Re: [TMIC] Thanks!

2007-09-15 Thread Heyjude48458
In a message dated 9/13/2007 4:56:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  

Thanks  Jude... and the other folks who have welcomed me into this  
community.  I have been lurking and learning about how to cope with  TM 
since July and I have to say you are an amazing group of people.   I 
don't have much wisdom to offer (okay,  I did email Frank about  Hen3ry 
and Tom Lehrer as my husbands a fan and has the complete  collection) 
but that's about it.  and I haven't tipped over backwards  in a 
wheelchair yet but if my sense of balance takes one more hit I'm  gonna 
need a cane  to avoid embarrassing encounters with  lampposts   and 
local officers (this college town has a real  reputation for being a 
party school)

I see my neuro Oct 1 and am  trying to think of all the questions I 
could possibly write down to ask  him about meds, treatments, recovery 
etc.  Anybody have   suggestions for my list?
Mindy the artisan

We are all so happy that you decided to  make yourself knowns to us.  It is a 
gift to meet one more unfortunate  TM'er, willing to share a bit of herself, 
her disease experience, and her  ability to feel free enough to discuss 
upcoming events and the willingness to  ask for help and ideas regarding her 
trip to the  neurologist.
I did my forte'...that of welcoming you  and helping you feel safe enough to 
open up and ask the questions you need help  with.  Now it is up to some of 
the others to help with your questions  because I know next to nothing about 
runs what, who is going to give you an  idea of what to ask the neurologist 
when your time for your appointment nears,  and all of that kind of stuff.
Best of everything, my dear.  Make  a list and stick to it.!
Jude, from  Michigan
Our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet  they 
produce for us an immeasurably great Glory that will last forever

2 Corinthians 4:17

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Re: [TMIC] OT - looking for

2007-09-15 Thread Heyjude48458
In a message dated 9/14/2007 12:50:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  

Has anyone heard from Wim in  Holland lately?  I haven't seen any posts that 
I can remember?  He  usually has a lot of input in our  emails

Six years on this List and I  have thought Wim was a woman.  Six years! And, 
I am only now finding strange.  No wonder our emails have been so 
weird.  Hey wim,
From now on my email will  make more sense as I will ask you questions 
regarding TM problems relating to  men instead of women.
I have not heard  anything from Wim in several months and have heard from 
Errol only once when I  asked him some questions in private about Mavis.  I had 
been under the  impression, again for six years, that Errol was the one with 
TM, not his  wife.  I  am enchanted by his huge encyclopdia of a brain and the 
fact  that he so humorously tried to hide it and share his wealth of knowledge 
at the  same time.  Maybe he and the missus are having a TM/MS moment and 
the bad  time that comes along with it.
Frank would be the  person to ask about Errol.  I believe they are buddies.  
Really,  anyone who has been on the List for a long time...Jim Lubin 
especially might  know.  Best of luck at finding both Errol and Wim.  Please 
keep us  
updated regularly..
Jude, female,  Michigan
Our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet  they 
produce for us an immeasurably great Glory that will last forever

2 Corinthians 4:17

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Re: [TMIC] Hi Stacy

2007-09-15 Thread Heyjude48458
In a message dated 9/14/2007 4:19:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  

Stacy and Regina,
Whatever you both do, please stay with us and give us  a good  try.  I'm 
relatively certain that we will help you and I'm  sure that in turn, we will 
something from the experience you have gone  through.
Best of everything to you both,
Our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet  they 
produce for us an immeasurably great Glory that will last forever

2 Corinthians 4:17

** See what's new at

Re: [TMIC] Hi Stacy

2007-09-15 Thread Stacy Harim
Hi Jude,

I'm pretty OK.  I was trying to give Regina a glimmer of hope.  I believe that 
any of us that have to deal with the physical/mental after affects of TM or 
ADEM are brave.  I know I will get out of this bed soon.  I won't be the same 
as I was before the spinal fusion but I still have my arms and with work, I 
will be more independent again.  I was going to school for social work so I can 
help others with disabilities and plan to finish when I can.  I did have a down 
time in May before I broke my back when everyone was graduating bc I was also 
supposed to graduate and I still have 2 years left.  I am only 33 but it does 
get discouraging to think I'll be 35 before I'm finished.  I have a lot of debt 
to pay off and want to one day own a house and have it paid off before I retire 
which seems it  might be impossible but in reality I know its not.

