ibuild/telosb -DDELUGE
 -DIDENT_TIMESTAMP=0x484505f6L -DIDENT_UIDHASH=0x9b3be594L -lm
 warning: #warning *** LOW POWER COMMUNICATIONS DISABLED ***
 warning: #warning Accessing TimerA for ADC12
 In function `CC2420ReceiveP$receiveDone_task$runTask':
 warning: unused variable `tmpLen'
 In function `CC2420ReceiveP$RXFIFO$readDone':
 warning: unused variable `tmpLen'
 In function `CC2420TransmitP$loadTXFIFO':
 warning: unused variable `tmpLen'
compiled BlinkAppC to build/telosb/main.exe
   31506 bytes in ROM
 960 bytes in RAM
 msp430-objcopy --output-target=ihex build/telosb/main.exe 
writing TOS image


 Is this normal?

 Tinyos-help mailing list

 Tinyos-help mailing list

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Atmel RF230

2008-06-03 Thread Frederic Beaulieu
Hi all,

I currently looking to integrate the RF230 transceiver from Atmel in one of my 
design and I just wonder if someone have something to tell about it. Is the 
chip follow the spec given by Atmel (sensitivity, timing, etc)? Is there a lot 
of bugs with the chips? How can it be compare to TI c2420 or Freescale MC1319x? 
In fact, I'm interested by all little thing you can have experienced with it 
and that are not documented ;)

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] avr-gcc on Mac -- not only for Mac users

2008-06-03 Thread Paul Stickney
Those error messages seem to indicate the standard C library headers
can't be found.
Ensure C_INCLUDE_PATH contains the standard header path and/or use
These errors go hand-hand in hand with what you have described about
different target (layout) environments.

That should get you up. Hopefully.

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Atmel RF230

2008-06-03 Thread Giri Baleri
Hi Fred,
Crossbow's IRIS Mote already uses RF230 transceiver and is supported
under MoteWorks and TinyOS 2.x. You can find product details at
I hope that helps,

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Frederic Beaulieu
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 12:00 PM
Subject: [Tinyos-help] Atmel RF230

Hi all,


I currently looking to integrate the RF230 transceiver from Atmel in one
of my design and I just wonder if someone have something to tell about
it. Is the chip follow the spec given by Atmel (sensitivity, timing,
etc)? Is there a lot of bugs with the chips? How can it be compare to TI
c2420 or Freescale MC1319x? In fact, I'm interested by all little thing
you can have experienced with it and that are not documented ;)




Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] MTS 420

2008-06-03 Thread Aurélien Francillon
Philip Levis a écrit :
 Hm -- I'll ask the contrib czars (Kevin Klues and Martin Leopold). Kevin 
 is out this week, so it might be until next week. Contrib doesn't apply 
 admission control like you describe.
Kevin just opened the mts4x0 contrib for me (thanks Kevin),
sorry for the tone of the previous mail. I understand the fact that 
people can are busy and so ... I was just disappointed by the fact that 
some work was done in double...

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Atmel RF230

2008-06-03 Thread Frederic Beaulieu
Thanks for your input!

When you are talking about the new chip revision, do you talk about the rf231???
Can you be more explicit about the several errors and lack of configuration 
options of the automatic modes?

Thanks again,

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Miklos Maroti
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 3:44 PM
To: Frederic Beaulieu
Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] Atmel RF230

Hi Fred,

 I currently looking to integrate the RF230 transceiver from Atmel in one of
 my design and I just wonder if someone have something to tell about it. Is
 the chip follow the spec given by Atmel (sensitivity, timing, etc)?

I cannot verify the sensitivity, but the published timings to control
the state machine of the radio chip is correct.

 Is there a lot of bugs with the chips?

The basic operation mode works as advertised. The automatic mode had
several errors and lack of configuration options that prevented the
tinyos 2.x driver to use that mode. Nonetheless, the basic mode is
perfectly appropriate to do everything at least as good as the cc2420
driver does. We can send a (software generated) acknowledgement frame
in less than 200 microsecond. The chip has a new revision and corrects
most of the early problems of the first revision. However I did not
investigate if the automatic mode would be useful. Also, the original
revision does not have an automatic CRC check for the received packets
in the basic mode, this is corrected in the new revision.

I have observed that under very rare circumstances (in a 1 microsecond
window), that the chip can get stuck between the receive state and
transmit state. If you switch to PLL_ON state and a message arrives
just then, then the chip does not switch to RX_BUSY but stays in
PLL_ON. When I initiate the transmission with the SLP_TR pin, but then
the chip does not goes to BUSY_TX but stays in PLL_ON and I suspect
that the TRX_END interrupt correspond to the received message and not
the transmitted message. This can be detected if you verify that the
chip goes to BUSY_TX. Everything goes back to normal with the RX_ON

 How can it be compare to TI c2420 or Freescale MC1319x?

