[tips] Online psychology programs

2011-03-01 Thread Alejandro Franco


I'm looking for information about psychology online undergraduate and
graduate programs (in the USA or around the world). I would like to gather
research-based information in topics such as the public acceptance of
online-educated psychologists and online psychology programs, the
effectiveness in learning outcomes, the most current challenges, and alumni
satisfaction with their education.  


Best wishes,



Alejandro Franco 
Psychology Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Northern Catholic University

Calle 52 No 47 - 42 Edificio Coltejer Of. 702
PBX (57) (4) 5 14 31 44 .  FAX Ext. 114  
Medellín (Ant.) – Colombia – South America
alejandro.franc...@gmail.com / www.ucn.edu.co



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RE: [tips] Girls and Horses - Archetype?

2010-10-24 Thread Alejandro Franco
Hi Michael:

Bruno Bettleheim wrote this in his book: The uses of enchantment: the
meaning and importance of Fairy Tales (1975).  p. 56-57 (you can find it in

Many girls of an older age group are deeply involved with horses; they play
with toy horses and spin elaborate fantasies around them.  When they get
older and have the opportunity, their lives seem to rotate around real
horses, which they take excellent care of and seem inseparable from.
Psychoanalytic investigation has revealed that overinvolvement in and with
horses can stand for many different emotional needs which the girl is trying
to satisfy.  For example, by controlling this powerful animal she can come
to feel that she is controlling the male, or the sexually animalistic,
within herself.  Imagine what it would do to a girl's enjoyment of riding,
to her self-respect, if she were made conscious of this desire which she is
acting out in riding.  She would be devastated -robbed of a harmless and
enjoyable sublimation, and reduced in her own eyes to a bad person.  At the
same time, she would be hard-pressed to find an equally suitable outlet for
such inner pressures, and therefore might not be able to master them.

Now you can add this explanation to the Jungian one :)


-Mensaje original-
De: Michael Britt [mailto:mich...@thepsychfiles.com] 
Enviado el: domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010 07:53
Para: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Asunto: [tips] Girls and Horses - Archetype?

My 11 year old daughter has been interested in horses for a long time
(unlike her 11 year old brother, but that's an N of only 2) so not long ago
I brought her to a 4H horse farm.  I don't visit horse farms that often, but
whenever I do I notice that there seems to be a disproportionate number of
young girls taking lessons.  I mentioned this to a colleague and she agreed
and interpreted this in a vague Jungian-archetypal way.  I'm not too big on
Jung, but I don't have any other explanation.


Michael Britt
Twitter: mbritt

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RE: [tips] Thinking about that vote...

2010-09-30 Thread Alejandro Franco
Hi Beth:

For me 3-post-per-day is ok, but I haven't been around long enough to know
why that day limit was imposed. I can guess that it must be something about
Spam or about some hyperposting behavior in some Tipsters.  If it's not a
secret, can you tell us?

Have a nice day,




De: Beth Benoit [mailto:beth.ben...@gmail.com] 
Enviado el: jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010 14:04
Para: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Asunto: [tips] Thinking about that vote...



I don't know if many of you have been around long enough to recall exactly
WHY that 3-post-per-day limit was imposed, but I remember.


Beth Benoit

Granite State College

Plymouth State University

New Hampshire


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RE: [tips] diploma mills

2010-09-29 Thread Alejandro Franco
Hi Tipsters (I’m resending the message without the telephone number to avoid
spam filters):
I think that the website GetEducated.com does a good job searching for
diploma mills (please correct me if I’m wrong), and they offer good advice
to detect this programs.  Maybe some of the tipsters will be interested in
this example of one of the most prominent graduates:
Have a nice day,

-Mensaje original-
De: William Scott [mailto:wsc...@wooster.edu] 
Enviado el: miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010 17:26
Para: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Asunto: RE: [tips] diploma mills

I think the phone number in Scott's original post is an identified spam
number (try googling it) and Beth's message got through because she deleted
it. By the way, the number for outside the USA is the same as inside the USA
except you dial +1 instead of 1. How do you do that?

Bill Scott

 Annette Taylor tay...@sandiego.edu 09/29/10 6:12 PM 
OhOh, I don't have anything in my junk mail folder so it must have been
deleted by the university's filter before it ever got to me. Sigh. But then
why did Beth's mail get to me? Can someone fill me in.


Annette Kujawski Taylor, Ph. D.
Professor, Psychological Sciences
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110

From: Beth Benoit [beth.ben...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 2:05 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Subject: Re: [tips] diploma mills

I think it's kind of funny that Scott's first post as well as the replies
(including mine) ended up in my Spam filter, no doubt because of its title,
diploma mills.  But I want to educate the Spam filter that a real diploma
mill wouldn't be likely to call itself such.

Anyhow, unless TIPSters are diligent about checking what's in their Spam
filters, they'll be missing this thread.

Beth Benoit
Granite State College
Plymouth State University
New Hampshire

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RE: [tips] Professor fired.