I think we do learn from each other and without this and that quadlist, I would 
be lost without knowing what to do. I do more reading here hence the lace of 
replies but it doesn't mean I don't get anything out of it.

Thanks to you all,
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2007 5:28 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Hi Stacy

  In a message dated 9/14/2007 4:19:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL 

  Stacy and Regina,

  Whatever you both do, please stay with us and give us a good  try.  I'm 
relatively certain that we will help you and I'm sure that in turn, we will 
learn something from the experience you have gone through.

  Best of everything to you both,

  Our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet they 
produce for us an immeasurably great Glory that will last forever

  2 Corinthians 4:17

  See what's new at AOL.com and 
Make AOL Your 

Re: [TMIC] OT - looking for

2007-09-15 Thread JHarper33
Errol IS the one with TM, not Mavis. :-)
I heard from him recently when I sent him and then later Mavis  birthday 
greetings and he responded each time. He said he had had a hernia  operation in 
April and they are in the process of moving his mother to their  town. His 
grandson is 14 months old now and doing well but will have to have his  aortic 
valve replaced next year due to growing out of it. Overall they are  doing 
His e-mail is the same: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
Barbara H.
_ ( 
In a message dated 9/15/2007 5:20:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time,  

I had been under the impression, again for six years, that Errol was  the one 
with TM, not his wife. 


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Re: [TMIC] I'm trying to fin an old friend

2007-09-15 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hi Barbara,

I am going for the Invacare M51, even though they 'said' they didn't 
have a demo for me to try.

They brought over a M41, and i did ok on that.
The vehicle part is going to be a little tricky.  I have a 2000 Subaru 
Forester, which I finally
paid off this year.  I thought it would be big enough to carry the 
wheelchair inside, but
apparently it's not.  So I am going to have a power lift attached to the 
back of my car, which
will hold the chair on the outside back of the vehicle.  This means 
having a trailer hitch
installed..and the tricky part is that the 'tongue weight' capacity is 
around 350 lbs with a
class II trailer hitch.  The chair weighs around 200 lbs, and the lift, 
made by a company
called 'Freedom Lift' weighs about 100 lbs.  The problem is, what 
happens if you hit
a pothole or big bump, could be a disaster.  I cannot afford to get a 
different vehicle,
so I'm just going to have to be very careful.  I don't need to travel 
far anyway.

In your Trailblazer, does your chair fit inside?  Also, did your 
insurance cover
any of the vehicle modifications?  I don't think mine will.  Also, I am 
made to have physical therapy in order for the ins. to pay for the 
chair.   I guess

they require a report from a physical therapist.  I
think this is ridiculous after I've been on disability for so many 
years.  Quite

a racket.

I'm glad the Lyrica is working for you.  I tried it for a week and I 
could not

tolerate the side effects unfortunately.  Same with Cymbalta, but I might
give it another try.  I never tried Neurontin, and I wanted to, but my 

didn't think it was right for me. ;-/

Thanks for your kind words.



Hi Kevin,
I am really hoping that this scooter will give you the freedom that 
you need to have a decent quality of life going forward.  Will you 
need to get a new vehicle in order to put a lift on the rear to carry 
it or are you in good shape there?  We just finished getting both 
vehicles done here, and buying a used lift.  We had to have some work 
done on the lift as when Pete bought it he didn't realize that it was 
fairly old, and the swing arm that we needed wasn't able to just mount 
to it.  It had some adjustments that needed to be done, so it went off 
to a machine shop and then got some wiring done on the vehicle.  It 
has to be hard-wired, which we didn't know.  We have a Chevy 
Trailblazer that had a hitch on it, so figured we'd be ok.  No way.  
It needed to be hard-wired to the battery separately from the original 
wiring to that hitch or it would throw fuses right and left.  You 
learn these things after the fact. 
I'm doing ok, trying to adjust to this conversion from Neurontin to 
Lyrica.  It's not going as good as I had hoped, as my body is in a 
good deal of pain this week as I start to lower my dose of Neurontin.  
I added in the Lyrica for the past 3 weeks, and after dealing with 
severe fatigue, it adjusted pretty well.  I loved the mental clarity, 
it was  such a welcome change.
So, my body loved the addition of the Lyrica but doesn't like the 
reduction of the Neurontin.  I know this will be an adjustment, but 
it's just not fun right now.
Gotta go, take care, Hugs, Barbara