I cannot really compare. I think the programming interface of the chip
is simpler than that of the CC2420.

 In fact, I'm interested by all little thing you can have experienced with it 
 and that are not documented ;)

Look at the RF230 code in the tinyos 2.x tree, you can learn stuff
there, but pretty much it works as it supposed to work if you used it


Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Compile warnings

2008-06-03 Thread John Regehr
Thanks Paul, the CPP idea is perhaps a bit less ugly than filtering the 
compiler output :).

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] something wrong happened in CC1000 driver in tinyos-2.x tree of cvs version

2008-06-03 Thread Omprakash Gnawali
I looked into this a little bit and it seems like this bug was
introduced when we put code that sets the white bit in the metadata.
The problem is in packetReceiveDone(), we are checking if the radio is
in RECEIVED_STATE before setting it to RECEIVED_STATE. The radio would
be in RX_STATE and discard the packet. Here is the relevant code

  void enterReceivedState() {
radioState = RECEIVED_STATE;

  void packetReceiveDone() {
message_t* pBuf;
uint16_t snr;

atomic {
  if (radioState != RECEIVED_STATE) {

post signalPacketReceived();

Phil, you own this code so you should decide how to fix this problem.

BTW, I did not get the out of bound error that John found - maybe I
did not run the test long enough...


- om_p

On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 4:03 PM, John Regehr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok, we found some mica2s and put Oscilloscope on them after hacking to check for count going out of bounds.  It is
 definitely going out of bounds at line 501.


 On Sun, 1 Jun 2008, John Regehr wrote:

 We think we have found a problem in the CC1000 receive-side code that is
 perhaps related to the behavior described here.

 The suspected culprit is at line 501 of which looks
 like this:

((uint8_t *)rxBufPtr)[count++] = nextByte;

 We think that count is going out of bounds, leading to RAM corruption.
 To test this, introduce some code just before this line that is something

 if (count=sizeof(message_t)) { ... blink LEDs in infinite loop ... }

 Confirmation that this check fails (or not) would be useful to us.

 We'd do this ourselves but we seem to have very few mica2s sitting

 The root problem may be a failure to clear count at an appropriate time.


 On Sun, 1 Jun 2008, Philip Levis wrote:

 On May 30, 2008, at 1:22 PM, Dima Kogan wrote:

 I can confirm this. My CC1000-based motes work fine with the 2.0.2
 release but crash with the latest cvs. I run a modified BlinkToRadio
 to test, with one node only transmitting and the other node only
 receiving. The transmitting node works ok. The receiving node seems
 to crash. As a test, I turn on an LED in Boot.booted() and don't
 turn it off in any part of the code. This LED blinks or turns off at
 various times on the transmitted node, which indicates that the mote
 rebooting. ALso, the first packet from the transmitter is always
 received properly, with the erroneous behavior starting with the

 There have only been a few small changes to the CC1000 stack; the
 first was that it actually checks for CRCs, the second was the
 inclusion of support for 4 bit link estimation.

 Om, you were going to run some tests on mica2dots, right? Can you see
 if you encounter this problem?

 Tinyos-help mailing list

 Tinyos-help mailing list

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] something wrong happened in CC1000 driver in tinyos-2.x tree of cvs version

2008-06-03 Thread John Regehr
David Gay committed a fix a few minutes ago and things seem to be working 

 BTW, I did not get the out of bound error that John found - maybe I
 did not run the test long enough...

Odd-- I believe we saw it almost immediately.

Anyway, should be a non-issue now.


Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] make deluge support mica2

2008-06-03 Thread jiwen zhang
Hello all :

2008/6/3 Razvan Musaloiu-E. [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 On Tue, 3 Jun 2008, jiwen zhang wrote:

 Hello :

 2008/6/3 Razvan Musaloiu-E. [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 I just found a MPR400CB and I and was able to successfully run the burn
 script from the tinyos-2.x/apps/tests/deluge/Blink.

 that is to say you have modify the deluge to make it support deluge
 including th burn script ? what is the way ?  are there some differences
 with mine ? are there some errors in my modifications , Razvan ME ?

 I run exactly the latest version from CVS. I used micaz which means the
 radio part will not work but otherwise the Mica2 is very similar with MicaZ.

i understand what you do . i also test like you and my mica2 mote work well
too as it should be . i don't change too muh , why after modification
according to the mothod present in the email before , the mica2 can not
reboot from specified image ? it puzzle me .

  I used a MIB520 so the command I used was:
   ./burn /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyUSB1 micaz
 Both the injection and the reboot worked fine.

 What happens if you run the above command on an unmodified tree?

the mica2 mote work well if it is an basestation on an unmodified tree .

 i also can injection on the basestation mote . but when i use the reboot
 command (-r) , it does not load the image i specify to the internal flash
 and just reboot .
 what about yours ? does it can reboot from the specified image ?

