[TMIC] joint pain?

2007-05-31 Thread Cossy Hough
Hi all-
I have been having joint pain (aches) in my hands and
feet. I have an appt wih my PCP tomorrow but am
wondering if anyone knows if this could be somehow
related to TM? I have searched but haven't found
anything except other disorders that those with TM
might have. Just looking for some info



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[TMIC] My story

2007-05-31 Thread ashfordrichard
Dear Members. I have been in the hospital for a little while and am home now. I 
am not sure what happened before I last posted on line here. But for some 
reason I felt like there was something I may have said or done that may have 
affended someone in this group. If that is the case then I appoligize from the 
bottom of my heart. I have tried to treat everyone here with the kindest 
feelings I possess but I know that noone is perfect and I accept the fact that 
if anyone out there that feels the need to disclaim my exestence from this list 
I will bow out no questions asked. Only the lord can judge ones heart and I 
have prayed that I have not been a neusance to this list of wonderful people. I 
pray for everyone only the best life that we are able to live, and that soon 
answers will come to help heal us all . I remain your friend and hopefully a 
benefit to this list . May the Grace of our lord strengthen our bodies,. I 
remain yours, Rick Ashford

Re: [TMIC] Getting Humble...

2007-05-31 Thread Heyjude48458
In a message dated 5/29/2007 8:57:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  

Hawaii, is that where you live?  Never been  there but I'm sure the plants in 
your garden are very lush compared to what we  can grow here in dry Calgary.
Heather in  Calgary

That's probably because Sally  planted the flowers and not the pots...

2 Corinthians 4:17

** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

[TMIC] Bee Venom Therapy

2007-05-31 Thread Regina Rummel
On a Memorial Day barbecue at my daughter's, a neighbor asked me the usual, 
what is my problem walking?  My favorite question, right?  Well, to be 
polite, I gave him a simple explanation and he really seemed interested and 
with some knowledge of autoimmune disorders.  Told me of someone he knew who 
has MS, etc.
  And then, he mentioned bees' venom, and that perhaps I should try it.  I 
thought he was joking and I laughed as I really relish and enjoy a good laugh, 
but he was not joking.   He said he could administer it himself, knew where to 
get the bees, etc.  He asked my email address to send me details and so on...  
I could hardly get through reading the journal of this man with MS who would 
obviously try anything.  He mentioned in the  journal taking low dose 
maltrexone.  I checked on line at lowdosenaltrexone.orgseems it can boost 
the immune system.  I never heard of anyone in the group taking that.
  Anyway, this Bee Venom Therapy also called Bee Sting Therapy or Apitherapy 
intrigued me after I stopped laughing.  I'm wondering if anyone ever heard of 
it, and if I should forward it to the group. I don't think I should.  Let me 
know what you think.

RE: [TMIC] Bee Venom Therapy

2007-05-31 Thread mary thompson

Bee venom therapy is used to treat arthritis pain and works for some.  I
have not heard of it used for MS or other conditions.  The cheap laugh for
me is I am allergic to bees!



From: Regina Rummel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 6:03 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] Bee Venom Therapy


On a Memorial Day barbecue at my daughter's, a neighbor asked me the usual,
what is my problem walking?  My favorite question, right?  Well, to be
polite, I gave him a simple explanation and he really seemed interested and
with some knowledge of autoimmune disorders.  Told me of someone he knew who
has MS, etc.


And then, he mentioned bees' venom, and that perhaps I should try it.  I
thought he was joking and I laughed as I really relish and enjoy a good
laugh, but he was not joking.   He said he could administer it himself, knew
where to get the bees, etc.  He asked my email address to send me details
and so on...  I could hardly get through reading the journal of this man
with MS who would obviously try anything.  He mentioned in the  journal
taking low dose maltrexone.  I checked on line at lowdosenaltrexone.org
seems it can boost the immune system.  I never heard of anyone in the group
taking that.


Anyway, this Bee Venom Therapy also called Bee Sting Therapy or Apitherapy
intrigued me after I stopped laughing.  I'm wondering if anyone ever heard
of it, and if I should forward it to the group. I don't think I should.  Let
me know what you think.