2010-09-21 Thread Alejandro Franco
Hi Michael:

Well, I think that we can’t generalize that statement.  Some latinas dress
conservative too, I don’t know if there are statistics on this subject.  In
northern South America, Central America, and Southern North America, we
don’t have seasons so most of the time you have hot weather (unless you live
in higher mountains).  This can influence the way people choose their
clothes and fashion tendencies most  of the time.  For example, people in
Bogotá (8357 feet) dress differently from people in Medellin (4822 feet) or
Barranquilla (0 feet).  Maybe the teacher’s experience with Latinas makes
him think like that, so maybe it’s a prejudice.  What I’m wondering about is
why was that considered an offensive comment.  Or what is the meaning of
“provocative” then.  If you say something like that in Colombia I don’t
think that it would be a reason for fire a teacher, just something to
discuss about and maybe make some research.  Or maybe we don’t know other
details about that event.  For now these are my two cents.

Have a nice day,




Alejandro Franco

Psychology Coordinator

Northern Catholic University

Email: alejandro.franc...@gmail.com

Skype: ensepsi



De: michael sylvester 
Enviado el: martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010 12:14
Para: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Asunto: [tips] Professor fired.


It just came over my local news channel that a prof at one of Forida's
universities has been fired for stating that latina women dress more
provocatively than other women.He was accused of being insensitive to
cultural differences. Although it could be noted that latinas may have a
different perspective on fashion and presentation of self in everyday social
and public appearances, this should not be construed as provocative intent.
The Mexican reporter who interviewed football players in the locker room

did not deserve the comments hurled at her.

Maybe we can get some coments from Miguel,  Alejandro Franco ,Jose Alves,and
the tipster at Cukegio de Maya(Morales) about the dress paradigm of latina
women and if it is meant to be provacative.

Shakira.Estefan,and Ja Lo come to mind. And has there been a comparison and
contrast of latinas with the other co-eds in your classes?


Michael omnicentric Sylvester,PhD

Daytona Beach,Florida



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RE: [tips] Advice needed

2010-08-27 Thread Alejandro Franco
That depends. she's a single mom. Michael, seriously and between us, are you
the father of her first child?  Or is just that she wants you to be the
father of the second one?

Have a nice weekend,



Alejandro Franco

Psychology Coordinator

Northern Catholic University

Email: alejandro.franc...@gmail.com

Skype: ensepsi




De: michael sylvester [mailto:msylves...@copper.net] 
Enviado el: jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010 21:58
Para: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Asunto: [tips] Advice needed


One of my students-who is a single mom and  strip dances at a high end
gentleman's club to help  pay her way through college-has invited me to come
see her act. Should I accept?


Michael omnicentric Sylvester,PhD

Daytona Beach,Florida



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RE: [tips] Advice needed

2010-08-27 Thread Alejandro Franco
On 27 Aug 2010 at 19:29 (GMT-5) Stephen Black wrote:
  Hola Alejandro:

  That's in Chile, my google tells me [Universidad Católica del 
  Norte], not 500 km from the miracle of the miners, much in the 
  news these days. And very good news at that. 

  You may be our only TIPSter from the Southern Hemisphere. 
  Welcome! How's the weather down there? Dry, I'll bet.

Hola Stephen and TIPSters:

Thanks a lot for the welcome message.  Weather is fine, maybe a little bit
of rain and near the 70's, thanks for asking (I think in Sherbrooke, Canada,
it's about 54°F right now).  I'm near the Equator so we don’t have seasons,
it's the same temperature all year long (depending on the altitude, I live
at 7000 ft or 2150 m), so there are just rainy seasons and dry seasons... 

There are two universities with very similar names, one of those is the one
that you find in Chile (Universidad Catolica del Norte) and the other one is
in Colombia (Fundacion Universitaria Catolica del Norte).  I'm in Colombia,
near Medellin, working for an online psychology program.  

Two months ago we also have a tragedy with miners in this state (Antioquia),
but they weren't so lucky, all 73 died
http://www.minesandcommunities.org/article.php?a=10196  so I was really
pessimistic with the Chileans at the beginning, and now I'm glad to see that
I was wrong.  

I don't know if I'm the only tipster from South America, but I enjoy a lot
the discussion between TIPSters around teaching tips and psychology, that's
why I subscribed to the TIPS list and to the PSYTEACH list too.  I haven't
see something like the APA Division 2 here in South America, so maybe that's
why there aren't a lot of latino psychologists in TIPS (and, of course,
because of the language barrier).  

Since last year I've been working trying to overcome a little this barrier
translating some teaching tips to Spanish and sharing them with other
psychology teachers, making a website about the teaching of psychology in
Spanish, having a mail list to share information about the teaching of
psychology, and translating to Spanish the main page of the OTRP Teaching of
Psychology Idea Exchange http://teachpsych.pbworks.com/ (the En Espanol
section).  My next step is going to be the Webinars (using Microsoft Office
Live Meeting, GotoMeeting, WebEx or similar).  Right now it's a kind of
solitary effort, but I think that in the future more colleagues will be
interested and will also be able to participate more in this knowledge and
expertise sharing projects. 

I hope that all the TIPSters will have a nice weekend,
Alejandro Franco
Psychology Coordinator
Northern Catholic University
Email: alejandro.franc...@gmail.com
Skype: ensepsi

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