 The reboot using -r worked properly because the burn script is using it. I
 also tested it manually and it worked fine.

when i use the -r on the modified tree , the mica2 mote just reboot and can
load the specified image . so i use the command -i to load an image to the
section 0 , and test it manually , it can reboot and can load the image from
section 0 .

can you see where the problem is ,  Razvan ME ?

can you modify the tree according to the mothod i have said and check where
the problem is ? maybe we can make deluge support mica2 mote , if the
basestation mote work well , i can test the network programme , i have some
mica2 motes .

thank you very much for your help !!

 All the best!
 Razvan ME

  I only have one of these motes so I cannot do any other test than this.

 You have helped me so much , i really thank you very mcch !!

 Does any one try it ? i want to know the your result . thank you very much

 Razvan ME

 On Tue, 3 Jun 2008, jiwen zhang wrote:

 Hello all :

  can someone give me an answer to my questions (as follows)?  thank you
 very much !!!

 2008/6/1 jiwen zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hello all :

  because i have many mica2 motes , and few micaz motes , so i want to
 modify the deluge to make it support mica2 .
  some operations i have done :
  1 . go to /opt/tinyos-2.x/tos/lib/TOSBOOT , create a folder named
 copy all the files in the directory TOSBOOT/micaz to TOSBOOT/mica2.

  2 . modify the file hardware.h in TOSBOOT/mica2 . add the sentences at
 about lines 101? :
  chage the value of VOLTAGE_PORT to 7 . (i refer to tinyos-1.15) , i
 think it should be 30 .

  3. modify the file
  at the start of command Voltage.okToProgram() , add the sentences : (i
 refer to tinyos-1.15)

  4 . modify the Makefile in the directory TOSBOOT/  , add the sentences
 (after about lines 54 ?):
 ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),mica2)
  CFLAGS += -Wl,--section-start=.text=0x1f000
  CFLAGS += -Iat45db -Iavr -Imica2 -Ilib
  CFLAGS += -I../net/Deluge

  5 . modify the files in /TOSBOOT/ , and in
 lib/Deluge/BlockStorageManager/ , DelugePageTransfer.h in lib/Deluge/ .
  the mothod is easy , for example :
 at the lines : defined(PLATFORM_MICAZ) || defined(PLATFORM_IRIS)
 change it into : defined(PLATFORM_MICAZ) || defined(PLATFORM_MICA2) ||

 6 . go to /opt/tinyos-2.x/tos/lib/net/Deluge/extra , copy the files and in extra/iris to extra/mica2 .

 7 . /opt/tinyos-2.x/support/make, modify the file bnp.extra , add the
 sentences at about line29 ?:
  ifeq ($(TARGETS),mica2)
   CFLAGS += -I$(DELUGE_EXTRA)/mica2 -I$(DELUGE_EXTRA)/micaz
   BOOTLOADER ?= $(TOSBOOT_DIR)/mica2/main.ihex
   AVR_FUSE_H ?= 0xda

 8 . modify the files tos-deluge in /usr/local/bin ? and
 /opt/tinyos/tools/tinyos/misc at about line38 ? :
 chage :
 BAUDRATES = {'micaz': 57600,
 'telosb': 115200,
 'iris': 57600}
 into :
 BAUDRATES = {'micaz': 57600,
'mica2': 57600,
 'telosb': 115200,
 'iris': 57600}

 that is all .

 Do i still have something to modify or there are something wrong i have
 modified ?

 i have tested 

Re: [Tinyos-help] RSSI values of mica2

2008-06-03 Thread ram kishore
Thanks MS.I took for granted vref=3V and proceeded.With max.Tx
power(5dBm) I get RSSI(dBm)=-48dBm with ADC=0x0015 and with
min.Tx.power= -20dBm ,I get RSSI(dBm) as  -90dBm with ADC =0x0133.

On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 10:57 PM, Michael Schippling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The actual Vref on the mica2 is the battery voltage.
 I forget where the ADCREFM thing comes from...


 ram kishore wrote:

  I receive RSSI values( uint16_t type) using Msg-strength feild
 .At maximum power, I get RSSI(ADC) value as 0x0015.Given in
 /tos/platform/mica2/ file(attached) is the following

 ADC = (Vport*1024) / Vref; Where Vref =1.23V as in ADCREFM file.I find
 Vport using above equation for 0x0015(integer=21) and substitute in

 RSSI(dBm) = -50 * Vport -45.5 ;

 I get -46.2612 dBm which is wrong actually.I use tinyos1.1.10.I posted
 this problem several times all in vain.Please help me out.I am going
 out of head.Please.

 Thanking you,
 Tinyos-help mailing list

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