Re: [TMIC] OT OT: Parking Update

2007-05-31 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

I have been to board meetings.  They usually degrade to yelling matches 
and are a waste of time.

I am not feeling well enough for that or to go around and petition, but 
I would if I could.

I will let the city and state and an attorney if necessary, explain the 
law to this board.

Thank you for your thoughts. :)


Kevin, can you attend board meetings?   If they didn't resolve your 
issue last night, I would request a special meeting to attend.   At 
least that is the way our HOA board works.  Or perhaps go around to 
your neighbors with your own petition, (we have also done that).

See what's free at AOL.com 

Re: [TMIC] OT OT: Parking Update

2007-05-31 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hi Deborah,

Right now all I can do is with a laptop and cellphone from my bed or a 
chair, and getting to the
chair isn't so easy.  I have the help of the Director of the state Fair 
Housing/Fair Rent Association
because a Senator wrote a letterto him for me.  In addition to TM I have 
high BP and Tachycardia,
and the stress of all this is not good for any of these things.  I will 
hire an attorney if I have to, and

already have spoken to one who has successfully sued condo boards.

I am also looking to move from here because I am tired of the constant 
fight for my rights.

Thank you for your suggestions.  I'm getting all my ducks in a row as 
best I can, considering

my health issues.

All the best,

Deborah Nord Capen wrote:

Hi Kevin,
If possible, go back to the planning and zoning commission, ask for 
the ordinance, or a printed paper showing the code requiring the 
handicapped spaces, then take this to the Code Enforcement Department 
for your city, present the printed requirement, and report the 
building as violating the requirements.  Once notified of a violation, 
they are required by law to notify the owners of the properties to 
comply with the law, or be red-tagged as a violator of the zone.
I don't know if that helps, because it depends on how deep some of the 
politicians' pockets are, but it is a start - also taking this 
violation to a news station so that they can show the ruling and 
actually tape the parking lot showing no handicapped spaces.
Hope this helps somewhat.

Take care,

- Original Message -
*From:* Kevin Wolfthal mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*To:* Tmic-list@eskimo.com mailto:Tmic-list@eskimo.com
*Sent:* Wednesday, May 30, 2007 4:17 PM
*Subject:* Re: [TMIC] OT OT: Parking Update

Update to my parking situation:

I wrote a letter to my board, very calmly requesting they
accomodate me by
giving me an off-street parking space closer to the entrance to
the building,
(which is non-handicapped acessible, but still the closest way in
and out of
this building).  The board member didn't want to take the letter
and tried to
hand it back to me.  I wouldn't take it back.  That was last
Friday.  He
said the board was having a meeting and would discuss the issue. 
The meeting

was supposed to take place last night, I haven't heard anything yet.

I called my town planning and zoning commission today and told them my
situation.  Long story even longer, they told me that for the
building I live in there are supposed to be _FOUR OFF-STREET
ENTRANCE_.  Anyone care to guess how many such spaces exist here?

I told the woman from the zoning commission this and asked her how to
go about getting these spaces put in.  She referred me to some
on their website which didn't load properly onto my computer.  I
will be
calling them again.

I am waiting to hear what resulted from the board's meeting last
night before
I proceed.


Akua wrote:

Dear Akua,

I am sorry you have had to go through all that you have.  A
cyber-friend of mine who is from the
UK told me that this kind of thing doesn't happen there.  There
is apparently a much more civil
and moral treatment of those with disabilities there.  Your car
is in your own driveway and you
are being hassled?


  As long as it isn't a danger to anyone, or blocking anyone's
access, I don't
understand this.

Neither do I... the driveway is  part of the lot, is offf the
street, is part of my yard

 Is it a fire issue?  I mean if heaven forbid a fire engine had
to get to your house?

The driveway is at the back side. There is a front walkway in
other words more than one way to access the house.

I have contacted several agencies already, and it is amazing
just how little help there is out there,
in my state anyway.  The one exception has been the Fair Housing
Association.  They have at
least helped me get my car into an off-street space, and are
continuing to help me.

Delighted to hear that you have had some help but YES there is
shockingly little help or grace
I just never needed any assistance before and didn't know how
incredibly lucky and independent i was...

I will take this to court if that's what it takes.

All the best,

Wishing you success and peace,