See what's new at and Make AOL Your 

[TMIC] I'm back home

2007-09-15 Thread natalie mizenko
  Hello to everyone...I've missed you all.  My urostomy surgery was much 
more than I had planned on it being.  I also got a stah infection (my first 
ever) very soon afterwards and he had to open up my womb.  A womb vac (which is 
used alot anymore) was connected to the tubing, etc. and other medical stuff.  
They say the vacs cut your healing time in half.  My womb now is like 1/2 inch 
deep, so he might just stitch me up next week and no more wound vac.  This is 
my lst day out of bed.  My daughter and son-in-law are here.  So, thought while 
they are showering I'd drop you all a line.  Hope folks are doing ok.  later - 
Natalie M.  

Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
 Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games. 

Re: [TMIC] my introduction to the group

2007-09-15 Thread Alle111
In a message dated 9/11/2007 11:16:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
I’d also love to hear if anyone else has had Lhermittes sign and if their 
symptoms improved over time?

Hello Mindy,
I cannot be much help on this but I had L'Hermittes symptoms but blew it off 
thinking I had moved a body wrong. I have not felt it since TM and don't 
recall how long they lasted before TM as mine was diagnosed while in a coma and 
lots of memory lost beforehand. So, in my case, yes the symptoms improved.

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RE: [TMIC] Question - Spinal Stimulator

2007-09-15 Thread cakalley
That's interesting that you only take the Amantadine 2X a day for 5 days a 
week.  I was told 2X a day period.  It did work great for 2 months but it's 
like my system started to reject everything.  First the Amantadine started 
giving me flu like sysmptoms - headache, sick to my stomach, ackey thoughout my 
body, coughing, etc.  I stopped the Amantadine and within 48 hours, everything 
stopped.  Then 2 days latter, the problem with the tens pads started - big 
hives in some spots and a rash in most of the spots.  I'm now peal the gel pads 
off and use personal lubricant and paper tape on the pads.  So far so good.
My neruo put me on the provigil which I've been on for the past 3 days.  
Eventhou, I take 100mg in the morning around 9 a.m., I can't fall asleep until 
2 or 3 in the morning and don't wake up until 9 or 10 in the morning.  I just 
hope that doesn't go on.  I just might stop the provigil, and use l-carnitine 
and an amino acid capsule.  They helped even before the Amantadine.
Thank you for the info.
Prayers and thoughts to you and yours,
Candy K.
-Original Message-
From: Butcher, Bernie (SFS) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sep 14, 2007 10:15 AM
To: cakalley [EMAIL PROTECTED], transversemyelitissupport [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], tmic-list
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Question - Spinal Stimulator

Hi Candy
Yes, I tried Provigil and it seemed to work great sometimes  other
times, nothing (although my insurance paid zero for it - I got some
samples from my MD). Then my neuro put me on Amantadine - initially it
worked great, my legs felt lighter. I take it twice a day, five days a
week  I think it helps.  


-Original Message-
From: cakalley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 3:29 PM
To: transversemyelitissupport; tmic-list
Subject: [TMIC] Question - Spinal Stimulator

I just returned from my Nuro.  The amantadine after nine weeks, was
giving me terrible flu like symptoms.  He gave me 4 weeks of  provigil.
Has anyone used provigil?

My tens pads had caused a rash everywhere I put the pads.   However
without the tens, my spasms and cramps had returned with a vengance!  
My Neuro had 2 suggestions, use the tens but go see an allergerist to
see if there is some special creme to control the rash OR have an
operation for a  permanent spinal stimulator.
My question is has anyone had the spinal stimulator?  If so, what was
the recovery time?  How does it work? 
Prayers and thoughts for all,
Candy K.

Candy K.

Candy K.